2000-03-07REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 MARCH 7, 2000 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Fawks; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Rormie Kendall. M~mbers: Wayne Moffat, Rex Potter, Debra Edmondson and Patsy DuPre. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer; Interim Director of Planning and Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy; Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter; Director of Economic Development Greg Last; Director of Public Works Ron Harper; Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas; Senior Civil Engineer Shawn Poe; Assistant to the Public Works Director Valerie Bradley; Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson; Deputy Director of Public Safety, Police Services Gary Gregg; Deputy Director of Public Safety, Fire Services Rick Black; City Attorney Wayne Olson; and, City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand. WORK SESSION: Mayor Rick Stacy called the work session to order at 5:35 p.m. Councilmembers and staff discussed items on the agenda. The work session was audio and video tape-recorded for future reference. Copies are available by request from the City Secretary. Agenda Item #5-B, Award of Contract with First State Bank for Bank Depository Contract. In October 1999, the City entered into a consulting agreement with Bill Koch with Avalon Financial Services to assist the City in its selection of a depository institution. Mr. Koch addressed the City Council during work session noting that the City Council did approval a resolution authorizing the city to go outside the city limits in search for a bank depository. He stated, "I think for a period of time there will be a slight inconvenience, but I think that over time this will be offsite by the benefits this bank will offer to the City. The bank has indicated they plan to build a facility in the City of Southlake in Town Center. I think the inconvenience will be for a short period of time." Agenda Items #10-C, Authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement allowing a twenty-foot parking encroachment on City property for EPIPD-Crossroads Square (Tom Thumb), and Agenda Item #10-D, Authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement allowing a parking encroachment and "no-build" area on City property for EPIPD-Crossroads Square (Tom Thumb). Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman stated he has been in discussions with the City Attorney and their recommendation was to do a lease. He stated, "We found out today that the developers were still insisting on an easement that has to do with their lending documents and they feel that they need an easement. I have talked with the City Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 1 Attorney today and they feel we need to table these items and work with the developer in order to get more language into the easements fi.om the City's standpoint." Councilmembers indicated they needed more information on this issue. Councilmember Edmondson asked the Zoning Administrator for a transcript of the entire Tom Thumb issue prior to these items being placed on the agenda for consideration. It was determined that these items would be tabled tonight. Agenda Item #7-D, Ordinance No. 480-330, 2~a Reading, (ZA 99-132), Rezoning and Site Plan for Carroll I.S.D. No. 6, Addition. Lowell Mordson gave a brief update on the stadium issue noting, "For about the past six weeks the residents have been trying to get the school district to give them a cost differential on the different types of fence and also how well the fences will withstand time. We have been unsuccessful except that at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon I received a call from Mark Daniels fi.om TPM and he asked me what our concerns were and I said basically we are worded that the type of fence that they are going to put up is not going to withstand the types of activities that will be going on, and can you tell me the type of brick fence you are going to give me? Mr. Daniels stated he did not know. So I guess we are kind of concerned that maybe they never intended to give us the type offence we asked for. I feel the City has done an awesome job in trying to mitigate their costs and trying to provide the residents some additional protection with trees, islands, and the residents have basically eliminated 700' of the 1500' of fence they have to provide until their future parking comes along." Mr. Daniels stated they would get right on it. The work session ended at 5:55 p.m. REGULAR SESSION Agenda Item #1, Call to Order Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Mayor noted the City Council meeting was video and audio tape-recorded for future reference and copies are available upon request fi.om the City Secretary. Agenda Item #2-A~ Executive Session Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that City Council would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076 and 551.086, to seek legal advice from our City Attorney; to deliberate regarding real property matters; to deliberate regarding a prospective gift; to deliberate regarding personnel matters; to deliberate regarding security devices; and/or to deliberate regarding economic development negotiations. Council adjourned into Executive Session at 6:03 p.m. Council returned to open session at 7:15 p.m. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 2 Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was necessary as the result of the executive session. Agenda Item #3, Invocation Chaplain of the Month, Father Frank Reeves, St. Martin-In-The-Field Episcopal Church gave the invocation. Agenda Item g4-A, Mayor's Report Mayor Stacy made the following announcements: March 9, at 7:30 a.m. The Northeast Leadership Forum will be held at Tarrant County College. The Art Clubs in each of the schools in the C.I.S.D. are preparing murals for display on the construction fence at the new Town Hall site. There will be nine murals in all. The murals are painted on 8X8 sections of plywood. During the 1st anniversary celebration of Town Square, planned for March 25, 2000, proclamations will be given to each school naming the artists of each mural. The first mural dedication ceremony was held February 8 with Carroll Junior High School and Johnson Elementary students presenting their murals. The second set of murals will be displayed during a ceremony on March 9, beginning at 3:30 p.m. Rockenbaugh Elementary students will present their mural at 3:30 p.m., followed by Carroll Elementary School at 3:45 p.m. and Carroll Intermediate School at 4:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend and see the work prepared by the student art clubs. "Star Party on the Hill" will be held on Saturday, March 11, from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. Southlake citizens can spend an evening exploring the craters and mountains of the moon, surveying the visible planets and wandering the galaxy backwards in time to visit stars and other celestial delights. The telescopes are operated by North Texas Skywatch Association. There will be an interactive slide show and a question and answer session. This event is sponsored by the Southlake Community Services Department and will take place at the Bicentennial Park Hill. The public is invited. No pre-registration required and complimentary refreshments will be served. Joint SPIN/City Council meeting will be held on March 16, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Senior Activity Center. March 25 marks the 1st Anniversary of Town Square. There will be many activities held from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. including a parade, fun activities for all Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 3 ages, street performers in the park, and musical performances. Put this date on your calendars because you won't want to miss this historic event. Agenda Item 04-B, City Manager's Report Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton stated that no report would be given tonight; accept that the City Manager Billy Campbell will return fi.om his vacation on March 15, 2000. Agenda Item O4-C, SPIN Report The SPIN Report was given by Roger Hutton, SPIN #11, [1900 Shady Oaks, Southlake] who reported on the annual SPIN Retreat. He stated that three major issues were discussed during the retreat, which included: 1) how to recruit good SPIN representatives; 2) how to have more meaningful meetings; and 3) how to make it more known that the SPIN representative isn't to be an advocate for community issues [there is a lot of misunderstanding about that]. He stated that they had a good meeting and Councilmember DuPre joined them for most of the session. Mr. Hutton reported on the Candidate's Forum, which will be sponsored by SPIN. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda Mayor Stacy announced the consent agenda. He explained that the items listed would be voted on with one vote and if anyone in the audience had a request that an item should not go on the consent agenda, that item would be deleted fi.om the consent agenda and considered separately. He read the consent agenda items into the record, noting that Items #10-C and #10-D, were added to the consent agenda to be tabled. The consent agenda consists of the following items: 5-A. Approval of the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held February 15, 2000, which was continued to February 22, 2000. 5-B. Award of contract with First State Bank for Bank Depository Contract. 5-C. Award of bid to Saber Development Corporation for the installation of a lift station to serve Dove Estates subdivision. 5-D. Resolution No. 00-25, Approval of City Manager's appointment of Acting City Manager. 5-E. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an inteflocal cooperation agreement for fire protection services between Denton County and the City of Southlake. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 4 Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional service agreement with BWR Corporation for engineering design of South Kimball Avenue from F.M. 1709 to Crooked Lane. 5-G. Award of contract with I & C Sales, Inc. for SCADA improvements at the booster pump station on T.W. King Road. 5-H. Resolution No. 00-22, Supporting federal funding to Northeast Transportation Service (NETS). Resolution No. 00-28, Authorizing the City Attorney to bring a condemnation action for the purpose of obtaining right-of-way at White Chapel Boulevard and F.M. 1709 for use by the City. 5-J. Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Chick-ill-A, Inc., located at 2301 East Southlake Boulevard. Ordinance No. 480-326, 2"a Reading, (ZA 99-138), Rezoning on property legally described as Tract 20 situated in the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 992, and being approximately 2 acres. Location: 4001 T.W. King Road being on the east side of T.W. King Road approximately 1,200' south of West Bob Jones Road. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District, with a requested zoning of "SF-1B" Single Family Residential District. Applicant: Liunie McAdams. Owner: Linnia Johnson. Request to table to April 4, 2000 CiO~ Council meeting. 10-C. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement allowing a twenty-foot parking encroachment on City property for EPIPD-Crossroads Square, L.P. (Tom Thumb). Request to table to March 21, 2000 City Council meeting. 10-D. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement allowing a parking encroachment and "no-build" area on City property, for EPIPD-Crossroads Square L.P. (Tom Thumb). Request to table to March 21, 2000 City Council meeting. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as follows: Item #5-A, approved as amended; #5-B, #5-C, #5-D, naming Shana Yelverton as Acting City Manager; Item #5E, #5-F, #5-G, #5-H, #5-1, #5-J, #5-K, tabling at the request of the applicant to April 4, 2000 City Council meeting, continuing the public heating; Item gl0-C, and gl0-D, tabling until the March 21, 2000 City Council meeting. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Edmondson Fawks Edmondson, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, DuPre, Potter, and Stacy None 7-0 vote ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 5 Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting hem February 15, 2000, which was continued to February 22, 2000. The Minutes were approved as amended. Award of contract with First State Bank for Bank Depository Contract. The depository contract with Texas National Bank Southlake expires April 1, 2000. In October 1999, the City entered into a consulting agreement with Bill Koch with Avalon Financial Services to assist the City in its selection of a depository institution. The bid specifications stipulated an initial three-year term, with an option to extend for an additional two years. The bids were evaluated based on several criteria: 1) Ability to perform and provide the required and requested services; 2) Cost of banking services; 3) Completeness of bid; 4) Funds availability; 5) Interest rates paid on accounts, deposits and investments; 6) Earnings credit on account balances; 7) Financial strength; 8) Convenience. The bids included "Required services," or the types of services that the City currently uses, plus "additional services," which are services that the City anticipates using during the term of the contract. Council awarded the depository services contract to First State Bank for a three-year period, with an optional two-year renewal, for a total estimated cost of $24,613. A copy of the information provided is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Award of bid to Saber Development Corporation for the installation of a lift station to serve Dove Estates Subdivision. The sanitary sewer generated from the Dove Estates subdivision flows to a treatment plant located on Peninsula Drive. Once the sanitary sewer is treated at the plant, the sanitary sewer is discharged into Lake Grapevine. The treatment plant requires daily maintenance to operate, especially due to its dilapidated condition. Furthermore, the aeration pumps in the treatment plant are loud while operating and disturb surrounding residences. The lift station will replace the existing treatment plant. The lift station will pump the sewer from Dove Estates subdivision in a force main into a gravity sewer line located in Lonesome Dove Estates. The force main was previously constructed as part of the contract to reconstruct Lake Drive. This contract will also include demolishing and removal of the treatment plant once the lift station has been installed. The FY 1999-00 CIP budget appropriated $300,000 for the engineering and construction of the lift station to serve Dove Estates. The city received three bids with the low bid from Saber Development Corporation of Dallas for the amount of $167,473. The bids were substantially lower than the estimated construction cost because some of the improvements originally planned and estimated for the contract were constructed as part of the Lake Drive reconstruction contract. Resolution No. 00-25, Appointing an Acting City Manager. Shana Yelverton was recommended for acting city manager by former City Manager Curtis Hawk and approved by the City Council in December 1993. Section 4.15 of the Home Rule Charter provides the guidelines for appointing an Acting City Manager. The City Manager, after taking office, is required to designate an Acting City Manager Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 6 subject to approval by the City Council. An acting City Manager would serve in the capacity of city manager during such times as vacation, illness, disability, or other instances of extended leave. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an interlocal cooperation agreement for fire protection services between Denton County and the City of $outhlake. The City of Southlake provides twenty-four hour emergency fire service for the residents of Southlake. The City's fire department crew are also called upon to respond to surrounding cities for mutual aid. This is a reciprocal agreement with our neighboring agencies. This agreement is for mutual aid in Denton County. For the interlocal agreement to apply, the call must take place in the unincorporated area of Denton County. Currently the City of Southlake does not have unincorporated areas in Denton County. Historically this contract has not produce significant revenues, however, the interlocal agreement does provide direction and structure in the event Southlake fire crews answer calls in Denton County. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional service agreement with BWR Corporation for engineering design of South Kimball from F.M. 1709 to Crooked Lane. Authorizing the execution of an engineering services agreement with BWR Corporation for design and plans preparation for paving and drainage improvements on South Kimball Avenue, from F.M. 1709 to Crooked Lane. South Kimball Avenue from F.M. 1709 to Crooked Lane is presently a two-lane, asphalt roadway. On the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan, South Kimball Avenue is a four-lane divided arterial. The City plans to construct South Kimball Avenue from Crooked Lane south to Heritage Business Park during the year 2000. Those construction plans are being prepared at this time. CISD plans to construct an intermediate school and middle school on the west side of South Kimball Avenue between F.M. 1709 and Crooked Lane, with the first school to open for use August 2001. BWR Consulting Engineers was one of the top three finns considered for the program management of the Traffic Management Bond Program. BWR has proposed a total fee of $218,035 which includes design and plan preparation and geo-technical testing. Funds are provided in FY 99-00 CIP. The engineer's construction cost estimate is $2,000,000. Award of contract with I & C Sales, Inc. for SCADA improvements at the booster pump station on T.W. King Road. The ground storage tank and booster pump station located on T.W. King Road is complete. Prior to placing the tank in service, revisions need to be made to the City's computer monitoring system to incorporate improvements into the system. This computer monitoring system is called a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. SCADA allows the water department to monitor and control the water distribution system from the Public Works Center via a computer. The SCADA improvements were included in the CIP budget for the booster pump station improvements. However, due to the specialization required for the installation of SCADA improvements, the SCADA improvements were not included as part of the contract for the installation of the booster pump station. The CIP budget included $3,110,000 for Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 7 5-1. the engineering and construction of the ground storage tank and booster pump station on T.W. King Road. The approved engineering and construction cost is $3,146,800. The amount of the contract with I & C Sales, Inc., is $30,000. The total cost of the T.W. King tank and pump station site is $3,176,800, which is $66,800 above the budgeted amount. Resolution No. 00-22, Supporting federal funding to Northeast Transportation Service (NETS). The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) initially eliminated operating assistance for those areas with a population greater than 200,000. This created a hardship for those suburban cities that are not members of either transit authority in the region (DART or the Fort Worth T), and who provide critical transit service for the elderly and disabled. House Resolution 1257, the Transit Fairness Act of 1999, was introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives by Congressman Martin Frost in April 1999. This legislation allows a Metropolitan Planning Organization (IVIPO) to program up to 5 percent of the annual allocation of Urbanized Area Formula Program Funds specifically for elderly and disabled transit operating assistance. Passage of the legislation would benefit the Northeast Transportation Service (NETS), of which the City of Southlake also contributes. NETS also services the cities of North Richland Hills, Richland Hills, Bedford, Colleyville, Euless, Grapevine, Haltom City, Hurst, and Keller. Resolution No. 00-22, expresses support of House Resolution No. 1257, the Transit Fairness Act of 1999. Resolution No. 00-28, Authorizing the City Attorney to bring a condemnation action for the purpose of obtaining right-of-way at White Chapel Boulevard and F.M. ! 