JUNE 5, 2001
COUNC1LMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph
Evans. Members: Greg Standerfer, Rex Potter, and Tom Stephen.
Councilmember Keith Shankland.
Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Patsy DuPre and
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant City Manager
Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen; Director of Planning Brace
Payne; Senior Planner Dennis Killough; Director of Economic Development Greg Last;
Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Deputy Director of Public Safety Marlin Price;
Director of Public Works Pedram Farahnak; Senior Engineer Charlie Thomas; Engineer
Mikc Hutchison; Assistant to the Director of Public Works Valerie Bradley; City
Attorney E. Allen Taylor Jr., and City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand.
WORK SESSION: The Work Session was called to ordcr at 5:40 p.m. During the work
scssion, Councilmembcrs and City staff discussed items on thc agenda. The work session
is audio and videotape recorded for future reference. Copies are available from the
Office of the City Secrelary.
During the work session it was determined that Agenda Items #8-C, #8-D, #8-E, #8-F,
#8-G, #9-A, and #9B would be added to the consent agenda. Regarding Item #5-F, it was
detemfined that thc July 3, Regular City Council meeting would be cancelled, however, if
it becomes necessary for a meeting to be held, a meeting would be scheduled.
Discussions were held regarding Agenda Item #8-A, ZA 01-004, Plat Showing for Lots
12, 13, and 14, O. kV. Kmght No. 899 Addition, and whether or not the road would be used
as a cut-through to the subdivision. Councilmember Potter indicated that he does not
want to see the road connected at this time.
Discussion was held regarding Agenda Item #10-A, Reconsideration of the contract for
proJ&ssional services ~4,ith Brinkley Sargent Architects for the Recreation Center.
Director of Community Serviced Kevin Hugman answered questions of Council
regarding this issue.
The work session ended at 6:20 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 1 of 14
Agenda Item #1, Call To Order
Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:21 p.m. City
Council meetings are video and audio recorded for future reference and copies are
available upon request from the Office of the City Secretary.
Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session
Ma. vor Rick Sta~y advised the audience that the Ci0' Council would be going into
Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072,
551.073, 551.074, 551.086. to seek legal advise from the C/ty Attorney; to deliberate
regarding real properO' matters: to deliberate regarding a prospective gift; to deliberate
regurding personnel matters; to deliberate regarding security devices, and/or to
deliberate regarding economic developmen! negotiations.
Council adjourned into executive session at 6:21 p.m.
Council returned to the council table at 7:20 p.m.
Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session
Motion was made to move forward with the street failure lawsuit as discussed in
executive session.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Standerfcr, Evans, Potter, Stephen, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #3, Invocation
Coy Quesenbury, Lonesome Dove Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Follo~ving the
invocation, Council and the audience gavc the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Agenda Item #4-A, Mayor's Report
During thc Mayor's Report, Mayor Stacy made the following mmouncements:
June 6, bcginning at 7:00 p.m. a Citywide SPIN meeting will be held in Town
Hall, 3'd floor conference room. The topic will be the Verizon project.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 2 of 14
A Joint City Council/Planning and Zoning Commission meeting will be held on
June 14, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Hall for
the purpose of fast tracking thc Vcrizon project.
Mayor Stacy presented a proclamation to Shem Whitt, the Volunteer of the Year for
Southlake lbr 2000. Ms. Whitt was honored on May 17 at the Annual United Way
Voluntecr of the Year Program in Fort Worth. Ms. Whitt commented that she would
chair the "Art in the Square" event for 2002. She noted that this is a very important event
for the City of Southlake, as it ~vill benefit all areas of the City.
Agenda Item #4-B, City Manager's Report
City Manager Billy Campbell announced that Southlake has received a check from the
Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife toward a $250,000 possible reimbursement on
Bob Jones Park Projects. The Amphitheatre and second pond are both complete and we
are continuing work on the bathrooms and concession stand. It is exciting to see this new
park and lots of people are already using it.
Campbell also announced that Beck Construction Company has received the Golden
Trawl Award for masonry on the Town Hall building. It is nice that we are still receiving
awards in this area.
Agenda item #4-C, SPIN Report
Tim Miller, Representative from SPIN #6, 2509 Rolling Lane, Southlake. Mr. Miller
also notcd thc Citywide SPIN meeting, which will be held on June 6. He stated major
concerns within his SPIN area include the traffic flow of F.M.1709 and the congestion at
the left turn lanes. Mr. Miller stated the Kimball Square renovation {Dan Matise owner}
is looking good and will bc a big improvement to the area. He stated he spoke with the
Director of Public Works this evening regarding the road condition in the SPIN #6 area
and those issues will be ~vorked out.
Agenda Item $#4-D, Library Board Report
Karen Cienki, Library Board member, 803 Shadow Creek Court, Southlake. Ms. Cienki
gave the library board report noting that a youth services librarian and a technical
librarian is m)w on staff. She stated the youth furniture has arrived, and the computers
have been delivered and unpacked. Epitech will bc coming to train staff in the near
futurc. During the last Library Board meeting, they started the budget process and the
board is very anxious to start working with the Council on the budget. Things are
moving along as planned toward the opening of the library.
Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda
Mayor Rick Stacy informed the audience that thc consent agenda items are considered by
one vote. Hc stated if anyone has a request for an item not to be considered during the
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 3 of 14
consent agenda segment, the item would be deleted from the consent agenda and
cousidcrcd separately with the regular agenda. Hc rcad the consent agenda items for the
mccting into the record as follows:
5-A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held May 15, 2001, and
the Special City Council meeting held May 22, 2001.
The Miuutes of the meetings noted above were approved as presented.
5-B. Award of bid to SRO General Contracting, Inc., for the construction of concrete
pavement replacement in the Timberlake, Southview, and Myers Meadow
The Council approved pavement replacement projects in the FY 2000-2001 CIP
Budget for various locations. Staffhas identified areas in need of replacement in
Timberlake, Southview, and Myers Mcadows subdivisions, and has entered into a
professional services agreement with Cheatham & Associates to prepare the
contract documents. The exact locations are identified in the project maps. The
contract time for conapletion of thc work is 45 calendar days. Bids were received
on May 22, 2001. Scven bids were received, with SRO General Contractors
being the low bidder in the amount of $180,000 and in addition allocate 25% of
construction amount .($45,000) for additional pavement replacement or
unanticipated project contingcncics.
Awm'd of bid to Hi-Tech Signals, Inc. for ten-school zone solar powered flashing
Funds were appropriated in FY 2000-2001 CIP Budget for the purchase of"10"
solar powered flashing beacons for school zones. Six will be available for the two
new schools opening this fall, two for the Carroll Middle School and also one to
replacc the one that has been damaged by an accident. Bids were received on
May 8, 2001. Four bids were received, with Hi-Tech Signals, Inc. being the low
bidder at $26,500. This bid amount is within the $30,000 allocated in the CIP
Award of bid to SRO General Contracting, Inc. lbr the construction of TMB
intersection improvements to South Carroll Avenue at F.M. 1709 and Brumlow
Avenue at Statc Highway 26.
