MARCH 6, 2001
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Fawks;
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie Kendall. Members: Patsy DuPre, Greg Standerfer, Rex
Potter and Keith Shankland.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Acting City Manager Bruce Payne; Assistant to the City
Manager John Eaglen; Public Information Officer James Kunke; Director of Public
Works Pedram Farahnak; City Engineer Charlie Thomas; Director of Community
Services Kevin Hugman, Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Director of Economic
Development Greg Last; Senior Planner Ken Baker; Director of Public Safety Ricky
Black; City Attorney Wayne K. Olson; and, City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand.
WORK SESSION: Mayor Rick Stacy called the work session to order at 5:35 p.m.
Councilmembers and staff discussed items on the agenda. The work session was audio
and videotape recorded for future reference. Copies are available upon request from the
City Secretary's office.
• Agenda Item #8 -B, #8 -C, Ordinance No. 798, 1 Reading, an ordinance
approving the general service rates including rate adjustment provisions and
miscellaneous service changes to be charged for sales and transportation of
natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial consumers in the City of
Southlake, Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas. And, Resolution No. 01 -015, a
resolution suspending the proposed effective date of the proposed rate schedules
of TXU gas distribution. Harriett Gibbons, Manager of TXU, was present and
explained that on February 16, 2001, TXU Gas Distribution filed with the City of
Southlake its statement of Intent together with its rate - filing package proposing to
change its rate schedules within the corporate limits of Southlake effective on
March 23, 2001. She explained that the City could either approve the 1 reading
of an ordinance approving the proposed rates, and to forego any right to
participate in an appeal to the Railroad Commission of Texas should TXU file
one, TXU agrees to the following: 1) if any other city in the Northwest Metro -
Mid Cities Distribution System negotiates a settlement with TXU Gas
Distribution that results in rates that are less than the proposed rates as filed by
TXU with that city, TXU will offer those same settlement terms to Southlake; 2)
the new rates will not be implemented until after June 21, 2001; and 3) customers
in Southlake will not be surcharged for any rate case expenses associated with this
Statement of Intent or any appeal to the Railroad Commission of Texas, should
one be filed. She also noted that if Council wishes to approve the resolution
suspending the proposed effective date of the proposed rate schedules of TXU gas
distribution, providing that the rate schedules of said company shall remain
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 1 of 14
unchanged during the period of suspension (90 days). The resolution authorizes
the City to participate jointly with other cities in the distribution system to
independently analyze the TXU filing.
✓ Agenda Item #10 -A, Authorize the Mayor to execute a residential Developer
Agreement for the Simmons Addition. Charlie Thomas explained the only issues
in this agreement are requested by the developer for: 1) waiver of administrative
processing fees and inspection fees estimated to be $17,287.20 to off -set cost of
paving and drainage improvements off -site at the Brookwood Drive and Raintree
Drive intersection estimated to be $15,044.00; and 2) reimbursement of one -half
the cost of connecting the water line in the Simmons Addition and the water line
in the Rainforest Addition. One half of that cost is $9,369.37. The developer
Fred Joyce was present and explained his request.
Councilmember Rex Potter stated, "I remember when we talked about this issue
with two different groups of people who had concerns. One group had issues
with water pressure and the other group [Brookwood Lane] had issues with the
winding road and traffic. I suggest we split the difference in costs with both of us
taking up half of the costs for road and water line."
Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated, "I don't have a problem with giving
credit for the road at all, but how does the eight inch water line benefit the present
residents ?" The response was that it gives the current residents a second feed if
there is a water main break and it gives them a greater amount of water. When
asked, it was staff's recommendation that the city should require a payment and
performance bond and reimburse the developer for one -half of the water and
street as requested.
✓ Agenda Item #10 -B, Approval of a revision to the previously approved "Partial"
Developer Agreement for Cornerstone Plaza and South Nolen Drive. On
February 6, 2001, the Council authorized the Mayor to execute a "Partial"
Developer's Agreement for Cornerstone Plaza and South Nolen Drive. As part
of the partial developer agreement, the Council agreed to give the developer
credit for roadway impact fees for Cornerstone Plaza and agreed to reimburse
the developer future roadway impact fees colleted on the property along the west
side of South Nolen Drive when those properties develop. The developer is now
requesting that the City Council change the credit for roadway impact fees in
Cornerstone Plaza to a reimbursement of those fees to the developer when the
roadway impact fees are paid at the time the building permit is acquired. Charlie
Thomas explained the difference to the city is only the time it takes staff to do
the bookkeeping. Councilmember Gary Fawks stated, "Are we going to start
keeping books for every developer who comes in ?" What Council is saying is
that we should keep it all the same for all developers.
The work session ended at 6:35 p.m.
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Agenda Item #1 -A, Call to Order
Mayor Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. City Council
meetings are video and audio tape- recorded for future reference and copies are available
upon request from the City Secretary's Office.
