JUNE 22, 1999
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tcm Gary Fawks;
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie Kendall. Members: Debra Edmondson, Rex Potter, and
Patsy DuPre.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Zoning Administrator and
Interim Director of Planning Karen Gandy; Director of Economic Development Greg
Last; Planner Dennis Killough; Director of Public Works Bob Whitehead; Director of
Engineering Services Ron Harper; Deputy Director of Engineering Services Charlie
Thomas; Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson; Landscape Administrator Kcith
Martin; City Attorney Debra Drayovitch; and, City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand.
Agenda Item #l-A, Call To Order
Mayor Rick Stacy called the Special City Council meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.,
welcoming everyone in the audience to the meeting, stating that the item on the agenda is
for approval of the first reading of the ordinance for the Sabre Group Campus
Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session
No executive session was held this evening.
Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary
This item was not addressed.
Agenda Item #3, Ordinance No. 480-313, 1st Reading (ZA 99-056)
Ordinance No. 480-313, 1st Reading, (ZA 99-056), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Sabre
Group, on property legally described as Lot 4, Block A, MTP-IBM Addition No. 1, an
addition to the City of Southlake, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-211,
Page 68 and 69 of Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and as recorded in Cabinet G,
Page 208, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas; Tracts 1, 1Al, lC, 2Al, 2A2, 2A3, 2A4,
2A7, and portions of Tracts 2A and 2A6 situated in the U.P. Martin Survey, Abstract No.
1015; portions of Tracts 1 and lC situated in the James B. Martin Survey, Abstract No.
1134; and portions of Tracts 3Al, 3A1A, 3A1A2, 3A3A1, 4B, 4B1, 4B2, situated in the
Rees D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, and being approximately 154.8 acres. Current
Special City Council Meeting Minutes of June 22, 1999 Page 1 of 10
zoning is "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development District and "NR-PUD"
Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District with "O-2", Office District uses and
certain other permitted and accessory uses set forth in Exhibit "B" Planned Unit
Development Standards which are generally related to communication, computer, and
information technologies; training and conference centers; parking structures;
heliport/stop and verti-port/stop; hotel, restaurant, retail and office uses. Applicant: The
Sabre Group, Inc. Owners: Maguire Partners-Solana Limited Partnership and
International Business Machines, Inc.
Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy presented the 1st Reading of Ordinance No. 480-313,
stating seven written notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification
area and no written responses have been received. Ms. Gandy thanked Zoning Secretary
Loft Farwell for the fast turn around on the minutes of the Planning and Zoning
Commission meeting held on June 17, 1999. She stated that, "Ms. Farwell spent her
entire weekend on the minutes knowing that the City Council would need the information
prior to tonight's meeting."
Tom Allen, Maguire Partners, 9 Village Circle, Solana. Mr. Allen presented this item to
the City Council, stating they own the property being rezoned tonight.
Carol Kelly, Vice President of Corporate Services for The Sabre Group, Inc. Ms. Kelly
introduced members of her company: Dean Sanderson, Managing Director of Corporate
Services; Jeff Stewart, Corporate Services, Senior Project Coordinator; and the two (2)
architectural firms working on this project, including: Kirk Teske, Vice President, HKS,
Inc., who introduced his company to the Council and showed them examples of other
corporate campuses his firm has worked on in the past several years; and, Rico Cedro,
AIA, NCARB, of the The Hillier Group. Mr. Cedro introduced his company and told
them corporate campuses are one of the core areas of his firms' expertise; they have been
designing corporate campuses since the early 1970's. He showed examples of other
corporate campuses his company has worked on as well.
Mr. Cedro stated when they design large corporate campuses, one of the fundamental
decisions is where to locate the parking garage; parking is usually more inflexible than
the location of the buildings. He outlined the landscape master plan in which they have
made refinements to the alignment of the road and the structured parking. He said they
feel this new design will lower the scale and impact of the garage and promote better
circulation within the garage. Cedro stated the preponderance of the parking garage is
located in the large cleared area. He stated there will eventually be 9,000 cars a day and
that the build out is planned for eight (8) to ten (10) years. Mr. Cedro said they are
planning for ten (10) buildings at a build-out of approximately 2 million s.f., with each
building being t~om 200,000 to 250,000 s.f. Mr. Cedro stated the Sabre Group intends to
have amenities such as a health facility, volleyball courts, tennis courts, etc.
Mayor Stacy asked if the building footprints are about 40,0000-50,000 feet and are
intended to be five stories tall? Councilmember Rex Potter commented on the one
Special City Council Meeting Minutes of June 22, 1999 Page 2 of 10
million s.f. of additional space, and asked if that is intended to be ancillary uses? Mr.