Voters approved the two refcrenced intersection improvements as part of the
Traffic Management Bond Program (TMB) in May 1999. These two intersections
were selected to become the next two TMB projects to complete based on the
sevcrity of delay experienced by motorists. Staff decided to bid both intersections
as one project in an effort to make the project more attractive to contractors. Bids
were received in April 2001 and the Council rejected the bid as it was
significantly over the budged amount. The second time, five (5) bids were
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 4 of 14
received, with SRO General Contracting, Inc. being the low bidder at $1,617,000.
Staff recommends that thc bid be awarded to SRO General Contracting, Inc. in
the amount of $1,617,000, that a 6% contingency of $97,020 be approved for
unanticipated construction related items, and the funding for the railroad signal in
the amount of $281,968.87 be approved for a total budget of $1,995,988.87.
Approve thc Professional Services Agreement with Halff Associates for the
design of Johnson Road Rehabilitation project from Pearson Lane to Randol Mill
On February 20, 2001, the City Council approved the conceptual design of
Johnson Road from several alternatives that were researched and presented by
Halff Associates. The alternative selected involved the rehabilitation of existing
two-lane roadway, and providing left turn lanes at the intersection of Pearson
Lane and Randol Mill. The original agreement with Halff Associates was to
provide a tree and right-of-way survey and a schematic design of several
alternatives in which the city could select the most appropriate design. This
preliminary work has been performed because of the sensitive conditions
surrounding the Johnson Road corridor, primarily the presence of many trees
located very close to the existing pavement. The agreement is for the completion
of the design and preparation of plans and specifications, including, street,
drainage, water, and sanitary sewer improvements. The time frame for
completion of the design allows for an estimated bid award of the construction
project of mid January 2002. Compensation of these services totals $153,500 and
is fimdcd from each of the project line items in thc FY 2000-2001 CIP Budget.
5-F. Cancellation or reschcduling of the July 3, 2001 City Council meeting
Several meetings ago, it was brought to Council attention that July 3 is a Regular
City Couocil meeting date and at the same time, Southlake Town Square will be
holding thc annual July 4th celebration on July 3. Council was asked to think
about whcther or not they wish to cancel the July 3 meeting all together or
reschedule the mccting for a diffcrent date. A decision is needed by the City
Council as preparation will need to be made if the meeting date is to be changed
or canceled all together i.e. publication of public hearing, etc. According to the
Home Rulc Charter of the City of Southlake in Section 2.09, meetings of the City
Council, it states when the City Council will meet and outlines the condition of--
"unless the dates fall on a regularly observed City holiday." "Cancel or move a
rcgular meeting to another day by posting 72-hour notice in accordance with the
Texas Opcn Meetings act, giving notice of either action."
8-C. ZA 01-028, Plat Revision for Lot 5-R, Block 3, Coventry Manor
ZA 01-028, Plat Rcvision for Lot 5-R, Block 3, Coventry Manor, on property
legally described as Lot 5, Block 3, Coventry Manor, and Tract 2C1A, T.M. Hood
Survey, Abstract No. 706. This site is located on the east side of Suffolk Court,
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 5 of 14
approximately 700' north of Turnberry Lane. The purpose of this request is to
combine a onc-acrc unplatted tract of land with an existing platted lot in the
Coventry Manor RPUD.
Ordinancc No. 480-369, Ist Reading, (ZA 01-038) Rezoning on property legally
described as Tract 2C1A, T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706 and being one
This site is located on the east side of Suffolk Court, approximately 700' north of
Tumberry Lane. The purpose of this request is to place the uses and regulations
for the Coventry Manor Planned Unit Development on the property so that the
applicant can combine this tract with an existing lot in Coventry Manor by Plat
Ordinance No. 480-367, 1st Reading, (ZA 01-047) Rezoning on property legally
described as Tract 2C1, T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, and being 1.3
This site is located at 1310 North Shady Oaks on the east side of North Shady
Oaks approxi~nately 680' north of Turnberry Lane. The purpose of this request is
to placc Single Family Residential district uses and regulations on the property.
Staff has approved a singlc lot plat on the property subject to the requested change
of zoning. The Planning and Zoning Colmrrission recommended approval (7-0).
Ordinance No. 480-368, 1~t Reading (ZA 01-039), Rezoning and Site Plan for
Secure Sourcc, Inc., on property legally described as Tract 1El and 1E2A, in the
John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 53, and being 2.957 acres.
At the request of the applicant, this item is tabled to the July 17, 2001 Regular
City Council meeting.
8-G. ZA 01-045, Plat Revision for Lots 3R1R-1, 3R1R-2, 3R1R-3, 3R1R-4, 3R1R-5
and 3R1R, Block 1, Timarron Golf Course on property legally described as Lot
3R1 and 3R2, Block 1 Timarron Golf Course.
This site is located on the south side of Byron Nelson Parkway in the 1400 Block,
approximately 400' east of Fairwood Court. The purpose of this request is to
subdivide Lot 3R1 into four rcsidential lots and one common lot. The City
Council recently approved a development plan for the residential proposal. This
plat is in compliance with that approval.
9-A. Resolution No. 01-035, Appointment of Municipal Court Judge.
This item was tabled, as a complete City Council was not present for the meeting.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 6 of 14
9-B. Resolution No. 01-036, Appointment to the Crime Control and Prevention District
to fill the unexpired term of Peter Gaal.
This item was tabled, as a complete City Council ~vas not present for the meeting.
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as follows: Agenda Item #5-A, #5-B,
tabling to June 19, 2001 City Council meeting; #5-C; #5-D; #5-E; #5-F, canceling the
July 3, 2001 City Council mecting; Item #8-C, #8-D, #8-E; #8-F, tabling to July 17, 2001
at the request ot'the applicant; Items #9-A, and #9-B, tabling.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Standerfer, Potter, Stephen, Evans, Stacy
Nays: Nonc
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #6, Public Forum
Kenneth Home, 1215 Ashmore Court, South&ke. Mr. Home stated he had several issues
with newspaper articles he recently read, including: statements made regarding
appointments to boards and commissions, statements made regarding length of time spent
on each agenda item, and limiting the time of people ~vho want to come before the City
Council to speak on an issue.
('ouncilmember Greg Sta~derfer. Councilmember Greg Standerfer spoke about the
comments he has received from residents regarding the poor quality of the sound
equipment in the City Council meetings as they appear on the Cable Television channel.
Agenda Item #7-A, ZA 01-052, Revised Site Plan on Bicentennial Park
ZA 01-052, Revised Site Plan on Bicentennial Park, on property legally described as Lot
2R2, L.B.G. Hall No. 686 Addition. Current zoning is "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District
with "CS" Community Service District uses.
Scnior Planner Dennis Killough presented ZA 01-052, stating the purpose of this revised
sitc plan is to obtain approval required to construct shade structures over the spectator
seating at several of the youth baseball fields in Bicentennial Park. As a matter of history,
he noted thc activities on this property include:
· Youth baseball fields constructed as part of Bicentennial Park construction in
· Park Master Plans approved in 1996 and 2001 (update) showing fields at current
· Site Plan for Bicentennial Park approved by Council in June of 2000
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 7 of 14
· Park Board rccommcnded SPDC approval of Southlake Baseball Association
(SBA) request for $65,000 matching funds request to build shade structures on
January 8, 2001
· SPDC approved matching funds on January 22, 2001
Mr. Killough stated review of this application is limited to the proposed shade structures.