Agenda Item #2 -A, Executive Session
Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into
Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072,
551.073, 551.074, and 551.086 to seek legal advice from the City Attorney, to deliberate
regarding real property matters, to deliberate regarding a prospective gift, to deliberate
regarding personnel matters, to deliberate regarding security devices, and /or to
deliberate regarding economic development negotiations.
Council adjourned into executive session at 6:37 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 7:12 p.m.
Councilmember Ronnie Kendall left the meeting for a time and will return.
Agenda Item #2 -B, Action Necessary/Executive Session
Motion was made to authorize staff to acquire the right -of -way as discussed during the
executive session.
Motion: Fawks
Second: Standerfer
Ayes: Fawks, Standerfer, Potter, Shankland, DuPre, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 6 -0 vote
Agenda Item #3, Invocation /Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Steve Johnson filled in for Pastor Bob Stith of Carroll Baptist Church, who was ill, and
gave the Invocation.
Mayor Stacy stated tonight is the last official City Council meeting where we will be in
this facility. The first meeting in this room as Council meeting was in 1983. Prior to
that, the meetings were held in the area where the Director of Public Safety now has his
office. This room has served us well, and there has been a lot of activity taken place in
this room, and it has served us well. He introduced Boy Scouts from Troop 336, Fort
Worth, who led us in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. The scouts present include:
Peter Mehl, Nick Weber, Matt Sauls, David Althoff, and Ryan Fleming. The Scout
leaders are Carl Weber and Dave Fleming.
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Agenda Item #4 -A, Mayor's Report
Mayor Stacy made the following announcements:
• City Council filings for the May 5, 2001 election include: Place 3: Aim Creighton
and Ralph Evans; Place 4: Greg Standerfer; and Place 5: Gary Fawks. Deadline
to file is March 21, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Secretary's office.
• March 24 will be the Town Hall dedication ceremony. Lots of activities will take
place for people of all ages and the public is invited to attend.
• March 27 at 7:00 p.m. The three Carroll High School Bands will join the
Grapevine and Heritage Scholl bands for a concert at Bass Performance Hall in
Fort Worth. Not only is this a memorable lifetime opportunity for the students to
experience, but it is also a revenue producing opportunity for each of the high
school band booster organizations. For tickets call Kim Clancy at (817) 488-
5320. Tickets range from $5 to $20.
• March 29, Dallas/Fort Worth Partners in Mobility 7 Annual Presentation to
Texas Transportation Commission will be held at 9:00 a.m. in Austin.
Mayor Stacy announced that the CISD Board of Trustees has asked Council to
consider having a joint City Council /CISD work session on March 29, 2001. After
discussion, it was determined that the date was not a good one as several
Councilmembers will be unable to attend at that time. The City Secretary is to seek
another date that will be good for both groups.
Councilmember Keith Shankland made an announcement congratulating the Carroll
Dragons Swim Team who went to State a week ago last Saturday and they took first
in the State. This is the fourth year they had a team and last year they took third and
this year it was first. Shankland stated they do not get the recognition that they
should so he wanted to congratulate them.
Agenda Item #4 -B, City Manager's Report
Acting City Manager Bruce Payne made the announcement that the new Council
Chambers at Town Hall will be ready for the next Council meeting to be held on
March 20, and in preparation for that first meeting, training sessions will be held on
Monday and Tuesday evenings, March 12 and 13, at 6:00 p.m. for those
Councilmembers who wish to receive some training on the new technology
equipment in the Council chambers.
Agenda Item #4 -C SPIN Report
Bob Walker, SPIN #16, gave the SPIN Report. Mr. Walker stated SPIN #16 is
located south of F.M. 1709, east of Davis Boulevard, north of the southern boundary
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 4 of 14
of the City and west of a line that runs between Stone Lakes and Timber Lakes. He
stated as he thought about giving the report tonight he thought of the hard work given
by the Mayor and City Council and he complimented them on their work and long
hours. Mr. Walker commented on the improvements being made to the intersection
of Continental Boulevard at White Chapel Boulevard and feels there is no need to
recap this activity unless someone from the audience wished to hear more about it.
He thanked the Council for the opportunity to serve the city in this way.
Agenda Item #4 -C, Library Board Report
The Library Board report was given by Peggy Firestone, who reported on their
February 28, 2001, Library Board meeting. The Southlake public library has been
fortunate to receive tremendous community support and donations of materials and
supplies. The donations for the library include books, furniture, and $14,000 in
donations and other things. The donations have been made by businesses, clubs and
individuals citizens of the community. She stated they are hopeful that the donations
will continue to grow, as they get closer to moving into the library. They currently
hired three full time clerks in February and are currently taking applications for a
professional Liberian. Shelving has been delivered and will start being assembled on
March 9 and books that they have been storing will be shelved. Mr. McLaughlin also
reported to the board that he has met with school librarians, and they will provide him
with booklets provided by the school. There will be a book sale at the Art in the
Square on April 27, 28 and 29 and Friends of the Library will sponsor this. They will
also have a booth at the Dedication Ceremony to be held on March 24, 2001.
Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda
Mayor Stacy informed the audience that consent agenda items are considered by one
vote. He stated if anyone had a request for an item not to be considered during the
consent agenda segment, the item would be deleted from consent and considered
separately with the regular agenda. The consent agenda items for this meeting
include the following:
5 -A. Approval of the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on
February 20, 2001.
5 -B. Resolution No. 01 -005, Appointing representatives to the SPIN Standing
Committee and appointing representatives to fill two unexpired terms:
The SPIN Standing Committee representatives are appointed for staggered
two -year terms. This year, all of the representatives in the even - numbered
SPIN neighborhoods and the Senior Standing Committee Representative
became vacant in December 2000. For this particular term all of the
current representatives are seeking re- appointment except SPIN
Neighborhood #12. The position of youth delegate has been vacant
throughout 2000 due to several attempts to recruit a delegate. This
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 5 of 14
resolution provides for the two -year appointment of the following
individuals to the SPIN Standing Committee for terms that run through
December 2002:
• SPIN #2- Martin Schelling
• SPIN #6- Tim Miller
• SPIN #8- Pattie Minder
• SPIN #10- Al Morin
• SPIN #12- Rick and Jackie Phillips
• SPIN #14- Mike Conrads
• SPIN #16- Bob Walker
• Senior Representative- David Baltimore
• Youth Delegates- Garrett Mills and Frith Dabkowski
This resolution appoints two (2) representatives to fill the unexpired terms of SPIN
#3, Mary McMahon and SPIN #15, Co- Representative Dave Visney. This resolution
provides for appointments for designated terms:
• SPIN #3- Milan Georgia (through December 31, 2001) and
• SPIN #15- Andrea Brankin (through December 31, 2001).
7 -C. ZA 00 -127, Site Plan for Big Bowl Restaurant, on property described as
portions of Tract 3 and 7, W.E. Mayfield Subdivision. This item was
tabled at the request of the applicant to the March 20, 2001, City Council
meeting, continuing the public hearing to that date.
7 -D. Resolution No. 01 -013, (ZA 01 -005), Specific Use Permit for the sale of
alcoholic beverages for on- premise consumption, per Zoning Ordinance
No. 480, Section 45.1 (1) and Section 45.6. Current Zoning is "S -P -2"
Generalized Site Plan District. This item was tabled at the request of the
applicant to the March 20, 2001 City Council meeting continuing the
public hearing to that date.
8 -A. Ordinance No. 797, 1 Reading, Calling a Special Election on May 5,
2001, for the purpose of amending the Home Rule Charter.
On September 19, 2000, the City Council appointed itself to serve as the
Charter Review Committee to review, identify, research, and provide a
recommendation on potential amendments to the Charter to be placed on
the final election ballot. The six (6) ballot propositions cover the following
Proposition No. 1 Proposed amendments to Section 5.02, and the repeal of
Sections 2.02, 5.04, in order to be consistent with State Law relating to
establishing the Judge and Alternate Judge(s) of the Municipal Court of
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 6 of 14
Proposition No. 2. Proposed amending Section 2.13 to adopt the
prohibitions of State Law with respect to nepotism.
Proposition No. 3. Proposed amending Section 4.01 in order to clarify that
each department head shall exercise supervisory authority and financial
control over their department.
Proposition No. 4 Proposes amending Section 7.11 in order to be
consistent with State law regarding succession of office for elected
officials who becomes a declared candidate for another office.
Proposition No. 5 Proposed amending Section 9.04 extending the date of
submission of the City Manager's proposed budget and accompanying
message to August 15, versus the current required date of August 1St
Proposition No. 6 Proposed amending Section 11.04 to clarify the
responsibility of the City Council to review matters relating to acquisition
of easements and right -of -ways without referral to the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
8 -B. Ordinance No. 798, 1 Reading, An ordinance approving the general
service rates including rate adjustment provisions and miscellaneous
service charges to be charged for sales and transportation of natural gas to
residential, commercial, and industrial consumers in the City of Southlake,
Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas.
Item discussed in work session.
8 -C. Resolution No. 01 -015 A resolution suspending the proposed effective
date of the proposed rate schedules of TXU gas distribution; providing
that the rate schedules of said company shall remain unchanged during the
period of suspension.
This item was deleted and no action was taken.
9 -A. Resolution No. 01 -014, a resolution of the City Council of the City of
Southlake, Texas, supporting the principle of a locally controlled, level
playing field for economic development in the State of Texas.
The City of Grapevine is opposed to the development of tax exempt land
that will be placed on the market in direct competition with privately held
property. Moreover, the City has serious concerns about the Airport
engaging in non - airport related economic development activities on land
that was originally secured as a buffer for noise and safety purposes.
