WHEREAS, Tri-County Electric Cooperative,
Incorporated, has requested that the City
Council of the City of Southlake grant
their request for a rate adjustment for
customers served by them; And
WHEREAS, a schedule of such rate adjust-
ment has been submitted to the City Council
for their consideration and has been duly
studied by them; And
WHEREAS, such adjustment will result in
higher consumer bills for some customers
and lower consumer bills for others; And
WHEREAS, such adjustment is necessary for
said Company to conduct its business; Now
Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Incorporated, is granted a
rate adjustment in accordance with the schedule attabhed hereto
and made a part hereof.
PASSED AND APPROVED THIS day of May, A. D. 1973.
City Secretary
5 Texas 101 Parker
Residential and Farm Service Rate
Applicable to members for all alternating current electric service supplied by
one point of delivery and measured through one meter not covered by a specific
rate schedule.
Character of Service
Alternating current service at approximately 60 cycles, 110 or 220 volt, either
single phase or three phase where available.
Billing months of May through October Billing months of November through April
First 20 kwh or less $1.50 First 20 kwh or less $1. 50
Next 50 kwh @ 4.25 Next 50 kwh @ 4.25
Next 110 kwh @ 3.20fi Next 110 kwh @ 3.20
Next 1200 kwh @ 1.90 Next 400 kwh @ 1.90
All additional kwh @ 1. 60 ~ All additional kwh @ 1. 35 fi
Minimum Charge
Minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be $1. 50. Payment of the
minimum charge shall entitle the member in all cases the use of 20 kwh.
Above rates are net, the gross rates being (5%) higher. In the event the net
bill is not paid within 15 days from the date of bill, the gross rate shall apply.
Adjustment Charge
When the Seller's wholesale bill reflects a cost adjustment, the energy charge
in the retail rate shall be adjusted by an amount per KWH computed as follows:
Total cost adjustment paid, to Seller's power supplier divided by the total kilo-
watt hours sold by the Seller during the preceding month.
Seller may make adjustment in accordance with any new tax, or increased rate
of tax, or governmental imposition or charge levied or assessed against the Cooper-
ative or upon its electric business, or imposed upon the Cooperative under its whole-
sale power contract, as a result of any new or amended laws or ordinances after
January 1, 1972.
Texas 101 Parker
Total Electric Homes
Available for electric service for residential consumers in individual private
residences, or in individual metered apartments, having no other type fuel or energy
in use except wood-burning fireplace, total capacity of 5 KW or more.
Type of Service
Alternating current service at approximately 60 cycles, single phase, or three
phase where available.
First - 125 kwh or less @ $4.00
Next 875 kwh @ 1.60
Next 3000 kwh @ 1.15
All additional kwh @ 1. 3 5 ~
In accordance with Schedules A-1, A- 1W
Adjustment Charge
When the Seller's wholesale bill reflects a cost adjustment, the energy charge
in the retail rate shall be adjusted by an amount per KWH computed as follows:
Total cost adjustment paid to Seller's power supplier divided by the total kilo-
watt hours sold by the Seller during the preceding month.
Seller may make adjustment in accordance with any new tax, or increased rate
of tax, or governmental imposition or charge levied or assessed against the Cooper-
ative or upon its electric business, or imposed upon the Cooperative under its whole-
sale power contract, as a result of ahy new or amended laws or ordinances after
January 1, 1972.
Texas 101 Parker
Farm and Home Service With Storage Type Water Heater
Applicability: Applicable to members who have in use a water heater conforming to the
specifications set forth hereunder and who are receiving service at the same location
for other usages.
Type of Service: Alternating current service at approximately 60 cycles, 110 or 220
volt, either single or three phase where available.
Billing months of May through October Billing months of November through April
First 20 kwh or less $1.50 First 20 kwh or less $1.50
Next 50 kwh @ 4.25 Next 50 kwh @ 4.25
Next 130 kwh @ 3.20 Next 130 kwh @ 3.20
Next 300 kwh @ 1.25 Next 300 kwh @ 1.25
Next 880 kwh @ 1.90 Next 100 kwh @ 1.90
All additional kwh @ 1. 60 ~ All additional kwh @ 1. 35 fi
Conditions of Service
1. The consumer shall install and operate in regular use a standard approved
storage type of electric water heater and shall have no non-electric household water
heating device in use during any part of the year (such as heating coils in a fuel burn-
ing range or furnace).
