FEBRUARY 6, 2001
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy, Mayor Pro Tem Gary Fawks,
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie Kendall; Members: Patsy DuPre, Rex Potter, Keith
Shankland, and Greg Standerfer.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell, Assistant City Manager
Shana Yelverton, Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen, Public Information
Officer James Kunke, Director of Finance Sharen Elam, Interim Director of Public
Safety Rick Black, Director of Economic Development Greg Last, Director of
Community Service Kevin Hugman, Deputy Director of Community Services Steve
Polasek, Director of Public Works Pedram Farahnak, Deputy Director of Public Works
Charlie Thomas, Senior Engineer Michael Hutchinson, Director of Planning Bruce
Payne, Senior Planners Dennis Killough and Ken Baker, Chief of Building Services
Malcolm Jackson, City Attorney Wayne Olson, and Executive Secretary Kim Bush.
WORK SESSION: Mayor Rick Stacy called the work session to order at 5:45 p.m.
Councilmember and staff discussed items on the agenda. The work session was audio
and video tape recorded for future reference. Copies are available upon request from
the City Secretary's Office
The work session concluded at 6:25 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 1 -A, Call to Order.
Mayor Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. City
Council meetings are video and audio tape- recorded for future reference and copies are
available upon request from the City Secretary's Office.
Agenda Item No. 2 -A, Executive Session.
Mayor Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into Executive
Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073,
551.074, and 551.086 to seek legal advice from the City Attorney, to deliberate
regarding real property matters, to deliberate regarding a prospective gift, to deliberate
regarding personnel matters, to deliberate regarding security devices, and /or to
deliberate regarding economic development negotiations.
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Council adjourned into executive session at 6:30 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 7:15 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 -B, Action Necessary / Executive Session.
There was no action necessary as a result of the Executive Session.
Agenda Item No. 3, Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Chaplain of the Month Scott Berry, First Baptist Church of Southlake gave the
invocation. Following the invocation, Mayor Stacy led the audience in the pledge of
allegiance to the flag.
Agenda Item No. 4A, Mayor's Report.
Mayor Stacy made the following announcements during the Mayor's Report:
• Feb. 6 at 7:00 p.m., SPIN #1 meeting at the Community Center in
Bicentennial Park. Topic: Clariden School
• Feb. 13 at 6:30 p.m., SPIN Standing Committee meeting at Town Hall
• Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m., Metroport Cities Partnership meeting will be held at
Town Hall. Brian Stebbins with Cooper and Stebbins will be speaker with
an update on Town Square
• Feb. 19 is the first day to file for a place on the General Election ballot for
the May 5 election for places 3, 4, and 5
• March 7, SYAC will be having a "Mock City Council meeting"
• March 24, Town Hall Dedication Ceremony and Anniversary for Town
Square, 12:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Mayor and City Council presented to Grace Dyer a proclamation congratulating her on
being selected SYAC Youth of the Year. Ms. Dyer thanked the Council and the
audience and commented that she was very proud to have been able to serve the
community is this way.
Agenda Item No. 4 - B, City Manager's Report.
City Manager Billy Campbell informed the Council that staff hopes to hold the first
City Council meeting in the new Town Hall by March 20, 2001 after completion of
audio / visual equipment and theater seating installation and training.
Agenda Item No. 4 -C, SPIN Report.
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Darrell Faglie SPIN representative for neighborhood #7, informed the Council about
the SPIN Standing Committed orientation coming up February 24 at Town Hall. He
also commented that the SPIN retreat will be held April 7.
Agenda Item No. 4D, Library Board Report.
Scott MacLeod, Library Board representative informed the Council that the Board had
its retreat this month and members worked on a strategic vision for the next 5 -10 years.
As a result, the Board feels it has a good idea where the library needs to be for the next
5 -10 years, which will determine most of the recommendations they will be presenting
to the Council. He commented that the Board also worked on library policies so that
everything would be ready to operate when the library opened.
Mayor Stacy announced that Councilmember Fawks had requested the discussion item
#11B, city - initiated rezoning of properties adjacent to FM 1709, however, due to some
time constraints for finalizing some important additional information, he has requested
that it not be discussed tonight.
Agenda Item No. 5, Consent Agenda.
Mayor Stacy informed the audience that consent agenda items are considered by one
vote. He stated that if anyone had a request for an item not to be considered during the
consent agenda segment, the item would be deleted from consent and considered
separately with the regular agenda. The consent agenda items for this meeting include
the following:
5 -A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held January 16,
Councilmember Rex Potter asked for the minutes to be corrected to reflect that
he voted "no" on agenda item #10B.
5 -B. Authorize the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for
Ambulance Service between Denton County and the City of Southlake.
The Southlake Department of Public Safety (DPS) provides 24 -hour emergency
medical service for the residents of Southlake. DPS also responds to
surrounding cities for mutual aid. This is a reciprocal agreement with our
neighboring agencies. In order for the interlocal agreement to apply, the call
must take place in the unincorporated area of Denton County. Currently
Southlake does not have unincorporated areas in Denton County, however, the
agreement does provide direction and structure in the event we answer calls in
Denton County.
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5 -C. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with EpixTech for a library
automation system.
