MAY 1, 2001
COUNC1LMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Fawks;
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Ronnic Kendall. Members: Patsy DuPre, Greg Standerfer, Rex
Potter and Keith Shankland.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant City Manger Shana
Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen; Director of Finance Sharen Elam;
Director of Economic Development Greg Last; Director of Community Services Kevin
Hugman; Senior Park Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter; Director of Planning
Bruce Payne; Senior Planner Dennis Killough; Director of Public Works Pedram
Farahnak; Senior Engineer Charlie Thomas; Engineer Mike Hutchison; Assistant to the
Public Works Department Valerie Bradley; Director of Public Safety Ricky Black; Chief
of Police Marlin Price; City Attorney Wayne K. Olson; and, City Secretary Sandra L.
WORK SESSION: The Work Session was called to order at 5:45 p.m. During the work
session, Councilmembers and city staff discussed items on the agenda. The work session
is audio and videotape recorded for future refcrence. Copies are available from the
Office of the City Secretary.
Due to problems with the audio recording system, individual discussions with
Councilmembers and staff related to agenda items will not be noted in the work
session notes.
In the work session it was determined that Agenda Items #8-A and #8-B would be added
to the consent agenda after discussions on the items were held.
During the work session Dr. Ed Cole of Christian Men's Network invited
Councilmembers to a training seminar they will be having at the location on
Countryside Drive in Southlake. He stated the activities would be held on
Saturday, May 14, 2001, in the afternoon.
During the work scssion, a citizen, ,/eft ~Vang, 595 South Kimball Avenue,
Southlake, addressed the Council noting that he is disappointed that the City
Council has spent more time on Sam School Road reconstruction than they have
on South Kimball Avenue in front of thc two new schools under construction at
this time.
· Mayor Stacy welcomed the Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton back from
an extended leave of absence surrounding the birth of her new son. Ms.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2001 Page 1 ofl0
Yelverton presented photographs of the baby on the "big screen" in the Council
The work session ended at 6:40 p.m.
Agenda Item #1, Call To Order
Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:43 p.m. City
Council meetings are video and audio tape-recorded for future reference and copies are
available upon request from the Office of the City Secretary.
Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session
Mayor Rick StacT advised the audience that the City Council would be going into
Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072,
551.073, 551.074, and 551.086, to seek legal advise from the City Attorney; to deliberate
regarding real property matters; to deliberate regarding a prospective gift; to deliberate
regarding personnel matters: to deliberate regarding security devices, and/or to
deliberate regarding economic development negotiations.
Councilmembers adjourned into executive session at 6:43 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 7:50 p.m.
Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session
Motion was made to authorize the Mayor and staff to move ahead with the development
discussions as held in the executive session.
Fawks, Kendall, Sbankland, DuPre, Standerfer, Potter, Stacy
7-0 votes
Agenda Item #3, Invocation and Pledge to the Flag
Coy Quesenbury, Lonesome Dove Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Following the
invocation, Council and the audience gave the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Agenda Item #4, Mayor's Report
Mayor Rick Stacy announced that the Southlake Women's Club has just completed a
successful three (3) day Art in the Square. Other announcements include:
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2001 Page 2 of 10
On May 3 at noon, at the Rustin Pavilion, the National Day of Prayer services will
be held. About seventeen churches will be represented in the program. The
public is invited to attend.
Early voting ended tonight at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Stacy announced that 418 citizens
voted today, ~vith an overall record of 1,203 early voters in Southlake this year,
which is more than last year.
Election Day will bc Saturday, May 5, with the polls open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00
p.m. It will be held at Carroll Junior High School, 800 North White Chapel
May 8 at 6:00 p.m. A Special City Council meeting will be held to canvass the
results of the May 5 election. A runoff election will be called if one if required as
the result of the May 5 election. The runoff election day will be June 2.
Agenda Item #4-B, City Manager's Report
The City Manager Billy Campbell commented on the cooperation by several groups that
made the "Art in the Square" a big success this year. He thanked everyone who had a
part in the activities.
Agenda Item #4-C, SPIN Report
No comments were made during the SPIN Report.
Agenda Item #4-D, Library Report
The Library Report was made by Maria Cameron, who commented that things are
moving along toward the opening of the library. She stated the computers are due to
arrive this week. Ms. Cameron commented on the book sale held on April 28, noting the
book sale raised $2,500.00 m~d the money is being donated for a study room in the new
Agenda Item #4-E, Committee Reports
No reports were made during this agenda item.
Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda
Mayor Stacy informed the audience that the consent agenda items are considered by one
vote. He stated if anyone has a request for an item not to be considered during the
consent agenda segment, the item would be deleted from the consent agenda and
considered separately with the regular agenda. The consent agenda items for this meeting
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 1,2001 Page 3 of 10
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held April 17,
2001, and the Special Joint City Council/CISD Board of Trustee meeting held
April 11,2001.
The Minutes of the April 17, 2001, Regular City Council meeting and the April
11, 2001, Special Joint City Council/CISD Board of Trustee meeting held April
l 1,2001, were approved as presented.
5-B. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract for professional services with
Brinkley Sergeant Architects for recreation center.
The Teen Center Coordination Committee was established in 1998 in an effort to
gather information and collect input relating to the development of a Southlake
Teen Center. During that timc, the Committee was actively involved in defining
the scope of the teen center project and working with the young adults in our
community on the facility concept. Brinkley Sergeant Architects of Dallas was
determined to be the organization best suited for the Teen Center project based on
their experience in recreation center design, as well as their experience in
developing "Enterprise Plans' for proposed recreation centers to include needs
analysis, facility program, conceptual development and cost analysis. Staff
recommends approval to entcr into an agreement with Brinkley Sergeant
Architects for professional services for the Recreation Center enterprise plan, site
conceptual plan, architectural design, and construction administration for an
amount not to excecd $546,625.00. A copy of thc memorandum dated April 26,
2001, from Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, is hereby attached
to the minutes of this meeting.