Cedro stated that would not necessarily be ancillary uses, it could be additional offices.
Director of Economic Development Greg Last stated, "How we got into that criteria was
there was some calculations done on the size of the lots, and there was some language in
there that allows for a buildable area on that size of the lot. So there were calculations
done on what would be the maximum square footage that could be build if we just
disregarded every aspect of the site and just built the maximum square footage. That
concerned the Planning and Zoning Commission so they wanted to provide a top number
that would not be exceeded from a square footage standpoint. There was some
discussion going back and forth as to what might be a top number and Sabre said they
should be comfortable in not approaching the 3.5 million number. It is not in their plan,
it is way past their ten-year window but the concern by the P &Z was the possibility that
they could build over the entire site. Sabre has no desire or expectation to build that
much area; it was just a number that was bordered between Sabre and the P & Z during
that discussion."
Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated, "They did agree to 65% of impervious coverage,
is that correct?" Councilmember Potter said regarding the zoning itself, that it was clear
that the City was willing to work on a partnership relationship and wants to be
cooperative, but also knows if this is zoned and part of it is not developed by Sabre,
anyone could come in with those uses and put that type of use in there. Potter asked,
"How can we go and limit it? We say that Sabre is not pla~'mg to do that, Sabre has this
plan, but I know how zoning works as well, and best intentions--- we want to be sure."
Mr. Last stated, "When we get into permitted uses versus accessory uses, Sabre has
committed to P & Z that they do not have a desire for accessory uses to be transformed
into permitted principal uses." Last stated that there are ancillary uses that are not
particularly corporate office. They intend to have those interracial to their facility and
have conunitted that at no time can those he changed over to principal uses without a
rezoning of those properties, That was the trade off to try and give the city some
Ike Shupe, attorney for The Sabre Group, 1717 Main Street, Dallas. Mr. Shupe stated
that no stand~alone retail use is being proposed by Sabre. Mr. Shupe stated he wanted to
review with Council the eight (8) open issues (as outlined in the Analysis of P&Z
Comments from the June 17, 1999 Public Hearing, attached hereto and incorporated into
the minutes of this meeting). The eight (8) Planning and Zoning Commission issues
1.12 Open issue: Commission deleted "hotel" and "restaurant" as
permitted uses, Sabre position and/or action required: Applicant continues
its request for a "hotel" and "restaurant" as principal uses. Based on the
potential build-out of the development, and on Applicant's training needs
and projected customer/vendor volumes, both a hotel and restaurant
appear to be reasonably foreseeable future uses.
Special City Council Meeting Minutes of Jnne 22, 1999 Page 3 of 10
1J1 Open issue: Commission deleted "general retail" as a permitted
accessory use within principal "use" buildings (suggesting that Applicant
should specifically identify each desired retail use). Sabre Position and/or
action required: The accessory retail being requested by Applicant will be
located wholly within the same building as principal uses. It is intended
solely for the benefit of employees within the building. Unfortunately it is
difficult, if not impossible to specifically identify all the uses that may be
appropriate in the future. Applicant proposed that the term "general retail"
be replaced by the term "specialty retail" and that additional language he
added to the PUD Standards that clarifies the intent of Applicant and the
city that such retail be for the sole benefit of employees within the
IIAI Open issue: Commission required that the parking garage be "broken
up" into one garage for each office building. In addition, Commission
requested a "site line" study from the Kirkwood Hollow residential
development. Sabre Position and/or action required: Applicant believes
the issue is the "appearance" of the garages and not the "number." To the
extent garages can be seen through the heavily wooded 3.61-acre park
dedication and natural area, the proposed PUD Standards require building
articulation and garage facades that include architectural treatments. In
addition, Applicant proposed to construct at least two separate garages and
to further screen them with four canopy trees for each 100 linear feet of
fagade. Applicant believes that multiple garages alone would not produce
a different appearance and would consume significantly more land (with
the resulting loss of more trees) because of building separation required to
accommodate fire lane access. Greater building separation also produces
greater walking distance for Applicant's employees.
IIB2 Open issue: Commission rejected the elimination of side yard
requirements. Sabre Position and/or action required: Applicant continues
its position that side yards are not necessary for the development. The
multiple phases of the project are all expected to occur on a single platted
lot under common ownership; consequently, side yard setbacks are more
than achieved through the Natural areas shown on the concept plan. In
addition even if separate building sites are created, they will still be under
common ownership as apart of the same development.
