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REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS OCTOBER 17, 2000 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Fawks; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie Kendall. Members: Patsy DuPre, Greg Standerfer, Rex Potter and Keith Shankland. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen; Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Director of Economic Development Greg Last; Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman; Director of Planning Bruce Payne; Senior Planner Karen Gandy; Director of Public Works Pedram Farahnak; City Engineer Charlie Thomas; Assistant City Engineer Shawn Poe; Technical Services Manager Gary Gregg; Chief of Fire Services and Interim Director of Public Safety Ricky Black; City Attorney E. Allen Taylor Jr.; and, City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand. WORK SESSION: Mayor Rick Stacy called the work session to order at 5:45 p.m. Councilmembers and staff discussed items on the agenda. The work session was audio and video tape-recorded for future reference. Copies are available by request from the City Secretary. Agenda Item #5-G, Approval to have single Regular City Council meetings in November and December due to holidays and the move to Town Hall. David McMahan respectfully requested this item be reconsidered as he had a project that would be affected by the scheduling and would cause his project to be 30 to 60 days late. This change could cost him his project. He asked the City Council to continue with the regular meetings. Councilmembers agreed to take this item off of the consent agenda. Agenda Item #10-C, Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with Call A Ride of Southlake (CARS) for 2001. Richard (Dick) F. Johnston presented this item and stated, "We feel this is a very worthwhile and needed program for Southlake. The individuals needing and utilizing the program cannot afford to make rider donations sufficiently high enough to sustain it. Twenty-one volunteer drivers have contributed vehicles and fuel or 770 trips covering 7,317 miles through the first nine months of year 2000. Volunteer drivers and office workers have given 1,075 hours to the program. Therefore, if the businesses and residents of Southlake and the City Council are unwilling to provide $30,000 annually for operating this service, then the Board of Directors of CARS will feel comfortable in shutting this non-profit service down." Mr. Johnston stated CARS was agreeable to receiving $18,000 in two $9,000 payments. One payment before December 1, 2000, and one before April 1, 2001. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 1 of 21 If they are unsuccessful in raising the necessary $12,000 additional funding by April 1, 2001, they will ask the City to either provide additional funding or retain the second $9,000 and they will shut down the program effective June 30, 2001. Councilmember agreed to place this item on the consent agenda. Max Krugler, Par-3 Properties, L.L.C. 2810 Market Loop, $outhlake, Texas. Mr. Krugler stated he would like to take this opportunity to present the information in support of their request for placement of Crooked Lane and South Nolen Drive on the 5-year CIP schedule. Construction of South Nolen Drive will provide numerous immediate benefits to the citizens of Southlake, including: "fix" the Crooked Lane intersection with Southlake Boulevard; eliminate the unsafe, substandard culvert (16.5' in width) on Crooked Lane; reduce commercial traffic utilizing Crooked Lane through Whispering Woods residential area and South Kimball school zones; provide necessary ingress/egress from new athletic stadium (completion date August 2001); facilitate revenue traffic from Colleyville to Costco and Gateway Plaza; vitalize 40-acre Cornerstone Business Park development; and facilitate access to SH 114 (north/south thoroughfare). The information packet presented by Mr. Krugler is attached to the minutes of this meeting. Agenda Item #10-D, Authorize the Mayor to execute a developer agreement for CISD #5. Brent Cline, Total Program Management, representing Carroll Independent School District, stated the district attorney asked for a change in wording to the developer agreement prior to approval by the City Council. City Attorney E. Allen Taylor Jr., stated he did not recommend the City Council consider those changes tonight, as they have not seen the changes as of this time, but to approve the developer agreement as prepared with an amendment coming forward if necessary as the result of the wording change. The work session ended at 6:35 p.m. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Agenda Item #l-A, Call To Order Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:38 p.m. City Council meetings are video and audio tape-recorded for future reference and copies are available upon request from the City Secretary. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 2 of 21 Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections $$1.071, $51.072, 551.073, 551.074, $51.086, to seek legal advise from the City Attorney; to deliberate regarding real property matters; to deliberate regarding a prospective gift; to deliberate regarding personnel matters; to deliberate regarding security devices; and/or to deliberate regarding economic development negotiations. Council adjourned into executive session at 6:40 p.m. Council returned into open session at 8:00 p.m. Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was taken as the result of the executive session. Agenda Item #3, Invocation Former City Councilmember W. Ralph Evans gave the invocation. Mayor Stacy led the audience in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Agenda Item #4-A, Mayor's Report Mayor Stacy made the following announcements: October 19, 7:30 a.m., Metroport Partnership meeting will be sponsored by the Town of Westlake and held in Room 1 & 2 of the Solana Education Center. October 25 at 6:00 p.m., Carroll High School Homecoming Parade at Town Square. Councilmembers will be tiding on a Southlake fire truck and should meet at Town Square at 5:00 p.m. for line-up. The Annual Harvest Fest at Bicentennial Park will be held on Saturday, October 28 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Community Service Division of the City has planned a lot of activities for children young and old. Mayor Stacy reported on the Tailgate Tug-of-War Challenge that took place on Friday, October 13 prior to the Grapevine High School vs. Carroll High School football game. He noted that Southlake was the winner and that they earned the "Bragging tights in the millennium" as the result 0fthat game. Those who attended had a fun time. Mayor Stacy announced that this was the last City Council meeting for Assistant City Engineer Shawn Poe. Shawn and his family will be moving back to Colorado to be closer to his family. He has taken a position as the Director of Public Works in a town about one Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 3 of 21 hour drive from Denver. Mayor Stacy commented that the city would truly miss Shawn and wish he and his family lots of luck and happiness. Agenda Item #4-B, City Manager's Report City Manager Billy Campbell announced this was the last City Council meeting for Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson, as he accepted a position as Assistant Fire Chief for the City of Frisco. Mr. Campbell also introduced new Police Chief Marlin Price who came from the City of Dallas Police Department with 28 years experience. Director Wilson stated that 86 applicants were considered and all the applicants had special qualities, however, they felt the qualities of Mr. Price were those that fit the City of Southlake's police department. Mr. Price commented, "I can't tell you how happy I am to be here. Many of you know the troubles that we have been through for the past year in Dallas, and I have really been blessed to be chosen to be the Police Chief in the City of Southlake. My wife Ruth and I have been married for twenty-seven years. We got married right out of the police academy, back before they had bulletproof vests. That was her wedding present to me." Mr. Price said they have two sons and after the youngest graduates from high school they will move into the Southlake area. "All I can say is, I'm thrilled to be here and from the bottom of my heart, you have my guarantee that from me you will get 100% to making Southlake a safer city." Director Garland Wilson stated, "As I leave Southlake tonight, I have talked to most of you and enjoyed a good farewell party today and thank all of you for that." He introduced his wife of twenty-three years, Terri. Wilson said, "We did not make this decision in haste or without a lot of stress and regret. We felt this decision was the best for our family and did not have to do with the City of Southlake. The demands and challenges of Southlake are high. Through the years, we have enjoyed great support from the City Manager who has brought me along for the past twelve years. Seventeen months ago, when I took over as Director of Public Safety, I began working with the Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton and have enjoyed a good relationship. I know I had some rough edges that she helped me polish and I can't say enough about that. Of all the questions I have been asked, there is no doubt that this was a decision that was more than one level, to move and leave a twelve-year career that was both successful and rewarding." Agenda Item g4-C, SPIN Report Cameron McCartha, SPIN #12, gave the SPiN Report. Ms. McCartha reported the sewer [construction projects] are going well in the SPIN #12 area and the current issue of concern is with Jellico Crossing. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 4 of 21 Agenda Item #4-D, Park Board Report Park Board member Mike Nelson gave the report. He thanked Councilmember Rex Potter for the clean up of Bob Jones Park. Park Board issues include: · Approved with conditions, new speakers at Town Lake · Recreation Center site selection discussions have commenced. Three locations are being considered: 1) land around Love Henry Court; 2) northwest comer of Bicentennial Park; and 3) the property located next to the senior center on Byron Nelson Parkway. · Staff will begin a cost analysis of each site so that informed decisions can be made and presented to the City Council. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda Mayor Rick Stacy informed the audience that "consent" agenda items, which consist of several items, are considered by one vote. He said if anyone had a request for an item not to be considered during the consent agenda segment, that item would be deleted from that portion of the agenda and considered separately. The consent agenda items were as follows: 5-A. Approval of the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held October 3, 2000. 5-B. Resolution No. 00-90, Designating "Southlake Public Library" as the official name of the city library. Approve Resolution No. 00-91, authorizing the Mayor to execute a multi-use agreement with TxDOT for the construction of Traffic Management Bond Program trails along FM 1709. Award of bid to Miller Sierra Contractors, Inc., for the construction of the Traffic Management Bond Program trail along the north side of FM 1709 from Southbridge Lakes Parkway to Bicentennial Park. 5-E. Award of bid for furniture at Town Hall. 5-F. Approve purchase of furniture for Town Hall from Tarrant County contract list. 5-G. Approval to have single Regular City Council meetings in November and December due to holidays and the move to Town Hall. 5-H. Award of bid to Sutton & Associates, Inc. for the reconstruction of Burney Lane from Carroll Avenue to Lonesome Dove Avenue. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 5 of 21 Approval of a professional services agreement with Cheatham & Associates, Inc. for the engineering and design of the reconstruction of South Carroll Avenue from the west property line of Noble Oaks Park to Continental Boulevard. Authorize the Mayor to execute an Advanced Funding Agreement with the State of Texas for the installation of a traffic signal located at FM 1938 and Continental Boulevard/Union Church. 5-K. Removed from consent agenda. Ordinance No. 762, 1 st Reading, Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, by adopting the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code, Volumes 1 and 2; repealing Ordinance No. 572. 10-B. Award of bid to Media Consultants Systems Integrators (MCSi) for the audio/visual system at Town Hall. 10-C. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with Call A Ride of Southlake (CARS) for 2001. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following: Agenda Item #5-A, #5-B, #5-C, #5-D, #5-E, #5-F, #5-G, #5-H, #5-1, #5-J, #8-B, #10-B, and #10- C as presented. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Standerfer DuPre Standerfer, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, and Stacy None 7-0 vote ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 5-A. Approval of the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on October 3, 2000. The minutes were approved as presented. Resolution No. 00-90, Designating "Southlake Public Library" as the official name of the city library. At the recommendation of the Library Board, the City Council approved Resolution No. 00-90 as the name for the new library. Approve Resolution No. 00-91, Authorizing the Mayor to execute a multi-use agreement with TxDOT for the construction of Traffic Management Bond Program trails along FM 1709. The Traffic Management Bond Program approved by the voters in 1999, included the construction of 8' wide trails along FM 1709 in accordance with the Master Trail System. Construction plans and specifications have been prepared by HNTB and approved by the City staff and TxDOT for the trail along the north side of FM 1709 from Southridge Lakes Parkway to Bicentennial Park. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 6 of 21 Award of bid to Miller Sierra Contractors, Inc. for the construction of the Traffic Management Bond Program trail along the north side of FM 1709 from Southridge Lakes Parkway to Bicentennial Park. Eleven bids were received October 5, 2000. Miller Sierra Contractors, Inc. presented the lowest bid. The bids were reviewed and everything appears to be in order. The low bid of $339,151.25 is within the estimate of probable cost. Funds are available from the Traffic Management Bond Program. Award of bid for furniture at Town Hall. For the past several months, Council member Potter and city staff have been working with Tarrant County representatives to select the furniture for Town Hall. Most selections were made to give the building a traditional Town Hall look and feel. The furniture identified by this group will be acquired through four different methods: o Award of bid for furniture not on the Tarrant County contract list; o Purchase of regular furniture (non-systems furniture) from the Tarrant County contract list; o Purchase of systems fitmiture from the Tarrant County contract list, and, o Purchase of items that received "no-bids" from the furniture specifications described in item number one above. The amount allocated in the Town Hall FF&E Budget for furniture was $580,000. The total for all contracts awarded is $253,555.11. Approve purchase of furniture for Town Hall from Tarrant County contract list. Staff and the elected officials identified several pieces of furniture from the Tarrant County contract list that meet some of the furnishing needs for Town Hall. These furniture pieces will be mainly used in the staff level (non- executive/director) offices throughout the building. The amount allocated in the Town Hall FF&E Budget for furniture was $580,000. Staff recommended purchasing regular furniture in the amount of $58,510.26 from Texas Furniture Source. Approval to have single Regular City Council meetings in November and December due to holidays and the move to Town Hall. For the past couple of years the City Council and staff have found it to be in the best interest of everyone to have only one Regular City Council meeting in November and one Regular City Council meeting in December. The primary reason for this change is due to the holidays and ability to get a quorum of Councilmembers present for the meetings that are in the same week as a holiday. Councilmembers agreed it would be too hard to have a meeting the week many of the city offices are moving into the new Town Hall. Award of bid to Sutton & Associates, Inc. for the reconstruction of Burney Lane from Carroll Avenue to Lonesome Dove Avenue. The width of Burney Lane varies Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 7 of 21 between 20 to 28-feet. The road width is approximately 28-feet along the frontage of Dove Estates subdivision. The road width narrows to 20-feet near the Lake Drive intersection. The section of roadway along Dove Estates subdivision was installed with a curb and gutter along the north edge of pavement. The base bid consisted of reconstructing Burney Lane, as it exists currently. The alternate bid included reconstructing Burney Lane with a curb and gutter along the south edge of pavement to match the existing curb and gutter along the north edge of pavement. The limits of the proposed curb and gutter along the south edge of pavement will only extend along the limits of the existing curb and gutter along the north edge of pavement. The roadway material will consist of 6-inch asphalt. There will be several drainage improvements installed to correct existing drainage problems along Burney Lane. This project was budgeted in the FY99-00 CIP budget. The budget appropriated $600,000 for engineering, survey, and construction of this project. There were six contractors that bid this project. The low bid was received from Sutton & Associates of Keller, Texas, with a base bid of $236,861 and $252,685.40 for the Altemate A bid. The costs for this project have been tabulated using the Alternate A bid. Approval of a professional services agreement with Cheatham & Associates, Inc. for the engineering and design of the reconstruction of South Carroll Avenue from the west property line of Noble Oaks Park to Continental Boulevard. The FY99- 00 CIP budget appropriated funds for this project. South Carroll Avenue is currently a two-lane concrete roadway along the Versailles subdivision development. The existing two lanes are half of the ultimate four-lane roadway. The existing two lanes was construction by the developer of Versailles. There is an existing CISD elementary school under construction on the tract of land immediately west of Noble Oaks Park. As part of the construction of the elementary school, CISD plans to construct the additional two through lanes and a left turn lane for South Carroll Avenue from Breeze Way to the west property line of Noble Oaks Park. The City Cotmcil agreed to reimburse the school district for the construction of these improvements. Therefore, the ultimate roadway will be constructed along the school property. The professional services agreement is for the engineering and design of the reconstruction of South Carroll Avenue from the west property line of Noble Oaks Park to Continental Boulevard. Once this project is designed, there are CIP funds available to construct it. Once constructed, the ultimate cross-section of South Carroll Avenue will extend from Continental Boulevard to Breeze Way. The cross-section of South Carroll Avenue will be a four-lane divided roadway with a left turn lane at the intersection of Continental Boulevard. The professional services agreement for the engineering and surveying of South Carroll Avenue totals $27,195. The estimated construction cost is $325,000, The CIP Budget appropriated $375,000 for the engineering and construction of this project. Authorize the Mayor to execute an Advanced Funding Agreement with the State of Texas for the installation of a traffic signal located at FM 1938 and Continental Boulevard/Union Church. A warrant study confirmed that a traffic signal was Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 8 of 21 IO-B. warranted at the intersection of FM 1938 and Continental/Union Church Roads. Consequently, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) approved the installation of a traffic signal at this location. The traffic signal has been designed and TxDOT is reviewing the construction plans. Since this traffic light is located on a state maintained roadway, TxDOT administers the construction management and contract administration for the construction of the traffic signal. The City of Southlake has agreed to fund the design and installation of the traffic signal. An Advanced Funding Agreement between the City a TxDOT is required for the installation of the traffic signal since TxDOT is managing the construction process of the project. There is a five-month review period at TxDOT. Therefore, the project is scheduled to be bid on March 2001. If so, construction should then be completed by July 2001. The estimated cost to construct the traffic signal at the intersection of FM 1938 and Continental/Union Church is $135,000. TxDOT includes 11% for contingencies in the agreement. The agreement totals $149,850. The costs for these improvements are estimated. As stated in the agreement, should the costs exceed the estimated amount, the City would be required to pay the additional amount. If the improvements are constructed below the estimated amount, TxDOT will refund the balance to the City. The CIP budget allocated $150,000 for the design and construction of the traffic signal. The engineering was approved for $9,500. Ordinance No. 762, Ist Reading, Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, by adopting the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code, Volumes 1 and 2; repealing Ordinance No. 572. The City of Southlake currently operates under the 1991 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code. Staff continues to reseamh the newly released 2000 International Edition and recommends to adopt the 1997 Edition, since the 2000 Imemational Edition includes restrictions that staff has not witnessed validity yet. The adopting of the 1997 edition will also align the fire code with the current 1997 building, mechanical and electrical code already adopted. The highlights of the 1997 Edition, in contrast to the 1991 Edition, are as follows: Improves language to become more specific with city expectation; Improves the high-piled combustible storage requirement; and Amendment includes the requirement for residential sprinkler installation in homes 6,000 square feet or greater. Award of bid to Media Consultants Systems Integrators (MCSi) for the audio/visual system at Town Hall. City staff and the audio/visual consultants developed specifications for the audio/visual system for Town Hall. The audio/visual system includes components in Town Hall to provide for presentations in the council chambers, courtroom, executive conference room, training rooms, etc. Equipment is included for filming and taping of meetings in the council chambers. The City's construction manager, H.C. Beck, will oversee installation of the audio/visual system. Two bids were received with the low bid from MCSi in the amount of $394,528. The change order is necessary because the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 9 of 21 audio/visual system was not included in the base building contract with Beck. Adding Beck's fee brings the total of the award of bid and change order to $407,360.49. 10-C. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Services Agreement with Call A Ride of Southlake (CARS)for 2001. CARS are agreeable to receiving $18,000 in two $9,000 installments; one payment before December 1, 2000 and one before April 1, 2001. If they are unsuccessful in raising the necessary $12,000 additional funding by April 1, they will ask the City to either provide additional funding or retain the second $9,000 and shut down the program effective June 30, 2001. Agenda Item #5-K, Resolution No. 00-95, Appointment to the Library Board Ordinance No. 716 established the Library Board in October 20, 1998. The ordinance sets the board at seven (7) members, to serve two-year staggered terms. Recently, Place 5 member Wanda Poe resigned from the board leaving an unexpired term, which will expire May 2001. Due to the fact that the library is in full swing, the Board feels it is necessary to fill the position in order to have the full seven members working on the establishment of the city's first library. Ten applications were remaining after the appointments made in June 2000. Councilmember Patsy DuPre recommended Brent Burford be appointed to the board and Councilmember Rounie Kendall suggested C.D. Peebles. A straw vote was taken whereby those in favor of Brent Burford were: DuPre, Standerfer, Shankland, Stacy. Those in favor of C.D. Pebbles were: Potter, Fawks, Kendall. After discussion, motion was made to approve Resolution No. 00-95, naming Brent Burford to the Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Wanda Poe, expiring in May, 2001. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: DuPre Standerfer DuPre, Standerfer, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #6, Public Forum No comments were made during the public forum. nd Agenda Item #7-A, Ordinance No. 792, 2 Reading, Abandonment and Quitclaim of a portion 0[ Pine Drive right-of-way at the intersection of South White Chapel Boulevard. Assistant City Engineer Shawn Poe presented Ordinance No. 792, for second reading, noting that the City plans to reconstruct Pine Drive this year. Currently, Pine Drive intersects White's Chapel Boulevard at an acute angle. The reconstruction of Pine Drive Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 10 of 21 includes realigning Pine Drive with South White Chapel Boulevard. The City purchased land in February 1999 to accommodate the realignment. White Chapel Methodist Church also dedicated additional right-of-way for the realignment of Pine Drive. Following the realignment, Pine Drive will intersect perpendicular to South White Chapel, which will provide for an improved intersection over the one that exists today. The City will no longer need the portion of right-of-way at the existing intersection of Pine Drive and South White Chapel Boulevard. Staff met with committee members of White Chapel United Methodist Church on January 19, 2000, September 19, 2000, September 27, 2000, and October 10, 2000 to discuss the abandonment of the right-of-way. The city attorneys have reviewed the ordinance and quitclaim deed. The attorneys recommended the inclusion of language in the quitclaim deed related to saving and accepting an easement for the existing fi~anchise utilities located within the right-of-way to be abandoned. Terry Wilkinson was present representing White Chapel United Methodist Church. He noted the church recommended Option A which included the church's portion to be $55,750.00 and the City's cost to be $48,250.00. A copy of the exhibit explaining options #A, #B, and #C is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 792, 2na Reading, including Option A at a cost of $48,250 to be paid by the city for the relocation. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Fawks Standerfer Fawks, Standerfer, Potter, Kendall, Shankland, DuPre, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-B, Resolution No. 00-93, (ZA 00-102), Specific Use Permit for Sale of Packaged Beer for Costco. Resolution No. 00-93, (ZA 00-102), Specific Use Permit for sale of packaged beer for off-premises consumption per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (1) and Section 45.6 on property described as Lot 2, Block 1, Gateway Plaza, Phase II, Unit I, being 16.3702 acres. Current zoning is "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "C-3" General Commercial Uses, including a gasoline service station and tires, batteries, and automobile accessories. Senior Planner Karen Gandy presented this item noting that on October 5, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved this item by a 6-0 vote. She noted that due to the limited scope of this request and the fact that no changes were made to the previously approved concept/site plan, no new review letter was generated. This site is subject to all conditions of the previously approved plans. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 11 of 21 Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 00-93, (ZA 00-102), SUP for Costco as presented. Motion: Second: myes~ Nays: Approved: Kendall DuPre Kendall, DuPre, Standerfer, Potter, Fawks, Shankland, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-C, Resolution No. 00-94, (ZA 00-103), Specific Use Permit for Anamias Tex Mex Restaurant Resolution No. 00-94, (ZA 00-103), Specific Use Permit for Anamias Tex Mex Restaurant, for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (1) and Section 45.6 for 2980 East Southlake Boulevard, located in the shopping center commonly known as Gateway Plaza, Phase I, on property described as a portion of Lot 3, Block 1, Gateway Plaza, Phase 1. Current zoning is "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with limited "C-3" General Commercial District uses. Senior Planner Karen Gandy presented this resolution for SUP for Anamias Tex Mex Restaurant, noting that in addition to the indoor dining area, the restaurant will have an outdoor seating area of approximately seven hundred forty-five (745) square feet located on the south side of the building. Due to the limited scope of this request and the fact that no changes were made to the previously approved concept/site plan, no new review letter was generated. This site is subject to all conditions of the previously approved plans. Councilmember Keith Shankland expressed concern with granting a Specific Use Permit for alcoholic beverages and the approval being with the land [location] and not with the business owner. He also expressed the need for a time limit on the specific use permits. Mr. Shankland used as an example, the Me-N-Eds Pizza store that has a SUP. They went out of business and now that location has a SUP no matter who should occupy the location. The City Attorney E. Allen Taylor Jr., explained the process for the Council. Ana (?), owner of Anamias Tex Mex Restaurant. She was present to answer questions and noted the restaurant was expected to open January or February 2001. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 00-94, (ZA 00-103), for the SUP including an enclosed outdoor seating area on the south side of the building; including the limitations as set forth in the ordinance, that the alcohol sales do not exceed 75% of the gross revenues of the restaurant and that there be no special conditions attached to the approval. Motion: Standerfer Second: DuPre Ayes: Standerfer, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, and Stacy Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 12 of 21 Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-D, Resolution No. 00-89, (ZA 00-095), Specific Use Permit for Wal- Mart Resolution No. 00-89, (ZA 00-095), Specific Use Permit for outside trailer storage, garden center storage, and pallet storage as part of a retail operation on Lot 2, Block 1, Farrar Addition, and being 23.003 acres. Current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. Senior Planner Karen Gandy presented this item noting that on September 7, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved (7-0) vote subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated September 1, 2000 amended as follows: · Item #1, allow screening to be a combination of wrought iron and masonry (similar to the principle structure) around the existing and proposed garden center areas; · Item #2, allow a minimum of 10' and maximum of 12' for screening of the garden center and trailer storage areas, and require a masonry wall similar to the principle structure around the trailer storage area with a solid gate of a material other than wood; · Item #3, require an 8' masonry wall similar to the principle structure around the pallet storage area with a gate of a material other than wood; · And also require that concept drawings be provided for each storage area for the City Council meeting along with a proposal for the gates. Ms. Gandy stated the following waivers were being requested from this applicant: · Request to waive Section 45.11.8, to allow a wrought iron and masonry fence around the garden center and proposed addition, in place of a solid screening wall. · Request to vary Section 39.2.e, to allow the garden center fence and trailer area fence to exceed eight feet (8') in height. Bob Collins, attorney for Wal-Mart. Mr. Collins stated the only thing Wal-Mart differs on based on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission was the use of wood rather than masonry. He stated this would be a retrofit and would not be financed out of the building fund, but rather, out of the store's budget. He commented that wood is allowed in the city ordinance and that the cost of masonry is significantly higher than the use of wood. Aaron Carter, store manager. Mr. Carter was present to answer questions from Council, as was Rick Martindale, architect for Wal-Mart. Mr. Carter stated he wanted to show Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 13 of 21 good faith to the city and if they were going to make the improvements, he wanted to go ahead and get it done. Councilmember Gary Fawks complimented Mr. Carter on the improvements made to the garden center. Mayor Stacy stated he wanted Wal-Mart to improve the looks of the front of the store in this year's budget, and next year improve the pallet storage area. Councilmember Fawks, stated, because of the pallet area is seen from SH 114, he would like to see the use of masonry rather than wood. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 00-89, (ZA 00-095), subject to the recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission and allowing height variances requested by the applicant; granting the waiver to the masonry/wrought iron combination around the garden center. Motion: Fawks Second: Potter Councilmember Kendall and DuPre stated they like the stockade/photenia scenario around the garden center and would be voting "no" to the motion presented. Ayes: Nays: Approved: Fawks, Potter, Shankland, Standerfer, and Stacy DuPrc, Kendall 5-2 vote Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated, 'Td just like to say to the newer people, to everyone that's been on council for just the last two years, there's quite a history to this [store] and we've come a long way." Agenda Item #8-A, Ordinance No. 480-349, 1st Reading, (ZA 00-056), Rezoning and Concept Plan for High Point Addition Ordinance No. 480-349, 1st Reading, (ZA 00-056), Rezoning and Concept Plan for High Point on Tracts 3A, 3A1B, 3A2, 3E, 3El, and a portion of Tract 3A1C, Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, involving 14.654 acres, from "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District to "SF-20A" Single Family Residential District. Senior Planner Karen Gandy noted this was a 14.7-acre tract located on Shady Oaks Drive, north of FM 1709. The property is surrounded on the north, west and southwest by Southridge Lakes residential development, which is zoned SF-20A. One developed residential tract, zoned SF-1A, which is part of the same ownership, is located southeast of this tract. There are developed residential lots directly to the east, across Shady Oaks Drive, which are zoned SF-1A. There is a scattering of trees on the west portion of the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 14 of 21 site. Ms. Gandy noted that due to the recommendation for denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission, a super majority vote of approval was needed. Kosse Maykus, 2604 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, developer of the property. Mr. Maykus was present to answer questions from Council and noted that the entire subdivision would be side-walked. W. Ralph Evans, 315 North Shady Oaks Drive, Southlake. Mr. Evans noted he was the property owner to the east of this property, and felt this addition would be a fine asset in the community. He supported the project. Motion was made to approve ZA 00-056, an amended request for the Rezoning and Concept Plan for High Point, subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated October 13, 2000; allowing the setback variances as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, 20' along Shady Oaks Drive; Lots 10 & 11, Block 1, 15' along the east side adjacent to Edwards Court; Lot 2, Block 2, 30' along the west side adjacent to Edwards Court; accepting the applicant's proposed wall and 50' drainage easement; acknowledging the applicant's willingness to pay for the sidewalk to connect Southridge Lakes to Love Henry Court. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Potter Standerfer Potter, Standerfer, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, DuPre, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #10-A, Contract to Inter-Tel Technologies for telecommunications system at new Town Hall The award of bid for telecommunications service at Town Hall was presented by Charlie Thomas who said the City had contracted with a telecommunications consultant, Ben Sanford and Associates, to develop specifications for telecommunication service at Town Hall. Specifications were developed and requests for proposals were sent out. On September 8, 2000, the City received five proposals. Ben Stanford and Associates has reviewed these proposals and evaluated them based upon four criteria: equipment, manufacturer, vendor, and cost. The recommendation by Ben Sanford and Associates was that the proposal by Inter-Tel Technologies, based upon the criteria, was the preferred proposal. City staff reviewed this recommendation and reviewed the equipment and processing system and is in agreement with the consultant's recommendation. The price that Inter-Tel has provided in the proposal has been increased by the City Staff to provide more desired items of equipment and additional capabilities of the system. Total cost of the system and equipment is $242,110.48. Funds for the telecommunications system was provided in thc FY2000-2001 Capital Improvements Program. Staff recommended approval of Inter-Tel Technologies' proposal in the amount of $242,110.48. Technologies Manager Gary Gregg recommended Inter-Tel Technologies for all locations within the city at a cost of $334,512. The costs for the existing City Hall and the new Town Hall fall within the TIF. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 15 of 21 Mr. Todd Orsek, Computel. Mr. Orsek stated he was one of the bidders and felt there was probably a lack of understanding and knowledge of his system. He commented that most businesses do not keep their systems for more than four years and technology is changing too rapidly. He had a system we bid that has been on the market for over five years. Mr. Orsek commented, "Sometimes the lowest bidder means that they have a better system and can do it a better way. It does not necessarily mean that the company has low-balled the bid just to get the bid." Mr. Orsek continued to explain his product and the reasons he felt they should have gotten the bid. Councilmembers discussed this issue a great deal. City Manager Billy Campbell stated, "I don't know much about technology systems, but I do know Gary Gregg, and if he and the consultants both feel the city should go with Inter-Tel Technologies, I am behind them in their decision." Motion was made to approve the contract to Inter-Tel Technologies for the telecommunications system at Town Hall to be located in all locations for a total cost of $334,512.00. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Standerfer DuPre Standerfer, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item gl0-D, Developer Agreement for CISD #5. City Engineer Charlie Thomas presented the developer agreement for the Carroll Independent School District (CISD) No. 5 Addition (Elementary School). He commented the site plan for CISD Elementary School No. 5 was approved on June 20, 2000. The construction of the elementary school situated between South Carroll Avenue and East Continental Boulevard, adjacent to the west side of Noble Oaks Park, includes the construction of additional three lanes on South Carroll Avenue along the frontage of the school. The site plan also includes leaving the pond, located in Noble Oaks Park and on the school property, in the present condition. A Joint Use Agreement for parking with the church has been signed by CISD and the church. Brent Cline, Total Program Management, representing CISD. Mr. Cline stated that the attorneys for CISD prepared a wording change in the developer agreement. City Attorney E. Allen Taylor stated he did not recommend City Council make any changes tonight but they should go forward with approval of the current agreement and any issues can be worked out through an amendment if necessary. Motion was made to approve the developer agreement as submitted for CISD #5, but that we [the City] not credit the water and wastewater impact fees; there would either be an Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 16 of 21 exchange check on the $396,000 reimbursement or a reduction on that; and not delete paragraphs #la, #lb, #lc, on page 10B-7 from the agreement. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Standerfer Fawks Standerfer, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, DuPre, Potter, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #10-E, Approval of the Fiscal Year 2000-01 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Budget Senior City Engineer Shawn Poe presented the FY 2000-01 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Budget. He noted that each year staff proposes projects to be included in the City's Capital Improvements Program. The projects recommended by staff were discussed in detail at the September 29, 2000 City Council work session. Staff, at the direction of the City Council, explored several alternatives to the projects recommended at the work session. Once Council has approved the CIP projects each year, Certificates of Obligation (C.O.'s) are issued to fund the CIP projects. The C.O.'s debt service payments are paid from the follow four sources: property taxes (general fund), impact fees collected, utility fund revenues (water/sewer fund), and tax increment financing (TIF) for improvements constructed in the tax increment reinvestment zone (TIRZ). If there are not TIF funds available to pay the debt service payments for projects within the TIRZ, the payments must be paid from the general fund. Shawn Poe stated the only change to the proposed CIP budget included the one-half million dollars from the Continental Boulevard extension. He recommended that Council approve the extension to two lanes, as that would be his opinion of the best use of the land. Mr. Poe stated that everything else was discussed during the work session held on September 29, 2000. After discussion, motion was made to approve the CIP Budget for FY 2001; adjusting Exhibit #6 to reflect $389,000 vs. the $889,000 for the South Kimball Road extension from Crooked Lane to Heritage (2-lanes of ultimate 4-lane divided) roadway; recognizing Councilmember DuPre's desire to add sidewalks on Shady Oaks Drive to connect the new subdivision with the schools on Shady Oaks Drive. Councilmember Gary Fawks stated he did not understand why it was going to take more road to service this school, if it was going to be a middle school, than it takes for the Junior High School on White Chapel Boulevard. C0uncilmember Standerfer and Councilmember Kendall agreed that Council was being forced to approve something that they did not agree with, regarding the roadways for the schools on South Kimball Avenue and the stadium. Motion: Potter Second: Standerfer Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 17 of 21 Ayes: Nays: Approved: Potter, Kendall, DuPre, and Standerfer Fawks, Shankland, and Stacy 4-3 vote Agenda Item #10-F, Approval of SPDC Capital Improvement Project Plan, including FY 2000-2001 CIP Budget and Amended SPDC 2000-01 Operating Budget Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman stated at its July 24, 2000 meeting, the Southlake Park Development Corporation (SPDC) discussed the current long range SPDC Capital Improvements Plan and Budget. There was discussion regarding some new proposed projects and others the Board wanted staff to look at moving up in the plan, including construction of the second restroom at Bob Jones Park. Staff reviewed the CIP and made some changes to it as a starting point for discussion with the Board at its August 28, 2000 meeting. At the September 25 SPDC meeting, the Board reviewed the CIP and recommended further changes to the budget as well as discussing the addition of maintenance personnel into the FY 2000-2001 Operating Budget. Significant items in the proposed FY 2001-2003 CIP include: Move up construction to FY 2001 of Restroom #2 at Bob Jones Park as suggested by SPDC. Move up construction to FY 2001 of water well #3 and aeration system for ponds #1 and #2. Increase estimated cost of softball complex from $900,000 to $1,100,000 due to rising construction costs. Continue funding into FY 2000-01 for Smith Park and capping wells at Bob Jones projects identified in FY 2000. New projects for FY 2001. Changes approved by SPDC at their September 25, 2000 meeting: Delete funding in FY 1999-2000 for Teen Center construction and reallocate the $300,000 into the undesignated fund balance ($50,000) and Recreation Center planning ($50,000) and construction $200,000). Delete funding for proposed new projects -- Chesapeake Park pond aeration system ($14,000) and Chesapeake Park pavilion ($45,000). Add (2) parks maintenance workers to FY 2001 SPDC Operating Budget. The SPDC FY 2001 Operating Budget has been amended to include the addition of two (2) full time parks maintenance personnel for one full year as recommended by SPDC. Motion was made to approve the SPDC Capital Improvements Project Plan, including FY 2000-2001 Capital Improvements Budget and Amended SPDC 2000-01 Operating Budget as presented. Motion: Fawks Second: Shankland Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 18 of 21 myes: Nays: Approved: Fawks, Shankland, DuPre, Standerfer, Potter, and Kendall Stacy 6-1 vote Agenda Item #10-G, Award of bid to J.L. Bertram Construction, Inc. for reconstruction of West Continental Boulevard from Peytonville Avenue to White's Chapel Boulevard. Senior Civil Engineer Shawn Poe presented this item to Council noting the FY 99-00 CIP budget included the reconstruction of West Continental Boulevard from Peytonville to White's Chapel Boulevard. The reconstruction of West Continental Boulevard, from Davis Boulevard to Peytonville Avenue, was recently completed. This project included widening West Continental Boulevard one to two feet to provide a continuous width of 22-feet. A left turn lane will be constructed at the intersection of Peytonville Avenue and White's Chapel Boulevard. A 6-inch concrete reverse curb will be constructed on each side of the 6-inch thick asphalt roadway. Drainage structures will be replaced which include the two large creek crossing culverts. At the creek crossings, the road elevation will be increased to eliminate the creeks from overtopping the roadway. The project was bid with a base bid along with an Option A bid. The difference between the two bids is that Option A bid included lowering the road elevation near Monticello Estates subdivision's entrance. There is a slight distance problem caused by a large hill along Continental Boulevard. This project is anticipated to take 150 calendar days to construct. The project was budgeted in the FY 99-00 CIP budget. The budget appropriated $1,100,000 to construct. There were four contractors bid this project with the low bid received from J.L. Bertram Construction, Inc. of Arlington, with a base bid of $1,091,468.75 and $1,116,105.55 for the Option A bid. The bid exceeds the budgeted amount by $16,105.55. Staff recommends awarding the Option A to improve the sight distance caused by the large hill. Remaining funds from projects constructed under budget can be used to fund the additional amount. Motion was made to approve awarding the bid to J.L. Bertram Construction, Inc. for the reconstruction of West Continental Boulevard from Peytonville Avenue to White's Chapel Boulevard, awarding "Option A" as described above. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Standerfer Fawks Standerfer, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, DuPre, Potter, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #Il-A, Discussion: StarCenter-Potential Development in Southlake Director of Economic Development Greg Last led the discussion regarding the various aspects of the StarCenter concept as it related to possible development in the City of Southake. The StarCenter concept is a community support program initiated and advocated by Southwest Sports Group, Inc. The intent of the program is to provide Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 19 of 21 professional quality hockey facilities throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth market to assist communities with this recreational opportunity and maintain interest in hockey throughout the region. This might also provide an additional enhancement to the City's parks and recreation programs. The memorandum from Director Last dated October 12, 2000 is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Mayor Stacy stated, "As we have discussed around the table, we have an opportunity to have a StarCenter here in Southlake. I think, if we can get past the budget constraints, I think the majority of the people would certainly like to see us find a place [home] for the StarCenter. In addition to the StarCenter, we have the opportunity to tie into the Texas Tornado and actually have stadium seating or an arena, if you will, that would handle somewhere between 2,000 and 5,000 people when finally built to its ultimate size. In addition to that, we have discussed putting together a center that would be a multi- purpose/convention center that could have all indoor events. There is a lot of opportunity here and I think that what we, as a council, must decide is if there is a way to make this happen? I think that we as a Council need to try to find a way to fund this, even if we use creative financing as the method of funding." Councilmember Greg Standerfer stated there are county development districts that can be put into place that can issue debt. The debt could be paid out of the revenues to the lease to the StarsCenter. This method would not effect the city budget or bonding and it would not effect the infrastructure. If this type of funding were available, it would be a good vehicle to fund this type of center. Mayor Stacy stated the greatest exposure to the City would be the land cost. That was the way it was presented to the city. Economic Development Director Greg Last stated that it would be possible to create a "Development District" for this type. of use. He stated there is a provision in the statue that does not allow a county with more than 400,000 people in it to have a county development district. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated if Council decides to pursue this method of funding, do we have to have a particular property in mind? The City Attorney stated the property would be defined in the district. Councilmember Gary Fawks asked if the developers have commented on the saturation points to this type of center? Mayor Stacy commented that their intention at this time is to their put one in Southlake or Flower Mound but not both. Councilmember DuPre asked what ever happened to the school site? Mr. Last stated it is still a site that is shown on their list. He commented that the advantage to that site is the adjacent parking that would be available. Councilmember Kendall stated the only she would support this would be if the city comes up with some innovative method of funding it and it would have to be in an appropriate location. Several Councilmembers agreed with Ms. Kendall Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 20 of 21 City Attorney E. Allen Taylor Jr., stated that he would bring the statutory requirements to a meeting he has with the Mayor on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. for Council and staff to review· Agenda Item #1 l-B, Discussion: Town Hall Appreciation Plaques Councilmember Rex Potter presented several design options for appreciation plaques to be placed on the outside of the new Town Hall building. He stated there would be a plaque for the county, which would include the county judge and county commissioners. Councilmembers discussed the different options presented and all members agreed they preferred "Option B," which included the names of the mayor, current councilmembers, City Manager Billy Campbell, City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand, and Municipal Court Judge Brad Bradley. Councilmember Potter stated there would be other plaques placed inside the Town Hall building that would possibly include the names of past councilmembers who worked on funding of the Town Hall, as well as the staff who work worked on the project, with the contractor and architect of the project. Agenda Item #12, Adjournment Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the Regular City Council meeting of October 17, 2000 at twelve midnight. ~~ ~, / ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand ~ C~ty Secretary ,,'-' '.. .g g ~.,Y'o " ........ '~*,." L:~Ci~ SecretauSL Dhve M~utesSCC-~10-17-0~' Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2000 Page 21 of 21 m ti LL 0 0 P. w r Q W w W m 0 r r O X w L w Q w o ■ w W W i i w r j 1 N W a r z W °o w rn rn r r O rn w w w z J LL w d r 1 d W W d d . yl� z L,1,'2 a d g w w z r i d E d a E i d E E F d 6 E t O O o ¢ a O w z O z o m a s ° o o r o E o U 3 3 U d o o U 1 a 2 z U E ce U N U U U e O U o w w g(!. 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Proceeds ,,,,,,,, $5,316,000 $225,000 $5,775,000 I Total Available Funds $3,842,000 $3 9$ ■ 7 5( $7,701,750 $2,014,990 $6,125,790 'Capital Expenditures Matching Funds $100,000 $2,000' $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Joint Use $20,000 $7,f5c" $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 ' Special Projects $50,000 v sue • 3300 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Smith Park $50,000 n , $50,000 continental Trails * $320,000 �`� " " $20,000 \ Trailhead Improvements * $16,000 ,, ," 8 $20,000" 3 !Capping Wells $20,000 1, l $20,000 3leachers * $11 1'OO ' Game Field Lighting * $200,000 a 1) Nature Center Imprvments $100,000 3ignage $10,000 ! Girls Softball Complex ;' ',; $1,100,000 "' \ „�� Bob Jones Development $2,250,000 $200,000 $350,000 RR Building ($300,000) \\,\ Well & Aeration ($150,000) 'Natatorium $500,000 $500,000 $250,000 Peen Center Survey* $10,000 $15,000 teen Center Construction $300,000 r,/ 'Land Acquisition $1,800,000 7+ 0 $775,000 Rec Center Planning "' $550,000 2ec Center Construction ` g _ $700,000 $5,000,000 ! a ,;,‹ VIEW ITEMS '�' • F , Sob Jones Bleachers $35,000 Bic. Park Volleyball Improv. / $30,000 Baseball Warm -up Area �, $13,000 Concession Stand A/C units $18,000 Project Expenditures $2,897,000 •' ,; ', , $1,600,000 $5,621,000 $1,570,000 $5,770,000 'Reserve (6 %) $290,760 $94,200 $346,200 i Total Proceeds Less $945,000 �`r>1 ,65;71 04 $1,789,990 $350,790 $9,590 T , Commitments , *Bold /italic -- projects underway SPDC -CIP 2001 -03- appvd.xls Approved by City Council October 17, 2000 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT /DENTON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE "I, MARLIN PRICE solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the duties of a POLICE OFFICER of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of this State and the Charter and Ordinances of the City. I furthermore solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have not directly nor indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to secure my appointment or the confirmation thereof. So help me God." Marl' Price SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, THIS THE 23r DAY OF October, 2000. ,,,,,,, 7.;.;',,, - e e ' .4itirfirrie O: : Mayor Rick Stacy 1 :. u.. .•∎ ATTEST° ' es 41440 71 Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary October 17, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Council Member Rex Potter Subject: Town Hall Appreciation Plaques The exterior of the Town Hall was originally designed to allow two appreciation plaques to be displayed at the base of the steps on the south side of the building. It was intended to have one plaque each for the City of Southlake and Tarrant County. In looking at neighboring municipal facilities, each has utilized there own unique approach for inclusion of names or companies in their respective appreciation plaques. In most cases, the municipality included current elected officials and/or employee names. In some cases, they had included the names of former elected officials, while in other cases they added the names of the Construction Company and/or Architectural Fir.