Resolution No. 01-021, Certification of Funding and Support and Intent for TIP
Placement for City of Southlake 2001 TxDOT S.T.E.P Funding Reimbursement
Application for F.M. 1709 Trail and North Carroll Avenue Pedestrian Lane.
TxDOT, through the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG)
has issued the 2001 Call for Projects for Statewide Transportation Enhancement
Program (STEP) funding. This program is not a grant; it is an 80/20 cost
reimbarsement program based on a 12-category project eligibility list. Candidate
projects nmst have been through the public approval process and have a
demonstratable funding source established, since the total project cost must first
be borne by the nominating entity. Successful applications have typically been
within the range of $100,000.00 ~ninimum to anywhere between $1,000,000.00
and $200,000.00 as a general maximum. As such, it becomes fairly obvious that
§outhlake's options are limited to the Traffic Management Bond (TMB) program
Award of Emergency Contract to Reynolds Asphalt and Construction Company
for the Reconstruction of Sam School Road from Dove Street to Southlake's north
city limit due to closure o f Kirkwood Boulevard exit.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2001 Page 4 of 10
Due to the necessity of repairs to the Kirkwood East bound ramp at SH 114,
TxDOT has detemfined to close this exit within the next 30-60 days. Because of
this closure, it is anticipated that Sam School Road will experience a substantial
increase in traffic. The City has contacted Reynolds Asphalt and Construction
Company and received a proposal to reconstruct the roadway at the earliest time
possible. The proposed improvements will widen the current road from a 20 feet
width to 22 feet. The current base aud surface coarse will be pulverized to
construct two (2), four (4) foot shoulders on each side. Other improvements will
include a six (6) inch compacted limestone base overlaid by three (3) inches of
asphaltic surface. In addition, drainage ditches will be shaped and stabilized for
positive flow. Thc roadway improvements as described will require a total
expenditure of $133,455.00. The City of Westlake has assumed $38,701.95 of
this amount. Funds are available from the balance remaining in the 1999-2000
CIP Budget. Staff also recommends an additional 10% allowance ($9,500.00) for
unanticipated items related to constructiou phase.
Approve the Engineering Services Agreement with Cheatham and Associates for
the design of State Highway 114 utility relocations, neighborhood sewer projects,
water system projects, and water system master plan report.
The City Council approved various water and sewer project in the FY 2000-2001
CIP. Staff has complied the remainder of the water and sewer projects approved
this year, most of which are small in scope when considered individually. The
projects include neighborhood sewer installation, water line replacements and
upgrades, and the relocatiou of water and sewer lines in conjunction with the
widening of State Highway 114. In addition, staff recommends that Cheatham
and Associates provide a Water System Study report, which is an update and
compilation of data collected under previous design contracts in connection with
providing a concept plan and water towcr dcsigns. This document would be used
in a rammer similar to that of the city's other master plans in an effort to
adequately plan for future C1P and development projects. Compensation for these
services totals $671,410.00 is funded from each of the project line items in the FY
2000-2001 CIP.
Award of bid ~br the construction of roadway improvements at South Kimball
Avenue from F.M. 1709 to Crooked Lane.
The City Council approved thc construction of roadway improvements on this
portion of South Kimball Avenue as part of FY 2000-2001 Capital Improvements
Program. Construction plans and specifications were subsequently prepared by
Bucher, Willis & RatliffCorporation and reviewed by staff. This project involved
constructing half of the ultimate 4-lane divided section along South Kimball
between F.M. 1709 and Crooked Lane, while using the existing pavement until
the remainder of the ultimate section can be funded and constructed. In addition,
improvements will be made on the north side of F.M. 1709 by constructing the
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2001 Page 5 ofl0
ultimate street section as required by the Master Thoroughfare Plan (6 lanes with
left-turn lane). Deceleration lanes also will be installed along F.M. 1709. The
contractor has proposed completing the portion of the project between F.M. 1709
and Crooked Lane within 200 calendar days, and completing the portion in front
of the new Intermediate/Middle School prior to August 15, 2001. Three bids
were received, with Sutton and Associates being the low bidder. The bid amount
is within budget for this project. Allocation of a 6% contingency for
unanticipated construction-related items is also requested. The amount of the
project is $2,237,292.40.
5-G. ZA01-035, Plat Showing for Lots l and 2, J.W. Hale No. 803 Addition
ZA01-035, Plat Showing for Lots 1 and 2, J.W. Hale No. 803 Addition, on
property legally described as Tracts IA2 and 1A2C situated in the J.W. Hale
Survey, Abstract No. 803, and being 1.268 acres. The property is located on the
west side of Momingside Drive at the intersection of Morningside Drive and Vino
Blanc Court. Current zoning is "SF-20B" Single Family Residential District. The
purpose of the request is to create two build able residential lots and fulfill the
requirements of the zoning and subdivision ordinances with regard to division of
property within the "SF-20B" zoning district. The Owner and Applicant is Felipe
Resolution No. 01-022, a resolution of the City Council of the City of Southlake,
Texas, opposing legislation designed to limit the use of moratoriums.
HB 2117 limits the use of moratoriums by cities. Coupled with the Vested Rights
Act, it has the potential to allow developers to file applications to vest their right
to develop under regulations that the city is in the process of reviewing and
amending. Resolution No. 01-022, opposes legislation limiting the use of
Resolution No. 01-023, A resolution of the City Council of the City of Southlake,
Texas, opposing Senate Bill 1398 and any legislation creating a compensable
taking in connection with zoning matters.