Grapevine is seeking support from neighboring cities opposing DFW's
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 7 of 14
plans to make such land available for economic development, giving their
unfair advantages in the areas of land use controls, property taxes, and
land pricing.
10 -A. Authorize the Mayor to execute a residential Developer Agreement for the
Simmons Addition.
Item discussed in work session.
10 -B. Approval of a revision to the previously approved "Partial" Developer
Agreement for Cornerstone Plaza and South Nolen Drive.
Item discussed in work session.
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda including the following: Item #5 -A, #5-
B; Tabling Items #7 -C, and #7 -D, continuing the public hearings to March 20, 2001, City
Council meeting, at the request of the applicant; Items #8 -A, #8 -B, taking no action on
Item #8 -C; Approving Items #9 -A, #10 -A, and #10 -B as submitted.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Shankland
Ayes: Standerfer, Shankland, Fawks, Potter, DuPre, Stacy.
Nays: Potter (no on items #10 -A, and #10 -B) DuPre (no on Item #10 -B)
Approved: 6 -0 vote (See exceptions noted above)
Agenda Item #6, Public Forum
No commented were made during the public hearing.
Councilmember Gary Fawks stepped down for item #7 -A
Agenda Item #7 -A, Ordinance No. 480 -356, 2 " Reading (ZA 00 -133)
Ordinance No. 480 - 356, 2 Reading (ZA 00 - 133), Rezoning and Concept Plan for
Parker's Corner, on property described as a portion of Lot 5R1, Parker's Corner; and
Tracts 2A3, and 7A, Jessie G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18; and being 2.959 acres.
Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District and "C -2" Local Retail Commercial
District. Requested zoning of "S -P -2" Generalized Site Plan District with "C -2" Local
Retail Commercial District uses.
Senior Planner Ken Baker noted that on February 8, 2001, the Planning and Zoning
Commission approved (5 -0 vote) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated
January 31, 2001, accepting the requested variances for the minimum driveway spacing
and minimum stacking depth. On February 20, 2001, the City Council approved (6 -0
vote) first reading, subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated January
31, 2001, incorporating the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation. Mr.
Baker stated the applicant is requesting the following variances:
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 8 of 14
• The drive intersecting Davis Boulevard must have a minimum driveway
spacing of 500' from the nearest drive. There is a current drive located
431' to the north. (Variance request submitted by applicant per Ordinance
No. 634, Section 8.2)
• Provide the stacking depth from connecting R.O.W. A minimum storage
length of 75' is required. Approximately 40' of stacking depth has been
provided (Variance request submitted by applicant per Ordinance No. 634,
Section 8.2).
The applicant is proposing the following S -P -2 District Regulations:
• The applicant is requesting that the minimum size for a separate building
or structure in the district be 1,500 s.f. (The C -2 & C -3 districts have a
minimum size 2,000 s.f. requirement for separate buildings.)
• The west Type "A" bufferyard is required to be 5' in width. There is a 25'
section adjacent to the internal drive on the west property line in which the
bufferyard does not meet this width requirement. That applicant has
requested that the bufferyards be approved as shown.
• The drive -in canopies will have pitched roofs.
• The drive -in- canopies locations, sizes, and setbacks approved a shown on
the Concept Plan.
Mr. Baker noted that no changes have been made since the first reading of the ordinance.
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480 -356, 2nd Reading (ZA 00 -133), subject
to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated January 31, 2001; incorporating all
the recommendations made by the Planning and Zoning Commission and granting the
two requested variances.
Motion: DuPre
Second: Potter
Ayes: DuPre, Potter, Shankland, Standerfer, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5 -0 vote
Councilmember Gary Fawks returned to the Council table.
Agenda Item #7 -B, Ordinance No. 480 -357, 2 " Reading (ZA 00 -140)
Ordinance No. 480 -357, 2 Reading (ZA 00 -140) Rezoning and Concept Plan for
proposed Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block A, Cornerstone Plaza, on property described as Tracts 2,
2A1, 2A1A, 2A1B, 2C, and a portion of Tract 2A2A, Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract
No. 474; Lot 2R2, Block 5, Cornerstone Business Park; and a portion of Crooked Lane
right -of -way; and being 9.5543 acres of land. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 9 of 14
District and "0-1" Office District with a requested zoning of "S -P -2" Generalized Site
Plan District with limited "C -3" General Commercial District uses.
Senior Planner Ken Baker presented ZA 00 -140, noting that the owner and applicant of
this property is Par -3 Properties, L.L.C. On February 20, 2001; the City Council
approved the first reading (7 -0 vote), subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No.
2, dated February 2, 2001; adding the deleted uses of: no tires or batteries, no automotive
parts, and no drive- through restaurants; also deleting those items as shown in the
permitted uses including: auditoriums, theaters; cinemas; conventional golf courses,
including outdoor driving ranges accessory thereto; ledges; sororities, and/or
fraternities; mortuaries; funeral homes and undertakers; and allowing the variance as
shown on the application. Under the "S -P -2" site plan district zoning the applicant
proposes the following:
• The applicant is requesting that individual lots within the development be
permitted to have a maximum of 78.5% impervious coverage so long as all lots
combined (total development) does not exceed 76 %. Ordinance 480, Section
22.5K allows a maximum per lot of 75 %.
