2013-05-16 LO CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS REGULAR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING: May 16, 2013 Regular Session: Location: Town Hall Council Chambers 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Members Present: Chair Shawn McCaskill, Board members John Huffman, Kourosh Panahy, Paul Lepicier and Scott Dyche Members Absent: Vice -Chair Phyllis Lambert, Board members Dustin Andrews and Paul Venesky Staff Present: Dennis Killough, Deputy Director of Planning & Development Services; Richard Schell, Planner II, Bryn Meredith, City Attorney and Misty Knaust, Board Secretary Agenda Item No. 1 — Call to Order: Chair McCaskill called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2 — Approval of the Minutes: Chair McCaskill opened the discussion of the minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on April 25, 2013. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on April 25, 2013. Motion: Panahy Second: Lepicier Ayes: Dyche, Panahy, Lepicier, McCaskill Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 4 -0 -0 Motion: Carried Agenda Item No. 3 — Administrative Comments: Richard Schell, Planner II, announced that the next scheduled ZBA meeting is May 30, 2013 and at this time there are no submittals for the meeting unless items are tabled from tonight's meeting. The meeting on June 1 3 th currently has two submittals for that meeting. Agenda Item No. 4 — ZBA -637, Variance to Ordinance: Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 30.5, requiring a front yard setback of 40'. The request is being made by the applicant, Kristie and Wesley Millican, for property described as Lot 8, Block 2, Coventry Manor, Phase 1, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and located at 914 Turnberry Ln., Southlake, Texas. The current zoning is R -PUD — Residential Planned Unit Development District. Planner Schell presented the case to the Board, stating that the variance requested would allow a front porch expansion to be located 36 feet from the front property line. Planner Schell was available to answer questions of the Board. Zoning Boani of Adjustment Meeting Minutes - May 16, 2013 Page 1 of 4 Chair McCaskill opened the public hearing and called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative to make such comments and present evidence as the applicant should desire. The applicant, Wesley Millican, 940 Turnberry Lane, Southlake, Texas, once sworn in, was available to answer questions from the Board. Board Member, John Huffman arrived at 6:45 p.m. Once the applicant completed his presentation, Chair McCaskill asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in favor of the request. There being no one, Chair McCaskill asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in opposition to the request. There being no one, Chair McCaskill called on the applicant for a brief rebuttal. The applicant declined a rebuttal. Chair McCaskill closed the public hearing. A motion was made to approve ZBA -637. Motion: Dyche Second: Panahy Ayes: Huffman, Dyche, Panahy, Lepicier, McCaskill Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5 -0 -0 Motion: Carried Agenda Item No. 5 — ZBA -638, Special Exception Use: Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12(2) for construction of accessory buildings or structures of a size or aggregate size greater than permitted, Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 11.5.j.1,iii.2, requiring the height of accessory structures to not exceed 20 feet in height, Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 11.5.j.1,iii.4.d, requiring the roof design, pitch and material on accessory structures that use masonry to be the same type as the principal structure on property described as Lot 1R1, R.P. Estes Subdivision, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and located at 940 W. Dove Rd., Southlake, Texas, The current zoning is SF -1A — Single Family Residential District Chair McCaskill announced that the Zoning Board of Adjustment would be going into Executive Session pursuant to Section 551.071 to the seek the advice of the City Attorney regarding Item No. 5, Case No. ZBA -638. The Board adjourned for Executive Session at 6:52 p.m. Executive Session began at 6:54 p.m. and ended at 7:14 p.m. Chairman McCaskill reconvened the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes — May 16, 2013 Page 2 of 4 Planner Schell presented the case to the Board, stating there are three requests bundled together in this case. The first is a Special Exception Use for an accessory structure to be permitted greater than 4,000 sq. ft. of the sum total of all accessory buildings. The applicant is proposing an accessory building of approximately 5,949 sq. ft. The second request is a variance to the height of the accessory structure to not exceed 20 ft. in average height. The applicant is requesting a height of 23.5 ft. The third request is a variance to the roof design pitch and material on accessory structures that use masonry to be the same type as the principal structure. The applicant is requesting a standing seam type roof on the accessory building and the principal structure will have a tile roof. The pitch and design match the principal structure in this case so the material will just be in the variance. The accessory building that is proposed is an enclosed basketball court. Planner Schell was available to answer question from the Board. Chair McCaskill opened the public hearing and called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative to make such comments and present evidence as the applicant should desire. General Contractor Michael Kindred, 5810 Windmier Lane Dallas, Texas, once swom in, was available to answer questions of the Board. Once the applicant completed his presentation, Chair McCaskill asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in favor of the request. There being no one, Chair McCaskill asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in opposition to the request. Mrs. Siri Smith, 7 Century Court, Trophy Club, once sworn in, spoke in opposition. Mr. Kindred, still under oath, gave a brief rebuttal and was available to answer questions of the Board. Chairman McCaskill closed the public hearing. Mrs. Siri Smith wished to speak again. City Attorney Bryn Meredith advised Chair McCaskill that is in not necessary to reopen the public hearing in order for the Board to entertain comments from the public. Mrs. Smith asked for additional information and clarification. Mr. Kindred gave another brief rebuttal. The items were voted on separately. A motion was made to approve the Special Exception Use for construction of accessory buildings or structures of a size or aggregate size greater than permitted (Item #1) for ZBA -638. Motion: Dyke Second: Huffman Ayes: Huffman, Dyke Nays: Panahy, Lepicier, McCaskill Abstain: None Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes - May 16, 2013 Page 3 of 4 Vote: 2 -3 -0 Motion: Failed and was therefore denied A motion was made to deny the Variance requiring the height of accessory structures to not exceed 20 feet in height (Item #2) for ZBA -638. Motion: Dyke Second: Panahy Ayes: Dyke, Panahy, Lepicier, McCaskill Nays: Huffman Abstain: None Vote: 4 -1 -0 Motion: Carried A motion was made to deny the Variance requiring the roof design, pitch and material on accessory structures that use masonry to be the same type as the principal structure. (Item #3) for ZBA -638. Motion: Panahy Second: Lepicier Ayes: Huffman, Dyke, Panahy, Lepicier, McCaskill Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5 -0 -0 Motion: Carried Agenda Item No. 7 - Meeting Adjournment: Chair McCaskill adjourned the meeting at 8:33p.m. * An audio recording of this meeting will be permanently retained in the City Secretary's Office. C Shawn McCaskill Chair ATTEST: I Of Misty K st Board Secretary Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes — May 16, 2013 Page 4 of 4