0084 r , ORDINANCE N0. 84 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING THE INHABITANTS AND TERRITORIES ADJACENT TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH AREA SHOULD BE A PART OF TaIE TORN OF SOUTH-- LAKE, TEXAS, AND THAT THE INHABITANTS SHALL BE ENTITLED TO THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AND BOUND BY T-IE ACTS AND Oz,-DINANCES ENACTED IN PURSUANT TO TITLE 28, CHAPTERS 1 to 10, INCLUSIVE, REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS, AND AMEc?DIING AND CORRECTING OFFICIAL BOUND- ARIES OF THE TOWN OF SOUMILAKE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE ADOPTED AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1"-EREAS, pursuant to Article 974 of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, E. T. Biggins and others, inhabitants of the area herein described and who are qualified to vote for members of the State Legislature, have heretofore filed with the T-ayor and the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Southlake, Texas, their petition requesting annexation of the said area to the Town of Southlake, Texas, such area teeing described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the F. Throop Survey, said point being also the JJest line of County Road No. 3021; Tt-IENCE, South along the West line of County Road No. 3021 to the South line of County Ro-)d No. 3034; T1TENCE, East along the South line of County Road No. 3034, same being the old City Limit Line of Southlake, Texas, to a point; THENCE, South along the old City Limit Line of Southlake to where same intersects the East line of the R. Eads Survey; THENCE, in a Southeasterly direction along State HiC;hway 114 to a point where same intersects the Est line of the R. Eads Su:_,vey; THENCE, North along, the East boundary line of the R. Eads Survey, said line continuing North through tine center of the F. Throop Survey to the North line of the F. Throop Survey; THENCE, continuing hu,orth alon.~ the East boundary line of the N. E. Thompson Survey to its Northeast corner; THENCE, East alone the South boundary line of the John Childress Survey to its Southeast corner; T--±ENCE, North alon_; the East boundary line of the John Childress Survey to its Northeast corner; THENCE, West along the forth boundary line of the Childress Survey, 750 varas; THENCE, South through the center of the Childress Survey to its South boundary line, same being also the North boundary line of the N. E. Thompson Survey; THENCE, West along the North boundary line of the Thompson Survey to its Northwest corner; THENCE, South along the hest boundary line of the Thomoson Survey to the place of beginning. WHEREAS, said petition was accomiDanied by an affidavit executed by E. T. Higgins and others, inhabitants of the areas described and who are qualified to vote for members of the State Legislature and that by signing said affidavit certified that said petition contains the signatures of more than fifty percent of the qualified voters residing in such area who have voted in favor of having the said area and the inhabitants there- of annexed to and become a part o the Town of Southlake, Texas; and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Hoard of Aldermen of the Town of Southlake, Texas, that all statutory reruirements in connection with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the said area duly grouped into one territory is not more than 1/2 mile in width and that all of same is adjacent of the present City Liaii.ts of the Town of Southlake, Texas; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF ThE TOWN OF SOUTHLAISE, TEXAS: 1. .THE hereinafter described territory lying and adjacent to the Town of Southlake, Textsas, is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits and made an integral part of the Town of Southlake, Texas, said territory being situated in Tarrant County, Texas, and being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the F. Throop Survey, said point being also the Kest line of County Road No. 3021; THENCE, South along the Chest line of County Road No. 3021 to the South line of County Road No. 3034; THENCE, East along the South line of Coy my Road No. 3034, same being the old City Limit Line of Soutizlane, Texas, to a point; THENCE, South along the old City Limit Line of Southlake to where same intersects the East line of the R. Eads Survey; THENCE, in a Southeasterly direction along State highway 114 to a point where same intersects the East line of the R. Eads Survey; THENCE, North along the East boundary line of the R. Eads Survey, said line continuing North through the center of the F. Throop C H Auv auoas N1rlos_ •.LS�ZZ�T UOAV1I •cr AOHdav •Gc6T .a 'NT 'Axenagea Jo Aep cz sz114 aa,Ldoav •peAoudde pue eaessed ski aa4Je puemouj eAT4oaJJe amooaq TTetis eoueuzpJo slx�L •uio. p-res Jo 4ued se A.Io4zuue. pagzuo -sap peuoT4uemauoJe eq apnTouT o4 se os pepuamn pue pa4oeuuoo aq oa. `sexes 'a3ler Enos Jo umoZ auk. Jo sazuepunoq pue dem TeToTJJo am, .£ •sexas Jo sa4nq.eIS TTA-t3 pas-Aa 'eATsnTouz OT 04 T s.ie deg0 '$z eT4Tj o4 q.uens.znd uz pe dope pue passed pue ogauam. A4Tmuojuoo ui epem seoueuzpJo pue s40 eq4 TTe Aq punoq pue suezza.zo uomo Jo sa2aTTATad pie s4g0T-1 0114 TTe 04 PeT4T4ue eq. "Hells ' sexes', 'exeTmnos Jo uMos ati4 o4 paxeuue uTaaeq Auo4Taaa. aq4 Jo sque4TgequT eq. yygy .z •2uzuuT2aq Jo aoeTd oa. Ae.n.zns uosdmotis oq . Jo auzT Aaepunoq 4se1N, Ouore zl.nog 'a011iaH>L :.zeu.zoo 4seMq iox s4z off. Aan.zns uosdmouz eq4 Jo auzT Aaepunoq zl aoN 2uoTa 4saA `aON�HL AeAuns uosdmogI •a •N eu4 Jo auzT Aaepunoq zl aoN am osTe 2uzaq aures 'auzT Aaepunoq mnos s4T o . f eAunS sse xPTTTTO em Jo ua4ueo ei u2noJT1; g4nog `aON0HL II :s'UJPA OSL 'AaAunS sseaPTTITO am Jo auzT Aaepunoq q ioN eq . 2uoTe q.seA 'aoNaHL uauuoo 4sV etl4uoN s 4z off. AeAuns SSeaPTTIO U IOf am Jo auzT Aaepunoq 4sea et14 2uore maoN `�0NNI3L : ieuuoo 4seeq nos s4T off. AeAanS see-WITT10 ugol' am 3o auzT Aaepunoq q nos 0114 2uore 4spa `a0NaI1, : ieuuoo 4seeg4a0N s4T off. Ae.n.uns uosdmotis •a •N 0114 Jo auzT Aaepunoq Asea aq4 2uoTe muoN 2uznu-c4uoo 'aONTHs, :AeAJnS dooutu •3 aq4 Jo auzT muoN eq off. AeA.uns 410. edlit • • NIOF • p, S i p- t ~ t! ~F "Vey ~ E i .1, G~ f iR 14 JURVEY o`f t1 4 f f EXHIBIT ';A~