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2001-10-02 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TOWN HALL, 1400 MAIN STREET SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OCTOBER 2, 2001 COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph Evans; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Patsy DuPre. Members: Greg Standerfer, Rex Potter, Tom Stephen and Keith Shankland. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen; Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Director of Economic Development Greg Last; Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman; Director of Planning Bruce Payne; Senior Planner Dennis Killough; Director of Public Works Pedram Farahnak; Engineer Mike Hutchison; Assistant to the Director of Public Works Valerie Bradley; Director of Public Safety Rick Black; Manager of Technical Services Gary Gregg; Director of Human Resources Harold Cates; City Attorney Debra Drayovitch; and City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand. WORK SESSION: Mayor Rick Stacy called the Work Session to order at 5:41 p.m. The work session is audio and videotape recorded for future reference. Copies are available from the Office of the City Secretary. V During the work session, agenda items #9 -A, #10 -A, #10 -B, #10 -C, #10 -E, #10 -F, #10 -G, #10 -H were moved to the consent agenda. The work session ended at 6:05 p.m. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Agenda Item #1 -A, Call To Order Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. The City Council meetings are video and audio tape- recorded for future reference and copies are available upon request from the Office of the City Secretary. Agenda Item #2 -A, Executive Session Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.086, to seek legal advise from the City Attorney; to deliberate regarding real property matters; to deliberate regarding a prospective gift; to deliberate Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 1 of 15 regarding personnel matters; to deliberate regarding security devices; and /or to deliberate regarding economic development negotiations. Council adjourned into executive session at 6:07 p.m. Council returned to open session at 7:00 p.m. Agenda Item #2 -B, Action Necessary /Executive Session Motion was made for approval of the City of Southlake to retain one or more real estate professionals to assist the City in marketing the City property located at F.M. 1709 and Pearson Lane. Motion: Standerfer Second: DuPre Ayes: Standerfer, DuPre, Potter, Stephen, Evans, Shankland, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7 -0 vote Councilmember Standerfer announced that the City has property for sale on F.M. 1709 and Pearson Lane. If anyone is interested in more information regarding this property, please contact the City Secretary. Agenda Item #3, Invocation /Pledge to the American Flag Pastor Marty Dunbar, White Chapel United Methodist Church, led the Invocation. Following the invocation, Cub Scout Troop #928 (Durham Elementary School) led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Agenda Item #4 -A, Mayor's Report During the Mayor's Report, Mayor Rick Stacy presented a proclamation to Representative Vicki Truitt, proclaiming October 2, 2001, as Vicki Truitt Day and thanked her for her hard work and performance during the last two Legislative sessions, and in particular her successful efforts on the Local Option Election change to State Law. Because of these efforts, Southlake is able to conduct a petition drive for a Local Option Election. Representative Truitt stated that this effort could not have been made possible without the hard work and dedication of Director of Economic Development Greg Last and the support of Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Patsy DuPre. Mayor Stacy made the following announcements: V Welcome to Leadership Southlake members who were present tonight. ✓ Breast Cancer Awareness Day - October 12. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 2 of 15 ✓ October 9, from 7 to 9, at Keller High School Auditorium, there will be a Keller /Southlake Town Forum. "Standing Strong" in an all out effort to secure our families in this time of uncertainty. A panel discussion with community leaders and local officials will be held. Councilmember Keith Shankland and Director of Public Safety Rick Black will both be serving on this panel. ✓ Local Option Election petition drive will end on October 3, with 7,140 names on the petitions as of Monday night. ✓ A tour was conducted in Cross Timber Hills Addition, regarding the clean up and restoration of the neighborhood after the sewer system was installed. Agenda Item #7 -B, City Manager's Report During the City Manager's Report, Director of Economic Development Greg Last made a presentation on "Tarrant County's Restaurant Destination ", the City of Southlake Restaurant Report. He presented a summary of findings from the City of Southlake Restaurant Survey, which was completed in September 2001. He noted that citizens who would like a copy of the report could receive one from the Department of Economic Development. Agenda Item #4 -C, SPIN Report Bill Stone, Representation of SPIN #13, gave the SPIN Report. He presented an overview of the developments, which were discussed during various SPIN meetings. He noted that the big issue was the development of F.M. 1938. Mr. Stone stated he is excited to be a part of the comprehensive planning for the City of Southlake. Agenda Item #4 -D, Library Board Report Mr. Brent Burford reported on the opening of the Southlake Library on September 26, stating, that 210 library cards were issued on opening day. To date, 607 library cards have been issued since October 1. He stated that at this time the library will be open 30 hours per week and will expand to 44 hours per week in the near future. At this time, there are some events that have been planned for children. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda Mayor Stacy stated that all items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will not be separate discussion of items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. 5 -A. Approval of the Minutes of the City Council meeting held on September 18, 2001. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 3 of 15 The Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on September 18, 2001 were approved as presented. 5 -B. Award of bid to Pipe -Co, Inc. for the construction of water line improvements in Oak Hill Addition. The FY 00 -01 CIP Budget provided for expansion of the Oak Lane water line from the current two inches to eight inches to improve flow and fire protection to the property owners within the Oak Hill Addition. Ten bids were received on May 9, 2001, with Pipe -Con, Inc., being the lowest qualified bidder. $200,000 was allocated for the design and construction of this project in the FY 00 -01 CIP (Utility Fund). The cost of design of the water line was $18,950. Staff recommends that $92,587 be allocated to this project, plus $5,555.22 for project contingencies for a total of $98,142.20. 5 -C. Approval of Change Order No. 1 to the South Carroll Avenue at F.M. 1709 /Brumlow at S.H. 26 contract with SRO General Contractors, Inc., for construction of paving and water line improvements on South Carroll Avenue along Oak Tree Estates. The Council awarded the construction contract for Traffic Management Bond Program (TMB) intersection improvements at South Carroll Avenue /F.M. 1709 and Brumlow Avenue /S.H. 26 on June 5, 2001, to SRO General Contractors, Inc. That construction is now underway. The FY 99 -00 CIP also included construction of half of the ultimate section for South Carroll Avenue along Oak Tree Estates, and Cheatham & Associates was selected to prepare the construction plans. Because this project partially overlaps the TMB project for South Carroll at F.M. 1709, it is staff's recommendation that this project be combined by way of change order to the TMB project. Considerable savings in both costs and time will be realized by consolidating the two projects. Staff has reviewed the unit price of the previously approved competitive bid to ensure reasonable costs for each item. The proposed cost of the change order is $393,627.80. $400,000 is available for this project from the FY 99 -00 Capital Improvements Program. 5 -D. Resolution No. 01 -064, a resolution directing the Zoning Board of Adjustment to convene and conduct public hearings and proceedings, as necessary, relating to the legal non - conforming use operating as a concrete production facility located at 1635 Brumlow and the amortization value of the legal non - conforming use rights., if any, relating to said property; and directing the Board to forward a report of such findings to the City Council at the conclusion of its proceedings. The resolution being considered for the amortization of the concrete batch plant use on the property owned by Hanson Aggregate. The Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to convene and conduct such hearings as it deems necessary and appropriate, pursuant to Texas Law and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 4 of 15 the requirements of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, the Southlake Municipal Zoning Ordinance, to determine whether or not expedited compliance with the use restrictions applicable to the zoning classifications now existing on the property located at 1635 Brumlow should be made immediately effective to that property, notwithstanding its legal non - conforming use status. The Board shall consider comments and concerns of interested parties and shall make a determination as to whether expedited compliance is necessary and appropriate at this time. If the Board should find that expedited compliance is necessary, the Council will direct the Board to convene and conduct such public hearings as are necessary under Texas Law and the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to determine the unamortized value of the legal non - conforming use rights, if any, remaining in the Hanson Aggregate facility located at 1635 Brumlow. In order to determine a dollar value for any rights remaining that would be lost through expedited compliance, the Board is directed to conduct such discovery, pursuant to its authority under the Municipal Zoning Ordinance, to establish such value. The Board shall, during the course of the hearing, afford the property owner the opportunity to present any and all relevant and competent evidence that it believes necessary and appropriate to demonstrate its unamortized value or interest in the facility. 5 -E. Resolution No. 01 -063, Joint Agreement with the City of Colleyville for GIS Services. This resolution is intended to continue the arrangement that we currently share one of our GIS analysts (Sunny Lindsey) with Colleyville two days per week. This arrangement has worked well during the past two years with the positive benefits expected to continue. The sharing of personnel reduces GIS - related costs for Southlake while giving Colleyville access to the highly useful mapping technology that GIS provides. Cost figures associated with the agreement are to remain the same as the previous two -year period. Council approved this service for one (1) year. 5 - F. Authorize the Mayor to execute a sanitary sewer easement on park property. This item allows the Mayor to grant a sanitary sewer easement on a City -owned four -acre tract of land dedicated for park purposes by the developers of Kirkwood Hollow. The sanitary sewer will serve the Wingate Hill subdivision. The Public Works Department and Community Services staff concurs with the easement alignment and recommend approval. It will not affect any future plans for the park property. 5 -G. Authorize the Mayor to renew contract with Christmas Decor by Zenith for installation of holiday lighting at Town Hall and adjoining public areas. The current contract with Christmas Decor by Zenith allows for two one -year extensions with mutually agreeable price adjustments. Stuart Marshall, the owner Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 5 of 15 of Christmas Decor, has submitted new pricing for the upcoming year with a 5.6% increase. The contract includes installation and removal of lighting for the Town Square parks, pavilion, street trees and Town Hall, as well as storage costs for the year. Staff recommends approval of the contract in the amount of $28,987 plus a $1,000 contingency to replace burned -out light strands, for a total contract amount of $29,987. When the contract was bid last year, three bids were received with the next closest bid being $30,000 higher than Christmas Decor. 5 -H. Variance to the Subdivision Ordinance No.483, Section 4.01(1)2 (Plat Expiration), as amended, extending the validity of Case No. ZA99 -100, Plat Revision, Lot 1R2R, W.W. Hall No. 695 Addition (Crestwood Offices, Phase 2). This plat is located at the northwest corner of North Carroll Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard. Plats must be filed of record within one year of approval. This plat expired on March 21, 2001, and City Council approved an extension to September 21, 2001, which has also passed. The owner is awaiting approval of a Right -Of -Way abandonment and quitclaim on a portion of the Old Carroll Avenue alignment and approvals from the franchise utility companies on the old easements. The property owner is requesting that the validity of the plat be extended until March 21, 2002, to allow more time to resolve these issues. 5 -I. Resolution No. 01 -062, Nominations to Board of Directors to the Tarrant Appraisal District. This resolution gives Council the opportunity to nominate a member to the Board of Directors to the Tarrant Appraisal District if they so choose. In the past, Council has not actually made nominations but cast its votes for a member once the nominations have been made in Tarrant County. Council did not nominate a member at this time. 5 -J. Authorize the Mayor to execute a Residential Developer's Agreement for Kirkwood Hollow, Phase III. On September 20, 2001, the final plat for Kirkwood Hollow, Phase III, was approved. This phase is located at the northeast corner of West Dove Street and Kirkwood Boulevard. As required by City ordinances, the developer must construct the trail in accordance with the Master Trail System along the north side of West Dove Street and the west side of White Chapel Boulevard for the length of the property. The developer plans to construct the trail along the north side of West Dove Street and wishes to escrow the funds for the construction of the trail along White Chapel Boulevard, which will be built by the City as part of the Traffic Management Bond Program. The estimated cost of the trail along White Chapel Boulevard is $22,464. These funds will be used with the Traffic Management Bond Program funds. The park fee is satisfied by parkland dedication as part of the previously developed Kirkwood Hollow, Phase II, as Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 6 of 15 approved by the Park Board. The remainder of the developer's agreement is standard. 9 -A. Resolution No. 01 -061, Abandoning utility easements in the Simmons Addition. The final plat of Simmons Addition was approved on December 7, 2000. The addition is located east of the intersection of Raintree Drive and Rainforest Drive. The final plat includes utility easements to provide for relocation of an existing sanitary sewer line closer to the south property line to better -fit platted residential lots. Utility easements previously have been dedicated to the City by the owner of Lot 4 of the Simmons Addition and along the alignment of the platted new Simmons Court. Construction of the new sanitary sewer line in Simmons Addition is now complete and the sanitary sewer flow has been diverted to the new sanitary sewer line on Lot 4. The developer is requesting that the City abandon the unnecessary portion of the utility easement on Lot 4 of the Simmons Addition so that Lot 4 can be developed for a residential structure and abandon the utility easement that, generally, follows the alignment of Simmons Court. 10 -A. Approval of Agreement for Community Services with the Southlake Community Band. Southlake Community Band (previously Lake Cities Community Band) first received funding from the City in 1995. Their request for financial support stemmed from the increasing size of the band, as well as the growing number of area performances. Initially, the Band received $1,000, which was consistent with the City supplementing twenty -five (25 %) percent of their operating costs. Operating costs include the purchase of music, equipment, postage, and administration. Over the past several years the Southlake Community Band has added to their concert schedule in order to meet the demands of a growing community and an increased number of City sponsored special events. Their purpose is to provide education and entertainment in an effort to increase local appreciation of the arts. For the 1999 -2000 fiscal year the band received an increase of $1,000 for a total of $5,000. The Southlake Community Band has requested funding of $5,000 for FY2001 -2002 for services rendered to the community. 10 -B. Approval of Agreement for Community Services with Grapevine Relief and Community Exchange (GRACE). Grapevine Relief and Community Exchange (GRACE) is a non - profit organization in Grapevine that provides short-term emergency assistance for those in direct need of food, clothing, medicine, and other necessities. They serve the northeast Tarrant area including Southlake. GRACE has received funding since 1994, and in 1998 Council proposed a $.50 per capita funding based on the current resident population. In 1998 the City raised the amount paid for services Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 7 of 15 to $9,500. GRACE has requested funding for FY 2000 -01 of $10,759.50, which is based on the 2000 census population figure of 21,519. 10 -C. Approval of Agreement for Community Services with Arts Council of Northeast Tarrant County. The Arts Council of Northeast Tarrant County is a 501c(3) organization that provides summer arts programs as well as other various arts classes to youth and adults in northeast Tarrant County. They provide a newsletter in addition to a calendar to the citizens of Southlake that serves municipalities, schools, and other non - profit organizations. ACNETC has requested funding for FY 2000 -01 of $4,200, a decrease from the request of $5,000 for the FY2000 -01 fiscal year. 10 -D. Approval of Agreement for Community Services with Tarrant Youth Recovery. In April 1999, Tarrant County Challenge, Inc., Tarrant County MHMR, Tarrant Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse, Family Services, Inc., and Santa Fe Adolescent Services agreed to provide services under one roof- the Tarrant Youth Recovery Campus- to provide a full continuum of care of teenagers residing in Tarrant County who suffered from the disease of addiction. Prior to this project, there were few options for outpatient services and no residential treatment for youth addicted to drugs and alcohol. The funding of $2,250 requested will be used specifically to provide services at the Tarrant Youth Recovery Campus. A request for funding in the amount of $2,250 ($.10 per taxpayer based on the current population of 22,500) was received from Tarrant Youth Recovery Campus on August 17, 2000. The amount of $23,250 has also been requested for FY 2001 -02. 10 -E. Approval of Agreement for Community Services with The Women's Shelter. The Women's Shelter is a non - profit organization headquartered in Arlington. They provide assistance to Southlake residents from satellite branches in Northeast Tarrant County. Services include counseling programs for children, victims, and offenders. They also provide the following services: 24 -hour hotline, community education and training, transitional services programs for victims and their families, legal support and referrals, court accompaniment, advocacy with the police, courts and district attorney's office, and temporary residential facilities. The Women's Shelter has continued to be responsive to calls from Southlake families through the Southlake Police Department by transporting families to the shelter and assisting victims with the Crime Victim's Compensation process. In FY 1999 -00 the Department of Public Safety recommended an agreement with The Women's Shelter because of the quality of the response and the availability of services. In FY 2000 -01, the Shelter requested an increase of funding from $1,000 to $1,500 to reflect the increased support and additional services to Southlake residents. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 8 of 15 10 -F. As *royal of Interlocal Agreement for fundin• Teen Court Program with the Cities of Southlake, Colleyville and Grapevine, and CISD. On October 1, 1996, the Cities of Southlake, Colleyville, and Grapevine; Town of Trophy Club; the Carroll Independent School District entered into an agreement to create the Metroport Teen Court program. This joint venture creates the process through which juvenile misdemeanor offenders are offered an alternative to the criminal justice system. This alternative allows the teen defendants the opportunity to assume responsibility for their actions by involvement in the judicial process and community service in order that their offenses will not be recorded. The 2000 -01 Interlocal Agreement outlines the Metroport Teen Court Program. This agreement also outlines the development of the Metroport Teen Court Advisory Board, the Metroport Teen Court Budget Advisory Committee, and the roles and responsibilities of each of their members. The accord also authorizes the City of Southlake to employ a full -time Teen Court Coordinator, provide office space for him /her and collect revenues from the other participating Cites and School Districts in order to maintain the program. The City's participation in the cost of Teen Court would be $18,925. 10 -G. Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704 -A, for Stan Ley Cleaners located at 2301 West Southlake Boulevard, Suite 100. Stan Ley Cleaners is a retail business located at 2301 West Southlake Boulevard, Suite 100. Danny Hall of Progressive Signs, on behalf of Stan Ley Cleaners, is requesting two variances: 1) increased letter height on a second primary sign, 2) to install a third sign in addition to an approved initial sign. One primary sign facing Davis Boulevard has been permitted for this business. Requested variances are: o Installation of a second primary sign, facing Southlake Boulevard, with over -sized lettering. A second sign is allowed under the ordinance and is allowed 12 -inch letters since it is less than 100 feet from the right -of -way. The request is for 18 -inch letters, a 50 percent increase. o The installation of a third sign on the rear of the building facing the Wendy's restaurant. No more than two attached signs are allowed on a single premise according to code. 10 -H. Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704 -A, for Burger King located at 125 North Kimball Avenue. Burger King restaurant is located at 125 North Kimball Avenue. Mike Ortego, on behalf of Burger King Corporation, is proposing the placement of two logo signs on the Burger King restaurant. The signs are flat circular logos (not three dimensional) showing the words "Burger King" between two halves of a hamburger bun encircled by a curved accent feature. The first logo is six feet in Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 9 of 15 diameter and would be attached to the west side of the building, replacing the existing legally sized letter sign. The west side of the building has a street frontage right -of -way setback of 31.5 feet. This setback allows for 12 -inch letter or logo height under ordinance, which is the size of the existing signs lettering. The second logo is four feet in diameter and would be placed on the north side of the building where there is no street frontage. The number of signs allowed under ordinance is one sign per street frontage. The Burger King only has street frontage along North Kimball Avenue. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda, including: #5 -A, #5 -B, #5 -C, #5 -D, #5 -E, #5 -F, #5 -F, #5 -G, #5 -H, #5 -I, #5 -J; #9 -A, #10 -A, #10 -B, #10 -C, #10 -D, #10 -E, #10 -F, #10 -G, #10 -H as presented and read into the record by Mayor Stacy. Motion: DuPre Second: Evans Ayes: DuPre, Evans, Standerfer, Potter, Stephen, Shankland, Stacy Nays: Standerfer voted no on item #10 -G, only. Approved: 7 -0 vote Agenda Item #6, Public Forum Larry Abernathy, 640 Truelove Trail, Southlake. Mr. Abernathy stated he was present to invite the City Council members to a Celebration of America on Sunday, October 14, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Town Square. Due to the September 11 incident, the band can find no better way to honor America. He commented on the Southlake Community Band and explained some of the reasons for the band is they provide music and music education in Southlake. He thanked the City Council for their continued support of the Southlake Community Band. Kim Clancy, 1016 Alamo Drive, Southlake. Ms. Clancy stated she has lived in Southlake for seventeen and one -half years and has been active and attended the City Council meetings from time to time. She made comments regarding the actions taken by the City Council members regarding an agenda item on the September 18, City Council meeting. She stated she was not present for that particular meeting, however, she watched the meeting as it appeared on the cable channel. Agenda Item #7 -A, Ordinance No. 480 -377, 2 " Reading (ZA01 -077) Ordinance No. 480 -377, 2 Reading (ZA01 -077), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Pecan Acres, on property legally described as being a portion of Lots 2A and 2B, and Lot 2C, Block 1, Dilg Place Subdivision, being 8.023 acres. Current zoning is "SF -1A" Single Family Residential District with a requested zoning of "O -1" Office District. Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented ZA01 -077 in second reading, noting this property is located on the south side of East Southlake Boulevard, approximately 410' east of the proposed Byron Nelson Parkway and directly east of the Villages at Timarron Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 10 of 15 retail commercial development. This plan proposed seven lots with seven office buildings totaling approximately 63,500 square foot. Variances are requested for driveway spacing, stacking and street frontage. All interior lots are proposed to front a common access easement rather than a public or private street. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (5 -1) vote on September 6, allowing the requested variances. Commissioner Boren cast the dissenting vote, stating that it was not appropriate adjacent to the school. The City Council approved (6 -0) vote on first reading on September 18, 2001, subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated August 3, allowing requested variances; providing a 20' buffer yard with evergreen plant material adjacent to the school property; and accommodating an east -west access road in the design. John Drews, Drews Realty Investments. Mr. Drews stated that one change since the last meeting, in addition to the 20' bufferyard, they are comfortable making the back row building single story, with residential -style buildings with pitched roofs [the southern most buildings]. Mayor Stacy stated he met with the CISD superintendent about the property to the south and was told they would only be interested in a donation of the land next to the school, not a purchase of the property. PUBLIC HEARING: Randy Swoyer, 717 Greymoore Place, Southlake. Mr. Swoyer stated as far as limiting the southern row of building to one story, he feels a two story building on Lot 3 would not impact any residents. Cindy Holtz, 721 Greymoor Place, Southlake. Ms. Holtz stated she appreciates no two - story buildings on the most southern lots. She expressed concerns with the appearance of the back of the buildings and wants the backs of the buildings to be as attractive as possible. She stated she would like to see access going over to Byron Nelson Parkway and expressed concerns with a U -turn. Public hearing closed. Motion was made to approve ZA01 -077, Ordinance No. 480 -377, 2 Reading, incorporating the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated August 3, 2001; including the approved variances: east -west road; no two -story buildings on the southern part of the addition; one -story pitched roofs; use plantings in the yard with evergreen plant materials adjacent to the school property; and providing a 20' bufferyard adjacent to the school. Motion: DuPre Second: Evans Ayes: DuPre, Evans, Shankland, Standerfer, Stephen, Stacy Nays: Potter Approved: 6 -1 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 11 of 15 Councilmember Potter stated in the discussion that he is not in favor of straight zoning for this property but would prefer "S -1" zoning. He is not opposed to the uses being proposed. Agenda Item #7 -B, Ordinance No. 480 -378, 2 Reading (ZA01 -089) Ordinance No. 480 -378, 2nd Reading (ZA01 -089), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Pecan Acres, on property legally described as being a portion of Lots 2A and 2B, Block 1, Dilg Place Subdivision, being 1.855 acres. Current zoning is "SF -1A" Single Family Residential District with a requested zoning of "C -2" Local Retail Commercial District. Senior Planner Dennis Killough stated this site is associated with the "0-1" zoning and concept plan for Case ZA01 -077. Dilg Place is located in the northwest corner of the overall tract fronting Byron Nelson Parkway. A 10,000 square -foot restaurant building is proposed. Variances are requested for driveway spacing and stacking depth. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6 -0) vote on September 6, allowing the requesting variances. City Council approved the first reading (5 -1) vote on September 18, subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated August 3, allowing the requested variances. The C -2 zoning is for the northern most property. PUBLIC HEARING: John Drews, Drews Realty Investments. Mr. Drews stated he does not want to be locked into a 7,500 square -foot restaurant. In light of the September 11, 2001, events in New York and Washington, the restaurant he has been talking with may change their minds. Public hearing closed. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480 -378, 2 Reading (ZA01 -089) subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated August 3, 2001; allowing the same variances as approved at the first reading. Motion: DuPre Second: Standerfer Ayes: DuPre, Standerfer, Stephen, Evans, Shankland, Stacy Nays: Potter Approved: 6 -1 vote Councilmember Potter stated earlier in the discussion that he is not in favor of straight zoning for this property but would prefer "S -P -1" zoning on #7 -B. He is not opposed to the uses being proposed. Agenda Item #8 -A, Ordinance No. 480 -375, 1 Reading (ZA01 -078) Ordinance No. 480 -375, 1 Reading (ZA01 -078), Rezoning on property described as Lot 10, Block 1, Southlake Estates, being 1.805 acres. Current zoning is "SF -1A" Single Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 12 of 15 Family Residential District with a requested zoning of "SF -30" Single Family Residential District. Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented Ordinance No. 480 -375, 1 Reading, noting this property is located at the southeast corner of Shady Oaks Drive and Love Henry Court; current zoning is "SF -1A." The applicant is requesting "SF -30" on the south 0.79 acres of the 1.85 acre lot. The purpose is to subdivide the lot to build a home for the owners' son. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the request (6 -0) vote on August 23, 2001, subject to the Concept Plan Review. The City Council tabled this item on September 4, and also on September 18, to allow the applicant to meet with neighbors and investigate whether deed restrictions exist that would prohibit further subdivision of the property. A SPIN meeting was held at Town Hall on September 12. The majority of those present were not in favor of the request. The applicant provided staff with a copy of the deed restrictions. Contrary to claims made during the City Council and SPIN meetings, there are no apparent restrictions regarding lot size or further subdivision of any lots within the subdivision. The request before Council would not appear to violate the deed restrictions, according to staff. Phyllis Benton, owner /applicant. Ms. Benton stated she has lived on the property for seventeen years and feels now that they have sewer in the area, and with Highpoint Estates on the west side of Shady Oaks Drive having smaller lots, she went to her neighbors regarding her subdividing her lot, and they did not have a problem at that time. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Izak Gregory, 530 Love Henry Court, Southlake. Mr. Gregory commented that they were not notified at the Planning and Zoning level and therefore it was not opposed. Once the rest of the homeowners learned about it, they were opposed to the subdivision of the property. He commended SPIN program and stated he feels it is a good source of notification of meetings. He stated he is concerned with drainage, safety, and value of the homes if they start dividing up the lots. He asked the City Council to take into consideration the wishes of the other property owners in Southlake Estates, as there are only ten lots. Francis Nathan, 535 Love Henry Court, Southlake. He commented as he reads the deed restrictions it says one family dwelling, one lot. Ten lots in the subdivision. He feels this will set a precedent if Council allows this to happen. Joann Fuller. Ms. Fuller stated she lives across the street from the lot and is extremely opposed. She stated they bought because of the two -lot requirement in the addition. She also cited traffic and safety issues across the road. Kim Clancy, Alamo Court, Southlake. Ms. Clancy states she lives in Mission Hills Addition, and asked if this were approved, what kind of precedent would this set? Bob Hardy, 455 Love Henry Court, Southlake. Mr. Hardy stated he is opposed. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 13 of 15 After discussions with the City Council regarding approval of this case, Ms. Benton withdrew her request. Agenda Item #8 -B, ZA01 -079, Plat Revision Lot 10, Block 1, Southlake Estates ZA01 -079, Plat Revision on property legally described as Lot 10, Block 1, Southlake Estates, being 1.8 acres. The applicant withdrew this case. Agenda Item #8 -C, Ordinance No. 4890 -379, 1 Reading (ZA01 -091) Ordinance No. 480 -379, l Reading (ZA01 -091), Rezoning on property legally described as Tracts 3E2A2, 3E2A4, 3E12, and 3E13, John Childress Heirs Survey, Abstract No. 254, being 1.19 acres. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District with a requested zoning of "SF -1A" Single Family Residential District. Senior Planner Dennis Killough stated this property is located at 3259 Lake Drive. The applicant is requesting a zoning change from "AG" to "SF -1A" residential. The property is located on a private ingress and egress easement rather than a public street. There are several issues the applicant will need to address prior to issuance of a building permit. The applicant has been informed of the following: • The Subdivision Ordinance requires that all residential lots have frontage on a public street. The property fronts on a private ingress /egress easement extending off of Lake Drive. Currently, it exists as a dirt road. Fire emergency vehicles must have access to the property and have area to maneuver. Fire lanes shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to provide all- weather driving capabilities. • Adequate water service is not available to the property. If the building requires a fire sprinkler system or if a fire hydrant is required, the current 2" service line must be upgraded to 8 ". If access is more than 10 feet but less than 24 feet wide, a fire hydrant is required within 800 feet of the residence and an approved residential fire sprinkler system is required. If a minimum 24 -foot wide access is provided, a fire hydrant is required within 800 feet of the residence or an approved residential fire sprinkler system is required. The existing water lines are too small and must be updated to current standards and able to support any new hydrants. • There is no sanitary sewer service extending to the property. The property does have the minimum 1 -acre size for use of a septic system. However, a permit must be obtained from the Tarrant County Health Department. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 14 of 15 • A plat must be approved and either a public street meeting city standards be provided or a variance be granted by the City Council. The applicant has submitted a single -lot plat to the city staff for review. If the first reading of this request is approved, it is anticipated that we will bring a variance request for "street frontage" to the Council with the second reading. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6 -0) vote on September 6. Warren Allen, 3259 Lake Drive, Southlake. Mr. Allen stated he is representing a potential owner and builder. He stated the property is 470' from a fire hydrant to the house and the Fire Marshal does not think this is a problem, but added, that he needs a 30 degree turning radius. The builders agree to put in a sprinkler system if needed. All of the properties in the area back up to Corp. of Engineers property. After discussion, it was agreed upon by Council that they need to have answers to all the concerns at the second reading of the ordinance. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480 -379, 1 Reading (ZA01 -091). Motion: DuPre Second: Standerfer Ayes: DuPre, Standerfer, Potter, Stephen, Evans, Shankland, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7 -0 vote Agenda Item #12, Adjournment The Regular City Council meeting of October 2, 2001, was adjourned by Mayor Stacy at 9:50 p.m. ```%%t ,,,,, �` �iY OF G •• ...... • S Q J.. � t r Mayor Rick Stacy * /N � ;tea _* A7 '414 m u u n ,, 44,044.....„ Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2001 Page 15 of 15 RY A1LQNESTAR ! OF October 1, 2001 Ref Proposed Zoning Change next to Villages ofTimarron and Rockenbaugh Elementary School Dear Mayor and City Council, I am concerned about the above proposed zoning change due to the fact that two 2 -story office buildings are planned next to an `elementary school and very near to my residence. I, as well as other residents of Timarron, bought my home across from a park and vacant land that was zoned single - family. Any two -story building on this site would have a major negative impact on property values for us as, homeowners and citizens of Timarron. It also causes safety and security concerns for our families and the students attending the elementary school located adjacent to this property: Strong consideration must be given to the homeowners when a zoning change is proposed. I am not opposing the zoning change but want to restrict any development to allow only one -story structures. I have lived in the metroplex area for 22 years and am also a realtor with 17 years experience. As such, I am naturally a proponent for growth and development in the right manner and context. When I chose the great :city of Southlake as the place I wanted to live and raise my children, ages 6 and 7, I believed, as a citizen, the city would help me protect my family as well as my property value, Please consider my request before making any commitments to the current proposed developments. You may contact me at (972) 672-8536 if you have any questions. T/ .n y ur fo our consideration, Randy Swayer Corporate Office: 620 E. Southlake Bled. Southlake. TX 76092 (817) 329 -3500 Fax: (817) 488 -3371 04/20/1994 14:27 8174241517 MIKE ROBERTSON PAGE 02 j October 1, 2001 Mike Robertson RE/MAX Metroplex 1211 S. White's Chapel Blvd, Southlake, TX 76092 Randy Swoyer 717 Greymoor Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Commercial Development Randy, Based on the information given me, and a survey /plot plan of the proposed commercial/office complex site across from your residence, there will be without a doubt, a significant impact on the property values on your street. If these office buildings are 2- story, instead of single story, that will create an even larger impact on your property value. It does not matter that these buildings will be 400 feet away from your home. If you look out your front door and are able to see a 2 -story office complex, it will cause a negative impact on the value of your property. From firsthand experience selling real estate in Southlake for 17 years, I can tell you this will affect your property value in a very negative way. A prime example is 400 Parkwood Ct., Southlake, It took from 9/20/1999 to 8/31/2000 to sell this house. It was on the market during a prime selling time in all of Northeast Tarrant County. It was listed at $355,000 and sold at $320. This home is in the Timarron neighborhood across Byron Nelsen Parkway from your home. It is on a corner lot across the street from vacant land for future commercial/office development and the Southlake Senior Citizens Center. • The City of Southlake, to protect it's tax paying citizens, should make the Planning and Zoning Commission restrict the office buildings to be built in this proposed site to only 1 story office buildings, just like they did at The Courtyard at Timarron. Your neighborhood and property values need to be protected. The City of Southlake and the Planning and Zoning Commission protected the homeowners i Bent Creek,AdditionT They should do the same for you and all the other homeowners your netg or 00 • e:" . I : / 1 ' 464. rt -.174(4:...-----.---* - IV 1 s?( y RE/MAX Metroplex t MI C w • ■ — — • — — — — — • P.7 C.i ® • 1 ..1O /O. f 1 n :11 : \\ 111 - 1w1[ . QI D South Carroll Reconstruction Projects .... ... BLVD u • • ,........._ ....... . • •• : ':_. 1 !1 D TMB PROJECT w (� u (FULL WIDTH) s 11 111111111111 500 0 500 Fee S. C ARROLL ALONG F . _ = OAK TREE PROJECT Q .0 . ✓� HALF U ( WIDTH) � . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. mi . s i 400 , /,/ii__ 41 „,., . i , , ... ,1 0_ . .. .. Ai.... .......:.....:': ri : .. i........,...... .::::...H.:.........:.....::::::-....:.:.:::.::.:.:....:....i..y....-...:i,:,::....„:....-:::_...-:::-.. o 2 Q 6 , ,r , - Po i T13 E...-.n.c .-1 : . . ....: . . 1 ' . .... - . : . ' ... - .....''.... Ca '. .: — arl EXISTING CONCRETE ® 1111 1 :r e T [ PAVEMENT Lwairldilip 111111 i � Q ��Y4 Ikik� (VARIES) � �■ { it. s iii itt Kim el { -:.- +s, . _ y 7 1 tjai .,,,. h A NO • ..i......':.....: to 11. oc3: limn , 2 ,11,i i .: na Hp Wri RAM _ is 1 .3 . • �ra7� : `j . c23, ;: ' ......: ...:. ,...: : ..i........ , :i . f. : .... ... .... .. n _ w E;c 7 mil silo D D n t 16111111 IL] LlIrai D . A6, i D Rs L i mart c Rim A taig Li p 7 ,_-.,- 6 „.... •., 0 ilr NC ri' oiiiivAdowas DAY L200013E:pi 3 qp 2 411 If3 ,,, _ V v (; ) c. Alk 4111 IP . i LAIN s rL. tj8 . . 7),,i3 .. 11 ( I i iir . ___ j v,iiiiii ii . iiii iiiill 10 n. • g ...,, tiiiiiik. wv' . i'll . Iff Lair - Itagidkilt4,p .. 1 ti i3 D Ri f ., :',', .-:..,.............. - mr: pli v.. [ - . - . _. ,.. 4 - . . . 11 - 'ilw - cia ...: .....linNIIC;‘".. 411m :.....-:.•-•:.•::.'..-. --:-.- . ... -. . -,... 0 w c TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT cr; l� ? I ?DOI , i John R._ Marshall 2500 Handley- Ederville Road • Fort Worth, Texas 76118 -6909 • (817) 284 -0024 Executive.Direc{or Chief Appraiser September 18, 2001 Mr. Rick Stacy Mayor City of Southlake 1400 Main St., Suite 270 Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mr. Stacy: The terms of service for our five members of the Board of Directors will expire on December 31, 2001 and it is time to begin the process of conducting an election. Based on the amount of the 2000 adjusted tax levy imposed by each eligible taxing unit, we have calculated the number of votes for your entity. The enclosed list will provide you with that information. The next step in the procedure is the nomination of candidates. Each voting unit may nominate one candidate for each of the five positions to be filled. You are not required to make any nomination or you may nominate any number up to five. The County Tax Assessor /Collector is a non - voting member of the Board of Directors by law. In order to be eligible to serve as directors, the nominees must have resided in the Tarrant Appraisal District for at least two years prior to January 1, 2002. They may serve on the governing body of a taxing unit in the Tarrant Appraisal District and still be eligible to serve as a Director. However, an employee of a taxing unit is prohibited from serving as a Director unless that employee is also an elected official of the governing body. A Director may not be related to a person who is in the business of appraising property for property tax purposes or represents property owners in proceedings in the appraisal district or who is employed by the appraisal district. A person is ineligible to serve as a director if he, or a business in which he has a substantial interest, enters into a contract with the appraisal district or enters into a contract with a taxing unit in the district, if that contract relates to the performance of an activity governed by Title I of the Texas Property Tax Code (for example, appraising property for tax purposes or determining eligibility for exemptions). A substantial interest exists where the person and spouse have a combined ownership of at least 10% of the voting stock or shares of a business, or Letter to Taxing Units Election of Board of Directors September 18, 2001 Page 2 either of them is a partner, limited partner or an officer. If you have questions concerning the qualifications of nominees for a Board position, please call the undersigned. The nominations for Directors, which must be made in an open meeting of your taxing unit, should be submitted by the presiding officer to the Chief Appraiser in the form of a resolution adopted by the governing body by October 15, 2001, giving the names and addresses of the nominees. The appointment calendar, after nominations, is as follows: By October 30, 2001 Ballots listing nominees delivered to Presiding Officer By November 15, 2001 Entity submits votes by resolution to Chief Appraiser By December 1, 2001 Five (5) nominees receiving largest cumulative vote totals are elected January 1, 2002 Board takes office for two year term The duties of the Board are outlined in Chapter 6, Texas Property Tax Code. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the undersigned. Sincerely, John R. Marshall Executive Director Chief Appraiser JRM:mm Encl. cc: City Managers Board of Directors Tarrant Appraisal District 2000 - 2001 Joe Potthoff, Arlington, Chairman Tommy Vaughn, Arlington, Secretary James Dennis, Fort Worth, Member Charles Rogers, Fort Worth, Member Mike Davis, Grapevine, Member Betsy Price, Fort Worth, Non - Voting Member TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT 2001 CALCULATION OF TAXING ENTITY VOTES FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Section 6.03 Property Tax Code) BASED ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2000 NET TAXABLE VALUES AND OCTOBER 1, 2000 ADOPTED TAX RATES September 17, 2001 I I I 2000 % I TAXES OF 2001 IMPOSED TOTAL VOTES TAXING ( ENTITY !SCHOOLS: Arlington $ 244,314,498 ! 15.43206% 772 IAzle $ 13,351,171 ! 0.84332 %I 42 Birdville $ 72,633,169 4.58785 %I 229 Carrol $ 50,322,910 3.17863 %'I 159 'Castleberry $ 4,838,144 0.30560 %I 15 Crowley $ 34,632,032 2.18752 %I 109 Eagle Mountain /Saginaw $ 32,895,031 2.07781 %; 104 Everman $ 8,382,071 0.52945% I 26 [Fort Worth $ 232, 644,287 i 14.69491%; 735 ;Grapevine /Colleyville $ 102,313,688 6.46262 % 323 HurstiEuless /Bedford $ 102,714,206 6.48791 %1 324 I Keller $ 52,619,575 1 3.32370%1 166 Kennedale $ 7,973,270 0.50363% I 25 Lake Worth $ 4,163,069 0.26296 %; 13 Mansfield $ 49,972,382 3.15649 %I 158 White Settlement $ 8,739,710 0.55204 %; 28 TOTAL SCHOOLS $ 1,022,509,213 64.58652 %1 3,229 CITIES: Arlington $ 79,104,958 4.99664% 250 'Azle $ 2,326,441 0.14695 %; 7 Bedford $ 8,042,975 0.50803% 25 Benbrook $ 5,824,014 0.36787% I 18 Blue Mound $ 279,965 0.01768 %1 1 Colleyville ! $ 6,677,909 0.42181 %1 21 Crowley $ 1,526,771 0.09644% 5 Dalworthington Gardens $ 321,354 0.02030% 1 Edgecliff Village $ 313,829 0.01982% 1 Euless $ 7,782,607 0.49159% 25 ; Everman $ 891,887 0.05634% 3 Forest Hill $ 2,346,458 0.14821 %; 7 ;Fort Worth $ 176,104,039 11.12356 %I 556 Grapevine $ 16,397,041 1.03571 %i 52 Haltom City $ 5,031,210 0.31780 %! 16 Haslet $ 732,533 0.04627 %; 2 ,Hurst _ T$ 7,521,108 0.47507 %I 24 I Keller $ 7,209,461 0.45538% I 23 Kennedale $ 1,489,902 0.09411 %i 5 Lakeside $ 147,596 i 0.00932 %i - I Lake Worth $ 569,556 0.03598%; 2 Mansfield $ 10,532,932 0.66531 %I 33 ,North Richland Hills $ 13,508,692 0.85327 % 43 IPantego $ 788,676 0.04982% 2 I Pelican Bay I $ 102,008 0.00644% _ Richland Hills $ 1,406,322 0.08883 %; 4 River Oaks _ $ 1,042,592 0.06586 %I 3 Saginaw $ 2,540,928 0.16050% 1 8 Sansom Park $ 292,253 l 0.01846 %i 1 ISouthlake $ 10,954,108 0.69191 %; 35 Watauga $ 4,258,062 0.26896 %i 13 Westover Hills $ 996,968 0.06297 %1 3 WestworthVillage $ 140,290 0.00886 %! - White Settlement 1 $ 1,907,764 0.00886 %I 6 TOTAL CITIES r$ 379,113,209 23.94658 %; 1,197 OTHER: I Tarrant County ; $ 181,539,599 11.46690 %i 573 TOTALS $ 1,583,162,021 100.00000 %, 5,000 Southlake, Texas (Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex) "Tarrant County's Restaurant Destination" R estaurant A summary of findings from the City of Southlake Restaurant Survey September 28, 2001 - City of Southlake, Texas Department of Economic Development 1400 Main Street, Suite 300 Southlake Southlake, Texas 76092 PH: (817) 481 -1686 FX: (817) 481 -1701 Department of Economic Development EM: f = TABLE OF CONTENTS Sout ilt(2 Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Page Section E -1 — E -4 Executive Summary 1 Survey Design and Distribution i. Objectives ii. Methodology 2 -7 Current Dining Habits i. Dining Habits /Frequency ii. Business and Group Uses iii. Desired Dining Frequency iv. Current Areas of Attraction 8 Desired Food Types 9 Desired Restaurants 10 -12 Demographic Findings i. Household Information a. Household Size b. Head of Household - Age c. Head of Household - Education Level d. Household Income e. Children in Household ii. Residency History 13 -25 Appendices A. Southlake Location Overview B. Restaurant Survey as Distributed C. Complete Desired Restaurants List D. Collected Comments t� EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — PG. 1 OF 4 Sott11lo e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report The City of Southlake (see Appendix A for city location information), Department of Economic Development, prepared, distributed and tallied a survey of its citizens regarding various aspects of dining outside the home. The overall goal of the survey effort was to attract and facilitate the continued development of diverse dining opportunities in the city. Objectives of the survey included the following: OBJECTIVES • Update demographic data of interest to restaurant site selectors • Analyze existing dining habits and desires of current residents • Identify food types desired by citizens • Identify particular restaurants desired by citizens • Provide brokers, developers, and restaurant site selectors with findings of the survey The survey was designed with feedback from major developers and brokers in the Southlake market to ensure that the collected data would merge with the standards in use by the restaurant industry (See Appendix B for sample survey). The survey was a single two -sided page with return address included in the folded format. The City's newsletter was utilized for the primary distribution of the survey. In August 2000, a total of nearly 7,500 surveys were distributed to approximately 6,381 residences, (every home in the city) 607 businesses, and 518 to post office box holders. The total number of surveys distributed was 7,476. The surveys were printed with return postage guaranteed. The survey response was outstanding with a grand total of 988 responses for a 13% response return rate. For the purposes of this report, only the responses received from Southlake residents are tallied. A total of 811 resident surveys were returned for an 11% response rate. Further Information — A complete list of all survey responses is also available through the City of Southlake Department of Economic Development. TOPICS INCLUDED Questions in the survey included the following topics: • Current dining habits • Business or group use habits • Potential dining frequency with adequate service • Current areas patronized for dining • Demographics to include household income, education, residency time in state and DFW • Desired dining food types • Desired restaurants Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page E -1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — PG. 2 OF 4 SOutruc Ke Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report SURVEY FINDINGS Following is an overview of the findings from the restaurant survey. Please see Appendix B for survey questions and format. Dining Frequency - On average, at what frequency does your family participate in the following? • Full service breakfast: Averages of 0.6 days per week, 2.8 people, and a cost of $21. • Fast food breakfast: Averages of 0.6 days per week, 2.3 people, and a cost of $9. • Full service lunch: Averages of 1.7 days per week, 2.5 people, and a cost of $22. • Fast food lunch: Averages of 1.6 days per week, 2.4 people, and a cost of $11. • Full service dinner: Averages of 1.9 days per week, 3.1 people, and a cost of $47. • Fast food dinner: Averages of 1.0 days per week, 3.1 people, and a cost of $19. Business or Group Uses - If adequate food and meeting services were available in Southlake, how many times per year would you hold the following? • Business breakfast: Average of 2.8 times per year with 6.6 attendees. • Business lunch: Average of 5.6 times per year with 7.4 attendees. • Business dinner: Average of 4.0 times per year with 7.8 attendees. • Personal meal gatherings: Average of 7.3 times per year with 6.8 attendees. Dining Desires - If all types of food service were available in Southlake, at what frequency would your family visit the following? The top five responses in each ranking are: • Often: Mexican, American, Italian/Pizza, Seafood and Steakhouse • Occasionally: Chinese, Barbecue, Specialty (bagel, ice