There are no othcr changes to the approved site plan. The plans meet all requirements of
applicable city ordinances. There are no remaining plan review comments regarding this
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments wcrc made during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve ZA 01-052, Revised Site Plan on Bicentennial Park
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Standerfer, Evans, Potter, Stephen, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #7-B, Award of bid to Sun Ports International for Shade Structures
Director of Community Serviccs Kevin Hugman stated, as previously approved by SPDC
through a matching funds request from the Southlake Baseball Association, this project
involved the design, purchase, and installation of bleacher shade structures on
Bicentennial Park baseball fields #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9 and #10. The shade structures
would consist of a poxvder coated pole support structure covered with a UV shade fabric.
The fabric will be sinfilar to that used on the existing shade structures at the Bob Jones
Park soccer ficlds and the Southlake Tennis Center. The recommended fabric colors of
burgundy and forest grccn will match the existing dugout shade covers.
The proposed shade structurcs were estimated to cost $130,000 and would provide much
needed relief from the summer sun for numerous spectators, players, coaches, and
officials. The construction timcline, should the project be approved, would provide for
an estimated completion date of July 2001. The City received and opened one bid on
April 17, 2001 in accordance with state bidding procedures. Thc bid of the project was
submitted by Sun Ports International in the amount of $133,735, slightly over the
approved budget of $130,000. Staff met with Sun Ports International and developed a
rcduced scope of work that would bring thc project within budget while maintaining the
integrity of the project. Essentially, with the implementation of Change Order No.1, the
shade structurcs for fields #8 and #9 would be reduced in size. The shade structures
would still cover all of thc seating area but would be reduced in size over the pedestrian
plaza by approximately 1,178 square feet.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 8 of 14
Matching funds in the amount of $65,000 (total project budget $130,000) have been
approved as part ol'the FY 2000-01 SPDC Matching Funds Program. Change Order No.
1 would reduce the scopc of'the contract by $12,000 from $133,735 to $121,735. In
addition, project construction contingency in the amount of $8,000 (6.5% of the project)
is requested to cover unforeseeo costs arising from the project, as well as the purchase
and installation oI'SPDC recognition plaque.
Motion was made to approve awarding the bid to Sun Ports International and approval of
Change Order No. I as noted above.
Motion: Stephen
Second: Evans
Ayes: Stephen, Evans, Standerfer, Potter, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #7-C, Resolution No. 01-040 (ZA 01-006), Specific Use Permit
Resolution No. 01-040 (ZA 01-006), Specific Use Permit to allow an additional antenna
on m~ existing telecommunication tower per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1
(38) and Section 45.8, on property described as Lot IR, Block B, North Davis Business
Park, bcing 0.757 acres. A concept plan will be considered with this request.
Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented this agenda item stating the property is located
at 2105 Greenwood Drive, located on the south side of Greenwood Drive, approximately
60' north of Greenbrier Drive in the North Davis Business Park. Mr. Killough gave some
history of thc project, including:
· March 18, 1986, City Council passed and approvcd Ordinance No. 324, annexing
North Davis Business park into the City of Southlake
· February 4, 1986, final plat for the industrial park was approved while in the
City's extraterritorial jurisdiction
· July 7, 1992, City Council approved a concept plan for an office/warehouse
· May 17, 1994, City Council approved rezoning to "S-P-l" Detailed Site Plan
District to allow "1-1" uses with outside storagc and an antenna station and the
site plan.
With Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated March 30, 2001, the following variances
need council action: (the variances bclow relate to the proposed equipment building
Masonry requirements due to residential adjacency (Section 43.13 (a)).
According to rcsidential adjacency standards, all facades of applicable buildings
shall meet the masonry requircments as set out in Ordinance No. 557
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 9 of 14
Pitched roof due to residential adjacency (Section 43.13(a)), residential adjacency
standards also state that structures having a 6,000 square feet or less footprint
shall be constructed with a pitched roof
Screening of towcr facilities- Tower facilities shall be enclosed by an eight (8)
toot, solid scrccning fencc or masonry wall or a wrought iron fence with an eight
(8) foot evergreen hedge. The facilities shall be landscaped with a buffer of plant
materials that effcctively screens the view of the tower compound.
Karl 6'rawl~l', 500 South Ervay, ,5uile II2-B, Dallas, Texas. Mr. Crawley stated he is
rcpresenting AT & T Tclecommunications Company. He was present to answer
questions of Council.
Mayor Rick Stacy suggested we [Council] needs to find a way to change the
ordinance whereby staff could handle this type issue and not have the applicant go
through all the timc in coming bcfore Council. Councilmember Rex Potter
Motion was made to approvc ZA 01-006, Specific Use Permit to allow an additional
antenna on an existing telecommunication tower; subject to Concept Plan Review
Summary No. 2, dated March 30, 2001; and further subject to the applicants agreement to
use earth tone colors.
Motiou: Standerfer
Second: Stephen
Ayes: Standerfer, Stephen, Evans, Potter, Stacy
Nays: None
Approvcd: 5-0 votc
Agenda Item #8-A, ZA 01-004, Plat Showing for Lots 12, 13 and 14, O.W. Knight
No. 899 Addition.
ZA 01-004, Plat Showing for Lots 12, 13, and 14, O.W. Knight No. 899 Addition, on
propcrty legally dcscribed as Tract 5E situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey,
Abstract No. 899, and being approximately 6.1441 acres.
Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented this Plat Showing noting the property is
located at 209 Southlake Boulcvard on the south side of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M.
1709) approximately 1,100' west of Byron Nelson Parkway. As a matter of history on
fl~is parcel of property the following actions have been taken:
· February 3, 1998, City Council approved ZA 97-130, Rezoning on a Concept
Plan for French Square Office Complex.
· October 6, 1998, City Council approved ZA 98-058, Site Plan for French Square
Officc Complex.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 10 of 14
· October 6, 1998, City Council approved ZA 98-083, Plat Showing of Lots 12, 13,
and 14, O.W. Knight No. 899 Addition. This plat was never filed.
· January o1'2000, City Council decided not to extend Parkwood Drive from Byron
Nelsoo Parkway to East Southlake Boulevard.
On May 17, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved (7-0) subject to Plat
Revicw Summary No. 2, dated April 26, 2001. Specifically showing the relocation of the
Parkxvood Drive cul-de-sac.
Mr. Killough stated the dcveloper for thc property will build the road and the property is
currently under thc same o~vnership as with the zoning change.
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman commented regarding access to and
from thc senior centcr. Councilmembcr Greg Standerfer stated his issue is not having the
senior centcr traffic go straight onto F.M. 1709 as it is dangerous. He feels we should
lcavc access on Byron Nelson Parkway from the Senior Center.