- i. Notwithstanding, I did not see a standard approach utilized by all the municipalities. Attachment (A) contains the names and general format that the Tarrant County officials wish to include on their appreciation plaque. It reflects the names of their currently elected Tarrant County officials. For Southlake, I would like to suggest that ;ve create the following three separate plaques: (1) Plaque #1 would be located outside of the Town Hall on the south side of the building along with the Tarrant County appreciation plaque. Similar to the Tarrant County plaque, this plaque would include the names of currently elected Southlake city officials. In addition, it would include the names of our current City Manager and City Secretary. Attaclunent (B) provides an example of this approach. Attachments (C) -(E) are other potential approaches you may want to consir, :b, but they have a more cluttered appearance which may distract from the plaque. (2) Plaque # 2 would be located inside the Town Hall facility on the second floor on the wall near the north entrance. It would express appreciation to the fcllov.ing people: a. City and County staff members who have contributed significantly towards the construction of this Town Hall. b. Former City Council members who were involved in the bond election and subsequent approval of this Town Hall. c. Supplier personnel who have significantly contributed to the construction of this Town Hall. (i.e. Beck project lead, Michael Schwartz, etc.) Page 2 (3) Plaque # 3 would be located inside the Town Hall on the second floor on the wall near the north entrance. It would express appreciation to the company navies of the suppliers who contributed to the construction of this Town Hall. I've been informed that we are quickly approaching the lead time away for ordering the outside plaques. As such, I thought it important for us to discuss this matter as soon as possible. The information I'm providing here is for information purposes only, we as a Council should collectively decide as to the plaques' layout and content. Notwithstanding, we need to provide direction to staff in the ordering of the plaques. Regards, / 4Z ( /4 - L , e / Rex Potter Southlake City Council Place 1 Y - Attachment \ . e fi U CD w ¢-.c w t t.+ 3 : itti I....4 al'-'4 1 Z r w - 3 D Li. Li- w --' w -- 1- .-.4 2 () `" a_ . 1.1,1 i i. C.: E1 i!i i ii 1!I } , - iiVtachm LILA `Lii'i) w.,5e ..... 2' "a LL LLI W CI (J) ._. C1- I— < ci cn U.. co M .1* u, > co 0 a) >- a) co el W oe as < as < (ill - < _I co cl „ ce 41: ,, 6 p ..,. w 1 ._ 0 W . ,,.. LL.1 0 0 I— oct CO as > 1 GO C/ M ._.1 0 0 ILL Ce Z < 0 = 0 0 >" 0 11.... —.1 0 Z --1 --I < CI , _.1 .--1 W Z Z 111 3— LLI < LLI 11-7- I— = i:L CD CO W M C 0 v-- ... C■1 — ef, Z w ra was s 0 as >.„, >.• C e C L C L D O L -Tr", ■ S IA Attach m 31 I :, '..; ) Ce Ce >.- Ill w u- (i) .1 ILA —I 77 5- LU ILLI — ... Ce fX Ce = CL < Ce < : ' < < kr. = 03 ' ii I— < CI Cf) U- LC) > I— -, to I— C: U1 OA WC 314, (DL >'' CD Wt.) Do ix RS < R3 < cizs co CI et_ - ILI co et W - < co co UJ LU CI .:,; „ • Z (n ...1 ca 0 0 z ILL ...... c ',' - 0 0 W itie., - col 0 M z Cr) —1 1=1 I— —I Z 0 CI CL as Ce Z Z < I= 0 M 0 W L.1.1 > CI I— < 1— ••• = W ILI LLI CO U.1 = 0 ..c- CNI g z CL w = a) Z a) I co ›- xc.) 1 zo er < LL1 , i 1 - • 4 . 1 W . i as ..— 03 0 ,.. it ca De CI +0-1 im 182 .— eiti ye__ Attachmeni (0) c .i. Ce C.I CA < L.Li W M uz=.4 Ir.1.- LL. Z co _. i „ W P -- --I Cl CO L.' a:: Z a. ie. et os L co wet' 1 - 1 - O >,.. C.0 Ci Li (( ) co , L L a) >- a) co cu 0 >,,, :7‘i '7 :!IN < Wu Wu 1....o LU ce co < CU < et, - 0 CL 0 CL CL 0- < (/) Ct W ....I C/) CO W Lil rs) LLI - Fnal >- 0 Ca 0 Lll CI = 0 I-- CU Cti CO CI. Z = Ca .0 ... 0 0 0 < E c.) .,, LL ce Z n De = ce CD o co M LLJ M 0 ( ' J Pa , LL t- , IIMIESIN 0 r e,,z . ,-• trn —1 ,r.,. . . II < co Z I < 11.1 EL LLJ I— WI Ili III 1-- = CNA 0'!— i , C c r (L) ‘—, Cr) LU ci) 2 g Z %..., a s . L- > xo I Zo < Lu < ---1 --• : 0 : L11 ( TS LLI ai 0 aS se 0 ll Ca 0 EY: fr ) cep_ Cra., Ce • - Attachment (I) N W CO 17 LL LLJ Le C3 < :Ft LLI C C:1 O W CO Z IX re LL ' = 0 CU F■ C1) 1/4j CL = nee I.L. -",. < c.. W G) >.. .= CI CO --I4-, = < —I C3 WD) ui 0 CO 1-- _ 0) —I a ,,I.. 0) 0 CD > ■ : 1 - U- in >-, C O ■ " W OW Q W - a) co a) w c.) CL c.) 1.1J < a C e crs s < as 0 0_ 0 CL CL 0_ co c3 ci. CO 0 00 ' < CO Ce - ■•11 CO W CCI LLI >.- a) W u..1 cr) LO <4 CO ( co Z 0 0 LL. ct z g ° = Lt C.) CO 5 u..1 M 0 0 II— LL "E 0 0 Z 0 C.) - - (0 —I Z —I =I < wZott W 0 = LLJ M co a. w cti 1— < w > ca 1-- = WW <co,.. ce,e a: 3 w 0 as < OT U)(4 !C') = 0 _ 0) = a) Z ›-n ma 0 0 , a) x o I 0 Z 0 —.I IX) ° —I ›.., Z >, =)•,, W CU w al 0 CU W" —1 .7 1 =1 0 .V. C if. Ce 13- CL Ce CL M CI 5 1:0 C.) (to ma. City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 12, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Director of Economic Development SUBJECT: StarCenter - Potential Development in Southlake Action Requested: Discuss various aspects of the StarCenter concept as it relates to possible development in the City of Southlake. Background Information: The StarCenter concept is a community support program initiated and advocated by Southwest Sports Group, Inc. The intent of the program is to provide professional quality hockey facilities throughout the Dallas / Fort Worth market to assist communities with this recreational opportunity and maintain interest in hockey throughout the region. This might also provide an additional enhancement to our parks and recreation programs. BASIC PROGRAM The basic program proposal includes the following: • 95,000 square foot building with estimated value of $9 million • Requires 2.5 -3 acres with full utilization of shared parking • Requires 6 acres for stand alone facility • Requires approximately 225 -250 parking stalls • Two professional NHL size (85' x 200') sheets of ice • Bleacher seats for approximately 600 -700 people overlooking one ice sheet • Reception area • Retail store (Stars and Rangers apparel, equipment, other merchandise) • Concession area • Climate controlled viewing area Management: The StarCenter would be managed by a Southwest Sports Group full -time staff dedicated solely to the management of the facility. Programming will be implemented and overseen by divisional management to ensure uniformity and quality at all Star Centers. Potential Uses: The Basic Program would provide for the following potential uses. • Children's league hockey • Senior league hockey • High school hockey • Drop -in hockey • Ice Rental (Broomball, parties, hockey schools, team rentals, open skating, figure skating) • Trade shows 11A-1 ENHANCED PROGRAM The potential for an enhanced program might include the following: • All items in the basic program • Increased seating in one rink (5,000 bleacher seats, 1,000 floor seat capacity) • Technology enhancements to accommodate multi -media events • Enhanced locker rooms, fitness room, etc. • Restaurant inside • Acreage yet undetermined but approximately 13 acres. • Cost of project approximately $16 -18 million Potential Uses: The Enhanced Program would provide for the following potential uses. • All uses noted in the Basic Program • Basketball games • Small venue concerts • Home facility for Texas Tornadoes Jr. Hockey Club Financial Considerations: Following are options related to financing the development of the StarCenter. Option One: (Stars prefer) City issues debt prior to the start of construction. SWSG controls the design, development and construction of the facility. Draws are made on the City- issued debt to fund the design and construction of the facility. Interest during construction is capitalized and rolled into the City- issued debt. SWSG enters into an operating lease and pays the City annual rent equal to the debt service (including all issuance costs and capitalized interest) incurred by the City. Option Two: City issues debt and purchases the facility upon completion of construction. Again, SWSG would enter into a long -term operating lease with annual rent equal to the debt service payments. SWSH would design, develop and construct the facility and would obtain interim construction financing, however, the City would enter into a purchase agreement prior to the start of construction, promising to purchase the project upon its completion. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None Legal Review: None Alternatives: Following are various alternatives for discussion. 1. City acquires site via SPDC, issues debt and constructs building per Stars criteria. Stars to lease from City. 2. City encourages and supports private development of the enhanced program. 3. No participation from City. Supporting Documents: The following are attached for reference. • Potential Sites Summary 11A -2 Staff Recommendation: Following is a summary of potential positives and negatives regarding the concept in the city of Southlake. Positives: • City image is enhanced, awareness of City is increased • An additional recreational facility is provided for residents at minimum cost, adds increased dimension to overall recreational programs • When combined with a commercial location, it would enhance the marketability and patronage for a commercial development. • Creates potential for several non -ice uses (with enhanced program) • Potential management expertise from Stars Negatives: • Financial risks • Inflexibility of building use once constructed • Lack of complete management control • Land Use Issues • Multi -party complexities • Traffic concerns / mitigation 11A -3 Api StarCenter / Tornadoes Facility - Potential Sites Summary • uthl aKe The following is an attempt to outline the positive and negative aspects of various Econon c Dev&opment potential sites for the StarCenter facility. Feel free to offer additions or revisions to the list. Ref Location Comments 1 NE portion of Town Square + Activity /revenue generator for Town Square + Potential shared parking - City does not own property - Diminished tax benefits - Developer not receptive to joint venture /financial support 2 CISD Stadium Tract + Potential shared parking + Joint buy -in / user support from Colleyville [or possibly an adjacent tract ?] + Complimentary land uses + School owns property (joint use ?) + Access to SH 26 - Not on FM 1709 or SH 114 - Unsure of timing issues - Utilities not immediately available (sewer) 3 Brightbill / Peebles Tracts + Good access N -S and E -W + Cooperative owners / broker / developer + Good visible location - Adjacent residential, although limited - Land Use Plan designations for office / residential - City does not own property 4 Terrabrook Tract II + Part of comprehensive master plan - City does not own property - Timing, availability of utilities 5 Terrabrook Tract III + Part of comprehensive master plan + Proximity to Town Square + Proximity to adjacent school (future) + Cooperative developer • - Timing, availability of utilities - City does not own property 6 Scifres / Pigg Tracts + Proximity to future school + Access to light at Kimball available [SWC FM 1709 @ Kimball] + Would not need frontage tracts + Eventually good access to Colleyville + Fair access from west SH 114 - City does not own property - Opposition from adjacent residential - Controversy on E -W road connection to Kimball 7 SEC FM 1709 at Carroll + Proximity to Town Square + Good N -S and E -W access - Receptivity of developer - City does not own property 11A -4 8 Prade / Rucker Area + Proximity to Town Square + Access to light at Carroll [SWC FM 1709 @ Carroll] + Good N -S and E -W access - City does not own property - Large tracts, need comprehensive planning approach - Not immediately available 9 SWC FM 1709 at White Chapel + Good N -S and E -W access + Colleyville demographics, reasonable to Keller, NRH, [south portion of Reutlinger West SH 114 tract ?] + Potential off -corner location + Provide access from White Chapel - City does not own property 11A -5 PROPOSED SPDC Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) 2001 -2003 Budgeted Actual Existing =. Proposed Existing proposed Existing Proposed Encumbered FY 1999/00 € FY 1999/ ` FY 2000/01 FY 2000/01 FY 2001/02 FY 2@011 02` = FY 2002/03 FY 2602/03 :arty Forward Balance �� € $945,000 $238575 $1;89,95b $315,000 $35t190 Interest ear x;� $125,000 nings $125 000 $175000 1 x , 25 00b $175,000 $15 04Q Oper Fund Transfer $500 000 • z $241,000. I' • p $400,000 $400,000 s r� € € $400,000 $C1(} QQQ Grant Proceeds $250000 $250000° Senior Lien Debt $4,400,000 000 000 ` g $5,500,000 5 5t3Q OQ otal Proceeds $5,225,000 $5,3 6 000 $525,000 ; �€ € €( $6,075,000 $ 775 3QQ f s a + otal Available Funds $3,842 000 $3 5 7 M' $6,170,000 �� $7 701 0 $2,815,000 2�t e f 3 $6,390,000 $ +, �a79Q 1 Capital Expenditures • l2�k� �HPS latching Funds $100,000 • $ €€ oint Use $20,000 s $20,000 o €Dqz • .S ecial Pro ectS $50000 8 P 1 �� $50000 $500 smith Park $50 000 ' at r g x$ r :ontinental Trails * $320 000 $320 0 I Trailhead Improvements * $16 000 Y 20 000 Capping Wells $20000 0000 leachers* $11 { a�a� Game Field Lighting * $200 000 $105 000 Nat Center Imprvments , $100000 $1€ € 00 }, w inage $10,000 n 10 Girls Softball Complex � $900,000 ` s ,�'�+'� Bob Jones Development $1,800,000 $2 € i € $500,000 d r , 2€ € €0 $500,000 $359b0 RR Building ($300 ,000)" s k 'ae Well & Aeration ($150,000)���`" Natatorium � Y z $500,000 $500, 4 € $500,000 s € € € € "€ $250,000 $25T O0Q ' een Center Survey * $10000 # $1000 een Center Construction $300 000 p'; : ( % J1 Land Acquisition $1,800 000 $1,02 ,€ € € 000 tec Center Planning $500,000 $ €000 tec Center Construction �`� $1,500,000 € € € a "a $4,000,000 $xjQO]C?C) IEW ITEMS !ob Jones Bleachers 000 y (Bic. Park Volleyball Improv.� 3aseball Warm -up Area € 0 � v cL, �' bF. @ ;oncession Stand A/C units si roject Expenditures $2,897,000 w $1600 000 s $3,880,000 $5621,000 $2,500,000 a 7p $4,750,000 5fi 1 0" Reserve (6 %) ��� �� `, $290,760 A �$3 200 � �3 ya... otal Proceeds Less $945,000 $2,385j50 $2,290,000 X1,789,990 $315,000 35 ; 9it $1,640,000 $9,590 ommitmentS *Bold /italic -- projects underway SPDC -CIP 2001 -03 proposed- (a).xls 10/13/00 /D14- FY 2001 New Projects -- Descriptions 1. Bleachers: Bob Jones Park currently serves as the only recreational youth soccer facility in Southlake. The addition of bleachers at the Bob Jones Park soccer facility would improve the comfort level for patrons by providing adequate seating. The cost is based upon fourteen (14) sets of bleachers which can be moved to accommodate the various field layouts. 