OCTOBER 3, 2000
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Fawks;
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie Kendall. Members: Patsy DuPre, Greg Standerfer, Rex
Potter and Keith Shankland.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the
City Manager John Eaglen; Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Director of Economic
Development Greg Last; Director of Planning Bruce Payne; Senior Planner Karen
Gandy; Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman; Director of Public Works
Pedram Farahnak; City Engineer Charlie Thomas; Assistant City Engineer Shawn Poe;
Technical Services Manager Gary Gregg; Chief of Fire Services Ricky Black; Plans
Examiner Charles Bloomberg; City Attorney Analeslie Muncy; and, City Secretary
Sandra L. LeGrand.
WORK SESSION: Mayor Rick Stacy called the work session to order at 5:35 p.m.
Councilmembers and staff discussed items on the agenda. The work session was audio
and video tape-recorded for future reference. Copies are available by request from the
City Secretary.
Agenda Item g8-A, ZA 00-015, Plat Vacation for Lot 1, Block A, White Chapel
Methodist Church Addition. Assistant City Engineer Shawn Poe discussed the
details of this agenda item with Council. W. Ralph Evans, chairman of the board
of the church, was also present to answer questions. It was determined that this
item would be approved on first reading tonight, however, more information
would be needed prior to the second reading.
Agenda Item #10-B, Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service
Agreement with Grapevine Relief and Community Exchange (GRACE)for 2001.
Executive Director of GRACE Tricia Wood was present and answered questions
from Council. She stated they were asking for 50 cents per resident as the City's
contribution toward GRACE. She stated City of Grapevine has confirmed that
amount and they are currently working with the City of Colleyville.
Work session ended at 6:00 p.m.
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Agenda Item gl-A, Call to Order
Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City
Council meetings are video and audio tape-recorded for future reference and copies are
available upon request from the City Secretary.
Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session
Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into
Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072,
551.073, 551.074, 551.086, to seek legal advise from the City Attorney; to deliberate
regarding real property matters; to deliberate regarding a prospective gift; to deliberate
regarding personnel matters; to deliberate regarding security devices; and/or to
deliberate regarding economic development negotiations.
Council adjourned into executive session at 6:03 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 6:35 p.m.
Agenda Item #2-B~ Action Necessary/Executive Session
No action was taken as the result of the executive session.
Agenda Item #3, Invocation
Former City Councilmember W. Ralph Evans, who was in the audience, gave the
Agenda Item #4-A, Mayor's Report
Mayor Stacy made the following announcements:
October 8, at 7:00 p.m. in Town Square, a Vigil Honoring Victims and Survivors
of Domestic Violence will be held. This event is sponsored by the Open Arms
October 13, at 8:30 a.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, the Economic
Development staff will present a Commercial Developers Roundtable.
Councilmembers are urged to attend.
Southlake Trail Improvement Day will be held on Saturday, October 7 at Bob
Jones Park. Councilmember Rex Potter is chairman of the event and will make a
presentation during the report portion of the meeting tonight.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 2 of 16
Tailgate Tug-of-War Challenge will take place during the Grapevine High School
vs. Carroll High School football game to be held October 13 at Grapevine
Stadium. The winner of the Tug-of-War will win the "bragging rights in the
millennium." The Tug-of-War will be held during the pre-game activities from
5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at GCISD. Mayor Stacy and Councilmembers were invited to
participate in this activity.
The grand opening for Michael's will be held October 8, 10:00 a.m. in Gateway
The next City Council "morning" work session is scheduled for October 27 in the
City Council Chambers.
Agenda Item g4-B, Cit~ Manager's Report
Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton informed the Council that Assistant City
Engineer Shawn Poe would report on the traffic signal at FM 1709 and Peytonville
Agenda Item g4-C, SPIN Report
Lynda Warner, SPIN #9w, presented the SPIN report. Ms. Warner reported on four issues
o Northwood Park issue. Kim Wolfe, a resident of SPIN #9w, will hold a
meeting October 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the Timarron Wentwood Community
Center to inform residents of activities surrounding the city property on
the southwest comer of FM 1709 and Bryon Nelson Parkway.
o Intersection of Continental Boulevard ~ South White Chapel Boulevard.