.John Levitt, Civil Works Group, 600 ,Youth Main Street, Suite 300, Rome, Texas. Mr.
Levitt stated this is the last step thc developer needs to take before he can apply for a
building permit.
Motion was made to approve ZA 01-004, Plat Showiog subject to the Plat Review
Summary No. 3, dated June I, 2001; noting that Council wants access to the Senior
Center and that the City will maintain the road offer Parkwood Drive.
Motion: Potter
Second: Standerfer
Mayor Stacy asked Mr. Levitt if he wants to wait for a vote because he will need
four affirmative votes in order for this to pass. Mr. Levitt stated he would find
that it meets all of thc requirements of the City. He asked the City Attorney for an
opinion on this issue.
Potter, Stephen, Evans, Standerfcr, Stacy
5-0 vote
_Agenda item #8-B, ZA 01-051, Plat Revision for Lot l-R, Block 1, City of Southlake
Municipal Complex
ZA 01-051, Plat Revision for Lot l-R, Block 1, City of Southlake Municipal Complex,
on property legally described as Lot 1 & 2, Block 1, and Parkwood Drive, City of
Southlake Municipal Complex, being 14.569 acres
Senior Planner Dennis Killough stated thc purpose of this request is to abandon a portion
of Parkwood Drive. He noted the property is located on the South end of Southlake
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 11 of 14
Boulevard, ~vest and a~[iacent to Byron Nelson Parkway and being approximately 1,400'
east of South White Chapel Boulcvard. To the south of the property is Timarron, Phase
V (Northwood Park). To the west is thc proposed French Square Office Complex.
On May 17, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved (7-0) this case subject
to the Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated May 11, 2001.
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman stated when asked if it is necessary for
Council to act on this issue tonight, that he does not havc a problem and can work with
anything that is desired by council.
Mayor Stacy stated it is better for the City to keep the right-of-way until the city
dccidcs what will be built. He suggested putting this item on hold.
Councilmcmbcr Rex Potter statcd hc fecls it is setting a bad signal to the property
owners to not take a position on this issue.
Motion was made to table ZA 01-051, indefinitely.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Standcrfcr, Evans, Stephen, Stacy
Nays: Potter
Approvcd: 4-1 vote
Agenda Item #10 .A, Reconsider the contract for professional services with Brinkle¥
Sargent Architects for the Recreation Center
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman stated this item is before Council again
as the Mayor has requested that thc City Council reconsider the professional services
agrccmcnt with Brinklcy Sargent Architects for design services for the proposed
recreation center. With a new Parks and Recreation Board in place and given the
magnitude of this project, hc would like the new Board to have an opportunity to review
and comment on tile project.
Al'ter an extensive discussion, motion was made to not execute thc contract that was
previously approved by the City Council in the amount of $550,000. Instead, to execute
an amended contract for thc prcparation of a concept plan to be used for the application
for the grant with the State of Tcxas. Also, we will not do the economic feasibility study
at this time. We will set a cap on the amended concept plan in the amount of $75,000;
subjcct to an agreement with the architect to offset that against the final contract as
discussed in the amount of $550,000 [we get a credit to that]. Following preparation of
thc Concept Plan, it will be returned to Kevin for submission of a grant application. It
will then be returned to thc Park Board and SPDC for action before coming back to the
City Council. This all being subject to the architect having the time to complete the grant
application by thc deadline.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 12 of 14
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Stcphcn
Ayes: Standcrfcr, Stcphcn, Evans, Potter, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda item #10-B, Consider revising trail width for Traffic Management Bond
Package 2B, being the hike and bike trail along the north side of F.M. 1709, from
Southridge Lakes Parkway to Bicentennial Park
Director o1' Community Services Kevin Hugman presented this agenda item, noting this
trail package is for thc segment of trail between Southridge Lakes Parkway and
Bicentennial Park, on the north side of F.M. 1709. This item is on the agenda for the City
Council to consider reducing the width from eight feet to six feet. Hugman stated in
August 1995, the first Trail System Master Plan was approved by the City Council, which
called for six-foot trails throughout the City with the exception of White Chapel, which
was to be eight feet. The approved plan did not delineate which side of the road the trail
was to be constructcd, and as development occurred, this became an issue. In July 1998,
a clarification to tbe Plat was adopted, which delineated the side of the road that thc
multi-purpose, off-road trails were to be constructed. In the area of Southlake Boulevard,
bctwccn Pcytonville m~d Can'oll, staff rccommended the trail along thc south side of
F.M. 1709.
The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the Plan, but also
rccommended that at least a sidewalk be constructed along the north side between
Southridge 1.akes Parkway and Bicentennial Park. City Council approved thc
clarification, with P & Z reconnnendation on July 7, 1998.
In May 1999, voters approved thrcc propositions related to traffic management in a
special bond clcction. Proposition No. 3 was for "the issuance of $4,730,000 general
obligation bonds for park improvements (hike and bike trails). The initial cost estimates
for tbis proposal were based on a trail width of eight feet in keeping xvith general design
guidclines for lnulti-purpose trails, and the desire to qualify for state trail grant funding.
Bond election informational materials distributed to the public referenced the trails as
being eight ~eet in width.
HNTB Architects Engineers Planners were contracted as the City's consultant to manage
thc dcsign and construction of the improvements in the TMB, including the design and
constraction of the hikc and bike trails. TMB Package #2B is the first trail package to
bave been let for construction, and is the trail segment from Southridge Lakes Parkway to
Bicentennial Park, on the north side of F.M. 1709. Concerns have arisen concerning the
width of the trails and whctbcr six-foot sidewalks should be constructed instead of eight-
foot trails, lssues have centered on:
· Expense of concrctc and resulting aesthctics or visual impact of eight foot versus
six foot trails
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 13 of 14
· Construction cost differential of eight lbot versus six foot trails
· Ability to construct eight foot trails within existing or rcquired right of way, and
· Any restrictions on ability to meander trails within this right of way.
This segment of Southlake Boulevard will also be served by the planned multi-purpose
trail on the south side of F.M. 1709. Therefore, a sidewalk, although not signed as usable
for pedcstrians and bicyclists, can still scrvc to enhance non-motorized mobility of
citizens. It was noted a reduction in width from 8' to 6' would result in an estimated cost
savings o1' approximately $18,000 in concrete costs.
Mayor Stacy commcntcd that TxDOT does not have a problem with changing the
width of trails from 8' to 6'. This would be a cost savings of 25%. He feels we
should start at the elementary schools and work out with the trails.
Councilmelnber Tom Stephen suggested we reduce the sidewalks on F.M. 1709
on thc north side, and provide sidewalks on Carlisle and Continental Boulevards
hy schools and homes.
Councilmember Greg Standerfer stated the reason he would do this (reduce the
sidewalks on F.M. 1709 on the north side and provide sidewalks on Carlisle and
Continental Boulevards) is to provide sidewalks by the schools and homes.
City Managcr Billy Campbell stated in the grand scheme of things, the money
needs to bc uscd for sidcwalks.
