Item 6ECITY OF S0UTHLA1<,.,E Department of Planning & Development Services STAFF REPORT March 27, 2013 CASE NO: ZA13-022 PROJECT: Site Plan for McDonald's EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On behalf of McDonald's USA, LLC, Adams Engineering is requesting approval of a Site Plan for improvements to the existing McDonald's restaurant on property described as Lot 1 R2, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and located at 225 N. Kimball Ave., Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. SPIN Neighborhood # 8. REQUEST DETAILS: The applicant is proposing fagade improvements and a two-lane drive through for the existing McDonald's restaurant. The existing driveway that loops around the rear of the building will be removed for the additional drive through lane and an additional driveway connection will be added to the north/south driveway that runs behind (east) of the building to allow circulation around the rear of the building. Two parking spaces are shown to be removed adjacent to the proposed driveway connection, dropping the number of parking spaces provided from 45 spaces to 43 spaces, which is the required number of spaces based on 1 space per 100 square feet of floor area (4,290 s.f./100 = 43 spaces) or 1 space per each 3 seats under the maximum seating capacity (110 seats/3 = 37 spaces), whichever is greater. Ordinance No. 480-JJJJ, which prohibits the use of bright or fluorescent colors, was approved by City Council on March 19, 2013. The McDonald's site plan application was received prior to approval of the ordinance and is therefore not subject to the requirements of the ordinance. The elevations show yellow canopies that would not comply with Ordinance No. 480-JJJJ. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the site plan at the March 21, 2013 meeting subject to the applicant's willingness to consider alternate color palettes that might voluntarily comply with the ordinance. McDonald's respectfully requests that the yellow canopies be allowed since the color is important to their brand identity. All signage and logos, including but not limited to the McDonald's arches, McDonald's attached and monument signs, directional signage and menu boards will require separate approval. A master sign plan has been submitted for consideration at the April 16, 2013 City Council meeting. The proposed storage building that is shown on the site plan adjacent to a new dumpster enclosure requires approval of a Specific Use Permit. A separate application has been submitted (Zoning Case ZA13-028). Case No. ZA13-022 VARIANCES REQUESTED ACTION NEEDED ATTACHMENTS: The following two variances are requested with approval of the site plan: 1) Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, requires a stacking depth of 100' for the north -south driveway that runs behind (east) of the restaurant at the intersection of E. S.H. 114. A stacking depth of approximately 37.5' is requested. 2) Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 42.4.e (Table One), as amended, requires a 5' Type A bufferyard along the east and south property lines. A variance is requested to allow the additional drive through lane and storage building/dumpster enclosure to encroach into the bufferyards as shown on the site plan. 1) Conduct a public hearing 2) Consider approval of a site plan (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Variance Request Letter (D) TIA Executive Summary and Site Plan — Link to PowerPoint Presentation (E) Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated March 27, 2013 (F) Surrounding Property Owners Map and Responses (G) Full Size Plans (for Commission and Council Members Only) Dennis Killough (817)748-8072 Richard Schell (817)748-8602 Case No. ZA13-022 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: McDonald's USA, LLC APPLICANT: Adams Engineering PROPERTY ADDRESS: 225 N. Kimball Ave. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 R2, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition LAND USE CATEGORY: Regional Retail CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District HISTORY: - A Zoning Change from "AG" Agricultural to "HC" Heavy Commercial was approved August 2, 1983 (ZA83-026). SOUTHLAKE 2030 PLAN - A preliminary plat for Lots 1-4, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition was approved in 1986 (ZA86-035). - A final plat for Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 2, Kimball/1709 Addition was approved August 16, 1988 and filed June 6, 1989 (ZA88-022). - The "C-3" General Commercial District zoning designation was given to the property with approval of Zoning