0127 THIS IS ro CERTIFY THAT THUS INSTRUMENT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORDINANCE NUMBER 127 AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY ,COUNCIL 4 OF SOUTHI.AKE, TEXA 4 afro o C MAKE NO* CITY SECRETAR-r _ a. AN ORIDINAtC REMNI Ali) AWVXIP Gii TLRRITOW ADJACENT AND t OMIGU TO THE TOM OF SOUrHLA1#R # TBXASi 1R'M)= THAT SUCH AREA SHALL BECOW A PART CF SAID TCWN AM THAT THE GM RS AND DMI AILS TWMC1F SWL.L M ENr TW D TO ALL. THE PR IL S CF OMR CXf I MM CF SAID Tom, AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND QRDIWMR NOW IN EFFECT AND TO HEREIN- AMR Al UDI FWWR P1 IDIM FOR AMENNI a AID CC f `IM THE E ICIAL. BOUMMIES OF SAID TWI AND NEWrC Q ADO3 A AS A 1 DI, AND PROVIDI FOR AN EFFEalVr DATE. 4HC-M- Z, pursues to the provisions of the Acts of 1953, 53rd. Legislature, Page 357, Otapter 93j, codified as Article 974-G, Wised Civil Statutes Texas. W. D. Deacon et al of the ~J real property horeinaf't described hang made application as by lair provided to the Cayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Southlake, Texas, a tract of land costing of 85.53 acres, mwe or less, out of the J. Be Martin Surv y# Abstract No. 1134, Tarrant runty, Texas# more particularly described as follows GDWIC at the Southeast corner of sold Survey, and the saw being In the center of County Road No* 30601 T1 M, along the South line of said Survey North 88 deg. 53 Min. tit 12D4*4 feet to its Intersection with the East list of State Highway Not 1,141 Tl€ 2 ,lath 17 Dag. 36 Min. Vdest at 26.4 feet passing the iron pin set In fence linel in all 90*5 feet to the point of curve to the cuu a to the left, chose radius to 2095.7 feet] THELt: along the said c r^ve to the left 695.5 foot to the point of tangency the Southwest corner of a 25 acre tract emmyed to J. Q. Tipton; THE=, East along the South line of said 215 acre tract 526#16 feet to the Southeast enamel Tt f „ 1, th along the East lire of said 25 acre tract 11 72 feet the Feast came r of said 25 acre tract in the Perth line of said J. B. Martin Survey; THENMq South 89 Dog. 50 n. E alc the North line of said Survey 1317*74 feet the Nrs'the3ast corner of said Surveyi THEXX# S. €3 Dog. 40 Min* West aloM the East line of said Survey 2685 feeto the place of beaginning# and containing approximately €35.53 acres of land. A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of Southlakee# Texase is attached hereto marked "EXHIBIT A". J7_) 1. THAT, the property hereinabove described being ~dj ent and con- tiguous to the Town Limits of Southlake# Texas# be and is herby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits of said Tom and is hereby made an integral.part thereof. 2. THAT# the ors and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citims and DID'. s of said Town and be bound property ~ by all of the acts and ordi- nances made in conformity thereyto# now in full farce and effect and that I which may be hereafter adopted. 