Motion was madc to approve reducing the width of the sidewalks on F.M. 1709 from 8'
to 6' and utilize the funds saved on other sidewalks.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Standcrfcr, Evans, Pottcr, Stephcn, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item//12, Adjournment
Mayor Rick Stacy ,'o.d~6t3ll~qF/~,,Regular C~ty
pm. ..-' 0'. ......... :.'-~.. '-.
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
Council meeting of June 5, 2001 at 9:30
Mayor Rick St't't't'~
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 14 of 14
JUNE 5, 2001
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph
Evans. Members: Greg Standerfer, Rex Potter, and Tom Stephen.
COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Patsy DuPre and
Councilmember Keith Shankland.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant City Manager
Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen; Director of Planning Bruce
Payne; Senior Planner Dennis Killough; Director of Economic Development Greg Last;
Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Deputy Director of Public Safety Marlin Price;
Director of Public Works Pedram Farahnak; Senior Engineer Charlie Thomas; Engineer
Mike Hutchison; Assistant to the Director of Public Works Valerie Bradley; City
Attorney E. Allen Taylor Jr., and City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand.
WORK SESSION: The Work Session was called to order at 5:40 p.m. During the work
session, Councilmembers and City staff discussed items on the agenda. The work session
is audio and videotape recorded for future reference. Copies are available from the
Office of the City Secretary.
During the work session it was determined that Agenda Items #8 -C, #8 -D, #8 -E, #8 -F,
#8 -G, #9 -A, and #9B would be added to the consent agenda. Regarding Item #5 -F, it was
determined that the July 3, Regular City Council meeting would be cancelled, however, if
it becomes necessary for a meeting to be held, a meeting would be scheduled.
Discussions were held regarding Agenda Item #8 -A, ZA 01 -004, Plat Showing for Lots
12, 13, and 14, 0.W. Knight No. 899 Addition, and whether or not the road would be used
as a cut - through to the subdivision. Councilmember Potter indicated that he does not
want to see the road connected at this time.
Discussion was held regarding Agenda Item #10 -A, Reconsideration of the contract for
professional services with Brinkley Sargent Architects for the Recreation Center.
Director of Community Serviced Kevin Hugman answered questions of Council
regarding this issue.
The work session ended at 6:20 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 1 of 14
Agenda Item #1, Call To Order
Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:21 p.m. City
Council meetings are video and audio recorded for future reference and copies are
available upon request from the Office of the City Secretary.
Agenda Item #2 -A, Executive Session
Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into
Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072,
551.073, 551.074, 551.086, to seek legal advise from the City Attorney; to deliberate
regarding real property matters; to deliberate regarding a prospective gift; to deliberate
regarding personnel matters; to deliberate regarding security devices, and /or to
deliberate regarding economic development negotiations.
Council adjourned into executive session at 6:21 p.m.
Council returned to the council table at 7:20 p.m.
Agenda Item #2 -B, Action Necessary/Executive Session
Motion was made to move forward with the street failure lawsuit as discussed in
executive session.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Standerfer, Evans, Potter, Stephen, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5 -0 vote
Agenda Item #3, Invocation
Coy Quesenbury, Lonesome Dove Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Following the
invocation, Council and the audience gave the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Agenda Item #4 -A, Mayor's Report
During the Mayor's Report, Mayor Stacy made the following announcements:
➢ June 6, beginning at 7:00 p.m. a Citywide SPIN meeting will be held in Town
Hall, 3 floor conference room. The topic will be the Verizon project.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 2 of 14
> A Joint City Council/Planning and Zoning Commission meeting will be held on
June 14, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Hall for
the purpose of fast tracking the Verizon project.
Mayor Stacy presented a proclamation to Sherri Whitt, the Volunteer of the Year for
Southlake for 2000. Ms. Whitt was honored on May 17 at the Annual United Way
Volunteer of the Year Program in Fort Worth. Ms. Whitt commented that she would
chair the "Art in the Square" event for 2002. She noted that this is a very important event
for the City of Southlake, as it will benefit all areas of the City.
Agenda Item #4 -B, City Manager's Report
City Manager Billy Campbell announced that Southlake has received a check from the
Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife toward a $250,000 possible reimbursement on
Bob Jones Park Projects. The Amphitheatre and second pond are both complete and we
are continuing work on the bathrooms and concession stand. It is exciting to see this new
park and lots of people are already using it.
Campbell also announced that Beck Construction Company has received the Golden
Trawl Award for masonry on the Town Hall building. It is nice that we are still receiving
awards in this area.
Agenda item #4 -C, SPIN Report
Tim Miller, Representative from SPIN #6, 2509 Rolling Lane, Southlake. Mr. Miller
also noted the Citywide SPIN meeting, which will be held on June 6. He stated major
concerns within his SPIN area include the traffic flow of F.M.1709 and the congestion at
the left turn lanes. Mr. Miller stated the Kimball Square renovation {Dan Matise owner}
is looking good and will be a big improvement to the area. He stated he spoke with the
Director of Public Works this evening regarding the road condition in the SPIN #6 area
and those issues will be worked out.
Agenda Item $ #4 - D, Library Board Report
Karen Cienki, Library Board member, 803 Shadow Creek Court, Southlake. Ms. Cienki
gave the library board report noting that a youth services librarian and a technical
librarian is now on staff. She stated the youth furniture has arrived, and the computers
have been delivered and unpacked. Epitech will be coming to train staff in the near
future. During the last Library Board meeting, they started the budget process and the
board is very anxious to start working with the Council on the budget. Things are
moving along as planned toward the opening of the library.
Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda
Mayor Rick Stacy informed the audience that the consent agenda items are considered by
one vote. He stated if anyone has a request for an item not to be considered during the
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 3 of 14
consent agenda segment, the item would be deleted from the consent agenda and
considered separately with the regular agenda. He read the consent agenda items for the
meeting into the record as follows:
5 -A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held May 15, 2001, and
the Special City Council meeting held May 22, 2001.
The Minutes of the meetings noted above were approved as presented.
5 -B. Award of bid to SRO General Contracting, Inc., for the construction of concrete
pavement replacement in the Timberlake, Southview, and Myers Meadow
The Council approved pavement replacement projects in the FY 2000 -2001 CIP
Budget for various locations. Staff has identified areas in need of replacement in
Timberlake, Southview, and Myers Meadows subdivisions, and has entered into a
professional services agreement with Cheatham & Associates to prepare the
contract documents. The exact locations are identified in the project maps. The
contract time for completion of the work is 45 calendar days. Bids were received
on May 22, 2001. Seven bids were received, with SRO General Contractors
being the low bidder in the amount of $180,000 and in addition allocate 25% of
construction amount ($45,000) for additional pavement replacement or
unanticipated project contingencies.
5 -C. Award of bid to Hi -Tech Signals, Inc. for ten - school zone solar powered flashing
Funds were appropriated in FY 2000 -2001 CIP Budget for the purchase of "10"
solar powered flashing beacons for school zones. Six will be available for the two
new schools opening this fall, two for the Carroll Middle School and also one to
replace the one that has been damaged by an accident. Bids were received on
May 8, 2001. Four bids were received, with Hi -Tech Signals, Inc. being the low
bidder at $26,500. This bid amount is within the $30,000 allocated in the CIP
5 -D. Award of bid to SRO General Contracting, Inc. for the construction of TMB
intersection improvements to South Carroll Avenue at F.M. 1709 and Brumlow
Avenue at State Highway 26.