2. Volleyball Court Improvements: The proposed volleyball court improvements would include two (2) lighted sand volleyball courts to be located at Bicentennial Park. The sand volleyball courts are very popular with young adults and could also be used during family picnics. Other uses might include small tournaments and leagues programmed through the City. 3. Baseball warm up area. Install fencing to protect players ingressing / egressing the warm up area to get to the batting cages. This affects the SBA batting cages only. Requested by SBA and staff concurs with need. 4. Concession stand air conditioning units. The coolers provided by Coca - Cola to the concession stands generate considerably more heat than previously experienced with carbonated dispensers. Concession stands become very hot and uncomfortable for volunteers working in these areas. The proposed project would install units in the two concession stands in Bicentennial Park and the new building in Bob Jones. SPDC FY 2000 Capital Improvement Projects (Carry to FY 2001) • Smith Park Planning ($50,000) — Conceptual design and development of construction plans for phase I improvements to Smith Park, and initial improvements. • Capping of Wells at Bob Jones Park ($20,000) — Capping of undetermined number of existing wells at Bob Jones Park per State requirements. SPDC 2000/2001 Capital Improvement Projects • Matching Funds — Community Projects ($100,000 per year) Established to provide matching funds for community based programs which enhance the quality of the City's parks and recreational programs. • Joint Use Improvements ($20,000) — Available funding for use in the development and maintenance of joint use facilities. • Special Projects ($50,000 per year) — Available funding for unforeseen projects and improvements which enhance the quality of the City's parks and recreational programs. C: \TEMP \CIP project descriptions- 2001- 03.doc ion -� • Nature Center Improvements ($100,000) — Restoration and improvements to the existing Nature Center building. • Signage for On -Road Trails ($10,000) — On -road signage for trails. Implement following the completion of the Trail System Master Plan update. • Girls Softball Complex ($1,100,000) — Girls softball four -plex, restroom /concession facility, parking. • Bob Jones Park Development (Additional $2,250,000) — Improvements to Bob Jones Park including pond #2 with well and water feature, park signage, day camp facilities, amphitheater with electric, turf, loop road with parking, phase I concession /restroom building, restroom building #2, pump house building enhancements, storm drain headwall enhancements, pond #1 water discharge feature, continuation of pipe rail fencing, roadway lighting, phase II front entrance with landscape, phase I drainage improvements, phase I parking lot surface coat, utilities (Nature Center, phase I restroom), additional . practice fields (6). • Natatorium ($500,000) — City participation in CISD Natatorium construction. • Recreation Center Planning ($550,000) — Recreation Center planning and design. SPDC 2001/2002 Capital Improvement Projects • Bob Jones Development ($200,000) — Additional parking, irrigation, landscaping, phase II restroom building with utilities. • Natatorium ($500,000) — City participation in CISD Natatorium construction. • Recreation Center Construction Phase I ($700,000) — Recreation Center construction. SPDC 2002/2003 Capital Improvement Projects • Bob Jones Development ($350,000) — Additional parking, irrigation, landscaping. • Natatorium ($250,000) — City participation in CISD Natatorium construction. • Recreation Center Construction Phase 2 ($5,000,000) — Recreation Center construction, landscaping, parking. C: \TEMP \CIP project descriptions- 2001- 03.doc SPDC - OPERATING FUND Parks /Recreation 2000 -01 Proposed Budget and 1999 -00 Revised Budget 05:45 PM • 10/12/00 $ Increase/ $Increase/ 1998 -99 1999 -00 1999 -00' ", (Decrease) % Increase/ 2 000 -01 (Decrease) % Increase/ REVENUES Actual Adopted Revised„ Adopted - Decrease 'xPrOp `,: Adopted - Decrease Sales Tax $1,533,773 $1,737,104 °( $1 737104:: $0 0.0% $1 99 ": $260,566 15.0% e Interest 52.594 37.500 37500` 0 0 7,50p. 0 0.0% $1 $0 0 0% 0% $2,03 $260,566 14.7% Total Revenues $1,586,367 $1,774,604 EXPENDITURES Personnel $54,661 $67,0986 { ($12,437) -18.5% r}Or{ $337,290 502.7% Operations $3,300 $3,300 601$ 300 91% ` $3500 • 300 9.1% Capital c.-A 0 0.0% z 0 0.0% . 4 , i * * I 4 Total Expenditures $57,961 $70,398 26 ($12,137) 17 2% )407;,987-" $337,59 479.5% ( Net Revenues $1,528,406 $1,704 206 d f' $1 $12,137 1,627, $2 ($77,024) Transfers Out (1,237,896) (1,380 583) i r k 14 0.928) ($110,345) 1 Proceeds from C.O. Sale 0 0 ±� r b t 1 ; Total Other Sources (Uses) (1,237,896) (1,380 583) f A 1 4 928 , t o t 2 522 Beginning Fund Balance $459,116 $749,626 $ 9i 37504)h1` Ending Fund Balance $749,62 1 073 249 1 7 4 1 t 34 1311 9?M,ab ..... ... eF _.._ /or- 6 8 Q a 3 c o O O ,_ C C a U O a C N r " _ N " a) EA C > O O 0 . N a) C U - Q C a) a { O x U) 4 : ) Y 'x c a N O t "' C LI Y N . +4 a N a) (6 O t0 . - r . N � ,: (A J Q. E U W 8 a O co ti co (.0 h i. O I..a N O a -'q CT L() (fl I- O '- r N :O 0 Co, N O aJ !LI O (p W O M N N (0 LT) r 0) � C3 C93y F, M (n (fl II. N O M 0) ti } � a3 ( M N N O O N O "�, s 0 0 ' N 1 �� % N O N LO 0 co a 4 O O w 00 h i 8a L'�.; c— N O) (O O (�!� 0 M r= N (� L.L. m " c� O M ti N; (fl a0 O I`- ' (TS dY 4 'C< M 1.0 (() M co " O (7) C U os , , `; ...cry- CO' rn r rn U LL W U 0 Q O N f� O c7;-)1.0 O a , M Cr) jv CO �() a0 O O O o . �• � � (fl N a0 (fl C (0 (D O ° 0. o fr� 4 t h f =' 00 N O O O .4.1.i.„ �' 0 r (D 1` O � O r- O o0 O O (0 . Q) u0. N N I� LOS M J� 00 ap 4 ��, M c6 '.3.4, M tt) M Ol V) .4^ ` N N ,r ' �� y. � '. .R v � J a) Q , F W s , , 7 ' ,, 1:3 ,.',' ,,:. o c11: m J p � � w U a� a c ) o � }- U = t; Q o o; c E 0) co o U .; o. ; , pO . r b J 2 ti f93 < (0. 1— 0 M O O O O O N O O € ' ; ' O O O O O O O O Z 'tt N O O O ' c r U O O r ,- — N N V ..,,. r r r r r r r _....�,� co . . .,, /DP-- 7 - City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 13, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM Shawn Poe. Assistant City Engineer, extension 846 SUBJECT: Award of bid to J. L. Bertram Construction, Inc. for the reconstruction of West Continental Boulevard from Peytonville Avenue to White's Chapel Boulevard Action Requested: Staff seeks Council award the Option A bid to J. L. Bertram Construction, Inc. for the reconstruction of W. Continental from Peytonville to White's Chapel in the amount of $1,116,105.55. Background Information: The FY99 -00 CIP budget included the reconstruction of W. Continental from Peytonville to White's Chapel (see attached project map). The reconstruction of W. Continental from Davis to Peytonville was recently completed. This project includes widening W. Continental one to two feet to provide a continuous width of 22 -feet. A left turn lane will be constructed at the intersections of Peytonville and White's Chapel. A 6- inch concrete reverse curb will be constructed on each side of the 6 -inch thick asphalt roadway. The drainage structures will be replaced, which include the two large creek crossing culverts. At the creek crossings, the road elevation will be increased to eliminate the creeks from overtopping the roadway. This project was bid with a base bid along with an Option A bid. The difference between the two bids is that the Option A bid included lowering the road elevation near the Monticello Estates subdivision entrance. There is a sight distance problem caused by a large hill along Continental. This project is anticipated to take 150 calendar days to construct. Financial Considerations: This project was budgeted in the FY99 -00 CIP budget. The budget appropriated $1,100,000 to construct this project. There were four contractors that bid this project. The low bid was received from J. L. Bertram Construction, Inc. of Arlington, TX with a base bid of 1,091,468.75 and $1,116,105.55 for the Option A bid (see attached bid tabulation). Although the Option A bid exceeds the budgeted amount by $16,105.55, Staff recommends awarding the Option A bid to improve the sight distance caused by the large hill. Remaining funds from projects constructed under budget can be used to fund the additional amount. It)G -1 - - - —_ --- - -- - -- City �` Jou:`Z!ike, ThaS - i ■ 1 FUNDING SOURCE 1 ALLOWABLE ESTIMATED i (OVER)/UNDER 1 DEBT THAT CAN I COSTS OF Cif' BALANCE I- D (c s ROJE CT S. (ti . Ill. ;ons i iS'NIiilions) Property Ta SSn S3.4 cl F' a I i ! (general fund) — — -- — — -- _ _. LI — — — S3. -' 5!O_ — — s6.6) Impact Fees S4.2 S4.2 SO Utility Fund I S3.8 53.8 SO (water /sewer fund) Total ' S16.5 S21.5 (S4.6) Obviously, the City does not have the capability of funding all the TIF projects proposed by Staff. At the work session, several alternatives were discussed with the City Council so a decision could be made as to which TIF projects would remain in this year's CIP budget. Exhibit 5 outlines the various alternatives discussed in order to fund TIF projects. The shaded row indicates the option that Council chose at the work session. Since the TIF funding is limited to S3.5 million, any costs above this amount for the TIF projects will be funded using funds from the general fund. Unfortunately, this resulted in not being able to fand all the proposed projects from the general fund. Therefore, there are some unfunded needs for general fund projects. Exhibits 6 through 9 list the projects proposed by Council to remain in this year's CIP budget. Any unfunded needs are listed as well on each exhibit. The projects that are unfunded will be constructed should any available funds remain following construction of the CIP projects. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Citizens have inquired on nearly all of the CIP projects. Staff has recommended the previously discussed CIP projects based on factors such as cost, need, and justification. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: City Council may add, delete, and/or prioritize the projects discussed, as they deem necessary. However, the consensus of the Council at the work session was to move forward with approving the projects listed in Exhibits 5 through 8. Supporting Documents: Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 1oE -'_ - - - —_ --- - -- - -- City �` Jou:`Z!ike, ThaS - i ■ 1 FUNDING SOURCE 1 ALLOWABLE ESTIMATED i (OVER)/UNDER 1 DEBT THAT CAN I COSTS OF Cif' BALANCE I- D (c s ROJE CT S. (ti . Ill. ;ons i iS'NIiilions) Property Ta SSn S3.4 cl F' a I i ! (general fund) — — -- — — -- _ _. LI — — — S3. -' 5!O_ — — s6.6) Impact Fees S4.2 S4.2 SO Utility Fund I S3.8 53.8 SO (water /sewer fund) Total ' S16.5 S21.5 (S4.6) Obviously, the City does not have the capability of funding all the TIF projects proposed by Staff. At the work session, several alternatives were discussed with the City Council so a decision could be made as to which TIF projects would remain in this year's CIP budget. Exhibit 5 outlines the various alternatives discussed in order to fund TIF projects. The shaded row indicates the option that Council chose at the work session. Since the TIF funding is limited to S3.5 million, any costs above this amount for the TIF projects will be funded using funds from the general fund. Unfortunately, this resulted in not being able to fand all the proposed projects from the general fund. Therefore, there are some unfunded needs for general fund projects. Exhibits 6 through 9 list the projects proposed by Council to remain in this year's CIP budget. Any unfunded needs are listed as well on each exhibit. The projects that are unfunded will be constructed should any available funds remain following construction of the CIP projects. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Citizens have inquired on nearly all of the CIP projects. Staff has recommended the previously discussed CIP projects based on factors such as cost, need, and justification. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: City Council may add, delete, and/or prioritize the projects discussed, as they deem necessary. However, the consensus of the Council at the work session was to move forward with approving the projects listed in Exhibits 5 through 8. Supporting Documents: Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 1oE -'_ City of Southake, Thxas E Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 9 Staff Reeoulincndation. S'aff recommends Council to - mrsl , rb CiF fo: FY00-01 as .iiscussed at the Sectembet 29, 2.6u1.: v crk session. Please pla e:. this item on the October 17, 2000 Regular City Council Meeting for review and consideration. SEP/sep 10E-3 to I I I o; � ��' O O z' I > z 3 0 D X m r I I ry l - O O 111 - z U `> C n X cc> co W z�7¢ a Z 0u OI - ' ZZ? Z GI--',, 5 p w F- w � Lu c.n p - Z I c 1 Z I C a ) Z D W Z IP L 2 Q F Q j 0 U m I c� i I m w CC II H> r U U 5. 1 z s L Iz - F-W O � 1 co 1 : B I crI zi =ILL! cl '� O 1Z Y1 2 c1- • 1-i �, 2 f - _ E L I., W = 0 1 1_2 'c <? r n _. H _ ? • 'FV CJ l✓ �J1 _ L1z j - 1_ z ul `2I (A _ 1 I} 0I- 1J i =I I ^ _ , Q w V ' J _ I - j 1, j Cr, LL v - LL cm J ^ I^ o c o o 88 c rn 0 0 o v. O Q - 0 0 0 ^ O � ? 0 • O 0 U N 0 O O _ CC F - C O O O O O O o co O - O O LL - LL = r r r O M O N S 69 A W ULL 1 1 I esl 0 w o 1 1 o � CO a o Cn 0 CO LU C J O H W 0- 0 Y a I h- J U - 2 F - F- ,..,1-' D U O r O 2 0 Cl) O cv 0 W 0 d LL cC 2 >" F- d Fa Z F- _ w O W ^. v w i z , W .u: I a 0 0 0 o J F- z Z O O �! m- D W W ~I O W W CL Y Q w m CC = O cn U tY F" W O 2_ 3 H ~ < u) U U 0- W eL ° Z H O cn a O w Z Z O 1- O O CC U >- C/) a 1-. w o H 1- a_ cc CI W F - :n ( U, w F= cr ca 0 O o Q_ Z w O Q -J CL O= < Z _' = a c -' ` O O O Z Z 0 z w Z_ Y 1Q 2 Q r g J O O w U - Wy > 0 O Q w cy W c C4 1 Z Z U) w w 0 G U J > 2 Q 12 <1 w y D CJ _ LL r Z (5 cc W Z w z( Z z O w cn V w W U u_ Q Q z Q Z w y YI � U J m U F- n F- =. < z U O I > ` - CO CC 0 Q 0= O U w 0 < o CC I n o uu a c 2> ui Ili c = n c7) m 1- N 0 u_ 0 V 01 V cn (D r•-• CO m O v I O T ' � 1 C a 1 1 (i�__A LL i (7; J L` u_ - 2 < O O z Q,0 m W y _. 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Z z >" Z LL co U) O z Z Z} O Z z w D Z Z O Z C7 Q U) j m M m W w w Z W /- C O m > W X W W� 0. tL N O U) U) w o o W a �Q? w Q Z O �y Q w W W CL W w w° V W H U Z ( ~ n W w00 U w m W O w 1- W U Z >- I- W N 0 w v < Q 3 J 3 w wa <w w `n <n 3 w m w u) I U U U) -- I- co O Y w N U O m = w I-- n w . 