SH 1398 is related to down zoning. The bill restricts the city's authority to
govern and the ability of a city to provide long-range master planning. As the city
grows, circumstances change and a city must have the flexibility to meet and
accentuate those changes.
Authorize the Mayor to execute a residential developer agreement for High Point
The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the final plat of High Point
Addition (7-0 vote) at its April 5, 2001 meeting. The development consists of 22
lots located on the west side of Shady Oaks Drive, 1,000 feet north of F.M. 1709.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2001 Page 6 of 10
The developer agreement is the City's standard residential developer agreement
covering the construction of public infrastructure. The Park Board recommended
a park fcc in the amount of $33,000.00.
Ordinance No. 480-362, 1st Reading, (ZA 00-0124), Rezoning and Site Plan for
Gateway Church.
This site is located on the south side of East Southlake Boulevard, east of the
intersection with Village Center Drive. This property also is known as the
"Zembrod Ranch". The applicant proposes a zoning change to "CS" Community
Service District Uses for development of a church. The site plan shows two
phases of construction. Each phase will have a two-story building with an
approximately 32,000 square foot, 929-seat sanctuary and 310 parking spaces.
Total build-oot shows 64,000 square feet, 1,858 seats, and 622 parking spaces.
Building elevations have been provided for Phase I only. A revised site plan will
be required for the Phase 2 building. The following variances are requested:
Horizontal articulation on the north and east facades.
Dead-end street with turn-around easement, rather than a publicly
dedicated cul-de-sac right-of-way.
Driveway stacking depth (150' required).
a. The stacking measured on the drive offF.M. 1709 is 140'.
b. The stacking measured from South Village Center Drive is 42'.
Driveway spacing on F.M. 1709. Full-access drives must be spaced 500'
on F.M. 1709. The proposed drive will be approximately 250' from the
next full-access drive to the east.
Staff recommendation that the "F.M. 1709" driveway be aligned with the
"Village Center driveway" located on the north side of F.M. 1709.
The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) allowing the
variances as requested.
Ordinance No. 480-363, 1st Reading, (ZA 01-042), Rezoning and Concept Plan
for Clariden School.
Ordinance No. 480-363, 1~t Reading, (ZA 01-042), Rezoning and Concept Plan
for Clariden School, on property legally described as a portion of Tracts 1 and IA,
situated in the W. Mills Survey, Abstract No. 877, and being 23.050 acres.
Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District, with a requested zoning of "CS"
Community Service District. The property is located on the west side of North
White Chapel Boulevard approximately 1,400 feet south of Bob Jones Road. It is
part of the plat of the Clariden Ranch Subdivision. The original request was for
"CS" Community Service district uses. The applicant amended this request to "S-
P-2" with "CS" uses limited to private schools. One of the primary concerns has
been related to traffic. A detailed traffic analysis is included in the staff'report.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2001 Page 7 of 10
The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) on April 19,
2001, subject to thc Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated April 12, 2001,
subject to the tbllowing:
1. "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "CS" Community Service District
uses limited to a private school with a 700-student capacity;
2. Lighting design and installation will adhere to relevant city ordinances;
3. School will install a continuous northbound left-turn lane on White Chapel
4. School will install a crosswalk across White Chapel Boulevard;
5. A flashing school-zone sign will be installed as recommended by staff.
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as follows: Items #5-A, #5-B, #5-C, #5-
D, #5-E, #5-F, #5-G, #5-H, #5-I, #5-J, #8-A, subject to the applicant's agreement to give
a trail, to stub-out to the south, and subject to the recommendation made by the Planning
and Zoning Commission; #8-B, subject to the recommendation made by the Planning m~d
Zoning Commission.
Potter, Standerfer, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, DuPre, Stacy
7-0 vote
Agenda Item #6, Public Forum
Mr. Foreman, 775 East Dove Road, Southlake. Mr. Foreman addressed the City Council
regarding drainage problems on his property. Mayor Stacy assured Mr. Foreman that
City staff would be in contact with him within 24 hours regarding his concerns.
Agenda Item #7-A, ZA01-016, Development Plan for Timarron Golf Course
ZA 01-016, Development Plan for Timarron Golf Course, on property legally described
as Lots 3R1 and 3R2, Timarron Golf Course Addition, and being 12.61 acres. Current
zoning is "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development.
Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented ZA01-016, noting the owner is Westerra
Timarron, L.P., and the applicant is Carter & Burgess lnc. He noted the purpose of this
Development Plan is to change the current regulations for development from
"Commercial" to "Residential". Thc property is located on the south side of Byron
Nelson Parkway, approximately 400' east of Fairwood Court. On April 19, 2001, the
Planning and Zoning Commission approved (6-0) vote subject to the Development Plan
Review Summary No. 3, dated April 12, 2001, explicitly approving Development
Regulations as shown in the packet.
Killough stated that staff rcview provides a comparison between the proposed regulations
lbr this development and the closest rclated zoning district of the City's Zoning
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2001 Page 8 of 10
Ordinance, "SF-20A" zoning district regulations of Ordinance No. 480. The regulations
proposed for this development are similar to those for the phase to the east.
Richard Payne, (~arler & Burgess. Mr. Payne stated they want to maintain flexibility
with the plan.
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve ZA01-016, Development Plan for Timarron Golf Course;
with the exception that the lots will be a minimum of 30,000 square feet, plus or minus
10%; with no more than five lots, one being lelt for open space; and subject to the
Development Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 12, 2001.