The EpixTech Horizon library automation system provides the necessary
hardware and software to support various operating functions including
circulation services, patron self services (allowing for 7 external users),
technical services, reporting (EasyAsk), system management / security, and
remote patron authentication. The software will provide 25 seats for the
following modules: cataloging, circulation, Public Access Catalog (PAC), iPAC
/ WebPAC, inventory, acquisitions, serials, remote patron authentication, and
Funding in the amount of $172,000 is available in the Tax Increment Financing
(TIF) fund for the purchase of the library automation system. The proposed
EpixTech Horizon library automation system cost for purchase, installation, and
first year service and warranty is $157,356.35. Annual maintenance and system
support costs for the library automation system, beginning in fiscal year 2001-
02, are estimated at approximately, $16,706 per year, with an increase of no
more than 5% annually for the first three years. These funds would be provided
for in the general fund- operating budget. The remaining balance of the
available TIF funding ($14,643.65) would be utilized for the separate purchase
and installation of a required firewall security system and related items.
The Library Board reviewed and recommended approval at its Jan. 24, 2001
meeting (6 -0) .
5 -D. Resolution No. 01 -003, Calling the General Election for May 5, 2001.
The first day to apply for a place on the ballot is February 19, 2001, which is
the 75 day before the General Election. According to the Texas Election Code
a person may not file for a place on the ballot until the governing body of the
political subdivision (City Council) has called the election. The cost to conduct
an election in the City of Southlake is approximately $10,000, which is included
in the Annual Budget.
5 -E. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a cooperative purchasing agreement with the
North Texas Regional Library System (NTRLS) for purchase of library books
and materials.
The NTRLS represents over seventy different libraries in the region. They
provide a variety of services to their members including the bidding of goods
and services such as library materials. Participation in this agreement will allow
the City to realize significant discounts and savings in the purchase of library
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The Library Board reviewed and recommended entering into a cooperative
purchasing agreement at its Jan. 24, 2001 meeting (6 -0). The Board of Director
for the NTRLS approved entering into a cooperative purchasing agreement at its
Jan. 25, 2001 meeting.
10 -B. Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704 -A for Hobby Lobby located
at 2115 West Southlake Boulevard. (This item was moved from the regular
agenda to consent.)
During the work session, applicant Dick Brady suggested changing his request
to include only one sign at approximately 206 square feet, which is slightly
larger than allowed by City ordinance. He suggested doing the one sign instead
of three separate signs. Council agreed that one sign had a better appearance.
Motion was made to approve consent agenda items 5 -A as amended, 5 -B, 5 -C in the
amount of $157, 356.35, 5 -D, 5 -E, and 10 -B as presented in the work session.
Motion: DuPre
Second: Shankland
Ayes: DuPre, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Shankand, Stacy, Standerfer
Nays: none
Approved: 7 -0 (on items 5 A -E)
Approved: 6 -0 -1 (on item 10B)
Abstained: Fawks (on item 10B)
Agenda Item No. 6, Public Forum.
David Nicastro, Secure Source, 710 S. Kimball Avenue. Mr. Nicastro approached the
City Council about a piece of property at 1475 & 1501 Randol Mill Avenue, which is
currently designated as low density under the current Land Use Plan. He commented
that he would like to renovate the existing building and use for limited office uses. He
requested that staff re- designate the Land Use Plan to reflect either SP -1 or 0-1 for
limited, low- intensity office use. He also explained that he came forward tonight in
order to get an idea about how receptive the Council would be to allowing such a use
considering the current low- density land use designation.
Councilmember Fawks commented that Public Forum was not the appropriate place to
discuss zoning changes to the Land Use Plan. Director of Planning Bruce Payne
recommended that Mr. Nicastro contact Councilmembers individually with his
proposal. In this way, he could get an idea of how receptive the Council might be to
his plans without first going through the expense of filing an application. Mayor Stacy
encouraged Mr. Nicastro to file his plans and go through the process.
There being no further requests to speak, the Public Forum was closed.
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Agenda Item No. 7 -A, Ordinance No. 480 -351, 2n Reading, (ZA 00 -084), Rezoning
and Concept Plan for Emerald Estates South, on property described as Lot 2,
Block 1, Emerald Estates South. Location: North side of East Dove Street,
approximately 120' east of North Carroll Avenue. Current Zoning: "AG"
Agricultural District. Requested Zoning: "SF -20A" Single Family Residential
Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented ZA 00 -084 a request for rezoning, from AG
to SF -1A, and concept plan for The Lakes on Dove (formerly Emerald Estates South).
Mr. Killough commented that this is an amendment of the original request for SF -20A
and the previously requested amendment for SF -30 single family residential district.
The applicant also is requesting a variance to right -of -way for E. Dove Street in lieu of
providing a 6' pedestrian access easement. Mr. Killough commented that SF -1A
zoning does not require submission and approval of a concept plan, however, the
applicant has requested that the accompanying, pending preliminary plat be considered
as a concept plan. The plan reduces the number of lots proposed on the previous plan
from 11 lots to 7 lots with three detention ponds to reduce storm water run -off. Mr.