2. The standard approved type of water heater shall consist of an insulated tank
containing two thermostatically controlled, non-inductive heating elements, so con-
nected that only one element is permitted to operate at any time. The capacity of the
tank shall be sufficient to furnish an ample supply of hot water, but in no case shall it
be less than 30 gallons. The entire installation shall be subject to the approval of the
Cooperative, including the insulation and size of the tank, the wiring, and the size of
the heating elements.
Minimum Charge: Minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be $1. 50.
Payment of the minimum charge shall entitle the member in all cases the use of 20 kwh.
Payment: Above rates are net, the gross gate being 5% higher. In the event the net
bill is not paid within 15 days from date of bill, the gross rate shall apply.
Adjustment Charge: When the Seller's wholesale bill reflects a cost adjustment, the
energy charge in the retail rate shall be adjusted by an amount per KWH computed as
follows: Total cost adjustment paid to Seller's power supplier divided by the total kilo-
watt hours sold by the Seller during the preceding month. Seller may make adjustment
in accordance with any new tax, or increased rate of tax, or governmental imposition
or charge levied or assessed against the Cooperative or upon its electric business, or
imposed upon the Cooperative under its wholesale power contract, as a result of any
new or amended laws or ordinances after January 1, 1972.
Texas 101 Parker
Standard Street Lighting Rate
Applicable to towns and villages for street lighting from dusk to dawn. Appli-
cable to lights mounted on existing wooden poles with bracket attachments and con-
nected to existing overhead circuits. In no case will the distributor extend service
under this schedule for less than 175 watts of lighting for each unit installed.
The rate for this service consists of two parts as follows:
1. Energy charge: 2. 75 ~ per kwh for all energy consumed when metered.
2. Flat charge: $2. 00 per month per lamp - 175 watt,
$3. 25 pex month per lamp - 400 watt.
Conditions of Service
1. Street lighting equipment including lamps, fixtures, control and the neces-
sary street lighting circuits, transformers and additional guys and fittings will be
furnished and maintained by the Seller.
2. Lamp replacements will be made by the Seller without additional charge,
except that any damage to lamps and luminaire resulting from vandalism shall be
charged to Consumer at cost as a separate item on the monthly bill for service.
Outages should be promptly reported.
3. The above rates are net, the gross rates being 5% higher. In the event the
i current monthly bill is not paid within 15 days from the date of the bill, the gross
rate shall apply.
4. Service will be furnished for future additional lamps connected to existing
overhead secondary circuits in accordance with the above charges.
5. This schedule applies to either multiple or series street lighting circuits.
The Seller will determine the type of circuit.
6. Service under the above rate schedule shall be for a term of not less than
5 years.
Adjustment Charge
When the Seller's wholesale bill reflects a cost adjustment, the energy charge
in the retail rate shall be adjusted by an amount per KWH computed as follows:
Total cost adjustment paid to Seller's power supplier divided by the total kilo-
watt hours sold by the Seller during the preceding month.
Seller may make adjustment in accordance with any new tax, or increased rate
of tax, or governmental imposition or charge levied or assessed against the Cooper-
ative or upon its electric business, or imposed upon the Cooperative under its whole-
sale power contract, as a result of any new or amended laws or ordinances after
January 1, 1972.
Texas 101 Parker
Standard Farm Lighting Rate
Applicable to individual farm lighting from dusk to dawn. Applicable to lights
mounted on existing wooden poles with bracket attachments and connected to existing
overhead circuits or where additional pole and overhead circuit is added.
1. The rate for the service shall be a flat charge of $3. 25 per lamp per month
where light is mounted on existing wooden poles.
2. The rate for service shall be a flat charge of $3. 95 per lamp per month
where an additional pole and overhead circuit is required.
Conditions of Service
1. Company will install, own and maintain at its own cost and expense at each
lamp location, one mercury vapor luminaire complete with one 175 watt white mercury
vapor lamp, lamp ballast, lamp operating equipment and an upsweep bracket on an
existing company-owned wooden pole; or at customer's option, on an additional 30
foot wooden pole to be installed and maintained by Company at an agreed upon location
not to exceed a distance of 125 feet from Company's existing secondary distribution
lines or from any other lamp location served hereunder.
2. Lamp replacements will be made by the Seller without. additional charge at
the Seller's convenience, except that any damage to lamps and luminaire resulting
from vandalism shall be charged to consumer at cost as a separate item on the
monthly bill for service. Outages shall be reported promptly.
3. The above rates are net, the gross rates being 5% higher. In the event the
current monthly bill is not paid within 15 days from date of the bill, the gross rates
shall apply.
4. Service will be furnished for future additional lamps connected to existing
overhead secondary circuits in accordance with the above charges.