• No bufferyards required along lot lines internal to the development, Ordinance
No. 480, Section 42.3 requires bufferyards along the outer perimeter of all lot or
boundary lines.
• The applicant also proposed deletion of some "C -3" district uses as noted.
Variances are requested for the following:
• Bufferyard encroachment under provisions of Ordinance No. 480, section 42.15.
• Driveway stacking depth and spacing under provision of Ordinance No. 634,
Section 8.
It was noted that the applicant is asking for gasoline stations to be placed on the
property, to the contrary of his acknowledgment to delete them from the plan at the
first reading.
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing.
Planning Director Bruce Payne noted the electronic accessory exclusion that the applicant
included in his list of uses, would include installation on site, interior to the building, but
the activity would be present. That work would be included on site, inside a building.
Motion was made to approve ZA 00 -140, Ordinance No. 480 -357, 2 Reading, subject to
the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated February 2, 2001; granting variances as
requested to items #3, #4a, #4b, and #4c; incorporation the further exclusions proposed
by the applicant.
Motion: Potter
Second: Standerfer
Ayes: Potter, Standerfer, Fawks, Shankland, DuPre, Stacy
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 10 of 14
Nays: None
Approved: 6 -0 vote
Agenda Item #7 -E, ZA 00 -137, Site Plan for Lot 4, Block 1, Richards Addition
ZA 00 -137, Site Plan for proposed Lot 4, Block 1, Richards Addition, on property
described as a portion of Tract 5D1, O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899; and being
approximately 1.0 acre. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District.
Senior Planner Ken Baker noted the owner and applicant for this property is Kris Mehta.
The property is located on the south side of East Southlake Boulevard, approximately
390' west of Byron Nelson Parkway. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved
this action on February 22, 2001 (6 -0 vote), subject to the Site Plan Review Summary
No. 3, dated February 6, 2001. It was noted the common access easement located along
the southern portion of the site must be built to City standards. Also, the applicant must
obtain the necessary right -of -way for the common access easement from the City. It was
also noted that the applicant is not asking for variances to this project.
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve ZA 00 -137, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No.
3, dated February 6, 2001.
Motion: Potter
Second: DuPre
Ayes: Potter, DuPre, Standerfer, Fawks, Shankland, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 6 -0 vote
Councilmember Ronnie Kendall returned to the council table.
Agenda Item #7 -F, ZA 00 -142, Site Plan for Garden View Office Park
ZA 00 -142, Site Plan for Garden View Office Park (advertised as Garden Towers) on
property legally described as Lot 1, Lake Wood Acres Addition, and being 1.215 acres.
Current zoning is "0-1" Office District.
Senior Planner Ken Baker presented this case noting on February 22, 2001, the Planning
and Zoning Commission approved (6 -0 vote) this item subject to the Site Plan Review
Summary No. 3, dated February 6, 2001; and to allow the articulation and parking
variances as requested; to require the applicant to address the dumpster location before
the City Council meeting; to require the applicant to consider variations of fencing for the
west side and to work with the neighbors; and to require the applicant to explore
alternatives to the metal roof materials.
Mr. Baker stated in Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated February 28, 2001, the
following variances have been requested:
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 11 of 14
• Vertical and horizontal building articulation (required on all building
facades) per Section 43.13d, Ordinance No. 480 as amended: the south
facade does not meet vertical articulation requirements.
• Trash receptacles per Section 43.13 g, Ordinance No. 480, as amended.
No trash receptacle shall be located within 50' of single - family residential
property. The dumpster is located 20' from the eastern property line.
Revised Site Plan Dumpster and screening of west property boundary. The applicant has
met with Mr. Bowers and has agreed to provide 25' of vegetative screening along the
west property. Mr. Bowers has provided staff with a written statement that he approved
of the site plan with the dumpster location approximately 20' from his property line and
the vegetative screening along his property line. In addition, the applicant has prepared
an option "A" site plan which shows the dumpster location in compliance with the
ordinance. The applicant has indicated a willingness to locate the dumpster in a location
that adheres to the ordinance; however, the applicant prefers the dumpster location at the
rear of the lot due to aesthetic reasons. Roof Material; the applicant has agreed to
change the metal roofing material to a composition roofing material if City Council
desires. Both roofing material types are allowed by ordinance.
John Bolton, applicant and owner of the building. Mr. Bolton referenced the mature
trees along the roadway. He located the building toward the homeowners in order to save
the mature trees. During the SPIN meeting, the property owners had no problem with the
location of the building.