Ordinance No. 480 in September 1989. - A plat revision for Lots 1 R-1, 1 R-2 and 1 R-3, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition was approved June 6, 1995 and filed July 20, 1995 (ZA95-044). - A building permit for the existing restaurant was issued September 19, 1995 - On August 5, 2008, City Council passed Ordinance No. 480-VVV, which included an amendment to allow accessory buildings enclosing equipment or activities in conjunction with the principal uses in zoning districts CS, 0-1, 0-2, C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, HC, B-1, B-2, 1-1, 1-2 with approval of a Specific Use Permit. (Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Sections 45.1(44) and 45.16). Consolidated Land Use Plan The underlying land use designation for this property is "Regional Retail." The proposed development is consistent with the recommended scope of uses under the "Regional Retail" land use designation. Mobility & Thoroughfares Master Plan N. Kimball Ave. is designated as an A6D 124', or a 6-lane divided arterial with the following design characteristics: • Limit driveway access to improve mobility. • Improve visual appeal by street tree plantings along the right-of-way. • Improve pedestrian connectivity by requiring all new development to provide sidewalks/multi-use trails on both sides of the street. • Recommend providing wider -outside lanes for bicycle users or designating the outside shoulders as bike lanes. Case No. Attachment A ZA13-022 Page 1 Minimize the visual impact of parking along the right of way through the use of vegetative fences, berms, or relocation of parking to the side or rear of buildings. No on -street parking. 45-50 mph design speed. Pathways Master Plan & Sidewalk Plan The Pathways Master Plan and Sidewalk Plan show a planned bikeway along both N. Kimball Ave. and E. S.H. 114 and a < 8' sidewalk along the west side of S. Kimball Ave. A 5' sidewalk is required along all public streets with any non-residential development requiring a Council approved site plan. However, the City Engineer has determined that the impact of the proposed improvements is not roughly proportional to the requirement for a 5" sidewalk along N. Kimball Ave. and E. S.H. 114. TRANSPORTATION ASSESSMENT: The Traffic Impact Analysis that was submitted for the project states that there will be no adverse impacts to the north -south driveway that runs behind (east) of the restaurant from closing the driveway that currently loops around the back of the restaurant adjacent to the drive through. WATER & SEWER: No changes to existing City water or sewer service are proposed. TREE PRESERVATION: Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585-D requires a minimum of seventy (70) percent of the existing tree cover to be preserved. The Tree Preservation Plan shows approximately 79.3% of the existing tree cover to be preserved. Three (3) existing Pine trees are proposed to be removed for the construction of the access drive along the east property line. The applicant has provided a Landscape Plan showing that additional landscaping will be provided along with the addition of two (2) Red Oaks, three (3) Loblolly Pines, and five (5) Crape Myrtles. CITIZEN INPUT/ BOARD REVIEW: The SPIN representative from SPIN District # 8, Matt Schirle, did not recommend a SPIN meeting due to the limited scope of the project. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ACTION: March 21, 2013; Approved (6-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated March 15, 2013 and Staff Report dated March 15, 2013 and granting the requested variances; 1) Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, requires a stacking depth of 100' for the north -south driveway that runs behind (east) of the restaurant at the intersection of E. S.H. 114. A stacking depth of approximately 37.5' is requested. 2) Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 42.4.e (Table One), as amended, requires a 5' Type A buffer yard along the east and south property lines. A variance is requested to allow the additional drive through lane and storage building/dumpster enclosure to encroach into the buffer yards as shown on the site plan; also the applicant's willingness to consider alternate color palettes that might voluntarily comply with our current ordinance. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated March 27, 2013. Case No. Attachment A ZA13-022 Page 2 Vicinity Map McDonald's W z a J J d' Q W m 2 � JUL, Y Z SH 114 E SOUTHLAKE BLVD (FM 1709) -TTT--� ZA13-022 i. Site Plan 225 N. Kimball Ave. N I• x w e 0 300 600 1,200 Feet s Case No. Attachment B ZA13-022 Page 1 VARIANCE REQUEST LETTER DAdams March 12, 2013 Mr. Dennis Killough Chief Planner Department of Planning City of Southlake 1400 Main St., Suite 310 Southlake, TX 76092 RE: Drive -Through Order Point Addition / Remodel McDonald's 255 N. Kimball Ave. Mr. Killough, We are proposing to remodel the exterior and interior of the existing restaurant, as well as upgrade the existing drive through elements. The drive through improvements will include an additional side -by -side order point and menu boards, and an additional drive approach on the east end of the site to facilitate the access and circulation of the property. On behalf of McDonald's Corporation, Adams Engineering is requesting the following variances and amendments for the above referenced project: • Variance to the driveway stacking requirement coming off of SH 114. Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, requires a stacking depth of 100'. A stacking depth of approximately 37.5' is requested. • Variance to the 5' rear and side buffer requirement. Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 42.4.e (Table One), as amended, requires a 5' Type A bufferyard on the east and south property lines. A variance to allow the drive through lane and storage build ing/dumpster enclosure to encroach into the bufferyards as shown on the site plan is requested. • Variance to the accessory building 10' setback. Per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.16.a, as amended, accessory buildings are required to be located no closer than 10' to a property line located in the rear yard. A side yard setback of three (3.0) feet is requested. • Variance to the accessory building roof material requirements. Per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.16.i, as amended, roof (design, pitch and materials) is to be the same as the principal structure roof. The roof as shown on the elevations is requested. 910 S. Kimball Avenue • Southlakc. Tcxas 76092 817.328.3200 9 FAx 817.328.3299 TBPE Reg. No. F-1002; m w.adams-engineering.com Case No. Attachment C ZA13-022 Page 1 Adams We understand that at this time city council cannot grant variances for the last two items related to the accessory building, however, an ordinance amendment has been proposed that would allow council to grant these types of variances. The applicant understands that the variance requests related to the accessory building will be contingent on approval of this ordinance amendment. We appreciate your assistance and look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, ADAMS ENGINEERING Ted Murday, P.E. 910 S. Kimball Avenue • Southlake, Texas 76092 817.328.3200 • FAx 817.328.3299 7BPE Reg. No. F-1002; www.adams-engineenng.com Case No. Attachment C ZA13-022 Page 2 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY LINK TO TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS EC February H , 2013 Mr. Ted Murday, P.E. Adams Engineering & Development Consultants 910 S. Kimball Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 RE: McDonalds Proposed Driveway Study — Kimball Ave. & SH 114 Southlake, TX Dear Mr. Murday: Traffic Engineering Consultants, Inc. (TEC) was retained by Adams Engineering (AE) to conduct a traffic analysis for proposed driveway modifications at the McDonalds located at the intersection of Kimball Road and S.H. 144 Eastbound Frontage Road in Southlake, Texas. An additional point of order for the drive-thru customers is being proposed in order to improve service times. The proposed modifications to accommodate the additional lane can be seen in Figure 1. McDonalds is located on one of three outparcels of a Lowe's development. There is a "spine" road that runs north/south located just behind, or to the east of the McDonalds site. The spine road provides access to/from the eastbound S.H. 114 frontage road for the entire Lowe's development. Currently the McDonalds site has three points of access — one right in/right out driveway to Kimball Road, one cross access driveway to the outparcel located directly to the south (which provides the McDonalds site access to the full access driveway to Kimball Road), and a connection to the spine road. Space behind the McDonalds, between the existing drive-thru lane and the spine road is limited. Currently, there is enough room for both the drive-thru lane and an additional lane to allow circulation behind the McDonalds. The additional drive-thru order point will have to be constructed in place of the existing circulation lane behind McDonalds. As a result an additional driveway connection to the spine road is being proposed as a part of these improvements. This will still allow for circulation around the McDonalds As a result of the additional access, it is necessary to determine the effects this would have on the traffic patterns in and around the McDonalds site. TEC had several discussions with both the City of Southlake and AE and determined the traffic data needs necessary to conduct a thorough study of both the existing and proposed traffic operations. Traffic counts were conducted at the site on February 6, Traffic Engineering Consultants, Inc. 6000 S. Western Avenue, Ste. 300 I Oklahoma City, Oklahoma I Ph. 405-720-7721 6931 S. 66`" E. Avenue, Ste. 100, I Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133 I Ph. 918481-8484 Website: www.tecok.com Case No. Attachment D ZA13-022 Page 1 2013. Turning movement counts were made during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours (7:00 am — 9:00 am and 4:00 pm — 6:00 pm) and tube counts were conducted from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm. Traffic count locations can be seen in Figure 2 and the existing traffic volumes can be seen in Figure 3. The count print-outs are also provided as an attachment. The existing traffic counts were utilized to anticipate the traffic volumes at the proposed driveway as a result of the proposed modifications. Several assumptions were made: 1.) these modifications would not result in additional trips to the McDonalds site, 2.) the general traffic patterns in and around the site would not change solely based on the additional driveway, and 3.) the additional driveway would be a one-way entrance to the site and the existing driveway would become a one-way exit from the site. Based on the above listed assumptions the modified traffic data was calculated and can be seen in Figure 4. All the traffic currently circulating around the back of the McDonalds was assumed to now exit to the spine road and enter via the new driveway. Also, all entering trips to the site from the spine road were assumed to enter via the new driveway. This required that the 10/5 am/pm peak hour trips that are currently circulating behind the McDonalds be added to the 9/4 am/pm trips exiting the site to the north and added to the 4/11 am/pm peak hour trips entering the site at the proposed driveway from the south and that the existing southbound right turns entering the site be relocated to the newly proposed driveway. A capacity analysis was then run on both the existing and proposed traffic conditions. The results of the capacity analysis can be seen in Table 1 and the print-outs have been included as an attachment. TABLE 1 CAPACITY ANALYSES RESULTS 2013 Existing Traffic Conditions Intersection on 24th West Type of Traffic Control AM Peak Hour I'M Peak [tour Critical Approach Intersection Critical Approach 11weisection Approach Delay (sedveh) LOS Delay (seclveh) LOS Approach I Delay (sed%Kh) LOS Delay (sedveh) LOs South Driveway & Spine Road EB Slop EB 9.9 A US A EB I 8-8 I A 1 1.6 A 2013 Proposed Traffic Conditions Intersection on 24th West Type of Traffic Control AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Critical Approach Intersection Critical Approach Intersection Approach Delay (sedveh) LOS Delay (sedveh) LOS Approach Delay (seclvch) I LOS Delay (sedvch) LOS South Driveway & Spine Road EB Sto EB 8.9 A 25 A EB LB A 1.4 A North Driveway & Spine Road NIA NB 2.6 A 1.1 A N6 2.6 A 1.1 A The capacity analysis of the existing conditions shows that the existing intersection is currently operating very well. Traffic volumes along the spine road are low enough that there is little delay for vehicles making the eastbound left -turn out of the McDonalds site. The capacity analysis of the proposed conditions shows that both intersections are expected to operate very well. This was expected because traffic volumes changed very Traffic Engineering Consultants, Inc. 6000 S. Western Avenue, Ste. 300 I Oklahoma City, Oklahoma I Ph. 405-720-7721 6931 S. 66'h E. Avenue, Ste. 100, I Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133 I Ph. 91 E-481-8484 Website: ww%v.tecok.com Case No. Attachment D ZA13-022 Page 2 little based on the existing volumes. Though the proposed driveway is closely spaced to the S.H. 114 Eastbound Frontage Road there will be no adverse effects to traffic operations along the spine road since it will be a one-way driveway into the McDonalds site. Queuing at the S.H. 114 Eastbound Frontage Road and the spine road intersection was also observed while the traffic counts were being conducted. The peak queue for the northbound approach was 2 vehicles which is approximately equal to 40 feet. Since this is a right-in/right-out only driveway with an upstream signalized