This issue involves a cellular carder who is planning to put an antenna in
that area. The residents of Adams Place Addition have voiced opposition.
o Lynda Warner needs of a replacement for SP1N Representative #9w in
February since she will be having a baby at that time.
o Ms. Warner announced the Timarron Halloween Parade will be held on
October 29 at 4:00 p.m. More details of the parade to follow.
Agenda Item g4-D, Library Board Report
Marge Zielke, Vice Chairman of the Library Board, presented the report, outlining the
time frame for activities surrounding the opening of the new Southlake Library, which is
planned to open in mid May 2001. She addressed issues including the automation system,
security system, shelving, book orders and books now housed in the Grapevine Library.
Ms. Zielke noted a policy for fines and procedures would have to be adopted by the
Library Board and the City Council prior to opening the library.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 3 ofl6
Mayor Stacy suggested a Library Board member look at the books in the Grapevine
library to ascertain if they are in good enough shape to bring to the Southlake Library --
would it be too much work -- perhaps it would be better to leave them in Grapevine.
Agenda Item #4-E, Trail Improvement Day Report
Councilmember Rex Potter presented the report on the Trail Improvement Day, which
will be held October 7, at Bob Jones Park. Potter said in an effort to clean up the trails at
Bob Jones Park, a group of people including staff and volunteers, have designated a day
dedicated to cleaning up the park area. He asked everyone to come and work together for
this worthwhile event. He noted they will begin at 8:00 a.m. and would go until 2:00 p.m.
Mr. Potter noted that this event would qualify youth for community service hours.
Councilmember Potter thanked members of the Steering Committee including: Public
Information Officer James Kunke, Assistant to the Public Works Director Valerie
Bradley; Park Board Chairman Sherry Berman; Julie Landesberg and Cara White for all
their hard work in putting this together. Potter thanked Jean Newman and Emily Galpan
and Cara White as well.
Mayor Rick Stacy presented a proclamation to Julie Landenberg proclaiming
October 7 as "Trail Improvement Day" in the City of Southlake.
Mayor Stacy commented in addition to Southlake citizens' support, sponsors for the
event are: Ten Star Productions, Ozarka, Trinity Waste Services, Accurage
Environmental, Just Java, Star-Telegram/Northeast, Coca-Cola, Kroger, Tom Thumb,
Identitec, Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse, Wyndham Properties, Terra Land
Development and State Farm Insurance.
Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda
Mayor Rick Stacy informed the audience that "consent" agenda items, which consist of
several items, are considered by one vote. He said if anyone had a request for an item not
to be considered during the consent agenda segment, that item would be deleted from that
portion of the agenda and considered separately. The consent agenda items were as
5-A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held September 19,
5-B. Award of bid to Christmas D6cor by Zenith for reinstallation of holiday lighting
at Town Square, and purchase and installation of holiday lighting at Town Hall.
5-C. Award of bid to Pate Brothers Construction, Inc. for the construction of the S-7
sanitary sewer line to serve the CISD stadium and transportation facility site.
5-D. This item intentionally left blank.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 4 of 16
Award of bid to Sutton & Associates, Inc. for the reconstruction of Robin Lane
and Mockingbird Lane in the Dove Acres subdivision.
This item intentionally left blank.
Approval of a Highway-Railroad License and Force Account Agreement with
Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for the purpose of constructing, maintaining,
and using the proposed Mustang Court extension at the intersection of State
Highway 26 across DART right-of-way.
Approval of a License Agreement with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for the
purpose of constructing, maintaining, and using the proposed Mustang Court
extension at the intersection of State Highway 26 across DART right-of-way.
This item intentionally left blank.
Authorize the Mayor to enter into an interlocal agreement with the City of Fort
Worth and City of Southlake for participation in Fort Worth's Environmental
Collection Center and Hazardous Waste Program.
Resolution No. 00-89, (ZA 00-095), Specific Use Permit for outside trailer
storage, garden center storage, and pallet storage as part of a retail operation on
Lot 2, Block 1, Farrar Addition, and being 23.003 acres. Current Zoning is "C-3"
General Commercial District. (Wal-Mart Store). Item Tabled at the request of the
applicant to the October 17, 2000 City Council meeting.
ZA 00-105, Plat Vacation for Lot 1, Block A, White Chapel Methodist Church
Ordinance No. 792, 1 st Reading, Abandonment and quitclaim of a portion of Pine
Drive right-of-way at the intersection of South White Chapel Boulevard.
