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0139 ORDI 1196 O.9s . AN ORDINANCE RECEI7ING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, PROVIDING THAT SUCH AREA SHALL BECODTl A PART OF SAID CITY AND THAT THE Uv1NERS AND INHABITANTS THEREOF SHALL BE ENTITLED TO ALL THE PRIVILEGES OF THE OTHER CITIZENS OF SAID CITY, AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES NOtq IN EFFECT AND TO BE HEREINAFTER ADOPTED; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AMENDING AND CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL BOUNDARIES OF SAID TOWN AS HERETOFORE ADOPTED AS AMEN)DED, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' HEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953, 53rd Legislature, page 357, Chapter 93, codified as Article 974-G, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, Triangle Facilities, Inc., owner of the real property hereinafter described having made application as by law provided to the Yayor and City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, for annexation of a tract of land situated in Tarrant County, Texas and being 49.13 acres out of the H. Decker Survey, more fully described by metes and bounds as follows: 67.15 acres in the H. Decker and C. B. 1~1.coonald Surveys, Abstract No. 1013, Tarrant County, Texas, described as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/4 inch iron rod for a stake in the South line of a rod at a point 2.5 varas South and 3"57 varas est of the northeast corner of the 11. 'Decker Survey; THENCE, South S9 degrees 45 minutes East at 3'•7 varas across the East line of the H. -)ecker Survey 3.5 varas South of its Northeast .Corner, in all 500 varas to an 3/'? inch iron rod for stake for corner; THENCE South ! 5'" . 5 varas to a 3/,'- inch iron rod for stake for corner; THENCE varas to a 314 inch iron rod for stake for corner; THENCE South 0 dec"rc_es ' 3 minutes Bast 170 varas to a 3/-,inch iron rod for stake in the 1~orthwest Right-ofway line of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad; THEN,1CE alone said -Aght of way line South 54, decrees 35 minutes 'Jest Z50 varas to a 3/-: inch iron rod ror stalre for corner; THE_N"E, %ortii ':.5 varas to the place of beginning Save and Except 17.92 acres, more or less, out of the C. B. I'.:.c7onald Survey, Tarrant County, Texas, deeded to American Petrofina, Inc., described in Deed from Continental oil company to American Petrofina, Inc. dated September 30, 1057, recorded in Volume 31,'-9, Pace `-09, Deed ecords, Tarrant County, Texas. T plat of said land showing its location with respect to the City of Southlake, Texas, is attached hereto marked E',U-7,I-,,IT "A"; and "!HEREAS, it appearing to the City Council of the City of Southlake, Tes,as, that all statutory requirements in connection with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the above described area is not more than 12- mile in width, that not more '.hen three c7ualified, voters reside thereon, and that the same is adjacent to the present City Limits of the City of Southlake, Texas; 71E IT OF:JA I11?E7) 7"_.Y TE CITY COUP-ICIL 0'..;' THE CITY Oki' SOUTIILF:I E, TE `'A S : 1. TFAT, the property hereinabove described being adjacent, and contic;uous to the Citv Limits of Southlake, Texas, be and is hereby annex--ed and brought within the Corporate Limits of said City and is hereby made an integral part thereof. THAT, the owner and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and property owners of said city and be bound by all of the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto, now in full force and effect and that which may be hereafter adopted. 3. THAT, the official map and boundaries of the City of Southlake, Texas, as heretofore adc-pted and mended, be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the City of Southlake, Texas. 4. TIV%T this ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the i~'.ayor and duly attested by the City Secretary. A"_~OPTET~ this day of February, 19' . A PPIROVETD : PT TEST: ST(f 1,1',A,YOR CITY SECV Y EXHIBIT "B" 67.15 acres in the H. Decker and C. ?1. McDonald Surveys, Abstract No. 1013, Tarrant County, Texas, described as follows: _E!"