2002-05-21City of Southlake CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 21, 2002 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy, Mayor Pro Tern W. Ralph Evans, Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Greg Standerfer; Councilmembers: Carolyn Morris, Rex Potter, Keith Shankland, and Tom Stephen. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell, Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen, Community Services Director Kevin Hugman, Deputy Director of Community Services Steve Polasek, Planner Chris Carpenter, Human Resources Director Harold Cates, Finance Director Sharen Elam, Planning Director Bruce Payne, Senior Planner Dennis Killough, Senior Planner Ken Baker, Public Works Director Pedram Farahnak, Senior Engineer Charlie Thomas, Assistant to the Public Works Director Valerie Bradley, Director of Economic Development Greg Last, Economic Specialist Betsy Boyett, Director of Public Safety Rick Black, Police Chief Marlin Price, Public Information Officer James Kunke, City Attorney E. Allen Taylor, Administrative Secretary Lori Farwell and Acting City Secretary Kim Bush. WORK SESSION: The work session was called to order by Mayor Stacy at 5:41 p.m. REGULAR SESSION: Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The regular session was called to order by Mayor Stacy at 5:51 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2A, Executive Session: Mayor Stacy announced that the City Council would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with city attorney; Section 551.072, deliberation regarding real property; Section 551.074, deliberation regarding personnel matters; Section 551.086, deliberation regarding economic development negotiations. City Council adjourned for Executive Session at 5:52 p.m. Mayor Stacy called the executive session to order at 6:06 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2B, Reconvene: Executive Session ended at 7:10 p.m. and City Council reconvened the regular meeting at 7:13 p.m. There was no action necessary as a result of the Executive Session. Agenda Item No 3 Invocation was presented by Coy Quesenbury of Lonesome Dove Baptist Church. Agenda Item No. 4, Reports: A. Mayor's Report: Mayor Stacy announced upcoming meetings and events. B. City Manager's Report: Fort Worth Star Telegram Columnist Dave Lieber presented to the Southlake Department of Public Safety a second place trophy for the miniature golf competition sponsored by Mr. Lieber to raise funds for the children's Summer Santa program. C. SPIN Report: SPIN Representative Al Morin informed the Council that they have reviewed their budget and asked that Council give whatever consideration possible for funding the SPIN program. He also stated that SPIN will be making an effort to become more visible in the community by participating in the July 4 and Octoberfest festivals. City Council Meeting Minutes, May 21, 2002 Page I of 9 D. Parks and Recreation Report: Park Board member Tim O'Conner updated the Council on recent recommendations made by the Board including applying for a grant for trails at Bob Jones Park. E. Committee Reports: None F. Art in the Square Report: Event organizer Sherry Witt reported that the festival had an estimated 55,000 in attendance and raised an estimated $118,000 for local charities. G. Local Business Report: Director Cecilia Chambers of The Children's Courtyard made a brief presentation concerning their facility. Consent Agenda Items: A. Approval of the minutes of the City Council meeting held on May 7, 2002, and of the Regular City Council meeting held on May 7, 2002. Approved clarifying the motion made on the consent agenda items. B. Approval of a Commercial Developer's Agreement for Gateway Church located in the 2100 block of East Southlake Boulevard across from Village Center. Staff recommends approving the standard developer's agreement. C. Resolution No. 02-039, Authorizing application for a Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD Recreational Fund grant for Bob Jones Park trails. Staff recommends authorizing an application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife. If the grant is received, TPWD will reimburse the City for 80 % of the construction cost. In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "APPLICANT," DESIGNATING CERTAIN OFFICIALS AS BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR, ACTING FOR, AND ON BEHALF OF THE "APPLICANT" IN DEALING WITH THE TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE "DEPARTMENT," FOR THE PURPOSE OF PARTICIPATING IN THE TEXAS RECREATIONAL TRAILS GRANT PROGRAM, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE "PROGRAM;" CERTIFYING THAT THE "APPLICANT" IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE PROGRAM ASSISTANCE; CERTIFYING THAT THE "APPLICANT" MATCHING SHARE IS READILY AVAILABLE; AND DEDICATING THE PROPOSED SITE FOR PERMANENT PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATIONAL USES. D. Ordinance No. 480-275a, lst Reading (ZA01-124) Rezoning and Concept Plan for Remington Retirement Community located on the south side of West Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709), south of the intersection of West Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) and West Jellico Circle. Current Zoning: S- P-2 - Generalized Site Plan District to include personal care facility, nursing care facility, and (senior) multi -family residential uses. Requested Zoning: S-P-2 - Generalized Site Plan District to include personal care facility, nursing care facility, (senior) multi -family residential and (senior) two-family residential uses. Tabled at the request of the applicant to the June 4, 2002, City Council meeting. E. ZA01-125 Site Plan for Remington Retirement Community located on the south side of West Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) south of the intersection of West Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) and West Jellico Circle. Current Zoning: S-P-2 - Generalized Site Plan District to include personal City Council Meeting Minutes, May 21, 2002 Page 2 of 9 care facility, nursing care facility, and (senior) multi -family residential uses. Proposed Zoning: S-P-2 - Generalized Site Plan District to include personal care facility, nursing care facility, (senior) multi- family residential and (senior) two-family residential uses. Tabled at the request of the applicant to the June 18, 2002, City Council meeting. 8A. Ordinance No 480-398 1st Reading (ZA02-018) Rezoning and Concept Plan for Cornerstone Business Park being approximately 9 3 acres of land located on the northeast corner of Crooked Lane and S. Nolen Drive Current Zoning: 0-1 - Office District and I-1 - Light Industrial District. Requested Zoning: I-1 - Light Industrial District. Tabled at the request of the applicant to the June 18, 2002, City Council meeting. 8D. Ordinance No 810-A 1st Reading Amending Ordinance No. 810 amending FY2001-02 budget. Staff recommends amending the FY2001-02 budget by decreasing revenues and expenditures by $381,638 and $680,581, respectively. 8E. Ordinance No 805-A 1" Reading Amending Ordinance No. 805 agreement with the Municipal Judge. Staff recommends approving the ordinance which will amend the professional services agreement with Municipal Judge Carol Montgomery to enable her to participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System at a cost of $4,300 annually to the City. Motion was made to approve consent agenda items 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D (to table), 5E (to table), 8A (to table), 8D, and 8E as discussed tonight and presented above. Motion: Standerfer Second: Evans Ayes: Evans, Morris, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Aizenda Item No. 6A. Public Forum. Ross Martin III, 1347 Woodbrook Court, Southlake. Mr. Martin presented to the Council a petition from the Cross Timber Hills Subdivision residents. Mr. Martin stated that residents are requesting that the City honor its previously made commitments to restore the neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision. He further commented that damage to road surfaces occurred during the construction period from July 2000 through February 2002. Other persons present at the meeting and completing a public comment form in support of the request included: Barbara Atkins, Meda Payne, and Jackie Phillips. Julie Bustamante, 1501 Plantation Drive. Ms. Bustamante, on behalf of the neighborhoods surrounding North Peytonville Road, requested that the Council consider providing funds in the budget to provide a side walk along North Peytonville. She presented to the Council a binder including pictures showing the narrow, dangerous condition of the road. Mayor Stacy commented that North Peytonville is scheduled for reconstruction and requested that Public Works Director Pedram Farahnak include in the bid request a proposal for the construction of sidewalks. Agenda Item No 7A Ordinance No. 480-NN 2„ a Reading, Amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No 480 as amended Sections 29 "MH — Manufactured Housing" district, Section 34 "Accessory Uses" and Section 44 "Board of Adjustments." Senior Planner Dennis Killough explained that since City Council Meeting Minutes, May 21, 2002 Page 3 of 9 Council's approval on first reading, the applicant submitted a letter requesting to withdrawal all language change requests except for those dealing with front and side yard requests. Councilmember Standerfer stated that after consultation with our City Attorney, he would make a motion to remand the MH portion of Ordinance No. 480 back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a comprehensive study. Motion: Standerfer Second: Potter City Attorney Allen Taylor clarified that Councilmember Standerfer does not want to take action on this item. He is recommending sending back to the P&Z for a comprehensive study of the entire chapter on MH- manufactured housing and all the regulations related thereto rather than consider this one piece element. He commented that persons wishing to speak on this item will have an opportunity to do so when P&Z holds its public hearing. Motion was amended to take no action and table this request until the second meeting in July. Motion: Standerfer Second: Shankland Motion was repeated in its entirety as follows: Motion was made to take no action on the application tonight with respect