Voters approved the two referenced intersection improvements as part of the
Traffic Management Bond Program (TMB) in May 1999. These two intersections
were selected to become the next two TMB projects to complete based on the
severity of delay experienced by motorists. Staff decided to bid both intersections
as one project in an effort to make the project more attractive to contractors. Bids
were received in April 2001 and the Council rejected the bid as it was
significantly over the budged amount. The second time, five (5) bids were
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 4 of 14
received, with SRO General Contracting, Inc. being the low bidder at $1, 617,000.
Staff recommends that the bid be awarded to SRO General Contracting, Inc. in
the amount of $1,617,000, that a 6% contingency of $97,020 be approved for
unanticipated construction related items, and the funding for the railroad signal in
the amount of $281,968.87 be approved for a total budget of $1,995,988.87.
5 -E. Approve the Professional Services Agreement with Halff Associates for the
design of Johnson Road Rehabilitation project from Pearson Lane to Randol Mill
On February 20, 2001, the City Council approved the conceptual design of
Johnson Road from several alternatives that were researched and presented by
Halff Associates. The alternative selected involved the rehabilitation of existing
two -lane roadway, and providing left turn lanes at the intersection of Pearson
Lane and Randol Mill. The original agreement with Halff Associates was to
provide a tree and right -of -way survey and a schematic design of several
alternatives in which the city could select the most appropriate design. This
preliminary work has been performed because of the sensitive conditions
surrounding the Johnson Road corridor, primarily the presence of many trees
located very close to the existing pavement. The agreement is for the completion
of the design and preparation of plans and specifications, including, street,
drainage, water, and sanitary sewer improvements. The time frame for
completion of the design allows for an estimated bid award of the construction
project of mid January 2002. Compensation of these services totals $153,500 and
is funded from each of the project line items in the FY 2000 -2001 CIP Budget.
5 -F. Cancellation or rescheduling of the July 3, 2001 City Council meeting
Several meetings ago, it was brought to Council attention that July 3 is a Regular
City Council meeting date and at the same time, Southlake Town Square will be
holding the annual July 4 celebration on July 3. Council was asked to think
about whether or not they wish to cancel the July 3 meeting all together or
reschedule the meeting for a different date. A decision is needed by the City
Council as preparation will need to be made if the meeting date is to be changed
or canceled all together i.e. publication of public hearing, etc. According to the
Home Rule Charter of the City of Southlake in Section 2.09, meetings of the City
Council, it states when the City Council will meet and outlines the condition of --
"unless the dates fall on a regularly observed City holiday." "Cancel or move a
regular meeting to another day by posting 72 -hour notice in accordance with the
Texas Open Meetings act, giving notice of either action."
8 -C. ZA 01 -028, Plat Revision for Lot 5 -R, Block 3, Coventry Manor
ZA 01 -028, Plat Revision for Lot 5 -R, Block 3, Coventry Manor, on property
legally described as Lot 5, Block 3, Coventry Manor, and Tract 2C1A, T.M. Hood
Survey, Abstract No. 706. This site is located on the east side of Suffolk Court,
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 5 of 14
approximately 700' north of Turnberry Lane. The purpose of this request is to
combine a one -acre unplatted tract of land with an existing platted lot in the
Coventry Manor RPUD.
8 -D. Ordinance No. 480 -369, 1 Reading, (ZA 01 -038) Rezoning on property legally
described as Tract 2C1A, T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706 and being one
This site is located on the east side of Suffolk Court, approximately 700' north of
Turnberry Lane. The purpose of this request is to place the uses and regulations
for the Coventry Manor Planned Unit Development on the property so that the
applicant can combine this tract with an existing lot in Coventry Manor by Plat
8 -E. Ordinance No. 480 -367, 1 Reading, (ZA 01 -047) Rezoning on property legally
described as Tract 2C1, T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, and being 1.3
This site is located at 1310 North Shady Oaks on the east side of North Shady
Oaks approximately 680' north of Turnberry Lane. The purpose of this request is
to place Single Family Residential district uses and regulations on the property.
Staff has approved a single lot plat on the property subject to the requested change
of zoning. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (7 -0).
8 -F. Ordinance No. 480 -368, 1 Reading (ZA 01 -039), Rezoning and Site Plan for
Secure Source, Inc., on property legally described as Tract 1E1 and 1E2A, in the
John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 53, and being 2.957 acres.
At the request of the applicant, this item is tabled to the July 17, 2001 Regular
City Council meeting.
8 -G. ZA 01 -045, Plat Revision for Lots 3R1R -1, 3R1R -2, 3R1R -3, 3R1R -4, 3R1R -5
and 3R1R, Block 1, Timarron Golf Course on property legally described as Lot
3R1 and 3R2, Block 1 Timarron Golf Course.
This site is located on the south side of Byron Nelson Parkway in the 1400 Block,
approximately 400' east of Fairwood Court. The purpose of this request is to
subdivide Lot 3R1 into four residential lots and one common lot. The City
Council recently approved a development plan for the residential proposal. This
plat is in compliance with that approval.
9 -A. Resolution No. 01 -035, Appointment of Municipal Court Judge.
This item was tabled, as a complete City Council was not present for the meeting.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 6 of 14
9 -B. Resolution No. 01 -036, Appointment to the Crime Control and Prevention District
to fill the unexpired term of Peter Gaal.
This item was tabled, as a complete City Council was not present for the meeting.
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as follows: Agenda Item #5 -A, #5 -B,
tabling to June 19, 2001 City Council meeting; #5 -C; #5 -D; #5 -E; #5 -F, canceling the
July 3, 2001 City Council meeting; Item #8 -C, #8 -D, #8 -E; #8 -F, tabling to July 17, 2001
at the request of the applicant; Items #9 -A, and #9 -B, tabling.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Standerfer, Potter, Stephen, Evans, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5 -0 vote
Agenda Item #6, Public Forum
Kenneth Horne, 1215 Ashmore Court, Southlake. Mr. Horne stated he had several issues
with newspaper articles he recently read, including: statements made regarding
appointments to boards and commissions, statements made regarding length of time spent
on each agenda item, and limiting the time of people who want to come before the City
Council to speak on an issue.
Councilmember Greg Standerfer. Councilmember Greg Standerfer spoke about the
comments he has received from residents regarding the poor quality of the sound
equipment in the City Council meetings as they appear on the Cable Television channel.
Agenda Item #7 -A, ZA 01 -052, Revised Site Plan on Bicentennial Park
ZA 01 -052, Revised Site Plan on Bicentennial Park, on property legally described as Lot
2R2, L.B.G. Hall No. 686 Addition. Current zoning is "S -P -1" Detailed Site Plan District
with "CS" Community Service District uses.
Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented ZA 01 -052, stating the purpose of this revised
site plan is to obtain approval required to construct shade structures over the spectator
seating at several of the youth baseball fields in Bicentennial Park. As a matter of history,
he noted the activities on this property include:
• Youth baseball fields constructed as part of Bicentennial Park construction in
• Park Master Plans approved in 1996 and 2001 (update) showing fields at current
• Site Plan for Bicentennial Park approved by Council in June of 2000
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 7 of 14
• Park Board recommended SPDC approval of Southlake Baseball Association
(SBA) request for $65,000 matching funds request to build shade structures on
January 8, 2001
• SPDC approved matching funds on January 22, 2001
Mr. Killough stated review of this application is limited to the proposed shade structures.
There are no other changes to the approved site plan. The plans meet all requirements of
applicable city ordinances. There are no remaining plan review comments regarding this
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve ZA 01 -052, Revised Site Plan on Bicentennial Park
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Standerfer, Evans, Potter, Stephen, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5 -0 vote
Agenda Item #7 -B, Award of bid to Sun Ports International for Shade Structures
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman stated, as previously approved by SPDC
through a matching funds request from the Southlake Baseball Association, this project
involved the design, purchase, and installation of bleacher shade structures on
Bicentennial Park baseball fields #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9 and #10. The shade structures
would consist of a powder coated pole support structure covered with a UV shade fabric.
The fabric will be similar to that used on the existing shade structures at the Bob Jones
Park soccer fields and the Southlake Tennis Center. The recommended fabric colors of
burgundy and forest green will match the existing dugout shade covers.
The proposed shade structures were estimated to cost $130,000 and would provide much
needed relief from the summer sun for numerous spectators, players, coaches, and
officials. The construction timeline, should the project be approved, would provide for
an estimated completion date of July 2001. The City received and opened one bid on
April 17, 2001 in accordance with state bidding procedures. The bid of the project was
submitted by Sun Ports International in the amount of $133,735, slightly over the
approved budget of $130,000. Staff met with Sun Ports International and developed a
reduced scope of work that would bring the project within budget while maintaining the
integrity of the project. Essentially, with the implementation of Change Order No.1, the
shade structures for fields #8 and #9 would be reduced in size. The shade structures
would still cover all of the seating area but would be reduced in size over the pedestrian
plaza by approximately 1,178 square feet.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 8 of 14
Matching funds in the amount of $65,000 (total project budget $130,000) have been
approved as part of the FY 2000 -01 SPDC Matching Funds Program. Change Order No.
1 would reduce the scope of the contract by $12,000 from $133,735 to $121,735. In
addition, project construction contingency in the amount of $8,000 (6.5% of the project)
is requested to cover unforeseen costs arising from the project, as well as the purchase
and installation of SPDC recognition plaque.
Motion was made to approve awarding the bid to Sun Ports International and approval of
Change Order No. 1 as noted above.
Motion: Stephen
Second: Evans
Ayes: Stephen, Evans, Standerfer, Potter, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5 -0 vote
Agenda Item #7 -C, Resolution No. 01 -040 (ZA 01 -006), Specific Use Permit
Resolution No. 01 -040 (ZA 01 -006), Specific Use Permit to allow an additional antenna
on an existing telecommunication tower per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1
(38) and Section 45.8, on property described as Lot 1R, Block B, North Davis Business
Park, being 0.757 acres. A concept plan will be considered with this request.
Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented this agenda item stating the property is located
at 2105 Greenwood Drive, located on the south side of Greenwood Drive, approximately
60' north of Greenbrier Drive in the North Davis Business Park. Mr. Killough gave some
history of the project, including:
• March 18, 1986, City Council passed and approved Ordinance No. 324, annexing
North Davis Business park into the City of Southlake
• February 4, 1986, final plat for the industrial park was approved while in the
City's extraterritorial jurisdiction
• July 7, 1992, City Council approved a concept plan for an office /warehouse
• May 17, 1994, City Council approved rezoning to "S -P -1" Detailed Site Plan
District to allow "I -1" uses with outside storage and an antenna station and the
site plan.
With Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated March 30, 2001, the following variances
need council action: (the variances below relate to the proposed equipment building
• Masonry requirements due to residential adjacency (Section 43.13 (a)).
According to residential adjacency standards, all facades of applicable buildings
shall meet the masonry requirements as set out in Ordinance No. 557
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 9 of 14
• Pitched roof due to residential adjacency (Section 43.13(a)), residential adjacency
standards also state that structures having a 6,000 square feet or less footprint
shall be constructed with a pitched roof
• Screening of tower facilities- Tower facilities shall be enclosed by an eight (8)
foot, solid screening fence or masonry wall or a wrought iron fence with an eight
(8) foot evergreen hedge. The facilities shall be landscaped with a buffer of plant
materials that effectively screens the view of the tower compound.
Karl Crawley, 500 South Ervay, Suite 112 -B, Dallas, Texas. Mr. Crawley stated he is
representing AT & T Telecommunications Company. He was present to answer
questions of Council.
Mayor Rick Stacy suggested we [Council] needs to find a way to change the
ordinance whereby staff could handle this type issue and not have the applicant go
through all the time in coming before Council. Councilmember Rex Potter
Motion was made to approve ZA 01 -006, Specific Use Permit to allow an additional
antenna on an existing telecommunication tower; subject to Concept Plan Review
Summary No. 2, dated March 30, 2001; and further subject to the applicants agreement to
use earth tone colors.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Stephen
Ayes: Standerfer, Stephen, Evans, Potter, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5 -0 vote
Agenda Item #8 -A, ZA 01 -004, Plat Showing for Lots 12, 13 and 14, O.W. Knight
No. 899 Addition.
ZA 01 -004, Plat Showing for Lots 12, 13, and 14, O.W. Knight No. 899 Addition, on
property legally described as Tract 5E situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey,
Abstract No. 899, and being approximately 6.1441 acres.
Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented this Plat Showing noting the property is
located at 209 Southlake Boulevard on the south side of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M.
1709) approximately 1,100' west of Byron Nelson Parkway. As a matter of history on
this parcel of property the following actions have been taken:
• February 3, 1998, City Council approved ZA 97 -130, Rezoning on a Concept
Plan for French Square Office Complex.
• October 6, 1998, City Council approved ZA 98 -058, Site Plan for French Square
Office Complex.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 10 of 14
• October 6, 1998, City Council approved ZA 98 -083, Plat Showing of Lots 12, 13,
and 14, O.W. Knight No. 899 Addition. This plat was never filed.
• January of 2000, City Council decided not to extend Parkwood Drive from Byron
Nelson Parkway to East Southlake Boulevard.
On May 17, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved (7 -0) subject to Plat
Review Summary No. 2, dated April 26, 2001. Specifically showing the relocation of the
Parkwood Drive cul -de -sac.
Mr. Killough stated the developer for the property will build the road and the property is
currently under the same ownership as with the zoning change.
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman commented regarding access to and
from the senior center. Councilmember Greg Standerfer stated his issue is not having the
senior center traffic go straight onto F.M. 1709 as it is dangerous. He feels we should
leave access on Byron Nelson Parkway from the Senior Center.
John Levitt, Civil Works Group, 600 South Main Street, Suite 300, Rome, Texas. Mr.