Killough informed the Council that there was still in excess of 20 % opposition to the
plan from the surrounding property owners. On November 9, the Planning and Zoning
approved plan under SF -20 zoning (4 -0) subject to some amendments to staff's concept
plan review letter. On Dec. 5, City Council approved 1st reading (5 -2) subject to some
amendments to staff's concept plan review letter.
Developer Art Clayton informed the Council that he met on Jan. 17 with the
surrounding property owners to show them the new plan, which depicts 7 one -acre lots.
He stated that he has received approval from the County to provide enviro- septic
systems for lots 5, 6, and 7, therefore, he will not have to go down Dove Road or use
the easement at the back of the property for sewer improvements. The remaining four
lots will sewer back into the existing gravity line. Mr. Clayton also informed the
Council that they would not have to disturb the lake on the Mason's property. He also
stated that he is putting in three detention ponds within the proposed development,
which will be handling more than just run off from his development. Mr. Clayton
stated that most of the concerns of the neighboring property owners are with the
existing drainage problems, which would be there whether he developed the property or
not. Mr. Clayton also stated that neighboring property owners would like to see water
in the ponds at all times, however, staff would prefer that they be dry. He stated that
he would go either way.
Mayor Stacy stated that tonight he was given 14 letters of opposition and 1 letter of
support, if drainage could be addressed, dated Jan. 17.
Richard Schneider, 1401 Emerald Circle. Mr. Schneider spoke in opposition of the
development siting the potential for even more drainage problems. He presented to
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Council a video showing the severe drainage problems they experienced during either
the 1990 or 1991 rainstorm. He stated that in some areas the water was approximately
7' deep and 100' wide. He commented that he does not believe the area will support
one -acre lots, stating that the elevated pad sites, to be built on the lots, would act as a
dam to the natural run off. Mr. Schneider wanted to know who would be responsible if
his home floods. Mr. Schneider clarified that the opposition letters presented to Mayor
Stacy tonight and dated Jan. 17 were actually signed this evening. The letters indicate
opposition even after Mr. Clayton's meeting with the surrounding property owners
proposing only 7 lots.
Mayor Stacy stated that Council was to consider the appropriate zoning for the
property and did not have the discretion to consider the drainage - this would be
up to City staff and the engineers to calculate how much development the
property could handle. Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas
commented that the developer is responsible for making sure they do not
increase run off. The developer will have to show that he can handle water
coming to his property and not create further run off downstream. Mr. Thomas
stated that if the developer cannot handle through dentition ponds then he would
have to make other improvements possibly downstream, but he is not required
to cure the problems of the neighboring property owners. Mr. Thomas stated
that he believes that the development would be an improvement, but he would
have to see calculations to determine for sure. City staff confirmed that the
applicant would have to come back to Council with a plat and a developer's
Robert Roger, 1201 Emerald Circle. Commented that Mr. Clayton did a fine job - he
is not putting a sewer line down the neighbors' back yards, he is not tearing down
trees, and the lot sizes have been improved. However, it still does not mean he has to
like what has been presented. He stated that he does not think the detention ponds
address optimal drainage as mush as the address the development of the property - they
are placed to benefit the development not so much as drainage.
James Blackwill, 1491 Emerald Circle. Mr. Blackwill asked about what assurance the
neighboring property owners have once the zoning is in place, for instance, how will
the developer be restricted to 7 lots or be restricted from using the easements and
tearing up their yards in order to address their drainage or sewer issues.
City Attorney Wayne Olson commented that Council could not address these
concerns with restrictions on the zoning. He stated that Council is considering
SF -1A zoning. If the developer wants to put 9 lots on the property he will have
to come back to replat the property and present engineering and drainage
studies. The developer has stated on record that he is limiting the development
to 7 one -acre lots. The Council has to focus on whether or not this is good
zoning for the property. The rest of the issues will have to be resolved through
City ordinances.
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Developer Art Clayton stated that the three front lots will have an enviro septic
systems. He stated that he has no intention of using the easements for sewer,
there will not be more than 7 lots, and he would be willing to include that in the
deed restrictions.
City Attorney Wayne Olson commented that the deed restriction would be
binding, however, easements are for public use and the City would never be
restricted from using the easements for drainage or any other utility need.
Elizabeth Budzowski, 1231 Emerald Circle. Ms. Budzowski commented that she did
not want to see a detention pond; it would be like looking at a dry drainage ditch. She
stated that she would prefer to see the ponds dug a little deeper and keep water in them
at all times with a fountain to aerate the water so that it does not become stagnate and
breed mosquitoes. Ms. Budzowski also commented that the pond should have a fence
around it for the safety of children in the area.
Developer Art Clayton stated that he would also include a requirement for a
wrought -iron fence around the ponds in the deed restrictions, and if the
engineers decide that retention ponds will work, then he will aerate them.
(Other public comment forms submitted included: Mr. Mario S. Molina, opposed and
Ms. Peggy Browning, opposed.)
There being no further requests to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas commented that a more detailed
drainage study may be required in this instance and that it will be important to have all
detention ponds built prior to issuing a building permit.
Mayor and Council agreed that approving a request for 7 one -acre lots on this property
is the maximum zoning requirement they could hope for, and they agreed that the
drainage issues should be addressed in detail in the developer's agreement.