to the setbacks, to remand the MH portion of Ordinance No. 480 to P&Z for a comprehensive review, and to table the applicant's request to the second meeting in July. Motion: Standerfer Second: Shankland Ayes: Evans, Morris, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: None Approve: 7-0 Rick Wilhelm, attorney representing David McMahan, commented that they have met all requirements and have already received approval from P&Z. He commented that to delay action may well be in violation of state law. City Attorney Allen Taylor explained that the applicant has made a significant change to their original request and staff has not had an opportunity to review. The Planning and Zoning Commission is charged with making recommendations and as discussed there are inherent inconsistencies in the ordinance that would require variances. It would appear quite appropriate to let the Planning and Zoning Commission review the ordinance and make a recommendation to the City Council. Mayor Stacy commented that several residents completed a public comment form including: those in favor — Teresa and Stephen Baker, Andrew and Lynn Vichayanonda, Stephen Nelson, Bill and Jane Ervin, Penney Day, Debbie and Darrell Mayhew, and Frances Meeker; those in opposition — Sue Johnson, Richard Sandow, and Bob Bonchak; those undisclosed — Melanie Bell, James Anderson, and Donald Anderson. Donald Anderson, 1205 Province, Southlake. Mr. Anderson commented that not everyone in Southlake makes the same amount of money. His family lives in manufactured housing and they want the same things for their family as any other resident in Southlake. City Council Meeting Minutes, May 21, 2002 Page 4 of 9 Sue Johnson, 308 Lakeside Court, Southlake. Ms. Johnson stated that while P&Z is looking at the ordinance, she would request they look at a notification requirement that would address somekind of notification when a developer requests to modify a City ordinance. Agenda Item No 7B. Resolution No. 02-040 (ZA02-045) Specific Use Permit for Southlake Town Square Farmer's Market on property described as Southlake Town Square Phase I and being 42.013 acres located on the northeast corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) Current Zoning: NR-PUD Non -Residential Planned Unit Development to include C-3 - General Commercial District uses. Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented the request for outdoor vendor sales for a Farmer's Market in temporary or moveable structures per the Southlake Town Square NRPUD Ordinance No. 480-224, Section d.2. Applicant Nancy Harmon was present to answer questions for the Council. She stated that sales would be limited to fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs, plants, and homemade gourmet salsas, honey, jams, etc. She explained that it would only be on Saturdays until September 28. Council discussed concerns with taking up parking spaces and taking sales away from other stores in the area. Public Hearing: Maria Chase, 600 Cherry Court, Southlake. Ms. Chase commented that she had concerns with the request because it will not be bringing in any funds to the City and she has a concern with the litter that will be generated. There were no other comments from the audience during the Public Hearing. Motion was made to deny Resolution No. 02-040 (ZA 02-045), SUP for a Farmers Market. Motion: Stephen Second: Morris Ayes: Morris, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Stephen Nays: Standerfer, Evans Approved (to deny) 5-2 Prior to discussion of the next item, several persons from the audience came forward to express their concern about the number of people present who wanted to address item 7A regarding manufactured housing. Mayor Stacy commented that the applicant had changed his request and at this time, they should discuss their concerns with the applicant. Agenda Item No. 8B. Ordinance No. 480-399 lst Reading (ZA02-034) Rezoning and Site Plan for Sonic Restaurant at 2550 East Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) located on the north side of East Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709), qpproximately 600' west of N. Nolen Drive. Current Zoning: AG - Agricultural District Requested Zoning: S-P-1 - Detailed Site Plan District with C-2 - Local Retail Commercial District uses. Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented Ordinance No. 480-399 and commented that P&Z recommended approval at its meeting on May 9, 2002 (4-2) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 3, 2002. Applicant Dennis Clark was present to answer questions from the Council. Council recommended that the applicant pursue the possibility of a second access. City Council Meeting Minutes, May 21, 2002 Page 5 of 9 Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-399, 1" Reading, subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 3, 2002. Motion: Standerfer Second: Evans Ayes: Evans, Morris, Potter, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: Shankland Approved: 6-1 Agenda Item No 8C ZA02-035 Plat Revision for Sonic Restaurant at 2550 East Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) located on the north side of East Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709), gpproximately 600' west of N. Nolen Drive Current Zoning: AG - Agricultural District Proposed Zoning: S-P-1 - Detailed Site Plan District with C-2 - Local Retail Commercial District uses. Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented ZA 02- 035 and stated that P&Z recommended approval at its meeting May 9, 2002, subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated May 3, 2002. Motion was made to approve ZA 02-035 subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated May 3, 2002 and subject to further limitations until approval of 2°a Reading on the rezoning. Motion: Standerfer Second: Evans Ayes: Evans, Morris, Potter, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: Shankland Approved: 6-1 Executive Session. Mayor Stacy announced that the City Council would be going back into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Section 551.074, deliberation regarding personnel matters. City Council adjourned for Executive Session at 8:56 p.m. City Council reconvened at 9:53 FM Agenda Item No 9A. Resolution No. 02-028 Appointments to the Building Board of Appeals. In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS; PROVIDING FOR THE TERMS; PROVIDING FOR QUALIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE NO.622; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made to appoint Eddie Pierce to Place 4, Kosse Maykus to Place 2, and leave open alternate No. 1. Motion: Evans Second: Standerfer Ayes: Evans, Morris, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item No 9B Resolution No. 02-029 Appointment to the Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee. Discussion of this appointment was held in open session. In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: City Council Meeting Minutes, May 21, 2002 Page 6 of 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE JOINT COMMITTEE TO DEVELOP INITIATIVES FOR DRUG AND ALCOHOL AWARENESS TO FILL AN EXPIRED TERM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made to appoint Brad Bartholomew. Motion: Potter Second: Shankland Ayes: Evans, Morris, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item 9C. Resolution No. 02-030 Appointment to the Joint Utilization Committee. Discussion of this appointment was held in open session. In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made to appoint Councilmember Standerfer and citizen appointment Jeff Wang. Motion: Potter Second: Stephen Ayes: Evans, Morris, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item No. 9D. Resolution No. 02-031, Appointments to the Library Board. It was noted that an appointment was also needed for the unexpired term of member Karen Cienke who recently resigned from the Board. In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO SERVE ON THE LIBRARY BOARD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made to appoint Angelique York to Place 1, Peggy Firestone to Place 2, C.D. Peebles to Place 3, and Andrea Curriri to Place 6. Motion: Standerfer Second: Stephen Ayes: Evans, Morris, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item No. 9E. Resolution No. 02-032 Appointments to the Parks and Recreation Board. Discussion of these appointments held in open session. Councilmember Shankland recommended Cara White, Lisa Stokdyk, Mary Georgia, and Richard Sandow. Councilmember Potter recommended Dorothy Wood, Eric Blomquist, Cara White, and Lisa Stokdyk. Councilmember Morris recommended Cara White, City Council Meeting Minutes, May 21, 2002 Page 7 of 9 Lisa Stokdyk, Dorothy Wood, and Eric Blomquist. Councilmember Standerfer recommended Mary Georgia, Eric Blomquist, Dorothy Wood, and Liz Durham. Councilmember Stephen recommended Eric Blomquist, Liz Durham, Dorothy Wood and Richard Sandow. Mayor Stacy recommended Dorothy White, Eric Blomquist, Mary Georgia, and Liz Durham. In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made to appoint Mary Georgia to Place 4, Eric Blomquist to Place 5, Dorothy Wood to Place 6, and Liz Durham to Place 7. Motion: Standerfer Second: Evans Ayes: Evans, Morris, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: Potter, Shankland Approved: 5-2 Agenda Item No. 9F. Resolution No. 02-033 Appointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission. In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made to appoint Vernon Stansell, John Terrell, Douglas Standley, and Ralph Williams. Motion: Evans Second: Standerfer Ayes: Evans, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: Morris, Potter, Shankland Approved: 5-3 Agenda Item No 9G Resolution No. 02-034 Appointments to the Senior Advisory Commission. Discussion on this item was in open session. In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO SERVE ON THE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made to appoint Linda Moore, Jeane Alexander, William Cosgrove, and Connie Montaque. Motion: Potter Second: Standerfer Ayes: Evans, Morris, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: none Approved: 7-0 City Council Meeting Minutes, May 21, 2002 Page 8 of 9 Agenda Item No. 9H. Resolution No. 02-035, Appointments to the Southlake Parks Development Corporation. In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made to appoint Councilmember Rex Potter, Mayor Rick Stacy, and citizen appointment Dorothy Wood. Motion: Standerfer Second: Stephen Ayes: Evans, Morris, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item No. 9I. Resolution No. 02-036, Appointments to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made to appoint John Reynal, Lewis Miltenberger, F.C. LeVrier to Alternate 1, and David Lambert to Alternate 2. Motion: Standerfer Second: Potter Ayes: Evans, Morris, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item No. 12. Adjournment. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. ATTEST: Bush, Acting City 0uTH•Lgk•.,�,. 0: •�. = F• Q[( • o • WW • �crry­11,*,1410, Rick Stacy City Council Meeting Minutes, May 21, 2002 Page 9 of 9 rlake Town Sq�- Farmer's Markey ~� ek axe Acceptable Resellers for Farmer's Market 1. Fresh Fruits 2. Fresh Vegetables 3. Fresh Herbs 4. Plants a. Bedding plants b. Hanging baskets 5. Homemade gourmet a. Salsas b. Honey c. Jellies and Jams d. Baked goods e. Soups f. Pickled vegetables All homemade gourmet products must be prepared in commercially health department inspected kitchens, packaged and labeled accordingly. REC'D MAY 2 0 2002 0 ,,�,atcj OIJ cc-)") �12t10Z- Southlake Women's Club Art In The Square 2002 2002 Event Highlights and Comparison With Prior Years Results Year Attendance Exhibiting Artist SWC Event Funds to Artists Revenue Revenue Local Charities Y fir.., IC�'S �"5 ((K°,j �fi7'�f ) $220,00 12B�/' i, $ 186"VIO�.J f. 2001 42,000 (68%) 86 (105%) $ 172,000 (95%) $ 134,000 (131%) $ 88,000 (132%) 2000 25,000 42 $ 88,000 $ 58,000 $ 38,000 (%) = Percent increase over prior year Additional Facts for 2002 ♦ 500 participants (artists, sponsors, and volunteers) ♦ 16 Beneficiaries • Grace • Community Enrichment Center • The Community Storehouse • Summer Santa • The Women's Shelter( Arlington) • Carroll Education Foundation • Baylor Medical Center @ Grapevine • Cook Children's Medical Center Fort Worth • Harris Methodist HEB Hospital • T.R.A.I.L Foundation/Rocky Top • Arts Council NETC • Special Olympics-Southlake • Child Advocates of Tarrant County • Friends of Southlake Library • Carroll High School Project Graduation • The Warm Place ♦ Media Exposure-300,000 people 15 mile radius ♦ SWC Event Sales Tax paid $3200 1 Funds W Local Charitles $140, 000.00 $118,000.00 $120, 000.00 $100, 000.00 $88,000.00 P6�,&O-A, cs Z- 6Z- 0/ OA - P r 06 6.��u X- -.� A ,4 � Jo,, l8l zooa G`�� (.e,,..u;[ .�,.� �� sr,� _ _, • )-tin -ee� . �e r REC'D MAY 21 2002 per(; gi C(4-" " May 21, 2002 Mr. Bruce Payne Planning Director City of Southlake 1400 Main St., Ste 310 Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: Requested Amendment to Zoning Language For "MH"-Manufactured Housing Ordinance No. 480-NN 2°d reading Dear Mr. Payne; In reference to my letter of February 18d', 2002 and to the captioned topic please accept this as our modification and partial withdrawal of our original language change request. Specifically we are herein withdrawing all language change requests except for those dealing with 29.5 a, 29.5 b, and 29.5 c as outlined in our February 18'', 2002 letter. Therefore the only language changes requested are those dealing with the setback requirements for building lines. Thank you for handling this matter. Sincerely, David McMahan p C C E � W E 0 MAY 2 1 2002 OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY Pe,,46td cT LJG, 1 q246-e- PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 2550 SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD This landscape plan focuses on the preservation to the maximum extent possible of the existing heritage trees found on this site. You will note that we have maintained nine trees (all of the existing live trees) along our Southlake Boulevard frontage. We have saved twenty trees out of a total of thirty-seven live trees on this site (54.1 %). We will add twenty-one new canopy and accent trees on the north and east sides of this site. We have preserved the front berm paralleling Southlake Boulevard by installing a natural stone retaining wall that follows the backside of our eight -foot serpentine sidewalk. This 175-foot retaining wall is of variable height but is generally from 2 Meet to 3 feet in height. On the backside of the retaining wall we will have a two -foot seasonal color bed that will run the entire length of the retaining wall. The beds will be changed out each spring and fall with appropriate color. We also will provide interior landscaping beds and yard areas adjacent to the building and patio that will contain a combination of accent trees, shrubs and color. Our plan will provide in excess of 100 shrubs spread through the various permanent beds provided on this site. Our plan provides for 15,865 square feet of landscaping area or 38.8% of our total site. REUD MAY 21 2002 S X ,�^�f� co f REM WALL 6' WIDE PEOESTP.IAN jT OFF -ROAD TRAIL E.Y. PPp PROJECT INFORMATION ' ADDRESS: 2550 E. SOUTHLWE BLVD, i� ZONINGSP-I (C-2 USES) SITE AREA: 0.9451 AC. BUILDING AREA: 1.291 S.F. TOTAL SEATING' 24 SETTS PARKING REOURED 37 SPACES PARKING PPOVIOED: 40 SPACES (2 SC.) SUMMARY CHART - INTERlGR LANDSCAPE nfCVue[0 d uDCD L•MSE•iE •iEA (50 Rl ! d MIf• W rNExi n SNE •xdr ME3 �C[Cxl [ES SwxbS OUM FDSTA (50. fi1 R•Saiµ Crates xfgNtCD n. >s: z s r 1s xOrC •x> fx_pR USED W G•iCLSAnCMS • S WTExKP L•xDXSPE RCE OSEtSi - 1 1PEE O I2- . 09x - nfUT s Clxdi DrLTt. fV •Pelt➢ y n-_ ♦ 6•-1V JL 1PEE O d[A+En lx•W r3- Dex _1L �_ 6' / I i x "N,4 •I �•' 0 10 20 30 40 / I 1•-20 BANK OF THE WEST f LOT IR1, ' W.E. MAYFBLOCK ) ADDlIOfL IELLOCK (CABINET A, PAGE 3447. M.R.T.C.T.) ZONED C-2 •'p 4y "l, I L.U.D. RETAIL COMMER IAL Gm cc. WMLs / f'.1�\ /,y f' EX. LP WALL ) \ / SLE / xi NTRAfdBUILDING CE TYPE OC it EXR F.F.E.=gg 58 I 3'� 11C ACCESSIBLE I - _�, Al, co� V. Al 23540') P EX. PP S OT•3'4.40' W ,.• 234.65• Q a +QQ'O• O- VACANT LOT 1, BLOCK I ,3 GATEWAY PLAZA PHASE II CAB. A., SLIDE 6093-6095 0O ZONED AG UMI L..D. v MIXED USED g Uo SUUMARY CHART - BUFFERYAPDS 6VETrT KttNi w[ES SxnVlt CErxiAKM�rr, xnM - K41�K0 - 3 16 N_ AnmxKD zr• -A 2 4 is Naa C•sl - 3 36 I' RMIMFDG[ ar- o a•+T a•G m X..(a - Ka . DSO V - A 3 6 2� Hart xDrt nxr amrs �ncc W cunA•n«rs. ACdEat" OpAN•er A[[ d£bl- ! TREES s ri'• 06x_nEpr ! CWrwr 1RFF3 WO 6 •;¢xi FEES •-• KR a T ii Bax"D•xi lrtf TACpi_ i rxfE O 12-• Oex-CEEC"i 3 ;yrpxr IxfEi •M . ilCEs O ['-12- Dex-CKM 1 [•xd> IDfE •ND 6 nCdxi IKFS Dxrc�cw ac�i x.Twe•L e[ax .nL a[ v.wnx�FD •ru Mx wSOv[D 3'� 6[ru Walsh[ US[O W lx.0 d xFDLE i.T Nx SdFPlxD � 2�1'xn, Ki•ixwG w,L' i"M 5' TYPE 'A' BUFFER YARD COSTCO LOT 2, BLOCK I WTEWAY PLAZA PHASE 11 CAB. A., SUOE 5093-BO95 ZONED SP2/C-2 L.U.D. MIXED USED SITE 04 TA SUMMARY CHART •xnUlAl[O ]<>tDUIE d DFKIdu[ai _ -_ u.ryW gOADWP KK?rt 7�. Two zaAxc�de;Fo zowxc _ ,c/!A-I «-: uR» roi•a non lNW UR D[Sgx•On _ wKD UX BOSS xK•d d ITS 9rt •KA KD4KD RwxwG - Iror sF. 3> _ KAcwrna d art cowAR L6lp:) - 3_0: - EM+D[D x•neer, KDUmEp ao.•oew �.;a - , o •xE. d dfx sxc _ ups utr •nfA d lrxnaSOU! CO.E4DF _ 21.3 SE. Kx¢xi•DC d Aw(xSyy R S DMA• _ E" yS xn6[q d xxdCffO alit dFN iY.Q •S . lPCENTAq _ S6 wiseF srd.a .3 . Kl!fLxr•q _ r KattxOµ pfxah -x�• R•ixF cu.prc - d sr ur PWSrxUCPar _ .PxAoc m/oI/oi wnaE.a d naDCs _ I —3. caWinnxnd PPwox. o9/D1/DI PP n %' A • _pxy nEr to D (d y�SEy OWNER: ENCORE REALTY COMPANY II, L.P. 1705 W. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY SUITE 260 GRAPEMNE. TEXAS 76051 APPLICANT: ENCORE REALTY COMPANY N, L.P. 1705 W. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY SUITE 260 GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 VICINITY MAP NIS LEgEND EXIST. TREES TO BE REMOVED C� EXIST. TREES TO REMAIN CITY CASE NUMBER "ZA01-018" El W _ X W W Z) co W W ir I.•_, rn O Li W O Q H I. m 9 0 Z N W N =O O O 2 Q J W U a: Q 0 0 N A m y m a0 0 V 0 m n Z 0 n O V i 0 SHEET C4a Ex RFr6n M AY 21 2002 Blank Page 1 of 1 Kim Bush From: brannon [ Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 3:43 PM To: mayor@cityofsouthlake .com; baampbell@cityofsouthlake.com; martin3rd@home.com Subject: Cross Timber Hills Roads Dear Mayor Stacy, City Council Member, Billie Campbell, Ross Martin, president of Cross Timber Hills Homeowner's Association, is going to present a petition concerning Cross Timber Hills' streets to the City Council this evening. We will not be able to attend the council meeting and wish to go on record strongly supporting the request for the streets in Cross Timber Hills to be placed on a priority list in the 2003-2004 budget. We know the city expects to have less money for the next year's budget, but Cross Timber Hills' streets are terrible after Hodgson Company did so much damage during sewer construction. Lakeview Drive between Woodbrook and Kingswood is badly gatored and is sinking in areas, and there is no surface left in front of the vacant lot where the contractor stored all the equipment. The Public Works Department did not make the contractor repair this area, but it seems evident to all in the neighborhood that the street damage was caused by all the constant use of that area of Lakeview Drive for over a year by the heavy equipment. The edges of all our streets are crumbling. Since we do not have sidewalks the streets aren't as safe to walk, especially at night because of the holes and cracks. Cross Timber Hills has to compete with the newer developments with their curbs, gutters, sidewalks and newer streets. It effects our home values to have our streets look like we live in an unincorporated area. Cross Timber Hills spent nearly two years with the inconvenience and frustrations of sewer construction. We need to get the roads fixed so we can get back to making our neighborhood the proud one it used to be. Please include Cross Timber streets in the 2003-2004 budget. Yours truly, Dick and Cora Lee Brannon 1365 Lakeview Drive, Cross Timber Hills Southlake, TX 76092 5/21 /2002 ..✓ PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Wills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and subsurfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creels Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: 10. j 1 K . .:�7C 0 P 'SiMo d e- 13$ 20 PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: 1„ 0e &00Dtzl C-4 ,. 4)4 r i sm 11C��s A� 911-4U'3RII 4---(v MIC 10-199 5 1bl); t PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 3. f�O C,,9 f' i �Z t�l i i1 1 ?Ab G i APL-, e,J D( b 6.