II.I Open issue: Commission rejected wavier of driveway ordinance
(reserved driveway approvals until Site Plan approval). Sabre Position
and/or action required: Applicant has proposed, and the Commission has
accepted, that the project will be developed with private roads to which
the public will not have access and which will be constructed to a reduced
design speed. The result will be a "pedestrian-friendly," campus style,
private development. The city's current driveway ordinance controls the
Special City Council Meeting Minutes of June 22, 1999 Page 4 of 10
design of driveways (e.g. throat widths, curb radii, minimum intersection
distances, and minimum centerline spacing) that intersect state highways,
farm-to-market roads, arterial, collectors, and local streets. These
standards simply do not apply because none of Applicant's driveways will
intersect these types of public streets. Applicant recognizes, however, that
one of the main purposes underlying the city's ordinance is safety.
Obviously, Applicant is very concerned with the safety of its employees
and visitors. Consequently, Applicant proposed that the PUD Standards
be modified to reflect that all proposed driveways undergo an "on-site"
analysis by an independent traffic consultant and that all driveways be
subject to site plan review for safety issues.
IIIDI Open issue: Commission required buffer yards along Kirkwood and
T.W. King. Sabre Position and/or action required: Applicant believes that
the intent and purpose of the city's "bufferyard" requirements have been
more than satisfied by the natural areas and park land dedication shown on
the concept plan and with Applicant's further proposal to screen the
parking garages by planting four canopy trees for each 100 linear feet of
building fagade. Therefore, Applicant continues its request that no
bufferyards be required.
N/A Open issue: Commission deleted heliports/helistops. Sabre Position
and/or action required: Applicant continues its request that these uses be
permitted under the conditions imposed by Applicant's proposed PUD
Standards. These standards (i) restrict the uses to Applicant, (ii) require
that all FAA requirements be satisfied, and (iii) require that all flight paths
be designated on an approved development plan or site plan (as
applicable) so as to maximize use of the SH 114 corridor and minimize the
overflight of any residential areas.
N/A Open issue: Applicant required to begin construction of the north
Kirkwood bridge at the same time as the first phase of the office
development and to proceed as quickly as possible to complete the bridge.
The White Chapel access road may be used for construction traffic until
the north bridge is completed. Sabre Position and/or action required:
Applicant agrees to use commemially reasonable efforts to begin
construction of the north Kirkwood bridge at the same time as the first
phase of the office development and to proceed as soon as reasonably
possible to complete the bridge. Applicant further agrees that the White
Chapel access road may only be used for construction traffic until the
north bridge is completed.
Councilmember Patsy DuPre asked if there was any other access that could be used
during construction other than the North White Chapel roadway?
Special City Council Meeting Minutes of June 22, 1999 Page $ of 10
Mr. Shupe stated the bridge construction would start with construction of the first
building and is used during the construction of the development.
Director of Engineering Ron Harper stated, "Some of the issues of the use of North White
Chapel Boulevard during construction will be addressed in the developers agreement. I
am glad that it is being discussed at this time. We will need to keep the road clear, as
North White Chapel Boulevard was not built to handle heavy construction traffic. There
may be other options that can be explored." Mr. Harper stated he would pursue
discussion with TxDOT about the construction traffic coming off of SH 114. Harper
stated he would work with Sabre's staff in looking at the alternatives.
Council adjourned for recess at 8:55 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 9:15 p.m.
Gene Hill, 11 Cypress Court, Trophy Club. Mr. Hill stated Trophy Club is concerned
about the closure of Trophy Wood Drive. He stated the Trophy Club fire department
reaches the SH 114 area by that road, adding, that they also use the roadway for
emergency runs to Baylor Hospital in Grapevine, for that side of town. Mr. Hill stated
the Town of Trophy Club is asking that the City not close this roadway.
Lou Opipare, 32 Crestwood Drive, Trophy Club. Mr. Opipare stated he is Deputy
Director of Public Safety for the Town of Trophy Club and stated he has operational
concerns. He stated closing Trophy Wood Drive would cause them delays in response
time and that this roadway is used for emergency egress for the Trophy Club Emergency
Management Plan on race weekends as well. He also asked the City Council to
reconsider closing this ingress-egress from Trophy Club.
Cyrus Holley, 120 Oakmont Drive, Trophy Club. Mr. Holley stated he is president of
Oakmont Enterprises, which owns twenty-three acres. In order to develop the full
advantage of his 23 acres of commercial property, there must be two ways of traffic so
that people can come out of that shopping center and go east on the service road and go
under SH 114 and go back east on SH 114. The current proposal only says, "best
efforts." He asked the City Council to be sure the two-way traffic be in place prior to
closing of Kirkwood, noting, if the City Council does not do that, they will be
condemning his property without compensation.