3. THAT $ the official map and boundaries of the Tom of South ake# Tease, as heretofore adopted and amended# and is hereby amended so as to Include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town of Southlake# T'exas. 4. THIS# ordinance shall become effective and be In full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town Secreatary. ADOPTED this Day of A. D. 1964. APPRWED# A Tlf#,e Mayor T Secretary J TIUCH fl AlUZZI I C' LUV Cpl== AID A?.71 C TO THE TOW CF S WAXETr.L* To the Viable Maims of the Board of Aldwmen of the To of Southlake! Texas. Gtira~s~ I the und"ig d# w.. D* Deacon et al„ of Tu rant Countyt Texas$ e# fter called Petitlt , rqp*M* follows 1. That 1 the oww of # &-W the only C`son having any interest in a tract of land cd isting of 85.53 aor" out of the J. B. Martin M t4atraci 1134# Tarrant Cts *yt Tear more fully by des and bounds as fil l to-dt: WWJ3 at the St7uOU04 'COMM of said + yo and the same being in the cantor of County d Hi 3=l D T * along the South bins of said Survey North 00 Dog. 53 Mn West 12D4*4 feet to Its intersection v th the East line of Std tlighway 1141 TF t s North 17 Tog. 36 Mira tast at 26*4 feet passing the Iron pin set in fence line; In all 969.5 feet to the polit of curve to the lefty vtme radius is XV5*7 feet; TI PS along the said curve to the left 6%.5 feet to the point of try the Scut st earner of a 25 acre tract coomvyed to J. d. Tipton] TtiEtM* East aloft the South line of sad 25 acre tract 526.16 feet to its Southeast c s TMHM# Sort al East line of said 25 acre tract 1137 feet the tic t corner of said 25 acre tract In the t4ort3 line of said J. S. t.'rin Surve" Tf tCE,# Seth 09 Deg* 50 C n. E al the kith line of said Survey 1317.? feet the Northeast emw of said Suter T I C, S Q Deg* 40 P: n„ test a1aV the East line of Bald Swy 26M feetf the plum of begi ng# and ottl,ning approxiwtely €5.53 acres of lam. A plat of said land sho lq Its location with respect to the Tom 4t Sou W , Texas# is attachsd haretov marked EX` 2* That the land dewxibed In UXMI' h to attachsdl, is I than a h4f mile in vide that less that three gwdifled voters ide th in, and Is contiguous and adjacent to the Tom a t la s Texas* 3* Yaw Petitioner that If this t for anmaatien be anted# said IaW shall becam a part of the Tom of Sa Ahlake, Tom, and the said is and any future idubitantsr themIp dmll be en Atl ad to all the r s and prIvIlegas of other citizou of the Tom of wth- lake, and s*U be, bound by t1 acts and ardIn€1ncea: of said Tv now in a 0. ! lly requests that this Petition 1 f er Annm#t~ k7OW ake# Texas, of the lard descr3 d in a WiMIr be g` f TM STATE (r TEW ~ Omm CO TARRAW I , BWaW s the mai ds a teary tic to and for said C: &u*y a ate, an this +d personally appearad Wo D. Doom , kn to me to be the man Ww4e rme is sAemrft to the f ins acknowledged to that he executed the saw for the Purposes tW *alrr sit ration therein expressed. `GZW1 UMCR ' IM) ''R SEAL CF CEFIM9 thi~ day Oct , A* Do ~ 1 # ' r r A ... Fanged ....). %Mei TaauvI — XuntIte Nina istEMOD iK[71Z. 1) 'A 1110111flai-IMO", mg atop pus Asp. esv linuotii us% vs %ours 10 Pm Pu* Putts! Aur SSUKLIAL Immo, p19 INt arqn411 ,...:• jo pr000i Jo 7.---oiloilud pailloA rq • -- - loop4o ' T " 1---.61rfifi uo papioaai ktup put! • — 3pop,o L'"""crb""•---la 4 61 4-vc3,61 ot -33tt aaujo Am uf ye.rivIPos. 107 TiOnj St ht UOI;U. :111;At1tle JO alca!plIoJ el! tru...A luau:TTT:Icy" iitif1u-10I pu0C11% ‘‘tr. I3qi .ip3-mT;;11 u:-) -sn_7:ai rae.liud, Jo wiToD A411/10 ) N.I&IO 'NA iiiorj .4ci,,:j..,, .--) Ai 1 S'i X'::.;J. 2.10 ',...,INS ,.. _. (04 '1111 IS),, ' \ IC_ , 1 tt 'Y 11 i t .. .1 )18313 AiNnol . N3M0a .,f):11,L t tli 'rld L° P 01 3 3 0 (‘* 0 c'')N ron EXHIBTT "A" 1317 4 4 o 65.53 Acre Owned bye W« D. Deacon et al Tarrant County* Texas Scale-111-8001