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REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 APRIL 4, 2000 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tern Gary Fawks; Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Ronnie Kendall. Members; Patsy DuPre, Debra Edmondson, and Rex Potter. COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Wayne Moffat. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer; Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Director of Human Resources Lauren Safranek; Director of Economic Development Greg Last; Public Information Officer James Kunke; Interim Director of Planning and Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy; Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter; Director of Public Works Ron Harper; Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas; Senior Civil Engineer Shawn Poe; Assistant to the Director of Public Works Valerie Bradley; Deputy Director of Community Services Steve Palasek; Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson; Deputy Director of Public Safety Fire Services Ricky Black; Chief of Building Services Malcolm Jackson; City Attorney Wayne K. Olson; and City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand. WORK SESSION: The Work Session was called to order at 5:40 p.m. Councilmembers and staff discussed items on the agenda. The work session was audio and video tape- recorded for future reference. Copies are available by request from the City Secretary. Agenda Item #5-B, Attthorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with Avanti Landscape Ma~agement for annual mowing services for public rights-of-ways. Councilmember Patsy DuPre asked Mr. Palasek why there were such disparities in the bids for this project. He replied that a portion of the disparity was that the contractors did not do their homework in preparing their bids. The low bidder was involved in last year's mowing; therefore he had a better idea of what was involved in the project. Agenda Item #5-G, Authorize the Mayor to execute a commercial developer agreement with Carroll Independent School District for improvements at Johnson Elementary School. Councihnember Kendall had questions about this item, noting that she had questions about the administration fees and Councilmcmber Potter had questions about the water impact fee, and asked Mr. Thomas to explain how that process worked. Agenda Ite~n #8-A. Ordi~ance No. 776, 1st Reading, Abandoning a portion ofT. W.. King Road and #8-B, Ordinance No. 777, ]st Reading, Abandoning a portion of Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 1 of 23 Kirkwood Boulcv¥trd. Gene Hill, 11 Cypress Court, Trophy Club. Mr. Hill stated that Mayor Marshall Englebeck had asked him to represent the Town of Trophy Club at the meeting. The subjects of their concern are the abandonment of portions of T.W. King Road and Kirkwood Boulevard. He stated, "These streets provide access to Eastbound SH 114 for residents living in the northeast area of Southlake. They also connect the east entrance of Trophy Club to eastbound SH 114. Our east entrance is one of only three entrances to our Town. Teague, Nall& Perkins, a Fort Worth engineering firm, performed a traffic study in June 1999 showing over 5,325 vehicles a day use the east entrance to Trophy Club. For the east side of Trophy Club, this is the most direct access to SH 114 for emergency vehicles. Both Soutblake and Sabre have assured Trophy Club that emergency vehicles will be given access through the closed campus, but this route is also designated as the emergency evacuation route for our residents in the event of disaster or toxic spill emergency. In recent months, Southlake officials, Sabre management, and Trophy Club officials have met on several occasions to seek alternative traffic patterns to provide access for SH 114 eastbound traffic from the area of Trophy Club's east entrance. We will continue working with you to develop a solution, which will benefit Southlake and Trophy Club residents who are to be affected by these road closures. Trophy Club is opposed to the closing of portions of T.W. King Road and Kirkwood Boulevard prior to the time an alternative acccss to eastbound SH 114 is in place." Councilmembers notcd that these items would be added to the consent agenda: Agenda Item #/O-A. ,4ttthorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Services agreement with Call a Ride of Southlake, Inc. (CARS.). Dick Johnston presented background regarding the proposal being discussed. Johnston stated he met with Council last June or July and recommended that the City put in a commercial transportation system for seniors or the disabled, or authorize a volunteer group to do it. At that meeting the City was asked to contribute $30,000 for the $50,000 budget that was preparcd. Following that meeting they were advised that the City was not going lo do that, and they asked what they needed to do in order for the City to make the contribution as requested earlier. They were told to put together a board, by-laws, and a business operation plan. All of which they did. Johnston stated, "We ran into problems when we were working without funds and several of us put the funds up so that we could get things going, such as filing for the corporation documents. We found that the November agenda was too crowded to get back on the Council agenda and would have to come back. The promise was that we would start transporhng seniors in January, so we went to the bank and borrowed $5,000 to have some more funds to get going. We have been working with the City on a Scopc of Services Agreement. The agreement presented by the City at that time showed $22,500 rather than $30,000, suggesting that since we did not do anything during the first quarter of the year, that we should take $7,500 off of the $30,000. We reluctantly said that we were doing things but we were not transporting seniors so xve accepted [in our minds] that we would live with the $22,500. Thc last time we got together, the Scope of Services Agreement came Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 2 of 23 back to us at a one-time payment of $10,000. Since we had no ridership or tract record, we never contended that we had a history when we started out at $30,000. We had track records from other cities that put in these types of programs and felt comfortable that we could do that and went on with our operations. We now have a track record [the in£ormation updated this evening]." F.C. LeVrier stated he heard both sides of the issue and stated, "The problem that we have here is that this conversation that is going on, should have happened in October. We were lead to believe that the funding was there. I understood $30,000, and then it was amended to $22,500 and amended to $10,000. By the same token we got directions from the City that we needed to do certain things to get organized and we did those things. We established a home base, we got insurance, we got a business plan, a board of directors, and we have committed ourselves to this endeavor to the tune of expenses from volunteer donations and out-of-pocket on the basis that the $22,500 was eventually be available. By the same token we needed some money to operate and went to the bank and borrowed $5,000 with thc notion that the $22,500 was going to be available. Now that we have gotten off the ground, the money is needed. We need money to get fund raising off the ground. It is not free. The Board of Directors of the organization and the officers, arc volunteers of this city and they have achieved certain things in this city that have been delivered and they stand by what they do, so what I am saying is if we were just starting, I would listen to what Council is saying, but we are committed to the seniors and disabled of this town already. We are committed to certain liabilities. I would expect Council would stand by what we understood to be an agreement ot'$22,500 and not $10,000." Mayor Stacy suggested that Council agree to pay the $15,000 now and $7,500 after a review o f thc program on about June 15, before the 4th quarter, which starts July. Councilmembcr Rex Potter stated for the record, "It has got to be a lot better and we need to see a lot of progress before the next review." Council agreed to place this item on the consent agenda. The work session ended at 6:40 p.m. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Agenda Item #1, Call to Order Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. The Mayor noted that City Council meetings are video and audio tape-recorded for future reference and copies are available upon request from the City Secretary. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 3 of 23 Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session Mayor Rick Stacy advixc~d fhc~ at,diet,ce that City Council would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Tc¥~x Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 441.076 and 551.0~¥6 to seek legal advise from our City Attorney, to deliberate regarding real property matters: to deliberate regarding a prospective gift; to deliberate regarding persontte! matters: to deliberate regarding security devices; and/or to deliberate regardi~g economic development negotiations. Council adjourned into Executive Session at 6:45 p.m. Council returned to open session at 7:25 p.m. Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session Motion was made to attthorizc staff to move forward with condemnation of property as discussed during the executivc session. Motion: Kendall Second: Potter Ayes: Kendall, Pottcr, DuPre, Edmondson, Fawks, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 votc Agenda Item #3, Invocatiou Chaplain of the Month ?astor Coy Quesenbury, Lonesome Dove Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Agenda Item #4-A, Mayor's Report Mayor Rick Stacy thanked everyone who participated in the Town Square 1st Birthday Party -- it was enjoyable and a wonderful time was had by all. The following items were announced: ~' The Mayor pointed out the 2000 Census forms should be arriving in the mail and asked everyonc to fill thcm out. )~ A Mid-Year Review is tentatively scheduled for April 25 for Council and staff. 3~ Don't forget to vote in the May 6, election, with early voting starting on April 19. >' A proclamation was given to Larry Abernathy, a volunteer on the Adventure Alley project, who saw the need for structures to provide shade and comfort once the project was compleled, and made it his personal goal to build three pavilions and six picnic lablcs lbr everyone's enjoyment. Larry successfully raised $30,000 through ftmdraising aclivitics, donations from American Airline pilots, several Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 4 of 23 banks, local businesses and individual donors and then approached the Park Board and SPDC for $30,000 in matching funds. Mayor Stacy presented a proclamation for Larry's outstanding vohmteer spirit and service to the community, and proclaimed Larry Aber, athy 1999 Volunteer of the Year. Mr. Abemathy commented, "I cannot in good conscience accept this without recognizing my wi£c, Tcrri. For every 10 minutes I spend working and doing the fun stuff, she spcnt an hour behind the scenes doing the hard work." A Proclamation was presented to Community Services Coordinator Nona Whitehead, proclaiming the week of April 9-15, 2000 as National Volunteer Week and thanked Ms. Whitehead for heading up the Southlake Volunteer Program. Ms. Whitehead staled (m April 14, at noon, there will be a luncheon honoring the charter members of thc Southlake Volunteer Program at the Senior Activity Center and invited thc City Councilmembers to attend the luncheon. Councilmember Ronnic Kendall reported on the Special Olympics stating, "Currently we have students in the Carroll School District who are competing in Special Olympics representing Southlake. Last Friday we had a meet in Grapevine and today there was a meet in Keller. The meet today at Keller High School was dedicated to Chad Powell, the young man who died as thc result of the calapse of the Texas A&M bonfire. The moto of Special Olympics is 'let me win and if I can't win, let me be brave in the attempt' and today I saw a lot of'brave athletics. The area meet will be in Arlington on April 28 & 29. Please call me if you would like to attend these events or help and if you see any special dragons, just encourage them.' Councilmember Rex ?oltcr stated, "During the end of the work session, I made a comment to the City Manager and it came across wrong. It appeared in the discussions about the CARS contributions and it was [made] out of frustration. I have a firm policy that I will always treat staff with dignity and respect and I don't want them to think that I was blaming them for the situalion, and in no way did I mean that. Unfortunately, it is one of those things that we have gone through the process and entered the process and I have made statements and they have their impression of what has happened and staff is following their procedures and I think we are caught between a rock and a hard place on this particular issue. Wc m)w have a common solution, but I did not want staff to think that I did not appreciate all lhcir eflbrts on this activity and I apologize." Agenda Item #4-B, City Manager's Report City Manager Billy Campbell slated, "In the spirit that Councilmember Potter and others have supported the Department of Public Safety, we have in fact been "accredited" by the national organization for both lire and police services. The Southlake DPS is the first DPS in the nation lo be accredited, which is going to provide long-term professional response and professional individuals to serve this community. This Council and previous Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 5 of 23 councils have been very good in their support, both monetarily and also being there when we needed them." Campbell stated, "We arc in the process of Public Works accreditation. They have a program and we have started a self-assessment in public works to be sure that all areas of the service community are of a professional level. We will do our self-assessment up until the budget process. Our goal is to have public works accredited within the next 12 months. Along with DPS, it will give us some very professional individuals and I thank this group." Councilmember Debra Edmondson stated she saluted the Department of Public Works along with the Department el' ?ublic Safety because now the City has a very professional staff-- it says something about our city. She said, "When we have a professional and efficient workforce, it ultimately saves the residents of Southlake tax dollars." She thanked the City Manager and staff for the great work they do for the community. Director of Public Works Ron Harper stated, "I want to spend a couple of minutes this evening, to remind everybody that we are in the third year of severe drought, even though it has been raining latcly. We cannot count of the rain lasting forever. We get all our water from City of Fort Worlh and their water supplies are at approximately 70% capacity and most of their rcscrvoirs. We have started in the Department of Public Works with mail outs in the water bills, and want to encourage everyone to be water smart, and to think before thcy turn on a t;qucet and to think before they water their lawns seven times per week. We x~ill be coming out with additional mailers and information to remind people how they can conserve xvatcr over the next several months. The City has done several major things to providc for adequate water within the city. Since last summer we have put in an additional five million gallon water tank on line, we have an additional one and one-half million gallon elevated water tower on line --- but bottom line our supplies come from the City of Forl Worth and we rely upon them to supply us with water. As a point of information we usc between six and seven million gallons of water per day during the winter. And lasl summer, we were using upwards of between 18 and 19 million gallons of water per day. Thc difference is what is going on the grass. In the past, the residents of the Cily have shown great cooperation in this area and we are hopeful that they will continue to cooperate." Councilmember Gary Fawks asked Mr. Harper to comment on the TMB Program sidewalks. Charlie Thomas reported, "We do have a package coming up in the next few weeks regarding the trail on thc north side of F.M. 1709 between Southddge Lakes and Bicentennial Park. Those plans are almost complete and the steering committee and staff have been reviewing those. We phm to take bids in the next 30 to 60 days and on that same note. We phm to hid thc ?cytonville and North White Chapel intersections, which also include sidewalks and trails beginning next week. We have a package on those projects coming and xxe should tqavc that on construction by the first of summer." Councilmember Rex l'otter staled lac inet with the Director of Commtmity Services last week as well as a number el' members of the Park Board and plan to meet later this month Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 6 of 23 about the Trail Master Plan. That will include the bond. We plan to use SPIN quit a bit to get the word ont." Councilmember Pasty DuPre commented on the Candidate Forum and stated she wanted to commend SPIN for what a good job they did in trying to make it as fair for all candidates. She said, '~1 was really impressed with the way they handled that and I appreciate the fact that they arc willing to do that." Agenda Item #4-C, SPIN Report Mr. A1 Morin, SPiN #10, made the report, stating he appreciated the comments made about the SPIN Candidate's Forum. They enjoyed putting that on and appreciate the people who were prescnt for thcm, that they had a good crowd and their were some good questions. He stated the candidates did a good job. There are some differences and that is good, so we al/have lo make a decision on May 6. He stated there is not much going on in SPIN #10 since the last time they reported. SPIN did have a survey regarding "lights" being put in hy lbo Carroll Junior High School. At the next SPIN Standing Committee meeting they will spcnd time on the goals. At the Retreat they spent a lot of time on goals. He reported Ihorc would be a citywide SPIN meeting on April 12 from 7 to 8:00 p.m. in the City Council chambers to discuss the Gateway Plaza. From 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. the discussion will be Nohm Drive. Councilmember Rex Potter commented on the fact that A1 Morin was chairman for a couple of years and Cotmcil appreciates that. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall commented on the citywide meeting for the construction of the new "Costco" storc in Gateway Plaza. Councilmember Edmondson asked how the City will advertise for this mccting, commenting that people are very interested in this meeting. It would bca chance 2~r the citizens to learn and express their opinions. Council suggested having the %igns" located around the City. Mayor Stacy suggested we change the site for this meeting if we £c01 it will be a very large turn out. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda Mayor Stacy announced the consent agenda items. He explained that consent items would be voted on with onc vote. Il' anyone in the audience had a request that an item not go on consent agcnda, that item would be deleted from that portion of the agenda and be considered separately. Bcfi~rc he read the consent items into the minutes, Mayor Pro Tern Gary Fawks refercnced thc prior discussion on Agenda Item #5~G, noting that he had an opportunity to visit with M~-~ I'~line of TPM and he assured him that all of the costs associated with thc dcvclopers agreement will go directly to the school and that TPM will not benefit from any cost waivers. 5-A. Approval of' the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held March 21, 2000. Regular Cit.~ Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 7 of 23 5-B. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with Avanti Landscape Management for am~ual mowing services ['or public rights-of-way. Resolution No. 00-33, Authorizing the City Attorney to bring a condemnation action for the purpose of obtaining fee simple ownership of land for use by the City as a park, library or lot- other public purposes. 5-D. Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an interlocal agreement with TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool. 5-E. Resolution No. 00-35, Appointing Curtis Powell and Dave Visney to the SPIN Standing Committee as co-representatives for SPIN Neighborhood #15. Resolution No.00-36, Abandonment of sanitary sewer easement in Eagle Bend Estates, Phase 1I. Lots 19, 20, 21, and 23, Block 64. 5-G. Authorize the Mayor to execute a commercial developer agreement with Carroll Independent School Dislrict for improvements at Johnson Elementary School. 8-A. Ordinance No. 776, I~ Reading, Abandoning a portion of T.W. King Road. 8-B. Ordinance No. 777, I~ Reading, Abandoning a portion of Kirkwood Boulevard. Ordinance No. 480-332. I~t Reading, (ZA 99-139), Rezoning and Site Plan for 114 Kimball Square. Tabled at the request of the applicant to June 6, 2000 City Council meeting. 10-A. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Services agreement with Call a Ride of Southlake, Inc. (('ARS), IO-C. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a reciprocal parking agreement with EPIPD- Crossroads Square, L.P. (Tom Thumb). Tabled until April 18, 2000 City Council meeting. 10-D. Award of bid lo JRJ Paving, Inc. for the reconstruction of Harrell Drive from Johnson Road to Jordan Drive. 10-E. Award of' bid to Whizcon Utilities, Inc. for the installation of water line improvemcots to serve Napa Valley Estates and Woodland Heights Addition. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as noted: Agenda Items #5-A through #5-G; Item #8-A; #8-B, #8-C, tabling until June 6, 2000; Item #10-A, noting that this will encompass the first paymen! in the contract with review to be made before the 4th quarter payment is made; Item ¢;10-C. to table to April 18, 2000; Item #10-D, and #10-E. Motion: Faxx ks Second: DuPrc Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 8 of 23 Ayes: Fawks, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, Kendall, and Stacy Councilmember Kendall abstained from voting on item #5-A Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 5-A. Approval of the Minutes of the March 21, 2000 City Council meeting. The minutes were approved as presented. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with Avanti Landscape Management for annual mowing services for public rights-of-way. The proposed contract includes mowing and general landscape management services for public rights-of- way on an annual basis and includes an annual renewal option for two, twelve- month periods. The State rights-of-way are mowed in addition to the three annual mowing cycles performed by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The contract specifies that the contractor must coordinate the mowing schedule around TxDOT mowing schedule. In addition to the City specifications, the contractor is required to comply with the mowing standards published in Chapter 2 of the TxDOT publication, "Roadside Vegetation Management." Four vendors submitted bids for this project. Avanti Landscape Management of Arlington submitted the low bid in the amount of $25,995. Resolution No. 00-33, Authorizing the City Attorney to bring a condemnation action for the purpose of obtaining fee simple ownership of land for use by the City as a park, library or for other public purposes. SPDC considered a proposal to acquire land situated in the Littlebury G. Hall, Abstract No. 686 Survey to expand Bicentennial Park to the west. The proposed resolution authorized the city attorney to begin a condemnation action to acquire a portion of Tracts 3C1 and 2A, and all of Tracts 3D1 and 2B of the L.G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686. The land totals approximately fourteen (14) acres and would extend the western edge of Bicentennial Park to Shady Oaks in limited sections. SPDC has allocated $1,800,000 in the FY 1999-2000 Parks Capital Improvement Budget for land acquisition. Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an interlocal agreement with TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool. On January 28, 2000, the TML- GBRP Board of Trustees voted to transfer all assets and liabilities to the TML- IEBP on April 1, 2000, and to terminate the TML-GBRP Trust on the same date. For these reasons, TML is requesting all councils and governing bodies to sign a new agreement with TML-IEBP since TML-GBRP will no longer exist after April 1, 2000. The change will be almost transparent for the employees and city benefits are not changing. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 9 of 23 Resolution No. 00-35, Appointing Curtis Powell and Dave Visney to the SPIN Standing Committee as co-representatives for SPIN Neighborhood #15. The SPIN representative position for SPIN #15 became vacant when Wayne and June Haney resigned in January. The process for appointing SPIN Standing Committee members allows for the City Council to appoint a citizen selected by a particular SPIN neighborhood. Residents of SPIN #15 area were informed of the vacancy and a vacancy meeting was held March 23 to select a new SPIN representative. The only person attending the meeting was Mr. Powell who indicated he and a neighbor, Dave Visney, would like to work together to represent SPIN 14. Both men attended the SPIN orientation in January because they had an interest in volunteering as the SPIN #15 representative. Resolution No. 00-036, Abandonment of sanitary sewer easement in Eagle Bend Estates, Phase II, Lots 19, 20, 21, and 23, Block 64. When Dominion Addition was developed, a sanitary sewer line was constructed across the vacant property that is now being developed as Eagle Bend Estates, Phase 2. To eliminate the existing sanitary sewer line from crossing through the middle of the new platted residential lots, the developer of Eagle Bend Estates, Phase 2, plans to realign the existing sanitary sewer line out of the buildable area of the lots. The final plat includes the necessary sanitary sewer easement. Construction has progressed to the point that the new realigned sewer line has been installed and is now in service. The old section of sewer line has been filled with concrete and the easement covering that section is no longer needed by the City. Authorize the Mayor to execute a commercial developer agreement with Carroll Independent School District for improvements at Johnson Elementary School. On January 4, 2000, the City Council approved a revised site plan for an addition to Johnson Elementary School on North Carroll Avenue. Included in the improvements at the school is the installation of new fire hydrants, an 8-inch water line looping through the property and the installation of a 12-inch water line in North Carroll Avenue extended to the north property line of the school property. This developer's agreement covers the construction of these water system improvements. The agreement contains standard language except for the following: CISD requests that the following fees be waived or credit given for: · 2% Administration Fee · 3% Inspection Fee · Water Impact Fee · Sewer Impact Fee · Roadway Impact Fee · Park Fee Since this is an existing facility, CISD requests that the Park Fees be waived. CISD has not met with the Park Board to discuss any parkland dedication credit Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 10 of 23 IO-A. 10-C. IOoD. or usage. Per the City Policy, the City will reimburse the CISD for the difference in the cost of an 8-inch water line and a 12-inch water line for the construction of the 12-inch water line along North Carroll Avenue. Ordinance No. 776, 1st Reading, Abandoning a portion of T. W. King Road. On May 4, 1999, the City Council approved Resolution No. 99-27 and the associated 380 Agreement, which in Section 6a committed to the abandonment of T.W. King Road. Meetings have been ongoing between the City of Southlake, Town of Trophy Club and Sabre toward the development of a recommendation to TxDOT that will provide for adequate access to all interested parties. Continued progress is being made towards analysis of all options, preparation of an engineering report and resolutions of support for cities involved. Sabre desires to proceed at this time with the completion of the necessary Council action to officially abandon these roadways, effective on December 1, 2001. They plan to abide by the agreement that requires the streets to remain open to public traffic until Phase I occupancy, which is anticipated in the latter half of 2001. Design and approval of the secure access points will be processed through P&Z and City Council prior to physical closure of the roadways. A copy of the information provided is hereby attached to the minutes of the meeting with a diagram showing the portion to be abandoned. Ordinance No. 777, 1st Reading, Abandoning a portion of Kirkwood Boulevard. The information is the same as in Item #8-A and the information provided is hereby attached to the minutes of the meeting with a diagram showing the portion to be abandoned. Ordinance No. 480-332, Ist Reading, ZA 99-139, Rezoning and Site Plan for 114 Kimball Avenue. This item was tabled at the request of the applicant to June 6, 2000 City Council meeting. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Services Agreement with Call a Ride of Southlake, Inc. (CARS). See Work Session minutes for additional background information regarding this agenda item. The item was approved with a payment of $15,000 being presented at this time and noting that this will encompass the first payment in the contract, with a review to be made before the fourth quarter payment is made. A copy of the information provided is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Authorise the Mayor to enter into a reciprocal parking agreement with EPIPD- Crossroads Square, L.P. (Tom Thumb). This item was tabled to the April 18, 2000 City Council meeting. The information provided is attached to the minutes of this meeting. Award of bid to JILl Paving, Inc. for the reconstruction of Harrell Drive from Johnson Road to Jordan Drive. Staffhas requested City Council award the bid for the reconstruction of Harrell Drive from Johnson Road to Jordan Drive to JRJ Paving, Inc. of Dallas in the amount of $160,763.43. As part of the Neighborhood Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 11 of 23 Street Program, the FY 1998-99 budget appropriated $140,000 for the engineering and reconstruction of Harrell Drive from Johnson Road to Jordan Drive. The City received eight bids for this project. The total cost of the project is $35,463.63 above the budgeted amount. During the design of the project, it was determined that several drainage problems existed and needed to be corrected. These drainage problems were not known at the time of estimation. Therefore, the estimate did not account for the additional cost to correct the drainage issues. Utilizing funds that exist from completed projects constructed under budget will fund the cost overrun. 10-E. Award of bid to Whizcon Utilities, Inc. for the installation of water line improvements to serve Napa Valley Estates and Woodland Heights Addition. Staff requested City Council award the bid for installation of water line improvements to serve Napa Valley Estates and Woodland Heights Addition to Whizcon Utilities, Inc. of Arlington, in the amount of $54,460. A copy of the information provided for this item is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Agenda Item #6, Public Forum Several people addressed the City Council during the public forum, including: Craig Willan, 1376 Lakeview Drive, $outhlake. Mr. Willan addressed the Council regarding the need for a weather warning system in the City. After heating his comments, Mayor Stacy directed Mr. Willan to serve as chairman of a committee for this purpose and to work with Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson and Chief of Fire Services Ricky Black. Councilmember DuPre stated she had a number of phone calls regarding this issue and the need for such a system. Dennis Minder, 2234 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Mr. Minder addressed the Council regarding the traffic problems in Village Center and the traffic violations that take place on a daily basis of traffic going in and out of that addition. He stated it is an extreme problem for the safety of those living and working in Woodland Heights. Mr. Minder also commented on the poor lawn maintenance at the city administrative offices on Westwood Drive. Noting that the residents in that addition strive to keep their lawns mowed, but "the city offices do not look so good." Kenneth Horne, 1215 Ashmoore Court, $outhlake. Mr. Home commented on the new development coming in on the north side of SH 114 and that he was hopeful that they would not have solid walls on the subdivisions. He stated he would like to discuss this issue with the City Manager in the near future. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 12 of 23 Josh l~Visier, senior citizen. Mr. Wisier stated he wanted to thank the members of the City Council on behalf of the senior citizens of Southlake as well as the handicapped citizens for their support of the "CARS" project Agenda Item #7-A, Ordinance No. 775, 2nd Reading, Abandonment and quitclaim of a portion of South Kimball Avenue at the Crooked Lane intersection Senior Civil Engineer Shawn Poe presented this case, noting the construction plans for South Kimball Avenue from Crooked Lane to the Heritage Business Park were being developed. The right-of-way for this section of South Kimball Avenue was dedicated by plat in 1974. Following the survey for the design of South Kimball Avenue, it was discovered that the portion of right-of-way for South Kimball on the south side of Crooked Lane was offset and not aligned with the existing right-of-way for South Kimball Avenue, north of Crooked Lane. Therefore, additional right-of-way for South Kimball was required on the south side of Crooked Lane to align the roadway at the intersection. The property owner, Mr. James Lunsford, on either side of the existing South Kimball right-of-way, south of Crooked Lane, has dedicated the required right-of- way to align the roadway. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 775, 2nd Reading, as presented. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: DuPre Edmondson DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-B, Ordinance No. 480-335, 2`d Reading, (ZA 99-099), Rezoning and Concept Plan Ordinance No. 480-335, 2nd Reading, (ZA 99-099), Rezoning and Concept Plan on property legally described as Lot 1R2, W.W. Hall No. 695 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 4545, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; Lot 1, Block 9, Southlake Town Square, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 4892 & 4893, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; and a portion of the abandoned North Carroll Avenue right-of-way; and being approximately 1.982 acres. Current Zoning is "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "O-1" Office District uses and "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District uses with "C-3' General Commercial District uses. Requested Zoning is "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "O-1" Office District uses. Applicant: Greenway-Southlake Office Partners, L.P. Owners: Greenway-Southlake Office Partners, L.P. and Cooper & Stebbins, L.P. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 13 of 23 Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting that ten (10) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and two (2) responses were received from Juergen Strunck, P.O. Box 92685 Southlake, in favor; and, Frank Bliss, Executive Vice President Cooper & Stebbins, 1256 Main Street, Ste 240, Southlake, in favor. Mr. Carpenter read for the record the motion made by the City Council during the first reading held on March 21, 2000, "Approved in first reading subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000; subject to the actions taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission; accepting Alternate Plan 'B', deleting "Drive-thru- banks as a permitted use; allowing driveway spacing along Carroll Avenue as proposed; allowing right-in/fight-out drive on F.M. 1709 as shown; requiring appropriate dedication for a decel lane once the shoulder is gone subject to City Engineer's recommendation; waiving the 5-foot Type 'A' bufferyard along west; granting a variance for two parking spaces and requiring no parking forward of the 50' building line." Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated whereas she was absent from the last meeting, some of her questions may have been answered at that time. She commented on the fact that no tree survey was submitted. David Smith, Graham and Associates. Mr. Smith responded that the applicant did not submit a tree survey, but did survey the trees on the site. The Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy read from a report made by Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator, for the City. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-335, 2nd Reading, subject to the Revised Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated March 31, 2000; subject to the actions taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to all conditions placed on it in the First Reading. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Edmondson DuPre Edmondson, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, and Staey None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-C, Ordinance No. 480-333, 2"'~ Reading, (ZA 00-008)~ Rezoning on property described as Tract 3D in the J.J. Freshour Survey, Abst. No. 521 Ordinance No. 480-333, 2nd Reading, (ZA 00-008), Rezoning on property legally described as Tract 3D situated in the J.J. Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521, and being approximately 5.03 acres. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District, with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Owner and Applicant: Sreekumaran K. Nair. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 14 of 23 Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting that nineteen (19) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses were received. The applicant, Sreekumaran K. Nair noted that he only plans to build one house on the property. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-333, 2nd Reading, as presented. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Potter DuPre Potter, DuPre, Fawks, Kendall, Edmondson, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-D, Ordinance No. 480-334, 2na Reading, (ZA 00-011), Rezoning on property described as Tract 2B, in the T.M. Hood Survey, Abst. No. 706 Ordinance No. 480-334, 2nd Reading, (ZA 00-011), Rezoning on property legally described as Tract 2B, situated in the T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, and being approximately 5.358 acres. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District with "RE" Residential Estate District uses. Owners and Applicants: Kenneth and Lorde Hill. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting that seventeen (17) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses were received. The applicant was not present for the meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public heating. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-334, 2nd Reading, as presented. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: DuPre Fawks DuPre, Fawks, Kendall, Edmondson, Potter, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-E, Ordinance No. 480-326, 2"a Reading, (ZA 99-138), Rezoning on property described as Tract 20 in the R.D. Price Survey, Abst. 992 Ordinance No. 480-326, 2nd Reading, (ZA 99-138), Rezoning on property legally described as Tract 20 situated in the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 992, and being approximately 2 acres. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District with a requested zoning of "SF-1B" Single Family Residential District. Amended requested zoning for Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 15 of 23 the western portion, "SF-1B" Single Family Residential District and eastern portion, "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Applicant: Linnie McAdams. Owner: Linnia Johnson. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting four (4) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and two (2) responses were received, from: William E. Lamoreaux, 6967 Blackwood Drive, Dallas, in favor; and Southlake/Solana Ltd., 2108 Hurd Drive, Ste 200, Irving, in favor. Mr. Carpenter noted that Council approved the first reading on consent agenda January 18, 2000 with the second reading tabled on February 1, 2000 and March 7, 2000, at the request of the applicant with the public hearing being continued until this date. CONTINUATION OF THE PUBLIC HEARNING: No comments were made during the continuation of the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 99-138 as presented. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Edmondson Kendall Edmondson, Kendall, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-F, ZA 00-004, Site Plan for ISIS Papyrus ZA 00-004, Site Plan for ISIS Papyraus, on property legally described as Lot 10, Block A, Southlake Bank Place, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 4546 and 4547, Plat Records, Tan:ant County, Texas, and being approximately 4.892 acres. Current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. Applicant: G.L. Barron Construction. Owner: Osiris Properties, Inc. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting that nine (9) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and one (1) response was received from: Robin K. Barton, Building on Faith, Ltd. 300 Bank Street, Southlake. Mr. Carpenter noted that the Pla~ing and Zoning Commission approved this case March 23, 2000, with a 5-1 vote, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated March 17, 2000 with the following amendments: · Waiving Item gl .a (articulation) and allowing as submitted; · Waiving Item gl.b (membrane-type roofing); · Waiving Item #2.a (bufferyards along perimeter); · Waiving Item #3.a (minimum 100' driveway spacing); · Waiving Item #3.c (minimum 100' throat depth) and acknowledging the applicant's willingness to eliminate the two west spaces on the south side of the southern-most entry drive on Bank Street and one space on the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 16 of 23 north side of the southern-most entry on Bank Street and to eliminate one space on either side of the northern-most entry on Bank Street; Acknowledging the applicant's willingness to have the City consider the tower as a sign and to have them bring it forward as a variance to the Sign Ordinance and obtain City Council approval and this Site Plan would not be permitted without that agreement, and Requiring the applicant to bring pictures to City Council of facilitates in Austria and Singapore to help justify the covered entrance and encouraging the applicant to relocate the covering behind the building and maybe do something else with the front of the building. Scott Martsolf, representative, 4200 West Vickery Ste 110, Fort Worth. Mr. Martsolf outlined the requested variances for the Council, including: Move the bufferyard to the fire lane curb at the north and east sides just as we have discussed in the past. They want to provide a bufferyard at the west and south property lines, however, do not want to be restricted to planting in the 5' & 10' zones. They would prefer to plant the required plants in the area between the street and parking/drive area. They want to proceed with the parking arrangement as shown on the latest submittal package. This being a 35' distance between Bank Street and the bisecting drive (100' is required by ordinance). They want to proceed with the use of a membrane structure at the main building as shown in the submittal package. This is a signature item for their corporation. They want to proceed with the arcade walls as shown in the submittal package. We believe that the arcade provides a significant mount of horizontal relief. They want to go forward with the citing of the sculptural tower. The exact form and materials are unknown until an artist is commissioned. The owner intends to abide by City of Southlake's ordinances [height restrictions, articulation requirements, structural integrity, etc.] Mr. Martsolf said the new training facility would be about 40,000 s.f. and there would be a focal point in the center of the campus with a bridge, pond and it would be comfortable for their employees to go outside and relax. Just as the interior will be lush with plants, the outside will be treated the same. Councilmember Rex Potter asked Mr. Martsolf to explain the sculptural tower. Mr. Martsolf said it was not part of the submittal tonight, but it is of interest to everyone. Mr. Potter stated, "Welcome to Southlake -- and it is a major plum to have this sort of Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 17 of 23 economic development come in Southlake. Many cities would go to a lot of effort to try to attract this type of development." Councilmember Edmondson stated this membrane is unique but it is the type structure that will make a bold statement. She stated from what she saw of the campus, it was an extremely wonderful campus. Edmondson stated, "I am very excited that they chose Southlake, but also that it is a beautiful campus." PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve the Site Plan for ISIS Papyrus, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated March 17, 2000; incorporating the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission; modifying Item #2.a to move the bufferyard to the common access easement; and removing the tower structure from this application. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Potter DuPre Potter, DuPre, Edmondson, Fawks, Kendall, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-G, Resolution No. 00-34 (ZA 00-010), SUP for Rainbow Plant Sales Resolution No. 00-34, (ZA 00-010), Specific Use Permit for Rainbow Plant Sales for a nursery yard/outside display of plants for retail sale per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43.6 on property legally described as Tracts 1B2A and 1B2B situated in the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, and being approximately 1.909 acres. Current zoning is "B-I" Business Service Park District. Applicant: Derrick Malone dba Rainbow Plant Sales. Owner: Dallas Foam, Inc. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter presented this item and noted that five (5) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses were received. Mr. Carpenter outlined the amendments made by the Planning and Zoning Commission during their March 23, 2000 meeting, including: · Deleting Items #1 (parking spaces); #2 (outside storage areas must be on an all weather surface); and #3 (outside storage areas require screening); · Regarding Item #4 (details of proposed shade structure), requiring the applicant to bring pictures and details of the shade structure to City Council; · Restricting the SLIP to March 15 through July 15 and September 15 through December 7; · Restricting it to bedding plants and hanging baskets not to exceed 12"; · No stacking will be permitted of the bedding plants; · Dead grass to be replaced; Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 18 of 23 · Not allowing the fence as shown, but requiring the applicant to bring a picture of the honest fence to City Council so they can have a look at it and the applicant can convince them it is needed; · Stipulating that the SLIP will expire on March 30, 2002, and · Restricting the hours of operation to 7:30 a.m. to dark seven days per week. Derrick Malone, dba Rainbow Plant Sales, was present to answer questions of Council. PUBLIC HEARING: Patti Minder, 223 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Mrs. Minder stated she was in support of this Specific Use Permit and commented that she had purchased plants from him the past three years at his Colleyville location. She asked him to put bedding plants in front of the Dallas Foam building. She suggested green umbrellas, as it would blend in with the plants. She asked the City Council to approve this SUP. Zena Rucker, South Carroll Avenue, Southlake. Mrs. Rucker stated she was in favor of Derrick Malone and asked, "What is not to like about flowers? "It is the least offensive business." She asked the City Council to approve the SUP. Carolyn Morris, St. Charles Drive, Southlake. Mrs. Morris asked how could Council restrict outside plant sales at Wal-Mart and allow the same use across the street? Public hearing closed. Mayor Stacy commented he liked this use, but if Council approved it, they need to know what they are doing. Stacy continued, "I don't see how we can prevent Wal-Mart from selling plants outside and then let them sell flowers at this location across the street. Wal- Mart has the overhead, pays taxes to the City and they need the same opportunity." Councilmember Edmondson stated she agreed with the Mayor. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated she did not have a problem with them selling only flowers and she did not have a problem with Wal-Mart if that was all they would sell outside. Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated, "I would be hard pressed to say we don't want a nice piece of land with pretty flowers on it. I remember when we talked about outside storage, that was a point that I made and other Councilmembers made, and I do agree with you Rick, that if we are going to approve this, and places like Wal-Mart and Home Depot come and ask to do outside sales of plants, that we need to be receptive to that idea if we are going to be receptive to this one." Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 00-34, Specific Use Permit for Rainbow Plant Sales replacing the term "greenery" with "outside storage, display and sale of flats of bedding plants and hanging baskets;" without the requested fence; replacing the dead Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 19 of 23 grass; and requiring the shade structure be an umbrella; subject to the Concept Plan Review No. 3 dated March 31, 2000; with the SUP for two (2) years in seasons as stipulated; incorporation the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation. Motion: Kendall Second: Potter Mayor Stacy asked the question conceming Mike's Nursery (on SH 114), "Can they put plants outside under our most recent ordinance?" Karen Gandy responded that they could until February 2001 or until such time they come forward for a SUP. Mayor Stacy asked the Council if they were prepared to give this same opportunity to existing businesses in Southlake that are paying ad valorum taxes on buildings and etc.? Mayor Pro Tem Gary Fawks stated he was not going to support this item for a number of reasons. Fawks explained, "First, that we would be doing what the Mayor said -- giving permission for them to sell flowers out in the pasture." He stated he was not convinced that this was appropriate on F.M. 1709. "In our corridor," Fawks stated, "We spent too much time on the Corridor Overlay, on restrictions for buildings and construction. However, I do support outside sales and display of plant material and flowers. This has no reflections on Mr. Malone. I think that Mike's Nursery putting flowers out front is appropriate as it is a part of the operation, and I support that. Wal-Mart, Kroger's, Tom Thumb placing them on an all-weather surface, as part of their existing operation, is appropriate, but I can't come to terms with this request and I am not comfortable, as it doesn't seem right for what we have done on F.M. 1709. It reflects back on the point that the Mayor was making." Councilmember Rex Potter stated what worried him was "we going to open up Pandora's box." Potter explained, "We are here trying to do it with flowers, and we have seen what it is. At this stage it is temporary and he only supports it for two years. I don't want everybody that comes in for storage of outside plants to think that they are going to get it." Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated, "I would support it if Wal-Mart came in and asked for a permit for outside plants, I think part of the reason I was in support of the ordinance last time was Councilmember Fawks said there wasn't a tool for someone like Wal-Mart to come and ask Council for a permit to sell outside plants. If Wal-Mart comes in tomorrow and asks for a permit for outside storage of plants, I would support that." Mayor Stacy asked, "What if his request were on SH 114, across from Mike's Nursery, is it fair for him to sell these plants and flowers -- when the guy on the other side of the highway has a big building and pays ad valorum taxes to the City?" Stacy stated, "I wouldn't like if some guy came by and you let him sell sofas right outside my business without a building." Councilmember Edmondson asked if this could be reduced to a one year SUP? Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 20 of 23 Councilmember Potter stated he could justify this in his mind because it was not on a permanent basis, stating, "I can go for one year. I wish we could go for one year with an option." Councilmember Kendall stated her motion stands with a two year SUP, provided they keep the property maintained. Ayes: Kendall, Potter, DuPre, and Edmondson Nays: Fawks, Stacy Approved: 4-2 vote Agenda Item #7-H, Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A for Rainbow Plant Sales Chief of Building Services Malcolm Jackson presented the request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Rainbow Plat Sales located at 2170 East Southlake Boulevard. Rainbow Plant Sales has leased space from Dallas Foam at the subject site. They are applying for a Specific Use Permit for outside sales to display and sell bedding plants. The sign ordinance allows a business sign either as an attached sign on the building or as a monument sign. Because their business is not in the building, and monument sign is too permanent for a temporary business. They have requested to erect a ground type sign. This would be the type of sign structure that is normally used for real estate signs or for a development sign. The requested sign would be two feet high by sixteen feet long and not over five feet about the ground. Derrick Malone, dba Rainbow Plant Sales, stated he was requesting a two face sign running with the traffic. Motion was made to allow a sign, which would be two-feet by three-feet (2x3'), that says $10.62 per flat. Motion: DuPre Second: Kendall Ayes: DuPre, and Kendall Nays: Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, and Stacy Motion failed: 2-4 vote Councilmember Debra Edmondson stated they sell pumpkins and Christmas trees in that location and they do not have a sign. Ms. Edmondson said, "We have worked too hard on the sign ordinance to allow this sign. There were a lot of good points made tonight from those who voted "no" as to some other issues going on in the City. I am willing to give Mr. Malone an opportunity after hearing from two people here tonight that feel he runs a good business and that is why I supported Mr. Malone." Mr. Malone was told that he should talk with Malcolm Jackson regarding the use of the existing sign for Dallas Foam. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 21 of 23 Agenda Item #7-I, ZA 00-030, Revised Site Plan for Lot 1, Block 10~ Southlake Town Square, Phase II ZA 00-030, Revised Site Plan for Lot 1, Block 10, Southlake Town Square, Phase II, on property legally described as Lot 1, Block 10, Southlake Town Square, Phase II, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 5261, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 2.678 acres. Current zoning is "S-P-l" Detailed Site Plan District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses including a U.S. Post Office and associated outside storage. Applicant: Cooper & Stebbins, L.P. Owners: The Fechtel Group with general partners: Alicia Marie Fechtel, Charles Joseph Fechtel, Mary Louise Logan, John Randolph Fechtel, Marguerite Elizabeth Fechtel, and James Milton Fechtel. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting that seven (7) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses were received. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved this case on March 23, 2000 with a 5-1 vote, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated March 17, 2000. Jeff Jones, 1411 Cambridge Crossing representing Cooper & Stebbins. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 00-030, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated March 17, 2000. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: DuPre Kendall DuPre, Kendall, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #10-B, Variance to Sign Ordinance No.704-A for The Roomstore Furniture Store Chief of Building Services Malcolm Jackson presented the request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for The Roomstore Furniture Store, located at 1600 East Southlake Boulevard, noting this store was granted a building permit on August 12, 1998, and was completed on March 12, 1999. On September 4, 1998, two sign permits were issued under Sign Ordinance No. 506-A, for the existing attached sign on the front of the building and for a monument sign that was never built. Prior to building the monument sign, the owner appeared before the City Cotmcil and requested to build a second attached sign on the east face of the building instead of the monument sign because he thought it was more visible. The variance was granted for the second sign now existing on the building on January 5, 1999. This case was brought before the City Council even though the sign fully complies with the present sign ordinance because of the stipulation on the original variance. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 22 of 23 Sidney Gardner, manager, The Roomstore Furniture Store. Mr. Gardner stated he was asking for a monument sign and that he would remove the sign in the back of the store in exchange for the monument sign. After discussions, the applicant requested tabling this item until the applicant can provide more information after conferring with the owners of The Roomstore. Motion was made to table this item until the April 18, 2000 City Council meeting, at the request of the applicant. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Fawks Potter Fawks, Kendall, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, and Stacy None 6-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item #12, Adjournment Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand ~ o City Secreta~ ~ Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 4, 2000 Page 23 of 23 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM March 31, 2000 To: Billy Campbell, City Manager From: Charlie Thomas, City Engineer, ext. 814 Greg Last, Director of Economic Development, ext. 750 Subject: Ordinance No. 777 - Abandonment and Quitclaim of a portion of Kirkwood Boulevard Action Requested: Approval of Ordinance No. 777, which is for the abandonment and quitclaim of a portion of Kirkwood Boulevard right of way. Background Information: On May 4, 1999, the City Council approved Resolution No. 99 -27 and associated 380 agreement, which in section 6b committed to the abandonment of Kirkwood Boulevard within the campus boundary as follows. (b) Abandonment of Kirkwood Boulevard. The City shall cause to be abandoned that portion of Kirkwood Boulevard north and east of SH 114. Such abandonment shall be to the adjacent landowners without cost or expense to such landowners, and shall be subject to the rights, if any, of utilities located within such abandoned area. On July 20, 1999, the City Council approved the Planned Unit Development zoning for the Sabre Corporate Campus which included section 1 -D as follows: "It is anticipated that a portion of the existing Kirkwood Boulevard (from SH 114 to the boundary lines of Property) and a portion of the existing TW King Road (that lies between the Property and Tract 2 of the MTP -IBM Addition No. 1) will both be abandoned and closed for public use after the first of development is ready for occupancy. Notwithstanding the foregoing; however, continued access to such closed streets by Trophy Club's and the City's emergency fire and ambulance vehicles will be allowed unless and until the Texas Department of Transportation approves a two -way access road from Kirkwood Boulevard to "old" TW King Road. Such emergency access will be the same as required by the City's Fire Marshall. Public use of "old" TW King Road west of said Tract 2 will continue." 8B -1 Meetings have been ongoing between the City of Southlake, Town of Trophy Club and Sabre toward the development of a recommendation to TxDOT that will provide for adequate access to all interested parties. Continued progress is being made towards analysis of all options, preparation of an engineering report and resolutions of support for cities involved. Sabre desires to proceed at this time with the completion of the necessary Council action to officially abandon these roadways, effective on December 1, 2001. They plan to abide by the agreement that requires the streets to remain open to public traffic until Phase I occupancy, which is anticipated in the latter half of 2001. Design and approval of the secure access points will be processed through P &Z and City Council prior to physical closure of the roadways. Financial Considerations: None. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: The City Attorney reviewed and approved this Ordinance. Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: Ordinance Quitclaim Deed Exhibit Staff Recommendation: Please place on the City Council agenda for April 4, 2000 for City Council to consider and approve Ordinance No. 777, which is for the abandonment and quitclaim of a portion of the right of way of Kirkwood Boulevard. / / , Charlie J. T 'imas Greg Last City Engineer Director of Economic Development gB -2 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM March 31, 2000 To: Billy Campbell, City Manager P � Y er g From: Charlie Thomas, City Engineer, ext. 814 Greg Last, Director of Economic Development, ext. 750 Subject: Ordinance No. 776 - Abandonment and Quitclaim of a portion of TW King Road Action Requested: Approval of Ordinance No. 776, which is for the abandonment and quitclaim of a portion of TW King Road right of way. Background Information: On May 4, 1999, the City Council approved Resolution No. 99 -27 and associated 380 agreement, which in section 6a committed to the abandonment of TW King Road as follows: (a) Abandonment of T.W. King Road. The City shall cause to be abandoned that portion of T.W. King Road generally located adjacent to the eastern edge of Lot 1, Block B, MTP -IBM ADDITION NO. 1 and adjacent to the western edge of PUD -8 (MIXED USE) (Ord. 480 -179). Such abandonment shall be to the adjacent landowners without cost or expense to such landowners, and shall be subject to the rights, if any, of utilities located within such abandoned area. On July 20, 1999, the City Council approved the Planned Unit Development zoning for the Sabre Corporate Campus which included section 1 -D as follows: "It is anticipated that a portion of the existing Kirkwood Boulevard (from SH 114 to the boundary lines of Property) and a portion of the existing TW King Road (that lies between the Property and Tract 2 of the MTP -IBM Addition No. 1) will both be abandoned and closed for public use after the first of development is ready for occupancy. Notwithstanding the foregoing; however, continued access to such closed streets by Trophy Club's and the City's emergency fire and ambulance vehicles will be allowed unless and until the Texas Department of Transportation approves a two -way access road from Kirkwood Boulevard to "old" TW King Road. Such emergency access will be the same as required by the City's Fire Marshall. Public use of "old" TW King Road west of said Tract 2 will continue." 8A -1 Meetings have been ongoing between the City of Southlake, Town of Trophy Club and Sabre toward the development of a recommendation to TxDOT that will provide for adequate access to all interested parties. Continued progress is being made towards analysis of all options, preparation of an engineering report and resolutions of support for cities involved. Sabre desires to proceed at this time with the completion of the necessary Council action to officially abandon these roadways, effective on December 1, 2001. They plan to abide by the agreement that requires the streets to remain open to public traffic until Phase I occupancy, which is anticipated in the latter half of 2001. Design and approval of the secure access points will be processed through P &Z and City Council prior to physical closure of the roadways. Financial Considerations: None. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: The City Attorney reviewed and approved this Ordinance. Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: Ordinance Quitclaim Deed Exhibit Staff Recommendation: Please place on the City Council agenda for April 4, 2000 for City Council to consider and approve Ordinance No. 776, which is for the abandonment and quitclaim of a portion of the right of way of TW King Road. k4 P ' Charlie J. oma Greg Last City Engineer Director of Economic Development 8A -2 .4 \ ''''ew ..: •; ''''''''''-.: ', W 11, - 1 7 ',,7' ' *,, " . ' " • •••^". , -"e " ...',' 1-,,,.-' - ..= ,', '',,i- .•,••.; 4 -,‘,1.,*,-:' , ,,,, t..1,, - -,. : ' '..' i -, i ' -- . . ,', . q' - ',"-" , :-AA. ';-: ;•'''''',''''''i, e ' ''''-t '''''''':: ..,4 • ' • '?''','," • ,, . = ''' - ":4',',91,, '''...,:.?' rA'Al". ,-.' •,' ' ' '' ,,- • ''''4,t. •".•,., '';'-' ' ' = . - i, . ,••• 1 l i.. 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(Tom Thumb) Action Requested: City Council consideration of a Reciprocal Parking Agreement with EPIPD — Crossroads Square, L.P. (Tom Thumb). This agreement provides the following: • EPIPD may construct (in grasscrete) 13 head -in and 5 parallel parking spaces on Bicentennial Park property adjacent to the tennis courts and west of Crossroads Square Shopping Center; • EPIPD may construct (in grasscrete) 8 head -in parking spaces North of Tom Thumb's building on city -owned property, • City shall have unlimited use of the above -noted parking spaces plus an additional 26 parking spaces located north of the western off -site parking areas (in close proximity of ballfields #4, #5, and #10 which are utilized by children 10 and younger); • City shall bear no responsibility or liability for damages to the parking areas by any member of the public nor bear the cost of any construction, maintenance and operation in connection with the parking areas. EPIPD shall bear the cost of relocating and /or installing existing or future utilities affected by use and occupancy of the parking areas; • Said agreement shall terminate the earlier of EPIPD's abandonment of the parking area or July 1, 2040 and cannot be assigned without prior written consent of the City. • EPIPD shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City and its agents against all claims or suits for property damage or loss and /or personal injury and shall maintain public liability insurance in the amount of $100,000 per occurrence for property damage and $500,000 per occurrence for personal injury or death. Background Information: In the work session held prior to the February 2 City Council meeting, the developer agreed to relocate some parking spaces from adjacent to the tennis courts to north of the Tom Thumb, and make five (5) spaces parallel parking `(C' 1 Billy Campbell, City Manager March 31, 2000 Page 2 instead. These spaces were adjacent to the easternmost tennis court, and staff had concerns that the head -in parking spaces were too close to the courts. (Refer to transcript of work session, page 9, lines 30 - 31 and page 10, lines 1 - 24 shown in bold). In regular session, parking was discussed with regard to the relocation arrangement previously discussed during the work session. Staff review summary letter #3, item 4(b) addressed the off -site parking and need for reciprocal parking agreement. (See attached site plan review summary #3). The City Council approved a variance to the parking requirements (from 514 to 350) as requested by the applicant. In an amendment to the approval motion, the Council also acknowledged "the applicant's agreement to relocate 8 parking spaces from adjacent to the tennis courts as indicated this evening to northwest quadrant of the site and accept(ed) the commitment to come up with an agreement with staff for some partial use of our property," (Refer to transcript of Case ZA98 -156 from 2/2/99 City Council meeting, page 12, lines 16 - 20 shown in bold). Financial Considerations: None. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to deny (4 -2) the rezoning and site plan for the Crossroads Square retail center at their January 7, 1999 meeting. Commissioners Creighton, Peebles, LeVrier, and Shankland voted to withhold a recommendation to the City Council to approve the rezoning and site plan, citing concerns over the increased parking requirements for the Tom Thumb addition, and the inability of the proposed development to meet the current impervious coverage requirements. The City Council approved (7 -0) the first reading of the rezoning and site plan for the Crossroads Square retail center at their January 19, 1999 meeting, allowing grasscrete construction in parking spaces along the entire west property line. The City Council approved (6 -0) the second reading of the rezoning and site plan for the Crossroads Square retail center at their February 2, 1999 meeting, allowing for relocation of eight (8) parking spaces from adjacent to the tennis courts to the northwest quadrant of the site and committing to work with staff on an agreement for some partial use of our ( "city ") property. Legal Review: The City Attorney's office drafted the proposed reciprocal parking agreement. The enclosed agreement has been forwarded to EPIPD for their review. Alternatives: Not Applicable. t®C"2 Billy Campbell, City Manager March 31, 2000 Page 3 Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: • Reciprocal Parking Agreement with EPIPD - Crossroads Square, L.P. • GIS map showing off -site / onsite parking areas affected by this agreement • Site Plan and Review Summary #3 for case ZA98 -156, dated 02/02/99 • Transcription of Southlake City Council work session, February 2, 1999 • Transcription of Case ZA98 -156, City Council meeting February 2, 1999 Staff Recommendation: Place this item on the April 4, 2000 City Council agenda for consideration of the Reciprocal Parking Agreement with EPIPD - Crossroads Square, L.P. (Tom Thumb). KPG iOC -3 03/31/00 16:07 '$917 569 4491 TCMHMRS X002 PARKING AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § This Parking Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by the City of Southlake, a home rule municipal corporation in Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and EPIPD - Crossroads Square, L.P., a Texas limited partnership, hereinafter referred to as "EPIPD". WHEREAS, City currently owns a certain tract of land situated in Tarrant County, Texas, being more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes (the "Southlake Property"), and which is located adjacent to a certain tract of land owned by EPiAD, being more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes (the "EPIPD Property "); WHEREAS, EPIPD is developing a retail shopping center and subleasing the center to Tom Thumb, and WHEREAS, Southlake desires to grant EPIPD permission to construct and use parking areas, as hereinafter set forth, on, over and across portions of the Southlake Property, located adjacent to the west and north property lines of the EPIPD Property, as depicted on Exhibit "B ". NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises hereinabove set forth, and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. City hereby grants to EPIPD permission to construct five (5) parallel parking spaces and thirteen (13) head -in parking spaces on the west property line of the EPIPD property (the "West Parking Spaces ") and eight (8) head -in parking spaces on the north property line of the EPIPD property, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto (the "Parking Areas "), described and depicted.on Exhibit "B ". The parking spaces are located in, upon, and across that certain tract or parcel of land described and depicted on Exhibit EPIPD shall have the right and privilege to enter upon said Parking Areas as is necessary for the proper uses granted herein and for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the Parking Areas, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein. 2. City shall have unlimited use of the Parking Areas at all times in conjunction with the use of Bicentennial Park. In addition, City shall have unlimited use of additional twenty -six (2.6) head -in parking spaces north of the West Parking Spaces, as depicted an Exhibit "8 ". City shall bear no responsibility or liability for damage caused to the Parking Areas by any member of the public_ 3. EPIPD agrees to construct all parking spaces with grass crete. All construction, maintenance and operation in connection with use of the Parking Areas, and occupancy shall be performed in strict compliance with the Charter, Ordinances and Codes of City and in accordance with the directions of the Director of Public Works of City, or his duly authorized representative. Ail plans and specifications therefor shall be subject to the IDc" 03/31/99 16:07 X817 569 4491 TC1fHKRS X7003 prior written approval of the Director of Public Works, or his duly authorized representative, but such approval shall not relieve EPIPD of responsibility and liability for concept, design and computation in the preparation of such plans and specifications. 