cream, etc), Deli and Steakhouse • Seldom: Indian, Thai, Japanese, Deli, and Barbecue Current Areas of Attraction - What areas of the DFW Metroplex currently offer you the best choice of restaurants? Distribution of responses is: • 33% - Grapevine (2 -5 miles) • 16% - Addison (25 miles) • 11% - Sundance Square, Fort Worth (23 miles) • 9% - McKinney Avenue, Dallas (25 miles) • 7% - Knox Henderson, Dallas (Over 25 miles ) • 6% - West End, Dallas (25 miles) Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page E -2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — PG. 3 OF 4 SOUtI110 ¢ Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report The survey also provided significant demographic information on residents. This information is summarized as follows: HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS • Average number of people in household — 3.4 • Age of head of household • Education of head of household 12% under the age of 35 0% 0 -8 years 17% between 35 -39 0% Some High School 21% between 40 -44 3% High School Graduate 19% between 45 -49 11% Some College 18% between 50 -55 2% Associates Degree 6% between 55 -59 37% Bachelors Degree 7% over the age of 60 10% Some Post Graduate 36% Graduate Degree • Household Income • Children Ages 1% under $35K 22% between 0 -4 2% between $35K -$50K 28% between 5 -9 8% between $50K -$75K 29% between 10 -14 12% between $75K -$100K 21% between 15 -19 30% between $100K -$150K 48% over $150K • Head of Household's Birth State • Other Areas Lived 25% Texas 16% Texas 25% Northeast U.S. 22% Northeast U.S. 5% Southeast U.S. 12% Southeast U.S. 23% North Central U.S. 18% North Central U.S. 7% South Central U.S. (Exc. TX) 10% South Central U.S. (Exc. TX) 2% Northwest U.S. 2% Northwest U.S. 8% Southwest U.S. 14% Southwest U.S. 5% Other 6% Other • Years as Metroplex Resident • Years as a Southlake Resident 13% between 1 -2 years 33% between 1 -2 years 19% between 3 -5 years 35% between 3 -5 years 21% between 6 -10 years 20% between 6 -10 years 46% over 10 years 12% over 10 years Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page E -3 r t EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — PG. 4 OF 4 �• Ut�1�C1�(e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Desired Food Types - What food types would you like to see in Southlake? Listed generally in order of preference. • Italian/Pizza • Japanese • Fast Food • Seafood • Thai • German • Mexican • Healthy /Vegetarian • Jewish • Chinese • Deli • Pub /Brewery • American (Burgers, etc.) • Greek • Entertainment /Theme • Indian • Bar /Grill • Gourmet • Steak • Cajun • Korean • Breakfast • Bakery • Middle Eastern • Barbecue • Home Cooking • Asian • French • Continental /European • Buffet Desired Restaurants - What restaurants would you like to see in Southlake? Listed generally in order of response frequency. (For complete list see Appendix C) • Pappadeaux • Souper Salad • Abuelo's • Eatzi's • Long John Silver's • Champ's Sports Bar & Grill • P.F. Chang's • Outback Steakhouse • Sonic • Cheesecake Factory • Cracker Barrel • Steak and Ale • Houston's • Del Frisco's • Jason's Deli • Red Lobster • Uncle Julio's • Macaroni Grill • Pappasito's • Maggiano's • Patrizio • Black -Eyed Pea • Olive Garden • Razzoo's • Marie Callender's • Chili's • Bennigan's • Blue Mesa • In N Out Burger • Star Canyon • On The Border • Cheddars • Steak -N -Shake This executive summary is only a brief overview of the entire Restaurant Report. The entire report is available from the Department of Economic Development or readily at the City of Southlake's website: southlake. tx. us / citydepartments /economicdevelopment /reports /Restaurant Report Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page E -4 IL 1 SURVEY DESIGN AND DISTRIBUTION SOUt Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report The City of Southlake (see Appendix A for city location information) Department of Economic Development, prepared, distributed and tallied a survey of its citizens regarding various aspects of dining outside the home. The overall goal of the survey effort was to attract and facilitate the continued development of diverse dining opportunities in the city. Objectives of the survey included the following: OBJECTIVES • Update demographic data of interest to restaurant site selectors • Analyze existing dining habits and desires of current residents • Identify food types desired by citizens • Identify particular restaurants desired by citizens • Provide brokers, developers, and restaurant site selectors with findings of the survey The survey was designed with feedback from major developers and brokers in the Southlake market to ensure that the collected data would merge with the standards in use by the restaurant industry (See Appendix B for sample survey). The survey was a single, two -sided page with return address included in the folded format. The City's newsletter was utilized for the primary distribution of the survey. In August 2000, a total of nearly 7,500 surveys were distributed to approximately 6,381 residences (every home in the city), 607 businesses, and 518 to post office box holders. The surveys were printed with return postage guaranteed. The survey response was outstanding with a grand total of 988 responses for a 13% response return rate. For the purposes of this report, only the responses received from Southlake residents are tallied. A total of 808 resident surveys were returned for a 11% response rate METHODOLOGY Each survey was numbered for tracking purposes, and the data was coded to a database through the labor of departmental interns, volunteers, and Teen Court workers. Data entry spanned over three months with over 250 hours logged. Using Excel, the data was used to generate desired statistics regarding household demographics and general frequency information. The various outputs were formatted into a Word document with both an Executive Summary of four pages and a complete summary. The complete Restaurant Report contains summaries of all data as well as detailed lists of all comments received. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 1 of 36 CURRENT DINING HABITS SOuthIOkke Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report DINING HABITS / FREQUENCY The current dining habits section of the survey is intended to determine the frequency, average number of attendees, average cost, and business or group uses of dining outside the home. The focus of this section is the frequency of breakfast, lunch, and dinner from full service restaurants compared to that of fast food restaurants. According to the responses from the survey, only 1/3 of Southlake residents eats out for breakfast at either type of restaurant. The lunch frequency increases to 3/4 for either type. The dinner frequency shows 94% of the respondents eat out at full service establishments, while just under 2/3 of residents utilize fast food services. Survey Question — On average, at what frequency does your family participate in the following? BREAKFAST Average Number of Guests Average Cost Fast Food 2.3 $9 Full Service 2.9 $21 Breakfast - Fast Food Breakfast - Full Service Frequency per Week Frequency per Week 4 -7 4 -7 2% 1 -3 1 -3 31% 38% 0 65% 60% Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 2 of 36 CURRENT DINING HABITS Sout toke Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report LUNCH Average Number of Guests Average Cost Fast Food 2.4 $11 Full Service 2.5 $22 Lunch - Fast Food Lunch - Full Service Frequency per Week Frequency per Week 4 -7 0 4 -7 0 11% 25% 13% 26% , 1-3 1-3 64% 61% EVENING DINNER Average Number of Guests Average Cost Fast Food 3.1 $19 Full Service 3.1 $47 Dinner - Fast Food Dinner - Full Service Frequency per Week Frequency per Week 4 -7 0 3% 11 �8% 1 0 41% 1-3 56% 1 -3 81% Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 3 of 36 f CURRENT DINING HABITS a. uthlake Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Business & Group Uses This segment of the survey was intended to capture the existing and projected dining habits related to business uses or group uses. It should be noted that the daytime office market for Southlake is continuing to grow, and would likely increase the anticipated frequency of business related meetings. Survey Question — If adequate food and meeting services were available in Southlake, how many times /year would you hold the following? BUSINESS BREAKFAST Business Breakfast Business Breakfast Frequency per Year 11 -15 15+ 16 -20 2 0+ 0 % 4% [ 4% 2% 5 6 -10 11 -15 9% 10 °/a _4 „,, ;Y 0 ,,,,,, ° 1 -5 sk + 6 10 � 57 /o 1-5 F is 25% <` 35 BUSINESS LUNCH Business Lunch Business Lunch Frequency per Year Number of Attendees 20+ 15+ 16 -20 4% 14 % 0 6% 11 -15 a. 31% 11 -15 8% 13% 1 -5 46% 6 -10 ,' 19% �'; X15 .�». 28% 6-10 31% Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 4 of 36 CURRENT DINING HABITS 1 SOUtht e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report BUSINESS DINNER Business Dinner Business Dinner Frequency per Year Number of Attendees 15+ 20+ 11 -15 7% 16 -20 6% 5% 6% 0 6 -10 35% 11 -15 17% 13% 1 -5 45% §� Y 1-5 ' : l 6 -10 f t 36% 30% PERSONAL MEAL GATHERINGS Personal Meal Gatherings Personal Gatherings Frequency per Year Number of Attendees 16 -20 20+ 0 3% r 2% 15+ 16% 11 -15 26% 12% y 1 -5 ' ;:;'s-- .. „:„„ ili s„,,,,„....„..„. yy, 11 -15 . _ . "% -;--. - ° J 10 °/ 1 -5 6-10 r . ;*s 33% ''' 34% 6 -10 15% Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 5 of 36 r � CURRENT DINING HABITS 2( uthlake Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report DESIRED DINING FREQUENCY In an effort to determine the interest in locating dining opportunities to Southlake, the report asked respondents to rank on a scale (often...occasionally...seldom) how often they would frequent certain restaurant types, if available, in Southlake. Survey Question — If all types of food were available in Southlake, at what frequency would your family visit the following? The choices listed included American, barbecue, Chinese, deli, Indian, Italian/pizza, Japanese, Mexican, seafood, steakhouse, Thai, and specialty (bagel, ice cream, etc.). Top "Often" Choices Top "Occasionally" Choices Top "Seldom" Choices • Mexican • Chinese • Indian • American • Barbecue • Thai • Italian/Pizza • Specialty (bagel, ice cream, etc.) • Japanese • Seafood • Deli • Deli • Steakhouse • Steakhouse • Barbecue • Write -in responses failed to yield a 0.5% rate in any of the scales (write -in responses available upon request). Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 6 of 36 CURRENT DINING HABITS SOUthiake Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report CURRENT AREAS OF ATTRACTION This question intended to determine the current areas of dining attraction for Southlake residents. Survey Question — What areas of the D /FW Metroplex currently offer you the best choice of restaurants? (Check all that apply) Percentage of Distance from Location Respondents Southlake Grapevine 33% Less than 5 miles Addison 16% 25 miles Sundance Square, Fort Worth 11% 23 miles Greenville Ave, Dallas 9% 30 miles McKinney Ave, Dallas 8% 25 miles Knox Henderson, Dallas 7% Over 25 miles West End, Dallas 6% 25 miles Mid - Cities 2% 10 miles Other 5% Various Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 7 of 36 DESIRED FOOD TYPES Southlak R estaurant Report Southlake, Texas P The survey asked residents to list the specific. food types they desire. A total of fifty -seven specific listings were collected. In order of frequency requested, the listing is as follows: Rank' Type Rank Food 1 Italian/Pizza 30 Buffet 2 Seafood 30 Chicken 3 Mexican . 30 Diner 4 Chinese 30 Southwestern 5 American 30 Tex -Mex 6 Indian 35 Cuban 7 Steak 35 European 8 Breakfast 35 Fine dining 9 BBQ 35 Market style 10 French 39 Brunch 10 Japanese 39 Cafe /Bistro 12 Thai 39 Cafeteria Style 13 Healthy /Vegetarian • 39 Ice Cream 14 Deli 39 Lebanese 14 Greek • 39 Mongolian 16 Bar /Grill ` 39 Spanish • 16 Cajun 39 Vietnamese 18 Bakery 47 Coffee 19 Home style 47 Eclectic 20 Continental 47 Ethiopian 21 Fast Food 47 Jamaican 21 German 47 Karaoke 21 Jewish 47 Liquor Store 21 Pub /Brewery 47 Moroccan 25 Entertainment 47 Oyster Bar 25 Gourmet 47 Persian 25 Korean 47 Soda Fountain 25 Middle Eastern . .47 Take Out 29 Asian Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 8 of 36 - DESIRED RESTAURANTS S R estaurant Report Southlake, Texas P Due to the varied backgrounds of Southlake's resident make -up, the survey attempted to determine the names of restaurants both local and beyond which residents would find desirable to locate in Southlake. Over 600 unique restaurant names and existing locations were received from over 1900 total responses. The top restaurants are listed below in order of request frequency. (See Appendix C for a complete list of desired restaurants) * p ,' ' esta t Name ocn* *, , Rank .Restaurant Name Location �� I Rank �..._.. -.,, .;.� �,;� Latio F .�.. _ 1 Pappadeaux Dallas, HEB 27 Razzoo's Lewisville, Fort Worth 2 Eatzi's Dallas, McKinney, Colleyville 31 Bennigan's Grapevine, Lewisville 3 PF Chang's Dallas, Addison, Plano 31 Star Canyon Dallas, Las Vegas 4 Cheesecake Factory Missouri, Dallas, Addison 31 Steak -N -Shake Florida, Missouri 4 Houston's Addison, Dallas, New Orleans 34 Le Peep Houston, Irving 6 Red Lobster North Richland Hills, Lewisville 34 TGI Friday's Grapevine 7 Pappasitos Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington 36 Applebee's Colleyville, Irving 8 Black Eyed Pea Bedford, Grapevine, Hurst 36 Arbys Colleyville, Grapevine 9 Marie Callender's California, Oklahoma, Austin 36 Braums Grapevine 10 Blue Mesa Grill Fort Worth, Santa Fe, Dallas 36 Morton's Steakhouse Chicago, Dallas 10 On the Border Lewisville, Coppell, Arlington 36 Ruth Chris Dallas 12 Souper Salad Arlington, Dallas, HEB 36 Taco Cabana Arlington, Lewisville 13 Long John Silvers NRH, Grapevine 36 Unos Pizzeria Fort Worth, Addison 13 Outback Steakhouse Hurst, NRH, Grapevine 36 Whole Foods Dallas, Arlington 15 Cracker Barrel Lewisville, Arlington, Denton 44 Cafe Express Dallas, Addison 15 Del Frisco's Fort Worth, Addison, Dallas 44 Einstein's Bagels Fort Worth, Bedford 17 Uncle Julio's Fort Worth, Dallas, Addison 44 Fresh Choice Fort Worth, Dallas 18 Maggiano's Dallas, Chicago 44 Pizzeria Uno Arlington, Fort Worth 18 Olive Garden Grapevine, Irving 48 Baskin Robin Bedford 20 Chili's Grapevine, Irving, NRH 48 Harrigan's Bedford 20 In N Out Burger California 50 Don Pablos Grapevine, Irving 22 Cheddars HEB, Arlington, Irving 50 Dunkin Donuts Arlington, Fort Worth 23 Abuelo's Hurst, Plano, Arlington 50 Furrs Cafeteria Irving, HEB, NRH 23 Champs Sports Bar & Grill Dallas, Knox Henderson 50 KFC Grapevine 23 Sonic Various 50 La Madeline Grapevine 23 Steak and Ale Bedford, Hurst 50 Original Pancake House Dallas, Addison 27 Jason's Deli Grapevine 50 Red Hot and Blue Dallas, Virginia 27 Macaroni Grill Grapevine, Plano, Dallas 50 Spaghetti Warehouse Bedford, Fort Worth 27 Patrizio Dallas, Plano Only sample locations listed. Complete list of restaurant locations as submitted by respondents available upon request. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 9 of 36 DEMOGRAPHIC FINDINGS SoU bake Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report The purpose for the demographic portion of the survey was to obtain current demographics for Southlake residents. HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION Household Size Household Size According to the responses received, the 5 2 % 1 /° 4°/0 median household size is 4 persons, which represents approximately 33% of the residents. 12 % 'are 7 The second highest family size was that of a 2 - ;4, person household (31%). The 3- person , 31 household ranked third with 18 %, while 5 or . , , 1 ,44 more persons comprised 15% of the ! Y t population. 4'• 3 32% :.:.:. . ' - ' o - vo ::::::.:::::: . 18 Head of Household Age Age of Head of Household The median age of the head of household for so + 35 55 -59 7% 12% the responding residents falls in the 45 - 49 age 6% range, which represents 19% of the survey population. The largest range of respondents is 50-55 35 -°39 the 40 - 44 age bracket, with 21%. While 29% 18% 17 /° of the residents fall within households with the , head being less than 40 years old, Wt if : `�. approximately one -third of the households are �: '; headed by persons aged and older. 45-49 • t. \ 40 -44 YP d 50 d ld g 19% ..\ 21% Household Income Household Income 35K -50K According to the responses received, 53% of <35K 1% -\, 2/0 50K -75K the households maintain an annual income of . ter: 8% The 100 000 150 000 over $150,000. $ - $150,000 . . ti.v.... \ 75K -100K range received 29% of the responses, with 10% h, air \ 12% of households earning etween $75,000 - ` g 150K+ �'r�- $100,000, and the remaining 12% of 47% x. x households earning ess than $75,000 per ear. :::::.*Z ;::::::Z.::: p y ��;.'. Recent projections showed the year-end 2000 ` _�';, p 1 Y • : Y 100K- 150K average household income to be over 300/0 $112,588. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 10 of 36 DEMOGRAPHIC FINDINGS Southlake Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Education Level of Head of Household Head of Household Highest Education The survey yielded a highly educated residency. H.S. grad Some Nearly half of the respondents showed post- 3% college graduate activity, w ith 10% of all residents 11 g y, As sociate achieving a graduate degree. Almost matching some 2% the graduate degree percentage was the number post -grad of household heads with a bachelor's degree. 36 % o The remaining 15% of the residents attained education under the bachelor's level. Bachelor Graduate 38% 10% Ages of Children in Household Ages of Children in Household 0 -4 Nearly 550 surveys indicated children in the 151 22% household. Of these responses, a total of over 21 1250 children were accounted in four age groups. 20% of the responses indicated the presence of children aged 4 and younger; 28% indicated children aged 5 - 9; 29% indicated children aged 10 - 14, and 21% indicated w '' children aged 15 and older. 