Levitt stated this is the last step the developer needs to take before he can apply for a
building permit.
Motion was made to approve ZA 01 -004, Plat Showing subject to the Plat Review
Summary No. 3, dated June 1, 2001; noting that Council wants access to the Senior
Center and that the City will maintain the road off of Parkwood Drive.
Motion: Potter
Second: Standerfer
Mayor Stacy asked Mr. Levitt if he wants to wait for a vote because he will need
four affirmative votes in order for this to pass. Mr. Levitt stated he would find
that it meets all of the requirements of the City. He asked the City Attorney for an
opinion on this issue.
Ayes: Potter, Stephen, Evans, Standerfer, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5 -0 vote
Agenda Item #8 -B, ZA 01 -051, Plat Revision for Lot 1 -R, Block 1, City of Southlake
Municipal Complex
ZA 01 -051, Plat Revision for Lot 1 -R, Block 1, City of Southlake Municipal Complex,
on property legally described as Lot 1 & 2, Block 1, and Parkwood Drive, City of
Southlake Municipal Complex, being 14.569 acres
Senior Planner Dennis Killough stated the purpose of this request is to abandon a portion
of Parkwood Drive. He noted the property is located on the South end of Southlake
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 11 of 14
Boulevard, west and adjacent to Byron Nelson Parkway and being approximately 1,400'
east of South White Chapel Boulevard. To the south of the property is Timarron, Phase
V (Northwood Park). To the west is the proposed French Square Office Complex.
On May 17, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved (7 -0) this case subject
to the Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated May 11, 2001.
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman stated when asked if it is necessary for
Council to act on this issue tonight, that he does not have a problem and can work with
anything that is desired by council.
Mayor Stacy stated it is better for the City to keep the right -of -way until the city
decides what will be built. He suggested putting this item on hold.
Councilmember Rex Potter stated he feels it is setting a bad signal to the property
owners to not take a position on this issue.
Motion was made to table ZA 01 -051, indefinitely.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Standerfer, Evans, Stephen, Stacy
Nays: Potter
Approved: 4 -1 vote
Agenda Item #10_A, Reconsider the contract for professional services with Brinkley
Sargent Architects for the Recreation Center
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman stated this item is before Council again
as the Mayor has requested that the City Council reconsider the professional services
agreement with Brinkley Sargent Architects for design services for the proposed
recreation center. With a new Parks and Recreation Board in place and given the
magnitude of this project, he would like the new Board to have an opportunity to review
and comment on the project.
After an extensive discussion, motion was made to not execute the contract that was
previously approved by the City Council in the amount of $550,000. Instead, to execute
an amended contract for the preparation of a concept plan to be used for the application
for the grant with the State of Texas. Also, we will not do the economic feasibility study
at this time. We will set a cap on the amended concept plan in the amount of $75,000;
subject to an agreement with the architect to offset that against the final contract as
discussed in the amount of $550,000 [we get a credit to that]. Following preparation of
the Concept Plan, it will be returned to Kevin for submission of a grant application. It
will then be returned to the Park Board and SPDC for action before coming back to the
City Council. This all being subject to the architect having the time to complete the grant
application by the deadline.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 12 of 14
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Stephen
Ayes: Standerfer, Stephen, Evans, Potter, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5 -0 vote
Agenda Item #10 -B, Consider revising trail width for Traffic Management Bond
Package 2B, being the hike and bike trail along the north side of F.M. 1709, from
Southridge Lakes Parkway to Bicentennial Park
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman presented this agenda item, noting this
trail package is for the segment of trail between Southridge Lakes Parkway and
Bicentennial Park, on the north side of F.M. 1709. This item is on the agenda for the City
Council to consider reducing the width from eight feet to six feet. Hugman stated in
August 1995, the first Trail System Master Plan was approved by the City Council, which
called for six -foot trails throughout the City with the exception of White Chapel, which
was to be eight feet. The approved plan did not delineate which side of the road the trail
was to be constructed, and as development occurred, this became an issue. In July 1998,
a clarification to the Plat was adopted, which delineated the side of the road that the
multi - purpose, off -road trails were to be constructed. In the area of Southlake Boulevard,
between Peytonville and Carroll, staff recommended the trail along the south side of
F.M. 1709.
The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the Plan, but also
recommended that at least a sidewalk be constructed along the north side between
Southridge Lakes Parkway and Bicentennial Park. City Council approved the
clarification, with P & Z recommendation on July 7, 1998.
In May 1999, voters approved three propositions related to traffic management in a
special bond election. Proposition No. 3 was for "the issuance of $4,730,000 general
obligation bonds for park improvements (hike and bike trails). The initial cost estimates
for this proposal were based on a trail width of eight feet in keeping with general design
guidelines for multi - purpose trails, and the desire to qualify for state trail grant funding.
Bond election informational materials distributed to the public referenced the trails as
being eight feet in width.
HNTB Architects Engineers Planners were contracted as the City's consultant to manage
the design and construction of the improvements in the TMB, including the design and
construction of the hike and bike trails. TMB Package #2B is the first trail package to
have been let for construction, and is the trail segment from Southridge Lakes Parkway to
Bicentennial Park, on the north side of F.M. 1709. Concerns have arisen concerning the
width of the trails and whether six -foot sidewalks should be constructed instead of eight -
foot trails. Issues have centered on:
• Expense of concrete and resulting aesthetics or visual impact of eight foot versus
six foot trails
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 13 of 14
• Construction cost differential of eight foot versus six foot trails
• Ability to construct eight foot trails within existing or required right of way, and
• Any restrictions on ability to meander trails within this right of way.
This segment of Southlake Boulevard will also be served by the planned multi - purpose
trail on the south side of F.M. 1709. Therefore, a sidewalk, although not signed as usable
for pedestrians and bicyclists, can still serve to enhance non - motorized mobility of
citizens. It was noted a reduction in width from 8' to 6' would result in an estimated cost
savings of approximately $18,000 in concrete costs.
Mayor Stacy commented that TxDOT does not have a problem with changing the
width of trails from 8' to 6'. This would be a cost savings of 25 %. He feels we
should start at the elementary schools and work out with the trails.
Councilmember Tom Stephen suggested we reduce the sidewalks on F.M. 1709
on the north side, and provide sidewalks on Carlisle and Continental Boulevards
by schools and homes.
Councilmember Greg Standerfer stated the reason he would do this (reduce the
sidewalks on F.M. 1709 on the north side and provide sidewalks on Carlisle and
Continental Boulevards) is to provide sidewalks by the schools and homes.
City Manager Billy Campbell stated in the grand scheme of things, the money
needs to be used for sidewalks.
Motion was made to approve reducing the width of the sidewalks on F.M. 1709 from 8'
to 6' and utilize the funds saved on other sidewalks.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Standerfer, Evans, Potter, Stephen, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 5 -0 vote
Agenda Item #12, Adjournment
Mayor Rick Stacy �� o ql Regular City Council meeting of June 5, 2001 at 9:30
ATTEST: Mayor Rick Stacy
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2001 Page 14 of 14