2013-02-11 CITY OF ''�'` j
LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall — City Council Chambers
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
Parks and Recreation Board Members present: Chairman John Slocum, Vice Chairman
Tina Wasserman (arrived 6:12 pm), Secretary Sherry Berman and Board Members Elaine
Cox, Gregg Formella, Lori Palmer and Chad Patton
Parks and Recreation Board Members absent: None
Staff present: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Deputy Director Kari Happold
and Deputy Director Candice Edmondson, and Events and Marketing Coordinator Jenni
Guests: UNT Journalism major Whitney Rogers was present to observe the Parks Board
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. Chairman Slocum called the meeting of the Parks and
Recreation Board to order at 6:08 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Consent
A. Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting
held January 14, 2013 — There were no corrections to the minutes.
B. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members — There were no absences
for consideration at this meeting. A copy of the attendance log was distributed in
the meeting packets.
A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda including to accept the minutes of
January 14, 2013.
Motion: Cox
Second: Palmer
Ayes: Berman, Cox, Formella, Palmer, Patton and Slocum
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 6 -0
Motion Carried.
Agenda Item No. 3. Public Forum. No one was present to address the Board during Public
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Minutes of the February 11, 2013 Parks Board Meeting
Page 2 of 3
Park Board member Wasserman arrived at this time.
Agenda Item No. 4A. Consider:
A. Recommendation on Southlake 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space /
Community Facilities Master Plan — Director Tribble presented the final draft of the
master plan for consideration and answered Board questions. Adoption of the proposed
Parks, Recreation & Open Space / Community Facilities Master Plan is a key
component of the Southlake 2030 Plan. The scope of the Plan will be discussed at a
February 19, 2013 special SPDC meeting and then presented to City Council as a
budget amendment for Bicentennial Park.
The 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space /Community Facilities master plan
committee recommended approval of the Plan February 4, 2013. The Plan will be
presented to Planning & Zoning Commission February 21, 2013 (Public Hearing) and to
City Council March 5, 2013 (1 Reading) and March 19, 2013 (2 Reading and Public
Hearing) as Ordinance No. 1060.
A motion was made to approve the Southlake 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space /
Community Facilities Master Plan as presented.
Motion: Wasserman
Second: Cox
Ayes: Berman, Cox, Formella, Palmer, Patton, Slocum and Wasserman
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 7 -0
Motion Carried.
Agenda Item 5. Discussion:
A. Construction Management Report — The Construction Management Report
included in the meeting packet was reviewed by Director Tribble.
Construction on improvements to Bicentennial Park are anticipated to start in
May. The City will host a groundbreaking ceremony for the improvements,
including a separate groundbreaking for the Miracle League Field on the same
day. Information on the groundbreakings will be related to the Board as soon as
the date is determined and plans are finalized.
B. Southlake 2030 Plan Components Update — Chair Slocum reviewed status of
the plan components of the City 2030 Plan. Park Board members Sherry Berman
and Lori Palmer represent the Parks Board on the 2030 Mobility Plan component
and will keep the Board updated on its progress.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity • Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Minutes of the February 11, 2013 Parks Board Meeting
Page 3 of 3
C. Miracle Field Update — Chair Slocum and Director Tribble presented an update
on the Miracle League activities. Board members Wasserman and Slocum have
been invited by Dr. Mary Johnson with the CISD Special Education PTO to make
a presentation at their March PTO meeting concerning the Miracle League Field.
They will work with staff on materials for that presentation. Miracle Field of
Southlake have also been invited to host an information display at an upcoming
varsity "Special Education PTO Night at the Ballpark" to inform parents and
students about the field. Also discussed holding a mid - morning groundbreaking
ceremony in May for the Miracle Field at Bicentennial Park.
D. City Sponsorship Program — Deputy Director Edmondson and Events and
Marketing Coordinator McClure demonstrated the City's website pages for the
City Sponsorship Program to promote sponsorship opportunities in Southlake.
Board members asked questions regarding various aspects of the Program
including finder's fees, advertisement and notification of the new Program, pricing
for banner signs and the approval process for naming rights opportunities. Staff
anticipates the sponsorship website will go "live" in couple of weeks and a
presentation of the final website design will be made to City Council at the March
5 meeting if possible.
Packet Insert: T.A.A.F. State Youth Basketball Tournament — Board members
received a copy of a flyer for the T.A.A.F. State Youth Basketball Tournament to be held
March 15 -17, 2013 in Southlake and Grapevine facilities. The Board would like to know
the number of basketball teams expected at the State tournament.
Agenda Item 6. Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:53 p.m.
Motion: Cox
Second: Palmer
Ayes: Berman, Cox, Formella, Palmer, Patton, Slocum and Wasserman
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 7 -0
Motion Carried.
Jo n - •cum, Chair
Parks & Recreation Board
4 / i
C is :• e, Director
Community Services Dept.
A recording of this meeting is available upon request from the Office of City Secretary and may be viewed at
www.citvofsouthlake.com / Video On Demand.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork