2013-02-26 ri4 CITY OF
LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
Southlake Town Hall — 3A
Southlake Arts Council Members Present: Chair Leslie Bartlett, Vice Chair Miriam
Murray, Secretary Jesika Cook and Southlake Arts Council members Merlene
Ingraham, Terri Messing and Leslie Ann Walker
Southlake Arts Council Members Absent: Tammy Hashemian
Staff Members Present: Deputy Director of Community Services Candice Edmondson
Others Present: None
Agenda Item No. 1 - Call to Order: Chair Bartlett called the meeting to order at 6:05
Agenda Item No. 2A — Consent: Approval of the minutes from the January 22,
2013 regular Southlake Arts Council meeting — One misspelled word was corrected
in Item 4B of the minutes.
A motion was made to accept the minutes as corrected.
Motion: Cook
Second: Murray
Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Ingraham, Messing, Murray and Walker
Nays: None
Vote: 6 -0
Motion Carried.
Agenda Item No. 3A — Consider: Recommendation on permit for CISD Art Exhibit
in Town Hall April 26 -28, 2013 — Deputy Director of Community Services Edmondson
presented the permit for a recommendation. The Southlake Arts Council discussed this
Staff was asked to include the April 19 -May 17, 2011 Art In the City Jazz reception and
display and the September 9- October 31, 2012 "Fall Through the Lens" exhibit and
reception in the list of previously approved public art displays and events noted in the
cover memo that will be presented to City Council on March 5, 2013.
The committee would like one presentation made to City Council for all of the permits
needed for the Arts Council's annual events, rather than individual presentations.
A motion was made to approve the permit for CISD Art Exhibit in Town Hall April 26 -28,
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Minutes of the February 26, 2013 Southlake Arts Council Meeting
Page 2 of 3
Motion: Messing
Second: Murray
Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Ingraham, Messing, Murray and Walker
Nays: None
Vote: 6 -0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 4A - Discussion: Recap of "The Strokes of Art in the Square"
reception held February 17, 2013 — Southlake Arts Council member and APEX
representative Terri Messing reviewed the event and requested feedback.
Suggestions for future events were to shorten the reception to one and a half hours and
to move the event to the end of February. Signage during the event was mentioned,
perhaps having multi - purpose, sturdy outdoor signs. Another suggestion was to
distribute advertisement flyers during the event. Permanent kiosks in Town Square to
advertise events are being investigated by the Economic Development Department.
Agenda Item No. 4B - Discussion: Public Art Ordinance — Deputy Director of
Community Services Edmondson presented this item for discussion.
Based on the City Manager's Priority Ordinance List, the Planning Department will
undertake in FY 2014 an update of the Public Art Ordinance (No. 803), which was
approved by City Council 2001 and amended (No. 803 -A) in 2007, to include
recommendations from the Public Art Master Plan, specifically recommendations PA
11 -15. Amendments to the Public Art Ordinance will be presented for Southlake Arts
Council recommendation prior to being considered by City Council.
Agenda Item No. 4C — Discussion: Public Art Policy — Deputy Director of Community
Services Edmondson presented this item for discussion.
The current Public Art Policy, approved by City Council in March 2011, needs to be
updated to include the adopted Public Sculpture Program approved by City Council
December 4, 2013. The revisions will include provisions for contracts for temporary and
loaned art, a stipend program for artists, parameters for a guarantee to purchase
program and fees due to the City for purchased art. Staff will present the proposed,
updated Public Art Policy to Southlake Arts Council for their recommendation at the
April 23, 2013 meeting, followed by City Council consideration on May 7, 2013.
Agenda Item No. 4D — Discussion: Call to Artists for Public Art for Phase I of
Public Sculpture Program — Deputy Director of Community Services Edmondson
presented this item for discussion.
The Public Sculpture Program was approved by the Southlake Arts Council October 29,
2012 and adopted by City Council December 4, 2012. The Program will be implemented
in four (4) phases, with the first phase to begin in Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park. Phase I
will include two (2), temporary on -loan pieces for display in the park.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Minutes of the February 26, 2013 Southlake Arts Council Meeting
Page 3 of 3
The Arts Council reviewed the proposed timeline and also discussed the criteria and
scale of proposed sculptures. Staff is developing a list of artists for distribution of the
Call to Artists.
Staff will investigate using business cards for the Southlake Arts Council to aid in
soliciting artists for future Call to Artists projects.
Agenda Item No. 4E — Discussion: Call to Artists for Public Art at DPS North
Facility — Deputy Director of Community Services Edmondson presented this item for
The Public Art Master Plan includes public art for the new DPS North Training Facility
currently under construction. Funding for the art was approved by City Council in
January 2013 through the Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD). CCPD will
select the proposed art and make their recommendation to the Arts Council and City
Due to the timing of the grand opening celebration for the facility, two (2) options for
procuring the art piece were considered. Option 1 was to release a standard Call to
Artists and install artwork after the facility is open. Option 2 was to use an art
consultant/consortium to find an artist that has appropriate pieces ready for purchase
and install prior to the facility opening. Both options were discussed by the Arts Council
and they deferred the decision to the Crime Control and Prevention District.
Agenda Item No. 5 - Public Forum: No one was present to address the Arts Council.
Agenda Item No. 6 — Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Motion: Walker
Second: Cook
Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Ingraham, Messing, Murray and Walker
Nays: None
Vote: 6 -0
Motion carried.
At st:
- ritkriondY y lk}
eslie Bartlett, Chair Candice Edmondson, Deputy Director
Community Services Department
A tape recording of this meeting may be requested in the Office of the City Secretary.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Arts Members: Please initial beside your name below so there will
be a record of attendance.
Guests: Please sign your name below.
Southlake Arts Council Meeting — TH 3A
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Leslie Bartlett
/'/I Merlene Ingraham
q t e Jesika Cook
Terri Messing
Tammy Hashemian
At) Leslie Ann Walker
M c'. Miriam Murray
Candice Edmondson C o dson staff liaison)