Motion was made to approve ZA 00 -084, Ordinance No. 480 -351, subject to Site Plan
Review #7 dated 2/2/2001 and further subject with the consent of the applicant to
zoning at SF -1A; limited to no more than 7 lots; engineering plans for drainage to be
approved prior to final plat approval; wrought iron fencing surrounding either the lots
or the detention / retention ponds shown on the concept plan or any built on the
property; if retention ponds are determined to be utilized, then the applicant will aerate
the retention ponds; the applicant will not use the drainage or utility easements to the
northeast of the property, and will restrict, by restrictive covenant, the future owners of
the lots in the subdivision from using the drainage / utility easement to the northeast of
the development.
Motion: Standerfer
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Second: Potter
Ayes: DuPre, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Shankland, Standerfer, Stacy
Nays: none
Approved: 7 -0
Agenda Item No. 7B, Resolution No. 01 -004, (ZA 00 -138), Specific Use Permit for
the sale of alcoholic beverages for on- premise consumption per Zoning Ordinance
No. 480, Section 45.1 (1) and Section 45.6 on property described as a portion of
Lot 5, Block 1, Southlake Crossing, Phase II. Location: 2105 West Southlake
Boulevard, Suite 201, being on the south side of West Southlake Boulevard
approximately 1,400' east of Davis Boulevard. Current Zoning: "C -3" General
Commercial District
Senior Planner Dennis Killough stated that Good Chef II is requesting approval of a
Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on- premise consumption for
the Golden China restaurant to be located at the Southlake Market Place Sopping Center
at 2105 West Southlake Boulevard, Suite 201.
There were no requests to speak during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve ZA 00 -138 for Golden China Restaurant alcohol sales for
on- premise consumption with a ten -year time limit.
Motion: DuPre
Second: Standerfer
Ayes: DuPre, Kendall, Potter, Shankland, Standerfer, Stacy
Nays: none
Abstained: Fawks
Approved: 6 -0 -1
Agenda Item No. 7C, ZA 00 -139, Site Plan for Buca di Beppo Restaurant on
property described as portions of Tracts 4 and 5, W. E. Mayfield Subdivision,
being 1.77 acres. Location: Southeast corner of State Highway 114 and North
Nolen Drive. Current Zoning: "S -P -2" Generalized Site Plan District with "C -3"
General Commercial District uses, including a gasoline service station and tires,
batteries, and automobile accessories.
Senior Planner Dennis Killough stated that Buca, Inc. is requesting a site plan approval
for Buca di Beppo restaurant located in Gateway Plaza, Phase II. Mr. Killough
commented that on Jan. 18, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the
site plan (6 -0) with amendments. Amendments primarily addressed articulation of the
building and some changes to use of masonry material on parts of the building. Mr.
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Killough stated that the revised site plan reflects the addition of stone material to the
east building elevation and the applicant has also indicated that additional plant material
will be placed adjacent to the building facades. Mr. Killough commented that the
variances being requested are primarily due to offset distant requirements - the building
is required to have a 3' offset both vertically and horizontally. He stated that they have
offsets on each of the facades that are less than that, anywhere from 2 to 1 foot.
Terry Wilkinson, Wyndham Properties, 751 E. Southlake Blvd. Mr. Wilkinson
commented that the exterior material on this building is actually brick to be consistent
with the rest of the shopping center, however, they would be happy to switch to stone.
They think that stone would actually look better in this instance. He also informed the
Council that he had no problems with the Planning & Zoning Commissions
Loretta Reeves with Buca, Inc., was present to answer questions for the Council. Ms.
Reeves commented that they are anxious to move forward. She informed the Council
that they prefer the stone material but will go with the brick if that is what Council
There were no other requests to speak during the Public Hearing.
Motion was made to approve ZA 00 -139 subject to staff review letter #3 incorporating
the stone as discussed by the developer, and without biasing Council's opinion on the
signage based on the rendering provided with the site plan, and accepting the
articulation as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Motion: Potter
Second: Shankland
Ayes: DuPre, Kendall, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer
Nays: none
Approved: 6 -1
Agenda Item No. 7D, Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704 -A for
Buca di Beppo Restaurant located at 2701 East SH 114.
Chief of Building Services Malcolm Jackson stated that this item involves a wide
variety of variances as related to the unique concept design of Buca di Beppo restaurant
located in the Gateway Shopping Center. Mr. Jackson asked that when considering this
request, the Council keep in mind that the request is being addressed under the
conditional sign provisions for Gateway as opposed to the traditional sign ordinance
provisions. Mr. Jackson stated that the applicant is requesting 4 variances as follows:
(1) 67" for the letter "B" in Buca instead of the 42" allowed; (2) four attached signs
instead of the two allowed; (3) exterior letters with exposed neon lighting; and, (4)
interior illuminated signs within 24" of a window.
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Terry Wilkinson with Wyndham Properties commented that the "B" in Buca is actually
60" high. He stated that plans call for 3 Buca di Beppo signs and one Immigrant Italian
Dinners sign.