�2St.li 34 LA �= 7. CLA I V\ 1 yS 1 7 a Z 81, -1 8. ��ILC �,4�z I A&�ti,K 5 9. WYN -M6Ak�, 1 7 vqk�R)Ie-3 St 7 y2 j 6Y-11y 10. (�c nr* kt ; t �9 hi 13�T �Ayt k; �� �� q -s�' aktti 11. 13. 13I3Z:aqTe--5k 3 17 18. 19. PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE n t 2. Me 3•��`I�ry L, L�+r1NhUrnP 13% � �s�e�(4�• cC17 331z�a/Z 4.L)G�1G�l� I.G���Ui/12 l.3(,i Cs�ellcc- 4)4 l 9/7 335 4/79 d'l7 fIT ors 6. 14. 15. 16 19. 20. SIGNA PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 8. 10 12. 18. 19. 20 PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 1I nil j ; �l I. C jell 10 /lrvi / —v J.3 a.G,eE�o� M ,e�.4 1.5 7 -� G.�:.7P►�s�7/I\\1�7�ti�1i�4�R71tr��t�����f►t\�L����'y�� w 1R'�MUT r • �� Olt:7A'M 13. 17. 1 go PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE �L � Pic PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: D NAME E (z•G - . 4ieE yw, Se 4xr2- /dy9 lr-� ecl,iJP/7�f�//se9/ 2.S'Dit cd —HV— e' -s /3f'9 614ew e ci P/7 f(iG i vf/ I R V 14 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 18. 19. PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made co nmilments to restive our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget W repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 19 20. PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS) TELEPHONE SIG06TURE ROM u'Y- ' 5 J 3. 4. / �v 7 <' 6/1iti A, 7C4 �'h 5�ra�n -hi e 1X&rc�c d Ell.4[L.En'� �C Z�� ��� /uxf 8-'�"( h u J I VI `r O L (4— 1 z1 z t C A fob $ I �— 4" � �? H ,�, \V 9. t� 11 14 15 18. 19. 20. PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 2. 1kjnr<( M, "lV- 13.2 P 4tlo'd4S)C L' Yr-P-3 '? so 4'z� 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. PIE PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 2. q�2q-3Ejy 4. s Lx) 6. Ly 11-7- /VI/S& 136, 1106elr>Lti s.L I WA 05(8 G 9. MN WAO � 'w r z� - '-S—nwz 10. 174 2 Z) , , e 32 16 17. 18. 19. 20. �'hSJ L0 PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: ,TURE 8 9 I I C, Is 19 PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE A� 2. 4�1 - -7 o's 4. 5. 12 8. PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: 3. V(: .rvk'V� I-V)7\ IFbi 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. J PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 12. le] PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 1.eLk,<�jV, a6d-iL �;vesf Cam{ <Zii-�Ib�k kll 2. be�'V -3 �� ►�es� Lu.w� F'� r 3. UV 54 7. r-- 8 9. 10. 11. 15 19 20 Al 0) Sly-�f f -,f2,TZ t- V PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE/ 1 Dy /3QIl;(��x/ 4/-? /---�; 3-' 3. &Onnit- d fttux-� -- - PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PKIN I EU NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 1 1.� �c,^.i��11v;k ��:�.��:•;� � / ��'z � �� �� }'�� �irt yS�-.5'a76 2. 1&0 6cyc�' G t bo" `99 150 3. 5.11 / 7 17. 18 19 PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: 1.'�'4aP-l()I+R �omc� K 13�/c� T�>1�8�7Y51 g R 7 'Iel e< 13 14. 16. PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS / TELEPHONE SIGNATURE IZ' 1. 4as0' ic,sr�-o�J !A6S 4JJc v Fw fD 7 J93 2. 1 IrJA 363 L,,k, v,P� ►�-3z�- I�z 4. F7 14 15 16 17 3�v7 L'-At,/( t7 jo rl 30 Za KLA cwDn 6I1 4i , y 3 17 2�'�-�J�t/ /�"�. k l � Co � `�.�%e ✓e �� �r � I ? -� l LP -i 3 Z Z °���-�..�,- I.S CA A/' 6 Z Lcl D ZI L473 MWA) � ;k-', &-)(,= 45kg L) i C �,) 2\ r &) �' V/. 9 f K r a f)c U--) DI :� W 11n r�L Rk�v��w U oyle PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGN I VRE*�1 C 1 13. 17 20. 0 PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 3!'MIM/ ' Ali Ooll 5.FP—ft, Obo 13WOooh)topkL�1. 6. i ✓ `� G 7. lcK /16-" ij S- 7 W)- - 9,Ij-Y 8. 1 S5 SI -� 9. > % z ut lqr- S 6 4-'Q7-4/O%VL 4il-2 S? Sy � p 11. - a 3 12. r�i> w�Cf -i- KZ-( • 3 �3 .�� �r'ti 17. 18 19 PETITION March 22, 2002 We, the undersigned residents of Cross Timber Hills, hereby request the City of Southlake honor its previously made commitments to restore our neighborhood to its status prior to undertaking the neighborhood sewer program by making provisions in the 2003 Budget to repair and repave the streets in the subdivision of Cross Timber Hills. Damage to road surfaces and sub -surfaces occurred during the construction period from July, 2000, through February, 2002. Those streets needing repair and repaving include: Cross Timber Drive, Woodbrook Lane, Woodcreek Lane, Hidden Glen, Woodbrook Court, Estella Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Court, Glen Cove Court, Meadow Glen, Holland Hill, Lakeview Drive, Twin Creek Court, Morgan Road, and Forest Lane. Please print and sign your name below: PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE S�j Q i7 9. 10 12. Dana L. V,►AC1�ic 1="yf�iP 1iE %�5 i 3 15. 16. 20. rA;9 11 > . i i - .� r .� �. ,mot • - - . f Now.. ' � � SURVEY SIDEWALK/BIKE PATH ALONG N. PEYTONVILLE BETWEEN SOUTHRIDGE LAKES PKWY. AND W. DOVE ROAD NAME_ jaA1-5AZ- ADDRESS 1. HOW IlVIPORTANT IS A SIDEWALKBIKE PATH TO YOU? -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -1 = I do not want a path 0 = I do not care one way or the other 1 = I feel that a path is slightly important 5 = I feel that -a path is very important 2. WHY DO YOU WANT OR NOT WANT A PATH ALONG N. PEYTONVILLE? 3. COMMENTS/CONCERNS- return to Julia Bustamante 1501 Plantation Dr. ne (817) 421-3585 fax (817) 488-1038 J SURVEY SIDEWALK/BIKE PATH ALONG N. PEYTONVILLE BETWEEN SOUTHRIDGE LAKES PKWY. AND W. DOVE ROAD 4-- NAME ADDRESS /5-V4 A)ef,� 12 1. HOW IIVIPORTANT IS A SIDEWALK/BIKE PATH TO YOU? -1 0 1 2 3 4 -I = I do not want a path 0 = I do not care one way or the other 1 = I feel that a path is slightly important 5 = I feel that a path is very important 2. WHY DO YOU WANT OR NOT WANT A PATH ALONG N. PEYTONVILLE? 3. COMMENTS/CONCERNS: return to Julia Bustamante 1501 Plantation Dr. phone (817) 421-3585 fax (817) 488-1038 SURVEY SIDEWALK/BIKE PATH ALONG N. PEYTONVILLE BETWEEN SOUTHRIDGE LAKES PKWY. AND W. DOVE ROAD NAME ADDR 1. HOW IlVIPORTANT IS A SIDEWALK/BIKE PATH TO YOU? -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -1 = I do not want a path 0 = I do not care one way or the other 1 = I feel that a path is slightly important I feel thata path is very important 2. WHY DO YOU WANT OR NOT WANT A PATH ALONG N. PEYTONVILLE? 3. CONINIENTS/CONCERNS: ale_ mead c, ret run to Julia Bustamante 1501 Plantation Dr. _phone (817) 421-3585 fax (817) 488-1038 C SS GJ k- �r S(X— IN M w � I 4° +s M- "... CittCe bctiCOut opportun ities if one of those idiots cloi•ng 45-5".mph sloes move over cz bit. " 3�en.r� f'. �c�p lire `� ;t . r '" ^` r � ` « I rote M a AW w '4s a gin was iryLng to tivaCk on the shoulder and a car brushedhervy .Avlalora Nimergood 0 ' e W 0 " i i i i i walk dat-Cy., it's so dangerous; .no access to the wonder ful'`� �y .a lsn SouthCake. " - ancy Battimore ,i J WHY DO YOU WANT OR NOT WANT A SIDEWALK/BIKE PATH ALONG N. PEYTONVILLE? 1. Carson Lake, age 11 1435 N. Peytonville Rd. I have a grandmother that's in Southridge Lakes and I want to ride there without dying. I don't want to die. 2. Gail Poth 1400 Post Oak Trail I walk all the time and the only way out of our neighborhood is to walk on the extremely dangerous Peytonville. If two cars are passing each other and there is a pedestrian, the pedestrian has to jump into the weeds and hold their breath. My children jog and I worry about their safety daily! We deserve a sidewalk and to live in a safe environment both as a pedestrian and a motorist! I hope they put in a sidewalk before someone is killed! 3. David Lackey 1040 Brittany Ct. Currently, there is no space (safe space) for walking or bike riding along this busy corridor. Residents currently using this corridor for walking, running or bike riding present an unsafe challenge for both the motorist and the user. To avoid an inevitable catastrophe, we need the bike path and/or sidewalk. 4. Carole Griggs 5 1801 Leeds Dr. It's necessary and safe for joggers, runners, walkers and even more importantly, KIDS! 5. Andrew Matheis 955 Brittany Ct. Large amount of pedestrians (walkers, runners, bikers) along roadway, especially during peak traffic times. On my way to school, almost every day, I encounter the same two pedestrians, a female jogger, and an elderly Chinese walker. Traffic is heavy on school mornings, when I pass at 7:45 — 8:00, and it is only a matter of time before someone gets hit. If these people feel compelled to exercise at this time, then things should be made safer for them. 6. John Jackson Safety of joggers and bikers. 1240 Post Oak Trail 7. Janet Anderson very dangerous now for bikers and walkers, etc. 8. Linda Shy safety for bikers 9. Diane and Neil Wheatley 901 Ravenbend Ct. 1005 Raven Bend Ct. 1301 Plantation Dr. We need a safe environment to walk with dogs and children. It is very difficult to cross the road. Peytonville is being re -habilitated and, as usual, the cars will be traveling at higher speeds — making this road even more dangerous. 10. Carolyn Seely 4 1950 N. Peytonville There are great numbers of joggers and cyclers using Peytonville at all hours of the day. The safety of these people would be greatly enhanced by installing a sidewalk/bike path. Please take into consideration keeping as many trees as possible. 11. Catherine Singley 5 1400 Exeter Ct. Walking or riding bicycles on Peytonville is EXTREMELY hazardous, especially with children! If the idea is to promote neighborhoods and neighborhood schools ... our children have no walking/riding access to do so. Most other neighborhoods are contiguous and allow for pedestrian traffic. The City has a GREAT Parks and Rec Program... why not extend that concept to allow families to recreate (bike/walk) on their own? There is absolutely NO shoulder on N. Peytonville ... even garbage trucks are forced off the road into the ditch!! 12. Jane Brugger 1060 Brittany Ct. -safety -kids can walk to school, or ride their bikes -kids can visit friends without being driven, currently it is too dangerous to allow a child to be on Peytonville. 13. Diane and Paul Sullivan 1900 N. Peytonville We have children and we love to ride bikes and jog. The kids and parents need a bike path for safety. 14. Carol A. Tummarello 5 940 Brittany Ct. It is not safe to walk or ride a bike now, due to heavy traffic. 15. Scott Simmons 5 1400 Laurel Ln. My daughter (13 year old) has several friends in Southridge lakes. I would love to allow her to ride her bike, but currently, it's too dangerous. 