5. Service under the above r4te schedule shall be for a term of not less than
24 months.
Adjustment Charge
When the Seller's wholesale bill reflects a cost adjustment, the energy charge
in the retail rate shall be adjusted by an amount per KWH computed as follows:
Total cost adjustment paid to Seller's power supplier divided by the total kilo-
watt hours sold by the Seller during the preceding month.
Seller may make adjustment in accordance with any new tax, or increased rate
of tax, or governmental imposition or charge levied or assessed against the Cooper-
ative or upon its electric business, or imposed upon the Cooperative under its whole-
sale power contract, as a result of any new or amended laws or ordinances after
January 1, 1972.
Texas 101 Parker
Commercial and Small Power Rate
Applicable to commercial establishments such as stores, offices, courts,
clubs, service stations, and other consumers not covered by a specific rate
schedule who can be served with transformer capacity of 25 KVA or less.
Character of Service
Alternating current service, single phase or three phase, at available sec-
ondary voltages.
First 20 or less $1.50
Next 340 kwh (see Note) @ 4.20
Next 380 kwh @ 3. 38 ~
Next 1600 kwh @ 2.30
Next 2800 kwh @ 1.85
All additional kwh @ 1. 10~
Note: This block is lengthened by 70 kwh for each KW of demand
in excess of 4 KW.
Minimum Charge
$1. 50 plus $1.50 for each KW of Demand in excess of 4 KW.
Above rates are net, the gross rate being 576 higher. In the event the current
monthly bill is not paid within 15 days of the date of bill, the gross rate shall apply.
Adjustment Charge
When the Seller's wholesale bill reflects a cost adjustment, the energy charge
in the retail rate shall be adjusted by an amount per KWH computed as follows:
Total cost adjustment paid to Seller's power supplier divided by the total kilo-
watt hours sold by the Seller during the preceding month.
Seller may make adjustment in accordance with any new tax, or increased rate
of tax, or governmental imposition or charge levied or assessed against the Cooper-
ative or upon its electric business, or imposed upon the Cooperative under its whole-
sale power contract, as a result of any new or amended laws or ordinances after
January 1, 1972.
Texas 101 Parker
Schedule LP-3
Available to members for all alternating current electric service supplied at
one point of delivery through one meter.
Character of Service
Single or three phase, 60 cycle, at any one of the Company's standard voltages
required by member. Where a non-standard type of service is required by member,
or member's location is not on or near Seller's lines, additional rate and contract
arrangements between the Seller and member may be required prior to its being
First 20' KW or less @ $2.90 per KW
Next 230 KW @ 1. 60 per KW
All over 250 KW @ 1. 35 per KW
Plus energy charge of -
First 7, 000 kwh @ 1. 90~ per kwh
Next 40, 000 kwh @ 1. 05 ~ per kwh
Next 43, 000 kwh @ 1. 00~ per kwh
All additional kwh @ . 07~ per kwh
Determination of Billing Demand
The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the
consumer for any period fifteen consecutive minutes during the month for which the
bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter.
Adjustment Charge
When the Seller's wholesale bill reflects a cost adjustment, the energy charge
in the retail rate shall be adjusted by an amount per KWH computed as follows:
Total cost adjustment paid to Seller's power supplier divided by the total kilo-
watt hours sold by the Seller during the preceding month.
Seller may make adjustment in accordance with any new tax, or increased rate
of tax, or governmental imposition or charge levied or assessed against the Cooper-
ative or upon its electric business, or imposed upon the Cooperative under its whole-
sale power contract, as a result of any new or amended laws or ordinances after
January 1, 1972.
Texas 101 Parker
Substation Service and General
Applicable to any consumer for all electric service supplied at one point of
delivery and measured through one meter.
Demand- Charge: $1. 184 per KW per month
Energy Charge First 50, 000 kwh @ 1. 3~ per kwh
Next 100, 000 kwh @ . 978 per kwh
Next 100, 000 kwh @ . 824 per kwh
Next 100, 000 kwh @ . 721 ~ per kwh
All additional kwh @ . 618 ~ per kwh
Minimum: $0.75 per KVA of installed transformer capacity.
Determination of Demand
The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the
consumer for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes during the month for
which bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter.
Adjustment Charge
When the Seller's wholesale bill reflects a cost adjustment, the energy charge
in the retail rate shall be adjusted by an amount per KWH computed as follows:
Total cost adjustment paid to Seller's power supplier divided by the total kilo-
watt hours sold by the Seller during the preceding month.