Loretta Reeves with Buca di Beppo explained that the signage is part of the unique
design and character of their restaurant. Buca di Beppo stands for Joe's basement and
represents the first "immigrant Italian dinners." The number and variety of the neon
signs represent how successful each restaurant became - the more signs the more
successful. She also explained to Council that although you can not see out of the
windows from inside the building, they are real windows.
Councilmember DuPre commented that she was not opposed to the 60" "B" for Buca.
She would like to make sure people knew the restaurant was there. Councilmember
Potter though there were too many Buca di Beppo signs. Councilmember Standerfer
suggested two Buca di Beppo signs with the 60" "B" and one Immigrant Italian Dinners
sign. Councilmember Shankand stated that he thought this was a unique restaurant,
and he did not see the signs so much as an advertisement but as art. Councilmembers
Fawks and Kendall recommended not setting a precedent by allowing neon signs.
Mayor Stacy commented that he did not have a problem with the signs - he has been to
the Dallas restaurant and believes they have a nice building and very good food.
Loretta Reeves with Buca di Beppo suggested that in some instances they have used
gold painted letters for the signs in the windows instead of the neon lights - they prefer
the neon but would settled for the painted lettering.
Councilmember Fawks stated that he could not approve neon signs for this restaurant
when the Council did not allow such signs for the Corner Bakery or Benny's Bagels.
Motion was made to allow the signs as shown for Buca di Beppo on the north and west
sides of the building with one Immigrant Italian Dinners sign as shown on the
rendering, and allow the eight window signs with painted lettering as opposed to
exposed neon, and allow the Buca di Beppo neon as shown.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: DuPre
Ayes: DuPre, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer
Nays: Fawks, Kendall
Approved: 5 -0
Councilmember Kendall commented that she voted no because she does not approve of
either the painted or neon signs in the windows.
Agenda Item No. 7E, Ordinance No. 480 -353, 2"d Reading, (ZA 00 -121), Rezoning
and concept Plan for proposed Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 1, Richards Addition, on
property described as Tracts 5D1 and 5D5, O. W. Knight Survey, Abstract No.
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899; and being 4.042 acres. Location: South side of East Southlake Boulevard (F.
M. 1709) approximately 390' west of Byron Nelson Parkway. Current Zoning:
"AG" Agricultural District. Requested Zoning: "S -P -2" Generalized Site Plan
District with "0-1" Office District uses and "C -2" Local Retail Commercial District
limited to restaurant uses only. SPIN Neighborhood #9w.
Senior Planner Dennis Killough presented to the Council the rezoning and concept plan
request. Mr. Killough commented that the applicant has eliminated the C -2 use on lot 2
and is now requesting straight 0 -1 zoning instead of S -P -2. He also informed the
Council that the applicant has moved the buildings on lots 1 & 2 to the south to align
with the buildings proposed on lots 3 & 4 and has removed from the original concept
plan the right -in / right -out only drive located off of Southlake Boulevard. Mr.
Killough informed the Council that the bufferyard requirement along FM 1709 is 20'
and that requirement would not change whether there was a parking lot next to the road
or a building - parking can be constructed up to 20' of the right -of -way line, but
buildings along FM 1709 can be no closer than 50' to the right -of -way line.
Mr. Killough stated that the applicant is requesting variances on the following: (1)a
driveway distance centerline spacing along Drive A (Parkwood Drive / public right -of-
way) of 90' instead of minimum requirement of 100'; (2) 45' stacking depth instead of
the required 75' for drive A on Parkwood Drive; (3) 40' stacking depth instead of the
required 75' for drive D on Southlake Boulevard and, although it would still require a
variance, staff has recommended for safety purposes that the northern internal drive
serving lots 3 & 4 line up with the northern internal drive serving Radiology
Director of Planning Bruce Payne commented that the applicant came back for S -P -1
zoning with 0-1 uses, and staff asked him to go with straight 0 -1 zoning. Staff
suggested 0 -1 simply because there was no reason to have S -P -1 zoning after the
elimination of the C -2 uses. Councilmember Potter commented that he would prefer
the zoning stay S -P -1 with 0 -1 uses because if the applicant significantly changes the
concept that has straight 0 -1 uses, then he would have to come back for rezoning.
Senior Planner Dennis Killough informed the Council that we are actually dealing with
S -P -2 zoning, which is a generalized site plan zoning district. S -P -1 zoning would
require a site plan.
The applicant Mr. Ed Gibbons was present to answer questions for the Council. He
commented that they have tried to make all the adjustments to accommodate the 0 -1
office uses. The stacking and spacing arrangements on whatever the future right -of-
way will be there basically we are dealing with a low traffic count it is to service the
office complex and maybe the one to the west of it at a future date. Mr. Commented
that he would be fine with S -P -2 zoning with 0 -1 uses.
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In response to Councilmember Potter's question, Dennis Killough informed the Council
that staff is in the process of preparing a plat revision that will address abandoning a
portion of Parkwood Drive to eliminate a connection. He stated that this is a separate
issue that does not effect this request.