Award of bid and approval of Change Order No. 1 to Branch & Sons Contractors
for the reconstruction of Pine Drive.
Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with Keep
Southlake Beautiful (KSB) for 2001.
Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with Grapevine
Relief and Community Exchange (GRACE) for 2001.
Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with Arts
Council of Northeast Tarrant County (ACNETC) for 2001.
Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with the
Women's Shelter for 2001.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 5 of 16
10-E. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with the Lake
Cities Community Band for 2001.
10-F. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with Tarrant
County Challenge, Inc. for 2001.
10-G. Award of bid to Parrot Communications for installation of fiber optic cable for
Town Hall.
10-J. Award of bid to TruGreen Land Care for the Town Hall landscaping and
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as follows: Agenda Item #5-A, g5-B;
g5-c, award the bid to the alternate bidder and modified to include the approval subject
to and contingent upon the City of Grapevine approving a tie-in to their Century sewer
facilities; g5-E, g5-F, g5-G, g5-H, g5-J, g7-c, to table at the request of the applicant to
the October 17, 2000 City Council meeting; Item g8-A, g8-B, g8-c, gl0-A, gl0-B, gl0-
C, gl0-D, gl0-E, gl0-F, #10-G, and #10-J.
Standerfer, Shankland, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, and Stacy
7-0 vote
5-A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on September
19, 2000. The minutes of this meeting were approved as presented.
Award of bid to Christmas Ddcor by Zenith for reinstallation of holiday lighting
at Town Square, and purchase and installation of holiday lighting at Town Hall.
With the completion of Town Square in 1999, the City began planning for the
installation of holiday lights in the Town Square Park and public areas. The City
entered into an agreement with Christmas D6cor by Zenith in October of 1999.
The lighting and decorations were extremely popular with citizens and provided
an aesthetically pleasing backdrop for the City's holiday celebration. Staff
conducted the bid process in compliance with applicable laws and procedures.
Three (3) vendors submitted bids on this project on September 11, 2000. The low
bid was received for $34,682, which was within the budgeted amount of $35,000.
All lights and decorations will be installed by November 18, 2000 and removed
within one week after January 1, 2001.
Award of bid to Pate Brothers Construction, Inc. for the construction of the
sanitary sewer line to serve the CISD stadium and transportation facility site. The
construction of the CISD stadium and transportation facility is underway in the
southeast quadrant of the City. Currently, there is no sanitary sewer to serve this
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 6 of 16
site. The stadium and transportation facility is scheduled to be in service in
August 2001. The S-7 sanitary sewer line is scheduled to be in service in August
2001. The S-7 sanitary sewer line will extend from Brumlow through the
petroleum facility sites and thence to the CISD stadium and transportation site.
This project was budgeted in the FY 98-99 CIP budget. The budget appropriated
$1,000,00 to engineer, survey and construct this project. There were eleven
contractors bid this project. The low bid was received from Pate Brothers
Construction, Inc. of Kennedale, Texas, with a base bid of $384,483.30 and
$94,388.89 for the alternate bid item. The bids received were quite lower than the
budgeted amount. The total contract price is $478,872.19.
Award of bid to Sutton & Associates, Inc. for the reconstruction of Robin Lane
and Mockingbird Lane in the Dove Acres subdivision. The sanitary sewer to serve
the Dove Acres subdivision was installed and completed in June 2000. FY99-00
CIP budget provided funds for the reconstruction of the two public roads within
the subdivision, Mockingbird Lane and Robin Lane. The subdivision contains the
"estate" type cross-section for the roadways, which is 24-feet wide asphalt road
with bar ditch drainage on either side of the road. The project scope includes
reconstructing the asphalt roadways to their current width of 24-feet and
regrading the bar ditches as necessary to provide adequate drainage. This project
was budgeted in the FY99-00 CIP budget. The budget appropriated $237,600 to
engineer, survey, and construct this project. There were six contractors bid this
project. The low bid was received from Sutton and Associates, Inc. of Keller with
a base bid of $169,251.60 and $8,260.00 for the alternate bid. The total contract
price is $177,511.60.
This item intentionally left blank.
