0082 ORDINANCE NO. 82 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING r3ld ANNEXING THE INHABITANTS AND TERRITORIES ADJACENT TO TAE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH AREA SHOULD BE A PART OF THE TOWN OF SOUTH- LAKE, TEXAS, AND Ti1AT -1E INHABITANTS SHALL BE ENTITLED TO T.I-IE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF SOUT-ILA.KE, TEXAS, AND BOUND BY THE ACTS AND 01M1DINANCES ENACTED IN PURSUANT TO TITLE 28, CHAPTERS 1 to 10, INCLUSIVE, DEVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS, AND AiviENDING AND CORRECT-rNG OFFICIAL BOUND- ARIES OF THE T OI%rIT OF SOUM. LAKE , TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE ADOPTED AND P1`,OVID-a N`G FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WREREAS, pursuant to .-'vrticle 974 of the 1925 Revised Civil St,-tutes of Texas, C. 4. Long and others, inhabitants of the area herein described and who are qualified to vote for members of the State Legislature, have heretofore filed with the Mlayor and the -~oard of Alderiuen of the Town of Southlake, Texas, their petition requ4sti.ng annexation of the said area to the Town of Sout's-11alce, Texas, such area being described as follows: A tract ofland situated in the F. Throop and T.Tahans Surveys, Tarrant County, Texa s, and more fully described by metes anc_ bounds as follows: TRACT NO. 1 BEGII".~NING at a -point 950 varas West of the Southeast corner of the F. Throop Survey; T-IiENCE, East Dlon,-; the North line of Co AWty Road T 'o. 3034, 397 varas to the idorthcaest corner o-` a one acre tract for corner; THENCE, South 75 varas to a t,oint; T E.?TCE, East 73 varas to a point; THENCE, Nortin 75 va ras to the Norta .l°_ne of County Road No. 3034; THENCE, East along the north 1-_ne of Count Road No. 3034 to tine lest line o County =goad No. 13119; THENCE, North alonti; the West~0 Bounty Road No. 3119 to the Northeast corner of tl~e F. Throop Survey; THENCE, West 950 varas to a -point for corner; T---E?KCE, South parallel to the East boundary line ofthe F. Throop Survey to the dace of beginning. TRACT NO. 2 BEGI TN3TING at a --3oint in the West boundary line of the T. Mahans Survey, said T~oint being the Southwest corner of a tract of land annexed to the Town of Southla~_e, Texas, pursuant to its Ordinance No. 7, adopted November 12, 1956; THENCE, East alon the South line of said tract to the Southeast corner thereof; T-IETdCE, South along the East line of a tract of land annexed to the Tovw.aZ of Southla~e, Texas, pursuant to its Ordinance No. 17, adopted Decembef 3, 1956, to time North line of State Highway 114; THENCE, in a Northwestorly direction along the North 1-~ _ne of State Highway 114 to the West boundary line of the T. Mahans Survey; THENCE, North along the rest boundary line of the T. Maha.ns Survey, to the place of beginning. KIE11EAS, said petition was accompanied by an affidavit executed by C. W. Long and others, inhabitants of the areas described and who are qualified to vote for members of the State Legislature and that by signing said affidavit certified that said petition contains the signatures of more than fifty percent o1 the qualified voters residing in such area who hive voted in favor of .havin_; the said area and the inhabitants thereof