16. Abdul and Dania Itani 5 1416 Laurel Ln. -Safety for Pedestrians —Safety for joggers -Could be used as a bike trail. Since the City is repairing Peytonville, installing a side walk at this time is easier and more cost efficient. 17. Sharon Meyer 5 1925 N. Peytonville Rd. Very dangerous street to walk along, bus route for children — theylike to walk along the street anyway. Many jog along this street — very dangerous. Construction workers often use this street and speed making it more dangerous. Sidewalk would help access other bike/walk areas. 18. Robert S. Pollard, M.D. 5 500 N. Peytonville Rd. I favor a path for safety reasons to allow walking, biking without getting run over. I would like to see it extended down N. Peytonville to 1709. 19. Debra Edmondson 5 1306 Plantation Dr. It is dangerous for my daughter and other children when they are walking. 20. J. Scott Mattheis 4 955 Brittany Ct. It would make safe passage for pedestrians to get from neighborhood to neighborhood for their daily exercise of walking. There are not enough sidewalks or bike paths in the City of Southlake. I feel that officials are dropping the ball when it comes to small things like sidewalks and street lights, things that will make our citizens safer to move about the city. 21. Brenda Mattheis 5 955 Brittany Ct. I believe that it is very important for Southlake to have sidewalks and/or bike paths along the streets as a public service. There are so many children riding their bikes or scooters along the side of the street. There are joggers and walkers trying to stay on the pavement but out of the way of traffic. And there are those who walk their dogs trying to keep themselves and their dogs out of traffic. Don't say the City can't afford it. For one thing, I know how much taxes are here and the best interest of the citizens should be #1 Priority — and it's easy to do with the re — working already underway. Plus, the city installed sidewalks along 1709 in front of the mayor's home — you could afford that, what about the rest of us?! 22. Nancy Jackson 4 1240 Post Oak Tr. Peytonville is a narrow road — even when it will be widened — and has never been safe for pedestrians, joggers, bikers. This is a safety concern, I used to walk 3 — 6 mornings a week, but when I moved to Southlake — it was no longer safe to do so. Concerns: 1. possible loss of trees if not properly planned and constructed 2. cost 23. Margie Berndt 5 1420 Laurel Ln Would be nice to ride bikes or roller blade, walk my dog. 24. Gary Serndt 5 1420 Laurel Ln. Ride bikes 25. Susan Simmons 5 1400 Laurel Ln I would like our daughter to ride her bicycle and visit her friends in Southridge Lakes. 26. Ron Hamilton 1029 Shady Oaks Dr. Allow children to move easily and safely ride bikes and travel between houses. I would pay for a sidewalk on my property. 27. Richard Wooldridge 5 1502 Plantation Dr For jogging — safety from traffic, safety for bike riding to school. 28.Kimberly and Brent King 5 1302 Wakefield We jog a lot and the kids go to the neighbors to play. The traffic is too fast for people to be on the street. 29. Code Lake 5 1435 N. Peytonville I want to ride my bike to school. My mom won't let me ride my bike to school with out a side walk. 30. Felicia and Darrell Lake For kid's safety ASAP 31. Robert Brugger - Safety -Enhanced property values -Sense of community -Health and recreation 32. Richard Poth 1435 N. Peytonville 5 1060 Brittany Ct. 5 1400 Post Oak Tr. Peytonville has become a major thoroughfare and their are MANY young children who deserve a sidewalk for their safety!! Beyond safety is the quality of life concern that other Southlake residents benefit from and as taxpayers we too deserve to be able to safely walk on Peytonville. We do not have the political identity and strength as do subdivision residents and this voluntary effort should be heard in an equally strong way. We have paid taxes for almost 20 years — we deserve a sidewalk! 33. Jennifer and Terry Swift 5 1280 Cypress Creek Circle Physical activity is important for both adults and children. I run regularly along Peytonville despite the safety hazard but will not with my children due to the risk. I would love for my family to be able to walk, skate, bike ride farther than just my immediate street. Without a sidewalk along Peytonville there is no safe way to get to the sidewalk on 1709. With the traffic flow increasing along Dove and then coming South on Peytonville, soon it will be unsafe at ALL TIMES to run or walk along it, not just at peak times. Southlake is a beautiful community, the foliage there to enjoy, but you can't get out to enjoy it without a safe pathway! 34. Melanie and Colin Stevenson 5 Jogging/biking/walking Perfect Idea! 35. Trish and Tim Waters Safety for walkers, joggers and biking Biking, walking would be MUCH safer! GREAT IDEA! 36. Susan and Sterling Smith jogging, biking, safety Great idea! 37. Henry F. Galpin 5 1300 Houston Ct 5 1301 Houston Ct. 5 1303 Houston Ct. 1481 Post Oak Tr. I run from home on weekends and the only route to the trail at Solana or to Carroll H.S. is along Peytonville. It is a very narrow road and in some places there are little bail out opportunities if one of the idiots doing 45 — 50 mph does move over a bit. Safety, safety, safety 38. The Nimergood family 1305 Plantation Dr. I feel very strongly about a path along Peytonville. Not having one makes it impossible to get across the street safely. I ride my bike and the cars speed down this road. You cross as fast as you can and even then there are no guarantees. I would never let my kids ride on this road for that reason. There is no shoulder area and that makes it very unsafe. We have a lot more traffic now than we did before they opened up Dove road. I watched a bus let off children on this road a couple weeks ago. A girl was trying to walk on the shoulder (there is not one) and a car brushed her. Some one is going to get killed or hurt on this street. I called the city and no one returned my call. WE NEED A SIDEWALK FOR SAFETLY A S A P (Before one of our children gets HURT!) 39. Barbara and Alan Paradis 5 2145 N. Peytonville A. My daughter (8`h grade) rides her bike to her friends' houses via Peytonville Ave. It's dangerous. B. My husband runs down Peytonville — again — it's dangerous. There are MANY areas where there is no room to move out of the way when cars are traveling/passing in both directions. C. I have seen neighbors walking their dogs and nearly getting hit by cars — on more than one occasion. D. It is WRONG not to have one — this road STINKS for pedestrians. Our tax bill will exceed $13,000 this year. That's for our house alone ... we don't get sewage because we're so far away from the line — can't we at LEAST have a sidewalk for our children? Our children after all — are THE REASON we moved to Southlake. The reason we pay these HIGH taxes! 40. Nancy Baltimore 5 We walk daily and it can be dangerous with all the traffic. 1368 Holland Hill Besides we now have no access to the wonderful trails in Southlake. 41. Horrace Wilkins, Jr. 5 1512 Norwick Ct. 42. Grady Dicken 5 928 Turnberry 43. C D Peebles 5 1604 Devon Ct. The area is not safe. I am surprised that a jogger or biker has not been hit. It also would be nice to give the children a chance to walk or ride their bikes to school because Coventry does have sidewalks. 44. Kate Delisle 5 1204 Plantation Dr. My husband and I ride our bikes frequently, and Peytonville is our only exit from the area. The police have been singularly ineffective in slowing down the speeding along the road, so we frequently feel in danger. Additionally, with the hills, the passing cars frequently cannot see oncoming traffic; several times we have been run off the road when drivers swerve back into our path. I however, do not feel a sidewalk is the answer for cyclists. A bike LANE is the answer. But the sidewalks are essential for the children and the joggers. It's interesting that a smaller population is the reason to not put in a city service. Do we not pay the same tax rate as the rest of the city? 45. Thomas Murphy 5 1303 Plantation Dr. SAFETY, TRAFFIC IS HEAVY; THE EXISTING ROAD IS VERY NARROW. ANYONE WALKING, JOGGING, OR BIKING, PARTICULARLY EARLY OR LATE IN THE DAY, IS IN DANGER. 46. Glen Burgess 5 1253 N. Peytonville Ave. For those who desire walking without danger involved. 47. Richard Wooldridge 5 1502 Plantation For jogging — safety from traffic — safety for bike riding to school. 48. Jessica Bullock 2145 N. Peytonville Ave. I have a friend down the street, and her mom won't let her walk down the street to my house. So whenever she has to come over for a project, or even just for fun, her mom has to drive her, which takes up her mother's time, increases traffic flow and pollutes the air. I also would like to go on bike rides, but my mom won't let me, so I WANT A BIKE PATH! Thank you! 1) Traffic 2) Pollution 3) And personal convenience. 49. Hilda Janbaz 5 1302 Plantation Dr. The addition of a sidewalk/bike path would make Peytonville a safe street for walkers, joggers and bikers of all ages. Currently the road is not conducive to leisurely strolls. The commuter traffic to the Solana complex and the high school makes walking in the ditch the only safe route. Parents would be foolish to let children ride their bikes along this road. Adults have to be constantly on guard to ensure their own safety along this tree -lined road. If there were sidewalks along this road I would feel comfortable walking. Currently, I drive to another area to walk. It is too dangerous to walk just the few hundred yards to Coventry. 50. Sharon Larkin 1304 Plantation Dr. Because Southlake is such a great place for families to live and the setting is so beautiful. Our children are no safer getting around here than they are in an urban setting- - maybe less. They are trapped in their developments or driveways if they aren't in a development. Can't we afford a sidewalk to protect the children and the walkers and the bike riders and the joggers? 51. Robby Bustamante, age 5 5 1501 Plantation Dr. I would like to have it because it's fun to have a little more adventures and see places we haven't seen yet and because we can walk to people's houses or ride our bikes, it's just fun! 52. Bob and Debbie Hudnall 5 1402 Plantation It will be an attractive addition to the city. It will be safe for pedestrians and drivers since there is a lot of traffic on Peytonville. Safety. 