Standerfcr, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, Stacy
%0 vote
Agenda Item #9-A, Resolution No. 01-019, Adopting a Sonthlake Pathways-The
2001 Trail System Master Plan Update
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman presented Resolution No. 01-019,
Adopting Southlake Pathways-2001 Trail System Master Plan Update. He explained that
per the City Charter (Section 11.06), all master plans, of which this plan is one, are
rcquired to be updated every four years, if necessary. To date, there have been ten public
meetings held to discuss possible Trail System Master Plan revisions, including briefings
by the consultant, SPIN-sponsored public forums, Park Board meetings, and a Planning
and Zoning Commission public hearing, which was held on April 12, 2001. Highlights
of the revised plan includc:
Connecting trails on F.M. 1709 to promote access on both the north and
south sides;
A hierarchy of proposed paths by width and surface type depending on
their expected use;
Specific recommendations for adequate outside lane width to incorporate
on-road bicycle facilities in new or ultimate roadway construction; and,
Trails through floodplain and/or otherwise not necessarily related to
roadway construction.
This plan provides a complete scope of recommendations related to existing and
proposed trail construction in Southlake.
Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter was present to further explain the plan
and to answer questions of Council.
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2001 Page 9 of 10
Motion was made to approve Rcsolution No. 01-019, Adopting Southlake Pathways- The
200l Trail System Master Plan Update.
DuPre, Kendall, Shankland, Standerfer, Potter, Fawks, Stacy
7-0 vote
Agenda Item #12, Adjournment
Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the Regular City Council meeting of May 1, 2001, at 8:45
Sandra L.
C~ty Secreta~
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2001 Page 10 of 10
City of Southlake, Texas
April 26, 2001
TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager
FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services (xt. 1527)
SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract for professional services with
Brinkley Sargent Architects for the Recreation Center
Action Requested: City Council approval to enter into a contract for professional services with
Brinkley Sargent Architects for the Recreation Center.
Information: The Teen Center Coordination Committee was established in 1998 in an
effort to gather information and collect input relating to the development of a
Southlake Teen Center. During that time the Committee was actively
involved in defining the scope of the teen center project and working with the
young adults in our community on the facility concept.
In May of 1999, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was sent out to eight
local architectural firms with experience in the design and construction of
park and recreational facilities, specifically recreation centers. Five firms
responded and their qualifications were reviewed by staff and interested
members of the Teen Center Design Committee. The firms were considered
based on the following:
• Overall experience and ability to perform the services requested
within the time frame given.
• Experience of the firm in regards to the design and operation of
recreation centers, activity centers, and /or related facilities.
• Ability to display creative proficiency within the concept design while
still addressing basic operating concerns and budget constraints.
• Experience working with public groups, city officials, and city staff.
Brinkley Sargent Architects of Dallas was determined to be the organization
best suited for the Teen Center project based on their experience in recreation
center design, as well as their experience in developing "Enterprise Plans"
for proposed recreation centers to include needs analysis, facility program,
conceptual development, and cost analysis. They are a twenty -five year old
firm specializing in recreational, sports, and public architecture. Brinkley
Sargent has completed design work on over fifteen recreation centers in the
past five years including the Plano Aquatic and Recreation Center, Coppell
Billy Campbell, City Manager
April 26, 2001
Page 2
Aquatic and Recreation Center, and the Lee Park Recreation Center in
Irving. Staff contacted six local municipalities and all indicated that they
were very satisfied with the work provided by Brinkley Sargent and would
use them again on future projects.
Although it was later determined that a recreation center would better suit the
overall needs of the community as compared to a teen center, it should be
noted that the architectural qualification review process was based on
recreation center design experience. As a result, Brinkley Sargent Architects
remains the recommended choice to design the new facility.
Considerations: Funding in the amount of $550,000 for the Recreation Center design is
identified in FY2000 /01 of the SPDC Capital Improvements Plan (CIP), and
construction funding in the amount of $5,700,000 is identified in the FY
2001/02 and 2002/02 SPDC Capital Improvements Program. A $750,000
Texas Parks and Wildlife grant will also be sought for the Recreation Center.
Should the City be awarded the grant and the construction budget be
increased, a proportional increase in the professional services contract will be
necessary (this will be done by separate action through SPDC and City
Fees associated with professional services for the Recreation Center are
based on a construction /design budget of $5,500,000, plus $200,000
construction contingency. The total fees (enterprise plan, site conceptual
plan, architectural design, construction administration and reimbursables) are
not anticipated to exceed $546,625 or 9.9% of the construction budget.
Basic architectural services and construction administration alone account for
$489,125 or 8.9% of the construction budget, with the remainder being the
development of an enterprise plan and reimbursable costs.
Basic Architectural Services
Schematic Design (13.4% of total fees * *) $73,368.75
- Site Master Plan
- Attendance at eight public meetings
Design Development (18 %**) $97, 825.00
Construction Documents (35.8 % * *) $195,650.00
- Landscape and Hardscape Design
- Irrigation Design
- Interior Design and Specifications for
Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment
Bidding and Negotiating (4.5 % * *) $24,456.25
Construction Administration (17.9 %**) $97, 825.00
Enterprise Plan (4.5 % * *) $25,000.00
Billy Campbell, City Manager
April 26, 2001
Page 3
Reimbursables not to exceed (5.9 % * *) $32,500.00
Geotechnical Investigation
Printing and Delivery Costs
State Licensing and Review Fees
Total Professional Services (100 %) $546,625.00
Citizen Input/
Board Review: The Parks and Recreation Board recommended the selection of Brinkley
Sargent Architects at their April 9, 2001 meeting.