Boyd Dollar, 525 Brooks Court, Southlake. Mr. Dollar stated he is concerned about the
safety issue on North White Chapel Boulevard and that it is supreme. He asked Council
to read what he had to say previously. It has been thirteen months and the term
"commercially feasible" is unacceptable to the people who live on the north. He stated if
the Council is going to give them access to this position, Council must put some kind of
incentive to get this done in a reasonable timeframe. And be sure it gets done with some
kinds of assurances.
Special City Council Meeting Minutes of June 22, 1999 Page 6 of 10
Kim 0 'Brien, 438 Saddle Ridge Road, Southlake. Ms. O'Brien stated she spoke during
the Planning and Zoning meeting and asked if anyone had considered putting the parking
garage on the SH 114 side instead of the residential side. She stated she is not happy
about the access on White Chapel Boulevard. She hopes there are no decisions made
regarding the closing of the roads until the city hears back from TxDOT.
Julie Landesberg, 305 East Bob Jones Road, Southlake. Ms. Landesberg stated it was her
understanding when the PUD was originally agreed upon, it was agreed there would be
no access to White Chapel Boulevard. She is concerned the city is sacrificing safety for
the convenience of 9,000 employees. She would prefer they stick to the original PUD
agreement. She asked for the Commission to wait for TxDot's response to the two-way
access before the applicant is allowed to close the road. She asked them to consider the
surrounding residents when planning their helicopter routes, etc.
Mayor Stacy stated, "To those from Trophy Club who are concerned about T.W. King,
we too are very concerned about it. We talked about it early on. I don't think there is
any body in the room who has the intention of closing any roads without first having
done everything possible to make that a two-way access road and it was discussed in
some our very first meetings. When we say we are going to put out best effort, we are
asking you to also put out your first best effort, because often times to do things
politically through TxDOT, we need the help of all the communities around. Just like we
have done in the past with Metroport and etc. I'm asking you to help us get this to a two-
way roadway. I don't think according to the plan that the roads will be closed for a long
long time. Maybe a year or two. Certainly we can get the road two-way and show all the
reasons why, just like you have expressed to us tonight. I'm asking for your support and
your help and let's get joint resolutions to make that happen."
Mr. Hill stated, "It is with the full intention of the Town of Trophy Club to cooperate and
work with the City of Southlake to resolve this. My presence tonight was at the request
of the Mayor of Trophy Club who was out of town. He really wants us to make known to
Southlake that he will stay with this until its conclusion." Mayor Stacy stated the city
would keep Trophy Club posted of any meetings as this goes forward.
Councilmember Rex Potter asked the City Manager to put an action plan together of how
the city could make this happen before the next meeting.
A discussion followed regarding the eight (8) action items as noted previously.
Councilmember Ronnie Kendall addressed Item #1, stating, "If we restrict the term
"permitted use," I think our attorney raised some good points and right now we have
several permitted principal uses. I would like them all tied into the goals or operations of
Sabre's headquarters. I would like to see them not function to primarily benefit the
general public." Mr. Shupe stated he thinks the attorneys can come up with some
language that will tie them together. It is not intended that it would be a general-purpose
use and that they be somehow in support of the primary use. Debra Drayovitch, attorney
for Southlake, stated she feels the attomeys can come up with some language to meet the
Special City Council Meeting Minutes of June 22, 1999 Page 7 of 10
intent of Council. Councilmember Edmondson suggested that hotels and restaurants be
considered as principal uses by a SUP on first reading, and make necessary changes on
second reading. Edmondson also commented on the communications facility regarding
the radio towers, asking what kind of facility are they planning? Mr. Shupe stated there
is no right to put in a freestanding tower anywhere. They all have to be structurally
screened. That is a requirement that was added during the P & Z meeting. They would
have to go in as architectural features. He asked, "How do you screen radio towers?"
They have agreed the language will be in the PUD Standards.
Mr. Shupe stated on Item//2, regarding "general retail" that this issue would also be dealt
with, with some additional language further narrowing the accessory uses.
Item #3, regarding parking garages, Councilmember Fawks directed a comment to the
architects. He said he has seen in airports where they step their garage in a little bit and
put planter boxes where they can not plant trees or shrubs. He asked if this is something
they might consider. The architect stated that because of the climate in this part of Texas,
it is so dry, they would have to rely on live oaks or vines coming up from the ground
instead of the planter boxes. They will go with different kinds of screening methods.
Item #4, regarding side yard requirements did not generate comments.
Item #5, regarding driveways, Mr. Shupe stated that Mr. Fawks had the suggestion that
this is applicable so long as it is a private road. Mayor Stacy asked the applicants to give
Council their best effort as to what variances they would be requiring according to the
driveway ordinance. He stated he feels it will be very close. Councilmember
Edmondson commented that according to the analysis that the developers stated they
would be subject to Site Plan Review and safety issues. Councilmember Rex Potter stated
he agreed with what the Mayor said that they probably would not be asking for much of a
variance at all. The developer stated they have focused on meeting the intent of the
ordinance, which is the safety issue, and making theirselves subject to the staff review
and Council review at Site Plan phase. If it is passed with it in there, staff will have the
obligation to review it against that ordinance.
Item #6, it was determined that the bufferyard requirements along Kirkwood and T.W.
King would be deleted as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Item #7, Heliports/Helistops. Councilmember Edmondson stated she felt this was
something they should either eliminate the use of or limit the hours of operation and
where they may fly. Mayor Stacy stated, "I think what I am hearing is Council does not
want them flying over houses. So they would have to find a way to do it some other
way." It was determined that the Sabre staff look at the SH 114 flight path only and
come back with a plan at the second reading of the ordinance.
Item #8, regarding the use of White Chapel Boulevard as an access road. After a
discussion it was determined that the applicant will work with staff and come back at
second reading with a more definite plan for the construction of the bridge and
Special City Council Meeting Minutes of June 22, 1999 Page 8 of 10
alternatives to the use of North White Chapel Boulevard for construction traffic. Council
agreed that a more definite timeline is necessary.
Councilmember Rex Potter stated he does not have a problem with the other items in the
analysis, but would like to have a work session prior to the second reading in order to go
over the issues discussed at this meeting.
Councilmember Patsy DuPre asked, "Some of the comments from Trophy Club were
regarding the emergency access from their fire department. Is it possible, if Sabre does
get granted the right to privatize those roads, that there be a way to provide emergency
access and Trophy Club could cut through those roads for the emergency issues?
Carol Kelly stated she agreed with providing emergency access to Trophy Club in case of
emergencies and agreed they will work with Trophy Club for emergency access.
Motion was made to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 480-314, subject to the
· Concept Plan Review Summary dated June 11, 1999;
· Integrating Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations at their June 17,
1999 meeting;
· Modifying Item I. 12, allowing hotels and restaurants as principal uses by an SUP;
Modifying Item IJI, accepting the applicant's substitution of "specialty retail" for
"general retail" and with the definitions of Permitted Principal Uses and Accessory
Uses as offered by Councilmember Kendall:
"Permitted Principal Uses"- Permitted Principal Uses must contribute to the
development and/or operations of the corporate headquarters or affiliates. They
shall not function to primarily service or benefit the general public."
"Accessory Uses "- Accessory Uses shall be operated principally for the benefit
and service of corporate customers, affiliates or guests working or visiting within
the consolidated office complex. No freestanding accessory use shall be
permitted until Phase I has been completed and a certificate of occupancy has
been issued."
And additionally, accepting the applicant's request proposal to delete personal
services as an accessory use.
Deleting Item #IIAI, allowing as submitted by the applicant (and subject to the
applicant's commitment in the analysis; screen parking garages with four (4) canopy
trees for each 100 linear feet);
· Deleting Item #IIB2 (allowing side yards as applicant submitted);
Special City Council Meeting Minutes of June 22, 1999 Page 9 of 10
Accepting Item #II.I as submitted (waiving driveway ordinances as it applies to
private streets) with the Applicant's commitment that the PUD Standards be modified
to reflect that all proposed driveways undergo an "on-site" analysis by an independent
traffic consultant and that all driveways be subject to development plan and site plan
review for safety issues;"
· On Item IIIDI, deleting bufferyard requirements along Kirkwood Boulevard and
T.W. King (as P & Z recommended);
· Requiring a SUP for a heliport/helistop (vertiport/vertistop); and
Requiring that the Applicant work with staff and come back at second reading with a
definite plan (timeline) for the construction of the bridge and alternative to the use of
North White Chapel Boulevard for construction traffic.
Fawks, Potter, Kendall, DuPre, Edmondson, and Stacy
6-0 vote
Agenda Item 04, Adjournment
Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the Special City Council meeting at 10:40 p.m.
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Special City Council Meeting Minutes of June 22, 1999 Page 10 of 10
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