2001-08-21REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TOWN HALL, 1400 MAIN STREET SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES AUGUST 21, 2001 COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Patsy DuPre. Members: Greg Standerfer, Tom Stephen, Rex Potter, and Keith Shankland. COUNCIl. MEMBER ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph Evans. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen; Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman; Senior Comprehensive Planner for Parks Department Chris Carpenter; Director of Planning Bruce Payne; Senior Planner Ken Baker; Director of Public Works Pedram Farahnak; Senior Engineer Charlie Thomas; Assistant to the Director of Public Works Valerie Bradley; Director of Public Safety Rick Black; Chief of Police Marlin Price; Manager of Building Services Malcolm Jackson; Manager of Technical Services Gary Gregg; Director of Human Resources Harold Cates; City Attorney E. Allen Taylor Jr.; and City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand. WORK SESSION: The Work Session was called to order at 5:42 p.m. by Mayor Rick Stacy. The work session is audio and videotape recorded for future reference. Copies are available from the Office of the City Secretary. During the work session, agenda items were discussed and the following items were moved to the consent agenda: Agenda Item #7-G, Item #7-H, to table and continue the public hearing at the September 4, 2001, City Council meeting; Item #8-A, to table and continue at the September 4, 2001, City Council meeting; Item #8-B, #8-C, #8-D, #8-E, #8-F, #8-G, as amended and Items #10-A, #10-B, #10-C, and #10-D. The work session ended at 6:22 p.m. REGUI,AR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Agenda Item #l-A, Call To Order Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:22 p.m. The City Council meetings are video and audio tape-recorded for future reference and copies are available upon request from the Office of the City Secretary. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 1 of 15 Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session Mayor Rick Sta~T advised the audience that the City Council would be going into Execulive Session pursuant to the Texas Government ('ode, Sections 351.07], 3.5].072, 551.073, 5.51.074, 55].086 to seek legal advise from the City Attorney; to deliberate regarding real property malters; to deliberate regarding a prospeclive gift; to deliberate regarding personnel matters; to deliberate regarding securiO' devices, and/or to deliberate regarding economic development negotiations. Council adjourned into executive session at 6:23 p.m. Council returned to open session at 7:10 p.m. Agenda Item #2-B~ Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was taken as the result of the executive session. Agenda Item #3, Invocation and Pledge to the Flag Mayor Rick Stacy led the invocation followed by the Pledge to Allegiance to the Flag. Agenda Item #4-A~ Mayor's Report Mayor Stacy made the following announcements during the Mayor's Report: budget work session has been scheduled for August 30 at 6:00 p.m. On August 22, at 7:00 p.m. a SPiN meeting will be held in the 3rd floor conference room with the topic to include rezoning for the City-owned Pearson property. The property is located on the comer of Pearson Lane and F.M. 1709. Metroport Partners will bc going to Austin on September 26 and 27 to make a presentation before the Texas Department of Transportation regarding the FM 1938. This is a very important meeting, if Councilmembers or staff is able to go, please contact the City Secretary and she will make arrangements. An adult trip to Toyoma, Japan is being plaimed for September 12 to September 19. This is in conjunction with our Sister City program. If Councilmembers wish to go, please contact the City Secretary. During the Mayor's Report, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Patsy DuPre reported on a trip she recently returned from to Toyoma, Japan. She stated she chaperoned a group of six girls from Southlake, and they had a wonderful time. She showed photographs of some of the activities they participated in, and each of the girls made a statement regarding their experiences on the trip. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21,2001 Page 2 of 15 Agenda Item #4-B~ City Manger's Report During the City Manager's Report, Billy Campbell. City Manager, informed the Council and the audience that the concrcte design underneath the over passes for the S.H. 114 highway improvements is ready for selection of the pattern that will be used in this area. He stated the first panel is complete, and it located on the overpass of the Wall Street bridge. Senior Engineer Charlie Thomas reported on the "funnel" and the technical committee who met rcgarding this highway construction. He stated the technical committee included representatives from Grapevine, Colleyvillc, Coppell, Flower Mound and Southlake. He stated they stopped meeting before they had completed the study. However, funding for this project has now been approved, and we need to start meeting again. The study explains the