53. Barbara Almond 1401 Plantation My main reason for requesting a bike path on Peytonville is safety. I shudder several times a week passing joggers, bikers, and pedestrians on that road. While I'm not a jogger, I feel that all of us need a safe place, not sharing a narrow, busy street. 54. John Janbaz 5 1302 Plantation Peytonville is a lovely road that connects the more densely populated areas of Southlake with the countryside. Unfortunately traffic along the road has increased steadily and it is very dangerous for bicyclists and pedestrians, PARTICULARLY CHILDREN! Every day as I drive to work I see at least one runner and usually pass bicyclists in the evening on the way home. The road is dangerous for careful adults and extremely dangerous for children, yet the beautiful trees and green countryside draw people to it. Tax money spent on a path would be well used to promote both safety and recreation for all residents of Southlake. 55. Kathleen Croteau 4 806 Brazos Dr. A path along N. Peytonville would provide a safe place to walk, run or bike. It would make it easier and much safer to go between neighborhoods — especially for children. 56. Cyndy and Kevin Phelan 4 1610 Pecos Dr. To walk my dog and so my girls can ride their bikes more safely to friends homes in Coventry, and area neighborhoods. I see many joggers along Peytonville and worry about their safety! 57. Katy and Kary Phelan 4 1610 Pecos Dr. Ride my bike to friends. 58. Elaine Wingate To walk! 4 1610 Pecos Dr. 59. Tyler Balfour 5 803 Brazos Dr. I am 16 and I don't speed but lots of my friends do and kids would be a lot safer. 60. Carolyn Balfour 5 803 Brazos Dr. I have a friend there I could go see without my Mom driving if there was a sidewalk. 61. Scott Balfour 5 803 Brazos My kids ride bikes to Cross Timber Hills to see friends and it is not safe. I like to run and that is scary also. With the road paved there will be more traffic so the danger will increase. 62. Christy Balfour 5 803 Brazos Many kids are riding bikes now on that road and it is very danger6us. I want the path for a safety issue. 63. Kristen Keabon 5 1401 Pecos Dr. Safer for joggers/walkers. 64. Amanda Brett 5 603 Loving Ct. So I can ride my bike to friend's houses and Southlake can be a more linked community. Would it be on one side (which) or both? 65. Suzanne and Donna Brett 5 603 Loving It would be a great opportunity for our children to ride to school. 66. Brian Brett 5 603 Loving There are often runners and bikers that pose a problem when you are driving. 67. Maureen Cramer 5 1505 New Castle Rd. N. Peytonville is a very unsafe road and with bike traffic it would be worse. 68..Chris Cramer 1505 New Castle Rd. I feel Peytonville is an unsafe road to begin with, much less with bike traffic. 69. Kevin Cramer 5 1505 New Castle Rd. I am just learning to ride a bike and I would love to have a path. 70. Vicky Montgomery 5 1506 Coventry Lane .This is a heavily traveled road with little, or no shoulder to retreat to if a biker, walker, jogger finds the need. I am surprised that a serious accident has not occurred their already. Although I would regret the loss of any trees, I feel that the safety of our citizens is of the utmost concern. Actually our city is in need of sidewalks all over. 71. Julia and Michael Bustamante 1501 Plantation Cr. Over the past ten years traffic along Peytonville has increased exponentially. The street is now a major thoroughfare. The hills in the road limit visibility. It is used every day by joggers, walkers, bikers and children with risks to their lives. And the traffic will increase much more when the resurfacing is finished as vehicles speed to the new intersection at Dove and 114. Even though it is very dangerous, pedestrians use the road heavily because 1) it is the only way out of their streets/neighborhoods and/or 2) because it is such a pretty area. The instillation of a sidewalk or bike path needs to be a top priority with the city. We need a path before someone is killed, not after. This IS a PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUE. I do not feel that the Southlake police have a grasp on the danger of this road at the current time. For anyone who thinks a path can wait until the city has more funds available, I invite them to sit with me beside Peytonville and wait for the school bus. 72. Mike Van Breeman 5 1203 Plantation I would like to see the City add a sidewalk to PREVENT an auto accident and more important a PEDESTRIAN CAUSUALTY. On two separate occasions I have seen near casualties to pedestrians walking on the side of Peytonville Rd. 73. Joe VanBreeman, age 13 5 1203 Plantation Dr I think with some kind of path I will be able to access my friend's houses in Coventry much safer and easier. Also during the summer I would be able to access the high school by bike. 74. Graclyn Glazier, age 11 5 1203 Plantation I want a path because then I would be able to get to my friend's houses in Southridge Lakes and Coventry safely by riding my bike or walking. 75. Linda Baldwin 5 1509 New Castle Very unsafe the way it is. 76. Michael Baldwin 5 1509 New Castle Rd. Peytonville is so narrow and traffic has increased. It is dangerous to walk, jog, or cycle on Peytonville. 77. Peggy Hanan 5 1400 Thetford Ct. To be able to utilize Peytonville Rd. safely either walking or on a bike. Peytonville is the main entrance into Coventry Manor and it would be very helpful to be able to not have to drive in and out of Coventry Manor, especially if a school is built on Peytonville. Currently it is very dangerous for an adult to Walk on Peytonville, let alone a child. 78. Marty Hanan 5 1400 Thetford Ct. For safety reasons. It would be so nice to have our children able to utilize Peytonville to go to school (when it is built) and to friend's homes. Right now it is too dangerous to utilize if you are not in a car. 79. Jim Robison E Great use for joggers, walkers and kids — 1401 Thetford Ct. 80. Travis Ryno 5 1504 New Castle I have friends who live in Southridge Lakes; and my mom's house is there while my dad's house is in Coventry. 81. Justin Ryno 5 I am tired of walking in the street. 82. Jeff Ryno F 1504 New Castle Rd. 1504 New Castle Rd Kids often walk to Southridge Lakes in the street or in tall grass — not safe. 83. Esther Spickler 5 926 Turnberry Ln. It would be nice for homeowners to be able to walk to other neighboring developments. Since the road is so heavily traveled it wouldn't be safe without a sidewalk. Also the school district owns property on Peytonville Rd and a sidewalk would facilitate student pedestrians. 84. Karen Phillips 5 911 Turnberry A path would be great! My kids would be able to walk or ride bikes to visit friends in Southridge Lakes. 85. Kathy and Ben Kahrnoff 5 1502 New Castle THIS IS A WELL TRAVELLED ROAD WITH MANY BUMPS. AS WELL AS A NARROW ROAD. A BIKE PATH WOULD INSURE SAFETY. FOR FAMILIES AND BIKERS. 86. Mark Humel 5 921 Turnberry Ln Our family would be able to utilize the sidewalk when taking walks. 87. Sharon Hamel 5 921 Turnberry Ln Safety for our children when walking/riding their bikes to and from friend's homes. 88. David and Michele Rowland 5 1000 Normandy 89. Carol Robison 5 1401 Thetford Ct Several reasons: Safety for bikers, joggers and people who walk. My children have lots of friends in Southridge Lakes and they would love to walk or ride their bikes to see their friends. Peytonville is so dangerous at this time due to more walkers, joggers and bikers. This sidewalk is desperately needed for many reasons. We also need desperately a sidewalk on Shady Oaks so our children can ride their bikes to and from school and also walk. My son and daughter have been wanting to do this for 4 years, but it is too dangerous! I guarantee this sidewalk on Peytonville will be used more than the one on 1709! 90. Chris Seets 304 Donley Ct It is safe for younger kids. I would also consider using it as a jog path. I feel it is important to have sidewalks along the street so pedestrians do not have to walk along the side of the road. 91. Tex Glazier 5 .1203 Plantation I want a path for both safety and convenience, the primary concern is for safety. Runners and cyclists take their lives in their hands when they run or ride down Peytonville Road. With the skinny road, blind hills, it is a serious accident waiting to happen. The second reason is for convenience and health. With a sidewalk on Peytonville the residents that live off Peytonville would be able to have their children access Durham and the high school and other neighborhoods safely. This would encourage healthy outdoor activity rather than cars taxiing children only one and two blocks to avoid dangerous roads. Putting a sidewalk on Peytonville would be keeping with the "family first" atmosphere that Southlake is known for. It would encourage healthy activities and tie into other neighborhoods - - - creating a real home town feel. 92. Sherri Glazier 5 1203 Plantation First and foremost SAFETY. With only a glance at a passenger while driving 30 mph, it is common to come upon a pedestrian who has no place to travel north & south bound but on the busy street of Peytonville. We have neighborhoods large and small who use Peytonville's north/south access for exercise and for travel to Durham and the Jr. High/High School. If a sidewalk/bike path is approved now during the existing renovation it will cost less. A small section on Shady Oaks to Durham coupled with this proposal of Peytonville would allow full access to schools, therefore, decreasing morning traffic. I seriously believe that is only a matter of time before a parent or teenager takes the life of a runner, walker, child or grandmother who commonly utilizes Peytonville. What a life altering experience for both parties. Please do something now!! 93. Lewis C. Miltenberger 5 1506 New Castle Rd. Peytonville has a lot of traffic both auto and bikers/joggers and is a dangerous street, currently. New construction on the roadway should include a sidewalk for the safety of joggers/bikers and automobiles. With the # of bikers and joggers I currently see on Peytonville, it would be a shame to do new construction and not include a sidewalk. -Z,A o 2- p- c ---> 4 33 e-mails stating support for Sonic... *received from residents outside the 200' notification area. Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/9/2002 8:12:37 AM Central Standard Time From: To: Sent from the Internet (De(ils) Yes, We would love to see sonic come the old Thunderbird property. Please express our support. Thanks, Denise Overby Subject: Sonic 1709 > If you have just a minute to send back a quick email if you are in favor of > the Sonic to be built on 1709, on the Costco side at the old Thunderbird > property which is next to the bank or 2 lots over from Lowe's. I have looked > at the plans and they are saving lots of trees and it should look really > nice. They are going to Planning and Zoning on Thursday night. If you are in > favor please just a quick email. > Thanks, > Pattie Minder > Spin 8 > 817-481-7492 Thursday, May 09, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/8/2002 9:06:05 PM CentraF'Standard Time From: Patti, I don't have a real problem with it as long as they keep the trash picked up. It will be a hangout for kids, but Sonic is a first class organization (I worked for them in college in Huntsville, TX) and they know how to control problems and normally don't put up with much crap. I eat at them all the time when I'm out if town traveling. Gary Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page I. of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/8/2002 3:15:10 PM Central Standard Time From: Patti in favor for Sonic Stephanie Lagow Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/8/2002 t24:30 PM Central Standard Time From: FINE Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/8/2002 12:07:13 PM Central Standard Time From: Sent from the Internet (Debits) That is a Great Plan! Georgette Ms. Highly Favored! Georgette Lucia Felder -Spain (817) 329-0829 home and fax number (817) 938-9830 mobile Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness http://health.yahoo.com Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/8/2002 11:33:27 AM Central Standard Tire From: Sent from the Internet (Details) Yes, we're in favor. If you have just a minute to send back a quick email if you are in favor of the Sonic to be built on 1709, on the Costco side at the old Thunderbird property which is next to the bank or 2 lots over from Lowe's. I have looked at the plans and they are saving lots of trees and it should look really nice. They are going to Planning and Zoning on Thursday night. If you are in favor please just a quick email. Thanks, Pattie Minder Spin 8 817-481-7492 Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 'Date: 5/8/2002 11:32:55 AM Central Standard Time From: Whatever you think is fine with us. Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Paue 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/8/2002 10:53:50 AM Central Standard Time From: Sent from the Internet (Details) Fine with me. We saw their plans last year and wondered why they hadn't built yet. Can't wait to see it. mtt > If you have just a minute to send back a quick email if you are in favor of > the Sonic to be built on 1709, on the Costco side at the old Thunderbird > property which is next to the bank or 2 lots over from Lowe's. I have looked > at the plans and they are saving lots of trees and it should look really > nice. They are going to Planning and Zoning on Thursday night. If you are in > favor please just a quick email. > Thanks, > Pattie Minder > Spin 8 > 817-481-7492 Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of L Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/8/2002 10:00:19 AM Central Standard Time From: sounds good to me, as long as they keep up the property the kids would enjoy this ... heck so would we. Kathy Edmondson Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/8/2002 8:59:32 AM*Central Standard Time From: ok by us Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/8/2002 8:04:24 AM Central Standard Time From: I've already called the City Manager's office. I am very much in favor of this Sonic. Thanks. Tanya Benoist Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/8/2002 12:22:03 AM Central Standard Time From: Dennis Clark Sonic 1790 We are in favor of the Sonic Drive In on 1790 Pattie Minder Dennis Minder Jonathan Minder Michael Minder Nicole Minder Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: sonic Date: 5/7/2002 2:32:07 PM Central Standard Time From: I would love to see a Sonic go in on 1709 near COSTCOs. Patti Cashon 817-251-4871 Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: V7NO2 11:32:31 PM Central Standard Time From: Sent from the Internet (Details) No problem with the Sonic on 1709 in Southlake. Thanks, the Nussrallah's -- > If you have just a minute to send back a quick email > if you are in favor of > the Sonic to be built on 1709, on the Costco side at > the old Thunderbird > property which is next to the bank or 2 lots over > from Lowe's. I have looked > at the plans and they are saving lots of trees and > it should look really > nice. They are going to Planning and Zoning on > Thursday night. If you are in > favor please just a quick email. > Thanks, > Pattie Minder > Spin 8 > 817-481-7492 Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness http://health.yahoo.com Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Pa(ye 1 of 1 Subj: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/7/2002 9:55:09 PM Central Standard Time From: Sent from the Internet (Details) Hi Pattie - we are very much in favor of this Sonic project. I have seen the plans and believe that this is the lowest impact use for that property. Many of the trees will be saved. Larry and Jean Flynn Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Pave 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/7/2002 9:10:24 PM Central Standard Time From: In favor!! Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/7/2002 8:06:53 PM Central Stand&d'Time From: The Sonic sounds like a great idea. The kids wouldn't have to go too far. Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Noe 1 of 2 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/7/2002 7:42:05 PM Central Standard Time From: Sent from the Internet (Details) Sounds good to me! My vote is YESH! Cindy Frick >From: >To: >Subject: Sonic 1709 >Date: Tue, 7 May 200217:35:45 EDT >If you have just a minute to send back a quick email if you are in favor of >the Sonic to be built on 1709, on the Costco side at the old Thunderbird >property which is next to the bank or 2 lots over from Lowe's. I have looked >at the plans and they are saving lots of trees and it should look really >nice. They are going to Planning and Zoning on Thursday night. If you are in >favor please just a quick email. >Thanks, >Pattie Minder >Spin 8 >817-481-7492 Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Noe 1 of 2 Subj: RE: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/7/2002 6:27:54 PM Central Standard Time From: Sent from the Internet (Details) I am in favor! That is a grerat spot for it. Corrine ---Original Message ---- From: Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 4:36 PM To: Subject: Sonic 1709 If you have just a minute to send back a quick email if you are in favor of the Sonic to be built on 1709, on the Costco side at the old Thunderbird Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 2 Subj: RE:Sonic 1709 Date: 5/7/2002 5:48:57•PM Central Standard Time From: Sent from the Internet fDetails) I GENERALLY DO NOT BELIEVE WE NEED ANY MORE FAST FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS IN THIS IMMEDIATE AREA, HOWEVER, I REALIZE SOMETHING WILL EVENTUALLY GO ON THAT PROPERTY AND IF SONIC IS INTERESTED AND PLANNING TO KEEP THE TREES, PLACE IT OFF THE ROAD, ETC, THEN I WOULD FIND IT ACCEPTABLE - I SUPPOSE THE SIZE OF THE LOT WOULD BE AN ISSUE AS WELL. GLORIA COCHRAN ----Original Message --- From: To: Sent: Tue, 7 May 2002 17:35:45 EDT Subject: Sonic 1709 Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Sonic 1709 Page 1 of 2 Subj: RE: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/7/2002 5:54:12 PM Central Standard Time From: Sent from the Internet (Details) - Pattie - Adding a Sonic on 1709 (down the street from my office) sounds like a great idea. That location is easily already slated for commercial, so it isn't like we're deciding between houses vs Sonic. Last time I checked, corporations didn't bear children, but they DO pay taxes to the school district. Every time you add an eating establishment, you take a little more burden off the homeowners while helping fund a child's education. Best wishes - Rob Jones PS: I still own property in Southlake, so I'm a taxpayer, but I'm not living there now. I'll miss the Citizens Against Vitually Everything brigade... but only about as much as I'd miss oral surgery. After seeing the "anti -everything" crowd win Saturday's election, I know moving away was the right choice. Pretentious putzes make me tired. I now live about 30 feet outside the Southlake limits, and I'm glad those elections didn't decide the composition of MY city council. ----Original Message ---- From: Sent: Tue 5/7/2002 4:35 PM To: Cc: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/7/2002 5:34:37 PM Central Standard Time From: Go Sonic!! Is it the same plan they had the last time they were going to build it there? No problems with it at this house! Thanks for all you do! Cindy Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: .' 5/7/2002 4:40:39 PM Central Standard Time From: ` Cory_Abbotia@ciscgi.corr To: PminderlOU'D.aci.com Sent from the Internet f tails) Patty, 1 just wanted to voice my opinion that I'm against the plan due to littering issues. More fast food equals more wind-borne litter, especially with a restaurant like Sonic, where there is no, or limited, indoor seating. I'd rather drive to Northwest highway or Colleyville Blvd for their food and let those towns deal with the litter. Cory Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/7/2002 5:02:28 PM Central Standard Time From: Pattie - I have no problems with this project. Sandy Frye Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 Date: 5/7/2002 6:25:13 PM Central Standard Time From: I think that is a wonderful idea...) love Sonic ... Monica Haverkamp Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: 4 Page 1 of 1 Subj: Date: From: To: Re: Sonic 1709 5/7/2002 5:02:28 PM Central Standard Time RF6540 Pminder108 Pattie - I have no problems with this project. Sandy Frye Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Pminderl08 Page 1 of 1 Subj: Re: Sonic 1709 E} Date: 5/7/2002 6:25:13 PM Central Standard Time From: WHav_erkamp To: Pminderl08 I think that is a wonderful idea...l love Sonic ... Monica Haverkamp Wednesday, May 08, 2002 America Online: Pminder108 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: MAY 21, 2002 4W LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Council Chambers in Town Hall WORK SESSION: 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. 