SPDC, at their April 23, 2001 meeting, approved entering into an agreement
with Brinkley Sargent Architects for an amount of $546,625 with a
construction budget of $5,500,000, allowing $200,000 for construction
contingency (6 -0).
Legal Review: The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed agreement and their comments
have been incorporated.
Alternatives: Alternatives include the following:
Rejection of Brinkley Sargent Architects and request staff start the review
and selection process over.
Documents: Supporting documents include the following:
• Draft agreement with Brinkley Sargent Architects.
• Architectural qualifications of Brinkley Sargent Architects.
Recommendation: City Council approval to enter into an agreement with Brinkley Sargent
Architects for professional services for the Recreation Center enterprise plan,
site conceptual plan, architectural design, and construction administration for
an amount not to exceed $546,625.
N: \Parks & Recreation \BOARDS \CC \2001 \Qtr 3 \BrinklySargent.doc
Steve Polasek
City of Southlake
400 N. White Chapel
Southlake, TX 76902
RE: Development of a Community Recreation Center
Dear Mr. Polasek:
We are pleased to share with the City of Southlake the qualifications of Brinkley Sargent
Architects. It appears that our firm is uniquely positioned to help the City of Southlake identify
the needs and demands of a community recreation center and design a facility that incorporates all
the elements required to make it a successful project.
Brinkley Sargent Architects is a twenty-five year old Dallas based firm that has developed
recreational projects for many cities in the Southwest.
Some of the strengths of this team include:
➢ Experience with municipalities — Brinkley Sargent Architects has completed over
ninety successful public projects.
> Experience with Operational and Performance of Facilities — We have completed
numerous studies that predict expenses and revenues for facilities including NRH2O
Waterpark, City of Plano Recreation and Aquatic Center, Coppell Recreation and
Aquatic Center, Rowlett Aquatic Park, and Allen Natatorium. We know how to
develop a business plan for your specific project that will arm you with accurate
information to make informed decisions.
> Experience with Recreation Projects — Brinkley Sargent Architects has completed
over 15 recreational projects of various types. We understand the programming and
design requirements for recreational facilities.
> Familiarity with this Region — We understand the demands of this region and how
cities have responded to the same issues you are facing. We also understand the
construction cost in this region with having four current projects in different phases
in the Dallas / Ft. Worth Area.
50 t:OR �!
> Experience with Citizen Input — We are currently conducting the same survey
process required with your project. The goal is to get accurate dependable
U.TE ._
information and allow the citizens to be a part of the process.
n.\.: k$ E\ n::
TEL 9'_ -
?. Texa. Co rn.,;,❑
1 -1q
Our team is qualified to provide all services required by this project.
Feasibility Study
Community Input Meetings
Business plan for development including staffing description
Design and Construction of Community Recreation facilities
Our team possesses all the experience to lead you through the evaluation and implementation of a
facility that responds to the city's needs.
We are enthusiastic over the possibilities of assisting City of Southlake with the planning and
design process. We hope our response accurately reflects our interest with this exciting project.
i �
Dwayne Brinkley, AIA
A C4
Brinkley SargentArchitects is a 25 year-old Dallas based firm specializing in the development BrinkleySargentArchitects
of public facilities. This specialization has included both recreational/ sports and public 5000 Quorum Drive, Suite 123
safety project ranging up to $15 million in size. Principals in Brinkley Sargent have directed Dallas, Texas 75240
projects up to $50 million in project size. 972.960.9970
972.960.9751 Fax
One factor that sets Brinkley Sargent apart from other firms is its ability to understand the Email 4info @brinkleysargent.coin
needs of the client and bring together the correct team to address those unique concerns. www. brinklevsargent.com
An outgrowth of that ability to think "out -of -the -box" is the development of the expertise
in Aquatic Business Plan developments. There was a need, and we sought to fill that need Date of Incorporation: 1979
with a team of experts. We have now established ourselves as a leader in this unique area A Texas Corporation
of aquatic planning. Successful projects using this business tool include North Richland
Hills NRH2O Waterpark, Oak Point Recreation and Aquatic Center, Allen Natatorium, and
Coppell Recreation and Aquatic Center.
Having a large part of our work in the public sector, our interaction generally involves groups
such as advisory boards, special interest groups, neighborhood associations, instructors,
public corporation (4B) boards, councils, school boards, park boards and other citizens. Our
approach to working with these groups encourages participation and interaction in a focused
manner. Each meeting has a purpose and everyone is encouraged to expand their horizon
and help conceive of new and innovative design possibilities.
To help focus and guide this process, BSA is committed to providing a principal to lead the
team. To this end, a "project delivery" process has been developed to ensure quality control
from start to finish. This process works through a framework of controls at each phase of
the project as well as phase by phase review by the client. The concept behind these technical
controls is to allow maximum freedom of design on each project. Because of this ability,
Brinkley Sargent Architects has been able to establish a proven track record with both
governmental and private clients for creative designs that are within budget and on time.
Brinkley Sargent Architects is fully computerized,utilizing the latest in software and hardware
technology. We utilize design software that allows 3 -D imaging for design and AutoCAD
Release 14 for document production. Two in -house Hewlett Packard plotters, one with
color capabilities, expedite our quality control process. This commitment to technology
has provided our clients with a flexible building managementtool that has many applications.
The firm has been fortunate to be honored for design excellence not only by its peers but
also by user groups such as Athletic Business and Texas Parks and Recreation Department.