express lanes, HOB lanes, etc. Mr. Thomas expressed that anytime there is a public meeting regarding this construction, it is important that City Councilmembers are present. The construction is to start in the 2004-2005 timeframe and is a several-year project. Agenda Item #4-C~ SPIN Report The SPIN report was given by Jan Francis; SPIN #5 representative, who identified the area of SPIN #5. She stated there has been a lot of activity in her SPIN area and noted that at last nights meeting, thc citizens were very pleased with the presence of staff and offered that they were so helpful. Discussion included sewer lines in the Hunter's Ridge area. She stated it was noted that another set of sewer lines exist in that subdivision and asked City staff to please check this out, before two sets of sewer lines are installed in that same area. Other issues discussed by Ms. Francis include Hidden Creek Estates, Advcnterra Tracts 1 & 2, commenting that more information is available on these two tracts from thc Timarron Information Center. Ms. Francis commented on the Kimball Park, which is located on thc comer of Kimball Avenue and Highland. She thanked Charlie Thomas for his dedication to the city and to SPIN. Agenda Item #4-D~ Park and Recreation Board Report Park and Rccreation Board Chairman Chris Miltenberger gave the Park Report commenting that at their last meeting providing lighted fields for Lacrosse was discussed. He commented that they are a growing organization and are in need of fields that are lit. The Park Board is looking into the possibility of funding fields for this use. He stated the Park Board is also working on a Revised Park Dedication Work Sheet that would make it easier for developers use. Councilmember Rex Potter [SPDC vice-chairman] commented on discussions held during the SPDC meeting regarding the Lacrosse request for lighted fields. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 3 of 15 Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda Mayor Stacy stated that all items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Councilmembcr or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. 5-A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on August 7, 2001. The minutes of the August 7, 2001, City Council meeting were approved as presented. Councilmembers DuPre and Potter abstained from voting on this agenda item because they were not present for the August 7, 2001, City Council meeting. 5-B. Resolution No. 01-057, Appointing a representative and alternate to the North Texas Regional Library System (NTRLS) Council. The Library Board has recommended Board member Karen Cienki as its representative to the North Texas Regional Library System Council, and Board member Peggy Firestone as the alternate representative. As Southlake's representatives, they will be attending periodic NTRLS Council meetings. 5-C. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a purchase agreement with Comp USA for the purchase of desktop computers. The City is near thc end of two leases for a total of 76 desktop computers. The current leases have a fair market buyout in excess of the current value of the machines. Council approved a mid-year budget adjustment to replace these computers prior to the end of the lease and during this fiscal year. Numerous QISV (state-bid qualified) computer vendors were contacted for a proposal, including Dell, Compaq, Hewlett Packard, and Gateway. The City also reviewed bids from "white box" (no-name) manufacturers. Staff concluded that the length and quality of warranties and service available from major vendors outweighed the minor cost savings associated with a no-name computer. A variety of scenarios also were modeled pitting Pentium III-IMHZ processors against Pentium IV- 1.4 processors. In most instances, the proposals for the two processors were within a few dollars of each other - giving value to buying the faster processor. Staff elected to propose two different types of computers for this purchase. Authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Pinnacle Integrated l'echnologies for the purchase and installation of fiber optic for the West DPS facility. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 4 of 15 Currently, all data processing and a substantial amount of the telecommunications infrastructure are located at Town Hall. The City has a fiber optic cable system in place that connects all current city buildings together for purposes of data processing and telecommunications. In order to continue to utilize Town Hall in this fashion for the West DPS facility, we need to mn fiber optic cable from Town Hall out to thc West DPS facility. Current city facilities are connected by a 12- strand fiber optic cable data backbone. This backbone replaces numbers of leased circuits costing approximatcly $1,000 each. Fiber optic cable was reused from the old lcased administration building to partially cover the distance to the new West DPS facility. This proposal will connect the West DPS facility to the city fiber hub and allow for the interconnection of data and telephones from the West DPS facility to the remainder of the City in a