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve ZA 00 -142, Site Plan for Garden View Office Park; subject
to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated February 28, 2001; accepting the
applicants revised site plan as submitted tonight; and providing the variance for only the
south vertical articulation; and accepting the dumpster location to the northwest corner of
the site in the back.
Motion: Potter
Second: Standerfer
Ayes: Potter, Standerfer, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, DuPre, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 7 -0 vote
Agenda Item #7 -G, Resolution No. 01 -010, SUP for Cactus Flower Cafe
Resolution No. 01 -010, (ZA 01 -010), Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic
beverages for on- premise consumption per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (1)
and Section 45.6 for 355 North Carroll Avenue, located in Southlake Town Square, on
property described as a portion of Lot 1, Block 10, Southlake Town Square, Phase II.
Current zoning is "S -P -1" Detailed Site Plan District with "C -3" General Commercial
District uses including a U.S. Post Office and associated outside storage.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 12 of 14
Phil Greer, applicant. Mr. Green stated he has a five -year lease with a five -year option
and that he is all right to put a ten -year limit on the SUP. He stated he plans to open by
the end of March 2001. The restaurant is family home -style food.
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 01 -010, SUP for Cactus Flower Cafe with
the SUP limited to ten (10) years.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: DuPre
Ayes: Standerfer, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 7 -0 vote
Agenda Item #7 -H, Resolution No. 91 -011 (ZA 01 -011), SUP for Special Events
Resolution No. 01 -011 (ZA 01 -011), Specific Use Permit for special events associated
with "Art In The Square" on property described as Southlake Town Square, Phase I, and
being 42.013 acres. The events are sponsored by Southlake Town Square and Southlake
Women's Club and will be held on April 27, 28 and 29, 2001. Current zoning is "NR-
PUD" to include "C -3" General Commercial District uses.
Senior Planner Ken Baker stated the Planning and Zoning Commission approved this
request of February 22, 2001 (6 -0 vote).
A map showing the food court, manned entrances and exits, and the beer garden
boundaries is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting, as is attachment D, which
spells out the conditions of the permit.
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve the SUP for special events associated with "Art in the
Square ". _
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Shankland
Ayes: Standerfer, Shankland, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, DuPre, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 7 -0 vote
Agenda Item #7 -I, Resolution No. 01 -012 (ZA 01 -012) SUP
Resolution No. 0 -1012 (ZA 01 -012), Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic
beverages for on- premises consumption associated with "Art In The Square" per Zoning
Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (1), and Section 45.6, on property described as
Southlake Town Square, Phase I, and being 42.013 acres. The events are sponsored by
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 13 of 14
Southlake Town Square and Southlake Women's Club and will be held on April 27, 28
and 29, 2001.
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 01 -012, SUP for On- Premise consumption
associated with "Art in the Square" and limited to the site shown on the map and the
times indicated in the information provided.
Motion: DuPre
Second: Standerfer
Ayes: DuPre, Standerfer, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 7 -0 vote
Councilmember Greg Standerfer commended the Acting City Manager for his speed and
capability, and he hopes that the City Manager can carry on in like form.
Agenda Item #12, Adjournment
Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the Regular City Council meeting at 8:10 p.m.
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1 .4 Mayor Rick Stacy
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andra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2001 Page 14 of 14
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, established the Southlake
Program for the Involvement of Neighborhoods (SPIN) to provide a more available form of
citizen participation in the affairs of the City Council; and,
WHEREAS, the mission statement of SPIN is to provide a forum which fosters open and
timely communication between the citizens of the City of Southlake and City Government
regarding programs, activities and issues that affect the quality of life in the community and
fosters a stronger sense of community; and
WHEREAS, under Ordinance No. 598 -A, the City Council created the SPIN Standing
Committee to represent each of the designated SPIN neighborhoods with residents from each
SPIN area selecting a representative; and
WHEREAS, the City Council officially names the SPIN Standing Committee members
through a resolution after the SPIN area has selected a representative; now
Section 1. The following is hereby appointed as neighborhood representatives for the
term specified:
SPIN Area #2 Martin Schelling Through December 2002
SPIN Area #6 Tim Miller Through December 2002
SPIN Area #8 Pattie Minder Through December 2002
SPIN Area #10 Al Morin Through December 2002
SPIN Area #12 Rick and Jackie Phillips Through December 2002
SPIN Area #14 Mike Conrads Through December 2002
SPIN Area #16 Bob Walker Through December 2002
SPIN Senior Delegate David Baltimore Through December 2002
SPIN Youth Delegates Garrett Mills Through December 2002
Frith Dabkowski Through December 2002
Resolution No. 01 -005
March 6, 2001
Page 2 of 2
Section 2. That the positions of SPIN #3 representative and SPIN #15 co- representative,
previously held by Mary McMahon and Dave Visney, have been vacated and the following
individuals are hereby appointed as neighborhood and co- neighborhood representatives for the
specified terms:
SPIN Area #3 Milan Georgia Through December 2001
SPIN Area #15 Andrea Brankin Through December 2001
Section 3. This resolution shall become effective after its passage and adoption by the
City Council.