0 0 0 W I- I- I- O g a < 0 ...,, a < w z O O ►= O w W i� q w = 0 Z O U) Y a F Z w Y /X Y U W W< Z < Z W Q W I- w CL CC Z z O m I o O o c ° w z° 0 z > O I- / Y M Y = Q J -1 a p Q CL m ~~Q } z W 2 o CL < < Q O 5 W O= J W W Q W O W w U N a 3 H= 0 a 0' F- _ = J o _ O . - • N CI mt T - N M f) ' CO N- 00 0) O ,, ,, . r U) 2 Q a i nc_i ') FY FY PREVIOUSLY CURRENTLY ESTIMATED PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROPOSED PROPOSED COST Roadway Slurry Seal for Various Subdivisions 99 -00 01 -02 $100,000 Union Church /S. Pearson 99 -00 02 -03 $800,000 T.W. King from SH 114 to Bob Jones 99 -00 01 -02 $581,532 W. Bob Jones 99 -00 02 -03 $202,860 E. Bob Jones 99 -00 02 -03 $399,087 Durham School Road 99 -00 02 -03 $950,000 N. Peytonville from FM 1709 to Southridge Lakes* 99 -00 02 -03 $178,750 Florence Road 99 -00 01 -02 $600,000 T.W. King from Bob Jones to Lake Grapevine 99 -00 01 -02 $500,000 Shady Oaks from FM 1709 to Durham 99 -00 01 -02 $650,000 N. Pearson 99 -00 01 -02 $404,800 Sweet Street * 99 -00 01 -02 $50,000 Sam Bass Ridge * 99 -00 01 -02 $16,444 Saddle Ridge * 99 -00 01 -02 $10,976 Soda Ridge * 99 -00 01 -02 $36,809 Sunshine * 99 -00 01 -02 $13,720 TOTAL $5,494,978 * Engineering Only /C J-� UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC COST FOR PINE STREET osal to the City of Southlake: 1) The Church will remove and fill in the pool saving the City $7,000.00 2) The Church will trench and install the underground electric conduit. 'Option A Install underground lines from the intersection of Southlake Blvd. to the Church's south property line (apx. 1250 feet). Total Cost Unit Cost Units Total Cost City's Portion Unit Cost Units Total Cost Per linear foot 70.00 1250 87,500.00 Per linear foot 31.00 1250 38,750.00 Pole risers 6,000.00 2 12,000.00 Pole risers 6,000.00 2 12,000.00 Vault box 3,500.00 1 3,500.00 Vault box 3,500.00 1 3,500.00 New Pole 1,000.00 1 1,000.00 New Pole 1,000.00 1 1,000.00 Total Cost 104,000.00 55,250.00 Pool Savings (7,000.00) Church's Portion 55,750.00 City's Cost 48,250.00 Option B Install underground lines apx. 750 feet (the distance of the realigned Pine Street). Total Cost Unit Cost Units Total Cost City's Portion Unit Cost Units Total Cost Per linear foot 70.00 750 52,500.00 Per linear foot 31.00 750 23,250.00 Pole risers 6,000.00 2 12,000.00 Pole risers 6,000.00 2 12,000.00 Vault box 3,500.00 0 - Vault box 3,500.00 0 - New Pole 1,000.00 1 1,000.00 New Pole 1,000.00 1 1,000.00 Total Cost 65,500.00 36,250.00 Pool Savings (7,000.00) Church's Portion 36,250.00 'City's Cost 29,250.00 Option C Install underground lines apx. 600 feet (the distance in front of the new sancturary and parking spaces). Total Cost Unit Cost Units Total Cost City's Portion Unit Cost Units Total Cost Per linear foot 70.00 600 42,000.00 Per linear foot 31.00 600 18,600.00 Pole risers 6,000.00 2 12,000.00 Pole risers 6,000.00 2 12,000.00 Vault box 3,500.00 0 - Vault box 3,500.00 0 - New Pole 1,000.00 1 1,000.00 New Pole 1,000.00 1 1,000.00 Total Cost 55,000.00 31,600.00 Pool Savings (7,000.00) Church's Portion 30,400.00 'City's Cost 24,600.00 PINE DRIVE ROW ABANDONMENT PROJECT MAP - , , , / ix i'' 0 1v . . FE'S A� - �GPN -�S ��� oR PM F° S �cJ`'` `���� 'S� I aV�' i, N o „, S 1' - _I___" 1 �W p,KE B LVD l �� Existing 1 Intersection fl j j , , F uture ntersection i ; Abandoned � \\IL ROW G ---\\ -. S Q L pert y Church Pro; 1i� i ` v ` tIIiii r■VOI , 4 /6 P'• ,,IA GS �', � City —� - -, 4)//,/ - I Property � i / �; / o , , , . ,/„/ z,---' ,, ,1 No 1\14\\*I. cannon 1 7 A -3 Par -3 Properties, L.L.C. 2810 Market Loop Southlake, Texas 76092 Tel: (817) 999 -5336 (817) 251 -0557 Fax: (817) 416 -0024 17 October, 2000 City Council Members City of Southlake Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Council Member: We would like to take this opportunity to present the attached information in support of our request for placement of Crooked Lane and South Nolen Drive on the 5 -year C.I.P. Schedule. Construction of South Nolen Drive will provide numerous immediate benefits to the Citizens of Southlake: ➢ "Fix" the Crooked Lane intersection with Southlake Boulevard. ➢ Eliminate the unsafe, substandard culvert (16.5' in width) on Crooked Lane. ➢ Reduce commercial traffic utilizing Crooked Lane through Whispering Woods residential area and South Kimball school zones. ➢ Provide necessary ingress /egress from new athletic stadium (Completion: Aug 2001). ➢ Facilitate revenue traffic from Colleyville to Costco and Gateway Plaza. ➢ Vitalize 40 -acre Cornerstone Business Park development. ➢ Facilitate access to HWY 114 (north /south thoroughfare). Thank you for your consideration of this request. We look forward to working with the City in providing this enhancement to our thoroughfare system. Respectfully, /An( Max Krugler MK:tb Culvert on Crooked Lane (16.5' wide asphalt pavement) 4 j .r S , 1- . : 111 7 "?' * crack /structure separation closeup look ,. , y; ' i^ ? „ I , x s t r 4 C • / �" w L - *0-00 M , I - - ?ip' ' y K i7 - ' " : �? '., ^,..',1`,.... /..., "°,,._ mot': ' _ 4 1 -� a mid -size truck making delivery a compact passenger truck II to Cornerstone Business Park l - I = -- * o VVVY —I *3 p m ) 3 a) ' • wa go m—i H co �' r y ...1 "i m °' c " CA p o 13 al n 3 G O M ' cQ O O O Q -' N OM MP` tai tv 3 A. -' U N W 0 O i 0 m t = rt, N O � CO OD N oe ma) 3 ' r .� O Q 7C y , , , , CD j O p Q (D CD N NO = co v n D O c r 71 °J o •cO A W 01 iO o O Z n Q g. co 0 0 0 0 0 0 �'' rt o 0 c Q 3 O 7 o @ z . -- _ g Z CD O _. v N .P. .0 .4. O< C O Z a) O v J O co co C pt (D 3 7 O � ° z o ° o 0 o m p 0��� m 3 D o ° ° o o �� ct < 3 N . - - � � N ( (D D — V z rr �D m (D 0 .-. X N O V n 0 _ N EA — Cu -' W D c -' o m N (D co ,A < o _ _ j CD CD O (D 70 0 o c C _ Z w m CD ? (D n co 0 N 2 -' D C) m W Z N O v O : v O t': N ' N O O -o -+, N O O D rn 1 = w (I) w N < m �, O O O m O < ,• m co co tQ 0) . , CO 0 CD O O W -. o Q tf CO CO c °� cn CA N r Q N a o o o o n3 c 3. 0 W Z co W co co co 0 v C Co D ° o ° o ° ° ° o o - a ) ,.. N O ° ° ° o O ° C t el c.4 3 co -0 cu r-0 up 0 EA EA EA EA EA EA - 0 D W W A Co W ( CD CD o) 6) N co N N O CO to rt (D -I • - EA EA EA b9 EA EA Eft V ▪ O O - W ' W O .a a° -co rn '11 I2 cri N co co co O co m n N m C. / r N //t / r \ ` / � ° � el Si 4 ..3r. Ps U ` I 13 in A , f , / 1 • i 4al ri 1 J /rips- / 1 de ! ' , -s°r: �' < r .4..-\ . . � jokie.A4 I ,� 7T J • 1 1....g ... , / -4. I __. \ i• t , . / , • r e/ f•� J r' y ! � ' 1 /y , { L , •' � . ^ =• .1 ) 1 .- f . r� � j I� , T �• ' ■ • \ ' F 777 I N �'1 1\ J • y ..fix] is • $ Q+• • • • • � �...,�,,� 1 1 111\ � ° •. r n3 : � , ` .` Q r 5 . I ) s .` `� �`•` 7` • iSS ° 84.5 5 t __.. __. 1 1 1 1 ; c r • Q ni i ' ¢ \ I \ 1 I r ' � � 2' • ° j � •R —I v i 2 1 I J' Atli'," 1 /q $ ' I 4 t I N .1 i s \ .o3e - xu .ea UV ! f / 1 c t s j '. � i 2 I 1 ' 1 r + ' Or\ j % f ( . '` f i :� \ l i -7 ' \ •D t q ` 1 t t.� 1 1 i t wo '• ( i i t IP .r te' , L ° ��•.\ � 1 C 1 7 0 l f l / 1 i \ ._- �'. r '1 NST • • 522.0 IleriCl 9 g S6'SS E j / / r/ �� % i J \` t N ft �. \�\ �,\ \ TuitJ �! \ 1 c N • \ b.\ . . \\„,,.. . A \ \ i i i j \ t . li o { i ` \ \ toa,A V � 4 , \\ Q o ull I , t. P r j � N .\ g \,'‘, / - — .,� 1 ` •� 0.• / .•+ ,∎ ■ 5 5 0 • ,J // / 1 1 \ \\ ilk / N \ / TJ / a \ / 5=1. a § \ \ / • 8 u R y eti // T rn i j / j ' e m r Q r § •— VI / / / / e P t' g -4 li l l ' AP IM / / ( R� I „ v . WRIGHT CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 601 W. WALL ST. GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 (817)481 -2594 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE TO: PAR -3 PROPERTIES, LLC JOB: S. NOLEN DRIVE DATE: SEPT. 25, 2000 CITY: SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY PRICE AMOUNT EXCAVATION & PAVEMENT 1 ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EA 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 2 SILT FENCE LF 2000 $2.00 $4,000.00 3 HYDROMULCH FOR EROSION CONTROL SY 3000 $1.00 $3,000.00 4 ROCK CHECK DAM EA 2 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 5 SAW CUT EXISTING PAVEMENT LF 350 $3.00 $1,050.00 6 PAVEMENT REMOVE & BASE SY 500 $12.00 $6,000.00 7 8" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT SY 5800 $30.00 $174,000.00 8 6" CURB LF 2100 $2.50 $5,250.00 9 8" HMAC TRANSITION SY 500 $22.00 $11,000.00 10 6" STABILIZED SUBGRADE SY 6500 $2.50 $16,250.00 11 LIME (33LB /SY) TON 110 $140.00 $15,400.00 12 CLEARING & GRUBBING AC 1.4 $2,500.00 $3,500.00 13 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION CY 6850 $2.50 $17,125.00 SUBTOTAL PAVEMENT $262,575.00 STORM DRAIN 1 6'X4' BOX CULVERT LF 100 $290.00 $29,000.00 2 4'X4' BOX CULVERT LF 60 $180.00 $10,800.00 3 24" CLASS III RCP LF 110 $45.00 $4,950.00 4 10' CURB INLET EA 4 $2,200.00 $8,800.00 5 HEADWALL FOR 6'X4' RBC EA 2 $3,000.00 $6,000.00 6 HEADWALL FOR 4'X4' RBC EA 2 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 7 R I PRAP SY 200 $50.00 $10,000.00 8 TRENCH SAFETY LF 270 $1.00 $270.00 SUBTOTAL STORM DRAIN $74,820.00 SUBTOTAL $337,395.00 CITY INSPECTION FEE 5% $16,869.75 SOILS TESTING $5,000.00 ENGINEERING BY OWNER OTHER CITY FEES BY OWNER Crooked Lane / South Nolen Drive Considerations: Construction of South Nolen Drive and abandonment of Crooked Lane from South Nolen Drive to the current intersection of Crooked Lane with Southlake Boulevard will produce the following immediate enhancements to traffic patterns in the affected vicinity: 1. "Fix' for the Crooked Lane intersection with Southlake Boulevard. 2. Elimination of narrow culvert (16.5') on Crooked Lane. 3. Reduction in commercial traffic utilizing Crooked Lane through Whispering Woods residential area and South Kimball school zones. 4. Provide necessary ingress /egress from new athletic stadium (completion: Aug 2001). 5. Facilitate revenue traffic from Colleyville to Costco and Gateway Plaza. 6. Vitalize 40 acre Cornerstone Business Park development. 7. Facilitate access to HWY 114 (north /south thoroughfare). Additional Costs, Construction South Nolen Drive: The following additional costs are to be considered when contemplating the total costs involved in the South Nolen Drive project: 1. R.O.W. acquisition: $ 124,571 2. Utility installation: • Water: $ 49,550 • Sanitary sewer: $ 44,336 3. Engineering / Surveys / Architectural Fees / Platting: $ 52,737 4. City Inspection Fees (5 %): $ 26,368 5. 40' Section, South Nolen Drive (Grapevine): $ 69,521 WRIGHT CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 601 W. WALL ST. GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 (817)481 -2594 PRELIMINARY PROPOSAL TO: PAR -3 PROPERTIES, LLC JOB: S. NOLEN DRIVE CONNECTION (GRAPEVINE) DATE: JULY 28, 2000 CITY: SOUTHLAKE / GRAPEVINE ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY PRICE AMOUNT WATER 1 LOWER EXISTING 12" WATER MAIN LS 1 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 STORM DRAINAGE 1 48" RCP LF 35 $100.00 $3,500.00 2 24" CL III RCP LF 35 $45.00 $1,575.00 3 10' REC CURB INLET EA 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 4 20' REC CURB INLET W /OPEN BACK EA 1 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 5 REMOVE EXISTING Y INLET EA 1 $66.00 $66.00 6 6' X 6' JUNCTION BOX EA 1 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 7 TRENCH SAFETY LF 70 $1.00 $70.00 SUBTOTAL STORM DRAINAGE $15,211.00 EARTHWORK 1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 2 EXCAVATION & COMPACTED FILL CY 1000 $3.00 $3,000.00 3 REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT SY 550 $5.00 $2,750.00 4 WIRE BACK SILT FENCE LF 120 $3.00 $360.00 5 ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EA 1 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 SUBTOTAL EARTHWORK . $10,810.00 PAVING NOLEN DRIVE 1 6" LIME STABILIZATION SY 900 $3.00 $2,700.00 2 LIME @ 30# / SY TON 20 $140.00 $2,800.00 3 7" CONCRETE PAVEMENT SY 800 $40.00 $32,000.00 4 6" CONCRETE CURB LF 350 $3.00 $1,050.00 7 HYDROMULCH SY 450 $1.00 $450.00 SUBTOTAL NOLEN DRIVE $39,000.00 TOTAL $69,521.00 CARROLL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1201 N. CARROLL AVENUE • SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 • (817) 481 -5775 Bob Windham Ted Gillum, Ed. D. Assistant Superintendent for Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction John H. Craft Steve Johnson Assistant Superintendent for Assistant Superintendent for Financial and Business Operations Administrative Services October 9, 2000 City Council Members City of Southlake Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Council Member: Mr. Max Krugler recently shared with me his plan for the extension of Nolan Drive from Crooked Lane to Hwy. 1709. On behalf of the CISD, I would like to voice my support for this project. The extension of Nolan Drive to Hwy. 1709 would provide easier access to the CISD stadium site from Southlake and would create a much safer exit for fans leaving the stadium after a game. I am sure after all of the discussion we have had concerning the stadium you will agree that this project is needed. Anything you can do to support the timely completion of the Nolan Drive extension will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Ted Gillum, Ed.D. Superintendent - City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 13, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM Shawn Poe. Assistant City Engineer, extension 846 SUBJECT: Award of bid to J. L. Bertram Construction, Inc. for the reconstruction of West Continental Boulevard from Peytonville Avenue to White's Chapel Boulevard Action Requested: Staff seeks Council award the Option A bid to J. L. Bertram Construction, Inc. for the reconstruction of W. Continental from Peytonville to White's Chapel in the amount of $1,116,105.55. Background Information: The FY99 -00 CIP budget included the reconstruction of W. Continental from Peytonville to White's Chapel (see attached project map). The reconstruction of W. Continental from Davis to Peytonville was recently completed. This project includes widening W. Continental one to two feet to provide a continuous width of 22 -feet. A left turn lane will be constructed at the intersections of Peytonville and White's Chapel. A 6- inch concrete reverse curb will be constructed on each side of the 6 -inch thick asphalt roadway. The drainage structures will be replaced, which include the two large creek crossing culverts. At the creek crossings, the road elevation will be increased to eliminate the creeks from overtopping the roadway. This project was bid with a base bid along with an Option A bid. The difference between the two bids is that the Option A bid included lowering the road elevation near the Monticello Estates subdivision entrance. There is a sight distance problem caused by a large hill along Continental. This project is anticipated to take 150 calendar days to construct. Financial Considerations: This project was budgeted in the FY99 -00 CIP budget. The budget appropriated $1,100,000 to construct this project. There were four contractors that bid this project. The low bid was received from J. L. Bertram Construction, Inc. of Arlington, TX with a base bid of 1,091,468.75 and $1,116,105.55 for the Option A bid (see attached bid tabulation). Although the Option A bid exceeds the budgeted amount by $16,105.55, Staff recommends awarding the Option A bid to improve the sight distance caused by the large hill. Remaining funds from projects constructed under budget can be used to fund the additional amount. It)G -1 -- City of Southlake, Texas CI!) Citizen Input' Board Review: Prior to construction beginning on the road reconstruction, a SPIN niect:ng will take place to discuss the constrict cr, of the road. Legal Review : None. Alternatives: Council can award the base bid or the Option A bid. The base bid is ‘vithin the budgeted r.mount. However, Sr.aff recommends awarding the Option A bid due to the severe sight distance problem that exists near the Monticello Estates subdivision entrance. • Supporting Documents: Project Map Bid tabulation Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council award the Option A bid to J. L. Bertram Construction, Inc. for the reconstruction of W. Continental from Peytonville to White's Chapel in the amount of $1,116,105.55. Please place this item on the October 17, 2000 Regular City Council Agenda for review and consideration. • SEP /sep 10G -2 , . . ib. W. CONTINENTAL RECONSTRUCTION , 1 1 , PROJECT MAP , . , I ' co I L _______ .. t \ 3 ti ___■_!FL _ ____,,, ___ --- \ ) ; -\-M IL-- .