Approval of a Highway-Railroad License and Force Account Agreement with
Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART)for the purpose of constructing, maintaining,
and using the proposed Mustang Court extension at the intersection of State
Highway 26 across DART right-of-way. Currently there are four at-grade
intersections, unprotected driveway railroad crossings on SH 26, which provide
access to the individual petroleum facilities located between Mustang Drive and
South Kimball Avenue. The cities of Grapevine and Southlake working in concert
with the petroleum facilities and abutting property owners have come to an
agreement to eliminate the railroad crossings with the construction of a new
roadway connection to Mustang Drive at the SH 26 intersection. The
improvements consist of constructing a deceleration lane along SH 26,
constructing a full-signalized railroad crossing, and constructing the Mustang
Court extension. The Texas Department of Transportation will coordinate the
bidding process, contract administration, and the construction for this project. The
funding of this project will be paid by a combination of sources, which includes
funds from Southlake, Grapevine and TxDOT. This Highway-Railroad License
and Force Account Agreement is required by DART. The agreement gives
permission to TxDOT to construct the railroad crossing.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 7 of 16
Approval of a License Agreement with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for the
purpose of constructing, maintaining, and using the proposed Mustang Court
extension at the intersection of State Highway 26 across DART right-of-way. The
new connection from Mustang Drive to Southlake will be a public street crossing
the DART railroad with a fully signalized crossing that will be interconnected
with Mustang Drive traffic signals for improved safety. This License Agreement
is required by DART for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and using the
proposed Mustang Court extension within the existing DART right-of-way.
This item intentionally left blank.
Authorize the Mayor to enter into an interlocal agreement with the City of Fort
Worth and City of Southlake for participation in Fort Worth's Environmental
Collection Center and Hazardous Waste Program. Providing residents in the city
of Southlake a method to properly dispose of household hazardous waste is
necessary for the protection of our community and environment. On March 2,
1999, an agreement between Safety-Kleen Inc. and the City of Southlake allowed
for the City to conduct two household hazardous waste programs. The programs
were offered to the public on May 1 and October 2 of last year. Both programs
were extremely successful and the city assisted approximately 160 households
with removing waste from their homes. Because citizens were able to only
dispose of household waste during DPS-sponsored events, DPS continued to
research better ways to improve this program. The proposed Fort Worth
Agreement extends the DPS program from a twice-per-year event to a daily event.
DPS will continue to host local collection days twice a year; however, if residents
need to discard approved waste outside of those scheduled events, they will have
the option to travel to the Environmental Collection Center in Fort Worth.
Another benefit to the Fort Worth agreement is a reduction in cost. The last event
held on October 2, 1999, cost the City $14,550 for 100 households. The Fort
Worth agreement reduces the cost more than 50 percent, charging only $62 per
household. Staff's recommendation was to continue the relationship with Safety-
Kleen and renew the agreement.
Resolution No. 00-89, ZA 00-095, Specific Use Permit for outside trailer storage,
garden center storage, and pallet storage as part of a retail operation on Lot 2,
Block 1, Farrar Addition and being 23.003 acres Applicant: Wal-Mart. This item
was tabled at the request of the applicant until the October 17, 2000, City Council
ZA 00-105, Plat Vacation for Lot 1, Block A, White Chapel Methodist Church
Addition. It was noted the purpose of this plat vacation was to eliminate
easements and platted lot boundary in order to file a new final plat establishing a
new lot boundary, new easements and right-of-way alignment.
Ordinance No. 792, 1~t Reading, Abandonment and Quitclaim of a portion of Pine
Drive right-of-way at the intersection of South White Chapel Boulevard. The City
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 8 of 16
plans to reconstruct Pine Drive this year. Currently, Pine Drive intersects White
Chapel Boulevard at an acute angel. The reconstruction of Pine includes
realigning Pine Drive with South White Chapel Boulevard. The City purchased
land in February 1999 to accommodate the realignment. White Chapel Methodist
Church also dedicated additional right-of-way for the realignment of Pine.
Following the realignment, Pine Drive will intersect perpendicular to South White
Chapel, which will provide for an improved intersection over the one that exists
Award of bid and approval of Change Order No. 1 to Branch & Sons Contractors
for the reconstruction of Pine Drive. As noted in the previous item, following the
realignment, Pine Drive will intersect perpendicular to South Chapel Boulevard,
which will provide for an intersection that is improved over the one that exists
today. The pavement width will be 18" to minimize the tree removal necessary to
reconstruct the roadway, which was approved by Council on February 15, 2000.