4. EPIPD, at no expense to City, shall make proper provision for the relocation and/or installation of any existing or future utilities affected by the use and occupancy of the Parking Areas, including the securing of approval and consent from the utility companies and the appropriate agencies of the State and its political subdivisions. In the event any installation, reinstallation, relocation or repair of any existing or future utility or improvements owned or constructed by or on behalf of the public or at public expense is made more costly by virtue of the construction, maintenance or existence of the Parking Areas, EPIPD shall pay to City an additional amount equal to such additional cost as determined by the Director of Public Works, or his duly authorized representative. S. This Agreement shall be terminated upon the earlier of (1) EPIPD's abandonment of the Parking Areas or (ii) July 1, 2040 This Agreement shall continue only so Tong as EPIPD shall use the Parking Areas for the purposes herein described, and this Agreement shall immediately lapSe and terminate upon cessation of use or EPJPD's default is the performance of any of the terms and conditions herein. Upon termination, all rights granted herein to EPIPD shall end. Upon City's request, EPIPD, at its own expense, shall remove the Parking Areas at the termination of this Agreement, and restore the area to a condition acceptable to City, and in accordance with then existing City specifications. 6. EPIPD shall not assign this Agreement, without the prior written consent of City, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7. It is specifically understood and agreed that City shall in no way be responsible for any damage which may occur to EPIPD's Parking Areas, and EPIPD hereby releases City from any and a1! liability and responsible for same. EPIPD COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, AND DOES HEREBY INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS AND /OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF WHATSOEVER KIND AND CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, OCCUPANCY, USE, EXISTENCE OR LOCATION OF THE PARKING AREAS AND USES GRANTED HEREUNDER, WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY THE ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES OR INVITEES OF CITY; AND EPIPD HEREBY ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH CLAIMS OR SUITS. EPIPD SHALL LIKEWISE ASSUME ALL UABILiTY AND RESPONSIBILITY AND SHALL INDEMNIFY CITY FOR ANY AND ALL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO CiTY PROPERTY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY AND ALL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF EPiPD, iTS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, INVITEES, OR TRESPASSERS. 8. EPIPD agrees, binds and obligates itself to maintain public liability insurance covering all public risks related to the proposed use and occupancy of public property as I DC-5 03 /31 /00 16:08 '$817 569 4491 TC!riHHRS X004 located and described in Exhibit "B ". The amounts of such insurance shall be not less than the following: Property damage, per occurrence $100,000 Personal injury or death, per occurrence $500,000 with the understanding of and agreement by EPIPD that such insurance amounts shall be revised upward at City's option and that EPIPD covenants and agrees to so revise such amounts within thirty (30) days following notice to EPIPD of such requirement. Such insurance policy shall provide that it cannot be canceled or amended without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to City. 9. EPIPD covenants and agrees to maintain the Parking Areas described on Exhibit "8" in a neat, safe and good condition .et all times. 10. In addition to the other grounds for termination provided for in this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated by City should EPIPD breach any terms or conditions set forth in this Agreement. 11. EPIPD agrees that should any action, at law or in equity, arise out of the terms of this Agreement or on account of EPIPD's maintaining or using the Parking Areas described herein, venue for said action shall be in Tarrant County, Texas. EXECUTED this day of , 2000. GRANTOR: GRANTEE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EPIPD- CROSSROADS SQUARE, L.P. Title: Title: ATTEST: ATTEST: City Secretary Notary Public • 10C-to EXHIBITA 1 , 1 , , --------- -, / , I / , 1 �! I C C \ or L_ 1 f �EE1V�'ORKS _ A // \. 1 / H ',7 � 1 I III - __ / i CITY OF SOUTHLAKE [ --,., '--,, �< / EPIPD L-\\ / � ,.- LPROPERTY j - �I �9 / r I 1 - KE� - - - N (........._W / E S EXHIBIT "B,. L 1 Tom Thumb Off -Site Parkin I City of Southlake Property it 8 Head-In O Spares -Site 1 p (Off-Site) )' -- Ballfield f, , r� , ,x., h , fir f rf .. / f , f r ,, ,, - t 7 - G r Ff ire / r aj !�., , sue f ,� " #,'.1 G 6 On-Site Spaces SFr'} .,;1 r s { /, -7-; ?: t/....-.2./..../.:,- � ,'> :- ;" f frf/ ✓ Jr i 1 y ( /,-, -,-/:,y„. zz, ...„..,,„-„-., ; fff I 1 I / r Tennis 5 Parallel Spaces (Off -Site) i / Courts ' \ . , ,,_, \ El '., , .,...4 13 Head -In Spaces (Off -Site) j - \ >`T --- 1 { \ ./ ' i N i II 1 1 L___________, No Scale 1 Southlake Blvd. Jam _. _ i IOC -7 EXHIBIT "B" . i i IHA Wia i I 7: _„__--- - --... - i,, T: i l '''';::. ''.', 1 8 ' ., , 0 I W 6 o d i$ f ----,-. ° ' I X NFt ... . Ii! . a 1 1 I =-. . ;. •-• : ' <h <g igi . F- (-. 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E ii.i,,:g.:Vi 1.5.1i !'s1 rt'l p l:,1!■ .1 li, „ .. - -1 - 7,174: - 7■73;TsETC - - 10C/4 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA 98 - 156 Revised Review No: Three Date of Review: 02/02/99 Project Name: Zoning /Site Plan - Tom Thumb Center, being all of Lot 2 , Lot 3, and a portion of Lot 4 LGB Hall No. 686 Addition and including an additional unplatted 1.174 acre tract, in all being 7.691 acre APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Ewing North American Properties Twichell Architecture 14990 Landmark Boulevard STE 300 3624 Oak Lawn Ave. STE 3200 Dallas, TX 75240 Dallas, TX 75219 Phone : (214) 521 -3066 Phone : (972) 866 -9555 Fax : (214) 599 - 0583 Attn: Terry Clark Fax : (972) 866 - 9888 Attn: John Maggiore OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION. PLEASE CONTACT EDWARD MCROY AT (817) 481 -5581, EXT. 880. 1. The following changes are needed with regard to bufferyards and interior landscaping. a. Provide "required" bufferyards and plantings in accordance with the attached chart. Proposed variations from the required bufferyards and landscape areas are indicated in the rows labeled as "provided" both on the attached chart provided with this review and the chart provided by the applicant on the site plan. (C. C. Action 1/15'99: Allow as proposed placing required plants elsewhere on the site or in Bicentennial Park) b. Provide "required" interior landscape areas and plantings in accordance with the attached chart. Proposed variations from the required landscape areas are indicated in the rows labeled as "provided" both on the attached chart provided with this review and the chart provided by the applicant on the site plan. Verify the area of interior landscaping provided. Staff estimates that approximately 25, 376 sf has been provided. The Interior Landscape Chart on the site plan indicates 27,602 sf is provided. (C. C. Action 1/15/99: Allow as proposed placing required plants elsewhere on the site or in Bicentennial Park) c. the graphic to clearly reflect all proposed interior landscape areas as shown on the Landscape Exhibit presented at the 1/15/99 City Council meeting. The crosshatching on some landscape islands does not match or is missing. d. Parking and pavements are not permitted within bufferyards. The plan shows the following encroachments: 1) Eight existing parking spaces adjacent to FM 1709 extend 10' ± into the 20' Type 0 Bufferyard. (C.C. Action 1/5/99: Allow as shown) IOC -1D 2) Existing Fire Lane along the west line of Lot 2R1 adjacent to Lot 1 and 2, Block 2 First American Savings Bank Addition encroaches into the required 5' Type `A' Bufferyard. Clarify the intent to provide the bufferyard through this area. It shown graphically and is shown not to be provided in the chart. (C.C. Action 1/5/99: Allow as shown) 3) Proposed parking along the west property line of proposed Lot 2R1 adjacent to Bicentennial Park encroaches into the required 10' Type `B' bufferyard. (C.C. Action 1/5/99: Allow as shown) 2. The following changes are needed with regard to driveways ingressing and egressing the site according to the Driveway Ordinance No. 634: a. Provide the minimum driveway spacings as required by the Driveway Ordinance No. 634. Specifically, address the following: 1) A minimum spacing of 250' is required between a service drive and any other type driveway along F.M. 1709. The existing service drive (Drive `F') at the southwest corner of Lot 2R1 is approximately 123' from the next drive to the east (Drive `E'). (C. C. Action 1/5/99: Allow as shown) 2) A minimum spacing of 500' is required between full access drives along F.M. 1709. The existing Drive `E' is approximately 382' from the full access driveway within the First American Savings Bank site to the west and is approximately 141' from the existing drive at the southwest corner of proposed Lot 4R (Texaco) to the east (Drive `L'). (C.C. Action 1/5/99: Allow as shown) 3) A minimum spacing of 500' is required between a full access driveway and a right of way intersection for drives along F.M. 1709. This distance is measured from the drive centerline to the R.O.W. line. The existing full access drive along F.M. 1709, within the proposed Lot 2R1 is approximately 338' from the intersection of N. White Chapel Blvd. (C.C. Action 1/15/99: Allow as shown) 4) A minimum spacing of 250' is required between drives along N. White Chapel Blvd. The southernmost existing drive within the proposed Lot 2R1 (Drive `C') is approximately 92' from the existing drive to the south (Drive `D') and approximately 183' from the existing drive to the north (Drive `B'). (C.C. Action 1/5.!99: Allow as shown) 5) A minimum spacing of 250' is required between a service drive and any other type driveway along N. White Chapel Blvd. The existing northernmost service drive within the proposed Lot 2R1 (Drive `A') is approximately 203' from the next drive to the south (Drive `B'). (C.C. Action 1/15/99: Allow as shown) 6) A right - in/right -out drive is required for drives intersecting an arterial within 250' of the intersection with F.M. 1709. The existing southernmost drive within the proposed Lot 2R1 (Drive `C') is approximately 223' from this intersection. (C.C. Action 1/15/99: Allow as shown) IOC" 11 * The applicant should be aware that anticipated construction of a free right turn lane on southbound N. White Chapel Blvd. will affect the existing driveway approaches in that location. (Drives `C' & `D') b. A minimum stacking depth of 100' is required for all drives within the proposed Lot 2R1. The provided stacking depth are as follows: Drive E F.M. 1709 East Drive 34' Drive F F.M. 1709 West Service Drive 42' Drive C N. White Chapel South Drive 11' Drive B N. White Chapel Central Drive 29' Drive A N. White Chapel North Service Drive34' C. C. Action 1/15/99: Allow as shown) 3. A minimum 10' screening wall is required to screen views of the loading docks and spaces intended for tractor trailer delivery. No wall is shown for the loading docks at the rear of the Tom Thumb building facing N. White Chapel Blvd. A screening wall must utilize a similar masonry material as the front facade. (C.C. Action 1/15/99: Requiring Additional Cedars in the "No Disturbance Zone" in lieu of 10' screen wall) 4. The following changes are required with regard to parking: a. Provide a minimum of 514 parking spaces for the proposed site. The applicant has proposed approximately 350 on -site parking spaces. Correct the provided spaces shown in the Site Data Summary to reflect only on -site parking. C. C. Action 1/15/99: Allow 350 spaces instead of 514) b. Address the following with regard to the proposed off -site parking: 1) Remove off -site parking and pavements shown along the west side of the development located between the two most southerly transformers. Contact Ben Henry (X 824), Community Services Department, for specific guidance in coordinating any proposed off -site construction with the City's current Tennis Center construction. (C. C. Action 1/15/99: Allow off -site Parking and pavements along the west and accepting applicants commitment that spaces be constructed of grasscrete) 2) If relief is granted allowing off -site parking, a letter of permission from the property owner must be provided to the City prior to any such construction and a reciprocal parking agreement will be required to be in place. No documentation of such agreements have been provided to the City. 3) If relief is granted allowing off -site parking, ensure that curbs, grading, wheel stops, plant materials, and /or other physical features do not negatively impact the adjacent Tennis Center Development. Such negative impacts would include but not be limited to drainage, safety and any physical damage to facilities within the Tennis Center site. 4) If off -site parking is allowed, the total provided parking would be 376 spaces rather than the 379 spaces indicated in the Site Summary Chart. 1002 c. Provide head -in parking spaces with a minimum dimension of 9' X 18'. A number of spaces located along N. White Chapel Blvd. and along the common line with the proposed Lot 4R are shown as 8' X 18'. If relief is granted to allow such a reduced dimension, label the applicable spaces -- Compact Parking 8' X 18' -- on the site plan. (C.C. Action 115/99: Allow as shown) 5. Show, label, and dimension existing and proposed easements on or adjacent to the site. The proposed Plat Revision for this site shows a 20' drainage easement along the common lot line with the Proposed Lot 4R. 6. Provide impervious coverage in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance Section 22.5 -L This site exceeds the maximum permitted impervious coverage area of 75% for the "C -3" Zoning District. The applicant proposed 46, 551 sf of open space (13.9% of lot area) and approximately 288,451sf impervious area (86.1% impervious coverage). (C.C. Action 1/15/99: Allow as shown on Landscape Exhibit presented at 1/15/99 C.C. meeting, ) 7. The following changes are needed with regard to building elevations: a. Masonry construction meeting the requirements of Ord. 557 and Ord. 480, Section 43.9,c.1.a is required on proposed buildings, _._Painted tilt wall construction as depicted on the north and west elevations of the Tom Thumb building does not comply with these requirements. On the Tom Thumb building, the south elevation and portions of the east elevation do not identify exterior wall materials. retail building also does not identify exterior wall materials. Previous elevations have indicated that painted tilt wall is intended at several locations on these elevations. b. On the east elevation of the Tom Thumb building, areas to the north and south of the existing Eckerd's building are shown only in silhouette. Provide a detailed elevation drawing of these areas noting the type of materials intended for walls columns and other features, c. Insure that all mechanical equipment (roof or ground mounted) is properly screened from view with an appropriate roof system or an architectural feature which is integral to the building design. Screening of the Tom Thumb Building Mechanical Units has not been clearly demonstrated. d. Provide wall length and offset dimensions on all facades vertically and horizontally. e. Provide a plan view of the building footprint below the elevations of the retail building and correct the retail building footprint shown on the site plan to match . No horizontal articulation can be evaluated for this building. f Provide horizontal and vertical articulation meeting the requirements of Ord. 480, Section 43.9.c. 1.c. and Section 43.13.d .Compliance with the articulation requirements is as shown on the attached articulation evaluation chart. (C.C. Action 1/15/99: accepting the articulation as discussed during the IDC-13 meeting. (Applicant agreed to meet all the vertical articulations shown to be deficient on the articulation chart and will meet the horizontal articulation on the south wall of Tom Thumb Building and the north and south walls of the Strip Retail Building. Variances will be granted for the following horizontal articulations: north, west and east sides of the Tom Thumb Building with the canopies, pilasters, and other design features discussed during the meeting and the east and west sides of the Strip Retail Building as discussed in the meeting) 8. Clarify the floor area shown for existing Building 'D'. As depicted, the "24,740 sf' number appears to incorrectly imply that the existing retail building is 24,740 sf. In fact, the total area for Buildings 'C', 'D' and 'E' (new and existing) is approximately 24,740 sf. Building 'D' appears to be approximately 15,155 square feet. Additional C.C. Actions 1/15/99: accepting the applicant's commitment to maintain the landscaping for perpetuity; allowing the applicant's engineers and city engineers to work together on the appropriate length and width of a right turn lane (and its transition) along White Chapel Blvd.: and • accepting the applicant's commitment to appropriately shield exterior lighting. * This review is based on the "C -3 "General Commercial District for the proposed Lot 2R1 and 2R2 * Coordinate with the City Parks Superintendent (Ben Henry X 824) and the Landscape Administrator (Keith Martin X 848) for the placement of the sidewalk shown near the "No- Disturbance Area ". * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * Protected trees cannot be removed outside of 6' from the proposed building without processing a Tree Removal Permit or without approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Cuts or fills within the limits of the critical root zone of protected trees are not permitted unless adequate constriction methods are approved by the Landscape Administrator. * A letter of permission from the adjacent property owner(s) must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit for the construction or removal of off -site pavement. * Denotes Informational Comment att: Bufferyard Calculation Chart, Interior Landscape Summary Chart, Articulation Evaluation Chart cc: Ewing North American Properties VIA FAX ABOVE Twichell Architecture VIA FAX ABOVE Bury & Pittman VIA FAX: (972) 991 -0278 Attn: Brett Blankenship i OC-14 David McMahan VIA FAX (817) 481 -4074 L:ACOMDEV\ WP-FILES \ REV \ 98 \98I56SP3. 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I didn't see mine when I walked in. 8 Killough: (Inaudible) 9 Legrand: (inaudible) 10 Last: I believe, Mayor, a couple of discrepancies. We were unable to really 11 finalize the articulation review without some dimensions. That might be 12 some area worth talking through. And then I believe we had a comment 13 there on a tilt -wall component that they had previously described and I 14 think the plans showed but we do not have a comment on our review 15 letter. 16 Killough: We also want to address the landscape area. They are in compliance with 17 the required area but there are just discrepancies between the plan you got 18 in your packet and (inaudible). 19 Stacy: Okay, is there anything that you know of that we should discuss at this 20 point; significant changes that might.... 21 McMahan: The only changes we made were in terms of trying to meet the 22 articulations as much as we could and also in making some architectural 23 changes that we had discussed that we would make. 24 Last: They did revise their site plan to correspond to that landscape plan that 25 they showed a picture of last time. 26 Martin: Well, I'll tell you, I think that this comment, must be on 7A, about the tilt - 27 up concrete, was a big surprise. You know, we met for several hours 28 discussing this and it is an illegal material. It can not be used in the 29 corridor overlay and you must come forward and ask for a specific 30 variance. I know you may have been choking on the number of variances 31 you're already asking for but this is serious and I think you're going to 1 IOC' 11 1 need to rethink that material because I can tell you we're spending 2 millions and millions of dollars building a park next door to you and I just 3 don't really see how all those tilt -up panels would do anything except 4 harm us as we enjoy our park and spend our millions of dollars to enhance 5 the beauty and usefulness of our park area and then ultimately to be a 6 spitting distance from tilt -up concrete panels which are not allowed. They 7 can be allowed on certain variances but I really am surprised that it wasn't 8 brought forward to our attention, and freely admit it was noted on one 9 drawing that I had... 10 McMahan: It was not only noted, Councilman, but we discussed, in fact, the question 11 was asked from the Council beforehand as well as P &Z, it's in the 12 minutes. I believe it's in the minutes, yeah, they're tilt wall, and we talked 13 about the finish, and they'll be finished, not painted, but with a stucco type 14 finish, so that you would never be able to know whether it was a tilt -wall 15 behind it or concrete block or steel. You won't know. There is no 16 difference. 17 Last: Council, we have had that similar surface before but I believe the plans 18 actually, maybe incorrectly say painted tilt wall. 19 Martin: Yeah, that's what it says. 20 Last: So that may be something for the future. 21 McMahan: That's wrong, that is wrong. 22 Martin: And the areas where we have allowed tilt -up painted, tilt -up textured 23 panels have been along rear service drives that abut either a forested creek 24 or backs of other buildings or a undeveloped area that would be 25 commercial. 26 (unknown): The point here is though, if it's stucco exterior it's like saying, do you like 27 the shiny stuff or jip -lap on the front of your house. You don't see it. It 28 looks like stucco. Who can object to stucco? 29 Martin: Well, we would much prefer to have real masonry than stucco. 30 McMahan: Are you sure that you would rather have concrete block painted.... 2 IOC -N 1 Martin: No, we can't have concrete block either, David; that's also a material 2 that's not allowed. 3 McMahan: So, what are you saying; a brick facing? Is what you're talking about? 4 Martin: Yeah, I mean there are materials that are masonry, it can be brick or stone, 5 but the point is that it faces our park within just a matter of a few feet 6 and.... 7 Stacy: It does today. 8 Martin: That's right and it's ugly as sin. It makes me want to vomit sometimes; 9 it's so bad. So again, we're over there building millions of dollars worth 10 of stuff for our citizens and we're going to look at the back side, and I 11 appreciate what y'all did on the back of the elevations of the retail strip. 12 McMahan: We've been over those elevations several times with as many members as 13 we can talk about. I don't know what else to tell you other than it's always 14 been there. This is nothing new. It was there last time. 15 Martin: Yeah, but somehow the staff didn't catch it, (someone starts to interrupt) I 16 understand, I understand, but we all must go through the process with our 17 eyes open. 18 Stacy: What's the back of the existing building today? Not the (inaudible) part 19 but the other part that stays. 20 McMahan: It's all concrete block today. 21 Stacy: The existing strip part is concrete block. It's painted. 22 McMahan: Um -hmm, and it will be re- painted with added features which we added to 23 handle the articulation. 24 Martin: And that's very good, David. I wanted to compliment you on the new 25 elevation. It looked very good. 26 McMahan: Thank you. I think here, the point is, quite frankly, is when we all looked 27 at the elevation the last time at the last meeting and we discussed that back 28 elevation in depth, it was the look, not what it was made out of and we 29 made the changes and added the things on the look. I, frankly, have a 30 problem understanding what the sub - material has to do with what the look 31 is. 3 I OC• lq 1 Stacy: I remember we talked about the canopy and so forth. 