2012-02-14Pi CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 10A TEXAS REGULAR SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING: February 14, 2012 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Town Hall Training Rooms 3C & 3D TIME: 6:00 P.M. SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: SPIN 1: Rob Baker SPIN 8: SPIN 2: SPIN 9: Ray Tremain SPIN 3: Jeff Medici SPIN 10 Ron Evans SPIN 4: SPIN 11: Monique Schill SPIN 5: YOUTH: Michelle Terry; Alt: Kevin O'Brien SPIN 6: Juliet Williams SENIOR: David Baltimore SPIN 7: Vic Awtry STAFF PRESENT: Alison Orlowski, Assistant to the City Manager Officer Jonathan Macheca CITY COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: REGULAR AGENDA Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order by Ron Evans at 6:07 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of the Minutes — Januar 10. 2012 SPIN Standina Committee Meeting A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. 1 1 Motion: Monique Schill Second: Rob Baker Ayes:9 Nays: 0 Approved: 9-0 Agenda Item No. 3. 2011 Citizen Survey Results Alison Ortowski Assistant to the Cit Manager) Alison Orlowski provided an overview presentation regarding the results of the recent Citizen Satisfaction Survey. A copy of the presentation is attached to these minutes. Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments 2012 Officer Elections Alison Ortowski passed out ballots and provided instructions regarding the election of officers. Ballots are to be submitted no later than Friday, March 2, 2012. • Upcoming SPIN Meetings Alison Ortowski passed out information regarding upcoming SPIN meetings. Agenda Item No. 5. Cily Manager's Repo • Local Election Information Alison Orlowski handed out information on the upcoming election and explained key filing deadlines, seats up for election, etc. Agenda Item No, 6. Neighborhood Reports SPIN 11: Monique Schill reported that median and decel lane construction going well. She has heard that Watermere has submitted a petition to install a median cut. Youth: Michelle Terry reported that registration is going on at the high school so students are selecting classes for next year. There are some issues with budget decisions related to Gifted and Talented classes so students are not sure if classes they want will be available. SPIN 9: Ray Tremain reported that SPIN #9 has two meetings coming up on February 27th. One is related to renovations to the Timarron Country Club and the other is related to Whites Chapel United Methodist Church SPIN 1: Rob Baker reported that he looked into the report from a neighbor regarding a sign advertising a water tower. Rob spoke with staff in the Planning Department and they said that the tower would only be built if use could substantiate it and likely would not happen for some time (Midwest TW King near Clariden). One other neighbor inquired about installing a decorative fence along TW King. Rob provided information Official Meeting Minutes: SPIN Standing Committee Meeting — February 14, 2012 Page 2 of 4 about contacting the Community Services department regarding beautification dollars. Rob has also scheduled a SPIN Meeting on March 12th regarding Marshall Creek Ranch. This property is currently zoned AG and is wanting to make some structure changes; this type of change triggers a zoning change. Senior: David Baltimore reported that last night there was a Student Council -sponsored dance for the Senior community. Also, the City has offered a position to a new Senior Center Coordinator to start first of March. SPIN 6: Juliet Williams had nothing to report. SPIN 3: Jeff Medici reported that Carillon is now open for business. He has heard that on the weekends, the traffic has increased in Estes Park now that the road is open from Carillon. SPIN 7: Vic Awtry reported that he received a call regarding Bicentennial Retail Plaza on the entrance way to Bicentennial off of 1709. They want to add some awnings and maybe do some expansion. Vic also attended a Southview HOA meeting. He talked about SPIN and got some input which he then sent to Alison for response from the City. Vic made a request that the City help them find out who leads the HOAs and provide them the contact information. SPIN 10: Ron Evans reported that recently the wells in Colleyville off of Pleasant Run underwent fracing. He did not hear anything from his home and did not receive any l comments from neighbors. Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion on Future Agenda Items • Nothing at this time. Agenda Item No. 8. Adjourn A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:56PM. Motion: Vic Awtry Second: Baltimore Ayes:9 Nays: 0 Approved: 9-0 An audio recording of this meeting will be permanently retained in the City Manager's Office. Official Meeting Minutes: SPIN Standing Committee Meeting — February 14, 2012 Page 3 of 4 Ron Evans, Chairman ATTEST: Alison Ortowski -- substituing o avid Alexander who was not present Official Meeting Minutes: SPIN Standing Committee Meeting - February 14, 2012 Page 4 of 4