Staff recommended that City Council award the bid to Branch & Sons Contractors
for the reconstruction of Pine Drive in the amount of $119,754.25. Staff also
recommended Council approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $25,475.
Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with Keep
Southlake Beautiful (KSB) for 2001. Keep Southlake Beautiful is a non-profit
community-based organization that first entered into an agreement with the City
in 1994. KSB currently provides many services to the community including
educational programs, environmental awareness, and the implementation of the
adopt-a-street program for Southlake city streets and rights-of-way. KSB
requested funding of $5,000 for FY 2000-01 for services rendered to the
community, an increase of $500 over last year. The approved FY 2000-01
Community Services division budget allocated $88,150 for community service
Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with Grapevine
Relief and Community Exchange (GRACE)for 2001. GRACE has received
fimding since 1994, and in 1998 Council proposed a $.50 per capita funding based
on the current residential population. In 1998, the City raised the amount paid for
services to $9,500. GRACE requested funding for FY 2000-2001 of $10,650,
which is based on the current population figure of 21,300 per information
obtained by GRACE from the Southlake Chamber of Commeme.
Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with Arts Council
of Northeast Tarrant County (ACNETC) for 2001. Northeast Tarrant Arts Council
is now known as Arts Council of Northeast Tarrant County (ACNETC).
ACNETC is a 501(3) organization that provides summer arts programs as well as
other various arts classes to youth and adults in northeast Tarrant County. They
provide a newsletter in addition to a calendar to the citizens of Southlake that
serve local municipalities, schools, and other non-project organizations. ACNETC
requested funding for FY 2000-01 of $5,000, an increase from $4,500 in FY
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 9 of 16
1999-2000. The increased funding will assist with the increased need for funding
of the Summer Arts College week, which is provided every year in Southlake.
Authorize the Mayor to enter into Scope of Service Agreement with the Women's
Shelter for 2001. The Women's Shelter Inc. is a non-profit organization
headquartered in Arlington. They provide assistance to Southlake residents from
satellite branches in Northeast Tarrant County. Services include counseling
programs for children, victims, and offenders. They also provide the following
services: 24-hour hotline, community education and training, transitional service
programs for victims and their families, legal support and referrals, court
accompaniment, advocacy with the police, courts and district attorney's office and
temporary residential facilities. In FY 1998-99, the City entered into an agreement
that provided funding of $1,000 to the Women's Haven of Tarrant County. In FY
1999-2000 the Department of Public Safety reconunended an agreement with the
Women's Shelter instead, due to better response and the availability of services.
The Women's Shelter requested an increase of funding from $1000 to $1500 to
reflect the increased support to Southlake citizens and additional services to
Southlake residents.
Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with the Lake
Cities Community Band for 2001. Lake Cities Community Band first received
funding from the City in 1995. Their request for financial support stemmed from
the increasing size of the band as well as the growing number of area
performances. Initially the band received $1,000 toward their operating costs.
Operating costs include the purchase of music, equipment, postage and
administration. Lake Cities Community Band requested funding of $5,000 for FY
2000-01 for services rendered to the community. Council agreed to $5,000 for this
fiscal year.
Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Service Agreement with Tarrant
County Challenge Inc. for 2001. In April 1999, Tarrant County Challenge, Inc.,
Tarrant County MHMR, Tarrant Council on Alcoholism & Drag Abuse, Family
Service, Inc. and Santa Fe Adolescent Services agreed to provide services under
one roof as Tarrant Youth Recovery Campus, to provide a full continuum of care
for teenagers residing in Tarrant County who suffered from the disease of
addiction. Prior to this project, there were few options for outpatient services and
no residential treatment for youth addicted to drags and alcohol. The funding of
$2,250 requested will be used specifically to provide services at the Tarrant Youth
Recovery Campus. A request for funding in the amount of $2,250 ($.10 per
taxpayer based on the current population of 22,500) was received from Tarrant
County Challenge Inc. on August 17, 2000.
Award of bid to Parrot Communications for installation of fiber optic cable for
Town Hall. Currently City Hall serves as the hub of telecommunication and data
processing for the city. The current location at City Hall is plagued with leaks and
is undersized for the amount of equipment installed. Town Hall will also require a
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 10 of 16
connection to the fiber optic cable to access and connect with other city locations.
