2012-05-08CITY OF
LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
Town Hall Training Rooms 3C & 3D
TIME: 6:00 P.M.
SPIN 1: Rob Baker
SPIN 2: David Alexander
SPIN 4: Lou Hillman
SPIN 5: Barbara Schlauch
SPIN 6: Mike Terry
SPIN 7: Vic Awtry
SPIN 8: Pattie Minder
SPIN 9: Ray Tremain
SPIN 10 Ron Evans
SPIN 11: Monique Schill
SENIOR: David Baltimore and Milton
Blake -Alternate
Alison Ortowski, Assistant to the City Manager
Pilar Schank, Communication and Website manager
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order
The meeting was called to order by Ron Evans at 6:02p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of the Minutes —April 10 2012 SPIN Standing Committee
A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented.
Motion: Rob Baker
Second: Monique Schill
Ayes: 8
Nays: 0
Approved: 8 - 0
Agenda Item No. 3. Overview of New City Website
Pilar Schank, Communication and Websites Manager provided an overview and walk-
through of the new City website.
AA- enda Item No. 4. Election of 2012 SPIN Executive Committee Officers
The following people were elected:
Ron Evans —Chair
Vic Awtry — Vice Chair
David Alexander - Secretary
_Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments
• Annual SPIN .Standing Committee Attendance Report
Alison Orlowski provided a copy of the SPIN Standing Committee Attendance
Report as specified in the Attendance Policy.
Upcoming SPIN meetings
Alison Ortowski reviewed a list of upcoming SPIN meetings. That list was
provided in the packet.
• SPIN Standing Committee Request Tracking Update
Alison Ortowski reviewed the most recent request tracking document, also
provided in the packet.
• Board and Commission Appointments
Alison Orlowski reminded those who are up for reappointment to apply if they
wish to be considered.
Agenda Item No. 6. City Manager's 's Report
Nothing to report.
Agenda Item No. 7. Neighborhood Reports
SPIN 1: Rob Baker said still having issues with bike riders not stopping at the stop sign.
SPIN 2: David Alexander said Liberty Park parking lot is frequently full. New North Park
sign is up.
SPIN 3: not present
SPIN 4: Lou Hillman said Kimball road construction during the night is a problem. He is
hoping a there will be a traffic light at Kirkwood and Kimball.
SPIN 5: Barbara Schlauch said traffic at Randol Mill is bad due to stop sign changes
(now yield). Also more problems with bikers and joggers.
SPIN 6: Mike Terry said he was asked about our communication process.
SPIN 7: Vic Awtry said he noticed there has been many safety issues discussed lately,
and concerned about the traffic on Carroll. Alison Ortowski reported there will be a
traffic study on 1709 once the construction is complete.
SPIN 8: Pattie Minder said Myron and Westwood sidewalk looking good. A number of
the businesses in her SPIN need to replace dead shrubs.
Official Meeting Minutes: SPIN Standing Committee Meeting — May 8, 2092
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SPIN 9: Ray Tremain said some of the turn indicators on the streets are starting to age
on '1709.
SPIN 10: Ron Evans said his safety issue is drivers on Continental speeding, and truck
drivers not using proper entrance. He has requested a sign.
SPIN 11: Monique Schill said traffic coming out of Jellico is very dangerous and a traffic
light is needed. SPIN meeting regarding Watermere age restrictions next week.
Senior: David Baltimore said he heard the owner of Watermere is hoping to sell and
wants to make the changes to make it more marketable. Milton Blake said the 1709
striping needs to be updated and need to say "no U turn".
Youth: not present
Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion on Future Agenda Items
David Baltimore would like to discuss changing the election of officers to after the
council appoints SPIN members.
David Baltimore, Vic Awtry, Monique Schill, and Ray Tremain recommended we have a
city-wide traffic safety forum.
Mike Terry would like to have a discussion on process and expectation for
communications. David Baltimore thinks this should be during a joint council meeting
Agenda Item No. 9. Adjourn
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:02PM.
Motion: David Baltimore
Second: Rob Baker
An audio recording of this meeting will be permanently retained
in the City Manager's Office.
Ron Evans, Chairman
David Alex der, Secretary
Official Meeting Minutes: SPIN Standing Committee Meeting - May 8, 2092
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