`INNINCT at a 3/n inch iron rod for stake in the South line of a rod at a point 8.5 varas South and 367 varas West of the Northeast corner of the H. Decker Survey; THENCE, South 89 degrees 45 minutes East at 367 varas across the East line of the H. Decker Survey 8.5 varas South of its Northeast corner, in all 589 varas to a 3/4 inch iron rod for stake for corner; THENCE, South 456.5 varas to a 3/4 inch iron rod for stake for corner; THENCE West 221.6 varas to a 3/4 inch iron rod for stake for corner; THENCE South 0 degrees 23 minutes East 170 varas to a 3/4 inch iron rod for stake in the Northwest Right-ofway line of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad; THENCE, along said right-of-way line South 54 degrees 35 minutes West 450 varas to a 3/4 inch iron rod for stake for corner; THENCE, North 888.5 varas to the place of beginning. Save and except 17.92 acres, more or less, out of the C. McDonald Survey, Tarrant County, Texas, deeded to American Petrofina, Inc., described in deer] from Continental Oil Company to American Petrofina, Inc., dated September 30, 1957, recorded in volume 3149, Page 609, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas , . • ,.,1i • , • , . • I • , I I. , " , • , • , * ' . • , 1 : Abaiii , , -. . r•- r' ri pin %user saturti *unto bigriper . r , • , . -, .,:, ,, -,-L- ' WHAM , ..... , ' 2;.<, ; , . ..0-.--- , . ...,.. La— 1- • , . 111.14 " 144 "Pr aml *311P Pul r - °."0 4)* IP% On $11 4.600 r) Pi" ra. Pullq kat Sammie . • 43111100 pi ie ,I0j : 30PI***4 FrAteggiEZ:Pa"1i :1Aliip30i3.0 0 '_., P Pusop ‘o , 18 '6I .'"OrTrial"."--grarlio Ali wri 430.613.1 , 14C2 ., Pm) ilat-160044ffitittritv., iiii)Aeourtioa On TM( Malillilleut . 3 ilifolissoi ipaircompu; inw nip klip,no r.,,tigo.roli op ,s oxoi, ii.Innoo orwv. Pk'0#104 i1g n V I•s°1D.i lig&OD Ga1. 'a 16. 'I I . . ,. - ( INVIDIVI TO LLMRO p., svxm AO U,I,VJS Ws , ._ -; ., ,r,2.J, 1 ,,, ,).,. ..1.7,`... ,.. - ' ' ' . , .. . . ,...,,,.... --,........ --.6,---,3 .. ' .--. ,,,, -...,.,,‘,.......,•., ......,,....- ,,,,,,,,,, ., ,„„, ,,. ,....,, ',, ' • ^ ' . gin 1Z) ' . \ , , .. r.,• 1 i tat (\I ' ''1%\h_ ' , . , , . . , ,,• l'uf gl , . tsto 0 0 4 ti 'A 8 113 A iNno.). 2 1 c° L'il I 4:i i to I 111 21.4 ft.) Np 0 •; .1. x3 'AitirIAV CUJH4V.1 4 tz ......, - • • . .. ,. - f,.. it li ill 3 1 1.• 0 *A • * • • ' '', ' ' r •• A.' . . - • r' • _ _ awes" • ., • ,ory-, /.11 ! 1 t� . �' P • .. h ,? ` a , it iiitaifit • 4 e f t1/ Iii • / ! ., • es (fare 'tel ', ��_ _.,• , .� .•.. - /, ., .r ~.0%?a M • . /I'0j / SSi '60 irs e Ai , 414°;(10(1. , V 1 i . 1. i • i / . -4, „ dH,iI1,/ •iiigit hil#v •r :�ti /, 4k. i 114 • i h • 1,, . `' t i 1 arc tivf;. , .. tl, fr - • • w 0' n • •\ •, • • , • • •---a/‘4.49 -„t2 .,. + \\ P i si ,+ ,•ray; y , '4 • ' ; A• . 4 W TIM NSI • ,k• . t ' • 44.1\:.\ , . • • , ,q , y , • a «! . t 441 • i :,st i Ay ,i11 ,' ; / - &,,a(.0, ...., N - t . . . , -, • •server ✓, !4 •/ /4 , . , s r - /. / / PETITION REQUESTIN::_~ ANNE%:ATION 07 LAN;-) CONTI7,UOUS AT~T7 ATUACENT TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TE:,US To the Honorable Mtayor and i':'embers of the Council of the City of Southlake, Texas :EET IN;:- S : I, E. Bruce Ebert, acting in the capacity of agent and attorney in fact for The Triangle Pacilities, Inc., hereinafter called Petitioner, represents as follows: 1. That Triangle Facilities, Inc., is the owner of a 49.13 acre tract of land situated in the H. -ecker Survey, Tarrant County, Texas, duly described by metes and bounds as shown in Exhibit P°' attached hereto. F: plat of said land showing its location with respect to the boundary of the City of Southlake, Texas, is attached hereto marked E"'HIBIT 2. That the land described in E`KHIBITS "A" and "3" hereto attached, is less than one-half mile in width; that less than three qualified voters reside thereon, and is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Southlake, Texas. 3. Your petitioner agrees that if this request for annexation be granted, said land shall become a part of the City of Southlake, Texas, and the said land and any future inhabitants shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of Southlake, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said city, now in effect and as hereafter enacted. THEREFORE, your petitioner respectfully requests that this Petition for .-,,nne.^ation to the City of Southlake, of the land described in attached E' aIlx'ITS be granted. (ITNESS the signature of petitioner ~:,'uly acknowledged as required for deeds. E. rRU CE E''ERT - THE STF.-TE On TE,U-,,S X COUNTY OF TA RICA NT X BE',-,'ORE J'11',, the undersi<jned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared E. BRUCE EBERT, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated. j ~a Notes y Public in ana r Tarrant -County, Texas