With the completion of Town Hall, staff will relocated two of the three AS400's
the city utilizes and will need to connect them to the fiber backbone. This bid
provides for the installation and splicing of all fiber optic cable for the city at this
time and also provides for the pulling down of cable no longer used at the
administrative buildings, as provided for by law. This project was estimated to
cost $15,000. Rapid construction in the Town Hall area has forced a reroute of the
cable increasing the number of feet of cable necessary, along with the addition of
two handholds. The lowest bidder was Parrot Communications for $27,236.74.
Award of bid to TruGreen LandCare for the Town Hall landscaping and
irrigation. On September 26, 2000 five bids were received and opened to install
selected trees and the remaining landscape and irrigation for Town Hall.
TruGreen LandCare was the lowest bid at $32,909.20. This mount does not
include an alternate of $103.20 to extend an irrigation phone connection to the
building. Staffrecommended the bid from TruGreen LandCare for the Town Hall
landscaping and irrigation be approved in the amount of $32,909.20.
Agenda Item #6, Public Forum
Kenneth Home, 1215 Ashmore Court, $outhlake. Mr. Home asked the City
Council members if the City was "still looking for big box retail in Southlake?"
He stated he would like for Council to not consider any more big box retail in
Southlake. Mr. Home also commented on the three-in-one restaurant being built
in Southlake and encouraged the City Council to be sure the buildings are built
out of metal or steel instead of wood as they would last longer.
Agenda Item #7-A, Ordinance No. 480-350, 2na Reading, (ZA 00-068), Rezonin§ and
Revised Site Plan for Christian Men's Network
Ordinance No. 480-350, 2na Reading, (ZA 00-068), Rezoning and Revised Site Plan for
Christian Men's Network on Lot 2R1, Block B, Ravenaux Village, involving 3.970 acres.
Current zoning is "S-P-l" Detailed Site Plan District with a requested zoning of'S-P-l"
Detailed Site Plan District with limited "CS" Commnnity Services District uses to allow
office, recording studio, chapel and training facility.
Senior Planner Karen Gandy presented ZA 00-068 for second reading, noting that prior
activity on this property included:
o Zoning (ZA 91-014) from SF-1A to S-P-2, approved May 1991
o Zoning and Revised Site Plan (ZA 94-099) from S-P-2 to S-P-l, approved
November 1994
c> Revised Site Plan (ZA 96-107), approved September 1996
(> Site Plan (ZA 97-053), approved June 1997
On September 7, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved (7-0 vote) subject
to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated September 1, 2000; to grant the variance
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 11 of 16
to Item #1 (automatic irrigation system) noting it only applies to the south property line
and not to west property line; to grant the variance to Item 32 (stacking); and to grant the
variance to Item #3, but subject to compliance if 50% or more of the natural vegetation
was destroyed or removed.
The uses permitted on this site have not changed from the original zoning. The purpose of
this request and the zoning change was to allow an increase in the approved building size
of the original "S-P-l" zoning. The original plan was approved with a 7,000 square feet
building. This plan proposed an additional 11,200 square feet for a total building floor
area of approximately 18,885 square feet. The applicant requested the following
o Waiver of required automatic irrigation system within the south bufferyard. The
applicant has verbally requested this relief based on justifications noted in the
review summary.
c> Waiver of required 75' stacking depth on both driveways to allow 48' on the east
and 42' on the west drives. The applicant has verbally required this relief based
on justifications noted in the review summary.
o Waiver of 8' screening device on the south required by residential adjacency. The
applicant has verbally requested this relief based on justifications noted in the
review summary. This variance was requested and previously approved by
Council with the approval of the 1997 revised site plan application.
John Levitt, engineer, Civil Works Group, Grapevine. Mr. Levitt addressed the irrigation
to the south, stating it was not necessary as it has natural vegetation in that area. He noted
in the new facility they would enlarge the training area where they will continue to teach
and train missionaries. Mr. Erin Harris with Christian Men's Network noted they would
hold seminars, marriage seminars, and registration type events and would be advertised
on their web site.
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public heating.
Motion was made to approve ZA 00-068; subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No.