10-14 N Y= g 5 -9 29% r,e�: ' 28% RESIDENCY HISTORY The location background of the residents is one aspect of traditional demographic findings that is not typically distinguished. This segment of the survey was intended to identify the regional diversity of the City's residency. * The segment requesting information of head of household's state of birth and other areas lived were tallied through an industry regional grouping: Texas, Northeast, Southeast, North Central, South Central (excluding Texas), Northwest, and Southwest. The states fall within the classifications as follows: Northeast - CT, DC, DE, KY, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV Southeast - AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN North Central - IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD, WI South Central (excluding Texas) - AR, LA, OK, NM Northwest — AK, ID, MT, OR, WA, WY Southwest - AZ, CA, CO, HI, NV, UT Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 11 of 36 DEMOGRAPHIC FINDINGS Southlake Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report State of Birth of Head of Household* Head of Household - State of B i rth oth e r In determining the head of household's state sw u.s. 5% Texas ° of birth, the survey disclosed that over one- NW U.S. IN ; 25% quarter of the Southlake residents were born 2% r. in Texas. The next largest regional draws SC U.S. }$` were the northeastern US at 24% and the (exc. TX) north central US at 21%. Excluding Texas, 5% \� „ '< less than 20% of the responses were born in NC U.S. NE U.S. any of the southern regions. 4% of the 21% '4Z - ; ' 24% responses were born outside of the US. SE U. A' 5% Years as Southlake Resident Years as Southlake Resident Survey responses showed that over two - thirds 10+ Years of the residents have lived in Southlake for 5 12% years or fewer with half of those residents 1 -2 Years y 33% being in the 1 - 2 year time frame. 12% of 6 -10 the residents have made Southlake their home Years -, over 10 years. 20% K r � n 2 s t , ;. 3 -5 Years X411 35% Other Areas Lived Other Areas Lived Other Texas SW US 6%„,„ 16% The survey was designed to find the other 14% INN areas of the country the head of household NW us : ” lived before moving to Southlake. Only 16% 2 % of the residents lived elsewhere within Texas. sc us NE us The Northeastern US received the highest g (exc. TX)— 22% percentage of responses with 22 %, followed 10% by North Central US with 18%, Southwest NC us �� US with 14 %, and Southeast US with 12 %. ° SE US 18% 12% Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 12 of 36 APPENDIX A LOCATION SUMMARY L A JoutrilaNe Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Southlake, Texas Location Overview Southlake, Texas is situated in the heart of the Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex. The city is located along State Highway 114, midway between D -FW International Airport and Alliance Business Park/Airport. Southlake experienced the highest residential growth rate in Tarrant County from 1990 - 2000. This tremendous residential growth can be attributed to excellent school districts, high quality of life, environmental assets, and easy commutes. Current commercial growth involves the construction of corporate campuses, such as Sabre, and extensive retail development along the regional roadway system to include the nationally recognized Southlake Town Square development. Improvements are underway on State Highway 114 through the City, and public infrastructure is being extended to accommodate continued growth along the City's major corridors. Midland! — FuitWUarttr� UdC55A� )) Ay'stin Houston\ \ Denton Southlake, Texas xtr Embrace the Vision! SOUTHL.KE Intemahanal auN aPae , i .c.i oFw Fleld Fort Worth 1 Dallas For further information about the City of Southlake, visit the City's website at or contact the Department of Economic Development by phone (817) 481 -1686, fax (817) 481 -1701, or e -mail econdev Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 13 of 36 APPENDIX B SURVEY AS DISTRIBUTED _ _. Southlake Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report C City of Southlake For information or comments: _, y Department of Economic Development Department of Economic Development PH: (817) 481 -5581, ext. 776 Southlake Restaurant Survey EM: econdev August 1, 2000 WEB: Please respond thoroughly. This information will be used to attract restaurants to Southlake. 1. FREQUENCY Frequency in average days/wk On average, at what frequency does your family Avg. # of Avg. cost of (Circle answer) participate in the following? People bill 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Breakfast at a full service restaurant $ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Breakfast at a fast food restaurant $ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Lunch at full service restaurant $ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Lunch at a fast food restaurant $ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Evening dinner at a full service restaurant $ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Evening dinner at a fast food restaurant $ 2. BUSINESS OR GROUP USES If adequate food and meeting services were available in Southlake, how many times / year would you hold the following? Frequency in times per year Estimated Attendees (check) (check) Type of event 1 -5 6 -10 11 -15 16 -20 21+ 0 1 -5 6 -10 11 -15 15+ Business breakfast Business lunch Business dinner Personal meal gatherings 3. DINING DESIRES If all types of food service were available in Southlake, at what frequency would your family visit the following? Frequency (check) Frequency (check) Often Seldom Food Type Often Seldom Food Type American Mexican Barbecue Seafood Chinese Steakhouse Deli Thai Indian Specialty: (bagel, ice cream) Italian / Pizza Other: Japanese Other: 4. CURRENT AREAS OF ATTRACTION What areas of the D /FW Metroplex currently offer you the best choice of restaurants? (check all that apply) Sundance Square McKinney Ave Grapevine West End Greenville Knox Henderson Addison Comments? (Continued on back)BF Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 14 of 36 APPENDIX B SURVEY AS DISTRIBUTED South lake Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report 5. DEMOGRAPHICS Number of people in household (circle one) Number of at -home children in each age bracket 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+ (place number on line for each age group) Age of head of household (circle one) 0 -4 years old 10 -14 years old -35 35 -39 40 -44 45 -49 50 -55 55 -59 60+ 5 -9 year old 15 -19 years old Annual household income (check one) Head of household education (check highest level completed) Less than $35,000 $75,000 - $100,000 0 - 8 Years Associates Degree $35,000 - $50,000 $100,000 - $150,000 Some High School Bachelors Degree $50,000 - $75,000 $150,000 or more High School Grad. Some Post - Graduate Some College Graduate Degree Head of household, state of birth? Please list areas other than Texas where you have lived Years as Southlake resident? years for years Years as DFW region resident? years for years for years 6. DESIRED RESTAURANTS or FOOD TYPES What restaurants or food types would you like to see in Southlake? (out -of -state preferences also) Restaurant Name or Food Type Existing Locations? General Comments: Fold on line, tape long edge, and RETURN BY MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2000 11 11 NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 49 GRAPEVINE TEXAS POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE DEPT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -9975 11111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 11111111 Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 15 of 36 S o 1 APPENDIX C COMPLETE DESIRED RESTAURANT LIST thi Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Hits Restaurant Locations* Hits Restaurant Location* 65Pappadeaux ;Dallas, HEB 11Morton's Steakhouse Chicago, Dallas, Addison 60 Eatzi's Dallas, Addison, McKinney 11 Ruth Chris Dallas 59:PF Changs :Dallas, Arizona Addison, Plano 11Taco Cabana ;Arlington, Lewisville, Watauga 49'Cheesecake Factory Missouri Dallas, Addison 11 Uno Pizzeria 1Fort Worth Illinois Addison 49:Houston's :Addison, Dallas, New Orleans 11Whole Foods :Dallas, Arlington 36Red Lobster :North Richland Hills Lewisville 10 Cafe Express Dallas, McKinney, Add 31Pappasitos :HEB, Dallas, Fort Worth ........... .........................._.... 10Einstein's Bagels ... ...................._.....:Fort Worth, Bedford 28 Black Eyed Pea Bedford, Grapevine, Hurst 10Fresh Choice Fort Worth, Addison, Dallas 23Marie Callendar's ;California, Oklahoma, Austin 10Pizzeria Uno Arlington, Fort Worth 22 Blue Mesa Grill :Fort Worth, Santa Fe, Dallas 9:Baskin Robin :Bedford 2210n the Border Lewisville, Coppell, Arlington 9!Harrigan's :Bedford 21 Souper Salad ;Arlington, Dallas, HEB 8 Don Pablos :Grapevine, Irving, Bedford 20 Long John Silvers __..._ ...................._ Grapevine_......................_................_ ............_........_......... 8Dunkin Donuts _Arlington, Fort Worth, Boston ............ 201Outback Steakhouse Hurst, NRH, Grapevine 8'Furrs Cafeteria ;Irving, HEB, NRH 19Cracker Barrel :Lewisville Arlington, Denton 8KFC :Grapevine g P 19 Del Frisco 's :Fort Worth, Addison, Dallas 8 La Madeline !Grapevine 19 Uncle Julio 's Fort Worth, Dallas, Addison 8 Original Pancake :Dallas, Addison House 18Maggiano's ;Dallas, Chicago ............._............................... ....__......_.................. 8Red Hot and Blue ......_._......_._...: Vir g inia ........_............................ ............................... 18:Olive Garden :Grapevine, Irving 8:Spaghetti Warehouse Bedford, Fort Worth 171Chili's :Grapevine, Irving, NRH 7 Benihanna s :Irving, Addison, Dallas 17 In N Out Burger California 7Chart House ;Florida, Maryland, California 16 I Cheddars : HEB, Arlington, Irving 7 Copelands :Dallas 15Abuelo's ;Hurst, Airport Freeway, Plano 7IHOP 151Champs Sports Bar & :Dallas, Addison, Knox Henderson 7Italianni's :HEB, NRH Grill 15 ;Sonic ;Various 7: Landry's Dallas 15'Steak and Ale Bedford, Hurst 7 Luby's- Cafeteria _.._.._...._....._ Grapevine _...._ ..................__......_....._..._....... ....._.......__.._......_...... 14 Jason's Deli ;G 6!Angeluna's..._......._._. :Fort Worth t. 14 Macaroni Grill Gra evine, Vista Ridge, Plano 6Car1 s Jr. _California 14:Patrizio :Dallas, Plano 6 Fogo de Chao :Addison 14 Razzoo's :Lewisville, Fort Worth 6 Fuddruckers :Grapevine 13 ;Bennigan's Grapevine, Lewisville 6 Hoffbrau Steakhouse :HEB _.._...._.._ ......... ...._..._._.........._........_ 13: Star Canyon _Dallas, Las Vegas, McKinney 6i :Hooters 1NRH, Dallas 13Steak -N -Shake ;Florida, Missouri, Georgia 6JohnnyRockets :Dallas 12 Le Peep :Houston, Irving 6 Lawry s Dallas, Addison 12TGI Friday's :Grapevine 6 Mercado Juarez :Arlington, Dallas, Fort Worth 11 Applebee 5 ............................................ ................ Irving ................... ............................... 6Reata Fort Worth ..._ ..__ ._. 11 Arbys Colleyville G ......... .................._.._......... 6_ Ryan' s............._ ......_......................._ .._...._....._......!Grapevine, Dallas 1N .............. ................... 111Braums Grapevine 6:The Grape Dallas * Only sample locations listed. Complete list of restaurant locations as submitted by respondents available upon request. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 16 of 36 - - - - - ---_-- -..-- e a _ - S o u e APPENDIX C COMPLETE DESIRED RESTAURANT LIST — Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report --. Hits Restaurant Locations* Hits Restaurant Loc 651Pappadeaux :Dallas, HEB 11:Morton's Steakhouse !Chicago, Dallas, Addison 60IEatzi's :Dallas, Addison, McKinney 11:Ruth Chris :Dallas ...._.._..__. _____ . ..... . 59IPF Changs :Dallas, Arizona, Addison, Plano 11:Taco Cabana 1Arlinzon, Lewisville, Watauga 49 Cheesecake Factory !Missouri, Dallas, Addison 11:Uno Pizzeria Fort Worth Illinois, Addison 49:Houston's :Addison, Dallas New Orleans 111Whole Foods :Dallas, Arlington 36 Red Lobster 1North Richland Hills, Lewisville 10 Cafe Express !Dallas, McKinney, Addison 31;Pappasitos IHEB, Dallas, Fort Worth 101Einstein's Bagels :Fort Worth, Bedford 28 Black Eyed Pea :Bedford, Grapevine, Hurst 10 Fresh Choice !Fort Worth, Addison, Dallas 23 Marie Callendar's :California, Oklahoma, Austin 101Pizzeria Uno :Arlington, Fort Worth 22 Blue Mesa Grill Fort Worth, Santa Fe, Dallas 91Baskin Robin !Bedford __. 22 On the Border :Lewisville, Coppell, Arlington 91Harrigan's ;Bedford 211Souper Salad :Arlington, Dallas, HEB 8:Don Pablos :Grapevine, Irving, Bedford 20:Long John Silvers !NRH, Grapevine 81Dunkin Donuts :Arlington, Fort Worth, Boston 20:Outback Steakhouse !Hurst, NRH, Grapevine 8:Funs Cafeteria Irving, HEB, NRH 19:Cracker Barrel 1Lewisville, Arlington, Denton 8 :KFC :Grapevine 19 Frisco's IFort Worth, Addison, Dallas 81La Madeline 1Grapevine 19 Uncle Julio's !Fort Worth, Dallas, Addison 810riginal Pancake !Dallas, Addison House 18:Maggiano's !Dallas, Chicago 81Red Hot and Blue ;Dallas, Virginia 18:Olive Garden !Grapevine, Irving 8:Spaghet Warehouse !Bedford, Fort Worth 4-: 17Chili's !Grapevine, Irving, NRH 7:Benihanna's :Irving, Addison, Dallas 17 In N Out Burger :California 7:Chart House ;Florida, Maryland, California 161Cheddars 1HEB, Arlington, Irving 7:Copelands :Dallas 151Abuelo's :Hurst, Airport Freeway, Plano 7!IHOP 15;Champs Sports Bar & IDallas, Addison, Knox Henderson 71Italianni's 1HEB, NRH Grill 15: Sonic !Various 71Landry's !Dallas 15Steak and Ale !Bedford, Hurst 71Luby's Cafeteria :Grapevine 14:Jason's Deli Grapevine 6 Angeluna's :Fort Worth 14 Macaroni Grill :Grapevine, Vista Ridge, Plano 61Carl's Jr. ;California ._._._ _. 14:Patrizio :Dallas, Plano 6:Fogo de Chao .Addison 141Razzoo's 1Lewisville, Fort Worth 6Fuddruckers :Grapevine 13 Bennigan's :Grapevine, Lewisville 61Hoffbrau Steakhouse 1 HEB 131 Star Canyon 1Dallas, Las Vegas, McKinney 6:Hooters 1NRH, Dallas 131Steak-N-Shake :Florida, Missouri, Georgia 6:Johnny Rockets :Dallas 12 iLe Peep :Houston, Irving 61Lawry's !Dallas, Addison 12:TGI Friday's :Grapevine 6:Mercado Juarez :Arlington, Dallas, Fort Worth 111Applebee's Colleyville, Irving 6 : Reata :Fort Worth 111Arbys Colleyville, Grapevine 6:Ryan's :Grapevine, Dallas, NRH 111Braums Grapevine 6:The Grape :Dallas * Only sample locations listed. Complete list of restaurant locations as submitted by respondents available upon request. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 16 of 36 - APPENDIX C COMPLETE DESIRED RESTAURANT LIST h ., / ,A So .. la e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report -......-- Hits Restaurant Location Hits Restaurant Location 6Three Forks 1Dallas, Addison 4: Terrelli's 1Dallas 6 :Via Real !Las Colinas 4!Weinerschnitzel :Grapevine 5 AquaKnox !Dallas 31Bacon's Colleyville, Hurst -: ... ..__......_ _ _ ........ _ 51Bob's Chop House 1Dallas 3 iBaja Fresh California 1' ! 51Cafe Pacific :Dallas, Addison 3:Baker's Square :Chicago 5ICelebration :Dallas, Fort Worth 3 'Burger King :Various : .,. 51Chuy's :Dallas, Henderson 3:Buraer Street DFW 5E1 Chico Addison, Grapevine 3:Cafe Brazil !Dallas 5 :Frazolli's !Bedford 3:Church's 1San Antonio -- „-_. 5 !Golden Corral NRH 31City Cafe !Dallas . 51Good Eats :Bedford, Grapevine 3 : Colters !Hurst 5 : Humperdinks 1Dallas, Arlington 3 !Cozeymel's Grapevine Mills 511 Fratelli !Dallas, Irving 3'Denny's !Grapevine 51McDonald's !Grapevine, Southlake 3!Edwardo's 1Colleyville, Hurst, Chicago ---= 5 : Popeyes !Dallas, Trophy Club 3:E1 Fenix !Grapevine 5: Snuffers !Addison, Dallas 3 1Esparza's !Grapevine ; . 51TCBY 1Colleyville, Hurst 3 !First Watch 10hio, Kansas 5 1Truluc ks :Addison, Dallas 3!Fonda San Miguel :Austin 4 .. 5 :Whataburg er ;Grapevine, Roanoke 3French Room !Dallas ; = 41Blue Goose !Dallas 3!Great Outdoors :Addison, Valley Ranch, Fort J . Worth .. --; •, 4Catfish King !Denton, Tyler, Longview 3Jack in the Box !Grapevine = - 41Chic-fil-a Grapevine, Southlake 3!Legal Seafood !Boston : , . . 4Clam Jumper ;California 3:Lonestar Steakhouse 1HEB, Missouri --: 1 • • 4:Cooker's :Ohio 3 :Palamino :Dallas - - , 41Cotton Patch Cafe :Colleyville, Grapevine, Lewisville 3Pappas Steak !Dallas 4County Line BBQ !Austin, Houston, Oklahoma City 3!Perkin's :Wisconsin 4:Gloria's !Dallas 31Portillo's Chicago 4!Javiers :Dallas 3!Quiznos !Trophy Club, Colleyville 4 !Kirby's !Dallas, Southlake 3 :Red Robin !Grapevine 41Kuby's !Dallas, Addison 3!Soup n' Salad :Irving 4:La Hacienda !Grapevine 3:Texas Land and Cattle •HEB, Dallas •• — = ! 4:Mimi's Cafe :Grapevine, California 3:Tia's !Grapevine, Fort Worth 4 Owens 3!Wendy's !Various :_. 4iPizza Hut - sit down :Grapevine 3!Wild About Harry's Knox Henderson Dallas 41Schlotzsky's HEB, Irving, Dallas 2!Ali Babas :Dallas 4:Soup or Salad !Dallas 2 !Angelos !Fort Worth 4!Sweet Tomato ;Utah, California, Arizona 2:August Moon :North Dallas, Addison ......_ 4:Taco Bell !Various 2:Bailey's :Hurst Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 17 of 36 APPENDIX C COMPLETE DESIRED RESTAURANT LIST s .... e — -- Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report _.— Hits Restaurant Location Hits Restaurant Location 2 Bistro Louise :Fort Worth 2:Johnny Rockers California 1 . 2:Blimpies :Grapevine 2 Kathleen's Art Cafe 'Dallas 2 Bo Bo China :Grapevine 2:Kirby Lane Cafe :Austin 2 Bob Evans ;Dallas 2 Kobe Steakhouse !Addison -- •-•--- - -- .- • - -- 2:Bodacious Bar-be-Que :Longview 21Krispy Kreme Donuts !Grapevine 2:Brew Pub Addison 21Krystal Burgers !Alabama Florida , 4 2:Bristol :Kansas, Kentucky 2:La Bistro Hurst 2 i Bubba's iDallas 2:Lamppost Pizza :California 2:Cactus Flower lAlliance 2 Lombardi Mari :Addison 2:Cafe Max :Richardson, Addison 2!Lombardi's ;Dallas 2!Campizi's Plano 2'Masseys !Fort Worth 2 :Captain D's !Various 2 Mi Piacci's !Addison 2!Carrino's Lewisville 2:New York Deli : Colorado . — . 2:Casa Ole !Houston, Texas City 2 'Paisanos 'San Antonio _ 1 2:Catfish & Co. INI IL Hurst 2:Pappas Bros ;Dallas : 2;Chapps HEB 2:Poncho's :Euless 21Chipolte Plano 2;Rock Bottom Brewery :Addison ... . 2Chips :Dallas 2 :Ruggeri's 'Dallas. Addison 1 — 2!Chou Thai :Addison 2:Salads n Such :Hurst 2:Chuck's Grapevine 2:Saltgrass Steakhouse Grapevine -----,------ — - - 4 - - . 