2012-10-17 €SPIN » CITY OF + 1 W SOUTHLAKE TEXAS REGULAR SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING: OCTOBER 17, 2012 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall — Third Floor Training Rooms 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas 76092 TIME: 6:00 P.M. SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: SPIN 1: SPIN 8: SPIN 2: David Alexander SPIN 9: Ray Tremain SPIN 3: Jeff Medici SPIN 10 Ron Evans SPIN 4: Lou Hillman SPIN 11: Monique Schill SPIN 5: vacant YOUTH: SPIN 6: SENIOR: Milton Blake- Alternate SPIN 7: Vic Awtry STAFF PRESENT: Alison Ortowski, Assistant to the City Manager Ben Thatcher — Assistant City Manager REGULAR AGENDA Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order by Chair Ron Evans at 6:05 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of the Minutes — September 11, 2012 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. Motion: Monique Schill Second: Ray Tremain Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Approved: 6 -0 Agenda Item No. 3. Discuss and consider making recommendations regarding Southlake Program for the Involvement of Neighborhoods program improvements: Program Mission Ben Thatcher presented the attached and facilitated discussion. A motion was made to recommend City Council adoption of the following SPIN Mission Statement: "Southlake Program for the Involvement of Neighborhoods engages Southlake residential and business neighbors with local government by providing a conduit for information exchange." Motion: Jeff Medici Second: Vic Awtry Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Approved: 7 -0 Agenda Item No. 4. Neighborhood Reports (written) See attached Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion on Future Agenda Items None Agenda Item No. 6. Adiourn Chair Ron Evans adjourned the meeting at 7:06PM An audio recording of this meeting will be permanently retained in the City Manager's Office. J Ron Evans, Chairman ATTEST: cz 7s2- e ' David Al ander, Secretary Official Meeting Minutes: SPIN Standing Committee Meeting — October 17, 2012 Page 2 of 2