Mr. Brinkley serves as Project Management Principal for Brinkley Sargent Dwayne M. Brinkley, AIA
Architects. In addition to his over 25 years of extensive design experience, Mr. Brinkley Sargent Architects
Brinkley also possesses over 11 years of 4 ,. Years with Firm: 25
experience in a project management and - , ' , ` ^ s - -- , TBAE #: 5518
construction management role. This depth of ' .
a *^ A selection of recreational facilities are:
experience has provided him a unique X
perspective into the components of a successful f _ Garland Senior Center
project. His experience ranges from design of f * - x Garland, Texas
recreational facilities to master planning of all k g • Mustang Recreation and Aquatic Center
city departments. He understands the Mustang, Oklahoma
architect's role in monitoring construction - -- -- > Oak Point Center
budgets and is sensitive to issues that may arise r - - „ Plano, Texas
during the various stages of the project. " ; _ ''
Coppell Aquatic & Recreation Center
Coppell, Texas
Mr. Brinkley has experience on a broad range r ;'', Lee Park Recreation Center
of building types ranging from a world class Coppel Recreation Center /ruing, Texas
velodrome (bicycle racing track), Hospital Addition and Master Plan, Keller Natatorium
Recreation Facilities, 153 -acre Mixed Use Land Development, and Corporate Keller. Texas
Headquarters. A llen Natatorium
A lien, Texas
He lead the design effort in the development of one of the largest municipally Rowlett Aquatic Park
operated waterparks in the United States at North Richland Hills. He has Rowlett, Texas
taken a leadership role in combining leisure and competitive aquatic elements McKinney Aquatic Masterplan
McKinney, Texas
for cutting edge facilities in the southwest.
Lakeway Pool Study
He has also completed enterprise plans Lakeway, Texas
(feasibility studies) for several recreation McKinney Aquatic Study
n° '°' ''' facilities. These business plans estimate McKinney, Texas
`'� -` the costs of running a facility as well as Allen Aquatic Study
'V- Texas
°4 estimated incomes depending on the
= > � elements planned for the facility. Superdrome in Frisco
i in cooperation with Collin Coun:7
, � a r
: z, Because he is also a designer of these Community College
facilities accurate project development Frisco, Texas
, : f , - - costs can be forecasted for the entire Frito- Lay/Pepsi Youth Ballpark
Oak Point Center project. Plano, Texas
Russell Creek YMCA & Pool
Certification by National Council of Architectural Registration Board (NCARB) Plano, Texas
means Mr. Brinkley can be a Registered Architect in all 50 states along with Legacy YMCA & Pool
his Texas Registration. Professional associations include the American Institute Plano, Texas
of Architects and the Health and Management Subcommittee for AIA. He ;Moseley Pool & Park
graduated from Oklahoma State University with Honors with a Bachelor of DeSoto, Texas
Architecture Degree. He has also presented planning seminars at the Texas worth Richland Hills Aquatic Park
Municipal League Convention. He is an active participant of the executive � R Richland Hills, Texas
YMCA Board in Piano.
Please see Project profiles for complete description and images of these projects
NRH Family Waterpark
A 23 acre outdoor family waterpark with new elements added yearly since Team - Members with BSA:
opening. Services provided included: Business Plan (which included feasibility, Counsilman/Hunsaker
programming, staffing analysis and profit and loss), Design and Construction
Mr. Bill Thornton
Superintendent of Parks
City of North Richland Hills
6720 NE Loop 820
.North Richland Hills, Texas 76180
817 -581 -5735
Plano Aquatic and Recreation Center (Oakpoint)
A 87,000 SF recreation and aquatic center with gymnasium, gymnastics center, Team Members with BSA:
classrooms, Indoor 50 meter competition pool, indoor leisure water and outdoor Counsibnan/Hunsaker
leisure water. Services provided included: Business Plan (which included
feasibility, programming, staffing analysis and profit and loss), Design and
Construction Administration.
Mr. Robin Reeves
City of Plano
Parks & Recreation Department
P.O. Box 860358
Plano, Texas 75086 -0358
972 -461 -7250
Coppell Recreation and Aquatic Center
Team Members with BS.4:
A 38,000 SF recreation and aquatic center with gymnasium, classrooms, indoor Counsilman/Hunsaker
leisure/lap water and outdoor leisure/lap water. Services provided included:
Business Plan (which included feasibility, programming, staffing analysis and
profit and loss), Design and Construction Administration.
Mr. Gary Sims
Department ofLeisure Services
City of Coppell
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
972 - 462 -0022
Rowlett Family Waterpark
This outdoor family waterpark was designed to complement an existing Team Members with BSA:
community center. Services provided included: Business Plan (which included Counsilman/Hunsaker
feasibility, programming, staffing analysis and profit and loss), Design and -
Construction Administration.
Mr Jim Bowlin
Director of Parks and Recreation
City of Rowlett
P.O. Box 99
Rowlett, Texas 75030
972- 412 -6146
Allen Natatorium
This 48,000 SF facility will have indoor competition and leisure water for use by Tean, A1e,rtbers with BS, A :
the city and the school district. Services provided included: Business Plan Cotuaibr:mt,Huraaler
(which included feasibility, programming, staffing analysis and profit and loss),
Design and Construction Administration.
Mr. Don Horton
Director of Parks and Recreation
City ofAllen
One Butler Circle
Allen, Texas 75013
972 -727 -0100
. McKinney Aquatic Park Master Plan Team Members with B3. -1
This 20 acre plus development is part ofa 100 acre city park. Elements ofmaster CounsiGna„- 'Hursal er
plan included 50,000 SF recreation center, and $10- $12,000,000 multi - phased
water park. The development of Phase I is planned for 2002 opening. A
business park plan will be developed within the next year.