4, dated September 29, 2000; approved as per the motion made by the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
Fawks, Standerfer, DuPre, Shankland, Potter, Kendall, and Stacy
7-0 votes
Agen~la Item #7-B, ZA 00-074, Site Plan for Children's Courtyard
ZA 00-074, Site Plan for e Children's Courtyard, on property described as Lots 8, 9, 10
and 11, Block 6, SouthRidge Lakes, Phase C-l, being 3.0349 acres. Current zoning is "C-
3" General Commercial District.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 12 of 16
Senior Planner Karen Gandy presented ZA 00-074, Site Plan for Children's Courtyard,
located on the northeast and southeast comers of the intersection of North Peytonville
Avenue and Corporate Circle. This site consists of two (2) lots. The southern lot proposed
a 10,721 square foot day care center. This building is designated for pre-school age
children (infants through Pre-K). Children would occupy this facility during normal
business hours (6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.).The northern lot proposed an 8,988 square foot
day care center. This building is designed for school age children (5 years to 12 years).
These children would be picked up by the Children's Courtyard van after school and
brought to the facility. In the summer and during school holidays, children would occupy
the facility during normal business hours. This area is part of the larger Southridge Lakes
Development, which includes residential properties to the north, and commercial uses
along Southlake Boulevard. Office uses currently exist along Corporate Circle. The
applicant requested the following variances:
Bufferyards shall be located within and along the outer perimeter of a lot
or boundary line. The east bufferyard on Building B site does not extend
the full length of the property due to an existing driveway on a common
property line. It is deficient in length by 50 feet. The applicant is planting
all of the required plant materials.
Relocate the trash dumpster to the side or rear of the principal structure on
the north site of Building B.
Where a non-residential use abuts a residentially zoned lot, a screening
device shall be erected along the rear property lines abutting said
residential lot to a height of eight (8'). Provide an 8' screening device
between the north side, Building B, and the adjacent residential to the
north. This plan indicates there is an existing 6' fence.
The Planning
Building "A".
and Zoning Commission recommended a relocation of the dumpster on
Ms. Gandy noted that a correction needs to be made to the Site Plan table
Gary Wood, Wood Stovall Architects; David McMahan, developer; and, Jim Berg,
representative from Children's Courtyard. It was determined that the dumpster issue had
been resolved and they added additional "container grown" trees as they grow faster.
Around Building B they added additional shrubs to hide the equipment.
Councilmember Keith Shankland asked the developer to make sure that
the shrubs are filled in and solid next to the residential properties.
Mr. Berg stated Building "A" would hold 142 children. Building "B" would hold 162
children. He also commented that there would be no nighttime activities on the property.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 13 of 16
Karen Birthfield, 112 San dacinto Court, Southlake. Ms. Birthfield stated she was a
Children Care Consultant and currently works for Burlington Northern Railroad. She
commented that Children's Courtyard is "NAEYC" certified and that they have an
appropriate learning environment.
Public heating closed.
Motion was made to approve ZA 00-074, Subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No.
3, dated September 29, 2000; requiring that screening plantings be placed at least the size
of the dumpster enclosure along the west and north faces of lot "B" and on the west and
south faces of lot "A"; that they have the addition of screening plants along the north
property line where there are gaps in the existing plantings; that the applicant has agreed
to plant live oak and other buffer trees along the Peytonville Avenue property line on
tracts "A" and "B"; and light poles be limited to 12' in height and lights be on timers and
not on later than 8:00 p.m.; granting all the variances requests as set forth in the Site Plan.
Standerfer, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Shankland, and Stacy
7-0 vote
Agenda Item #10-H, Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for IHOP
IHOP has just completed construction of a new restaurant at the 3317 East SH 114 in
Southlake. They have applied for a variance to allow an additional attached sign on the
northwest or right side elevation. The sign would be identical to the ones on the front and
left side, which have been installed in compliance with the sign ordinance. Section 16-A
of the Sign Ordinance limits the number of signs to one per street frontage. The building
has street frontage on the front and the left sides only. The proposed sign would be
visible to traffic headed eastbound on State Highway 114. The requested sign contains 32
square feet in area and the letters are 18 inches high. The existing signs are less than the
allowable area on their respective faces of the building by 28 square feet on the front and
20 square feet on the left side.
Jim Winer, IHOP Restaurant. Mr. Winer stated he wanted to put a new sign on the
northeast of the building as that side gets the most visibility.
After discussion, motion was made to deny the request for variance as requested by
Standerfer, Shankland, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, and Stacy
7-0 vote to deny the request.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 14 of 16
Agenda Item #10-I, Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for
McDonald's on North Kimball Avenue
McDonald's has an existing facility at the subject location at 225 North Kimball Avenue,
Southlake. Due to the reconstruction of State Highway 114, their lot is now on a comer
and they have applied to add an attached sign on the north face of the building. Section
16-A of the Sign Ordinance limits the letter height of attached signs to various heights
corresponding to the distance from the property line along the appropriate street frontage.
The proposed sign on the north elevation is set back approximately 85 feet from State
Highway 114 right-of-way and is, therefore, limited to 18 inch letter height. The
requested sign has a 42-inch high "M", a 28-inch high "D", and the small letters are 24
inches high. The sign contains 67 square feet in area, compared to the 100 square feet
permitted by ordinance.
The project manager of McDonald's Restaurant was present to answer questions from
Council. She asked for a variance to the height of the letters, wanting them to be flush
with the building making the "M" 42" in height.
Councilmember Gary Fawks suggested that this request not be acted upon and come back
when the service road for SH 114 was completed and Council would be surer of what
would be necessary for visibility of the restaurant.
After discussion, motion was made to approve the request for variance to Sign Ordinance
No. 704-A, with the letter "M" being 36" in height and all other letters remaining the
Standerfer, DuPre, Kendall, and Stacy
Potter, Shankland, and Fawks
4-3 vote
Agenda Item #Il-A, Discussion: Teen Center Survey Report
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman reported in December 1999 the SPDC
and City Council directed staff to undertake a random sample survey of Southlake
residents and teens to determine their attitudes towards a teen center. After determining
the scope and intent of the project, staff sent out Requests for Proposals to (RFP's) to
several consultants specializing in survey research. In February 2000, the City entered
into a contract with Raymond Turco & Associates for consulting services in developing a
survey instrument and conducting a random survey regarding the teen center issue. An
ad-hoc committee of two councilmembers, one Park Board member, one citizen, and two
teens, was formed to assist staff and the consultant in drafting a survey questionnaire. The
survey sought to determine the attitudes of adults and teens regarding a planned
recreation center as well as a potential facility for teens. The goal was to develop an
instrument that would be impartial and unbiased, but would provide SPDC and City
Council with enough information to determine whether a teen center should be
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 15 of 16
constructed, in what manner, and what it should include if constructed. A secondary
objective of the survey was to gain additional public input for the update of the Parks,
Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. The information gathered would allow staff and
city officials to better assess the specific recreational needs of the citizens for planning a
future recreation/community center.
Raymond Turco and Associates. Mr. Turco presented the final version and survey
summary and analysis to the Council. A copy of the report dated September 2000 and
the executive summary are hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting.
Agenda Item #Il-B, Discussion: Revisions to Ordinance No. 480, Pertaining to
outside storage.
This item was not discussed during this meeting.
Agenda Item #12, Adjournment
Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2000 Page 16 of 16
• 445 E. Bob Jones Road
• Roanoke, Texas 76262
' ''''J joi
r f /
September 29, 2000 j 4 , `' ' "'./
Mayor Rick Stacy
Southlake City Council Members
1725 E. Southlake Boulavard
Southlake, Texas 76092
Dear Mayor Rick Stacy and Members of the Southlake City Council:
I have considered it a privilege to serve on the Southlake Library Board for the last eighteen months
and feel we have taken great strides toward our goal of creating a library for the citizens of Southlake.
It was my desire to see the effort through to the final book placed on the shelves and the doors open
for public use. However, due to circumstances that have occurred in my life, I am no longer able to
give the attention to my position of responsibility that I feel is necessary to fulfill the obligation of a
Board Member.
Therefore, I hereby resign my position on the Southlake Library Board effective this month.
If there are any questions I can help with or information I may have in my possession that is needed,
please do not hesitate to call me.
It has been a joy to work with all the members of the Board, the staff of the City of Southlake, Terry
Mclaughlin, and Steve Polasek. I wish everyone the greatest success in the coming months during the
opening period. I will continue to work and support the library through the Friends of the Southlake
Library until we move to our new home on Lake Texoma in the spring of 2001.
? -e -
Wanda Poe
cc: Terry McLaughlin
Steve Ppjasek
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