intersection, there are plenty of gaps in the traffic to allow the northbound right -turn movements to exit the site. This results in a low delay and very little queue. The queue from the S.H. 114 Eastbound Frontage Road and the spine road intersection is not anticipated to have any effect on traffic exiting the McDonalds site. In summary, it has been concluded from the results of the capacity analysis and field observations that the traffic operations in and around the McDonalds site will still be very good if the proposed modifications are made. Assuming a one-way circulation, the additional driveway connection will allow better circulation around the McDonalds building with no anticipated adverse effects on the traffic operations on the spine road. Delays for traffic exiting the McDonalds site to the spine road will be similar to what they are today. There will be a slight increase of eastbound left turning traffic as a result of the additional traffic that would be required to utilize the spine road to circulate around the McDonalds (rather than the current drive adjacent to the drive-thru lane), but this increase is not shown to significantly increase the delay on the approach. I appreciate the opportunity to provide this study to AE. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me. Sincerely, Michael S. Hofener, P.E., PTOE Corporate Secretary MS1-1/mh Enclosure Traffic Engineering Consultants, Inc. 6000 S. Westem Avenue, Ste. 300 ( Oklahoma City, Oklahoma I Ph. 405-720-7721 6931 S. 66'h E. Avenue, Ste. 100, I Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133 I Ph. 918-481-8484 Website: www.lecok.com Case No. Attachment D ZA13-022 Page 3 Ift Nile IM SITE PLAN •5-V ] L R 1 P.t may; EwsrWDH EQSTMr DC E%IS=SCREEN EDDE — lei HEDGE SCREEN HJGE �'T 13 1 y El({gTWO PARKING $ E)UT04RAqWKW, �l 3 — — L d' - •, � L-4463•x=126000 iEDDE EwsnNGSIDEW_ y A-0D ""46• u.}Nl2"l4'57"W-44.67 G/EI j muse j�j••lm3 Ave '� i 13BA'' In IP.2 HI 11 V usIDEWNI( ' • �S EImW111709 Addlll® SA F6tl EMANG 3' `- Sell .sx. sr GhlmaseEersra . SCREEN HEDGE �� D(ISIpG NmONVuu P Cr, ? \ Qa I S,OAY IIDP i• E%1 BNG CONLRFfV -. W �y3 �yyy ^VV� Ar!!• � ArDarWC�Cwpaam PROPGSEO EGK DRIVEWAY a VDIAre 12115, Pap ]T2 yrrnn K •,� r. 'x FS g "SrINC SID— .� ti i A '�' 9C Tl'R. ENGI-O&1REAND DSTORAGE 13 �A rxE-1 -i r; 9CREEN HEDGE !, NEP41r15 W 197.99' a�sA DleenEln[s 1 E%ISnNY CONCRETE Y ,wv­ s. i'm�e4aur 1 a trm NEu c3 Sl6'"10'•W 30A4• 1 •mm orvA,pN.NR—IT PRDPOSED - DRNE APPROACH rinwAaYm �ryYKA*YI.Uf] nr[ule iwf.0°�omk' zoNED c3 OA' f 6 M -I EwsrMCOM�e 6 py. MPPROA.T oDEiEO, .0 y m 30 D 20 40 SCALE. 1• = 20• OWNER INFORMATION Case No. ZA13-022 Attachment D Page 4 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA13-022 Review No.: Three Date of Review: 03/27/13 Project Name: Site Plan — McDonald's Site Plan Revisions APPLICANT: Ted A. Murday Adams Engineering 910 S. Kimball Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817) 328-3200 E-mail: ted.murday@adams-engineering.com Owner: Patrick Piehl McDonald's USA, LLC 511 E. John Carpenter Frwy., Suite 375 Irving, TX 75062 Phone: (972) 869-5355 Patrick. r)iehl(a)us.mcd.com: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 03/26/13 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 748-8072. Please make the following changes to the Site Data Summary Chart. a. Revise the building footprint area to include the cooler/freezer area. b. Add the square footage of the existing storage building to the site data summary chart under "Total Building Area" and "Square Footage Broken Down by Use". c. Show a breakdown of the floor areas by use to include inside and outside storage and the cooler/freezer area. The sum of the kitchen/restroom and dining room floor areas totals 4,290 square feet. Fire lanes must have a minimum inside turning radius of 30'. The area designated as a fire lane must follow the 30' radii shown and labeled on the site plan. 3. The following two variances are requested with approval of the site plan: a. Variance to the Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, which requires a stacking depth of 100' for the north -south driveway that runs behind (east) of the restaurant at the intersection of E. S.H. 114. A stacking depth of approximately 37.5' is requested. b. Variance to Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 42.4.e (Table One), as amended, which requires a 5' Type A bufferyard along the east and south property lines. A variance is requested to allow the additional drive through lane and storage building/dumpster enclosure to encroach into the bufferyards as shown on the site plan. Case No. Attachment E ZA13-022 Page 1 