Mr. LarryOfferdahl
Director of Parks and Recreation
City ofMcKinney
130 South Chestnut Street
McKinney, Texas 75069
972 -562 -6080
Arlington Public Safety Building McCuistion Women's Pavilion, Paris, Texas
NationalALA Association of General Contractors -
Committee on Architecture for Justice, 1992 Dallas, 1995
Bluitt- Flowers Health Center McCuistion Women's Pavilion - Paris, Texas
Dallas ALA Committee on Health, 1992 Association of Builders and Contractors -
Dallas, 1995
Women's Breast and Diagnostic Center Longview Cancer Center - Longview, Texas
Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas Modern Healthcare Magazine and
Texas Society of Architects- National ALA Committee on Architecture for
Architecture for Health Committee, 1992 Health. 1995
South East Dallas Police Station South Texas Cancer Center -
;Vational,4lA Brownsville, Texas
Committee on Architecture for Justice, 1993 Association of General Contractors -
Austin, 1995
Paris Regional Cancer Center Longview Cancer Center - Longview, Texas
North Texas Chapter of the Texas Architecture for Health Design Awards
Associated Builders and Contractors., 1993 Gold Award, 1996
West Texas Cancer Center Medical City ofDallas, T O.P.A. Oncology
Texas Downtown Association, 1994 Center - Dallas, Texas
Texas Architecture for Health Design Awards
Bronze .4 ward, 1996
Plano Justice Center NRH2O Water Park -
National. -IIA ;Vorth Richland Hills, Texas
Committee on for Justice, 1994 Texas Recreation and Park Society. Inc.
Park Design Excellence Award, 1996
Longview Cancer Center NRH2O Water Park -
Longview News - Journal North Richland Hills, Texas
Readers Choice Awards, 1994 Athletic Business
National Award of Merit, 1996
r% ' °t.
Arlington PublicSafetyBuilding North Richland Hills Aquatic Center
NationalAL4 Water Parks
Committee on Architecture for Justice Athletic Business News
Justice Facilities Review 9-1995,6-1996
1992 -93
South East Dallas Police Station Longview Cancer Center
NationalAL4 Award Winning Projects
Committee on Architecture for Justice Modern Healthcare
Justice Facilities Review 11 -1995
1993 -94
South East Dallas Police Station Longview Cancer Center
Public Buildings Project Survey
Texas Architect Texas Architect
3/4-1993 1/2 -1996
Bluitt- Flowers Health Center Longview Cancer Center
Healthcare Design Award Winning Projects
Texas Architect Texas Architect
5/6 -1993 5/6 -1996
Plano Justice Center Medical City of Dallas, Oncology Center
NationalAL4 Award Winning Projects
Committee on Architecture for Justice Texas Architect
Justice Facilities Review 5/6-1996
1994 -95
-3 Plano Aquatic and Recreation Center
Plano, Texas
z �
��' Role:
t ;F
,y._ --^� Architecture
p' Site Masterplan
# -a : = ' Planning
, ;t , 1 f r w -i 44 i -- • w Financial Feasibility
't�t- Furniture, Furnishings and
Loose Equipment
This exciting project is being developed Construction Administration
for the City of Plano's growing need
for Aquatic Programs. We developed
an enterprise plan which estimated -r Project Data:
construction cost as well as operational - -- Indoor 50 Meter Pool and
Recreation Pool
costs and expected revenues. We outdoor Leisure Pool
Conducted numerous public meetings Recreation Center with Gymnasium,
to gather input on user groups of the Track, Racquetball, Gymnastics,
facility before we established a Weight and Classroom Activity Areas
program of spaces. Based upon the Date Completed: April. 2000
programmed spaces we developed a Estimated Dollar
proposed design and cost estimate for Value at Completion: $12.7 million
that design. We further developed
projected revenues of the facility as well as operational costs including staffing. owner:
This enabled the City to determine how they could best operate the facility at City of Plano
a minimal cost. P.O. Box 860358
Plano, Texas 75086 -0358
The Facility will contain both Aquatic and Recreational components. The
Aquatic side includes an indoor 50 meter pool as well as a 2000 SF recreational
pool. Outside we are developing a 6000 SF leisure pool with access between Contact:
the indoor and outdoor areas. The Recreational side will include a double Mr. Robin Reeves
gym, gymnastics room, weight room, racquetball courts, children's activity Head of Park Planning
room and classrooms, and meeting rooms. Parks and Recreation
1409 Avenue K
Plano, Texas 75086
Y • " D L—As. TEX
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Plano, oATqe
Aq uatic and Recreation Center
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v!-.;11‘;'' *� * `J t '4 Coppell Aquatic and Recreation Center
, P: ,a �a Ws„ • : r Coppell, Texas
1 ,, e * _ j -' y '+,' . .' Role:
1 s IVO „ '- s Enterprise Plan
{ Architecture
I Site Masterplan
4 .Y
< ,. Planning
• -: Programming
L !r Financial Feasibility
Furniture, Furnishings and
s; Loose Equipment
f d% y ' I, 3ry , Specifications
ft Construction Administration
' 4 , . ;
.-4. � N , . � Project Data:
0.0"... �° Indoor Leisure /Lap Pool and
; x v... Outdoor Leisure Pool
ri '
Recreation Center with Gymnasium.
'r° _ Track, Cardiovascular Area
and Classroom Activity Areas
w� .4 °� '`-- Date Completed: May, 2000
' '"�` � �� Cost: 37.5 mil
' r ) -. -
�— " 1
_C ��'r y Owner:
g..; / %' City of Coppell
255 Parkway Blvd.
e7 Coppell, Texas 75019
:- , ' ',''''' - : t 0 0010/ 1 ,,,, -. .131,W 0 - -2 :Z - ..v,„ , ., 4 .4.1;,--* . z. -,7-mi
' / +� ° ` ,. 2.:.110* +4 .. " Mr. Gary Sims
itilwo .0 .