annexed to and become a part of the Torn of South-- la.ke, Texas; and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Board of Aldermen of tine Town of Southlake, Tex,-~s, that all statutory requirements ill connection with said proposed annel:ation have been fulfilled and that the said area. duly grouped into one territory is not more th,n 1/2 mile in width and that all of same is adjacent of tale present City Limits of the Town of Southlake, Texas; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERINIEN OF THIE TOW-'V OF SCUTHLAKE, TEXAS: 1. T=-IE hereinafter described territory lying and adjacent to the Tow;-- of Southlake, Texas, is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits and made an integral part of the Town of Southla.'e, Texas, sai.cr_ territory being situated in Tarrant County, Texas, and being described by metes and bounds as follows: TRACT NO. 1 BEGINi~ING at a point 950 varas test of the Southeast corn: r of the F. Throop Survey; THENCE, East along the forth line of County oad No. 3034, 397 varas to the Northwest corner of a one acre tract for corner; THENCE, South 75 varas to a =point; THENCE, East 73 varas to a point; THENCE, North 75 varas to the North line of County Road No. 3034; -EiENCE, East along the -north line of County !-~oad No. 3034 to the West line of County Road No. 3119; THENCE, 1`lorth along the West line of County Road No. 3119 to the Northeast corner of the F. Throo?:D Survey; THENCE, West 950 varas to a point for corner; T.-IENCE, South parallel to the East boundary line of the F. Throop Survey to the ?-)lace of beginning. 2 H C y7 AUV L3UOaS NAA L • j suav 2IOA�nI GH.A.O iaaV •Gc6T •a • j 'd.>cen.zgea Jo /cep Cz siu4 aayaoav TeAo.adde pue oDessed sa.i Jeue pue tuoJJ e&- oeJJe emooeq TTetis eoueutpJo SIHI •uMoy pies Jo a.,zed se A.zoa.T.z.zea_ pegT.zo «-sap peuoT4ueme.zoje etia. epnTout o4 se os pepueme pue pea.oe.zsoo eq oa. 'sexes 'exeTtia.nog Jo uMoy eqa Jo seiatepunoq pue dem TezoT;3o aHZ .£ •sexey Jo saan.ea.g TTATD peso 'eAisnTout oT oa. T s.a:ea.detio 'gz eTgTJ o4 a.uens.ind uT pea.dope pue passed pue o4eaeq4 da.Tm.a:oJuoo uT open' seoueutpao pue s 40 aria. TT e Aq punoq pue suezt4To ,a:etiq.o Jo se eTTAT.zd pue sa.Ti0T-I eq; Tie 04 PeT4T4119 eq TTegs 'sexey `exeTgq.nog ,Jo umoy egg o4 paxeuue uie.zeq d.Toa.T.a:.zaa. atiq. Jo sa.uea.TgequT am. Dm, •z •2uTuuT2eq Jo eoeTd eq4 o4 AeAsng suetieW •y etia. Jo auTT d,zepunoq 4sep, etia. 2uoTe g4aoN 'amain deAsns suetiew •y eq . Jo euTT d,zepunoq a.sef aria oa. 1 TT aCeN TH aa.ea.g Jo euTT q4aoN OIia. 2uoTe uoTloeaTp dTaolsemg4aoN e uT 'a3NNHJ, tigT Ae!T4 TH 04e4s 3o euTT uq.soN eqq. O . 495-61 'C .iegmeoea pea.dope 'LT •oN eoueuTPao s-T o. auensind 'sexey 'exeTtia.nog Jo uioy eqq. oa. pexeuue pueT Jo 4oe.za. e Jo euTT a.sea eqa. 2uoTe q .nog 'aoNaHT joe.zeg4 .a;au..xoo a.seetia.nog eq4 O . goe.a:a. pies Jo euTT tilnog OTia. 2uoTe a.sea 'amma, !9c6T 'zT uegmeAoN pea.dope 'L •oN eoueuip.ao s-T o. a.uens.znd ' sexey 'eNuTTia.nog Jo urtoy eqq. o4 pexeuue pueT Jo a.oeaq. e Jo ,zeu.zoo q.ser2q4nog etia. 2uzeq iuTod pTes 'AeAJng suetiew •y aria. Jo euTT L,Tepunoq 4sapi eti4 uT a.utod e ae DNINNIDag •oN yo�d2iI (7 N RJR o®~ I~ I° ►10 ~lrJ T C 7 ~T'I /fit i ORD. 7 3 f2 ,2uad.sG + ~o I, `I ORD a9 i 3 DEC." a i+ Eo+18JT- 0`