There were no requests to speak during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve ZA 00 -121 with S -P -2 zoning with 0 -1 uses subject to
staff review letter #5 dated 01/31/01 allowing variances to items 1, 2, and 3,
Motion: Potter
Second: Standerfer
Ayes: DuPre, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer
Nays: none
Approved: 7 -0
Agenda Item No. 7F. Ordinance No. 480 -354, 2"d Reading, (ZA 00 -130), Rezoning
on property described as Tracts 1A & 2, and a portion of Tract 1 situated in the
W. Mills Survey, Abstract No. 877; and Tract 1 situated in the M. Medlin Survey,
Abstract No. 1588; being 70.412 acres. Location: West side of North White Chapel
Boulevard approximately 2,200' south of Bob Jones Road. Current Zoning: "AG"
Agricultural District. Requested Zoning: "SF -1A" Single Family Residential
District. SPIN Neighborhood #1.
Senior Planner Dennis Killough informed the Council that there have been no changes
to this request since first reading.
There were no requests to speak during public hearing.
The applicant Mr. Paul Spain was present to answer questions.
Motion was made to approve ZA 00 -130, SF -1A zoning.
Motion: Potter
Second: Standerfer
Ayes: DuPre, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer
Nays: none
Approved: 7 -0
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Agenda Item No. 10A, Authorize the Mayor to execute a partial developer
agreement with Max Kruegler for the construction of South Nolen Drive, from FM
1709 to Crooked Lane.
As discussed in the work session, the property owner at the southeast corner of FM
1709 and South Nolen Drive has submitted construction plans for the construction of
South Nolen Drive from FM 1709 to Crooked Lane to the city engineers and these
plans have been reviewed by the city engineer. The property owner is presently
working on conceptual plans for the development of the southeast corner of FM 1709
and South Nolen Drive for which they are preliminarily calling Cornerstone Plaza. The
developer desires to move forward with the construction of South Nolen Drive and is
requesting a partial commercial developer's agreement in an effort to get some
commitment from the City Council on the future Cornerstone Plaza for the construction
of South Nolen Drive. The credits and waivers the developer is asking include waiver
of inspection fees estimated at $11,586.51, waiver of administrative processing fees
estimated at $7,724.34, credit of roadway impact fees estimated for Cornerstone Plaza
in the amount of $66,146.37, credit of water and sewer impact fees estimated for
Cornerstone Plaza in the amount of $51,360.00, and waiver of park fees for
Cornerstone Plaza in the amount of $7,640.00. Deputy Director Charlie Thomas
commented that the developer is also requesting consideration on waiving future impact
fees, reimbursement for putting in center turn lane, and reimbursement for over sizing
offsite utilities.
This item was left on the regular agenda for further discussion prior to consideration.
Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas informed the Council that staff
visited with the city attorneys in reference to legal issues concerning the requests for
waivers. The city attorney advised that the Council has the authority to grant the
requested waivers except for the water and sewer impact fees because such waivers
could not be justified. Mr. Thomas commented that there were also some concerns
with granting waiver of the park fees. He also informed the Council that there would
not be any legal issues with waiving future reimbursements of impact fees from the
adjacent properties.
Developer Max Krugler informed the Council that Nolen Drive would be a concrete 4-
lane road with curb and gutter with a center turn lane. He commented that he needs to
have the existing Crooked Lane, which separates his property, abandoned so that he can
proceed with development, and this section of Crooked Lane can not be abandoned
until he builds Nolen Drive.
Council discussed that, aside from the cost savings to the City, having this section of
South Nolen Drive built will alleviate a bad intersection at Crooked Lane and FM 1709
and it will line up with the newly built Nolen Drive to the north at FM 1709. Council
did express concerns with approving the developer's agreement without the developer
Page 14 of 18
first going through the process of getting proper zoning for the proposed Cornerstone
City Attorney Wayne Olson informed the Council that by approving this agreement,
they are not guaranteeing the developer zoning on his property. He explained that even
if the developer does not get the zoning he wants for his property, the developer's
agreement, once signed, would bind him to build the road.
Motion was made to approve the partial commercial developer's agreement Cornerstone
Plaza / South Nolen Drive as follows: allowing waivers of item 1 inspection fees, item
2 administrative processing, and item 3 roadway impact fees, as set forth in the staff
letter dated January 30, 2001 and as determined by City staff; no waivers or credits on
item 4 water and sewer impact fees and item 5 park fees; allowing reimbursement of
roadway impact fees if, as, and when collected on abutting properties; and, agree
pursuant to the developer's agreement, to reimburse the developer for the cost of over
sizing the water main.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Fawks
The developer Max Krugler commented that he thought there was support from
the Council to consider reimbursing him for the cost of the center turn lane
since he would be saving the City approximately $140,000. He asked that if
Council is going to deny this request that they include in their motion that they
are going to deny the center turn lane reimbursement because it is not listed in
the staff memorandum.
Councilmember Fawks commented that there have been other developers in
town who have constructed center turn lanes without receiving reimbursement,
including Walgrens and Tetco. He commented that he did not want to set a
precedent by reimbursing for such construction.
Approved: DuPre, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Shanidand, Stacy, Standerfer
Nays: none
Approved: 7 -0
Agenda Item No. 10C, Approve conceptual design for South Kimball Avenue from
FM 1709 to Crooked Lane.