2 McMahan: Yes, and the point is we showed that as stucco on the back and are you 3 really saying that stucco covering brick looks better than a concrete wall 4 covered with stucco? It's the same thing. It's a look your after and I think 5 we've given you that. 6 Martin: Well, I think part of it comes down, to if you comply on those facades, 7 with all the articulation requirements, both vertical and horizontal, on 8 those tilt -up panel walls then I think we'd have a cat of a different color; 9 but what we have today is not, as far as I understand, compliance on those 10 walls with the ordinance and part of it, I'm sure, is due to the fact that 11 making those small bump out and tilt -up becomes quite expensive, but it's 12 not near as bad as when you're using some other kind of masonry material 13 and thusly you end up with a... 14 McMahan: That's not the reason at all, Councilman. That's not correct. The reason 15 was, and we went through this ad nauseum, is the depth of the thing. We 16 couldn't get the trucks in. We can't get the car parks. None of that had 17 anything to do with what material is there. Not one little bit. 18 Stacy: Do you have the elevation of the west side? 19 McMahan: That it's going to be? 20 Stacy: Yeah, the new proposed one that's going to be..... 21 Martin: Yeah, the new west, the new north, and the new east are all going to be 22 tilt -up, right? 23 McMahan: Yeah. Well, the whole thing is, is this it? This is the west property. That's 24 the west. The back, and these are the ones to the park. Mike, where am I 25 here, bub. My contention is simply this; I appreciate what you're saying 26 but we didn't run any surprises on you here. This has been the same way 27 the whole time. And number two, and all that's been submitted, but the 28 look, all I'm saying is, I have a difficult time understanding what 29 difference it makes as to what the underlying material is as far as the look 30 is concerned. What difference does it make? What you're telling me is 4 Ior•20 1 that you wouldn't say anything if that were all brick under there. So, 2 what's the difference? 3 Martin: Well, I mean I think that what appears to be your effort to adjust this 4 West; I'm sorry, that's the back. 5 McMahan: This is the North. 6 Martin: Right, that's the North. And I don't, we've know been provided any 7 elevations of the east - facing sections of the Tom Thumb. 8 unknown: I think we have. 9 McMahan: That's basically the back of the existing Eckerd's. 10 Martin: No, it sticks out past the Eckerd's, right? 11 McMahan: That's right, but that's all been presented before. 12 Martin: Have y'all seen that elevation? It's not in our packet. 13 Last: I believe it is, isn't it? (inaudible) 14 Martin: Whether there's a shaded box of anything behind the first, closest facade, 15 then the rest are merely shaded boxes. 16 Last: It may be, it may not be... 17 Stacy: It would look just like the west I assume. 18 Martin: We don't know. 19 Stacy: Is it a plain wall or a.. . 20 Stacy: There it is. 21 McMahan: I don't know the answer to that question. Mr. Twitchell, can you? 22 Twitchell: It's going to follow the same concept as the north elevation. It'll just wrap 23 around. 24 Martin: So you're going to put the multi -color and some awnings and stuff on that 25 to break it up visually? 26 Twitchell: There's no awnings in back, but there's arches and the same amount of 27 multi -color wrapped around. 28 unknown: You can do that around here? 29 Twitchell: Yeah. 30 Stacy: They've gone to a lot of trouble to get the visual articulations. ����++ 5 1 Martin: Well, I understand it and I appreciate their commitment to meet those 2 vertical articulations; I just, your know, sort of buying a pig in a poke as 3 they say. If we don't see the elevations, then how do we know exactly 4 what they have committed to do? 5 McMahan: You're actually right as it relates to this, but the other elevations, we've 6 been added and that should have shown as well what we are committing to 7 you to do the same treatments and wrap it around. 8 Martin: Okay. David, on this rear truck loading dock that's on the west, I'm sorry, 9 the left side of that building, I see a single door from here, I don't have my 10 glasses on. 11 Twitchell: Oh, that's the back. That's the existing... 12 McMahan: That's a door that exists in the back of Eckerd's today. That dock is more, 13 somewhere...I'm sorry. 14 Martin: Can I get you to put the one that's right, or take that one down, David, and 15 show us the one you have up there a minute ago that shows that west 16 facade. 17 McMahan: That's the West, right here. One thing that this doesn't show that we 18 agreed to do and they redrew it, when they redrew it they did it 19 incorrectly, is that instead of that flat canopies on the west side we agreed 20 to put the bubble canopy which we're still agreeing to do. It's a .. . 21 Martin: I mean, that's why I asked that about the canopies because we have the 22 articulation...on that side 23 McMahan: On this side, we agreed to put those bubble canopies on that side. 24 Stacy: Which is facing the park? 25 Martin: Right. 26 Stacy: On the other side actually is, I think, hidden by that grove of trees. 27 Martin: It will be somewhat hidden, that's right. 28 McMahan: We can't on the other side because there's a dumpster, if you remember, 29 right where the canopy would be. But we can do the visual exactly like 30 that. 6 10C-22 1 Martin: Right. I mean again it does face White's Chapel. As you look down the 2 service drive, you're going to see that portion of the wall. I guess, then, 3 David, I need to find out the .. . 4 McMahan: Well, we also agreed to plant some trees if you remember on that island 5 which would further hide not only the cars and the dumpster, but that 6 facade as well. 7 Martin: I understand. On the left end of that building there, the plan show a 8 secondary loading dock or a loading area, do you have doors in there? 9 McMahan: I don't see any of them. How does that set up, Mike? I think he's talking to about the one, the dock here on the west side. 11 Mike: We haven't figured out if there's going to be an overhead door there or 12 not. 13 Martin: I guess then we have the problem of how do you ultimately end up 14 screening those doors from the view to the park? if you're screening on 15 two sides then you've got no open side. 16 McMahan: This wall actually does. 17 Martin: It sure does. 18 McMahan: Okay, so you're talking about directly from the west, which you've got 19 your building, your own screening. You've got the windscreens on those 20 tennis courts and you can't see through the tennis courts to see the center 21 anyway. 22 Martin: We do have a number of small t -ball fields and stuff just adjacent to that 23 area that would look right at that. Now it may partially be screened and 24 again I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm merely saying that it didn't show in 25 the elevations. 26 McMahan: What we can do there and we'll be happy to do that, if we have a site 27 plan? We have a site plan board...There is some area out there, that if 28 there's an area to plant, we'll be happy to do that again, the same thing we 29 volunteered to do over there, that if we were to add some cedars or 30 something that will do that, that's not a problem. 7 ■QC.Z3 1 Martin: And again, it just comes down to, we analyze this very complex problem, 2 David, with multiple variances that this stuff gets skipped, we're all not 3 perfect. We sometimes need to rely on second thoughts and that's why we 4 have two readings. 5 McMahan: That's fine. 6 Martin: And that was all my questions. 7 Stacy: My question is, looking at the variances requested, do you need relief on 8 everything that's on this list in order for someone to make a motion? 9 McMahan: We would like to get it approved exactly the way we got it approved last 10 time. Now, that means that, yes, we need the same variances. I believe 11 the Staff has come up with a couple of other comments, some of which I 12 think we can answer, some are not, but I know we can, glance...I just got 13 them, but a cursory glance at these tells me that we were going to be able 14 to work those out. I didn't see anything in there of any need. 15 Stacy: Things like correct the graphics and stuff we don't need relief for that. 16 McMahan: No, that's correct. That actually, in reality, Mike, did you bring a .. . 17 Mike: I got a cardboard I can bring .. . 18 McMahan: That actually, it's just simply a question that the landscape plan had a 19 certain kind of hatching that the site plan didn't. We didn't evidently use 20 the same computer. 21 Stacy: I guess what I'm trying to clarify is, in the essence of time during the 22 public, the real meeting, if you and Mr. Last can get together and agree on 23 what you really do need. 24 McMahan: We'll do that during the executive session, yes. 25 Stacy: Is that okay with you, Mr. Last? 26 McMahan: We'll be happy to do that. 27 Stacy: Is that all right, Scott (Martin)? 28 Martin: Oh, yeah. That's fine. I mean I think there's only a few points we need to 29 clarify; otherwise, I think we've been through this for a while. 30 Stacy: Do any of the rest of you have questions about the Tom Thumb thing that 31 they might want to work on during the executive session? 8 1 Kendall: Well, I have a question. In this chart that talks about required interior 2 landscaping versus what's provided and if there's some reason for the big 3 difference? 4 McMahan: In the chart .. . 5 Kendall: Yes. 6 McMahan: I don't know. We just got that. And what I'll tell you is, and see how 7 that's shaded, that's new to us. What I would tell you, my guess is that the 8 very two areas that they are questioning whether or not it's landscaping, is, 9 and that's how we have a larger number and they have a smaller number. 10 But I can't answer that because I don't know how they calculated it. 11 We'll get together and work that out. 12 Kendall: Okay. 13 Last: Our calculations actually show that they are providing more than what's 14 required. 15 Kendall: On the landscaping, the trees? I know that the green space is more, but on 16 the trees and shrubs, are they providing what's required? 17 McMahan: Well, we can't, but what we agreed to do there is anything we can't put on 18 site, we'll put in the park. That's what we agreed to do last time. 19 Kendall: That's what I'm asking, there's an agreement to do that? 20 McMahan: Yes. 21 Last: Plant materials are part of the motion from first reading's approval was 22 that any required plant needed in interior or in the bufferyard that couldn't 23 be planted on site would be relocated to the park. 24 Kendall: So that's why that chart looks so off because it's going to be replanted. 25 McMahan: Right. 26 Stacy: Any questions about the plat revision? Do you have anything on that, 27 Greg, that needs to be pointed out? 28 Last: I don't believe there's any issues on the plat. 29 Stacy: Okay. 30 Martin: That new strip of parking with the two dumpsters directly adjacent to 31 the tennis courts, is that in this criteria? 9 IDC'2b 1 Last: Yes, it's in one of our review comments on the site plan. There's a 2 comment from Parks to prohibit the parking that's adjacent to the 3 tennis courts and I believe David met with Parks and came to a 4 mutual conclusion that those stalls could be relocated to the north 5 parking lot. 6 Martin: Do we need to address that in the motion? 7 McMahan: Yes, because, in fact, please forgive me, it's my understanding that 8 will require Council's approval because it does have to go into the 9 park to do that. That's my understanding. 10 Last: And the bufferyard, they'll be a north bufferyard so... 11 McMahan: We're willing to do that. We don't have a problem doing that; that's 12 totally up to y'all. 13 Martin: Do you guys have any kind of scale drawing for that estimate of where 14 and how far it's going to be into the park property? 15 McMahan: We have a 10 -foot buffer as you assume, a 20 -foot park, we're going 16 in another 10 feet and I think we've agreed to seven stalls moved 17 around there. We've turned the ones we're moving parallel. We have 18 five (5) parallel and we've moved seven (7) around to the back, and 19 that gives them more room for their drainage and greenery between 20 the courts and those particular stalls. 21 Martin: So we'll have to note that in our motion. We can't approve the site 22 plan when we know we're going to be moving some of them. Okay, I 23 appreciate you working on that too because it was way too close to 24 those fences. 25 Stacy: For the moment, let's skip down to the second readings in "f," "g," and 26 "h. ".. . 27 28 I oc-2tp 10 1 Transcript of Case ZA98 -156 from the 2/2/99 City Council Meeting. 2 3 4 Mayor Stacy: The next item on our agenda is 7A, Ordinance No. 480 -297, second 5 reading, rezoning and site plan for the Tom Thumb center. 6 7 KPG: Do you want the presentation? 8 9 Mayor Stacy: I think you should put it on the wall, yes ma'am. We discussed this quite a 10 bit during the work session this evening but we'll have a little refresher 11 here for the public's information and if there's anyone on the Council who 12 has a question about it. 13 14 KPG: ZA98 -156 is a rezoning of Lot 3 and a portion of Lots 2 and 4 of the 15 L.B.G. Hall No. 686 Addition and adding 1.174 acres out of the L.B.G. 16 Hall Survey as well, making a total 7.691 acres. You'll also be reviewing 17 the site plan for the Tom Thumb center. The property is located on the 18 northwest corner of the intersection of North White Chapel with F.M. 19 1709. The EPIPD - Southlake No. 1, limited partnership is the owner. The 20 applicant is Bury Pittman DFW, Inc. The property is currently zoned 21 "CS ", "S -P -2" Generalized Site Plan District with "C -3" uses, excluding 22 those that are noted in the staff memorandum. The request was for, was 23 originally for "S -P -2" with "C -3" uses. They amended that request 14 excluding all of the "C -3" uses previously approved and then also 25 excluding a movie theater. We sent out ten responses, or ten letters to 26 everyone within 200 feet and received one written response from Don 27 Mullman, 803 Pearl Drive in favor of the request. Also included were 28 persons living outside the 200 foot area, and in total there were a thousand 29 fifty -six responses in favor of the request. The Planning and Zoning 30 Commission at their January 7 meeting recommended to deny with a 4 -2 31 vote. Council during the first reading on January 19 did recommend 32 approval subject to staff's review comments dated January the 15 with 33 certain modifications. You allowed the bufferyards as shown, provided the 34 applicant work with staff to relocate any plantings to the park area to the 3 north of the site. Also you allowed the existing parking that was in the 36 bufferyard areas, that they could remain. You also allowed the driveway 37 spacing and stacking depths as shown. You provided that there, in this no 38 disturbance zone, that there should be additional cedars planted there in 39 lieu of the 10' screening wall that would be placed in that area. You 40 allowed the 350 parking spaces as shown, accepting the applicant's 41 commitment to make some of the compact car sites here and then gain 42 some additional landscape in these islands and throughout the parking 43 lot as well. You allowed the impervious coverage as shown, given the 44 applicant's commitment on the additional landscaping. I think they now 45 have approximately 86% impervious coverage. On item 7B, on the 16 articulation, you accepted the applicant's commitment to meet all vertical 1 ICC-Z7 1 articulation and then on the horizontal articulations on the south side of the 2 Tom Thumb building, and also the north and the south of the retail building 3 as well. All others would be per the plan as shown previously. The 4 applicant was to take a look at providing additional parking on the 5 west side of the building. Also to shield any lighting from the 6 surrounding property owners over on the east side of White Chapel, and 7 also allow the grasscrete in the parking stalls along the entire west side. 8 And then, in response to Councilperson Edmondson's requirement to 9 maintain the landscaping in perpetuity. Due to the supermajority vote, and 10 due to the P &Z's denial, a supermajority is required, 6 of the 7 would have 11 to approve the plan. Now staff has provided you a revised review letter 12 No. 3, dated 2/2/99. You'll note in there, there was a comment about the 13 interior landscaping, there was some discrepancy, and I believe the 14 applicant has agreed to correcting that on the plan. We also discussed 15 during work session a painted tilt wall, on the north and west walls of Tom 16 Thumb, and I believe that issue has been resolved in work session. And 17 then there was also the need for additional information on the north and 18 south walls of Eckerd's on their, the articulation of the elevation plan. Are 19 there any other comments or questions we can address for you? 20 21 Edmondson: Karen, what did you say where the discrepancies on this part, that you 22 resolved in the work session? 23 24 KPG: The landscaping number, the 25,000 square feet versus the 27 they had 25 shown, and I believe the applicant has agreed to correct that. 26 27 Edmondson: Okay. 28 29 Mayor Stacy: And we also, we discussed the west wall elevation in work session, and 30 they implied that the north wall that extends beyond the present Eckerd's 31 would be done a similar way, with the two - toning and so forth. I'm sure 32 we'll see the elevation here again in a minute, but that's what I understood 33 at the work session. 34 3 5 Edmondson: All right. 36 37 Mayor Stacy: So that it's the same on all the way around there. Any other questions for 38 Karen? Thank you, Ms. Gandy. Is the applicant here? 39 40 David McMahan: Mr. Mayor, members of the Council, ladies and gentlemen of the staff and 41 audience, my name is David McMahan, 1335 Hidden Glen, Southlake. I'm 42 here to represent the applicants and the owners in this zoning request. I'd 43 be happy to answer any questions you have. There were some changes that 44 we probably need to visit slightly about. The, in your review letter dated 45 2/2/99, well first let me say we are requesting approval as approved in the 46 prior meeting but then the staff added some new comments that I need to 2 1UC-10C-28 1 address at this time. One would be, and I want a clarification of this, if you 2 don't mind, item 3 where it talks about requiring additional cedars. It's my 3 recollection that in reality what we agreed to do and what you all wanted us 4 to do was work with staff because we don't know for sure that there's even 5 room for any additional cedars in there. But it was my recollection that we 6 agreed that we would work with the landscape architect, if there's room 7 and he wants them there we'll put them in, otherwise we would not because 8 we didn't want to overplant that area, so... 9 10 Mayor Stacy: I must apologize to you on that particular item because I've been instructed 11 by my wife to never vote for cedars `cause all of our kids are allergic to 12 them. I mean we don't want them in the back so... 13 14 McMahan: Well, we meant to say were firs... 15 16 Mayor Stacy: Some other kind of tree would be... I cannot vote for that. 17 18 McMahan: I understand. 19 20 Mayor Stacy: My mesquites... 21 22 Debra Edmondson: I won't vote for anything but cedars. I'm just kidding, Mayor, I'm just 23 kidding. 24 25 Mayor Stacy: I might also add... 26 27 McMahan: This is good because there's a new strain called a cedar fir that we're going 28 to put in. 29 30 Mayor Stacy: I might also add we are one person short tonight so if you feel at any time 31 you might want to wait for a full Council, you have that right. 32 33 McMahan: I appreciate that, very much. I really just wanted that more as a point of 34 clarification and make sure we understood what it is we're supposed to do 35 on that. And then item 7A, is the only, all the other comments that they've 36 added we'll be happy to comply with, there's no problem there, except 7A 37 and where we're talking about the tilt but we went through that. That was a 38 mislabeling, it is not painted, it is stucco finish like all the rest like we 39 discussed it. And that's mislabeling on that part. With that, I'll be happy 40 to answer any questions. I believe I'm right on that. Greg was there, isn't 41 that correct? 42 43 Greg Last: I believe that's it. The articulation would be in accordance with the fairly 44 detailed review that we went through on the first reading. They have made 45 dramatic attempts toward complying with that and are out a couple of 16 places, but the motion would be the same as previously discussed. 10C-2c1 3 1 2 McMahan: And we can meet those. 3 4 Edmondson: Yeah, and that's what I'd like to discuss and I called David earlier in the 5 day. When I reviewed the elevations that were submitted with this plan, I 6 found that they were quite different from the pretty pictures brought in the 7 last time, at least on certain sides. So, my question to you is, which one is 8 correct? 9 10 McMahan: Well, what we are proposing is the latest renderings that we have shown 11 you. If the differences exist, and there are some differences, it was our 12 understanding, this was our interpretation of what we all agreed that we 13 would do, along with another meeting we had in depth with staff to work 14 out some articulation problems that we had, and let's get into it. This, I 15 believe, was one of your concerns, Councilmember Edmondson, was the 16 west side. 17 18 Edmondson: Yes. 19 20 McMahan: So let's talk about that one, and let's look at. This was the original, here. 21 Let me just hold that. Now what we didn't, what the architect failed to do, 22 and he's been chastised for this, is that we let these flat canopies which we 23 agreed to replace with the bubble canopy. We will replace those with the 24 bubble canopy as we agreed to do. They're simply not shown there, but 25 other than that, I don't know that, I think it's pretty close to what we had 26 before. In fact... 27 28 Edmondson: All right, what about the issue of the relief in the concrete? 29 30 Scott Martin: On the color drawing, David, it shows some splayed lines that go out from 31 the center of this little arc, and yet they don't appear on the bluelines that 32 we received in this packet. 33 34 McMahan: Okay, I couldn't, I can't respond to that because I didn't see the blueline, I 35 apologize. But these will be reveals. 36 37 Martin: Okay, and inside those I think you still show this radial line, two or three 38 radial lines, right David? And... 39 40 Edmondson: You will do that on the building? 41 42 McMahan: It will look like this. Mr. Twitchell? I'm getting that confirmed there, but 43 will look like this, what we're showing you right here. So, I really don't 44 think it's that different, Ms. Edmondson, other than the canopy's not on it. 45 16 Edmondson: Well, I think it was quite different. 10C-30 4 1 2 McMahan: Really? 3 4 Edmondson: Yes. 5 6 Mayor Stacy: Do you like it better? 7 8 Edmondson: Oh, yeah, I like what I agreed to last week. 9 10 Twitchell: She didn't see what you held up, David. Here's... 11 12 McMahan: I'm having some real trouble seeing the difference. 13 14 Edmondson: No, look at your blueline. 15 16 Mayor Stacy: No, well the bluelines doesn't have the reveals on it, yeah. 17 18 Edmondson: Right, the blueline didn't have any of that. 19 20 McMahan: But this is what we presented in the pretty pictures you referred to. 21 22 Mayor Stacy: So...right. 23 24 McMahan: Now those that you have... 25 26 Edmondson: All right, now the northern elevation on the Tom Thumb building. 27 28 McMahan: Which elevation, I'm sorry? 29 30 Edmondson: Northern. 31 32 Mayor Stacy: The north. 33 34 Edmondson: All right, that one also was quite different in the submittal from what I 35 believed I was voting for last week based on this drawing, colored drawing. 36 37 Mayor Stacy: Did you vote on the pretty picture? 38 39 Edmondson: Right. This is... 40 41 Mayor Stacy: The pretty picture. In the work session this evening they explained to us 42 that the pretty picture is what's before us. The bluelines... 43 44 McMahan: The bluelines have been resubmitted. 45 16 Mayor Stacy: I know. 5 10C.31 1 2 McMahan: But this is what, what we're presenting to you that we're going to do. This 3 is our intention right here. 4 5 Martin: Did our staff have copies of this? 6 7 GL: I'd like to as part of the motion hold those hostage until we get a set of 8 plans that complies with them. 9 10 Martin: Okay. 11 12 Edmondson: Oh, absolutely, because the elevations in here, particularly on the north and 13 west... 14 15 Ronnie Kendall: But can't we make our motion according to those drawing if we label the 16 drawings? 17 18 Mayor Stacy: Yes, ma'am. Certainly. 19 20 Martin: Yeah, but we just need them to be in Greg's possession. 21 22 GL: Yeah, they'll bring us a set of prints that match that... 23 ?4 McMahan: That's correct. 25 26 GL: ...in the next day or two, but I'd like to hold those until we get a set that 27 matches them. 28 29 Martin: Then they can have them back. 30 31 Mayor Stacy: We can actually number those drawings with this... 32 33 Kendall: Yeah, let's label them. 34 35 Edmondson: Rather than go over it point by point, let's just agree that the pretty pictures 36 will be part of the submission. 37 38 McMahan: That's fine. We have no problem with that. You bet. 39 40 Edmondson: Okay. All right, fine. 41 42 Mayor Stacy: Would you get her an extra copy of the pretty pictures? 43 44 Edmondson: I've got one. 45 1 .6 Mayor Stacy: Okay. 6 roe -32 1 2 Edmondson: That's how I noticed there was a difference. 3 4 Mayor Stacy: Then throw the blueline away. 5 6 Edmondson: All right, now, I know, I thought in our discussion, you had told me that 7 you were going, the 35' drive you said it was going to be reduced to a 30'? 8 9 McMahan: That one section? Yes. 10 11 Edmondson: Yeah, in front of the Tom Thumb. Right, you show it as a 35. 12 13 McMahan: I can't respond to that. 14 15 Mayor Stacy: Can you show me which one she's talking about on the wall here? 16 17 Twitchell ?: Yes. This is mislabeled, it does say 35, once again...well, actually it's 25' 18 fireline, lane. There, it could very well be, but that's got to be 30 then. 19 20 McMahan ?: That's just mislabeled. 21 22 Edmondson: That's what, okay, I wanted to check because you said you had dropped it 23 down to pick up... 24 25 Twitchell ?: We did that because we picked up more... 26 27 Edmondson: Right, greenery. 28 29 McMahan: ...area here, that allowed us to change the radius on the curb and you notice 30 that we put that in. In fact, this is a colored rendering of it. It gives you a 31 little more idea. And the area I will point out that staff was talking about, 32 the crosshatching, this is crosshatched differently in a different type of 33 crosshatching, than is over here, but that is planting material in there. 34 That's that comment. 35 36 GL: Councilmember, can I make sure I understand fully on the 35' issue. He 37 had committed on that drive that's in front of the building to go to 30, but it 38 was not your intent for the drive that intersects White Chapel to also be 39 reduced, is that correct, because the way they've got it set up allows for 40 three lanes, one in... 41 42 Edmondson: Right, right, he had just re... 43 44 GL: Okay. 45 7 )DC-3-3 1 Edmondson: And the only reason I bring it up is because it was the narrowing in that one 2 area that allows them to pick up some more green space. 3 4 McMahan: That's right, which we did, which we did. It was added to the islands, 5 essentially down here. Everything moved up and those were enlarged. 6 7 Edmondson: All right. 8 9 Kendall: But David, at our last meeting we talked about how this development was 10 going to increase traffic flow along White Chapel, and we talked about you 11 adding a third lane. Greg, is that something we should add to the motion? 12 13 GL: I'm sorry could you repeat it? 14 15 McMahan: Talking about, that we agreed to work with staff in widening this area 16 through here as a third lane, and that probably should be put in the motion. 17 I would agree with that. 18 19 Mayor Stacy: `Cause you've already donated the right - of - way for that. 20 21 McMahan: Yes. 22 23 GL: For the right -of -way, there won't be a right -of -way dedication, an '.4 additional right -of -way dedication there. There is on the next item, on the 25 plat on the south corner. We did say that the additional pavement width 26 would be part of the future negotiation on the developer's agreement, and 27 he had committed to do that. 28 29 Kendall: Okay, so that's just going to be covering the developers agreement? Okay. 30 31 Martin: Greg, was that included...t 32 33 KPG: In the previous motion, yes. 34 35 Martin: ...that motion last was so complicated that was included in the previous 36 motion? 37 38 GL: I think we did include that in the motion where we just stated that... 39 40 Kendall: `Cause when I read it again I didn't see it. 41 42 GL: I think it was in there. 43 44 KPG: Yeah. 45 ( 11 / ' ,� /! 8 i oc•4 1 GL: It needs to state something to the effect that negotiations related to 2 additional drive lanes will be done during the developers agreement. 4 Kendall: Okay. That's in there somewhere? 5 6 KPG: Yeah, it was working with city staff to... 7 8 GL: Yeah, their engineers were going to meet with our engineers to resolve to 9 the extent and length, but the actual fiscal obligation would be resolved 10 during the developers agreement. But I think that would be good to add to 11 the motion. 12 13 Edmondson: And then you also had agreed to provide shields to keep the lighting on 14 site. 15 16 McMahan: That's right. 17 18 Edmondson: Correct? Okay. 19 20 McMahan: We will comply with the ordinances, with your new ordinances you have 21 on lighting, and provide the shields. 22 23 Edmondson: The new ordinances in lighting, is that what you said? 24 25 McMahan: Um hmm. 26 27 Martin: We hadn't heard the new one. 28 29 McMahan: From this point in time. 30 31 Edmondson: Okay, because there is a new one coming, if you'd like to comply to that 32 one I'd be more than happy to accept that offer of compliance. 33 34 McMahan: I appreciate it, I think not, though, thank you. I do appreciate the 35 opportunity though. 36 37 Edmondson: All right, one other thing. What progress, if any, has been made regarding 38 the shutting down of the southernmost driveway along White Chapel? 39 40 Mayor Stacy: That I can confirm that through the city manager's efforts, the present 41 occupant has agreed to close that, I mean for us to close it, but he doesn't 42 want a median there. 43 44 Kendall: But he'd rather not have a median? 45 16 Mayor Stacy: Right. 9 1 2 Edmondson: He means right across the driveway there. 3 4 Mayor Stacy: We can close the southernmost driveway and it goes into Magic Mike's, as 5 a part of this road widening and so forth, and he can enter from the next 6 driveway if that's acceptable to the Tom Thumb people and everybody 7 else. 8 9 Martin: That's tremendous. 10 11 Edmondson: Great, wonderful. 12 13 McMahan: That is acceptable. 14 15 Kendall: Yes, that's wonderful. That's very good, `cause that was the driveway I 16 was the most concerned about in this whole property. 17 18 Edmondson: Now will that be a private thing, I mean a separate thing or will it into this 19 somehow? 20 21 Curtis Hawk: I think we need to just get their acquiesce to that. 22 23 McMahan: We've agreed, we have no problem with that. Once again, I have, we have 24 no authority... 25 26 Mayor Stacy: Correct. 27 28 McMahan: ...to say you can do it, we're saying we don't have a problem with it. 29 30 Edmondson: Okay. 31 32 Mayor Stacy: Mr. Farhat does not have a problem with it either as of today. Make it all 33 safer. 34 35 Edmondson: Wonderful. Good. 36 37 Mayor Stacy: All right, any other questions for Mr. McMahan? Thank you, sir. This is a 38 public hearing and I would like to open the public hearing at this time and 39 ask if there's anyone in the audience who would like to address the 40 Council? Seeing none, we'll close the public hearing. 41 42 Martin: David, I apologize, I'm making notes on this complicated motion. I forgot 43 to ask a question. 44 45 McMahan: Sure. 16 ++llp 221' 10 I VC "tJIP 1 Martin: I would it appreciate it if when you guys detail that west portion of the 2 Tom, I'm sorry, the east portion of the Tom Thumb that is north of, right, 3 the one that doesn't have an elevation, and you've agreed to duplicate the 4 detailing work that's around the west and the north side, right? Look at 5 that and see if you can come up with a canopy like the bubbles you're 6 going to do on the other side, break up that surface some so. There's such 7 a huge blank surface, and I think that will add enough emphasis to keep 8 people from looking behind the building as they drive by. 9 10 McMahan: I think I can commit to that. I will point out to you too, Councilmember 11 Martin, in the last meeting we had agreed and we added this and then 12 they'll be the trees planted and taller shrubs. These come out close to here. 13 So got a really thin sight corridor anyway, but yes we'll be happy to do it, 14 that's not a problem. 15 16 Martin: Thanks, that was all. You guys don't have any problem with the screening 17 of the mechanicals on top of the buildings, do you? It was just a general 18 note on the drawings, you all didn't ask for any relief from that. 19 20 McMahan: No. 21 22 Martin: Mr. Mayor, let me get all my numbers here. Mr. Mayor, I move we 23 approve case ZA98 -156, pursuant to staff review letter No. 3 dated 2/2/99, the motion shall include all items in the previous motion, as well 25 as accepting the agreement on item 1B; on item 7A allow as shown, 26 accept the applicant's commitment that all tilt -wall will have an 27 applied stucco finish; 7B, accepting the applicant's commitment to 28 provide an elevation on the east facade of Tom Thumb, north of the 29 Eckerd's, typical of the west elevation of Tom Thumb; accepting the 30 applicant's commitment to revise the west side canopies to a domed 31 style; accepting the developers' agreement to construct the reveal, 32 painted accent areas, and domed canopies on that northeast section of 33 wall again, northeast of the Tom Thumb wall; revising item No. 3, let 34 me make sure I get this one right, requiring that the landscape 35 administrator agree to any placement of additional plant materials in 36 the no- disturbance zone in lieu of the 10' screening wall; and accepting 37 the applicant's commitment to comply completely with the vertical 38 articulation as at the last meeting; accepting the applicant's agreement 39 to leave with the staff the color renderings of the specific detailed 40 elevations for the design, detailing and materials used until subsequent 41 construction drawings are resubmitted; agreeing that the applicant 42 shall bring forward at the time of the developers agreement the plans 43 to extend the full middle turn lane to beyond the main entrance in 44 front of the existing Eckerd's store today with the transition lane going 45 further north from there. '6 11 10e -37 1 Edmondson: Second. 2 3 McMahan: Mr. Mayor? 4 5 1Vlayor Stacy: Go ahead. 6 7 McMahan: `Cause we're missing something you guys want. Excuse me. And it 8 occurs to me, and we discussed this in work session, that Ben Henry 9 with the Park Department talked with us about relocating 8 of these 10 car parks, I said 7 in work session, I'm sorry it's wrong. We'd turn 11 these, we'd have 5 parallel here, the demsey dumpter moves down a 12 little bit, and then we would put those 8 here. I'm sorry, we did talk 13 about that, but, we agreed to do that so I think you might want to add 14 that. 15 16 Martin: I forgot, I forgot. Okay, I will amend my motion, acknowledging the 17 applicant's agreement to relocate 8 parking spaces from adjacent to 18 the tennis courts as indicated this evening to northwest quadrant of the 19 site and accepting the commitment to come up with an agreement with 20 staff for some partial use of our property. 21 22 Edmondson: Amended second. 23 24 GL: If I could offer one addition... 25 26 Martin: Okay. 27 28 GL: ...would be the verification that that drive along the front goes to 30' even 29 though the plan shows 35. 30 31 Martin: Yeah, and I so amend my motion that the drive will in fact be 30 and not 35 32 as shown on the drawing. 33 34 GL: Just for clarification so there's no confusion, on the parking that will 35 go to the north, that property, although being used for some park 36 improvements is not technically park property, but it's still okay to put 37 that use there. 38 39 Martin: Right, it is not technically park property. You're absolutely correct. 40 41 Mayor Stacy: Can I have one.... 42 43 Martin: And also acknowledging, I'm sorry Mr. Mayor, that the triple lane entrance 44 shall not be affected by the reduction of the driveway. We'll still have the 45 three lanes off the middle of White Chapel. And further adding that the 16 applicant has agreed to work with the property owner to the south in the 12 1 corner to eliminate the south most driveway on White Chapel Road to the 2 west. 3 4 Edmondson: Amended second. 5 6 Mayor Stacy: I have one question. And it may be that I was listening too fast. On that 7 northeast corner that's north of the Eckerd's, did you include canopies? 8 9 Martin: I really asked them to consider that, Mayor. 10 11 Mayor Stacy: I heard them say they weren't going to put canopies over there because of 12 the dumpster or something. 13 14 McMahan: Excuse me, where? 15 16 Martin: On that side just north of Eckerd's. On that wall. 17 18 Mayor Stacy: The part that extends... right. 19 20 McMahan: Here, we said we would look at it. I do have a question. On working on 21 the driveway you were referring to this driveway? 22 23 Martin: I said the south -most driveway. 24 25 McMahan: You said going off to the west or coming to the west `cause I heard west at 26 the last, I want to make sure... 27 28 Mayor Stacy: The southernmost entrance then. 29 30 Martin: It accesses White Chapel west, onto that subject property. 31 32 McMahan: Okay. 33 34 Mayor Stacy: Okay, any other questions or suggestions to that complex... 35 36 GL: On the canopy north of the old Eckerd's building, is that at their option? Is 37 that something they're going to look at? 38 39 McMahan: We'll do it. 40 41 GL: Okay. 42 43 Mayor Stacy: Are you going to look at it or do it? Any other questions? Call for the 44 vote. 45 16 Sandy Legrand: Councilmember Edmondson? 13 1 2 Edmondson: Yes. 3 4 SL: Councilmember Evans? 5 6 Ralph Evans: Yes, ma'am. 7 8 SL: Councilmember Kendall? 9 10 Kendall: Yes. 11 12 SL: Councilmember Moffat? 13 14 Wayne Moffat: Yes, ma'am. 15 16 SL: Councilmember Martin? 17 18 Martin: Yes, ma'am. 19 20 SL: Mayor Stacy? 21 22 Mayor Stacy: Yes, ma'am. Approved 6 -0. Thank you. The next item is 7B, ZA98 -135, 23 Plat Revision for the same subject property... 24 14 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM March 31, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Senior Civil Engineer, extension 846 SUBJECT: Award of bid to Whizcon Utilities, Inc. for the installation of water line improvements to serve Napa Valley Estates and Woodland Heights Addition Action Requested: Staff requests the City Council to award the bid for the installation of water line improvements to serve Napa Valley Estates and Woodland Heights Addition to Whizcon Utilities, Inc. of Arlington, TX in the amount of $54,460. Background Information: During the past few summers, residents in Napa Valley Estates along Burgundy Court have experienced water pressure fluctuations. These fluctuations have usually occurred during the peak morning usage times. During these times, the level of the water in the elevated tanks is at the lowest. Consequently, the water pressure may fluctuate in areas where the topography elevation increases, such as at the top of hills. Furthermore, the water pressure fluctuations in these areas are exacerbated if the water line is a dead -end line (served only from one direction). Burgundy Court is currently served by a 6" water line. This water line dead -ends at the end of the cul -de -sac, which is at the top of a hill (see attached project map). Woodland Heights is served by an 8" water line located along Westwood. The developer of Cambridge Crossing stubbed an 8" water line from Chatham Court to the southwest corner of the Woodland Heights Addition. This project will interconnect the existing 6" water line located on Burgundy Ct., the 8" water line located in Woodland Heights, and the 8" water line stub -out in Cambridge Crossing. The intent of this project is twofold. First of all, the water line improvements will sustain the water pressure for the residents in this area. Therefore in times of peak usage, the water pressure will not fluctuate because the water lines will be fed from more than one direction. Second, these improvements will provide a "looped" system. Therefore, water service disruptions are less likely to occur in the event of a water line break. The City owns a Tract of land along the north property line of Lot 10 -R in Woodland Heights (as shown on project map). The water line improvements for this project will be installed within existing easements and on the City owned tract. Staff intends to have this project complete 10E - 1 City of Southlake, Texas prior to the water usage increasing substantially, primarily due to irrigation. Financial Considerations: The City received 3 bids for this project. The low bidder was Whizcon, Utilities, Inc. of Arlington, TX for the amount of $54,460 (see attached bid tabulation). The costs associated with this project are tabulated below: Engineering, Testing $ 5,500 Construction $54,460 Total $59,960 The total cost is $29,960 above the budgeted amount of $30,000. There are several reasons that attribute to this increase. Originally, this project was going to be designed in -house by City staff. Therefore, the CIP budget allocated $30,000 for the construction of this project, which did not account for any engineering costs. However due to the staff workload, a consultant completed the design of this project. Second, it was determined after estimating the project that more water line should be installed by bore rather than open cut to provide a cleaner job along the private properties. This additional amount of installation by bore increased the construction cost. Utilizing funds that exist from completed projects constructed under budget will fund the cost overrun. This project has been added to the attached CIP Project Cost Ledger. Citizen Input / Board Review: None. Legal Review: Not applicable. Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: Project Map Bid tabulation for Napa Valley/Woodland Heights water improvements CIP Project Cost Ledger Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Council award the bid to Whizcon Utilities, Inc. for the installation of water improvements to serve Napa Valley Estates and Woodland Heights Addition in the amount of $54,460. Please place this item on the April 4, 2000 Regular City Council Agenda for review and consideration. SEP /sep 10E -2 'OM*, ,..., MillffiSedllOSIMSZIN819701MSIIPPIPM., Napa Valley if Woodland Heights Water Improvements : 1 . . . . . ; . . , . . ...,.._......_ . . . . ; . , . . , . . , . . ............._..... - __,, .............. ,. . , q I '5 ''''''• ! 1 ,.. e 1 'i l'i 4 7,1) ' , ;.' 4 .4,,, . \ , . : 1 .4; le)01 - ‚ / r 11 . • • , . ri psp • 17 V c / ( 7 ,, , . . ; . • t 1-___ , . ----,_ P , --- ------i i - 7 - i i ,,,,, ,--- / / t / t___ , „..$, 1 0 li • \ / ' . — / , . , ,-------___ f ,-----__• . .,. * • \ ! , , ! , • i - .. ', ' I i , ' ' / , \ 1 1 , , _____ _ee., J 1 ..,J 1,---/ ,.. .... 4 . ,....r4,,,,, ‘ , ---4 .^.,...' ' ' • 1 7 ---,--- . . ; City-Owned Tract '-- ----------- ,„ :.'-'-''.-.....,■,1 I ■ / \ . . / I f ", 4 ' A , t1 , '''' 0 '--Artfritrf,Orrlirrl' ! ., ''. .: , • ! i.' 1 1 No Scale I i • • _ t ,.______ , _ ,../ • ,= .,.. . Burelindy C't ; r , . PN,.: i , , \ ..,0 1 •,- ...„,i, . - . 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U Cd CC U U U q U o ._ s 0 „� CD C� f vii o ' o N �i A izs .- 00 00 Q 00 Co En r. E Q U „ 5 al � I .a .a .a .a W W W E-i .-1 ..a .-a ■- - 14 a TS o m L. � Q "" O 00 ` .B Q r a Cs a a� 0I N M .tt kn o oo 0\ cab - o z 10E -4 CIP PROJECT COSTS A B C D 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION BUDGETED AMOUNT BID / FINAL COST DIFFERENCE 2 1.5 MGD MIRON ELEVATED TOWER * $1,860,000 $1,832,000 $28,000 3 20" WATERLINE ALONG FM 1709 $641,000 $638,408 $2,592 4 24" WATER LINE ALONG N. WHITE CHAPEL $850,000 $826,455 $23.545 5 BRUMLOW $112,700 $111,000 $1,700 6 BURNEY LN. - REHAB CUL -DE -SAC $57,000 $64,523 ($7,523) 7 BYRON NELSON STOP LIGHT $40,000 $65,000 ($25,000) 8 BYRON NELSON STRIPING $65,000 $65,637 ($637) 9 COMMERCE TRAFFIC LIGHT* $100,000 $48,405 $51,595 10 DIAMOND CIRCLE STREETS & SEWER $1,286,000 $990,161 i $295,839 11 DOVE ACRES SEWER * $405,000 $205,474 $199,526 12 DOVE ESTATES LIFT STATION * $300,000 $167,473 $132,527 13 DOVE FORCE MAIN* $1,747,500 $2,113,218 ($365,718) 14 DOVE/HIGHLAND PAVING* $611,480 $778,533 ($167,053) 15 DOVE /SH 114 WATER LINE RELOCATION $339,200 $280,424 $58,776 16 FLORENCE TOWER TANK PAINTING $105,000 $152,200 ($47,200) 17 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SEQUENCING * $120,000 $42,000 $78,000 18 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONVERSIONS * $200,000 $123,399 $76,601 19 HARRELL DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION * $140,000 $175,464 ($35,464) 20 HILLWOOD SEWER* $95,000 $82,415 $12,586 21 HUNTWICK ESTATES SEWER $200,000 $276,123 ($76,123) 22 JELLICO SEWER * $500,000 $419,723 $80,277 23 KIRKWOOD WATERLINE $326,000 $266,159 $59,841 24 LAKE DRIVE WATER, SEWER, PAVING * $364,500 $376,991 ($12,491) 25 LILAC LN. WATER, SEWER, STREET * $234,600 $286,782 ($52,182) 26 LOVE HENRY COURT SEWER & STREET * $359,000 $401,474 ($42,474) 27 MISSION HILL SEWER $430,000 $489,099 ($59,099) 28 N. WHITE CHAPEL - COUNTY LINE TO LAKE * $340,000 $470,970 ($130,970) 29 N. WHITE CHAPEL - DOVE TO COUNTY LINE * $181,850 $177,010 $4,840 30 N -3 & N -4 LIFT STATIONS* $1,000,000 $1,009,500 ($9,500) 31 N -5 SEWER & KIMBALL /SH 114 WATER/SEWER RELOCATIONS * $762,500 $743,255 $19,245 32 NAPA VALLEEY/WOODLAND HEIGHTS WATER LINE * $30,000 $59,960 ($29,960) 33 PEARSON GROUND STORAGE TANK NO. 2 * $1,687,400 $1,545,247 $142,153 34 PINE SEWER* $200,000 $183,368 $16,632 35 PLANTATION SEWER $110,400 $84,676 $25,724 36 PUBLIC WORKS CENTER IMPROVEMENTS* $405,600 $472,580 ($66,980) 37 PUMP STATION NO. 2 * $3,110,000 $3,176,800 ($66,800) 38 RAINTREE / SHADY LN WATER, SEWER, PAVING $1,925,995 $1,615,029 $310,966 39 RIDGECREST * $355,576 $400,504 ($44,928) 40 SABRE SEWER CONNECTION - SOLANA $25,000 $21,700 $3,300 41 SHADY OAKS TRAFFIC LIGHT * $100,000 $91,000 $9,000 42 SOUTHLAKE / KELLER PUMP STATION MOD. $300,000 $116,281 $183,720 43 SUTTON PLACE DRAINGE & PAVING IMPROVEMENTS * $270,000 $311,8651 ($41,865) 44 TIMARRON - BENT CREEK REPAIR * $726,986 $699,315 $27,671 45 TROPHY CLUB 24" WATER LINE * $1,511,000 $1,440,693 $70,307 46 W. CONTINENTAL RECON. - PHASE 1 * $640,424 $731,161 (890,737) 47 W. DOVE RECON. - PEYTONVILLE TO SHADY OAKS $259,680 $298,397 ($38,717) 48 W. JONES BRANCH CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS * $1,000,000 $930,522 $69,478 49 WATER & SEWER TO MIRON ADDITION $196,781 $262,535 ($65,754) 50 TOTAL 51 $26,628,172 $26,120,906 TOTAL (OVER)/UNDER BUDGET $507,266 52 53 * Project not yet complete. Cost shown reflects contract bid price & engineering, surveying costs 14 1 OE -5 3/30/00 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM March 31, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services (x757) SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to enter into a Scope of Services Agreement with Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc. (CARS) Action Requested: City Council consideration of a scope of services agreement with Call A Ride of Southlake (CARS) to provide transportation services to disabled and senior citizens of Southlake. Background Information: Based on information from the survey conducted by the United Way - Northeast Senior Issues Committee, the Senior Advisory Commission formed a Transportation subcommittee in June of 1998 to study the need for senior transportation. A survey of active seniors in Southlake, and of services offered in neighboring cities was initiated. In October 1998, Dick Johnston presented a proposal for the Commission to study. Members of the Transportation subcommittee met with the Executive Directors of both Care Corps and Northeast Transportation Services (NETS), and expressed their concern to the Senior Advisory Commission that those service agencies could not meet the needs the committee hoped to address. At their April 13, 1999 meeting, the Senior Advisory Commission voted to present Mr. Johnston's proposal for a transportation service to City Council for consideration. On June 8, 1999 the Senior Advisory Commission met with Councilmembers Debra Edmondson and Ronnie Kendall and Community Services staff to discuss the concept. The consensus of the seniors present was that a separate non - profit organization be formed to recruit, train and schedule volunteers to provide transportation to those in need. The non - profit organization could contract with the City, as well as pursue other sources of funding such as corporate sponsors and grants. The topic was discussed with City Council at its June budget retreat. Some concern was raised as to the extent of the need for the services, and the level of City support being requested. A transportation survey was conducted by Public Information Officer James Kunke, of all senior citizen registered voters in Southlake. Approximately one thousand surveys were mailed, and 142 responses received. The results of the survey are included as an attachment to this memo. 100 - Billy Campbell, City Manager March 31, 2000 Page 2 Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc. (CARS) was organized as a non - profit corporation in November, 1999, and a board of directors established. Since then, CARS has established its operating policies, recruited and trained volunteer drivers, and established a dispatch service. CARS began offering transportation services in January, 2000. The Executive Committee of the CARS Board of Directors reviewed the proposed agreement and decided to present it to the entire board. A meeting of the Board was scheduled for Friday, March 3, 2000. Subsequent to this meeting, the Executive Committee of the CARS Board of Directors met again and proposed several changes to the agreement proposed by the City. The changes proposed by CARS are shown as a strike - through /bold mark up copy of the agreement attached. Changes are noted by the paragraph side bars. The changes proposed by CARS are: • City pay the additional insurance premium necessary to have the City named as an additional insured on CARS automobile liability coverage, not to exceed $700. • City provide office space to CARS, and pay for any necessary relocation costs associated with moving CARS base of operations. • City pay CARS a total of $22,500, payable as an initial amount of $15,000 upon signing of the contract, and the remaining $7,500 payable on July 1, 2000. • Some wording changes in Section 4, including addition of "liaison" to clause that allows City access to CARS operational records and budget reports. • Change to indemnification clause. • Removal of clause that requires CARS to refund to City any unexpended funds paid by City if CARS ceases to provide transportation services due to termination of the contract by either party. Financial Considerations: The agreement proposed by CARS calls for a payment to CARS of $22,500. The approved FY 1999 -2000 Community Services division budget allocated $83,500 for community services, of which $43,500 has been approved by City Council to other requesting organizations. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Senior Advisory Commission supported the concept of a senior transportation service, having discussed the issue at several meetings, and voting at its April 13, 1999 meeting, to make a formal proposal to City Council. Councilmembers Edmondson and Kendall attended the June 8, 1999 Senior Advisory Committee meeting to discuss the concept. /0R-2 • Billy Campbell, City Manager March 31, 2000 Page 3 Legal Review: The City Attorney has reviewed the scope of services agreement proposed by CARS. Alternatives: • Changes in funding amount as determined by City Council. • Denial of scope of services agreement with Call A Ride of Southlake Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include: • Revised Agreement Between City of Southlake and Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc. • Response to Senior Citizen Transportation Survey • CARS February rider data • CARS financial statement for March 3, 2000 • CARS Business Plan and Plan of Operation • CARS By -laws • CARS Finance Summary • CARS Operation Manual • CARS Users List and Drivers List Staff Recommendation: Place on the April 4, 2000 City Council agenda, consideration of scope of services agreement with Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc. (CARS). KH /M3 AGREEMENT BETWEEN a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AND CALL A RIDE OF SOUTHLAKE, INC. THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the City of Southlake, Texas, a home rule municipal corporation located in Tarrant County and Denton County, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager (hereinafter referred to as "City "), and Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc., a non - profit corporation of Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized Chairman (hereinafter referred to as "CARS "), an organization which has qualified for exemption from taxation under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. WHEREAS, the purpose of CARS is to provide non - emergency transportation to senior citizens and disabled persons ( "qualified persons "); and WHEREAS, City and CARS desire to enter into an Agreement whereby CARS will provide free non - emergency transportation to qualified residents of the Southlake Community and participants in programs offered by the Southlake Senior Activity Center; NOW, THEREFORE, KNOWN BY ALL THESE PRESENT: That City and CARS, in consideration of the mutual undertakings hereunder set forth, do hereby covenant and agree as follows: SECTION 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES A. CARS shall provide the following services: (1) CARS will provide on -call transportation for qualified persons of the City as follows: (a) Disabled individuals (of any age) or senior citizens (over the age of 55 years) and, (b) are residents of Southlake, (c) whose physical condition permits them to be transported by the drivers and vehicles available. (2) CARS will provide transportation to the persons identified in Section A. (1) above: (a) to and from non - emergency medical appointments, dental appointments, and health care providers located within a 25 mile radius of the Southlake Senior Activity Center; (b) for personal need, including necessary essentials, i.e., to and from the grocery store, drug store, bank, personal grooming, social activities, etc., located within a seven (7) mile radius of the Southlake Senior Activity Center. ICA' \ \SLKSV2001 \LOCAL \COMMUNITY SERVICES \99 SERVICE AGREEMENTS \CARSSOS99- C.DOCPage 1 (3) CARS shall not be obligated to transport disabled individuals for whom CARS is unable to provide safe transportation. ( )(4) CARS shall operate solely in accordance with its bylaws as follows: (a) Volunteer drivers who use their own vehicles shall provide the transportation services. CARS shall recruit, qualify, and train these drivers. (b) Transportation services will be provided Monday through Friday during the hours between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, or by special arrangement. (c) Transportation normally will be scheduled at least 24 hours prior to departure. (5) CARS will maintain detailed records of qualified persons served, trip destinations and mileage driven, driver and other qualifications, revenues received, and cost and expenses incurred. B. CITY shall provide the following cervices: (1) City agrees to publicize the services of CARS within selected current City mailings, on the City's Cable Television Channel and other means at the discretion of the City. (2) (2) City shall name a staff contact person to serve as a liaison between City and CARS. (3) Funds to cover additional insurance premium to have the City named as an additional insured on CARS automobile liability insurance coverage, not to exceed $700. (4) Office space for CARS operations, computers, telephones, etc. Said office space to be agreeable to CARS with City to pay relocation costs, moving of telephones, advertising costs, etc. if relocation is necessary. SECTION 2 GOVERNANCE A. CARS shall be solely governed by its board of directors, who shall meet in accordance with the bylaws. The time, date, place and agenda of these board meetings shall be the responsibility of CARS. SECTION 3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICES l0A4 \ \SLKSV2001 \LOCAL \COMMUNITY SERVICES \99 SERVICE AGREEMENTS \CARSSOS99- C.DOCPage 2 • - - - •• - . 1 111 .. applied towards the costs of the following: • u � - - - - - • - •• . - • - - - - - g-Personnel expences. In recognition that the City elected to support a volunteer group establishing the senior and disabled citizens transportation program rather than provide such service as a City owned community transportation service, and that CARS is in its initial start -up year of operations, having commenced transporting qualified users in January 2000 as promised, City agrees to a $22,500 stipend to be paid to CARS; (1) $15,000 upon the signing of this contract, and (2) $7,500 to be paid on July 1, 2000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000. SECTION 4 REPORTING A. CARS shall generate and provide to the City quarterly reports which shall include ridership information showing the number of riders and the types of trips. CARS shall also provide expenditure records related to operating expenses, i.e., rent, telephone, utilities, printing and supplies, insurance and personnel expenses. City liaison shall have access to CARS operational records and all budget reports, during CARS normal business hours. B. CARS shall provide the City information, if requested, necessary for the City to conduct an annual performance evaluation including, but not limited to the following: (1) Ridership audits including response time; a) (40n-time analysis; b) C t orn r g tigfactio user surveys. SECTION 5 INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION A. CARS shall provide City proof of automobile liability insurance coverage with minimum limits of $250,000/$500,000, with City as an additional named insured, with any additional premium to be paid by the City as per Section 1 above. B. CARS AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS AND /OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL oA - G \ \SLKSV2001 \LOCAL \COMMUNITYSERVICES \99 SERVICE AGREEMENTS \CARSSOS99- C.DOCPage 3 PERSONS, OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, (INCL.UDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE FEES AND EXPENSES OF ATTORNEYS, EXPERT WITNESSES AND OTHER CONSULTANTS), ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OF CARS, ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS, IN THE PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT., WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED, IN _ • _ _ ! ! . D. . - • . . . 1 • - • - - - - ' ' IA - ' - - - ' ' ' ! ! - • CARS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO INDEMNIFY THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES FOR ANY DAMAGES OR LIABILITY FOUND BY A COURT TO HAVE ARISEN FROM THE NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OF THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES. SECTION 6 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR In performing the services hereunder, CARS is acting as an independent contractor, and City shall have no power to direct or supervise its activities in carrying out its responsibilities under this Agreement. SECTION 7 TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be in full force and effect from February January 1, 2000 through September 30, 2000. Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, either party may terminate this contract upon 45 days written notice to the other. _ _ _ •• • _ ', • _ •_P_ •_ - tr.ansportation services, and shall return to City any unexpended funde paid pursuant-to- 6 agreement. This Agreement sets forth all the agreements between the parties and no modification shall be effective unless reduced to writing and signed by the party to be changed therewith. This document may be executed in duplicate originals. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City and CARS have executed this agreement as of this day of , 2000. CALL A RIDE OF SOUTHLAKE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: By: Dick Johnston, PreeidentChairman Rick Stacy, Mayor Io Ai \ \SLKSV2001 \LOCAL \COMMUNITY SERVICES \99 SERVICE AGREEMENTS \CARSSOS99- C.DOCPage 4 ATTEST: ATTEST: Notary Public in and for the State of City Secretary Texas Type /Printed Name of Notary Public My Commission Expires: 10k \ \SLKSV2001 \LOCAL \COMMUNITY SERVICES \99 SERVICE .AGREEMENTS \CARSSOS99- C.DOCPage 5 Surve Response to Senior Citizen Transportation Survey Approximately, 1000 surveys concerning senior citizen transportation were mailed to senior citizens who were also registered voters. Of the 1,000 surveys mailed there were 142 viable responses. The break down of the responses is: Would you currently use senior transportation if one were available? YES -28 NO -115 NO RESPONSE -0 Do you anticipate that within the next five years you would use this service? YES -44 NO -88 NO RESPONSE -11 If either answer is yes, how often would you expect to use such a service? 26 -MORE THAN ONCE PER WEEK 20 -ONCE OR TWICE PER MONTH 27 -ONCE PER WEEK 0 -LESS THAN ONCE PER MONTH For what purposes might you use a senior transportation service? 71- Medical Appointments 68- Senior Activity Center Events 58- Shopping 15 -City Council or Other Meetings 2- Employment 37 -City Festivals 23 -Other Recreation 14 -Other Some of the responses for "other" given were banking, church, when too old to drive, airport, and other unspecified reasons. Would you be willing to pay a nominal fee for each trip? YES -108 NO -6 NO RESPONSE -28 Questions were raised on this question concerning what is a nominal fee. Do you support the city's participation in a senior transportation service? YES -123 NO -8 NO RESPONSE -11 Some of the respondents indicated that they wanted the service to be privately provided. Others said they would support the service dependent upon its cost. Others wanted it to be funded through already existing revenue and did not want to pay extra taxes for the service. A couple of residents took the time to write letters concerning their views on this issue. Copies of the letters are attached. I aA ' 1 , , _1261 /q, (xt i N.t, /,_-4.' ' , j /2 t, I 4 - / t i -, 1 1 , _2_41 / 7 _,,, " I/C: a/7.-- - ' C -7(--- -‘. 4 6d 7 dil/t- r / , ‘ 4 4 Z 1 / , •I'' 7/ &),-21.:' I A / •./ d41.- Ale , .( / .• ...z , f zi: 7 - 6)-- ------ / g12-i-42 <--r _ / --, -i -4/ c't.f.., .,ae, , '; - Cr<-<1 . ,, t_A - 4 2 .-.-- - a•-•-' -"'"`i / 111 A - L : . -64 ce r,a le_e 7i.,4_,__ttl 1 „ 1 1 ' - (1_ t7 — t - - ?7, j Z 9 - • ---- -7 / -- 77 - ( 7e;,_: - .(...1-L-e-7„- / A ' • ,:t 0 G / 1 , , ,&....-.... 10A I 1 , r A i , /1 Juno e-mail printed Sat, 4 Sep 1999 13:35:48 , page 1 From: mer -arg Full-Name: MERRILL D STACY ?'o: mer- arg ©juno.com Subject: Sept .4,99 Senior Transportation Plan X- Status: Unsent Mr Kunke , Roy and I are retuming the questionaires as you requested. It is important to us that you not think we don't.. consider this a good program We are fortunate enough at this time to be able to take care of our own transportation . However , who knows what will happen to anyone in the next five years We also are blessed with having our family living in Southlake , and would likely never need this transportation. However , I feel quite sure there are many citizens in Southlake who do not have family available , due to work schedules or distance and would consider this type of service very helpful. If our circumstances were different I would be delighted to pay a nominal fee for transportation to the doctor or the grocery store and / or outings that might also be provided with this type of service If the City of Southlake can afford to put this type fo service in motion , we would think it would be a great thing to do for those who do now or may come to a point in life that they would need it Thank you for your consideration for the Seniors of our community Sincerely , , . 32 A eif Merrill and Roy Stacy 320 N Shady Oaks .Dr Southlake , TX 76092 6151 '81 - 3257 0 A-11 3i71JC at 9.17 'FM Intel Cornect (8" 7 ) 25" 0671 Page 2 • v c c-1 r M M J J 7 rC," O �- s.� V, V, g w ge 2 w A se y V" ' N. - N if', .4. h C\ 7C N 0 ^1 O O7 x .� x rr ti i Cleft C-. 0 v IC O ~ a: N ,, ,..„ ,_, . _, ,, , r , E.". G ti is r -r• u - ' G- - _ d - �7 T y _ O i •n O V1 L y '�! t. '� 4J _z 7 . O n N y . C. ',., j y' �, c i �t › y 'J Cr. L 0 Z H H > G J v �-, z i oA/Z' Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc. March 3, 2000 Opening Balance 11/29/1999 $700 Donation Receipts $3,341.00 Loan Receipts $5,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS: $9,041.00 Disbursements: Insurance Expense $2,142.26 Telephone Expense $ 597.09 Fees $ 525.00 Supplies $ 906.82 Rent $1.500.00 TOTAL EXPENSES: $5,671.17 Bringing Balance to: $3,369.83 Respectfully submitted b March 3,.00 0 .!*A.s 13 Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc. A Transportation Service for Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons BUSINESS PLAN Year 1 - 1/1/2000 to 12/31/2000 Recruit Volunteer Drivers and Staff Persons. Drivers will provide information on the type and capacity of their vehicle, insurance coverage, and whether or not they can handle wheel chairs. The Staff Persons will receive telephoned requests from Qualified Users for transportation and dispatch those requests to Volunteer Drivers who will provide the service. - Senior Citizens and Disabled will be encourage to use the CARS service through advertising and notices in the print media and having speakers appearing before groups of citizens, i.e., Senior Citizen Organizations, Rotary Club, Lions Club, Southlake Womens Club, Southlake Newcomers Club, Chamber of Commerce, etc., with a program presentation. We will keep detailed statistics covering the number of rides requested, number of rides and riders transported, type of transportation provided, i.e., medical, dental, business, social, personal care, etc. We will keep detailed records on revenues received from all sources and the expenditures made to carry our the program. We will write Policy and Operation Guides for CARS and Job Descriptions for the officers and committee chairpersons to help ensure that quality service is provided at all times. When requirements justify, perhaps by 4/1/2000 we will hire a contract person to oversee the program, initially probably half days or two and one half days per week. Once we have fine tuned our operations, we will consider expanding the program to include nearby Northeast Tarrant County/Denton County Cities, i.e., Roanoke, Trophy Club, Keller, Westlake, Grapevine, and Colleyville. Expansion would not come before July 2000 and only with Volunteer Drivers and Stipends from any city included in the program. The main office for operations will remain in Southlake. Once we have a strong base of Users, we will consider adding one or two vans to our program which will be equipped for transportation of Users in wheel chairs. These vans would be leased or owned and will be maintained by CARS. We estimate CARS will transport 1400 Users - Seniors and Disabled - covering 30,800 miles in the initial year of operation. Year 2 - 1/1 /2001 to 12/31/2001 New Directors will be added to the Board of Directors replacing those whose terms expire. New Officers will be elected to operate CARS. The CARS program will continue to transport Users it Volunteer Vehicles driven by Vo'' teer Drivers. 1 If ridership justifies, we will add :CARS owned vehicles to the program which will require garages and additional rent and contract labor, gas, oil, and maintenance. If nearby cities desire to be included in the program, we will modify and /or amend the Bylaws, Policy and Procedure Guides, etc., to accommodate these changes. We will always look for ways to improve the program, to add efficiency and to make participation in the program as attractive as possible to both Users and Volunteers. We estimate CARS will double its initial year in the number of Users transported and miles driven. BUDGETS Year 2000 2001 Anticipated Revenue $40,000 $60,000 Anticipated Ex en s Fund Raising $2,000 $2,000 Contract Labor $18,000 $24,000 Rent and Utilities $6,000 $9,000 Telephone $2,000 $2,200 Postage and Copying $1,200 $1,300 Printing $500 $600 Supplies $1,000 $1,200 Insurance $5,000 $5,000 Volunteer Recognition $800 $1,900 Publicity $1,500 $1,600 Miscellaneous' $2,000 $11,200 Total $40,000 $60,000 * Includes reserve for Handicapped Equipped Vehicle lease or purchase. ^g A sir PLAN OF OPERATION - CALL A RIDE OF SOUTHLAKE, INC. Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc,. (CARS), a not for profit corporation has been established in Southlake, TX. It's purpose is to provide free non - emergency transportation to Southlake area seniors and disabled citizens for medical, dental, social, business, shopping and personal needs. The program is offered Monday through Friday to City of Southlake seniors and disabled residents and those area senior citizens who are active in the Southlake Senior Activity Center programs. CARS will transport within a twenty -five (25) mile radius of Southlake for medical purposes and within a seven (7) mile radius of Southlake for purposes other than medical as listed above. CARS has elected a Board of Directors and Officers, approved By -Laws and established the years $40,000 Operating Budget for the initial year 2000. Office space has been rented at 181 Grand Ave., Suite 209 in Southlake Town Square and telephone service being installed. The goal is to transport "users" beginning in January 2000. Individuals, business organizations, charitable groups and the City of Southlake are being solicited for donations to make this program become a reality. The transportation for users will be on a no fee basis with donation envelopes available for those able and wishing to donate to CARS. CARS is a Volunteer dependent program. Volunteer Drivers with sedans, vans and hopefully wheelchair lift equipped vehicles who are willing to furnish, maintain and provide gas and oil will make up the core of the organizations drivers. Commitments to drive will be in half (1/2) day units. All volunteers, office support and drivers, will need to fill out a Volunteer Application form. A driving record review for drivers is required. We want to encourage senior citizens to be more active in the various recreation and social functions offered in Southlake and near by areas . CARS can do the driving for safer and less stressful transportation. Senior citizens and disabled who need or desire to utilize CARS will complete an application and interview. A User will be required to make transportation arrangements by calling CARS at least twenty -four (24) hours in advance. A Volunteer dispatcher will make arrangements with the Volunteer Drivers to contact the User for .:VA• pick up and transport arrangements to the destination requested. Depending on the time frame (1/2 day units), the same Volunteer Driver may or may not pick up and return the User to their home. Volunteer Driver time and travel records (trip logs), will be maintained for record purposes If a User has a special handling need, such as a wheelchair equipped van, and it is not available in the Volunteer fleet, the User will be referred to Northeast Transportation System (NETS). This will be necessary until a wheelchair equipped van can be obtained by CARS - possibly in the year 2001 or 2002. R. F. (Dick) Johnston 817/421 -4227 Chairman of the Board Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc. tA 1� CARS Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc. BYLAWS ARTICLE I NAME AND ADDRESS: The Corporation shall be known as Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc. (CARS) 181 Grand Avenue, Suite 209 Southlake, Texas 76092 ARTICLE II MISSION: CARS is a voluntary service Corporation providing non- emergency transportation to Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons and other qualified individuals in and around Southlake, Texas. ARTICLE III SPONSORSHIP: CARS Sponsors will include any interested religious organization governmental body, civic group, business, charity or individual that wishes to participate and /or is willing to provide the Corporation annual financial support. ARTICLE Iv BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The CARS Board of Directors shall determine and enforce all policies and procedures. Any change in policy or procedure must be voted on and passed by simple majority of the Board members present at a properly scheduled Board meeting, notice of which having been published at least ten (1 0) days prior to such meeting. Such notice shall include the mailing of the proposed changes to all Board members. 1. The Board of Directors shall have seven (7) or more members. The members shall include the officers of CARS (the CARS Executive Committee), CARS Sponsors, and individual CARS volunteers. 2. Approximately one -half of the Board members shall be elected annually to staggered terms of two. years. No member shall serve more than two terms (plus any partial term they may have been serving) without being absent from the board for at least one year. 3. The Board shall meet at least quarterly or when called into session by the Executive Committee to review financial reports; hear reports from _ the Executive Director, committee chairpersons, or representatives of the Advisory Council; and take any necessary actions. One -third (i) of the current membership shall comprise a quorum of the Board. 4. At a regularly scheduled meeting held each November, the Board shall elect from its members officers (Chairperson, Vice - Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer) to serve from January 1 to December 31 of the following year. If an officer, other than Chairperson is unable to complete a term, the Board shall, within thirty (30) days, call for the election of a replacement to serve the unexpired term. If the vacancy is that of Chairperson, the Vice - Chairperson . shall become Chairperson and a new Vice - Chairperson shall be elected. 