1. Call to order. s on tonight's meeting agenda. No action will be taken and each 2. Discussion of all item item will be considered during the Regular Session. REGULAR SESSION• 6.00 P.M. or Immediately Following the Work Session 1. Call to order. 2. A. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076 and 551.086. Refer to posted list attached hereto and incorporated herein. Executive Session may be held, under these exceptions, at the end of the Regular Session or at any time during the meeting that a need arises for the City Council to seek advice from the City Attorney as to the posted subject matter of this City Council meeting. 1. Section 551.071 Consultation with City Attorney a. Seek advice of city attorney concerning employee benefits. b. Seek advice of the attorney regarding breach of contract by Pinnacle Integrated Technologies, Inc. C. Consider claim against Botanical Technologies, Inc. 2. Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property a. Discuss the value of city -owned Timarron/Richards property. 3. Section 551.074 Deliberation Regarding Personnel Matters a. Deliberation of appointments of city boards and commission members. 4. Section 551.086 Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations a. Economic incentives for businesses. B. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in Executive Session. 3. INVOCATION: Chaplain of the month, Coy Quesenbury, Lonesome Dove Baptist Church 4. REPORTS: A. Mayor's Report City of Southlake City Council Meeting Agenda May 21, 2002 Page 2 of 5 1. Report on Art in the Square 2. Proclamation for Management Week B. City Manager's Report 1. Presentation of trophy for putt -putt shootout C. SPIN Report D. Parks and Recreation Board Report E. Committee Reports F. Local Business Report CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussionremo�edtems unless a from the general ordember or of businessn so and requests, in which event the item will be considered in its normal sequence. Consent: A. Approval of the minutes of the Special City Council meeting held on May 7, 2002, and of the Regular City Council meeting held on May 7, 2002. B. Approval of a Commercial Developer'sAgreement fromVillage Centerteway . Church located in the 2100 block of East Southlake Boulevard across C. Resolution No. 02-039, Authorizing f application for trails.Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) Recreational Fund gran D. Ordinance No. 480-275a, lst Reading (ZA01-124) Rezoning and Concept Plan for Remington Retirement Community located on the south side of West Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) south of the intersection of West Southlake Boulevard (FM 17091 and West Jellico Circle. Current Zoning: S-P-2 - Generalized Site Plan District to include personal care facility, nursing care facility, and (senior) multi- family residential uses. Requested Zoning: S-P-2 - Generalized Site Plan District to include personal care facility, nursing care facility, (senior) multi -family residential and (senior) two-family residential uses. SPIN T TO1THEhood #15JUNE 4T20 2ABLEDITY THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICAN COUNCIL MEETING. E. ZA01-125, Site Plan for Remington Retirement Community located on the south side of West Southlake Boulevard M 1709 south of the intersection of West Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) and West Jellico Circle. Current Zoning: S-P-2 - Generalized Site Plan District to include personal care facility, nursing care facility, and (senior) multi -family residential uses. Proposed Zoning: S-P-2 -Generalized Site Plan District to include personal care facility, nursing care facility, (senior) multi -family residential and (senior) two-family residential uses. SPIN Neighborhood #15. TABLED AT THE REQUEST MEETING. THE APPLICANT TO 4W THE JUNE 18, 2002, CITY COUNCIL City of Southlake City Council Meeting Agenda May 21, 2002 Page 3 of 5 REGULAR AGENDA 6. Public Forum. 7. Ordinances, second readings, public hearings, and related items: A. Ordinance No. 480-NN, 2nd Reading, Amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, Sections 29 "MH — Manufactured Housing" district, Section 34 "Accessory Uses" and Section 44 "Board of Adjustments." PUBLIC HEARING B. Resolution No. 02-040 (ZA02-045) Specific Use Permit for Southlake Town Square Farmer's Market, on property described as Southlake Town Square, Phase I, and being 42.013 acres located on the northeast corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709). Current Zoning: NR- PUD Non -Residential Planned Unit Development to include C-3 - General Commercial District uses. SPIN Neighborhood #8. PUBLIC HEARING 8. Ordinances, first readings, and related items: A. Ordinance No. 480-398, 1st Reading (ZA02-018) Rezoning and Concept Plan for Cornerstone Business Park, being approximately 9.3 acres of land located on the northeast corner of Crooked Lane and S. Nolen Drive. Current Zoning: 0-1 - Office District and I-1 - Light Industrial District. Requested Zoning: I-1 - Light Industrial District. SPIN Neighborhood #7. (If approved on first reading, Public Hearing will be held on June 4, 2002) B. Ordinance No. 480-399, 1" Reading (ZA02-034) Rezoning and Site Plan for Sonic Restaurant, at 2550 East Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) located on the north side of East Southlake Boulevard FM 1709 approximately 600' west of N. Nolen Drive. Current Zoning: AG - Agricultural District. Requested Zoning: S-P-1 - Detailed Site Plan District with C-2 - Local Retail Commercial District uses. SPIN Neighborhood #7. (If approved on first reading, Public Hearing will be held on June 4, 2002) C. ZA02-035, Plat Revision for Sonic Restaurant, at 2550 East Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) located on the north side of East Southlake Boulevard M 1709 a roximatel 600' west of N. Nolen Drive. Current Zoning: AG - Agricultural District. Proposed Zoning: S-P-1 - Detailed Site Plan District with C-2 - Local Retail Commercial District uses. SPIN Neighborhood #7. D. Ordinance No. 810-A, 1st Reading, Amending Ordinance No. 810, amending FY2001-02 budget. (If approved on first reading, Public Hearing will be held on June 4, 2002) City of Southlake City Council Meeting Agenda May 21, 2002 Page 4 of 5 st E. Ordinance No. 805-A, 1 Reading, Amending Ordinance No. 805, agreement with the Municipal Judge. (If approved on first reading, Public Hearing will be held on June 4, 2002.) 9. Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 02-028, Appointments to the Building Board of Appeals. B. Resolution No. 02-029, Appointment to the Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee. C. Resolution No. 02-030, Appointment to the Joint Utilization Committee. D. Resolution No. 02-031, Appointments to the Library Board. E. Resolution No. 02-032, Appointments to the Parks and Recreation Board. F. Resolution No. 02-033, Appointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission. G. Resolution No. 02-034, Appointments to the Senior Advisory Commission. H. Resolution No. 02-035, Appointments to the Southlake Parks Development Corporation. fir► I. Resolution No. 02-036, Appointments to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. 10. Other items for consideration: (no items for this agenda) 11. Other items for discussion: (no items for this agenda) 12. Meeting Adjourned. CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official at 16 00 p.m., tin boards pursuant to the 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Tex%%dlaY, May 17, L9,� •. Texas Government Code, Chapt�'�.TH ••• Kim)3ush ••......•- Acting City Secretary *** ise the City end this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please adv S you plan to attend Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-481-1490 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. City of Southlake City Council Meeting Agenda May 21, 2002 Page 5 of 5 EXECUTIVE SESSION SECTION 551.071 CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY The City Council may conduct a private consultation with its attorney when the City Council seeks the advise of its attorney concerning any item on this agenda, about pending and contemplated litigation, or a settlement offer, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Board of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551. This includes the following pending and/or contemplated litigation subjects: 1. Hanson Aggregate Central, Inc., vs. City of Southlake. October 2000. 2. Marcus Taylor vs. City of Southlake and TRI DAL, LTD. March 2001. 3. City of Southlake vs. Timarron et.al. May 2001. 2002. 4. Oakmont Enterprises, Inc., vs. City of Southlake, and Sabre, Inc. January 5. Leona and Raymond Fox vs. City of Southlake. April 2002. 6. Dana C. Kalal vs. Department of Public Works City of Southlake. April 2002. 7. David A. Gray vs. City of Southlake. April 2002. SECTION 551.072 DELIBERATION REGARDING elibera a PROPERTYse, exchange, lease or The City Council may conduct value of real property. SECTION 551.073 DELIBERATION REGARDING PROSPECTIVE GIFT qlaw The City Council may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City. SECTION 551.U/4 Ul'.L1Dr.it[i The City Council may deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers, including the, completeManage r, it city eetboards,Cand Attorney, and city boards and commission members. commissions is on file in the City Secretary's Office. SECTION 551.076 DELIBERATION REGARDING SECURITY DEVICES The City Council may deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. NEGOTIATIONS The City Council may discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information received from a business prospect that the city seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the city and which the City is conducting economic development negotiations; or to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect as described above. r2