As presented in the packet information, engineering design for the reconstruction of
South Kimball Avenue was funded in the 1999 / 2000 CIP, and the City has contracted
with BWR Engineers for the design and preparation of construction plans and
specifications. The City's Master Thoroughfare Plan designates South Kimball Avenue
Page 15 of 18
as a four -lane divided arterial, which means that the roadway will consist of two lanes
in each direction, separated by a raised median.
Deputy Public Works Director Charlie Thomas informed the Council that the 2000 /
2001 CIP includes funding for the construction of South Kimball Avenue from FM
1709 to Crooked Lane in a reduced amount that will allow for the construction of the
west lanes and full intersection at FM 1709. The new west lanes will serve as the
southbound lanes and the existing roadway will serve as the northbound lanes until such
time that the remaining construction can be funded. Mr. Thomas informed the Council
that the new road will be lower than the existing roadway, therefore, pavement will be
placed at the median openings to accommodate a smooth transition. Mr. Thomas
commented that staff and the engineers revisited with the neighbors and tried to address
each driveway issues the best that could be done. BWR Engineers explained that there
were issues with the Chick -Fil -A driveway that could not be worked out to the owner's
satisfaction due to the safety implications of the intersection at FM 1709 and Kimball.
BWR Engineers further commented that the wall along the Church property would be
removed and rebuilt with a 12' decorative wall. Mr. Thomas explained that the all the
retaining walls needed along the roadway would be constructed of decorative material -
similar to the pavestone used along the trails. He also explained that those persons who
could not be accommodated with a median cut would be able to make a U -turn to
access their particular drive. Mr. Thomas stated that the city would landscape the
medians in phase two when the east side of the roadway is reconstructed. Ile also
informed the Council that there would be some improvements to the intersection at
Crooked Lane to accommodate school buses making turns at that intersection.
Greg Lollis, Chick -Fil -A representative, expressed his concern with getting customers
out of the restaurant parking lot without having a median cut. He does not have a
problem with getting them into the restaurant.
BWR Engineers explained the plans for the roadway addresses ultimate traffic and they
believe this is the safest plan given the closeness of Chick- Fil -A's drive to the
Mayor Stacy suggested that if Chick -Fil -A was able to donate additional right -of -way
for the road, maybe the engineers could work out some kind of alternative. Greg Lollis
commented that if that were a possibility, he would look into giving the additional
right -of -way needed.
Jeff Wang, 595 S. Kimball Avenue, asked that the Council consider reserving the right,
if traffic warrants, to require the school district to designate the school bus drive as a
right -in / right -out as was agreed when they presented their plans to the Planning and
Zoning Commission and the City Council.
Motion was made to approve the conceptual design for South Kimball Avenue from FM
1709 to Crooked Lane as submitted, and request staff to consider any submissions made
Page 16 of 18
by Chick -Fil -A on driveway access with the understanding that no guarantee can be
made, and also reserve the right to control ingress and egress for the school bus
driveway to the new school on South Kimball Avenue.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: DuPre
Ayes: DuPre, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Shankland, Stacy, Standerfer
Nays: none
Approved: 7 -0
Agenda Item No. 11A, Modification of Land Use Plan for Clow property and
adjacent undeveloped tracts from medium density residential to low density
Councilmember Fawks stated that he requested this item be placed on the agenda
because he felt it was important to address lowering the density designation on the Land
Use Plan from medium density to low density. He stated that he had concerns with the
existing traffic congestion and the burden on the school system. Councilmember
Shankland agreed that lowering the density would be appropriate. Mayor Stacy asked
whether or not the property owners had been approached with the idea of lowering the
density on their properties.
Mr. Virgil Swirczynski and Ms. Virginia Clow were present at the meeting. Both Mr.
Swirczynski and Ms. Clow commented that they had not been contacted and questioned
why lowering the density had even been suggested. Mr. Swirczynski stated that it
would be better for them if the property would remain as medium density if they should
ever decide to sell. Ms. Clow commented that she thought it would have been
appropriate to discuss this issue with them prior to bringing up at a Council meeting.
Councilmember Fawks explained that he saw the higher density as being a potential
problem for this area and only wanted to bring it up to get a general consensus on how
the rest of the Council felt about lowering the density designation on the Land Use
The Council agreed that it would be appropriate to meet and discuss this issue with the
property owners and then request the Planning and Zoning Commission to make a
Agenda Item No. 11C, Mayor / Executive Office.
Council agreed that there should be an office designated as the Mayor's office with the
understanding that the office would be available for other Councilmembers and staff as
needed. City Manager Billy Campbell suggested that reservations for use of the office
would be made through City Secretary Sandra LeGrand.
Page 17 of 18
Agenda Item No. 12, Meeting Adjourned.
Councilmember Shankland congratulated the Department of Public Safety for working
so well with the FBI in the recent apprehension of the "Southlake" bank robber. He
commented that he was very proud of all the DPS staff that worked on the case.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m.
M yor Rick Stacy
• • s
A ting City Secretary ? \; ; '
y .
►'► ' •' ••..•.• ••'.