Tree Conservation/Landscape Review E-mail: kmartin@ci.southlake.tx.us Keith Martin Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 748-8229 II:7Ell ;Kde]kR]Ell li%IEel k[d01LY,I►YilEll kIII &I Three (3) existing Pine trees are proposed to be removed for the construction of the access drive along the east property line. The applicant has provided a Landscape Plan showing that additional landscaping will be provided along with the addition of two (2) Red Oaks, three (3) Loblolly Pines, and five (5) Crape Myrtles. -111;IJEll WifilN1Id9]►YiI►YiIEll kIII &I The Loblolly Pine shown to be provided adjacent to the proposed drive through will be allowed to count as one of the two required canopy trees in the east bufferyard. The tree is located approximately two feet outside of the east bufferyard due to space constraints. Indicates informational comment. Fire Department Review Kelly Clements Assistant Fire Marshal (817) 748-8671 kclements(d)ci.southlake.tx.us FIRE LANE COMMENTS: Fire lanes must have a minimum inside turning radius of 30'. Fire lane access needs to be an all-weather surface, asphalt or concrete, a minimum of 24 feet wide, with 6 inch red striping, which contains 4 inch white lettering, which states "FIRE LANE NO PARKING" every 25 feet. Building Inspections Review Susie Hernandez (817) 748-8238 shernandezCd)ci.southlake.tx.us Building: Building remodel and storage buildings will be separate permits. Accessibility: Must meet Texas Accessibility Standards Lighting; Must meet City Lighting Ordinance Airport Overlay Zone: Must meet Airport Overlay Zone Case No. ZA13-022 Attachment E Page 2 Informational Comments: The SPIN representative for SPIN Neighborhood # 8, Matt Schirle, did not recommend a SPIN meeting for this project. The storage building shown on the plans will require separate approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, Sections 45.1.44 and 45.16. A separate application has been submitted (ZA13-028). The City Engineer has determined that the impact of the proposed improvements is not roughly proportional to the requirement for a 5" sidewalk along N. Kimball Ave. and E. S.H. 114. The Traffic Impact Analysis that was submitted for the project states that there will be no adverse impacts to the north -south driveway that runs behind (east) of the restaurant from closing the driveway that currently loops around the back of the restaurant adjacent to the drive through. All signage and logos, including but not limited to the McDonald's arches, McDonald's attached and monument signs, directional signage and menu boards will require separate approval. A master sign plan has been submitted for the April 16, 2013 City Council meeting. All mechanical equipment must be screened of view from right-of-ways and residential properties in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended. All lighting must comply with the Lighting Ordinance No. 693, as amended. All development must comply with the Drainage Ordinance No. 605 and the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance No. 946, as amended. It appears that this property lies within the 75 LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone and will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. The north and south elevations do not meet the horizontal and vertical articulation requirements of the Corridor Overly Zone. However, permitting for the existing building began prior to approval of Ord. No. 480-S on August 1, 1995, which added the Corridor Overlay Zone to Ordinance No. 480. The extent of the fagade improvements do not require the building to be brought into compliance with the articulation requirements in the Corridor Overlay Zone. The fagade materials as shown meet the masonry requirements of the Corridor Overlay Districts. All other requirements of Section 43, Overlay Zones, of Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, must be met. Denotes Informational Comment Case No. Attachment E ZA13-022 Page 3 SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS McDonald's 2 3 1 4 6 7 5 • • # 1. Owner Inland Western Slake Corners K Zoning C3 Land Use Regional Retail Acreage 16.71 Response NR 2. McDonald's Corp C3 Regional Retail 1.06 NR 3. Dn Kingston Southlake Lp C3 Regional Retail 0.66 NR 4. Dn Kingston Southlake Lp C2 Regional Retail 1.13 NR 5. Marshall Descendants 2006 Trst C3 Regional Retail 0.92 NR 6. Lowe's Home Centers Inc C3 Regional Retail 14.82 NR 7. Stagliano, Vincent J Etal C3 Regional Retail 0.39 NR Responses: F: In Favor O: Opposed To U: Undecided Notices Sent: Responses Received: Seven (7) None (0) NR: No Response Case No. Attachment F ZA13-022 Page 1