5. Minutes, including a financial report and a record of any actions taken shall be kept of each Board meeting. Board minutes shall be on file at the CARS corporate offices. 6. The Board has the authority to create paid positions, including that of Executive Director. ARTICLE v EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: 1. The Executive Committee of shall consist of the officers of CARS (Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer). 2. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the Implementation of the policies and procedures set by the Board of Directors. 3. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly, but not less than eight (8) times per year. 4. The Executive Committee shall, upon the Board's direction, engage the services of an Executive Director or, acting as a ;Alp • committee: of the whole, assume the responsibilities of the Executive Director wheneverthat position Is unfilled. 5. The duties and responsibilities of the Executive Committee members shall be as follows: A. Chairperson The ,Chairperson shall be the chief executive officer of CARS, and as such shall be responsible for its general direction and control (within the scope of the policies and procedures adopted by the Board). The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of CARS and the CARS Executive Committee. B. Vice - Chairperson In the absence or disability of the Chairperson, the Vice - Chairperson shall perform all of the duties of the Chairperson, and when so acting shall have all powers of, and be subject to all restrictions on, the Chairperson. Upon the resignation of the Chairperson or at the expiry of the term of the Chairperson, the Vice - Chairperson shall elevate to the office of Chairperson, first serving any unexpired term of the outgoing Chairperson. C. Secretary The Secretary shall ensure that adequate minutes are taken and filed of record for all meetings of CARS and /or its Executive Committee. The Secretary shall be responsible for the dissemination of timely meeting notices and shall be empowered to sign or attest any documents as, required by law, or the business of CARS. D. Treasurer The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining all books of accounts as required by law, regulation, or the business of CARS. The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing and filing all reports and notices required by law, regulation, or the business of CARS. The Treasurer shall present to the Board the annual budget (including projected financial statements and anticipated levels of funding) prior to October 31 each year. Under the direction of the Board, the Treasurer shall open bank accounts, negotiate loans and _ 12 take ether such financial actions as may be appropriate to conducting the business of CARS. ARTICLE VI OPERATIONS: 1. FISCAL year January 1 through December 31. 2. ELECTIONS shall be held at a regularly scheduled meeting each November. 3. ANNUAL BUDGETS shall be prepared and the Board shall approve such Budget at its regularly scheduled November meeting. 4. FUNDING shall consist ' of grants, gifts contributions and donations. 5. THE CORPORATION shall at all times maintain its status as an organization described in section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, as revised from time to time. 6. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all meetings. ARTICLE ViI AMENDMENTS: The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (i) vote of the Board of Directors. Proposed changes shall be submitted in writing to the Board at the previous regularly scheduled board meeting or not less than thirty (30) days prior to any vote. Proxy voting shall be permitted. ARTICLE VIII ADVISORY COUNCIL: I. There may be an Advisory Council comprised of designated representatives from sponsoring groups, former board members, and /or interested individuals. 2. The Advisory Council shall meet at least semi - annually, chaired by a designated representative of Board of Directors, to review the activities of CARS, provide advice and technical expertise and support the effective operation of CARS. Written notice of each meeting will be distributed to all Board and Advisory Council members at least twenty -one (21) days prior and shall include the time, date, place, and agenda for said meeting. 3. Board minutes and agendas shall regularly be distributed to all members of the Advisory Council. 1044/ ARTICLE IX COMMITTEES: 1. At the first meeting after a Board is newly elected, the Board shall select from its membership chairpersons for the following Standing Committees: Finance Committee, Media Relations Committee (Publicity), and Volunteer Recruitment Committee. These chairpersons shall serve at the pleasure and direction of the Board. 2. Each Standing Committee shall be chaired by a current Board Member. The chair shall be responsible for recruiting persons to serve on the committee and for calling, publicizing and recording the results of committee meetings. 3. From time to time the Board may appoint or disband Ad Hoc Committees (i.e.: Governmental Relations Committee, Insurance Committee, Legal Committee, Nominating Committee, and /or Training Committee) comprised of representatives from sponsoring groups, current or former Board Members, and /or interested individuals. ARTICLE X DISSOLUTION: An affirmative vote of two- thirds (3) of the Board of Directors is required to dissolve the Corporation. Adopted this 4 day of 1999. a of Title: V IL Members of the Board of Directors of Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc. Dick Johnston Chairman F. C. LeVrier Vice Chairman Josh Weiser Secretary 1106 Brazos Dr. 1515 Dove 308 Waterford Ct. Southlake TX 76092 Southlake TX 76092 Southlake TX 76092 Home 421 -4227 Bus. Home 329 -2447 Bus. 424 -4277 Home 251 -0671 Bus. Virginia Muzyka Treasurer Brad Bradley Director Scott Bradley Director 823 S. Peytonville 1256 Main Street Suite 252 1256 Main Street Suite 252 Southlake TX 76092 Southlake TX 76092 Southlake TX 76092 Home 481 -6354 Bus. Home * * * * Bus. 488 -8048 Home * * * * Bus. 488 -8048 Brad Cavnar Director Les Clow Director Barry Emerson Director 1723 E. Southlake Blvd. 820 Shady Oaks 3205 E. Highway 114 Southlake TX 76092 Southlake TX 76092 Southlake TX 76092 Home * * * * Bus. 251 -2226 Home 481 -2256 Bus. Home * * * * Bus. 4 -5544 Martha Greenberg Director Carolyn Hobbs Director Buddy Luce Director 700 Prince George Ct. 1404 Chimney Works Dr. 1256 Main Street Suite 252 Southlake TX 76092 Southlake TX 76092 Southlake TX 76092 me 424 -0296 Bus. Home 481 -6718 Bus. Home * * * * Bus. 488 -8048 David McMahan Director Brian Stebbins Director 726 Commerce Suite 109 904 Independence Parkway Southlake TX 76092 Southlake TX 76092 Home 481 -8344 Bus. Home 488 -2317 Bus. 329 -5566 12/9/99 iOA• . gall l°3ide of 0outhlake Finance Summary INCOME TO 1 1 DATE Contributions Loan 117'23/1999 ( $700.00 12/19/2000' $1,000.00 12/21/1999 $25.00 01/04/2000 - $5,000.00 01/27/2000 $150.00 ' TOTALS $1,875.00 $5,000.001 EXPENSED 1 1 TO DATE Supplies/ Professional _...._... Printing Utliltles Rent Fees Filing, Fees Insurance 11/29/1999 5500.00 12/07/1999 $25.00 12/08/1899 $25.00 12/09/1999 $57.58 12/20/1999 $316.75 12/22/1999 j $882.51 01/07/2000 $294.8f 01/13/2000 $305.00 01/19/2000 $75.49 01/26/2000 $33.23 01/28/2000 $51.43 01/26/2000 $84.12 }' 01/28/20001 *11.79 01/27/2000 $1,025.00 outs 541.•: 294. = 25.00 We .4* 2,02 .26 — dep. 8 rent/ Due March 1 , j *2,000.00 I i CII L4lde trio -viss of late 1011-4' r Gall Bide ofcYouthlake Page 1 of � "" '� Operations Manual Date Approved: 1/7/2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Rider Eligibility 2 Qualified User 2 Operating Hours 2 Service Area and Services 2 Scheduling 2 Volunteer Drivers 3 Trip Ticket 4 Driver Supervisor /Scheduler 5 Office Volunteer 6 io4z Oall A L°3ide of aouthlake Page 2 Date Approved: 1/7/2000 '° cu »aw'u Operations Manual of RIDER ELIGIBILITY 1. Seniors (55years and older), and Disabled (of any age) who are residents of Southlake, or active participants in the Southlake Senior Activities Center programs who reside within the CARS operating area, and whose physical condition permits them to be transported by the drivers and vehicles available. QUALIFIED USER 1. To become a Qualified User the User Application form must be completed. 2. The applicant will be interviewed to confirm that they meet the Eligibility requirements and to determine whether the applicant requires any special help while being transported. OPERATING HOURS 1. Monday through Friday with pickups after 8 AM and return home before 5 PM. 2. Special Requests for transportation outside these hours will be considered. SERVICE AREA AND SERVICES 1. Qualified users will be furnished non - emergency rides to the Southlake Senior Activities Center,medical and dental services, shopping, financial services, personal grooming, and social activities. 2. For non - emergency medical and dental services Qualified Users may be transported to locations within a 25 mile radius of the Southlake Senior Activities Center. 3. For other destinations, Qualified Users may be transported to locations within a 7 mile radius of the Southlake Senior Activities Center. SCHEDULING 1. Qualified Users desiring transportation must call the CARS office, 416 -9975, between 8 AM and 12 noon on weekdays, at least 24 hours before transportation is needed. For prescheduled appointments or events, several days notice would be helpful. The Qualified Users will provide the following information: name, address for pickup, destination address, pickup time, return time and emergency contact. i O 4 o call Al �3ide of dYouthlake Page 3 Rime Date Approved: of 70)40-r Operations Manual 1/7/2000 VOLUNTEER DRIVERS 1. Prospective Volunteers will fill out an Volunteer Application Form and be interviewed. 2. Volunteer Drivers will furnish their own vehicles and will be responsible for their maintenance and fuel. Vehicles must have current state inspection seal and insurance. Driver records will be checked. 3. CARS furnishes liability insurance to provide protection for losses greater than the owner's insurance policy coverage. 4. Volunteer Drivers will be trained in the procedures and policies of CARS. They will be given a CARS pictorial Identification Badge to wear while providing transportation and a CARS mirror hang tag to identify their car while providing transportation. 5. Volunteer Drivers will be contacted on the the day before their scheduled driving day by the Driver Supervisor /Scheduler to receive their assignment(s) for the next day. The Driver Supervisor /Scheduler and the Volunteer Driver should understand where the Qualified User is to be picked up and the Destination. The Volunteer Driver will pick up Trip Ticket(s) from the box outside the CARS office on the second floor of 181 Grand Avenue, Suite 209, during the time the building is open, between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM on weekdays or 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturdays. 6. If a Volunteer Driver is unable to drive when scheduled he /she will contact their Driver Supervisor as soon as possible so that a replacement can be secured. 7. The Volunteer Driver will call the Qualified Users on the evening before the trip to confirm that they will be transported, as well as reconfirming location, destination, times and emergency contact. 8. The driver will fill in the Trip Record section of the Trip Ticket and sign it. (See the Operations Manual section Trip Tickets for detailed instructions.) The completed Trip Ticket will be delivered to the CARS office and placed in the box beside the door if the office is not open. 9. If the transportation to the destination and from the destination are furnished by different Volunteer Drivers, the first driver will give the Qualified User a Transfer Ticket to give to the second driver to provide identification confirming that the bearer is the Qualified User. 10. When taking a Qualified User to a medical appointment the Volunteer Driver should accompany the User into the office and ask the receptionist for an estimate of when the User will be ready to go home. 11. The Volunteer Drivers will not collect money from the Qualified Users but will provide an addressed envelope which may be used for donations. io,4•z gaff gall A Bide of �S'outhla Page 4 e de can u�ss Date Ap proved. .ke Operations Manual 1/7/2000 TRIP TICKET The purpose of the Trip Ticket is provide a record of each transportation service provided by CARS. It records both the User and information about the trip and also service provided by the Volunteer Driver. The Trip Ticket will be used by those receiving transportation requests from Qualified Users to record the Request Received, Trip Ticket Number, User, and Destination information. The Volunteer Driver will record the Trip Record, Comments and Driver information. OPERATION 1. When a telephone request is received for transportation the Office Volunteer will first check the Qualified User List to see that the caller is qualified. If qualified, the User and Destination Sections are completed. 2. If the User is to be picked up at a place other than their permanent address, list the pickup address in the Comments Section and note whether the person is to be returned to this tem- porary address or to their permanent address. 3. When all the information has been received, read it back to the User to confirm that it is correct. 4. Add the User Number and the Trip Ticket Number and the Office Volunteer's name in the By space. 5. File the Trip Tickets in the proper day of the Scheduler File. 6. The Driver Supervisor will decide which Volunteer Driver is to provide the requested transportation. The Driver Supervisor will call the Volunteer Driver to confirm that the driver will do the trip and tell him/her where to get the Trip Ticket. The Driver Supervisor will also confirm that the Volunteer Driver knows how to reach the locations called for in the Trip Ticket. The two of them should agree that the Pickup Time specified is reason- able. 7. The Driver Supervisor will place his/ her name (or an alternate person) and the telephone number at which they can be reached during the time the trip is being made on the CARS Emergency Contact line. 8. The Volunteer Driver will then call the User to introduce herself/himself, to confirm that transportation will be furnished the next day and to review the Trip Ticket to confirm that the information is correct. 9. On the next day the Volunteer Driver will record on the Trip Ticket the time and odometer reading (last three numbers) when they leave home (or another location) for the User pickup. When the User is picked up record the User Pick Up Time and Odometer reading. Upon arrival at the destination record the Destination Arrival Time and Odometer reading. 4444a . (gall jl /& de of d'outhJake Page 5 e fan 416-975S Date Approved: of Operations Manual 1/7/2000 TRIP TICKET (continued) 10. If the Volunteer Driver does personal business while the User is at the Destination, the Time and Odometer readings when they stop doing CARS business should be recorded in the upper Arrived Home section and the Time and Odometer readings when they start CARS business to bring the User home in the lower Driver left home section. 11. For the return trip record the Volunteer Driver will record the Left Destination Time and Odometer reading when leaving the destination and the Arrived Home Time and Odometer upon arriving home or an alternate final destination. If the final destination is not the same as originally specified on the Trip Ticket it should be recorded in the Comments section. 12. When the Volunteer Driver arrives home or to another personal destination which ends the CARS trip, record the Arrived Home Time and Odometer reading. 13. The Trip Ticket is then returned to the CARS office at the Town Center before 12:30 PM of the day after the trip is made.. DRIVER SUPERVISORJSCHEDULER 1. The Driver Supervisor /Scheduler will work in CARS office from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. 2. Preparation of Volunteer Driver Assignments. a. Remove the Trip Tickets for the following day from the Schedule File . Review the ride requests and determine how many Volunteer Drivers will be needed to provide the requested rides. b. If one Volunteer Driver can provide a ride for more than one User, copy the informa- tion for the second ride on the lower half of the Trip Ticket for the first ride. c. Using the Volunteer Driver Schedule assign driver to each trip. d. Call Volunteer Driver to confirm that she /he is available to drive and remind him/her to pick up their Trip Tickets from the holder outside the office door during the time the building is open, between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM on weekdays or 7 :00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturdays. e. Place the Volunteer Driver's name in the Driver section of each Trip Ticket. Place the Driver Supervisor /Scheduler's name and phone number at the bottom of the Trip Ticket in the CARS Emergency Contact section. The Volunteer Supervisor /Scheduler should be reachable through the phone number provided during the period when trans- portation is being carried out, to provide assistance if needed. f. Make a copy of the Trip Tickets which will be used the next day and place them in the a 111 41. 219 Gall A Mide of ?outhlake Page 6 ,.... Operations Manual Date Approved: 1/7/2000 Active Trip Ticket File. g. Place the originals of the Trip Tickets in the box outside the CARS office for the Vol- unteer Driver to pick up. h. If a driver has a problem which prevents him/her from completing the trip, he /she will call the Emergency Contact who will call a Backup Driver to complete the trip. 3. Work with other Driver Supervisor /Schedulers to keep the Volunteer Driver Schedule u to date as to who the Volunteer Drivers and Backup Drivers are for each day. p OFFICE VOLUNTEER 1. Office hours will be from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM. 2. Calls from Qualified Users requesting ride reservations. a. First confirm that the person is a Qualified User by looking them up on the Qualified User List. If the person is not a Qualified User treat them as a Prospective User as de- scribed in 3 below b. If the person is a Qualified User enter their name and number on a Trip Ticket. Con- firm that their address has not changed. c. Fill in the Destination information. Make sure you understand where the Destination is. d. After you hang up fill in the User's address, phone number and Emergency Contact and Phone number from the Qualified User List. e. Then fill in the Request Received information. f Record the call in the Log Book. g. Place the Trip Ticket in the proper day of the Scheduler File. 3. Calls from prospective users. a. Write the person's Name, Address, phone number and age on a User Registration Form. b. Tell the person that an Interviewer will call for and appointment and then talk with the person to collect the other information needed to determine whether they qualify as a CARS User. c. Record the call in the Log Book. d. Place the User Registration Form in the Interviewer File. 4. Calls for information. a. Answer questions emphasizing the benefits of the CARS program. b. If they want more information offer to send the CARS information sheet. Write their name, address and phone number in the Log Book. e i'n ,0 Calf ' Call j1 Mide of 5outhlake Page 7 awe ounatonss Date Approved: of egoathlaire Operations Manual 1/7/2000 c. Then address a Cars Information Sheet envelope and put in the Outgoing Mail box. 5. Match completed Trip Tickets with copies in the Active Trip Ticket Folder and place them in the Completed Trip Folder. 6. Those who are willing to take the necessary training may enter information from com- pleted Trip Tickets, User Registration Forms, Volunteer Application Forms, etc., into the computer. 7. File all forms after the information on them has been recorded in the computer. 8. Prepare mailings. 9. Make copies as needed. tort SI all Eaide of &outhlake - TRIP TICKET 181 Grand Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092, (817) 416 -9755 'equest Received: Date Time By Trip Ticket Number tser: Name Number Street Phone Emergency Contact: Phone: Mapsco Destination: Appointment Date: Day of Week: Time Place Street City Pickup Time Return Time Mapsco Trip Record: User Pick Up: Time Odometer Arrived Destination: Time Odometer Left Destination: Time Odometer Arrived Home: Time Odometer Comments: Driver Name: Driver Signature: Number Driver left home: Time Odometer Arrived home: Time Odometer Driver left home: Time Odometer _._ Arrived home: Time Odometer Gall i Ride of &outhlake - TRIP TICKET 181 Grand Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092, (817) 416 -9755 Request Received: Date Time By Trip Ticket Number User: Name Number Street Phone Emergency Contact: Phone: Mapsco Destination: Appointment Date: Day of Week: Time Place Street City Pickup Time Return Time Mapsco Trip Record: User Pick Up: Time Odometer Arrived Destination: Time Odometer Left Destination: Time Odometer Arrived Home: Time Odometer Comments: Driver Name: Driver Signature: Number iver left home: Time Odometer Arrived home: Time Odometer Driver left home: Time Odometer Arrived home: Time Odometer CARS Emergency Contact: Phone - , :Ow a o 0 O d 0 C w 0 '- tn MI C5 C d O (11 t O R Rs C V 0 V RI C a, W to v 0 LL m J 0 J O O O 0 0 C a) O c 3 c c tii CU M c V 0 d 0 _ c Y. H " •� V Q rn F- Co p O J aa) 0 W c o m 2 a) E c v co 0 ) c o ) 0 0 >` a� c 0 C C (5 'O 'O a) > 0 C O CO 3 c C R1 C o a) o C7 o Q o . c C 9 m c N -, Rs O h o iii 1, m C E '6 • o w c Y U c In "" b 0 R a) a) r/) o m O o O o rn H m c o C t I C 0 >. Q Rf . 7 ' N •m w 0 3 •o a CO m E CD N ) W c F- u) m Rs 2 0 CI. E a m o o m R r O a> ,, v 3 > o� 0 a� y 0 0 2 0 ' rn c aV O as as 3 CD 0 a 0 3 3 co 0 0 a • c c U Q co o m3 0 4 2 N -) m -J 2 0 u • a) W m o ) M 05 J • Z W a, c c o 0 — E E o a # _ 4 ... . . . CARS CaII A Ride of Southlake, Inc. REGISTRATION FORM All participants in CARS must complete a registration form inc uding all the requested information prior to being eligible for service. The confidentiality of provided information will be respected. All registration forms must be signed by the participant or a duly authorized representative. PERSONAL INFO RMVIATION DATE City Residence Phone Number Last Name First Name lnit.ii 1 Street. Address Alt. No. City Zip Code MAPSCO Sex 1 Ieight Weight. Date of Birth Please list below any health issues that may affect your ridership under this program. Emergency (;ontact Phone Number Primary Care Physician: Phone Number Name Address Do you Speak English Yes No Are you Disabled Yes No Describe: Do you need to use any of the following: WI 11;1;L(:1lAl1 Yes No CANT'', Yes No WALKER Yes No CRU'I'(;11I S Yes No SCOOTER Yes No 1)0(1 Yes No OXY(IENl EQUIPMENT Yes No I I you use a Wheelchair. can you transfer ourself in(o a passenger '� No Y r car: des into a van or pickup? Yes No Emergency Treatment Release and Liability Waiver: I certify that I have truthfully provided all requested information and that I understand the dangers inherent in my participation in the services provide by Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc., "CARS ". I hereby authorize CARS to validate any information that I have provided, and to seek and obtain emergency medical treatment on my behalf, including transportation to the nearest medical facility in the event that CARS deems it necessary. I hereby relieve CARS, its employees, volunteers, agents, instructors and sponsors of all liability that may occur due to my participation in any CARS activity. I further certify that I am medically sound enough to participate in the CARS program, that I have read and understood this form and that all entries and information contained herein are true and complete. Print Name: (Applicant) Signed Date Print Name: (CARS Interviewer) Signed Date • Form Amnoded 1 UM99 j ` l/ Call A. Ride of Southlake — TRIP TICKET Day 181 Grand Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 416 -9755 Driver Trip Ticket Number Request Received: Date Time By USER: ID No. Name Telephone Address City Subdivision Emergency Contact Telephone Destination: Day of Week Date Time Place City Address Pickup Time Return Time Comments/Directions: Driver Info: Miles Traveled Time Committed Driver Signature ID No CARS Emergency Contact Telephone 1/25/2000 / O4 % ■ N 0) ' 0 C) (� V V U) (O h ,, i yG O • a) 0 U y -O a) 1r a) 7 d V 0 E ' ti+ ai .' c d, E a) _ 3 41 ' N C 1 p E C C Y u m y 043 0 a 4 (p pp �p M o -, CO co _ p �Qpp c`cii. pmp Lz7 ao m co co m ro Fa o co 2 rn 'v C c o J c Q c C ta 0 l 41 y C a) a) to a) .O c y = �p al °) L r = = 0 o` y O E C7 co co 2 7 ? . >. O a) al a) W H 0 0 m cu m m _, �' a ea 0 m .c ti CO R tio 1 . 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