NOVEMBER 12, 2001
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph
Evans; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Patsy DuPre. Members: Greg Standerfer, Rex Potter and
Tom Stephen.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant to the City Manager
John Eaglen; Director of Economic Development Greg Last; Director of Public Safety
Rick Black; Senior Planner Ken Baker, Manager of Building Services Malcolm Jackson;
and City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand.
Agenda Item #1, Call To Order
Mayor Rick Stacy called the Special City Council meeting to order at 6:12 p.m. and
stated the purpose of this meeting is to canvass the results of the Special Election held on
November 6, 2001, to legalize the sale of off - premise wine in the City of Southlake.
Agenda Item #2, Resolution No. 01 -066, Canvassing the Returns and Declaring the
Results of the Local Option Election held on November 6, 2001.
Mayor Rick Stacy read the results of the Local Option Election into the record stating
3,136 registered voters voted in the November 6, Local Option Election. The resolution
showed the following results:
FOR 1,360 1,647 3,007
Early Votes Election Day Total Votes
AGAINST 36 93 129
Early Votes Election Day Total Votes
Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 01 -066, canvassing the returns and
declaring the results of the Local Option Election held on November 6, 2001.
Motion: DuPre
Second: Stephen
Ayes: DuPre, Stephen, Evans, Standerfer, Potter, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 6 -0 vote
Election Judge Karen Cienki addressed the City Council making comments and
suggestions regarding the election. Ms. Cienki noted that the use of the 3 floor
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conference rooms for the election was well received by the voters. The area had
better circulation than we had ever had before in the different locations that voting
had taken place. Some of the voters requested that more parking spaces be
reserved for voters, and that the voters really appreciated having reserved parking
spaces. Signage was another issue that needs to be addressed prior to the next
Mayor Stacy suggested we work toward reserving parking spacing all around the
building for Election Day.
Agenda Item #3, Variance request to the Outdoor Storage Regulations per Zoning
Ordinance No. 480, Section 43, for Wal -Mart, being 23.003 acres located at 200
North Kimball Avenue.
Senior Planner Ken Baker presented the request for variance to the outdoor storage
regulations of Zoning Ordinance No. 480; Section 43 to allow six (6) temporary outdoor
storage unites on site to store additional merchandise during the holiday season. The
applicant has indicated the storage units will be removed from the site no later than
December 26, 2001. This property is located on the northwest comer of the North
Kimball Avenue/FM 1709 intersection. To the east of the site are fast -food restaurants.
To the north is State Highway 114, to the south is F.M. 1709 and to the west is the
Village Center shopping center.
The property is legally described as being on Lot 2, Block 1, Farrar Addition, and being
23.003 acres. The zoning is "C -3" General Commercial District.
Section 43.9.4 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that all uses with ancillary outdoor
storage and display of any goods, materials, merchandise, equipment, parts, junk or
vehicles in non - residential districts shall not be permitted unless screened by an eight (8)
foot masonry wall.
Representatives from Wal -Mart have indicated to the City of Southlake that the current
building is inadequately sized to allow indoor storage of all the merchandise needed to
meet holiday demand. As a result, Wal -Mart is requesting a temporary variance from the
City to allow merchandise to be stored outdoors in six (6) temporary storage units during
the upcoming holiday season. Section 43.9.b of the Zoning Ordinance provides a
provision that allows City Council to grant a variance from the outdoor storage
Applicant, Carl Richett, manager of Wal -Mart, Mr. Richett was present to answer
questions of Council.
Motion was made to approve the request for variance from Wal -Mart as noted above.
Motion: DuPre
Second: Evans
Ayes: DuPre, Evans, Standerfer, Potter, Stephen, Stacy
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Nays: None
Approved: 6 -0 vote
Agenda Item #4, Consider City Council meeting dates for November, December,
and January.
Mayor Stacy stated that a provision of the Home Rule Charter states in Section 2.09
Meetings of the City Council: "The Council shall hold at least two regular meetings each
month on the first and third Tuesday evenings of the month at a time to be fixed by
ordinance, unless the dates fall on a regularly observed City holiday, provided that the
Council may:
(1) cancel or move a regular meeting to another day by posting a 72 -hour
notice in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act giving notice of
either action; and,
(2) establish as many additional regular meetings during the month as may be
necessary for the transaction of the business of the City and its citizens."
After discussion, it was determined that due to holidays and absences of Councilmembers
during the holidays that the regular council meetings will be held on the following dates:
November 26, 2001 (Monday)
December 18, 2001 (Tuesday)
January 7, 2002 (Monday)
January 22, 2002 (Tuesday)
February 12, 2002 (Tuesday)
February 19, 2002 (Tuesday)
And that all Regular City Council meetings will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a work session
followed by the Regular meeting.
Motion was made to approve the meetings dates as noted above.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Stephen
Ayes: Standerfer, Stephen, Evans, DuPre, Potter, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 6 -0 vote
Agenda Item #2 -A, Executive Session
Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into
Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Section 551.086 to deliberate
regarding economic development negotiations.
Council adjourned into executive session at 6:37 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 6:53 p.m.
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Agenda Item #2 -B, Action Necessary /Executive Session
No action was taken as the result of the executive session.
Agenda Item #5, Adjournment
Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the Special City Council meeting at 6:54 p.m.
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ATTEST: %, *;\
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
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