Page 18 of 18
C..),p �- h kS
+ ,wi 1 l3
COUNTY OF 1 Af��Ary §
I, CpR Y W k S a s a member of th • «x 1 0._.E c/Y1 � , make this affidavit
and hereby on oath state the following: I have a substantial inter -st in a business entity or real property as defined in
Chapter 171, Texas Local Government Code, and a vote is to •e taken or a decision is to be made that will have a
special economic effect on this business entity or real prope
S� 1 0cJ i c�
The agenda item affecting this business entity or real prope is: 10 ` 4.0a f. tw-Db a
COMPLETE (A) or (B): (A) The business entity is 1b b Le, L I y (name); or
(B) The real property is seated at: .
I have a substantial interest for the following reasons: (chick all which are applicable)
Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity.
Ownership of 10% or more or $1.,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity.
Fun`dd received from the business entity exceed 10% of gross income for the previou,s year.
Real property is involved and I ave an equitable or legal ownership of the property with a fair
market valued at least $2,506.
A relative of mine lias a subs antial interest in the business entity or real property that would
be affected by a decision.of e public body of which I am a member.
Upon filing of this affidavit with the City ecretary, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision
involving this business entity or real property and fr ■ m anyfurther participation on this matter by discussion or debate.
Signed this day of b La 19 .
Signature of Offic ,1
The State of § 1
County of §
Before me on this day personally appeared
known to me (or proved to me on the oath of or
through (descriptionof identity card or other document) to be the person whose name is
subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and
consideration therein expressed.
Given under my hand and seal of office this day of , A.D. .
(SEAL) i
Notary Public in and for the State of Texas
H:\ LIBRARY\ Municipal\ MERGE \ContlictoflnterestAffidavit. wpd
Worthington ! udders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817- 329 -1092
Fax 817- 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat/Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
____X I can not support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
Sincerely, C ��,e Z� ..,
a 46}
,, i ....i 1,05
Worthington Builders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817- 329 -1092
Fax 817 -424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat/Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans/plat for the Lakes on Dove.
A I can not support the development plans/plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
Sincerely, . 21/14,‘,-6
Worthin • on It udders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817- 329 -1092
Fax 817 - 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat/Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
X I can not support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
James Blackwill ,:('i�✓1
1491 Emerald Circle
817- 488 -0914
Worthington Builders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817 - 329 -1092
Fax 817 -424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat/Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans/plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I can not support the development plans/plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
Sincerely, ��� C -eJ
Worthington Builder
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817- 329 -1092
Fax 817- 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat/Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans/plat for the Lakes on Dove.
can not support the development plans/plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
7 ,?2
2i7— 329•g9 /I
Worthington Builders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817 - 329 -1092
Fax 817 -424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat/Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans/plat for the Lakes on Dove.
A I can not support the development plans/plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
I .L...... lls..e i 1 /7
Sincerely, // }
// ,, y C &2O /
Worthington Builders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817- 329 -1092
Fax 817- 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat/Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
A I can not support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
Sincerely, S / %'��
l3 Cc t
Worthin • i on !.> tinders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817- 329 -1092
Fax 817 - 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
• Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat/Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I can not support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
Tom Czarnecki
2407 Emerald Circle
817 - 488 -6260
Worthington g uilders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817 - 329 -1092
Fax 817- 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat /Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I can not support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
.44 /I'l r (/ / 0-7
Lucy Mc Ely M ` &Ie
2407 Emerald Circle
817- 488 -6260
Worthington Builders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817 - 329 -1092
Fax 817 - 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat/Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
\/ I can not support the development plans/plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove. ?
Sincerely, g axa L . ( 0 ( to, ea) Jot C cc .
e, c ��� Lo 1 I ma t r;
3 0curoon4 -
k d II _I b i,�)C� n '�o CL S5oreG .� k0.4 Tham' Goy 1 I b c
p1�, -��� oc '� reeS to �.J�e My l� ' 7
Dun CI arckArcxy p o a., C'C- °L 5
b -4e)( e- no ■. 3 e-
Worthin on It udders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817- 329 -1092
Fax 817 - 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
"" 1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat/Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I can not support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove" `
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/ j
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
Sincerely, i fri.e—eW
817- 40
1 (D
Worthin • 1 on I: unifiers
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817 - 329 -1092
Fax 817 - 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat/Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
J I can not support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
Mary Blackwill
1491 Emerald Circle
817- 488 -0914
Wo rthin • t on udders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817- 329 -1092
Fax 817 - 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
4,60 And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat /Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I can not support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
1 0
817- 8 - /e
Wort hin i on I uilders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817- 329 -1092
Fax 817- 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat /Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
v I can not support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
Richard Schneider
1401 Emerald Circle
817- 329 -0988
Worthin on .> udders
3129 Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Phone 817- 329 -1092
Fax 817- 424 -0884
January 17, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy
And City Council Members Of The
City Of Southlake
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Revised Preliminary Plat /Drainage Plan/Utility Plan
The Lakes On Dove
Case # ZA00 -084
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
I have reviewed the above mentioned revised Preliminary Plat, Drainage Plan, and Utility Plan for
the Lakes on Dove.
I support thR development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
Przp r/ 127E PEA4 E w1 S 4-ee
I can not support the development plans /plat for the Lakes on Dove.
I am not prepared to support or not support the development plans/
plat for the Lakes on Dove.
Gary & Marilyn Monigold
2410 Emerald Circle
817 - 488 -1525