2001-05-22 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TOWN HALL, 1400 MAIN STREET SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES MAY 22, 2001 COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Councilmembers: Rex Potter, Keith Shankland, W. Ralph Evans, Greg Standerfer, Tom Stephen, and Patsy DuPre. CITY STAFF MEMBER PRESENT: City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand. WORK SESSION: Mayor Rick Stacy called The Work Session to order at 5:00 p.m. Mayor Stacy announced that the purpose of the work session is to conduct interviews of applicants to Boards and Commissions. Council adjourned to begin conducting interviews of applicants to boards and commissions. The work session ended at 8:05 p.m. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Agenda Item #1, Call to Order. Mayor Stacy called the open session to order at 8:05 p.m. Agenda Item #2 -A, Executive Session. Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 to deliberate regarding personnel matters [applicants to boards and commissions]. Councilmembers adjourned into executive session at 8:06 p.m. Councilmembers returned to open session at 9:50 p.m. Agenda Item #2 -B, Action Necessary/Executive Session. No action was necessary as the result of the executive session. Agenda Item #3, Resolution No. 01 -028, Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem and Deputy Mayor Pro Tem. Mayor Stacy stated that according to the Southlake City Charter, he is authorized to make a recommendation of the appointments of Mayor Pro Tem and Deputy Mayor Pro Tem. He stated that he recommends Councilmember W. Ralph Evans be appointed to the position of Mayor Pro Tem, for a one year term; and Councilmembers Patsy DuPre be appointed to the position of Deputy Mayor Pro Tem, for a one year term. Special City Council Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2001 Page 1 of 3 Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 01 -028, naming W. Ralph Evans as Mayor Pro Tem and Patsy DuPre as Deputy Mayor Pro Tem for a one year term. Motion: Stephen Second: Evans Councilmember Greg Standerfer stated he would prefer the names to be reversed. Ayes: Stephen, Evans, Standerfer, Potter, Stacy Nays: DuPre, Standerfer Approved: 5 -2- vote Agenda Item #4, Resolution No. 01 -030, Appointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 01 -030, naming Jim Murphy, Darrell Faglie, and Bret Boren to the Planning and Zoning Commission with terms to expire in May 2003. Motion: DuPre Second: Stephen Ayes: DuPre, Stephen, Evans, Shankland, Standerfer, Potter, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7 -0 vote Agenda Item #5, Resolution No. 01 -032, Appointments to the Parks and Recreation Board. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 01 -032, naming Frank Cornish, Tim O'Connor and Bobby Rawls to the Parks and Recreation Board with terms to expire in May 2003. Motion: DuPre Second: Standerfer Ayes: DuPre, Standerfer, Potter, Stephen, Evans, Shankland, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7 -0 vote Agenda Item #6, Resolution No. 01 -033, Appointments to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 01 -033, naming Mike Sandlin, John Smart, Ron Troy to the ZBA, with F.C. LeVrier, named as Alternate #2. Also, naming Mike Sandlin as Chairman; and, Lewis Miltonberger as Vice - Chairman. Those terms will expire in May 2003. Motion: DuPre Second: Standerfer Ayes: DuPre, Standerfer, Potter, Stephen, Evans, Shankland, Stacy Special City Council Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2001 Page 2 of 3 Nays: None Approved: 7 -0 vote Agenda Item #7, Resolution No. 01 -034, Appointments to the Southlake Park Development Corporation (SPDC). Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 01 -034, naming the following to the SPDC: Councilmember Position: Rex Potter to expire 5/2002 Councilmember Position: W. Ralph Evans to expire 5/2003 Councilmember Position: Tom Stephen to expire 5/2003 Park Board Position: Tim O'Connor to expire 5/2003 Citizen Position: Bobby Rawls to expire 5/2003 Motion: DuPre Second: Standerfer Ayes: DuPre, Standerfer, Stephen, Evans, Shankland, Potter, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7 -0 vote Agenda Item #8, Adjournment. Mayor Rick Stacx,,adjougted the Special City Council meeting at 10:00 p.m. ,.■ \ -of OF S '''t c • .........06 •. A * / Ma r Rick Stacy ATTEST ., • •..... 5� .+' •%% • Ai44/te____/14/1441# ',tilt to 0%0 Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary Special City Council Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2001 Page 3 of 3