seamless manner. Staff estimates a return on investment for the project to be at break even at the end of three years or less, depending on the demand for bandwidth from the West DPS station. Approval of Interlocal Agreement with C.I.S.D. for provision of School Resource Officers. The City of Southlake Department of Public Safety has provided sworn police officers as School Resource Officers since 1991. They currently work in the high school, junior high, and middle schools. They provide security and work with both students and the school administration to resolve problems and reduce violence. The prior Interlocal Agreement included DARE officers, which were eliminated by C1SD this year due to budget constraints and a change in direction regarding drag abuse education. Police accreditation requirements also necessitated some changes in the agreement, adding sections on performance and responsibility for actions. The original agreement required CISD to pay 75% of salary and benefits for the officers assigned. The City paid 25% but the City paid all overtime costs. School overtime costs rose annually due to the requests for additional security at after-hour events. This proposed agreement with CISD paying 60% plus all school-related overtime will cap the City's expenditure at the current level and all new overtime or extra duty requested in the future will have to be budgeted by CISD. The Crime Control and Prevention District has approved funding for two of the three SRO positions for one additional year. Only one SRO position will be funded through the General Fund Budget. Resolution No. 01-048, Appointing representatives to the SPiN Standing Committee to fill two (2) unexpired terms for SPiN Neighborhoods #7 and #9e. This resolution appoints representatives Jeff Wang and Brandon Bledsoe to fill the unexpired terms of SPIN #7 Representative Darrell Faglie, who was appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission and SPIN #9e Representative Edith Hutcheson, who resigned earlier this year. These individuals were recruited by the outgoing representative of the SP1N Executive Committee, and both individuals have participated in Standing Committee items throughout the summer. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 5 of 15 Consider placing a proposal to adopt the tax rate and hold a public hearing on the tax rate, on the agenda for the September 4, 2001, Regular City Council meeting. Sincc the proposed lax rate of.422 will exceed the rollback rate (.399739) or 103 percent of the effective tax rate (.399528), and will increase tax revenues, the city must hold a public hearing on a proposal to increase tax revenues. In order to hold the public hearing, a record vote of the council members must be taken to show who is for aod against the proposal. This then will be published in the newspaper prior to the public hearing as required by law. 5-H. ZA01-086, Plat Revision on property legally described as Lot IR, Aubrey Estates. 7-6. This property is located at 351 South White Chapel Boulevard. The purpose of this plat is to abandon a utility easement in the southwest portion of the property that is not in usc by the City or franchise utilities. The easement runs along an old lot boundary that was relocated on a previous plat revision. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval on August 9, 2001, subject to the plat review summary. There are no issues regarding this request. ZA01-051, Plat Revision for Lot l-R, Block 1, City of Southlake Municipal Complex, on property legally described as Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, and Parkwood Drive, City of Southlake Municipal Complex, being 14.569 acres. This is the City of Southlake's property located south of East Southlake Boulevard, west of Byron Nelson Parkway, and north and east of Parkwood Drive. The purpose of this request is to receive City Council approval of extension of a common access easement along the north property line of Block 1 and provide additional dedication of right-of-way for extension of utility services across the north linc of Block 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval May 17, 2001, subject to the plat review summary. There are no outstanding issues with this rcquest. Authorize the Mayor to execute a Commercial Developer's Agreement for Southlake Bank Place Addition, Lot 11, Block A (JCBA Office Complex). The Southlake Bank Place Addition was originally platted in 1984. A plat revision, creating Lot 11, Block A, will be considered during this meeting. This developer's agreement covers the construction of a public storm sewer system. This is thc City's standard developer's agreement with no variance requests. This property was originally platted in 1984 prior to the City's requirement for parkland dedication, therefore, there is no park fee required. Resolution No. 01-056 (ZA01-073), Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-premise consumption per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (1) and Section 45.6 on property legally described as portions of Lots 1 & 2, Block B, Commerce Business Park, being 3.029 acres. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21,2001 Page 6 of 15 This item will be tabled at the request of the applicant until the September 4, 2001, City Council meeting, continuing the public hearing to that time. Ordinance No. 480-372, 1st Reading (ZA01-072), Rezoning and Site Plan for Quik Trip on property legally described as portions of Lots 1 & 2, Block B, Commerce Business Park, being 3.029 acres. This item will be tabled at the request of the applicant until the September 4, 2001, City Council meeting. Ordinance No. 480-368, 1st Rcading (ZA01-039), Rezoning and Site Plan for Secure Sourcc, Inc., on property legally described as Tract 1El, and 1E2A in the John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 253, and being 2.9571 acres. This item was tabled at the request of the applicant until the September 4, 2001, City Council meeting. Ordinance No. 480-373, 1s~ Reading (ZA01-065), Rezoning, on property legally described as a portion of Tract lA, Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, being 15.47 acres. This property is located on the north side of West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) approximately 400' west of West Jellico Circle. The purpose of this request is to change the zoning to "SF-1A" to allow for single-family residential development. A plan is not required for this zoning change. The applicant is concurrently processing a preliminary plat proposing 14 residential lots and two officc lots. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved this request August 9, 2001. Ordinance No. 480-374, 1 ~t Reading (ZA01-066), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Lots I and 16, Park Meadows Court, on property legally described as a portion of Tract lA, Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, being 3.64 acres. This property is located on the north side of West Southlake Boulevard, approximately 400' west of West Jellico Circle. This request is associated with cases ZA01-065 and ZA01-067. The purpose of this request is to receive zoning and concept plan approval of four office-building sites on two lots (two buildings on each lot). The applicant is requesting thc following variances: 1. Driveway spacing along Southlake Boulevard on both lots. 2. Commercial drives onto local streets where other access is available. Driveway stacking depth on all driveways. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 7 of 15 A 12' width reduction in the required bufferyard along F.M. 1709 is requested due to right-of-way dedication for a decel lane. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval on August 9, 2001, subject to the concept plan review summary, specifically denying all requested variances. ZA01-067, Preliminary Plat for Park Meadows Court, on property legally described as Tract lA of the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, and being 19.11 acres. This plat is associated with cases ZA01-065 and ZA01-066. The property is located on the north side of West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) approximately 400' west of West Jellico Circle. The purpose of this plat is to subdivide one tract into 16 buildable lots. The applicant is concurrently processing a request fbr "SF-IA" zoning on the northern 15 acres (Lots 2-15) and a request tbr "O-1" office district zoning with a concept plan on the southern four acres (Lots 1 & 16). The Planning and Zoning Commission approved this plan on August 9, 2001, subject to the plat review summary. There are no significant issues regarding the plat. 8-F. Ordinance No. 480-LL, 1st Reading, Outside Storage and Screening. On June 12, 2001, staffheld a work session with City Council to review proposed changes to the outside storage regulations. The City Council approved of staff changes; however, the Council requested that staff add a provision that would allow some seasonal merchandise to be stored outside without screening. Also, the Council instructed staff to meet with the business owners most directly affected by the proposed regulations. On June 29, 2001, staff presented the proposed changes to the outdoor storage regulations to the business owners and store managers most directly affected by the proposed changes (business operations located in the corridor overlay that currently have or might have a need for outside storage). 40 notices were sent. Representatives from all the grocery store chains and most of the bigger retail businesses were present at this meeting. On June 5, 2001, the proposed ordinance was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission. A copy of the summary of the Commission's recommended changes along with a staffresponsc to those recommendations are hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. 8-G. Ordinance No. 803, 1st Reading, Public Art Policy. This ordinance will dcfinc a process and guidelines for the City to officially review, commission, accept, erect, and/or maintain public art items. It also establishes a funding mechanism for the acquisition of public art, being a percentage of the Capital Improvements budget for a given year. Councilmember Patsy DuPre has worked with staff, the City Attorney, and Susan Bruning, a Southlake resident who is an attorney specializing in copyright law, to draft this policy. During the work session, Councilmember Tom Stephen suggested adding Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21,2001 Page 8 of 15 IO-A. a release from the artist to the policy and regarding Article 7, funding, he suggested adding "no greater than 1%" in line 3. Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated she does not want anyone to be uncomfortable with this policy. She also expressed thanks to Chris Carpenter, Park Planncr, for his hard work on this policy. Authorize the Mayor to execute a partial Commercial Developer's Agreement for Solana Addition, Lot 1~ Block 1, Verizon Wireless NOCC. Verizon desires to begin work on-site and the plans for those public improvements are approved. At this time, the construction plans for the portion of Kirkwood Boulevard and Dove Road that Verizon is to construct are not complete. Therelbre, Verizon desires to execute a developer's agreement for on- site improvements only and later revise the agreement to include construction of Kirkwood Boulcvard and South Dove Road, after the construction plans are approved, and they have prices for the construction. Requested changes to the standard partial developer's agreement include: 1. Reduce inspection fee, administration processing fee and overtime charges to one-half normal charge (per 380 agreement). 2. The developer requests that it not be required to install any streetlights on Dove Street and Kimball Avenue. 3. The developer's request to add a phase to the indemnity clause that says: "Except for its or their gross negligence or willful misconduct" developer agrees to indemnify the City, its officers and employees for any damages, claims or liabilities arising from the negligent act or omission, of the City, its officers and employees. 4. Park fee is waived (per the 380 agreement). 5. The developer agrees to pay to the City its pro-rata share of the cost of constructing the trail along S.H. 114, if the trail is constructed within the next 10 years. The value of their reduced inspection and administrative processing fee is approximately $2,500. The amount of the waived park fee is $20,000. 10-B. Selection of a security system for Southlake Public Library. One of the capital items originally included for in the FY 2000-01 Library Division operating budget was $13,000 for a book security system. This system is essentially an electronic monitor at the Library exit that detects books being removed from the library that have not been checked out. This prevents accidental or intentional removal of library items without proper check out. Grapevine Public Library has moved to the latest technology system - a radio frequency identification system (RFID). As discussion progressed with Grapevine about a partnership between the libraries, the two most critical items to ensure Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 9 of 15 iO-C. 10-D. compatibility were the library automation and circulation system and the security system. Southlake purchased the EpixTech automation system to ensure compatibility with Grapevine. The security system was not considered initially until discussions about patrons of either city being able to check out and return books at either location. Since Grapevine did not remove the old RF tags from its books, any of thesc items returncd to Southlakc would trigger an alarm. The RFID system is significantly more expensive than the basic RF system; however, there are other advantages to purchasing it rather than the basic RF system. These include more efficient use of staff time by reducing duplicative processes, faster checkout and check-in processes, and inability to upgrade from RF to RFID in the future. Given all considerations, staff recommends the RFID system (cost of $64,010), and that the funds be allocated from: re-allocation of $60,000 from the FY 2001-02 Library Services budget for the purchase of Grapevine Library cards. (The budget submitted for FY 2001-02 includes $60,000 for the purchase of Grapevine library cards for Southlake residents. This was inappropriate in the past since Southlake did not have a library, but with the planned opening next month of the Southlake Public Library, that expense could be eliminated and the $60,000 re-allocated). Checkpoint, the provider of the RFID system is a sole source provider, therefore, the award of the contract does not require competitive sealed bids. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a rene~val contract with Aetna U.S. Healthcare of North Texas, Inc., for provision of medical benefits to City of Southlake employees. Aetna U.S. ltealthcare is the City's current medical insurance carrier, providing two types of medical insurance coverage to employees; an HMO and a PPO plan. The city covers thc employee at the first tier HMO rate. If the employee wishes to cover his/her spouse, children, or the entire family, he or she is required to pay the additional cost. Likewisc, should the employee desire coverage through the PPO plan, hc or she must pay the cost differential. The city does, however, provide $100 per month "Stipend" toward dependent care coverage. The renewal contract shows an increase in the overall monthly premiums for both plans. The monthly premiums in the HMO plan will increase by approximately 19% and 30% in the PPO plan. It is staff's belief that the increase in cost is due primarily to a number of serious illnesses experienced by members of the group this year. Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A for Play It Again Sports located at 2120 East Southlake Boulevard, Suite B. Den Penick, manager of Play It Again Sports, is proposing the installation of an oversized sign on the north storefront, facing S.H. 114. Sign Ordinance No.704-A allows thc overall area of attached signs to be 0.75 square feet for every one-foot of building or lease space, not to exceed 400 square feet. The storefront is 30 feet, which would allow a sign area of 22.5 square feet per ordinance. The Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 10 of 15 proposed sign is 26.7 square feet, which is 4.2 square feet or 19% over the allowed area. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as follows: o Agenda Items #5-A, through #5-1, with the understanding on Item #5-G, Council will move forward to lower the tax rate if they can, with that as their goal; o Agenda Item #7-E, approving; o Agenda Item #7-G, approving; o Agenda ltem #7-H, tabling at the request of the applicant, continuing the public hearing to the September 4, 2001, City Council meeting; o Agenda Item #8-A, tabling at the request of the applicant, continuing at the September 4, 2001, City Council meeting; o Item #8-C, approving on Ist Reading; o Item #8-D, approving on 1st Reading, granting the variance to the stacking depth on interior drives, subject to the Review Summary #4 dated August 21, 2001; o Item #8-E, approving the Preliminary Plat, subject to the Review Summary Letter #3, dated August 3, 2001; o Item #8-F, approving on 1st Reading, as amended, with the public hearing set for September 4, 2001; o ltem #8-G, approving on I st Reading, as amended with the public hearing set for September 4, 2001; o Item gl0-A, approving the Partial Developer's Agreement with Verizon; o ltem gl0-B, approving; o Item gl0-C, approving the renewal of the contract with Aetna for medical insurance for employees, with an increase in rates for HMO of 19% and PPO 30%; and, o item #10-D, approving as presented. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Abstention: Approved: Standerfer Stephen Standerfer, Stephen, Shankland, DuPre, Potter, Stacy None DuPre and Potter abstained from voting on #5-A Stacy abstained from voting on #7-H and #8-A 6-0 vote Agenda Item #6~ Public Forum Jeff Wang, 595 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Wang stated he is the newly appointed SPIN Representative. He commented that school started last Tuesday for the Carroll Independent School District. He stated he had concerns about the opening of school for the two new schools on South Kimball Avenue and the traffic that has been created because of the schools. He stated he would like to name Mike Moore, construction inspector, as Employee Of the Month because he spent the weekend prior to Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 11 of 15 school opening, testing the locations of the barricades in front of the schools in an effort to make it safer for the school buses and additional traffic. He also commended Pedram Farahnak, Director of Public Works, who he stated is a leader by example. Agenda Item #7-A~ Ordinance No. 805, 2nd Reading Ordinance No. 805, 2® Reading, is an ordinance appointing Carol Montgomery as Municipal Judge and authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement of employment. During the 1'~t reading, Council voted to omit Section 12, regarding TMRS, from the Municipal Judge's agreement. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 805, 2~d Reading, as approved in 1st reading. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: DuPre Shankland DuPre, Shankland, Potter, Stephen, Standerfer, Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-B~ Ordinance No. 806~ 2"a Reading Ordinance No. 806, 2"a Reading, is an ordinance appointing Andy Wambsganss as Alternate Municipal Judge and authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement of employment. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. .d · 806, 2 Reading, as approved in 1st reading. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: DuPrc Standerfer DuPre, Standerfer, Potter, Stephen, Shankland, Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-C~ Ordinance No. 480-364, 2"0 Reading (ZA01-027) Ordinance No. 480-364, 2nd Reading (ZA 01-027), Rezoning and Development Plan for Hidden Creek Estates (f.k.a. Haltom Creek Estates), on property legally described as Tracts 3AIG3, 3A1G, 3AIG5, 3A1G2, 3A1G1, 3A1G4, 3A1F1, 5B3, 5B, 5B2A, 5B2, 4E, and 4, Francis Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511, and being 95.9 acres. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District with the amended zoning request of"SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Senior Planner Kenneth Baker commented that prior to the first reading of this item, the applicants amended their zoning change request from "RPUD" to "SF-1A" Single Family Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 12 of 15 Residential District. The City Council accepted and approved the amended request. No plan is required fnr the "SF-1A" zoning change. Due to the recommendation for denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission, as well as surrounding property owner's opposition greater than 20%, a supcr majority vote in the affirmative is required for approval. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was madc to approve Ordinance No. 480-364, 2 Reading (ZA 01-027). Motion: Sccond: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Standerfer Shankland Standerfer, Shankland, Potter, Stephen, DuPre, Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-D~ ZA01-062~ Site Plan for JCBA Office Complex ZA 01-062, Site Plan for JCBA Office Complex, on property legally described as Lot 4R- 2R-2, Block A, Southlake Bank Place Addition, being 1.54 acres. According to Ken Baker, Senior Planner, the property is located on the east side of Bank Street, approximately 400' south of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). The purpose of this request is to get site plan approval in order to build a 5,993 square-foot office building. A variance to articulation is requested. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval on August 9, 2001, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary, No 3, dated August 3, 2001; granting the requested variance in articulation. Roger Blake, Blake Architeets, 1202 South White Chapel Boulevard, Suite A, Southlake. Mr. Skip Blake was present and explained that this building will be used as a showroom for kitchen appliances. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA01-062, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated August 3, 2001; granting the articulation variance as shown and allowing for deferred construction of the bufferyards. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Standerfer DuPre Standerfer, DuPre, Potter, Stephen, Shankland, Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-F~ ZA01-068~ Site Plan for Bank One Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 13 of 15 ZA01-068, Site Plan for Bank One, on property proposed as Lot 2, Block 1, Gumm Scifres Addition, and being legally described as a portion of Tract 2 and Tract 2B2 in the John Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, being 1.45 acres. Senior Planner Ken Baker stated the applicant presented two options for the roof design: Option #1. Without Pitched Roof Option #2. With Pitched Roof The applicant is requesting approval o1' Option 1 on the basis that providing the pitched canopy would negatively impact the architectural design of the building. Baker commented that the Planning and Zoning Commission approved on August 9, 2001 (6-0 vote) subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated August 3, 2001, specifically excluding any requested variances. Robert Bruyere, Architect with Gensler Architects, 5430 LBd Freeway, Suite, 400, Dallas. Mr. Bruyere stated the bank building is proposed to have 4,200 square feet with a 1,300 square foot canopy. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Councilmembers expressed that they were not pleased with the proposed building materials [the usc of stucco] and felt the proposed materials and the look of the structure was not up to Southlake standards. They suggested the applicant table this item and bring it back at the next meeting. Councilmembers agreed that they would each meet with the applicant prior to the next meeting in order to make suggestions to the applicant. Sheo,l Kathy, Bank One Representative. Ms. Kathy stated it would be a burden on them to have to go back and redo their plans. She noted that Bank One wants to put their buildings up quickly and that they have gone over budget on this structure. Mr. Bruyere stated they will request that this item be tabled until the September 4, 2001, City Council meeting. Motion was made to table ZA01-068, at the request of the applicant to the September 4, 2001, City Council meeting, continuing the public hearing to that meeting. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Standerfer Shankland Standerfer, Shankland, Potter, Stephen, DuPre, Stacy None 6-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item #11-A~ Discussion: Trail System Retaining Wall This item has been added to the agenda at the request of Councilmember Rex Potter. Some questions have come up regarding the retaining walls being constructed (as Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 14 of 15 approved by the TMB committee) along the Traffic Management Bond Trails on F.M. 1709. This item, however, was not discussed tonight. Agenda Item #12, Adiournment Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the Rcgular City Council meeting of August 21, 2001, at 8:49 pm. ,,," ~ SOU D.. ",., \ " ...,.o:. ........ ~% ',. ~T.,~,~ [h,.~, ~ .... '~' ~- Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2001 Page 15 of 15