__. ": •----,-- ',,-,,, ---. til ••!. I • I 1.1 I / , ._ tl- .-,______?4,.., '- `-j---' I 1 l 11 40 4 .4 . • , ( /. .1 , 4 41; 4 10 ' 1-1 1 -' ' • 1-1 ' NWT 4 ■ . ---- - , , , i 1 , 47---' 1 Sga ,, , f41 Mr_ <,.) \ NI \ ,.__,\ . „A n t—, ;. , L i H --1 2 , II 1 ___ 'i -v >--(---) !,--: --1 : I-- amme Lir 1 , __--c-,--;,----,—, A ceoPi. ,-- , - 1 , 1 _ ,. , , -/,-----/' I 11 W— ‚. ----/' ) 05 ''--, 111"114 ' oi ' '. ,....:4 , ,.._ GI- , . ire ,"--,:. -,• - w 1. , \‘... • ___g__,, ' . . s • ' , LI '' j..:. ' 1 •,:= ' 1 1 A a, 41 , A ss e . AEI"; Inkli •••4' „_, • . . , ), ' lir AMA, C . r \ MI Adar " Itill t --' / ' 1. 1abialanialirer " I 1 , ; ------ f a, I i - , ,, , • CARROU- 1 F 411111 1, 1 71118 ft: a m. ? ,iir . ..1 ,Immacii giorPmw I ELEMENTARYI— . 1100111010111 11, til , ; 4. 411044' . .-- \ , V.k. , 1 •' Jr ' irlift , '.44 ' . -----' ,Z ''.. % / „..,arr.• \ / IF • :•.,... ....„ i mi , ',---H i, , , 7 ,-- 7 - " -- -- ' ,/:■ L . . , ,-,1-1-1-1. •?..- , 1 , ___, ' Cut Hill as y rK1 jvH, i 1 Option A bid Th- ■''' / , 1 f , , ', t i---, -......., .., • , . c . 3 . . 10G-3 . . 0 (II.1) 0 . • AVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS - -- - -- 'O CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD - PHASE 2 (From Peytonville to White Chapel) DUNAW AY ASSOCIATES, INC. :ITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ENGINEERS • PI AIVIVFI�S • Sl1F ^/E (()f?S :ky Project No. 97 -3003 1501 Nowlin/4, WI,, 1 ,, , Tulle ui 1 I , wn, , . , roan I'tn,,,,, 1lfl {:•■ II'I "14(61/) ■ 1'. /41/ 31D TABULATIONS - OPTION "A" 1).a No 4.1l1l1c,07 PAY J. L Bertram Const, & Eng., Inc. Sutton & Associates, Inc. Branch & Sons Contractors, Inc. Architectural Utilities, Inc. _ TEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UnIt Value Amount Bld Unit Value Amount Bid Unit Value Amount Bid 1lttit Value Amour,t Bid 1 2 EA Protect Sign $ 315.00 $ 630.00 $ 400.00 $ 800.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ _ 600 00 $ 1 2 17,430 Pavement Paveent pi tverrzation and cement stabstzaton $ 1.99 $ 34,685.70 $ 1.95 $ 33,988.50 $ 4.60 $ 80,178.00 $ 2.(0 $ 34,860.00 a 236 TN Cement at 27 lbs. Pe SY $ 96.00 $ 22,656.00 $ 103.00 $ 24,308.00 $ 100.00 $ 23,600.00 $ 11000 $ 25,960.00 8,300 CY Unclassified excavation $ 9.21 $ 76,443.00 $ 12.00 8 99,600.00 8 15.00 $ 124,500.00 $ 21 CO $174,300 00 j 4 5 17,430 SY 2 inch HMAC surface course (Type 0') $ 5.09 $ 88,718.70 $ 4.20 $ 73,206.00 $ 4.25 $ 74,077.50 $ 550 $ 95,865.00 6 17,430 SY 4-inch HMAC (Type'B') $ 10.18 $ 177,088.80 $ 8.13 $ 141,705.90 $ 8.00 $ 139,440.00 $ 9 90 $170_814 00 7 17,430 SY Petramat $ 0.57 $ 9,935.10 $ 0.59 $ 10,283.70 $ 1.35 $ _ 23,530.50 $ 100 $ 17,430.00 e 3,215 SF Demolish and remove reinforced concrete driveway $ 1.05 $ 3,375.75 $ 1.00 $ 3,215.00 $ 1.00 $ 3,215.00 $ _ 2.03 $ 6,430.00 s 3,500 SF 6-inch concrete driveway $ 3.97 $ 13,895.00 $ 4.50 $ 15,750.00 $ 5.00 $ 17,500.00 $ 3.63 $ 13,300.00 10 12,8001 LF 6-inch reinforced concrete curb i $ 10.21 $ 130,688.00 $ 11.65 $ 149,120.00 $ 10.00 $ 128,000.00 $ 10 40 $133,120 00 11 5,900 15 4-inch reinforced concrete sidewalk (8-11. wide) $ 14.02 $ 82,718.00 $ 18.80 8 99,120.00 $ 18.50 $ 109,150.00 $ 19 00 8112,100 00 i , 20 EA Water WIMP adprslmenf $ 200.00 $ - 5,200.00 $ 150.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 100.00 $ _ _ 2,600.00 $ _ 310 00 b 11 060 00 13 5 EA Manhole adjustment $ 310.00 $ 1,550.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 5,000.00 14 1,965 SF 3 -inch HMAC driveway $ 8.30 $ 16,309.50 1 $ 10.75 $ 21,123.75 $ 7.50 $ 14,737.50 $ 11 75 $ 23,088 75 15 725 LF 18 -inch Class III RCP $ 41.60 $ 30,160.00 $ 34.35 $ 24,903.75 - $ 37.00 8 26,825.00 $ 51.00 $ 36,975.00 is 17 EA 18 -inch standard headwafi (Type' Cl $ 630.00 $ 10,710.00 $ 870.00 $ 14,790.00 $ 575.00 $ 9,775.00 $ 540 00 $ 9_180.00 17 1 EA Precast box culvert (five -113' x 7' L = 8041.) $ 192,630.00 $ 192,630.00 $ 183,000.00 $ 183,000.00 $ 175,000.00 $ 175,000.00 $ 177,000.00 $177,000,00 18 1 EA Precast box culvert (ore - 5' x 5' L . 60at.) $ 18,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 21,960.00 $ 21,960.00 $ 19,000.00 $ 19,000.00 $ _13,000.00 $ 13,000.00 1' _ 2 EA Parallel headwall (five • 10' x 7') $ 3,700.00 $ 7,400.00 $ 16,900.00 $ 33,800.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 15,300.00 $ 30,600.00 ..o 2i EA Parallel headwall (one - 4' x 5') 8 11,300.00 1 8 22,600.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 9,600.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 5 CO $ 11 000.00 ' 21 230 LF Metal guardrad $ 20.00 $ 4,600.00 8 19.25 8 4,427.50 8 100.00 $ 23,000.00 $ 25.00 $ 5,750 00 22 125 LF Pedestrian rail $ 92.00 $ 11,500.00 $ 115.00 $ 14,375.00 $ 75.00 $ 9,375.00 $ 96 00 $ 12 23 5.200 SF Gabions $ 5.25 $ 27,300.00 8 6.50 8 33,800.00 $ 6.00 $ 31,200.00 $ 7.25 $ 33,700.00 24 14,000 SY Hydromulch/seeding $ 0.60 $ 8,400.00 $ 0.60 $ 8,400.00 $ 0.70 $ 9,800.00 $ 1.75 $ 24,500.00 25 3 AC Cleaning and grubbing $ 18,200.00 $ 45,500.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 39,000.00 $ 97,500.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 45,000 00 26 1 LS Roadway markings (including thermoplastic, marking, reflectors, and buttons) $ 21,550.00 $ 21,550.00 ' 8 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $. 17,000.00 $ 17,000.00 $ 19,000.00 $ 19,000.00 27 1 LS Pollution prevention control $ 8,420.00 $ 8,420.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 16,000 00 $ 16,00000 28 110 CY Topsoil I $ 10.40 $ 1,144.00 $ 10,00 $ 1,100.00 i $ 60.00 $ 6,600.00 $ 10.60 $ 1,100.00 ^1 1 FA Relocate fire hydrant (including 6 -Inch water pipe extension and valve) $ 1,900.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 4, 500 09 $ 4,500 00 AO 470 eF Natall,InU wall (08v8tllWle, Keystone, W equal apllalVed), o m 2 n no $ 18.40 8 8,848.00 $ 19.00 $ 8,930.00 $ 28.00 $ _ 13,160.00 $ 24 (.0 $ 11 .1'110 ;xl G1 200 LF 12 -lrwh water line I $ 41.00 $ 8,200.00 $ 50.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 50.00 $ 10,000.00 8 60 00 $ 120)0 00� 31 05 TO Fttirgs $ 4,100.00 $ 2,050.00 8 4,000.00 8 2,000.00 8 4,000.00 8 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ :,(6X100 33 2 EA 12- nch gate valve $ 950.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 2, 00 $ 1,200.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 2,800.00 54 1 Ls Lkf «eeaencmniots 8 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 8 15, 00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 8 15,(100.00 $15,000.06 16 3 EA 2 -foot x 2-loot standard prate Inlet ,,, .. $ . 2,200.00 _ $ 8,800.00 $ . 1,155'.00 $ . 3, 00 $ 1,800.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 3,000.00 TOTAL;• :> > . $ 1,116,105.55 9 - ;'t»;:!• - ' . 1,165,0410. $ - 1,256,163.50 - $ 1,310,912.75 ainShadIng indicates correction • 4e441e4.f plum 20,aa0a Ids Page 3 of .I 71 • 0 0 0 , PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS _ . . _ . _ __ - TO CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD - PHASE 2 (From Peytonville to White Chapel) DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES, L?S, INC. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 'fix';: ' ENo)NEEr`• • f Ihr.u'11 .S • - I I:NI :VCR City Project No. 97 -3003 1501 Wildlife: Cede, Suite Ilk h nit V Juth, T rxe3 /61 Phone1001/ 1 33'. -1121 rax(8171 s15 ril f7 BID TABULATIONS - BASE BID Dal No. 9810502 PAY J. L. Bertram Const., & Eng., Inc. Sutton & Associates, Inc. Branch & Sons Contractors, Int.. _ Architectural Utlities, Inr. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION ITEM Unit Value Amount Bid Unit Value Amount Bid Unit Value Amount Bid knit Value Amount Bid i 2 EA Project Sign $ 315.00 $ 630.00 $ 400.00 $ 800.00 $ 1,000 00 $ 2_000.0() $__ 600 W $ 1,200 00 _ 17 350 SY Pavement pulverization and cement stabilization $ 1.99 $ 34,526.50 $ 1.95 $ 33,832.50 $ 460 $ 79,810.00 $ 200 $ 34,700.00 _ 3 235 TN Cement al 27 Ibs Per SY $ 96.00 $ 22,560.00 $ 103.00 $ 24,205.00 $ 100 00 $ 23,500 00 $ 11000 5 25,850 00 4 6,700 CY Unclassified excavation $ 9.25 $ 61,975.00 $ 12.00 $ 80,400.00 $ 1500 $ 100,500.00 $ - _ - - 25.00 $ 167,500.00 s 17,350 SY 2 - ch HMAC surface course (Typ>e'D') $ 5.09 $ 88,311.50 $ 4.20 $ 72,870.00 $ 4 25 $ 73,737.55 $ 5 50 $ 95,425 00 6 17,350 SY 4 -Inch HMAC (Type '133 $ 10.16 $ 176,276.00 $ 8.13 $ 141,055.50 $ 800 $ 138,800.00 $ 9 80 $ 1 17,350 SY Petromat $ 0.57 $ 9,889.50 $ 0.59 $ 10,236.50 $ 1 35 $ 23,422.50 $ 100 $ 17,350 00 a 3,215 SF Demolish and remove reinforced concrete driveway $ 1.05 $ 3,375.75 $ 1.00 $ 3,215.00 $ 100 $ 3,215.00 $ _ 200 $ _ 6,430 00 9 3,500 SF 6 - Inch concrete driveway $ 3.97 $ 13,895.00 $ 4.50 $ 15,750.00 $ 500 $ 17,500 00 $ 3 HO - _ $ 13,300 00 ,0 12.800 LF 6 - inch reinforced concrete curb $ 10.21 $ 130,688.00 $ 11.65 $ 149,120.00 $ 10 00 $ 128,000 00 $ 10 40 $ _133,120 00 ,i 5,900 LF 4 - Inch reinforced concrete sidewalk (6 - wide) $ 14.02 $ 82,718.00 $ 16.80 $ 99,120.00 $ 1850 $ 109,150 GO $ 1900 $ 112,100 00 i:' 26 EA Water valve adjustment $ 200.00 $ 5,200.00 $ 150.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 100.00 $ 2,60(3 (10 $ 310 (61 $ 8,060 00 ' u 5 EA Manhole adjustment $ 310.00 $ 1,550.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 50(0 00 $ 2,:5(X) 00 $ _1 011 $ -- a,(XX) 00 14 1,965 SY 3 - Inch HMAC driveway $ 8.30 $ 16,309.50 $ 10.75 $ 21,123.75 $ 7 50 $ 14,737 50 $ 11 75 $ 23,088 75 1, 725 LF 18 Inch Class III RCP $ 41.60 $ 30,160.00 $ 34 35 $ 24,903.75 $ 37 00 $ 26,825 00 $ 51 00 $ 369 /5 00 m 17 EA 18.inch slarsiald headwall (type "C') $ 630.00 $ 10,710.00 $ 670.00 $ 14,790 00 $ _ 57:i 00 $ 9,77500 5 540 01 $ 9,180 00 i 11 - -- 1 AC Precast box culvert (five - 10' x 7' L - 80 - ft) $ 192,630.00 $ 192,630.00 $ 183,000 00 $ 183,000.00 $ 175,000 00_ - - $ 175,((X)00 $ _ 177,((10 001$ 177,000.00 ,s' -- - 1 EA (recast box culvert (one - 5' x 5' l - 60.8) $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 21,960.00 $ 21,960.00 $ 19,(X0000 $ 19,000.00 $ 13,(X 0 00 $ 13,000 00 f - ,v 2 EA Parallel headwall 9five - 10' x T ) $ 3,700.00 $ 7,400.00 $ 16,900.00 $ 33,800.00 $ 10,000 00 $ 20,000.60 $ 15,300 CO I $ - 30,60X) 00 0 2 EA Parallel headwall (one 5' x 5') $ 11,300.00 $ 22,600.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 9,600.00 $ 3,000 00 $ 6,00000 $ -- 5,500 00 $ 11,000.00 200 LF Metal guardrail $ 20.00 $ 4,600.00 $ 19.25 $ 4,427.50 $ 100 00 $ 23,000.00 $ 25 60 $ 5,750 00 r - 125 LF Pedestnan rail $ 92.00 $ 11,500.00 $ 115.00 $ 14,375.00 $ 75 00 $ 9,375.00 $ 96 00 i $ 12,000 00 '' _ 5,200 SF Gablons $ 5.25 $ 27,300.00 $ 6.50 $ 33,800.00 $ 6 00 $ 31,200 00 $ - ; 25 I $ 37,700 00 74 14,000 SY Hydrrunukhlseedln g $ 0.60 $ 8,400.00 $ 0.60 $ 8,400.00 $ 0 70 $ 9,800.00 $ 1 75 ' $ 24,500.00 15 2 5 AC Cleaning and grubbing $ 18,200.00 $ 45,500.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 39,000 00 $ 97,500 00 $ 18,000 00 $ 45,000.00 1 l S Roadway markings (Including thermoplastic, maikir) reflectors and buttons) $ 21,550.00 $ 21,550.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 17,000 00 $ 17,0(10 0') $ 19,000 00 $ 19,000 00 : 1 - - - - -- 1 LS Pollution pxevenli000 control $ 8,420.00 $ 8,420.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 11,000 00 $ 11,000 00 $ 16,000 00 $ 16,000.00 110 CY Topsoil $ 10.40 $ 1,144.00 $ 10.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 6000 $ 6,600.00 $ 1000 1,10000 29 1 FA Relocate Ire 0 ydral 1 (Iiclud r 9 6-mch water pipe extension and valve) $ 1,900.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 1,100 00 $ 1,100 00 E _ 4,500 GO $ _ 4,500 00 su 200 LF 12 water line $ 41.00 $ 8,200.00 $ 50.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 50 00 $ 10,000.00 $ 60 00 $ 12,000 00 s1 0 5 TO Fittings $ 4,100.00 $ 2,050.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000 00 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000 0) $ 2,000 00 32 2 EA 12 gate valve $ 950.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 2,40).00 $ 1,40000 $ 2,800.00 13 1 LS Unforeseen wnm61s $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000 00 $ 15,000 00 $ 15,000 00 15,000.00 34 3 EA 2 -foot s 2 -root standard grate Inlet $ 2,200.00 $ 8,600.00 $ 1,155.00 $ 3,465.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 5,460 07 $ 1,000.0 6 _ $ 3,000.00 TOTAL S 1,091,468.75 $ 1,135,849.50 $ 1,217,447.50 $ 1,291,258.75 ;. 5,741 Shading indicates correction emuivia plus. 2 WWI, As Page 2 of 3 , -'4 0 G) •