Seller may make adjustment in accordance with any new tax, or increased rate
of tax, or governmental imposition or charge levied or assessed against the Cooper-
ative or upon its electric business, or imposed upon the Cooperative under its whole-
sale power contract, as a result, of any new or amended laws or ordinances after
January 1, 1972.
Type of Service
Service will be delivered and metered at 2400 volts or higher, unless a contract
between the consumer and the Cooperative specifies otherwise.
Terms of Payment
The above rates are net, the gross rate being 5% higher. In the event the
current bill is not paid within 15 days of the date of bill, the gross rate shall apply.
Minimum monthly Charge
A charge of $0. 75 per KVA of installed transformer capacity.
Mmum Annual Charge for Seasonal Service
Consumers requiring service only during certain seasons not exceeding nine
months per year may guarantee a minimum annual payment of twelve times the
minimum monthly charge determined in accordance with the foregoing section in
which case there shall be no minimum monthly charge.
Service Provisions
the delivery
1. Delivery Point: If service is furnished at secondary voltage,
point shall be the metering point unless otherwise specified in the contract for
service. All wiring, pole lines and other equipment on the load side of the delivery
point shall be owned and maintained 1?y the consumer.
If service is furnished.at Seller's primary line voltage, the delivery point
shall be the point of attachment of Seller's primary line to the consumer's primary
for u pment) service.
line unless otherwise specified in the
c,nAthe loads,ideoof the s
and other electric equipment (except meterng eq
delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.
2. Li htin : Both power and lighting shall be billed at the foregoing rate.
If a separate meter is required for the lighting circuit, the registration of the two
watt-hour meters shall be added to ha 11be added to obtain the total kilowatt demand
trations of the two demand meters s
for billing purposes.
3. Primary Service: If service is furnished at primary distribution voltage,
a discount of five per cent (5%) shall apply to the demand and energy charges,
the the transformer
and if the minimum charge is based on
minimum charge. capacity, However, Rthe Seller
five per cent (5%) shall also apply to
shall have the option of metering atkiseconary lowatt voltage and
and kilowatt dldemand estimated
transformer losses to the mete e
Terms of Payment
The above rates are net, the gross rate being
days 5° hfrom the igher. dIn the ate of event the
current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen (15) the gross rates shall apply.
- 2 -
Texas 101 Parker
Irrigation Service Rate
Applicable to consumers for service to irrigation pumps, subject to
the established rules of the Seller.
Type of Service
Three phase or single phase, 60 cycles where available.
Rate per Year
Horsepower Charge
$8. 25 per horsepower connected.
Plus an energy charge of -
1. 55~ per kwh for all kwh used
Determination of Horsepower
The horsepower for billing purposes shall be the motor manufacturer's
nameplate rating of horsepower output, except that if the Seller so elects it
shall be determined by actual measurement of power input during a period of
maximum normal use, less an allowance of ten per cent (10%n) of input for
motor losses.
Minimum Annual Charge
The minimum annual charge shall be the horsepower charge, except
that in no event shall it be less than:
$75. 00 for single phase service, or
$ 125. 00 for three phase service
Power Factor Adjustment
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practi-
cable. The horsepower for billing purposes will be adjusted for consumers with
50 HP or more to correct for average power factors lower than 90%, and may be
so adjusted for other consumers if and when the Seller deems necessary. Such
adjustments will be made by increasing the horsepower 1% for each 1% by which
the average power factor is less than 90% lagging.
Adjustment Charge
When the Seller's wholesale bill reflects a cost adjustment, the energy charge
in the retail rate shell be adjusted by an amount per KWH computed as follows:
Total cost adjustment paid to Seller's power supplier divided by the total kilo-
watt hours sold by the Seller during the preceding month.
Seller may make adjustment in accordance with any new tax, or increased
rate of tax, or governmental imposition or charge levied or assessed against the
Cooperative or upon its electric business, or imposed upon the Cooperative under
its wholesale power contract, as a result of any new or amended laws or ordinances
after January 1, 1972.
Terms of Payment
Bills shall be rendered monthly. The minimum :shall be due at the begin-
ning of each irrigation season.
All of the above charges are net, the gross rate being 5% higher. In the
event the current bill is not paid within 15 days from the date of bill, the gross
rate shall apply.
- 2 -
The undersigned agrees to pay Tri-County Electric Cooperative
for the use of a "Dusk to Dawn" light under the terms and con-
ditions set out in Rate Schedule B-6F as outlines on reverse side.
Account Number
Rate per Month
service at the above location only, IF CONSUMER REQUESTS
• RELOCATION of this light, a fee of $ 10. 00 must be paid in advance.