, ' ., ;> Director of Leisure Services
255 Parkway Blvd.
7 - I. - • "� Coppell, Texas 75019
. f, 972.304.3565
iJ ki J J R i \■
This project was developed for the growing City of Coppell to meet the citizen
interest for more recreation facilities within their city. Services included 0 r"
developing estimated cost versus revenue projections as well as the traditional ° " ti
architectural role of design. The facility contains both family aquatic and , -2 , ,, ,
traditional recreation center components in one facility. It was sited adjacent -; - 2 5 , - _
to a 100 acre park near Town Center. 0 01 0 r:nto@ nr;oKic vsareant Lcr
.r - 31
Coppell Aquatic and Recreation Cen ter
Coppell, Texas
'..:',..' :'
tr 12114°1
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- _
Legacy Park YMCA
Plano, Texas
Design Construction
Site Masterplan
Financial Feasibility
Furniture, Furnishings and
— Loose Equipment
�> � , � ' " 1 '} Specifications •
'' ' - -+- - • — Construction Administration
, S i!'s -- i (€ . lit .4.1,.;., «4_, -§ 7 r ;,.. I I 1
r \'i. = .i..'^ 7r \\ i_r\
Project Data:
Project Size: 25.000 S.F.
- Est. Date Comple: 2000
_ Cost: $4.00,000
r I t__Lr- 1_.L_i:_
I -
i 1 � � I i � _ _. _ � Owner:
Plano YMCA
_ 2601 Glencliff
.. � `' Plano, Texas 75075
1 �� - - Mr. Tony Shuman
f�x J r t7
Executive Director
�;�E T 1 d Plano YMCA
2601 Glencliff
Plano, Texas 75075
4 Schematic Floor Plan 972 - 721 -2501
This YMCA facility is being placed in a corporate environment and is more suited to adult
activities. Areas provided include pool, gymnasium, cardiovascular area, climbing wall,
racquetball courts, aerobics room and juice bar. This facility will be part of a planned ,, 000 Q L o R I. ,,,
urban community and will have shared use with a nearby hotel. s L I l E J2
9 _ - 950 - 9970
FAX 972. 960- 9'5i
') 9 01 0 0 linferrs?bCokle vsnrgem.epm
Russell Creek YMCA
Plano, Texas
Y Role:
J /
,, .4 \ y wiz'
x z Design Construction
Site Masterplan
tr F Programming
1''• Financial Feasibility
L "'" Furniture, Furnishings and
2 �` Loose Equipment
Specifications r
` Construction Administration
1 i 1 1
F.-1_ r 1 i ' 1 Project Data:
F.- I - _.. l
, ,,,,,,...:,., ,. Project Size: 40,000 S.F.
i _ j t: Est. Date Complete: 2002
` , f i Cost: 55,800,000
�� — . y ...,.
,, _ Owner:
E` Plano YMCA
` 2601 Glencliff
Plano, Texas 75075
♦i, I )F,mo Raid kil; ..:
i Contact(s):
t = Mr. Tony Shuman
Executive Director
_ Plano YMCA
h 2601 Glencliff Plano, Texas 75075
w .. - 972 -721 -2501
We developed a plan for a new YMCA to be located in the fast growing section of North
Central Plano. This YMCA has indoor and outdoor pools, double gym, cardiovascular/ , 009 Q . 0 R L .,
weight room, racquetball courts, aerobics room, day care programming spaces and office I r E 12
areas. The plan was developed to provide for future growth of the Center in a planned
DALLAS. IEX:1i %S21,..
972 - 9o0 - 9970
FAX 9 -2 - 900 17_
E: 01 A i 2. 4inio(cibrinkieo ,. - ¢ent , om
-4 i'‘ T Mustang Community Center
.. Mustang, Oklahoma
r ,, i g,
-'v ;„‘
- ss- :� ' Role:
_ .i` '
�' ��" r � - Needs Assessment
"� I ` " S Masterplan
• IM14i` y . y �,.... 7`S ;�9 - + 4 1 k� ..
- ., t - ° * ! Furn Furnishings and
- , '' , - w= -
:aL , . Loose Equipment
t =
' • , � x ,, - �'��„. x1-1 Construction Admiratstration
w *emu }"''
.. _ . . r Project Data: •
Project Size: 57,000 SF
- Date Completed: 2001
Construction Cost: $7,500,000
-- Components
{ s ' _ - " " ommunity Center, Recreation, Senior Cetuer
"'i °' �= • -• • Y Library, Meeting Rooms, Aquatics, Ball Fields 1._: u � ,i —
,. ,--. __ _ Owner:
City of Mustang
135 N. Mustang Road
The concept was to develop an open town square with a mix of public and Mustang, Oklahoma 73064
commercial development around it. Nearby are areas for multi- family
housing in a more urban design with parking lots hidden behind the units. Contact(s):
• The centerpiece of this development would be the Community Center, which Huey P. Long
will include a recreation center, library, senior center and meeting /reception City Manager
City of Mustang
space. Exterior recreation areas for family aquatics and a four -plex
tournament level softball complex. 135 N. Mustang Road
Mustang, Oklahoma 73064
405- 376 4521
5000 QUORU'I
D A L A S T E X O S - 5: 4 0
9 ?_ 960 • 99'0
FA\ 97: - 960 - 9'6
C. - -
,� .. 1