21Cici's Pizza 2:Salty Iguana !Kansas 21Clydes :Virginia 2:Sambuca :Addison 2:Dakota's !Dallas 2S'barro 1Various 2:Earnies 1Arizona 2.She11s Pasta :Florida 21E1 Pollo Loco ;California 2:Shogun !Arlington : • '— 2E1 Toritos !California 2Sipango :Dallas : 2Empress of China 2Southern Seasons North Carolina 2:Fox and Hound ;Dallas 2 Spaghetti Factory !California 2Genghis Grill :Addison, Greenville 2St. Emmilion Fort Worth 2:Goldie's Patio Grill :Tulsa, Plano 2 Sullivans :Plano, Addison 2:Grinders :Ohio, California 2 Tavern :North Virginia, Virginia 2 1 Hanashio !Irving 2:Texas Bar and Grill :Fort Worth, Las Colinas 2!Herrerra's Mexican 1Dallas, Carrollton 2The Green Room !Dallas 211 Fornaio :San Francisco 2:The Old Warsaw :Dallas 2:Indian Palace :Dallas 2!Tippins 'Fort Worth 2:Ivers Seattle 2!ToGos !California 2:James Coney Island :Houston 2:Traildust Steakhouse 'Dallas, Arlington 2:Joe T. Garcia's Fort Worth 2'Walker Brothers 1Arlington Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 18 of 36 ----_. APPENDIX C COMPLETE DESIRED RESTAURANT LIST cM" e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Hits Restaurant Location Hits Restaurant . Location 2:Water St Seafood Co !Fort Worth 1 !Begoti's : 2 1 Ya-Ya's :Kansas 1:Bentons !Irving •-i _ _ _ _ , 2;Yia Yia's Eurobistro :Overland Park, Kansas 1 Bertucci's Pizza !Boston 2•Z-Tejas ;Austin 1'Billy Miners Saloon Fort Worth 1:52ND St. Sports Bar & ;Kansas City, MO 1 IBirraporetti' s ;Arlington Grill 1:7-11 ;Various 1:Bistro Zinc ;Chicago 1: 8.0 !Fort Worth 1 ;Black Diamond 1 California 1 rewery ; B 1:Addison Cafe 1Addison l!Blues Bars DFW 4 . , 1:Edelweiss :Fort Worth 1 Bo Peep !Irving 1:Al Burnat's 1 liBob Owens :Ohio . : 1:Alamo cafe :San Antonio 1.Bobby Salazars 'California 1:Alexanders !Ohio 1:Boca .Minnesota 1 !Al's Hamburgers !Arlington 1 Bojangles Chicken Southeast US 1 American Family 1:Bombay Bicycle :Ohio :Company_ _ 4 , . . 1:Amici :Carrollton 1 Bombay Palace :Washington liAndy's Ice Cream !Springfield, MO l!Booboo's ;Arlington ._; 1 1Aneitheria 1;Boston Market :Various 1 Anthony's Pizza ;Carswell lIBrangus :Texas 1 Antonies :Dallas 1:Bravo Cucina New Orleans 1 Antonio's Pies Boston 11Brennans ;New Orleans 1 Artie's N. Virginia 1:Brick Oven Pizza New York 1 Ashkenaz Chicago 1:Bricks Pizza Connecticut 1 Auntie Ann's Pretzels :Grapevine Mills Mall 1:Bubba Gump Shrimp ;Colorado 1 Avanti's Ristorante ;McKinney Ave. 1;Bucca di Beppo San Francisco ' :Dallas 1;Buckhorn Exchange ;Denver -- 1 B A a w r h ib u a cks - .— 1Chicago l'Bueno Bueno .California . 1 Babe's !Roanoke 1;Bugaboo Creek ;Maine, Massachusetts 1 Bachman :Dallas 1 :Burger House :Dallas — --- -- ---- ---- 1 Bagel Nosh _ - !California 1Burn Deor Steakhouse San Antonio ;-- 1 Bagelsteins Richardson 1 Burrito's :West Coast 1 Bakery Various 1;Butazuyrs Houston 1 Bali's Chop House :Dallas 1:Butcher Shop 'Longview l'Ball's Hamburgers :Dallas l'Cacharel :Arlington ...,__ 1;Bandera's ■ ; 1; Cafe Bistro :New Jersey ----------- -- ---- 11Bangkok City !Fort Worth 1 1 Cafe Chino Houston 1:Barbec's :White Rock Lake 1:Cafe Madrid !Dallas 1;Baris . !Flower Mound 1 California Pizza :Grapevine 1 !Bartleys Grapevine l!Callaloo New Jersey Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 19 of 36 L - APPENDIX C COMPLETE DESIRED RESTAURNT LIST So6bl° e -=--_=_-_---- Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Hits Restaurant Location Hits Restaurant Location 1 . Calverts McKinney 11Dave and Busters !Dallas, Florida t t. 1:Campo Verde :Arlington 1:Dee Felice :Kentucky T - ----- T — — -- 1 Cantina Larado !Addison 1:Deep Dish Pizza • -•• -• 3-- 1:Cappriotti's Delaware 1 Del Taco :California 1:Carluccia's ;Florida 1 !Dells 1 Carve' Ice Cream :Connecticut 11Derrill's Chain (not !North Carolina ;sure if still around) . _ 1:Celebrity Bakery and :Plano 1:Dim Sum i California :Tea Room 1 :-- 1 Celebrity Cafe !Chicago l!Dinos Pizzeria ;Illinois 1:Central 1 11Dirers, Jamaican, Deli :New York, New Jersey l!Dream Cafe : Quadrangle 1:Charcoal Oven • 1:Chesapeake Bagel :Virginia 1 Dundubaks ;Florida :Bakery : 1 Chelsea Deli !Kingwood 1 i East Wind :Dallas 1 I Chicken Marys :Kansas liEggs n' Things :California 1:China Dragon :Bedford 1 I Ehitay , , , 1China Star :Wichita Falls , 1,E1 Sorrento !Dallas 1.Chinese Dragon i Euless 1 I Ellingtons :Fort Worth 1 !Chinese Queen :Fort Worth 1:Emeril's New Orleans ..__ l'Christina's ;Addison 1 ;Enchilada's ;NW Highway and Abraham's .,• . 1:Chuck e Cheese :Various 1Enoteca Lancone !San Francisco 1Cipriani's :Las Colinas 1:Euless Wok :Euless 1Cisco :Dallas 1:Evergreen ;NRH . : 1:Citizens :Dallas 1:First Chinese BBQ :Arlington 1Classic Cafe 1 Southlake 1Fish ;Dallas 1:Coach House Inn :Oklahoma 1:Fishmonger's ;Plano 1Cock of the Walk ;Arkansas 1 Five Guys Washington, DC 1Cool River Cafe :Austin 11Flying Fish :Fort Worth 1:Comer Bakery Ft. Worth, Southlake 1:Flying Saucer :Addison 1:Cousin's Pit BarBQ !Fort Worth 1 Fresh Express California : -- -- - --- . 1 Cousin's Subs ;Carrollton 1:Fresh Tomatoes Salad :California :Buffet 1 Crazy American grill Grapevine 1:Freshwater Lodge -- ,------ -- rapev iMichigan 1 1Crystal's Pizza :Irving 1:Friendly's ;East Coast . , 1:Cuevers :Austin 1:Friendlys Ice-cream Northeast US 1;Culpeppers Rockwall 1 Frijoles :Las Colinas, Arlington .:. 1:Culvers ;McKinney 1:Ft McRoys :Washington 1:Daddy Jack's :Dallas 1 !Gambinos :Alabama . 1:Daily Farmers Market 1 !Gardunio's New Mexico 1:Daily Grill :California 1 IGasho's Denver 1.Dairy Queen :Various 1:Geor2e's by the Cove :California • Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 20 of 36 ----" -6- ----- APPENDIX C COMPLETE DESIRED RESTAURANT LIST ouifilake Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report --- Hits Restaurant Location Hits Restaurant _Location 1:Gilberts :North Dallas 1;Jewish Deli -_. . 1 . Godfather's Pizza !Nebraska 1 Jin Ben Las Colinas . : 1:Golden Phoenix :Arizona l'Joe's Crabshack ;Various i : --- - --- - ----- -- 1.Goode Company ;Houston 1:Johnnies Hamburgers Oklahoma City ;Taqueria & BBQ_ : . . 1 Street Cafe Kansas City l'Johnny Orleans :Dallas 1:Grass Steakhouse :Grapevine 1:Jreks Subs New York 1. GREEN BURRITO! :California 1 K.C. Masterpiece !Louisville 1 Green Street :Pasadena, California 1:Key West Grill ;Florida 1Gyro Specialty ;Seattle 1Kincaid's :California 'Sandwiches , 1:Hamburger Hamlet :Virginia, Maryland 1:Korgan House ;Harry Hines and Royal Ave. _ 1:Happy Joe's Pizza Iowa 11La Calle Doce :Dallas - - - . - 1:Harbour House !Maryland l!La Parilla Suiza :Arizona -- 1:Hardec's ;Kentucky 1 La Paz :North Carolina s Henderson , ----i Harry' . _ :Knox-Hd 1.La Playa Maya ;Fort Worth ._ , , 1:Health Choice : University Dr., Fort Worth 1:La Salsa ;Grapevine Mills Mall (Salad/Food Bar) . :Dallas 1;Health Conscious 1:La Trattoria __. 1:Herras ;Dallas 1:Le Bistro Hurst 1:Highland Park Cafeteria ;Dallas 1 Le Fonda !San Antonio 1;Hobbees (Cinnamon tea, !California 1!Le Paris Bistro :Dallas :coffee cake) - - : 1 _ ; 11Hook, Line, and Sinker :Dallas 1:La Posada ;Dallas, Tyler 11Hops ;Florida 1:Lennivines :Dallas - . 1;Houlihans : _ 1•Lola's ;Dallas ._ 1 House of Wong !Minnesota 1Lone Star Oyster Bar !Bedford, Arlington, Dallas 11Hungry Howie's Pizza ;Michigan 1:Lotus Chinese :Texas 1:Hyde Park Cafe !Austin 1:Louie's 106 Austin . , 1:Imo's Pizza :Illinois 1:Luigies ;Midland . - 1;Indian House ;Dallas 1 Luthers Houston I:Indian Tandoori ;Las Colinas 1:Magic Time Machine :Addison 1:Islands (tropical) i California 1 Mainstream Fish House:Dallas , lItalian Inn Fort Worth 1:Mamma's Daughters !Dallas :Diner 11It's Greek To Me 'Lewisville 11Mango Thai ;Plano 11.1 Alexander's !Ohio 1:Mansion :Texas __. , 1:J. Gilberts :Kansas 1;Mason Jar ;Austin 1 Jahe's :Dallas 1 i Maudy's Austin — . 1:Jaxx Cafe !Addison 1,Max and Irma's !Ohio 1 Jazz :Lubbock 1 Mayuri :Irving 1:Jenbeh !Irving 1 & :California ,Schmick's 1:Jerry's Deli :California 1 !Rhode Island Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 21 of 36 S C6 — of APPENDIX C COMPLETE DESIRED RESTAURANT LIST 1 = 1.' e .----- ______ Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Hits Restaurant Location Hits Restaurant Location 1 :Metropolitan Grill !Washington 1:palm :West End 1 Mexican Inn :Fort Worth 1 I Panera's :National 1:Mi Cocina :Southlake Ft. Worth 1 :Pappa Aldo's !Seattle 1:Micro Brewery :Nevada 1:Pappa Razi :New Jersey 1;Mike's North Virginia l!Paris Coffee Shop !Fort Worth :---; 1:Milano's .Boston 1 1Pasand !Richardson, Irving 1 :Mine :Grapevine 1:Pascali's !Newport Beach lModo Mio :Dallas 1:Pasta Company !Woodlands : 1 : Moe 's Bagels !Denver 1 Paul Prudhome's :Louisiana — — ------_---- 1:Momos !Dallas 1 PB&J Rest !Kansas City 1:Mondo's :Solaria 1:Pearl's Oyster Bar :Austin, Houston 1Monet's Colleyville (closed) 1;Phillip's !Maryland 1:Monica's Aca y Alla !Deep Ellum 1 Piccadilly !Kansas 1:Monjunis Longview liPiccolo Mondo Arlington 1 Montgomery Inn :Ohio 1 Pioneer Pies :Oklahoma 1:Mozzarella's American !Virginia 1:Pitters Frozen Custard !Indiana :Cafe , t 1 :Mrs. Field's Cookies 1 Various 1:Pizza Campizeas :Dallas 1:Mustang Cafe !Las Colinas 1 i Pizza King !Longview ,, 1:Nana Grill !Dallas 1:Pizza Parlor :Colorado 1:Nate's Seafood :Dallas l!Pomodoro :Australia 1Nathan's Bagels .California 1:Portofino ;Arlington 1:Nations Burgers !California liPulidos :Texas 1:New York Bagels and 1;Queen of Sheba ;Dallas Pizza 1:New York Style Deli :East Coast 1:Rafferty's :Kentucky 1 Nice Tea Room Arlington 1 Ragooks 'Dallas 1:Nick & Sam's :Dallas 1:Ranchman's Cafe !Ponder : 1:Ninfa's !Dallas, Houston 1 !Renato :California l!Numero Uno Pizza !California 1'Rex Chicken :Oklahoma 1:NY Style Deli : 1:Ribber ''T's" 1O'Charle's :Ohio 1Rice Box :Irving 1:0 Little Dublin Kansas City, KS 1:Riviera !Dallas I :Irish Ale House and Pub 1 Old Chicago Pizza !Nevada 1;Rockfish Southlake 4- 1 i Old San Francisco !Dallas liRodeo Steakhouse Fort Worth ;Steakhouse 1 :Oriental !Hurst, Grapevine 1;Romeo's :Austin 1:Original Mk. Diner :Dallas 1:Rosa's Tortilla Factory Fort Worth . : 1:0scars !San Diego 1:Round Table Pizza !Washington _ .. - 1:Pacific Rim 1 Colleyville 1 Tukyo !Greenville l'Palermo's Italiano 'California l'Roy's :California Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 22 of 36 ---- - -- el= - '4 APPENDIX C COMPLETE DESIRED RESTAURANT LIST Southi - Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report =----- Hits Restaurant Location Hits Restaurant Location 1 Cafe ;Corsicana lITC Eggingtons ;Arizona ,..._ : 1;Ruby Tuesday ;East Coast 1; Ted's New Jersey 1:Ruen Thai ;Irving 1 Grilling 1;Ruggles Grill ! ;Houston 1 Teppo ;Greenville 1;Rusty Pelican 'Florida 1 Teriyaki Chicken Bowl New Mexico 1 S al arms !Flower Mound l!Texadelphia 'Austin, Dallas, Houston 1;Sal's :Florida 1:Texas Roadhouse Arlington 1.Sam Woo !California liThe Big Bowl i Big Chicago -- --- ----- I:Samba Room ;Travis St. at Knox 1;The Buffalo Co. 'Denver -!- 1 Sardines ;Fort Worth 1 1 The Cabin :Houston ---------- 1 . Sartins Sabine Pass 1:The Cooker !Florida 1:Scoozies :Chicago liThe County Line 'Colorado, Houston 1 Scotts Seafood 'California 1 The Feed Lot (buffet) All over Southwest __ 1;Semolina's ;Louisiana l Grand Lux Cafe ;Las Vegas -- ; !Dallas 1; Sevy's 11The Melting Pot Addison ; 1 Shaws ;Chicago 11The Pasta Company :Houston 1:Shusmi Indian !Arlington 1 The Riviera ;Dallas Restaurant 1 'Simba Room :Florida 1 1 Thirsty's Northpark and Valley View 1:Simply Burgers 'Arlington 1Time out for Burgers :Oklahoma 1Simply Fondue !Addison lTokyo One 'Addison l!Smokestack Barbecue !Kansas City 1 Tony Roma's !Grapevine -- -- 1:So Cal Mexican Chain ; 1:Tony's :Georgia t, _ . 1 Solleys !California 1 1 Top Shelf Italian --: — - I; South City Kitchen 'Atlanta 1:Toshis teriyaki Seattle ; I (Contemporary I Southern) : 1:South Prairie Oyster Bar Grapevine 1 Trudy's !Austin 1;Spago ;California 1 Trus Deli Sandwich . Shop 1:Sparty's ;Michigan l!Two Brothers from !California [Italy _ 1:Sports Pub ; 1:Two Rows Brewery :Dallas L._ 1:Spring Creek BBQ !Various 1:Uncle Tai's Chinese !Dallas Galleria l!St. Louis Bread Co. !Illinois 1:Vegetarian !East Coast _------___---.—__---. , 1:Sushi Sam I Southlake 1:Veranda !Las Colinas 1 1 Suze ;Dallas 1:Vive De France !Virginia ------------ — ------------- ------- - ----: -- 1 Swiss Challete !Toronto 11Vung Tao 'California l!Taco Bueno 1 Southlake 1 Waffle Way I Grapevine 1 Tacoritta 1; West Coast Mexican :California 1 Tai Soons 1:Western Sizzlin !Various l!Tandoori (Indian) ;Arlington l!White Castle :Indiana, Kentucky - -- 1:Tapas Bar Massachusetts l!White Table Cloth Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 23 of 36 APPENDIX C COMPLETE DESIRED RESTAURANT LIST (*Ut la e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Hits Restaurant Location 1:Willie's Weenie Wagon Chicago 1 !Wing Stop Fort Worth 1 Wolfman's Pizza North Carolina 1 1Xaviers Dallas 11UR Cooks 'Irving 1 I Yummys Denton 1 1Zaxbys South Carolina 1Zio's iTexas, Kansas, Missouri 1 1Zizikis ;Dallas 11Z-Teca !Utah 1990 620 Listings • Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 24 of 36 ______. _ _ _.. APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS s 1a 2 Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report GENERAL COMMENTS A breakfast/ lunch place would be nice. A casual restaurant/sports /grill in Town Square were the guys could hang out while the women shop. It needs TVs but also needs to be a place where you can bring the kids - maybe with two sides - one bar and the other restaurant A combination of family friendly and mid - upscale restaurants would be nice. Atmospheres as important as the food quality. A common discussion among Southlake residents is that we need a good sporting goods store like Oshmans in the immediate area. Were forced to go to North Richland Hills or Lewisville or Grapevine Mills (sports auth.) for general sporting good needs. A family restaurant with a friendly, cozy atmosphere. A full service restaurant that is friendly. A play area would be great! A good Deli. - High Class would be great. A good, gourmet restaurant (good wine list). A good Italian restaurant A jazz restaurant would be great. A place with good take home food is needed. A restaurant area similar to the McKinney area would be great. A variety of choices will be the key. Additional Restaurants: Snuffers, Greenville Ave at Midway Rd; Beau Nash at The Crescent, McKinney Ave; Sam's Cafe at The Crescent, McKinney Ave; La Madeleine, Dallas; Patrizio's, Highland Park Village; Benedict's, Addison; Sullivan's, Plano; McGuire's, Plano All Dallas - we are sadly lacking fine intimate restaurants. Everything is a chain restaurant. Also, why do we not have a "Whole Foods" grocery? All home owned and operated restaurants are better! You can go to any of the franchises (e.g. Olive Garden, etc.). Armend's seems to be a home owned place. Should be encouraged. All the other places are too far. Addison has the best selection but its too far. Also need outdoor cafe /grill type restaurant Another intimate, up scale restaurant (style of classic cafe) but different cuisine would be welcomed by adult diners who rarely bring young children with them. . Another nice restaurant like Classic Cafe would be nice. We would like to see more restaurants and still maintain the quality infrastructure that we have in Southlake. Any non chain specialty restaurant Any upscale, nice restaurants. We have enough fast food rest. We also need hangout type rest for our teens, food and fun places. Anyone opening up a clean restaurant with good home cooked (family) meal would in my opinion do well in the Southlake area. Anything added is fine. Just please add some! Anything in Southlake seems pricey. • Anything that's not a chain - more upscale restaurants needed (like Classic Cafe). Barbecue family restaurant on lake or with lake view, like Grist Mill in Gruene, with live music and trees. Big Fish, Little Fish Breakfast at a full service restaurant is not available at the times we would most likely want service, i.e. brunch or after midnight. Breakfast is my favorite meal to eat out, however none are close by. Breakfast other than fast food. Sit down type restaurant that offers healthy type foods. Breakfast type cafes needed. Brick's Pizza serves white and seafood pizza. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 25 of 36 APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS Z(• U� Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Bring Star Canyon to Southlake. California has a number of "fresh" Mexican restaurants that are excellent... don't remember names, but there is one in the Laguna Hills, Laguna Nigrial, that sounds like "Baja Fresh ". Chain restaurant are redundant and boring. Kirby's has a bad attitude towards customers. Chicken Fried Steak!! - Like Masseys; Black Eyed Pea is also good. BBQ - good of smoked - like Angelos. Chili's burn out after 3 years for lunch / 114 E traffic to Grapevine & back is busy / Need a restaurant row before CP's move here. Chucks needs competition for good burgers. Chips is a great place. We also need more breakfast options, how about Original Pancake House? Bubba's by SMU would do well up here. City of Dallas - Love Field area for business lunches; also Plano for business. / We aren't home to eat out here in the daytime. Close by with lots of choices. Combination of food and entertainment. Contact PB &J Restaurants in Kansas City about opening one of their restaurants in SL. Owners are Bill Crooks and Paul Khouny. Restaurants include Yia Yia's, Yahooz, Grand Street Cafe, and Paulo & Bill. Could use another (Jason's Deli) close by in Southlake, Grapevine is always packed and great for families! Please consider a Taco Cabana. It's a fast food restaurant with a full service feel to it. It's got great food and is affordable for families. Currently too many chain restaurants & fast food places, need to have more unique and upscale restaurants & sports bar & grills. Dallas and Fort Worth are too far to drive except for special occasions 2 -3 times per year. Do not make Southlake a restaurant row of chains like Grapevine. Do not turn Southlake into Restaurant Row. If we want a nice meal out we always go to Dallas for an unhurried upscale meal. Don't want too much commercial build up Don't get all the way to Dallas or Fort Worth very often. Downtown Fort Worth restaurants, Del Frisco's and Reata are favorites. Drive thru's are a plus - even for bagel store. Helpful if you have small children and do not want to get out Easy to get to; take out. Everywhere are restaurants we don't need any more. Family - any kind. Family oriented - no theme - just good food and good service at a good price. Take reservations. Good salad bar like Steak n' Ale or Ruby Tuesdays! For fast food — Polio Fiesta Carrollton. Generally, Southlake /Grapevine is a "chain" area. We need nice multicultural dining opportunity not national chain restaurant. Get anything more than Mac, Taco Bell,...UH!!! Go to Grapevine due to proximity to Southlake. Go to Grapevine most because close. Good food, nice setting, not a chain. There are too many "chain" restaurants that are not good. Good Indian restaurant. Gourmet/privately owned restaurants as well. Would like very much to see five star restaurants, and not so much of the "chain" types of restaurants.. Especially the fast food places should be very limited. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Pa 26 of 36 APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Grapevine certainly covers the chains; perhaps we could attract some purveyors, who simply provide good food, not necessarily family oriented nor common! Thank you. Grapevine closeness to home, Addison closeness to office, and North Dallas for midway between friends. Grapevine has a nice selection of chain restaurants. We prefer Southlake to have more family owned/specialty restaurants. Like the Classic Cafe. Grapevine overall; however, choice and affordability are not the same. Grapevine seems to get every restaurant - Southlake needs their City Council!! Hard to eat out and avoid carbo loading on breaded /fried food. Lunch is my main meal. Haven't lived here long enough to explore other areas Hey - when will we be able to buy wine (package) in Southlake? Why should Grapevine get my $$!? High -end seafood and Italian restaurants. Non chain preferably. Hooters! (seriously)! Hopefully Town Square will attract additional restaurants; fine dining - not fast food! Houston's - the best Houston's Restaurant in Dallas would be a great type of eatery or PF Chang's! I am glad you are doing this survey. I have money to spend and am too busy to cook. Southlake desperately needs more restaurants, especially the full- service type. I am happy with what we have. I checked Addison based on my understanding of its restaurant statistics, but we most frequent Grapevine. I don't like to drive too far to eat out. I have not frequented the other areas marked. I know we live in Texas but Houston has a very international flavor. I'd like to see some more in Southlake I live in a rural area of Wise County and Grapevine is the closest. Also on the way to /from DFW Airport. I live in Plano (work in SL). Southlake needs to build up a restaurant row to help separate themselves from Grapevine. I realize some of these restaurants are fairly close; but Southlake has more than enough dry cleaners, banks. Seems to support them but nothing but extremely expensive restaurants & fast food! We need restaurants that are moderately priced for families. I really think Cracker Barrel & Red Lobster would do well here. A nice Dairy Queen would do well in the Town Square - the DQ on 114 on Kimball is very small and difficult to get to. I really wish Southlake had more to offer - we would like to keep tax dollars here. I think Southlake needs more places to eat - especially fast food for families on the go during the school year. I know lots of families that eat on the run it wold help to have more variety. We like to go out to eat full service on weekends. I work at Sabre. The travel problem on 114 really prevents wanting to get out and spend money because of the hassles involved. I would hate to have a restaurant row. I would like to see more full service restaurants such as Chili's, Black -eyed Pea, Fridays, etc... I would like to see some restaurant besides Italian or Mexican or get another cafe. If I eat out, it needs to be something I wouldn't cook at home. Eating out needs to be a special event. I would like to see Southlake remain different than other cities. Lots of smaller quaint places verses a bunch of large chain places. I would love to have a couple of nice restaurants but we do not need to go crazy using every inch of green earth to make money or help us save taxes. If we had 3 new ones we would still give the surrounding areas competition. I would prefer individually owned restaurants. Not just a franchise in a chain. I will not eat in them. Schlotzskys is NOT a deli. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 27 of 36 S APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS OUL to e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report I'd like to see a Mexican restaurant that has more seating and variety on their menu. I would like to open a Johnny Rockets in Town Square, the atmosphere fits well with Town Square. I'd like to see a nice lunch place - soups, salads, and quiche. If Houston's were to come to Grapevine it would be the envy of all Tarrant County. Irving area has quality Indian, Chinese, Thai, and American restaurants. I would appreciate similar set -up of restaurants. It should be unique, Please no more chains! It would be nice to have a restaurant that is a step above fast food but less than a Classic Cafe. It would be nice to have more independent restaurants - less chains... especially for breakfast. It's too far to go to these other places regularly -only on special occasions. Its handy - Sundance/West End, but seldom go out due to location. Jason's deli in Grapevine is best menu prices, variety, (healthy choice), and food for family in the area. Love the ice cream. Keep away from chain restaurants. Offer distinction, variety, and quality! Not exactly what is Dallas and NOT Fort Worth. Make Southlake its own personality - like diversity in choices - not just Mexican and BBQ Texas! Keep Kirby's - Best steakhouse around; Change Southlake wine sale laws so good grocery stores will come like Eatzis in Dallas and Central Market (Owned by HEB) in San Antonio or Whole Foods in Austin. Kid friendly restaurant with a kid menu. Kirby's has been a wonderful, convenient addition. Kirby's need valet parking. Need Mexican restaurant that serves real margaritas. Mi Cocina is great but needs more room as well. Existing restaurants are too small and can't get in. Long waits w/o proper areas to wait (large bars) drive us out of SL. Less chain more individual. French restaurant, more upscale and quieter. Kirby's has good food but the acoustics are horrible and with the music unbearable. Less chain restaurants. Lets go to Grapevine for fast food and bring in some more interesting choices to bring our children to, or enjoy a Fri or Sat night with friends. Please no more McDonalds, Wendys, Taco Bell! Lewisville. Like restaurants that are not chains. Location. Looking for upscale restaurant fitting Southlake, not chains. Love Indian food. Love Solana brunch. Love Sushi Sam's; Mimi's my favorite restaurant; glad to see I -HOP coming. Love to have some family orient restaurants that aren't just drive throughs. Make sure fast food franchises have play areas or the kids won't go. / We would love to see a Bueno Bueno here. They make everything fresh daily. We spoke to the owner years ago about bringing one to TX, and he seemed interested. Making available a range of inexpensive to moderately expensive restaurants that are not in Grapevine would increase the income to our area. Giving people the choice of Southlake or Grapevine for dining! Spreading the fast food places out may even be a good decision. Mercury, Ziziki, Cheesecake, Nicholinas. Moderate to expensive, moderately formal, moderate price, not too casual. More diner type of restaurants. Southlake has enough fast food types. More family oriented restaurants. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 28 of 36 APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS SOUttila e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report More heart healthy places! More home -style restaurants. More Mexican food!!!! Get Mercado Juarez. More mid -price range choices. More mom and pop owned restaurants than big chains, as in Grapevine (way overdone). More mom and pop restaurants, less chains. More of all types. More patio dining. Less fast food restaurants. More private rest. Not chains. Town Square should be courting chef Steven Pyles. Any restaurant he puts in there would be a success. More rest. On par with Classic Cafe with lunches — Cheze Girad, Les Saisons, Ruggens, Bugatti's, etc., Star Canyon. More unique restaurants are needed. Unique in setting, ownership- not necessarily unique food. More unique, non -chain restaurants. More upscale restaurants (like Kirby's) More breakfast (for business meetings). My wife and I do not want or need a movie theater or mall in beautiful Southlake, let's keep our town quaint and un- - industrialized. We hope Southlake retains its country like charm and look. Need "non- chain" independent burger place. Southlake is too planned! You'll end up like the failed Plano suburb. More independent owner /operators needed to give you character. Need a creme -de -la -creme daycare, there is one in Plano, money is not a problem quality is. Need a good business lunch place -good food, med. price, quiet setting with private rooms for groups. Need more after work type places. We have a group of 6 -20 that like to meet occasionally for drinks & appetizers. We are VERY tired of Chili's! Need a really good family deli or cafe. Gourmet ready to eat Need an Indian restaurant Need more fancy/ upscale restaurants for special occasions _ Need more food variety for Solana area!! Need more home delivery. Need more live venues (blues or Jazzy perhaps!). Need more local independents such as Lombardi Mare and Blue Mesa. Need more Mexican and Chinese choices Need more mom and pop type places, less fast food and chain restaurants. Need one good breakfast place. Need more non chain restaurants • Need more, nicer upscale places to dine. Need non -chain casual dining - 11 of the alone run by PB &J corporations are excellent examples. Need outdoor restaurants, patios, and courtyards to dine out on. Need to make Southlake unique - not a "chain city" where you don't know where a town begins or ends. Keep existing trees and bike trails. Need some competition for Luby's. Would like to see some nutritious take outs - After work, we prefer "To Go" but not traditional fast food places. Southlake definitely needs a BBQ place — Texas Style! Need some fun places for teens to gather after football, soccer, and basketball games! Fun atmosphere, good music, serves hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, salads, pizza, etc. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 29 of 36 APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS Soutflla e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Need to bring more West Coast restaurants to this area - more health conscious New people here want more sit down family restaurants, better than fast food more like Rockfish but no bar scene. Etc. New to DFW - not familiar with any but Grapevine and Sundance Square. New to the area. Both working people work outside the Southlake area. New to the area. Like it so far. Nicer restaurants; more like Classic Cafe and Rockfish. No chain food restaurants. More specialty. Individually owned, not corporate. No chain food, lets make Southlake unique. No chains - we like unique locally owned. No good Chinese and Thai restaurants. Waiting time is too long at lunch. No more chains please. No more CICI's, Fast foods, no Buffets. Add some classic restaurants as well like Morton's, Ruth Chris. No more Fast Food restaurants. Upscale places with outdoor patios. A good breakfast place. No more Fast Food! No more fast foods. No more Mexican, we have plenty already, and no more fast food franchises, and more outdoor cafes or grills. No more. No need to go any further than Grapevine. No need to increase the number of restaurants in Southlake. We use them when we are out doing something /running errands, but we would not just go out to eat because the are there. Having local restaurants is a very low priority. Not Chinese and burritos only. I am Caucasian/European. Our food is good too. We long for breakfast/lunch place where we can buy decent coffee, not assembly line like Starbucks, not weak like La Madeline. Fresh baked bread, conversation, & newspaper. Not over - priced stuffy restaurants! Just regular, comfortable. Rockfish is good. Mi Cocina is good. Classic Cafe is not. SkillMan Wok. Nothing the Metroplex has to offer compares to Addison. Obviously made up by someone who doesn't know much about Arlington (fun city USA, baseball, Six Flags, and restaurants galore) or Fort Worth. On balance, food prices, service etc. We always end up going back to Steak and Ale, they have the best salad bar, baked potatoes and martinis. Kirbys is fine but the price differential eliminates frequent visits. On the whole we are looking for non -chain restaurants plus good delis. Only go to Grapevine because we are very busy and don't have time to travel far to get something to eat. Other desired restaurants: TGI Friday's, On The Border, Steak N Ale, Red Lobster. Others too far. Our area seems to be enriched with a lot of families. Making the space we have available to our families will increase people's view on how valuable our city is with its commitment to families! Our family really enjoys Mi Cocina (Mexican) and Rockfish (seafood), currently in Southlake Town Center. Chinese place in there is terrible!! New Chinese restaurant on Southlake Blvd is over priced and food is fair. Our family would enjoy a greater choice of upscale restaurants in the area so that we wouldn't need to drive into Dallas every weekend. Our family would support good sit -down restaurants of any type!! - Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 30 of 36 APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS SO G e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Please - -- No more fast food restaurants. Please attract more innovative rest. instead of big national chains found in all suburbs. Please check into a Cheesecake Factory, a Shogun, and a good Chinese buffet. Also interested in getting a Container Store to this area! Please don't ruin the area with more chain -types! Desired: someplace for Sunday breakfast before 11:00 am. Please encourage more neighborhood and unique restaurants instead of Grapevine style "big box" chains. Please fix the roads so it's easier to get around SL and spend my $$. Please have some nice unique upscale type restaurants. NO MORE CHAINS! (Except Eatzis). NO MORE FAST FOODS!! Please no more chain food! Please no more chains! We need to attract some real chefs to the area. Classic Cafe is not enough! Please no more fast food. Only quality restaurants. We go to Grapevine for fast food or lower end (Denny's, etc.). Fort Worth's Redentos — nice theme steakhouse - they are growing and would probably come here! Prefer family owned restaurants rather than chains. Prefer jazz club. Put restaurants on Southlake Blvd. Really need some Italian restaurants of excellent quality and atmosphere. An upscale seafood restaurant needed. Reasonably priced food. Restaurants other than seafood that have full service and play area's for small children (like Joe's Crab Shack) Play area that can be seen by parents while they enjoy their meal. Sabre Employee Should have done frequency monthly. Southlake needs more "oriental" selections. Some place single parents can hang out waiting to pick up the kids!! Something other than a chain where the taste is authentic style. Soup or Salad, not a franchise period. I e- mailed them about franchise opportunity - they responded not a franchise opportunity. Southlake has a lot of diverse people with upscale needs. Southlake has many families and children - how about some inexpensive ice cream - frozen yogurt shops. Also, how about a pizza restaurant that can accommodate large groups in a meeting room, I.e. Mazo's. Southlake is sorely lacking in quality restaurants. • Southlake need more of all types of restaurants that are good, family oriented, and good price. Southlake needs a cafe /diner; not fancy, just a place to eat, home cooking, and visit with friends, or just have coffee & dessert Southlake needs a casual restaurant where families can gather. The restaurant needs to be reasonably priced and have games for kids. Beer and wine should be available, maybe TVs and pool tables. This would be a great place for soccer parties etc. Southlake needs a good, reasonably priced steakhouse, like Steak -N -Ale or an unreasonably priced great steakhouse like Del Friscos or Ruth Chris. The new Kirby's was a disappointment - very high prices for so -so food. Southlake needs a gourmet food store like Rice /Epicurean in Houston. / Bugaboo Creek is great for families - very "theme" - taking and moving animals, etc. / Round Table Pizza has fantastic pizza - they deliver. Southlake needs a variety of restaurants; a good combination of family friendly and upscale. The food must be reasonably priced and very good. Needs a great atmosphere. Southlake needs casual bar /meeting place type establishments, and a place where one can go to have a good quality, cold beer with his dinner. A fun atmosphere. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 31 of 36 - APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS SOut l e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Southlake needs CiCi's Pizza, Luby's, and a big Chinese buffet, probably a Japanese buffet and Wendy's would make Southlake the top choice and magnet of big mouths. Southlake needs more sit -down restaurants. Southlake seems to be having trouble drawing anything other than fast food restaurants. In my opinion this came about because we were not aggressive. I watch Grapevine getting many restaurants and it is very disturbing knowing we have the ability to provide just as much. Southlake should get started, we have been a day late and a dollar short. Be more aggressive, Grapevine is getting everything. Southlake Town Center - Mi Cocina, Rockfish. Keller - Up in Smoke. CiCi's Southlake. Sports bar - big screen TV's with no smoking!!! We prefer restaurants where you can shop or site see afterwards - - -- downtown Southlake is nice but needs a TGI Fridays type rest. Rockfish is great, but too small and always crowded. Sports Bars. Still haven't found a good seafood restaurant. Strongly prefer family -run over chain restaurants. We'd love it if there was good ethnic food in SL - I'd never go to Dallas for dinner again! Sundance Square offers nice mix of upscale and casual meeting/eating places with good beer selection and entertainment.. . - Table cloth restaurants! Thank you for asking. Thank you for caring enough to inquire. Thanks for asking for our opinions. Were looking forward to hearing the results. Thanks for asking! Thanks for asking! Good luck!! Thanks for helping track more restaurants to Southlake! We need them - the ones we have are great but way too crowded! Thanks to Kirbys for opening in Southlake. The lack of good restaurants is one of the most frustrating things about the Southlake (114) corridor. The restaurant issue is one of our biggest disappointments in Southlake. I'm tired of spending my money in Grapevine (at marginal restaurants). Town Square should offer more options — Celebrity Cafe and Magianno's would be great in there. The restaurants coming into Southlake are generally overpriced for the quality of food - we get better food for the same or less money in Grapevine. Chains are fine - they seem to be more stable. The town square has a good mix of different ethnic foods and isn't too heavy on national chain restaurants. Continue to expand the variety with a focus on "local" restaurants. There are enough BBQ restaurants in the area. We NEVER go to Indian, Japanese, Mexican, or Thai restaurants. These choices are for full service dinner. For lunch or family dinners, the best choices are Corner Bakery, Chili's, or CiCi's... Already available in Southlake, Grapevine. They all have the same restaurants. This depends partially on whether my husband and I are having a "date" or we're going out with our 3 children age's 2 -5. This list is all east of Southlake. Please remember that many of us do live in Fort Worth This seems to be the only community to have business types of bakeries. However, to have the choice close at hand where travel is limited would be ideal. Though we frequent fast food place in Southlake for our kids, we would like to see more full service restaurants here in town. Tired of chain restaurants want more specialty /creative cooking. Tired of chains in Grapevine - they have mediocre food, too noisy, lines to long - prefer independently owned restaurant with interesting and unique names. Too many fast food and chain rest. takes away from what could be a quaint and unique town. Would like to see more unique cafes and restaurants. Also, Southlake desperately needs a nice, upscale sports bar and grill. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 32 of 36 APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS Soailcike Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Too many fast food places. Too many people, not enough restaurants creating long waits and some short tempers! Too much emphasis on high -end restaurants in Southlake, need more "family" or mid priced restaurants since many new residents are young families. Traffic is awful - will not drive to any of these places. Uncle Julio's would be a gold mine in SL. Unique one of a kind restaurants like the ones already here. Stay away from "chains" like Don Pablos, Chili's etc. More upscale restaurants are preferable. Unique, Casual, No Chains! Upscale Italian or upscale steak would probably benefit Southlake the most. Chain restaurants can be found in Grapevine and elsewhere. Variety is what is missing in Grapevine /Southlake. Variety of privately owned (non -chain rest.) Walnut Hill & 35. Want family places with eating areas outside, great service, and great food. Want small, Italian restaurant — family atmosphere with red checked tablecloths - NOT northern Italian; quaint - NOT like Macaroni Grill. We also enjoy innovative food such as Mediterraneo and The Green Room serves. Southlake can support more upscale dining establishments as there is quite a capacity of nicer dining options in the area. We are glad to see the choices in the Grapevine /Southlake area. We are hard pressed to find a true bakery that bakes bread, bagels, cookies, and cakes. It just doesn't exist. Also the produce in supermarkets Is plain awful. We are new here - not familiar with these areas. We are overloaded with fast food chains, enough already. Let's bring in some family restaurants with moderate prices and maybe some upscale unique restaurants. Let's not duplicate Grapevine's restaurant rave. You would draw a quick clientele with my list. We are permanent residents of Southlake. We are sick of food chain rows (Chili's, Fridays, etc) and like one of a kind upscale restaurants and tired of spending money for mediocrity. We can not afford to eat out - maybe once or twice a year - special occasion only, anniversary or birthday We consistently have to wait to be seated in the Southlake area. We definitely need more places to eat in Southlake! We desperately need a 50s -theme restaurant — burger /malt shop with good take -out. Sports bar /restaurant (i.e. Champs or CB & Potts - beautiful restaurant in Littleton Colorado) We didn't move here to see it become so commercial! We moved from Bedford in part because of too many retail, restaurants, etc. Prefer to drive to Grapevine or further to eat out, PLEASE! New restaurants should be small individual types -no more chains! We do not need any more fast food restaurants. Thanks for working hard to make Southlake a great place to live. We do not need more upscale restaurants. Young families need "family friendly" restaurants, but not Denny's. We do not need that Tomain Bar called a Sushi Cafe, get rid of it. We don't eat fast food period. We look for rest that use fresh ingredients of good quality and are clean. We'd eat out more if we had places that fit these criteria. We don't go to Dallas to eat out! We don't need any more fast food! Bring in Whole Foods! We don't need anymore fast food! Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 33 of 36 APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS Southla e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report We drive all the way to Beltline in Addison just to eat at Houston's restaurant. We eat at Rockfish -which we enjoy. Grapevine restaurants are boring. We frequent the Grapevine restaurants because they are close and because we prefer spending money close to Southlake. We frequently drive to these locations on Friday /Saturday night for the restaurants. We generally stay close to Southlake. It would be great to have more choices closer to home. We go all over, not by choice of area, but by specific restaurants. We go to Grapevine frequently 5 -7 persons each time. We go to Grapevine the most. We have a family - don't want to go all the way to Dallas or Fort Worth. We have always preferred the "independent" restaurants. There are too many franchises in this area. When dining out by ourselves or with out -of -town guests we want to treat them to something unique that they can't experience in their own home. We have evening meal at full service restaurant about two times a month, we are planning on starting to eat out more frequently in October when our second child is born and would welcome more restaurant choices closer to home. We have lots of lunching ladies and not enough light lunch spots. Southlake alone has probably 1000+ tennis players who lunch frequently and many other teams who come in during the week. We have more than enough fast food restaurants. I would like to see some moderately priced sit down restaurants. Personal favorites include Mimi's, Olive Garden, and Cozymel. We have small children and often we are unable to eat in the restaurant (kids act up!). We would love more restaurants that DELIVER or at a minimum do carryout. We have very little use for more fast food restaurants. We like to say close to home if we can. WE used to go to HEB area a lot, but find ourselves closer to home now with all the variety of restaurants. We like to stick close to home. A couple times a year we go to Dallas or Fort Worth. We like to visit family in small non -chain restaurants. (Places that every other town does not have) We visit Armend's and Bak's Chicken often. These places are unique and friendly and we like to give our business to local owners. We lived in Dallas 30 years - when we entertain or go out for dinner we go to Dallas - Southlake is too bland - boring - all Southlake is interested in is Wal -Mart, Home Depot, Chick - Fill -A , etc. 7 yrs ago when we moved here - we were excited - now we're not. We moved to Southlake because we desire to see trees, green space, fewer cars, roads, retail est., and restaurants. If eating out/restaurants were a desire /priority in our lives, we would still live in Dallas. We desire no more restaurants /retail est. We need a Chinese buffet. We need a Chuck's Hamburger -type place, affordable, where teens can gather to hang out with friends, preferably in the Town Square area. There's a neat hamburger joint in Addison, with a 50s theme. One of our favorites, the Classic Cafe, is already here! We need a good breakfast/brunch restaurant in the area. We would probably dine out more often in Southlake if there were more restaurants. The addition of Town Square has helped. We need a good hamburger restaurant. Please do not get any chains in our town. DFW is saturated with chains our city does not need them We need a reasonable fish place in Southlake! Overloaded with pizza places and Mexican rest. Here and in Grapevine. Would love to see Long John's Silver or Catfish Company. We need at Least one restaurant that sells Mexican food that is not "Tex -Mex ". The flavor is very different. We need family style restaurants with flexible seating and broad menu. We need restaurants that can accommodate sports teams for awards get togethers. Good breakfast restaurant, upscale bakery. Ladies tearoom would be great. Outdoors seating. We need good food to pick up on the way home from work. Am not in favor of more fast food restaurants. Southlake is a community that should attract small business restaurant entrepreneurs lets not turn this into Grapevine, which is 90% chain restaurants. Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 34 of 36 S Ol �1. '' APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS u'w °�"�e Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report We need less big chains and more special place. Not big money!!! We need more breakfast options - Original Pancake House We need more eating facilities! Please! Please! Please! We need more elite spots - for couples. Everyone leaves the area - not a chain. Unique - live band. We need more family oriented restaurants. Places that have pizza, pasta, burgers, salads, beer, wine, with good games for the kids. More upscale than CiCi's! We need more family restaurants We need more in Keller and Southlake, especially Luby's cafeteria and Braums. (Maybe a Catfish King too) Burger King needs better meat and better cooks. We need more moderate priced family restaurants - Southlake is full of very busy people who eat out a lot. Good healthy gourmet take out like Eatzi's would do very well here. We need more places with bar /pub areas that can offer live entertainment and dining (ex: Cool River, Humperdinks, and Willhoite's). We need more variety in sit down restaurant choices. We need radical improvement in Italian/pizza choices. We need nice quiet dinner spots with quality entertainment. We need restaurants and fast food places at Solana. There's little to choose from unless you drive 10 minutes to get there. We need some reasonably priced sit down restaurants in Southlake. We don't need anymore Fast Food restaurants. We never go to Dallas, and rarely to Fort Worth. We prefer Grapevine on the way home from work. We go to Sundance and McKinney when we go to the theater and symphony. We prefer independents to national chains. Although there are a tremendous # of restaurants in the area we find ourselves travelling to other hours where Local, independent, Mom & Pop type restaurants are located We prefer non -chain restaurants. We rarely go out to eat in Dallas or Fort Worth. Have 2 small children so want to stay close to home We really need mid -range (cost) family type restaurants where you can go with your family. Too many fast food restaurants _ and upper end. No nice family oriented. We also need a full service breakfast place. IHOP will not be enough and is too sterile. We spend a lot of money dining out. We would love to do it in Southlake. We think there are enough fast food restaurants. We need more establishments like Sushi Sam and Thai Chili, upscale but reasonably ethnic cuisine. We usually frequent Grapevine and Sundance Square. The Knox/Henderson area is neat, but we usually don't go that far. Babysitting gets too expensive. We want non -chain type restaurants with more style. We can go to Grapevine for chains. Price wouldn't be an issue in SL. We would eat breakfast out more often if there were more convenient, local locations (Southlake). We would like to see more moderately priced casual restaurants. We have been disappointed as new restaurants opened to see how expensive they are. It would also be nice to see non -chain restaurants in Southlake as we have so many in Grapevine. We would love to see more rest. in the Southlake area. We often go to Grapevine when we don't venture far. We would love to see more restaurants in Southlake. We would eat out more if the line -up for a table were not such a long wait time. We would prefer additional reasonably priced, non -chain restaurants. We'd like to see non - children style restaurants. I'm sure there are couples in this area with no children - like us!! West End is a mess - rundown and crime ridden. When we go out for special occasions; it is always Star Canyon or Aquanox in Dallas. For less extravagant meals we tend to head to either Grapevine or Hurst. Wish some large well known top quality restaurant would consider Southlake, near Town Square, such as the Cheesecake Factory; Kirby's is a great addition, would love a I Fratelli's pizza take out!! Canyon Cafe would be awesome out here!!! Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 35 of 36 APPENDIX D COLLECTED COMMENTS SOuthI Southlake, Texas Restaurant Report Would be nice to have a Whole Foods Market. Would like something like Nick & Sam's, Samba Room, Sipango, fun places! Would like to avoid attracting chain restaurants to Southlake. I believe our demographics can support fine dining. Would like to have a Braums or something similar. Milwaukee Joe's is too expensive for what you get. It's also too small. We desperately need a good salad bar (not Jason's Deli ). Would like to have more one of a kind restaurants! We eat out a lot and go to Dallas because of the choices available. Would like to have more seafood restaurant; one - moderately priced like water street, two - high priced and very upscale. Would like to see less fast food and more choices of unique and interesting restaurants so we don't need to travel to Dallas /Addison. More Asian cuisine, Cheesecake Factory, etc. Would like to see more upscale full service rest. With constant food and service. Less franchise type restaurants. Need one or two upscale restaurants in town square. Movie theater would help support additional restaurants n Southlake. Would like to see more upscale restaurants and specialty chains. Would like to see restaurants in the area other than strip malls and Town Square. Would like to see smaller independent restaurants rather than large noisy sweaty hot chain restaurants. Would like to see Southlake remain "upscale" and not turn into "Plano" with the traffic and congestion that too many chain businesses create. Would love Black -Eyed Pea, nice steak place, and Cajun. Would love to see a Pandra's come to Southlake. Currently at Vista Ridge Mall and the Galleria. Yes, We need more restaurants N: \Econdev\ Survey \Restaurant\Report\Report- 14.doc Restaurant Report City of Southlake Economic Development Page 36 of 36 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM September 28, 2001 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Greg Last, Director of Economic Development Betsy Boyett, Economic Development Specialist SUBJECT: Restaurant Report - Findings from the Restaurant Survey The attached Restaurant Report is a summary of the findings from the restaurant survey we distributed last fall. The general purpose for the survey was to solicit information and desires that would enhance our ability to attract restaurants desired by the citizens of Southlake. I think you will observe by the level of response and the quantity and quality of the responses, that there is considerable interest in restaurants in Southlake. Report Structure • The first four pages (El -E4) are the Executive Summary and include all information from the survey in a condensed form. • The remaining pages (1 -36) contain more detailed descriptions of the findings and detailed breakdowns within each category. These pages also include the exhaustive list of desired restaurants and general comments. • A copy of the survey is included on pages 14 and 15. Purpose of the Survey & Report • Update demographic data of interest to restaurant site evaluators. • Analyze existing dining habits and desires of current residents. • Identify food types desired by citizens. • Identify particular restaurants desired by citizens. • Provide brokers, developers, and restaurant site selectors with findings of the survey. Numbers of Interest • 7,476 total surveys distributed. • 988 total responses (13 %) - 811 Southlake residents (11 %). • 57 different preferred "food types" were listed. • Over 600 unique preferred restaurant names were collected. • Over 360 general comments were collected. General Observations • There is great diversity in the comments and desires. • Comments reflected a general preference for non -chain restaurants. • Desired restaurant list included many chain restaurants, particularly the higher frequency requests. • Comments reflected less interest in fast -food services, more interest in family- oriented quality services. Contributions I would like to particularly thank Stefanie Wagoner (ED Specialist), Elyse Wampler (Intern) and Jason Kinney (Intern) for their hard work in compiling this information over the past year. Feel free to contact either of us should you have any questions. GL cc: Billy Campbell, City Manager