EXECUTED this ( day of , 2001.
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January 25. 2001
Bruce Payne
Planning Director
City of Southlake
1400 Main Street Suite 310
Southlake, TX 76092
Dear Bruce.
Southlake Town Square is proud to be co- hosting, with the City of Southlake, Southlake Women's Club Foundation's Art in the
Square for the second year in a row. Once again, this will be a unique. free community event with art, entertainment, and fun for all.
We would like to submit this application for a SUP for the event.
Event Information:
Art in the Square will be held on Friday, April 27, Saturday 28, and Sunday 29, 2001 using Fountain Place, the Park, the Pavilion,
Grand Avenue, State Street, Main Street and Civic Place (see attached maps for street closure, parking and access plan). Times for the
event are Friday from 4pm -1 1pm, Saturday l0am -11pm, and Sunday l lam=lpm. Admission to the event is free. The Southlake
Women's Club will take all financial responsibility and supply all volunteers to work the event. Southlake Town Square will act in an
adviscry role and the City of Southlake will provide some equipment and additional guidance.
Southlake Women's Club will be maintaining and distributing all funds raised during the festival. Although the actual beneficiaries
have not been designated due to grant request, Southlake Women's Club is planning to distribute the funds to charities related to
Components of Event:
Artist's Booths — Over 75 qualified artist selected by the Women's Club jury will have booths set up to participate in the event during
all hours of operation. Only the artisans themselves will be able to sell their creations.
Entertainment — Continuous entertainment is scheduled in the pavilion while Big -name acts during the evening hours on Friday and
Saturday night 7 :00 p.m. -11:00 p.m will be performing on a stage erected on the comer of Civic Place and Grand Ave. All the
entertainment will be provided free to the public. As to this date, Eddie Coker, a well - known Children's performer has been secured
for Sunday afternoon, and Bill Tillman will be performing Friday night.
Restaurant Booths — Various restaurants in Southlake and surrounding areas are being solicited to participate in the event.
Beer Garden — The Women's Club is hoping to operate a Beer Garden during the hours of evening entertainment on portions of Civic
Place and Grand Avenue. A separate SUP is being submitted for this portion of the event.
Expected Attendance
An attendance of over 20.000 people over the three days is expected due to the success of the event in 2000. No problems with parking
are anticipated due to almost double the availability of parking of last year, however Home Depot employees have volunteered to act as
traffic directors and will be stationed at needed corners throughout Town Square. To accommodate parking for early voting all the spaces
on Main Street in front of Town Hall (on both sides of the street) will be reserved for limited time visits to Town Hall during the hours of
early voting. Portable restrooms will be available in the areas indicated on the Road Closure map.
It is our understanding that as happened last year the SUP application fees are waived as this is a City sponsored event. Feel free to
contact me if you have any questions.
Robin Snyder J aney Hormann,
Art in the Square Chairperson Vice President, Management
Southlake Women's Club Southlake Town Square
817 .0 sb€l'Nb. 817 329 - 5566 Attachment D
kev-iiwifiQ1cAr*( C000E1 HSTt31-'.. nhorriann!d southlaketowns cin
1.)56 MAIN STfEET. SL_..E 240, Sor.:TH_A.<_. T_'cs._ 700)2
T:L -rHuN (817 ) 32 FAX, SI- )51-'47.17
f� City of Southlake
outhloke Department of Planning
March 2, 2001
CASE NO: ZA01 -012
PROJECT: Sale of alcoholic beverages for on- premise consumption
REQUEST: Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on- premise consumption
associated with "Art in the Square" per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (1)
and Section 45.6 on property described as Southlake Town Square, Phase I, and
being 42.013 acres. The events are sponsored by Southlake Town Square and
Southlake Women's Club and will be held on April 27, 28, and 29, 2001,
ACTION NEEDED: 1. Conduct Public Hearing.
2. Consider Specific Use Permit.
ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information
(B) Vicinity Map
(C) Site Exhibit
(D) Event Description
(E) Surrounding Property Owner Map
(F) Surrounding Property Owner Responses
(G) Resolution No. 01 -012
(H) Colored Site Exhibits (P &Z and Council members only)
STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough (481 -2073)
Case No. Agenda Item
ZA01 -012 7I
OWNER: Southlake Town Square
APPLICANTS: Southlake Town Square and Southlake Women's Club
PROPERTY SITUATION: The property is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of North
Carroll Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709).
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Southlake Town Square, Phase I, and being 42.013 acres
CURRENT ZONING: "NR -PUD" Non - residential Planned Unit Development to include "C -3"
General Commercial District uses.
P &Z ACTION: February 22, 2001; Approved (6 -0).
STAFF COMMENTS: A site exhibit is included as attachment `C' and an event description is
included as attachment `D' of this packet.
Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A
ZA01 -012 7I Page 1
Vicinity Map
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ZA01-012 "7 Page 1
January 25. 2001
Bruce Payne
Planning Director
City of Southlake
1400 Main Street. Suite 310
Southlake, TX 76092
Dear Bruce.
The Southlake Women's Club Foundation is proud to be hosting "Art in the Square" for the second year in a row.
The event will be co- hosted by Southlake Town Square and the City of Southlake. Once a this will be a
unique. free community event with art, entertainment, and fun for all. During portions of this event. Southlake
Women's club wishes to operate a Beer Garden for patrons. In addition to the SUP submitted for Art in the Square.
we would like to submit this application for a SUP for the Beer Garden.
Event Information:
We are planning a contained Beer and Wine area on Civic Place and a portion of Grand Avenue. It will operate on
Friday. April 27. and Saturday. April 28 between the hours of 5:OOpm and l 1:OOpin during evening entertainment.
The stage for entertainment will be placed at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Civic Place. The designated area
is outlined on the attached map. A combination of barricades and chains will be hung to keep the area of the beer
garden restricted. A member of the Southlake Women's Club will be present at each place where the public will be
entering or exiting (see map) to ensure that no alcohol is taken out of the designated area. Furthermore, at least two
security officers be present in the vicinity of alcohol sales to fulfill the TABC requirements. ID's will be checked at
point -of -sale of the alcohol. The food court that is open all hours of the event will only have restricted entry and exit
during the hours of the alcohol sales.
The Women's Club has received an application for a TABC license and all the rules and regulations for that license
have been followed in the guidelines of planning this event. The application needs DPS approval and will be
submitted to DPS once we have obtained the SUP.
It is our understanding that as happened last year the SUP application fees are waived as this is a City sponsored
event. Feel free to contact either of us if you have any questions.
We l/ 1
Robin Snyder N cy H6rmann,
Art in the Square Chairperson Vice President, Management
Southlake Women's Club Southlake Town Square
817 421 -6091 817 329 -5566
kevins a gte.net nhormann a southlaketownsouare.com
Case No. Alter tt v Attachment D
ZA01 -012 CooPE:'MTE33INS Page 1
TELEPHONE (8i7) 329-5566 FAx (817) 251-3717
Surrounding Property Owners
Art in the Square
1111 4
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Property Owner Zoning Land Use Description Acreage
1. Southlake Venture West 1. S -P -1 1. Mixed Use 1. 2.28
2. U.S.P.S. 2. S -P -1 2. Mixed Use 2. 2.87
3. Fechtel Group 3. NR -PUD 3. Mixed Use 3. 30.88
4. C. Peterka 4. NR -PUD 4. Mixed Use 4. 43.06
5. Texas Health Resource 5. S -P -2. 5. Office Commercial 5. 12.62
6. South Carroll /1709 Ltd. 6. S -P -2 6. Office Commercial 6. 29.52
7. A. Prade 7. AG 7. Medium Density Residential 7. 18.06
8. Greenway Rowlette 66 8. S -P -2 8. Medium Density Residential 8. 1.17
9. J. Strunck 9. AG 9. Medium Density Residential 9. 3.00
10. Mendez Ltd. 10. AG 10. Medium Density Residential 10. 3.00
11. B. Paulsen 11. SF -20A 11. Medium Density Residential 11. 0.60
12. M. Wright 12. SF -20A 12. Medium Density Residential 12. 0.49
13. R. Reece 13. SF -20A 13. Medium Density Residential 13. 0.46
Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E
ZA01 -012 7I Page 1
Surrounding Property Owner Responses
Art in the Square — Alcohol Sales
NOTICES SENT: Fourteen (14)
Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F
ZA01 -012 7I Page 1
WHEREAS, a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on- premise
consumption has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the
property zoned as "NR -PUD" Non - Residential Planned Unit Development to include "C -3"
General Commercial District uses; and,
WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Sections 45.1 (1) and 45.6 of the
City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City
Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the
persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such
Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare
of the City.
A Specific Use Permit is hereby granted for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-
premise consumption on the property being legally described as Southlake Town Square, Phase
I, and being approximately 42.013 acres, more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A ",
Case No. Agenda Item Attachment G
ZA01 -012 7I Page 1
and as depicted on the site exhibit attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" and
providing an effective date, subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning
ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special
conditions, if any, shall be applicable to the granting of this Specific Use Permit:
This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council.
Rick Stacy, Mayor
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
City Attorney
City of Southlake, Texas
Case No. Agenda Item Attachment G
ZA01 -012 7I Page 2
Southlake Town Square, Phase I, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas,
according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 4892 and 4893, Plat Records, Tarrant County,
Texas, and being approximately 42.013 acres.
Case No. Agenda Item Attachment G
ZA01 -012 7I Page 3
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ZA01 -012 7I Page 4
This page reserved for the approved City Council motion.
Case No. Agenda Item Attachment G
ZA01 -012 7I Page 5