709 for use by the City. Construction plans are being prepared for the intersection improvements for White Chapel Boulevard at F.M. 1709. A strip of right of way along the west side of White Chapel Boulevard at the southwest comer of White Chapel Boulevard and F.M. 1709 has been identified as being necessary to acquire to accommodate these improvements. It is the City's plan to have the improvements completed by August 2000. Utilities must be relocated along the west side of White Chapel Boulevard in order for these improvements to be completed. The City's real estate agent has been attempting to acquire this strip of right-of-way since January 2000. The property has been appraised. The City has offered Mr. Steve Church, representing the property owner, $90,025 for the strip of right-of-way, and Mr. Church has indicated that he is not willing to sell the right-of-way. The City has exhausted all efforts to obtain the right-of-way and staff recommends proceeding with the condemnation action. Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Chick-ill-A, Inc., located at 2301 East Southlake Boulevard. Chick-ill-A, Inc., has a restaurant under construction at the subject address. The sign contains 24 square feet in area. Due to the building dimensions, the ordinance would permit 35 square feet on the north front elevation and 79 square feet on the west side elevation. Other proposed signs on the property comply with the sign ordinance and are not a part of this request. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 8 Ordinance No. 480-326, 2na Reading, (ZA 99-138), Rezoning on property legally described as Tract 20 situated in the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract 992, and being approximately 2 acres. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District with a requested zoning of "SF-1B" Single Family Residential District. Applicant: Linnie McAdams. O~ner: Linnia Johnson. This item was tabled to the April 4, 2000 City Council meeting at the request of the applicant. 10-C. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement allowing a twenty-foot parking encroachment on City property for EPIPD-Crossroads Square, L.P. (Tom Thumb). This item was tabled to the March 21, 2000 City Council meeting. 10-D. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement allowing a parking encroachment and "no-build" area on City property for EPIDP-Crossroads Square, L.P. (Tom Thumb). This item was tabled to the March 21, 2000 City Council meeting. Agenda Item #6, Public Forum No comments were made during the public forum from the audience. Agenda Item #7-E, Ordinance No. 480-331, 2nd Reading, (ZA 99-141) Ordinance No. 480-331, 2nd Reading, (ZA 99-141), Rezoning on property legally described as Tract 5C situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, and being approximately 7.939 acres. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District with a requested zoning of "RE" Residential Estate District. Owners and Applicants: Ted and Lesley Holt. No presentation was made during the meeting, however, let the record reflect that twenty (20) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and three (3) responses were received from: Sam and Frances Burnett, 921 South White Chapel Boulevard, in favor, "The Holt's plan to build a nice home and this would improve the area; "Randy G. Colvin, 310 Silverwood Circle, Southlake, in favor; Sharon Washington, 7300 Hix Court, Colleyville, no comment, "We no longer own Tract 5C of the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581." PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public heating. Motion was made to approve the 2n{l Reading of Ordinance No. 480-331, (ZA 99-141). Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall DuPre Kendall, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, Moffat, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 9 Agenda Item gl0-A, Design Concepts for Peytonville Avenue on the North Side of F.M. 1709 Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas presented this item noting that the Master Thoroughfare Plan shows the ultimate section of Peytonville Avenue to be five lanes including a left turn lane for the first 700 feet north of F.M. 1709. The Traffic Management Bond Program includes constructing Peytonville Avenue on the north side of F.M. 1709 to the ultimate section (5 lanes) for the first 400 feet. In performing the design for the intersection on the north side, the design engineer had traffic counts taken to confirm the volume of traffic during peak hours and the split in movements (right turn, left turn and straight ahead) for this volume. It is also the design engineer's recommendation that the ultimate section be built at this time. During the design and construction plan preparation, property owners in the Myers Meadows subdivision that back up to the right of way of North Peytonville Avenue, requested that the City only construct four lanes on the north side of F.M. 1709 and leave a 24-foot wide parkway between the west curb line of North Peytonville Avenue and the west right-of-way line, which is their east property line. They also have requested that the City have TXU place the power lines along the west right-of-way line underground when their power lines have to be relocated for the reconstruction of North Peytonville Avenue. Mr. Thomas stated that the present design is for five lanes including a left turn. There is a 15-foot wide parkway along the west side of North Peytonville Avenue. The present design calls for the planting of trees along the west parkway behind the property ownem' property to provide for some mitigation of tree losses and provide screening from the commercial property along the east side of North Peytonville Avenue. Having the electric power line in that area underground will be a benefit to the trees, as they would not be growing up into the electric wires. TXU is obligated to relocate their power line for the reconstruction of North Peytonville Avenue, but have determined that it would cost the City $35,000 to place the power lines underground for the distance necessary for the reconstruction of North Peytonville Avenue. Mr. Thomas stated the property owners in Myers Meadows subdivision are requesting the City limit the reconstruction of North Peytonville Avenue intersection improvements to four lanes on the north side of F.M. 1709 and require TXU to relocate the power lines along the west side underground. Richard L. Ridings, Vice President, HNTB Corporation, 512 Main Street, Ste. 1200, Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. Ridings stated HNTB reviewed the Southlake Master Thoroughfare Plan recent volume counts and future projections for the transportation level of service required to safely and efficiently manage traffic at the intersection of Peytonville Avenue and Southlake Boulevard in the City of Southlake. He stated, "It is our professional opinion that the 1997 Master Thoroughfare Plan's designation of Peytunville Avenue as an A5U arterial, undivided four through lanes and a continuous left turn lane, is the most appropriate designation. We further recommend that the City implement the improvement of this intersection as approved by the citizens in a public election as rapidly as possible." Mr. Ridings stated the level of service (LOS) for an intersection Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 10 and/or a roadway generally describes how well a roadway or intersection handles peak traffic volumes as well as off peak travel times and conditions. To develop the ideal LOS for the Peytonville Avenue-Southlake Boulevard requires a minimum of two through lanes in each direction and a continuous left turn lane. This is teamed with Southlake Boulevard which requires three through lanes (includes deceleration lane), dual left tums from west bound Southlake Boulevard to South Peytonville Avenue, and a continuous left turn from east bound Southlake Boulevard to North Peytonville Avenue. Peak traffic counts, as well as observation of the interchange during peak periods, confirms that trafftc will move more safety and efficiently through this interchange if this design is implemented. Mr. Ridings stated to delay the construction of the west southbound lane could have the following impact: · Construction costs would be greater due to small contract quantities; · Costs would escalate possibly in excess of inflation, exceeding the amount allocated from the bond issuance and requiring alternative funding sources; · Furore timing of the construction may occur past the designated LOS, resulting in excessive delays at the intersection and impaired driving conditions; · Waiting until the LOS is impacted and the traffic is greater creates a challenging construction environment and unsafe working conditions and challenging driving conditions; · There will be two construction periods, impacting the school, businesses, and residences and drivers twice rather than once; · Defeat the purpose to improve the efficiency of the intersection and the traffic flow onto F.M. 1709. It would affect the alignment of the lanes and the intersection signalization. Mr. Ridings recommended that City Council move as quickly as possible with all the lanes as shown on the plans. He stated, "If the City Council waits, there will be more congestion and it will drive the costs up. We have plenty of right-of-way at this time to build this roadway." Councilmember Debra Edmondson had questions about landscaping and asked Mr. Ridings if any preliminary cost estimates had been done regarding this? She asked if estimates included a berm or just landscaping? Mr. Ridings said the landscaping will be heavy landscaping. They have completed some preliminary cost estimates and they believe that the budget will be enough to include the landscaping. He stated the estimate does not include the landscaping that is being planned as part of the trail project. Councilmember Rex Potter asked about the median and whether or not it had a cut- through. Ridings said the median is a "flush painted median." Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 11 Councilmember Wayne Moffat asked Mr. Ridings what the down side was or if there was a down side to this plan? Mr. Ridings expressed the concerns of the property owners on the west side of Peytonville Avenue, and suggested one might see that as a down side. To offset the down side, they planned the heavy landscaping between the properties and the roadway to buffer the roadway and the sign. Councilmember Rex Potter had questions about the utilities, and asked if they were talking about the utilities from F.M. 1709 and if they would be underground? Mr. Thomas stated they were talking about underground utilities and the distance is about 600 feet. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated she had conflicting answers regarding the berm. She stated, "We talked about a berm and about the 15' right-of-way at one of the SPIN meetings because we are going to move the dirt around anyway. How high can we get the berm? Within the 15' because of the sloping?" Mr. Ridings stated, "We have not designed a berm. Generally if you try to put a berm in there and you determine to place evergreen type low growth, low maintenance plants around it, you can go as steep as 4:1 without a lot of difficulty. If you go 4:1 and over seven feet, then you can get two to three feet high and have an easily maintained berm. If you go higher, it continues to drive the costs up. The berm should shield the lights from the gas station and the commercial area." Councilmember Patsy DuPre questioned, "We are talking about putting in underground utilities. Have we done that any place else in Southlake recently?" Mr. Riding stated this has not been done to his knowledge. He stated there are places around the city where the developers have paid extra to get the utilities underground. Councilmember Potter stated he has been asked by several people lately, why we don't require underground utilities, and he stated he is hoping the city will revise the ordinance to require underground utilities in the future. Councilmember DuPre stated she is not opposed to underground utilities, but just wondered why we hadn't done it much in the past. Councilmember Kendall asked Deputy Director of Public Safety [Police Services] Gary Gregg what kind of issues he's had with this intersection? Director Gregg stated, "I have heard the comments made here tonight by Councilmember DuPre and the consultant, and one of the issues we are faced with is the traffic going south. There are only about twenty-five parking spaces left in the high school parking lot, so that backs the traffic up onto Peytonville Avenue. So that backs the entire intersection which stops the traffic from going." He commented on other incidents that take place because of the traffic at peak hours, including the fact of the traffic cutting through on Corporate Drive through the parking lot and back out into the traffic on Peytonville Avenue. Mr. Riding stated one of the things they were looking at was whether or not that roadway should be striped or whether it should be set for a fight mm. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated, "That is what we are talking about here is striping, and in no way are we making a commitment because I wouldn't do that. We are Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 12 making a commitment to make that a straight or right turn lane. We are going to watch it; we are going to leave the door open, and if we need it, it might become a right turn only. All it is, is a matter of painting." Councilmember Gary Fawks commented that he felt we are setting up a potential for stacking in that area. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Stan Key, 105 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Mr. Key commented that he was opposed to the configuration being proposed. He wanted to see four lanes. Lane Jeffrey& 104 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Did not wish to speak but expressed opposition to what was being proposed. Misti Jeffrey& 104 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Did not wish to speak but expressed opposition to what was being proposed. Steve Freeman, 113 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Mr. Freeman stated his home backs up to Peytonville Avenue and stated he does not have the information on the traffic counts that Council has, but he does have a lot of observation which he feels carries a lot of credit. He spoke regarding the morning commute. He stated there are issues with the morning high school traffic. He said there was a major problem with people cutting across F.M. 1709 to get to the high school. He spoke of traffic cutting through the commercial property. Mr. Freeman said he felt this change, with the changes made to the traffic lights, is not necessary. He expressed concerns with the children who walk to high school and the impact the proposed change would have on this. Leanne Clift, 1804 Redwing Court, Southlake. Ms. Cliff expressed she was opposed to the widening of North Peytonville Avenue to five lanes. Darlene Angelico, 1807 Redwing Court, Southlake. Ms. Angelico expressed she was opposed to the widening of North Peytonville Avenue to five lanes. Linda Charters, 205 Killdeer Trail, Southlake. Ms. Charters expressed that she was opposed to the widening &North Peytonville Avenue to five lanes. Laura Atwell, 1903 Hay Meadow Court, Southlake. Ms. Atwell expressed that she was opposed to the widening of North Peytonville Avenue to five lanes. Murtazaali Natalwaua, 103 Killdeer, Southlake. Mr. Natalwaua stated he was most affected by this design concept. He said he was not in favor of five lanes and felt four lanes was adequate. Mr. Natalwaua noted he has seven children who play in the back yard of his home and this would be fifteen feet fi.om the proposed roadway. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 13 Dorothy Young, 1903 Red Ceder Court, Southlake. Ms. Young stated she was the vice- president of the Board of Directors of the Myers Meadows Homeowners Association. She said the homeowners are opposed to commercial around them and also the Peytonville area expansion. She stated she feels the City should be ashamed for approving a development such as this in such close proximity to the residential area. She noted all the new commercial developments that have been approved near Myers Meadows. She said they were asking for relief from these types of commercial developments and asked that they he more equally placed throughout the community. They are asking that Peytonville Avenue be four lanes instead of the proposed five lanes. Jackt'e Mayfield, 1055 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Mayfield stated he did not wish to speak, but was in favor of the proposed Peytonville Avenue expansion. He asked that the City Council please improve the streets. Debbie Engler-Key, 105 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Ms. Engler-Key stated by expanding the road, [it] will put the road fifteen feet from their home. The pool is right behind Peytonville Avenue and this would be loss of privacy for them. She stated they have traveled this road and reviewed the problem daily and felt the problem only lasts for one hour per day. She stated she feels this improvement would cost them twenty-four hours a day of more traffic. Jim Mouser, 1902 Hay Meadow Court, Southlake. Mr. Mouser indicated he was opposed to widening of Peytonville Avenue to five lanes, but would support the four-lane improvement. Rolando Murillo, 107 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Mr. Murillo stated he was surprised to see this item on the agenda. He stated if the City Council were there, they would see that the congestion is only one hour per day. He stated his biggest concern was his five children in the back yard and that his home is only three houses from F.M. 1709. The main concern was that the roadway would be so close to his back yard and the safety of his children are at risk. The traffic is not there all day long, only for one hour per day. He was opposed to the proposed improvements. Phil Constans, 106 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Mr. Constans did not care to speak but indicated he was opposed to five lanes. Tony DeMarko, 107 Swallow Court, Southlake. Mr. DeMarko stated he lived in Myers Meadows since it was built and that he was opposed to the expansion. He commented on a statement made by Gary Gregg. He was opposed for the same reasons that have been made earlier. Mr. Murtazaali Natalwaua presented a petition signed by 150 residents in the area that are opposed to the five lanes of traffic on Peytonville Avenue. Mayor Stacy stated he appreciated all of the people there and stated he knew they were sincere or they wouldn't be there. He stated he appreciated the way they Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 14 conducted themselves. Widening roads are the most controversial thing that the City Council has to deal with, but it is also the most important. The situation facing the Council was that the citizens of this commtmity passed a $24 million bond to fix the roads, so they need to fix them. Mr. Ridings stated it would not work to change the configuration of the lanes as proposed. If it remains four lanes, it will be comparable to what we have right now and it would not work. Councilmember Patsy DuPre asked Mr. Ridings to share with the audience what would happen if they did four lanes instead of five lanes and did delay the ultimate build out, which as she is sure the Myers Meadows folks know, and everybody else knows, when, we did the bond package. The diagrams were made available to everybody who wanted to vote and the diagram shows the side streets and what Council is proposing right now. She asked Mr. Ridings to explain to the audience what would happen if Cotmcil did only four lanes now and the rest later. Mr. Ridings responded. Councilmember Rex Potter asked if Council could do the other things first and see what happens? Charlie Thomas stated, "To get the project done by the time school starts, you have to do it all at one time. Once the intersection is built, we will do a study to determine how to sign it." Councilmember Debra Edmondson asked about the landscaping and asked if the TMP Bond committee wanted input from the residents? Councilmember Ronnie Kendall responded to Edmondson's comment and stated, "We thought they would be so happy to have that shield from the gas station. We have had several meetings with the general public and then we had a SPIN meeting and invited four or five SPIN groups." Kendall stated, "I would like to say, and I know my fellow Councilmembers are tired of me saying this, but when I ran for Council, traffic flow and road improvements were high on my priority list. I was so proud when Council agreed with me to bring forth a traffic management bond program and I was even happier when the public agreed with an 85% approval to improve these intersections. Councilmember DuPre handed out an information leaflet that showed the diagrams and we had town hall SPIN meetings and we talked about what the intersections were going to look like, and I even went on cable television to sell this program. I think it is important, but when I hear that residents are unhappy and there is going to be an impact on them -- red flags start going up for me. So, when I heard that the residents that back up to Peytonville Avenue had concerns, I started asking the questions to the engineers -- can we do four lanes and why can't we -- and for every question I asked, they had a good answer why we couldn't. I think we have discussed it and looked at it and as a member of the bond steering committee; I put forth a recommendation to Council that we make it five lanes. Especially if we shorten that right mm lane we are going to have miminal affect on the two homes that back up to the extra lane. We are talking fifteen feet where we are going Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 15 to add berms and trees and put the utilities underground. That is my opinion, and that is how I look at it." A lady got up and spoke saying she was from the homeowners association of Myers Meadows and Council was interested to know if she spoke for the homeowners overall. Kendall continued, "I find it interesting that the residents of Myers Meadows and Cross Timber Hills and off Peytonville would not want to see this intersection improved. I don't know how I can justify to the taxpayers that we are getting ready to spend $1 million dollars on this intersection and have someone call me and say I can't turn right off Peytonville Avenue. I would not know how to answer that person. My recommendation to my fellow Councilmembers is that we approve this with the five lanes, with berm, and trees, and underground utilities." Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated she was on the Traffic Management Bond Steering Committee with Ronnie and she missed some of the meetings [and the SPIN meeting] because she was out town. "I also, when nmning for Council, encouraged people to support the Traffic Management Bond Program." DuPre stated, "I really am sonny that this will impact the neighbors in Myers Meadows, and if we could change the way things were done, we never would have had that neighborhood built right up against the road. I strongly feel as Ronnie does and other Councilmember do, that we are trying to improve the traffic situations in Southlake and one of the ways we can do this is to improve the side street intersections and we asked the citizens to vote for what it would be and five lanes is what it would be and I'm sorry it will impact those neighbors, but I support this." Motion was made to approve the design concept for Peytonville Avenue on the north side of F.M. 1709 as shown tonight, with the shortened right turn lane [250'], width of 15' to the west of the pavement. I move to add berms, trees, and that the City Council spend $35,000 of the bond money to put the utilities underground. Motion: Kendall Second: DuPre Councilmember Fawks stated a number of the residents asked him if Council could shorten the right mm lane to make the intersection as small as possible. Fawks commented, "Based on all the information we were given; I feel we have gone as far as we could go. We have moved it as far to the east as we possibly can and we used the least amount of right-of-way that we possibly can and I'm convinced that we have gone as far as we can go and still have an affective intersection." Councilmember Edmondson stated she agreed with Fawks and that this was something that was overwhelmingly approved by the voters. She stated she understood Myers Meadows [homeowners] fi'ustration, not only with some parts of the issue, but she though with the landscaping and berming and spending money on underground utilities, it would help those residents who backed up to Peytonville Avenue. So far as the gas station, and other things, Edmondson stated, "There are other issues out there that I think the residents can count on Council to support them as discussed previously." Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 16 Councilmember Rex Potter asked if there was an area for landscaping on the east side of Peytonville Avenue?" The response was that the area has been taken up. Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Moffat, Edmondson, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-A, Resolution No. 99-24, (ZA 00-002)~ SUP for "Art in the Square" Resolution No. 99-24, (ZA 00-002), Specific Use Permit for special events associated with "Art In The Square" on property legally described as Southlake Town Square, Phase I, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 4892 and 4893, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being approximately 42.013 acres. The events are sponsored by Southlake Town Square and the Southlake Women's Club and will be held on April 28, 29 and 30, 2000, in Family Park and Rustin Park Pavilion. Current zoning is "NR-PUD" Non-residential Planned Unit Development to include "C-3" General Commercial District uses. Applicant: Southlake Town Square. Owner: City of Southlake. No presentation was given on this agenda item. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Councilmember Debra Edmondson stated, "I am a member of the Women's Club and I have to say that this is really a great group of women and they accomplish a lot, too. I have followed the "Art In The Square" and I think it will be a stellar event in the City and it will be another event that will set Southlake aside as a place where good things happen." She thanked members of the Women's Club who were in the audience. Mayor Stacy stated he wished he could be a member of the Women's Club and was proud that the event was going to be in Town Square! Councilmember Ronnie Kendall agreed with everything that Debra said and that the list of beneficiaries was quit impressive. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 99-24, as presented. Motion: Fawks Second: Potter Ayes: Fawks, Potter, Kendall, Moffat, Dui>re, Edmondson, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote nd Agenda Item #7-B, Ordinance No. 480-321, 2 Readings (ZA 99-108), Rezoning and Revised Concept Plan for St. Martin-In-The-Fields Episcopal Church Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 17 Ordinance No. 480-321, 2nd Reading, (ZA 99-108), Rezoning and Revised Concept Plan for St. Martin-In-The-Fields Episcopal Church, on property legally described as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, St. Martin-In-The-Fields Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tan'ant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1346, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 11.8 acres. Current zoning is "CS" Commtmity Service District with a requested zoning of "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "CS" Community Service District uses. Applicant: GSBS Batgenhorst, Inc. Owner: St. Martin-In-The-Fields Episcopal Church. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting that seven (7) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and one (1) response was received from: Ranch Land Leasing Co. Inc., 216, Warbler Court, Bedford, no comment. Sam Jones, applicant for the Church. Mr. Jones was present to answer questions of Council. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-321, 2nd Reading, subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated February 11, 2000; incorporating the prior motion of the City Council and accepting the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: DuPre Kendall DuPre, Kendall, Moffat, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-C, Ordinance No. 773, 2nd Reading~ Abandonment and Quitclaim of a portion of Old North Carroll Avenue to Juergen Strunck. Director of Public Works Ron Harper stated on June 1, 1999, the City of Southlake abandoned several portions of old North Carroll Avenue in the area of the relocated North Carroll Avenue. Juergen Stnmck and Cooper and Stebbins had a separate agreement in which Cooper and Stebbins would deed property to Mr. Stnmck. Because of this agreement, the City did not need to take action regarding the abandonment of the read to Mr. Strunck. Mr. Strunck is in the process of perfecting his title and the title company [Rattikin Title] has requested this Quitclaim Deed. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 773, 2nd Reading. Motion: Edmondson Second: DuPre Ayes: Edmondson, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, and Stacy Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 18 Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-D, Ordinance bio. 480-330~ 2~a Reading, (ZA 99-132) Rezoning and Site Plan for Carroll I.S.D. No. 6 Addition Ordinance No. 480-330, 2nd Reading, (ZA 99-132), Rezoning and Site Plan for Carroll I.S.D. No. 6, Addition, on property legally described as Tracts lB and 3, situated in the C.B. McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013, and being approximately 42.424 acres of land. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District with a requested zoning of "S-P-l" Detailed Site Plan District with "CS" Community Service District uses including transportation facility and stadium. Applicant: Cheatham & Associates. Owner: Carroll I.S.D. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting fourteen (14) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and nine (9) responses were received: · Jack Lovette, Southlake Cornerstone Business Park, 13154 Coit Road, Ste. 102, Dallas. "Undecided"; · Ralph Segars, 11560 Hillguard Road, Dallas, in favor; · Johnny Beech, 701 Whispering Woods, Southlake, undecided; · Louis J. Kaposta, 2311 Crooked Lane, Southlake, opposed; · Iva Lee Johnson, 720 Whispering Wood Circle, Southlake, opposed; · Pamela Mordson, 710 whispering Wood Cimle, Southlake, opposed; · Bobby Stmempler, 700 whispering Wood Circle, Southlake, opposed. · Juanita Sapp, 317 Crooked Lane, Southlake, opposed. A letter with eight (8) signatures was received on February 3, 2000 listing the neighborhood concerns. A petition with seventeen (17) signatures was received on March 3, 2000. During the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on February 3, 2000 the motion was outlined in the Staff Report dated March 3, 2000; as well as the motion made during the City Council meeting held on February 15, 2000. Brent Kline, TMP Consultants, 860 West Airport Freeway, Bedford, Texas. Mr. Kline was present and discussed the cost of fencing for Council. Councilmember Patsy DuPre asked Mr. Kline if they got a parking agreement with the property owners. Dr. Gillum responded that he did not have an agreement. PUBLIC HEARING: Lou Kaposta, 2311 Crooked Lane, Southlake. Mr. Kaposta stated he is the property owner to the west. Mr. Kaposta stated he is alright with the plan but would agree as they expand with the parking plan. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 19 Pamela Morrison, 710 Whispering Wood Circles, Southlake. Ms. Morrison addressed the curfew issue end expressed concerns with events held by other then the CISD or City end asked that they be limited. Jeff Wang, 595 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Weng stated his concern about Councilmember Kendall's statement about not having enough money to build the street, noting, they cannot handle the stadium or the schools on South Kimball at this time. He asked the City to address the road issue end stated he felt they should not issue certificates of occupency on the structures until the street is ready. Ira Lee Johnson, 720 Whispering Woods Circle, Southlake. Ms. Johnson stated she wanted a brick fence end felt it would be safer and felt the CISD could get enough money to get her a brick fence. Bobby Strumpler, 700 Whispering Woods Circle, Southlake. Mr. Stmmpler stated he felt the school should continue the fence around his property [west end south side of the school property]. Councilmember Debra Edmondson stated that if this was a private developer, there would be no question that the City would require them to put in a brick fence. But this is enother governmental entity and the City has no control about what they do or don't do. Lowell Morrison, 710 Whispering Woods Circle, Southlake. Mr. Mon-ison discussed the curfew issues end stated regarding the fence issue, he felt as Ms. Johnson did, that the school should put in a brick fence if it makes Ms. Johnson feel safer to be in her home. Councilmember Debra Edmondson confirmed with Dr. Gillum that the noise levels at the school stadium would not exceed the noise levels in the City ordinence. Dr. Gillum stated that is correct. Councilmember Patsy DuPre questioned Mr. Morrison about the curfew issue stating, "Are you saying that you do not went to let the City use the facility under the same stipulations as the school district?" If the Council doesn't feel it would limit some of the joint use issues, she would be comfortable with that. Councilmember Gary Fawks encouraged the property owners who spoke tonight to go to the school board and express their concerns. Motion was made to approve ZA 99-132, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated February 11, 2000; incorporating all of the requirements of the motion made during first reading; end further requiring that no activities requiring stadium lights or auditory speakers will be allowed between 11:00 p.m. end 8:00 a.m.; and that no games be allowed to start after 10:00 p.m.; Subject to the revised Site Plen that was presented this evening; end clarifying slats be added on all of Mr. Kaposta's fence. Motion: Fawks Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 20 Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Edmondson Fawks, Edmondson, Potter, Kendall, Moffat, DuPre, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Council adjourned for recess at 9:30 p.m. Council returned to open session at 9:40 p.m. Agenda Item #7-F, Resolution No. 00-23, (ZA 99-107) Specific Use Permit for the Texas School of Baseball Resolution No. 00-23, (ZA 99-107), Specific Use Permit per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (II) for the Texas School of Baseball (an indoor baseball facility and outdoor fields for instruction and entertainment) subject to the conditions established in Resolution No. 94-39 with a request for six (6) bleacher sets on property described as Lot 4R, Block 1, Greenlee Business Park, Phase I, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1930 Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 12.678 acres. A Concept Plan will be considered with this request. Current zoning is "I-1" Light Industrial District. Applicant: Texas School of Baseball. Owners: David and Beverly Thorne. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting that twelve (12) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and four (4) written responses were received from: Johnny Beech, 2050 Crooked Lane, Southlake, in favor; James Lunsford, Trustee, P.O. Box 1685 Dallas, in favor; Suzy Unumb, 2713 Derby Court, Southlake, in favor; Carly 14~ashburn, 2060 East Continental Boulevard, Southlake, opposed. A petition with 245 names was received from outside the 200' notification area in favor. One (1) response was received from outside the 200' notification area from Vicki Humphrey, 1008 Brazos, Southlake, in favor. Beverly Thorne, owner-operator of Texas School of Baseball. Ms. Thorne explained the bleachers to Council noting she was requesting them because the residents are requesting them. She stated the bleachers are called, "Tip & Roll" because they are portable. She stated what happens now is not very safe as the grandparents of the boys are carrying the fold-up chairs and that is not safe for them, nor for the parents with strollers. She stated they now have bleachers inside the building and want to put them outside. She stated the bleachers are "OSHA" approved. PUBLIC HEARING: Marty Goldsmith, a Southlake resident. Mr. Goldsmith commented on the way the baseball school was structured. He asked for support of the bleachers being put outside. Foust Lacy, 2801 Brookshire Drive, Southlake. Mr. Lacy stated the school of baseball joins his property. He supports the bleachers and commented that we need the facility for Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 21 our kids. There is no problems with the school. He stated, "Lets make it comfortable for the people to watch baseball." Dennis Minder, 223 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Mr. Minder stated he lives in the Woodland Heights subdivision and speaks for the homeowners association. Mr. Minder referenced the original approval given to the School of Baseball and commented that one of the conditions of the original approval was that there would be no bleachers. He stated he felt if the people who go to watch the games are comfortable, they will hang around longer. In the beginning, they were approved for certain things, and they violate most of the original conditions. He asked for relief and asked that this resolution not be approved. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall asked if a "zoning sign" was put on the property for this case? The answer was "yes." Councilmember Rex Potter stated he was concerned about the allegations that were made by Mr. Minder regarding the violations to the original conditions. Councilmember Gary Fawks asked Mrs. Thorne if she would comply with the original requirements and stipulations of the school? Mrs. Thorne said, "yes". Motion was made to approve ZA 99-107, giving approval for six sets of bleachers to be placed outside at the school as requested. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall DuPre Kendall, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, Moffat, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-G, ZA 99-135, Site Plan for Timarron Country Club ZA 99-135, Site Plan for Timarron Country Club, on property legally described as Lots 3R1 & 3R2, Block 1, Timarron Golf Course, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2988, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 12.606 acres. Current zoning is "R- PUD"Residential Planned Unit Development District. Applicant: Chris Consultants, Inc. Owner: Timarron Land Corporation. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting that eight (8) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and three (3) responses were received fi.om: Steve Yetts, 1207 South White Chapel Boulevard, in favor; Melba M. Stewart 1505 Byron Nelson Parkway, Southlake, in favor; and Gerald Kovalic, 1503 Byron Nelson Parkway, Southlake, in favor. Mr. Carpenter noted that on February 17, 2000 the Planning and Zoning Commission approved this case with a 5-0 vote. Joseph Crews, Chris Consultants, Inc., 1520 Airport Freeway, Irving. Mr. Crews was present to answer questions of Council. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 22 PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Councilmember Rome Kendall asked Council, "If I would ask the five things the City needs most, I feel Council would respond that it would be meeting rooms." By Timarron adding onto this space, they would be providing meeting rooms for some groups. There would be private rooms for lunches, and two large meeting rooms. She stated she felt this was a great thing for Southlake and overall, they are an asset to the city. Councilmember DuPre stated the Greater Southlake Women's Society had an art auction, their first big fund raiser, and next year they could fill it up again with twice the size group. Motion was made to approve ZA 99-135, Site Plan for Timarron Country Club, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated February 11, 2000; following the recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall Edmondson Kendall, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, Moffat, DuPre, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-H, ZA 99-136, Site Plan for Lot 2~ Block B, Hart Industrial Park ZA 99-136, Site Plan for Lot 2, Block B, Hart Industrial Park, on property legally described as Lot 2, Block B, Hart Industrial Park, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-217, Page 61, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 0.996 acres of land. Current zoning is "I-1" Light Industrial District. Applicant: Kaker & Ware, Inc. Owner: Spence Corporation. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting that eight (8) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and one (1) response was received from: Gerald Boyle, 3301 Westover Court, Grapevine, in favor. Mike Ware, 1001 South Northwest Highway, Grapevine. Mr. Ware was present to answer questions of Council. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 99-136, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, Dated February 11, 2000; incorporating the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion: DuPre Second: Edmondson Ayes: DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, Stacy Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 23 Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-I, Ordinance No. 480-329, 2"a Reading (ZA 99-124), Rezoning and Site Plan for Radiolog~ Associates of Tarrant County Ordinance No. 480-329, 2nd Reading, (ZA 9~-124), Rezoning and Site Plan for Radiology Associates of Tarrant County, on property legally described as a portion of Tract 5D2 situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and being approximately 1.126 acres. Current zoning is "R-P.U.D." No. 1, Timarron. Requested zoning is "S-P-l" Detailed Site Plan District with "O-1" Office District uses and the "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District use of health service facilities. Applicant: Southlake Imaging, L.L.C. Owner: Westerra-Timarron, L.P. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter made the presentation noting that six (6) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and one (1) written response was received from: Robert Stevenson, 2113 Taxco, Carrollton, Texas, in favor. Mr. Carpenter noted that the first reading was approved on February 1, 2000 and on February 15, 2000 the second reading was tabled at the request of the applicant to this meeting. Terry Wilkinson, Wyndham Properties, 751 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake. Mr. Wilkinson reviewed the changes for Council stating there were two elevations shown. One of them conforms to all articulation requirements and the other was changed at the request of Council. He stated that one plan had a shared driveway and the other did not. He stated he needed relief from the following items in the Summary Review Letter: Item #lA [provide minimum driveway spacing, the northern driveway should be 500' from the Byron Nelson intersection], #1 B, [stacking depth] and partially #3 [parking spaces]. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 99-124, subject to the Plan Review Summary No. 4; recognizing the comments made in the motion from the Planning and Zoning Commission; granting the variance requesting the driveway spacing; allowing the variance requested in the driveway intersection to F.M. 1709, stacking depth; and providing partial relief to parking spaces to allow a 10% reduction in parking; and accepting alternate #1 with the shared driveway with the Richards property. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: DuPre Edmondson DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-J, Ordinance No. 764, 2na Reading, Authorizing the Issuance of Certificates of Obligations, Series 2000 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 24 Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton stated that Ordinance No. 764, 2nd Reading, was for the issuance of certificates of obligation for capital improvement projects because the projects are more than the City can fund in one year from the current revenues or other sources of funds. The proceeds from the bonds will be used for street and drainage improvements. Jim Sabonis, First Southwest Company. Mr. Sabonis stated the City is in the process of issuing $45.6 million of debt to fund its fiscal 2000 capital improvement program. This is the largest and most complicated debt implementation program in the City's history. This capital improvement program includes six individual debt issues with six different security pledged. The City is funding every aspect of the City's fiscal 2000 capital needs along with the capital requirements of the Southlake Park Development Corporation, Crime Prevention District and Tax Increment Zone. At the same time, several recent changes and issues have dramatically impacted the strategic and financial future of the City. Mr. Sabonis stated he was pleased to report that final results of the debt implementation program met or exceeded every goal set for minimizing the costs of issuance and interest costs. He commented on the recent bond trip to New York in February 2000 where Mayor Stacy, Councilmember Rome Kendall, City Manager Billy Campbell, Director of Economic Development Greg Last, and Director of Finance Sharen Elam made presentations to six bonding agencies The following summarizes the positive debt issuance process and resulting cost savings that are detailed in the summary of the Bond Sale dated March 7, 2000. · The City's ad valorem tax supported debt ratings of "A+" from Standard & Poors Corporation and "Al" from Moody's Investors Service were affirmed [with very positive public analysis]; · The City's ad valorem tax supported debt received an initial of "AA-" from Fitch IBCA ["AA-"is a notch above the "A+" and "Al" ratings]; The Park Development Corporation's subordinate lien revenue debt received an initial of"BBB+" from Standard & Poors Corporation, "Baal" from Moody's Service and "A-" from Fitch IBCA [the 1996 subordinate lien revenue debt was not invest grade rated]; · The City's ad valorem tax supported debt was qualified for "AAA" municipal bond insurance at the lowest cost ever [19.9 basis points]; · The Park Development Corporation's subordinate lien revenue debt received a qualification for both "AAA" municipal bond insurance and "AAA" surety bond insurance [the 1996 subordinate lien revenue debt was not qualified for bond insurance or a surety bond]. These strategic successes resulted in tangible cost savings for the City. The combined savings due to the reduction of interest cost and costs of issuance on only this fiscal 2000 capital improvement program total $98,358. More importantly, the strategic cost saving successes will reduce the cost of funding future capital needs of the community [approximately $250,000 for every $10 million funded]. Sabonis said, "We congratulate Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 25 the City for the success of the fiscal 2000 debt issuance program and thank you for letting us be a part of the process. We are committed to assist the City in any and all ways possible. Mr. Sabonis continued to explain to the City Council the information provided in the Summary of Bond Sale dated March 7, 2000. Councilmember Gary Gawks thanked Mr. Sabonis and members of the City Council and staff that went on the bond trip. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Councilmember Rex Potter expressed how much he appreciated the new Director of Finance Sharen Elam, and commented on what a good job she was doing for the City of Southlake in the short time she had been with the City. Motion was made to approved Ordinance No. 764, 2"a Reading, in the amount of $3,895,000 for street and drainage improvements, Series 2000. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Fawks DuPre Fawks, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, Kendall, Moffat, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-K, Ordinance No. 765, 2nd Reading, Authorizing the Issuance of Certificates of Obligation, Series 2000-A Ordinance No. 765, 2nd Reading, Authorizing the Issuance of Certificates of Obligation, Series 2000-A, authorizing the issuance of $9,245,000 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2000-A. The original amount was amended to be $9,215,000, according to Ed Esquival, bond counsel. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 765, 2nd Reading, in the amount of $9,215,000. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Potter Fawks Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, DuPre, Edmondson, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 26 Agenda Item #7-L, Ordinance No. 766~ 2na Reading, Authorizing the Issuance of Certificates of Obligation, Series 2000-B Ordinance No. 766, 2nd Reading, Authorizing the Issuance of Certificates of Obligation, Series 2000-B, authorizing the issuance of $11,940,711 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2000-B. The original mount was amended to be $11,925,036.45, according to Ed Esquival, bond counsel. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 766, 2"a Reading, Authorizing the Issuance of Certificates of Obligations, Series 2000-B, in the amount of $11,925,036.45 for Town Hall construction and equipment. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall Potter Kendall, Potter, Fawks, Moffat, DuPre, Edmonds#n, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-M, Ordinance No. 767, 2na Reading, Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series, 2000 In May 1999, the residents of Southlake approved the $24.18 million Traffic Management Bond election, of which $17.3 million will address intersection widening and improvements to facilitate traffic flow along F.M. 1709 and SH 114. Also included, as part of the bond election, was $4.73 million for trail development, connecting City parks and extending north and south, and providing an east/west trail along F.M. 1709. The third component of the bond will provide $2.15 million funding for design enhancements to portions of SH 114 as it is reconstructed. The general obligations are issued by adoption of an ordinance. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 767, 2nd Reading, G.O. Bond Series 2000, in the amount of $13,688,179.20 for projects as noted above. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: DuPre Edmondson DuPre, Edmonds#n, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-N, Ordinance No. 768, 2na Reading~ Authorizing the Issuance of Tax Notes~ Series 2000 The Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Plan in September 1997 outlined the strategies to address public safety issues. The primary and most critical of these Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 27 strategies was to enhance community safety through modem efficient facilities. During fiscal year 1999, the Crime Control District and City Council approved the purchase of the necessary land to build the first public safety facility. The tax note in the amount of $2,690,000 would be dated February 16, with a three-year maturity schedule. The Crime Control District would repay the annual debt service with Crime Control District sales tax collected in subsequent years. The original amount was amended to be $2,660,000, according to Ed Esquival, bond counsel. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 768, 2na Reading, in the amount of $2,660,000 for a westem Department of Public Safety facility. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Potter Fawks Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, DuPre, Edmondson, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-07 Resolution No. 00-30, Authorizing the Issuance of Southlake Parks Development Corporation Sales Tax Subordinate Lien Revenue Bonds~ Series 2000 In order for the sales tax revenue bonds to be issued, the City Council must consider a resolution that approves the SPDC's resolution to issue the bonds. This is required under Section 4B of the Development Corporation Act of 1979. Resolution No. 00-30, also includes a Financing/Use Agreement with SPDC, in which the Board authorized the City to construct projects and to invest and disperse funds in the amount of $4,180,000. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 00-30, authorizing the issuance of Southlake Parks Development Corporation Sales Tax Subordinate Lien Revenue Bonds, Series, 2000 in the amount of $4,180,000. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Edmondson DuPre Edmondson, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item gl0-B, Resolution No. 00-29, Appointments to the P & Z Commission Councilmember Gary Fawks asked for this item to be on the agenda tonight, in that there are two resignations on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Keith Shankland and Ann Creighton have both resigned in order to become candidates on the May 6, 2000 election ballot. Both positions on the Planning and Zoning Commission will expire May 2000. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 28 Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session, Continued Mayor Stacy announced that the City Council would return to executive session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 to deliberate regarding personnel matters. Council adjourned into Executive Session at 10:40 p.m. Council returned to open session at l l :OO p. m. Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was taken as the result of the executive session. Agenda Item #10-B, Resolution No. 00-29, Appointing P&Z members, Continued Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 00-29, naming Pamela Muller to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill an unexpired term to expire in May, 2000. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Fawks Kendall Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, and Stacy None 7-0 vote Agenda Item #12, Adjournment Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the meet~ l~6ab,~ck Stac~~---~ ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand -= City Secretary 71111IIIIIttB\TM Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2000 Page 29 Exhibit A - Joint Use Facilities DISTRICT PROPERTY Carroll Elementary Location 1 Backstop practice area South of Building 2 Soccer practice fields (south of building) South of Building Open Field South of practice field Gym Outside Basketball Courts Durham Elementary /Intermediate Location Gym Office /Storage Gym /Recreation Center Exercise Room Cafetorium 1 Soccer Game Field North of Building 2 Soccer practice fields East of Building 2 Backstop practice areas East of Building Outside Basketball Court South & North End Johnson Elementary Location Backstop practice areas East - behind playground 2 Soccer practice fields (east of building) East- behind playground Gym Open Area North of Building Rockenbaugh Elementary Location 2 Soccer practice fields East of Building 2 Backstop practice areas East of Building Gym Carroll Intermediate Location In -line hockey facility Football field Gym Practice ball field (lighted) West of football field Carroll Middle School Location Gym l Gym 2 Activity Room Gym Office /Storage 2 practice fields South & West of Dragon Stadium 2 football fields South & West of Dragon Stadium M: \contractsUUCInterloca11999.doc January 24, 2000 7 5D41 Exhibit A (Continued) - Joint Use Facilities CITY PROPERTY Bicentennial Park Community Center The Lodge 7 Ballfields (lighted) F# 1 for High School Girls Softball 2 concession stands 2 public tennis courts Tennis Center (13 tennis courts) 3 outdoor basketball courts Adventure Alley playground Pavilions In -line hockey facility (lighted) 2 backstop practice areas Open field (near 1709 entrance) Koalaty Park (Adjacent to Carroll Elementary) 4 Backstops Lonesome Dove Park (Near Carroll Middle School) Pavilion Playground Open field Bob Jones Park 13 soccer fields 6 practice soccer goals Open field (adjacent to practice goals) St. Martins in the Field 2 practice soccer fields M: \contracts1JUCInterloca11999.doc January 24, 2000 8 5 0 % 40 Exhibit B — Annual Maintenance Cost - Sharing Minor (Under $5, 000) • Preparation of gym floors and re- application of gym floor finishes, twice yearly Carpet cleaning Repainting • Repairing or replacing damaged backboards, goals, and other shared sports equipment • Soil additions for joint -use fields • Seeding and other turf improvements necessary for all- season use • Other minor damage to property or equipment directly caused by a joint -use activity • Minor improvements to property or equipment, in an existing joint -use facility, which benefits both the District and the City Major (Over $5, 000) • Resurfacing and restriping gym floors • Carpet replacement • Irrigation installations and maintenance • Outdoor lighting installations and maintenance • Other major damage to property or equipment directly caused by a joint -use activity • Major improvements to property or equipment, in an existing joint -use facility, which benefit both the District and the City M:\ contracts\JUCInterlocal1999.doc January 24, 2000 9 5DI1 Exhibit C — Event Supervisor's Facility Duties The supervisor of a joint -use event is required to complete an Event Report Form, which includes a checklist of tasks to be completed immediately following each joint -use event. The Event Report Form is to be left with the facility owner in a designated location following each joint -use event. The checklist of tasks should consist of the following details. Janitorial • Sweep floors and mop -up spills • Check entire area, including restrooms, for litter • Flush all toilets and urinals, and make sure each one shuts off • Check all lavatories and water faucets to make sure water is shalt off • Empty all trash into dumpsters • Turn off lights, if there are no other events scheduled immediately • Report any damages of faulty equipment on the Event Report Form Grounds- keeping • Pick up all litter • Empty all trash into dumpsters Security • Check all perimeter doors, and secure them • Report any unsecured areas or damaged locks to the facility owner or designee Some maintenance items must be addressed immediately in order to safeguard against flooding, fire, safety, or security incidents. Report such items to the facility owner or designee immediately. Emergency phone numbers are to be provided by the City and the District for each event supervisor. M: \contracts\JUCInterloca11999.doc January 24, 2000 10 5/11)112 Exhibit C — Event Supervisor's Facility Duties Event Report Form Event Supervisors must complete all tasks listed below. When completed, return this form to the designated location for this facility. CHECKLIST Sweep floors and mop -up spills. Check entire area, including restrooms, for litter. Discard all liter into proper containers. Check all perimeter doors and gates and secure them properly. Flush all toilets and urinals, and make that each of them shuts off. Check all lavatories and water faucets to make sure that water is shut off. Empty all trash into dumpsters. Turn off lights (if your group is the last one using the facility). REPORT Please list any damage to the facility or equipment: Please list any other needs pertinent to the maintenance of this facility: Lost and Found Items /Other: Name of Event Supervisor's Signature Date M: \contracts \JUCInterlocal1999.doc January 24, 2000 sb—J3 1 I 11 i Exhibit One: Koalaty Park `` j i and Carroll Elementary A, j - roll Elementary School I / ear', I YJ ' Four (4) backstop ® - round ctice areas � pra One (1) backstop 1 Q en S ace ; practice area p P I practice area __ -Two - - soccer fields practice I Two (2) Outdoor I unlighted basketball courts I O \-'' pen Space I a practice area it II II jl Carroll Elementary and ' ShP oishp a Private 'I � ' Koalaty P rk C � � �r+� a = Feign Pro Purchases �'�� � CISD Pro aert�� �I •: Undevelopea CISD Proparh■ Keller ISD Joint Use P' eperry ..�a Keller ISD Property, LS Corps of Enafre9rs Grapevine Reservoir i •\ R 4 - 5t>--ri j l No Scale City of Southlake KcalatyrrCerroll Elementary Geographic Information Systems 1 i I ii • i I Ilh i i t Exhibit Two: Durham k' Elementary/Intermediate I E 4 i 1 , Open Space practice area' l One (1) soccer game field 1 I Two (2) outdoor 1 basketball oafs Carroll Jun or High 1 '`1- -� Two (2) unlighted (unfighte) soccer fields Playground Two (2) backstop c practice areas I � Durham Elementary/Inter ediate School II One (1) outdoor unlighted basketball court I I rr i s --., Durham J + P =_hp I Elementary /Intermed L!sas Sc hools ISD,;wnt tsa Prcperty i I r, CISD Property l:nde','eloped CISD Proparfr t Kaller ISD ,;oi ^t Use P ^ap -t \ K4ler ISO Proper; US Corps of crgi�.ee r _<vp O.aPe''ire Recar,oir III \ , Parca(sshp ..--, E 1 5D-‘15 it 1, No Scale City of Southlake D .arhan-, Elemerrard'In'erredia!e Geographic Information Systems I l0 Exhibit Three: Johnson Four (4) Outdoor Elementary and Carroll basketball goa Intermediate Schools Open Space practice are a `1 One 1 backsto Jack D. Johnson Ele j _J -.' O p ment � rY practice area II One (1) ou oor 1 basketball ourt � 7 Two (2) soccer (untighte practice fields i 'P(aygrou ds 1 I I I a ,ro ' Fellowship L Carroll Intermediate School -' ` d O ne in -L hockey rink One (1) backstop ( unli g hte d) � 1 ♦ practice area ) ! { ' Football field Johnson Elementary and .Poi uuf sh; Carroll Intermediate School N 9 nba . if Fa utu'a Parhsees CIuD Joint Use Property ` CISD Property U- „ elcped CISD Property ♦ KalSD Joint Use Property ;: Reller ler I SD PropeMi N LS Corps of Er,gireers \A --”, p'‘ E 5t)gmbik 3rap9vi-e Reservoir Parcelsshp S No Scale City of Southiake Geographic Information Systems I I 11 11 Exhibit Four: Two (2) backstop 11 Rockenbaugh Elementary 11 practice areas ' Playground I 7 i Robert H. re ockenbaugh Elem. I wo (2) soccer open space pra - fields Practice area 1 I , i I it I it 'I I \ Rockenb Elementary c ..m r unty .� =. Cpen p Naigho!hced Future Purchases jl CISD iet Use Prcpar!y CISD Prope c U ^developed CISD Pope i :\+ Keller ISO Joint Lse Propa -t :ti Keller ISD Prope US Corps of Engicee^ ��q3'.Y Grap evine Reser ov \i /f Parcels.shp 11 \\ '-'''; . E 5 D No Scale City of Southlake Rockermaugh Eer,9nta -, Geographic Information Systems 1 i II 1 1 I Exhibit Five: i I Carroll Middle School [ ; j 1 I Two (2) practice • fields i I Two (2) football fields Dragon Stadium ` I Carroll fiddle School 0 i I • 1 i I . it I Carroll Middle Schoo I Jurst iPoishp p Pr'Nata I C ommunitl e e: �� i Open Spa } Neighborhd � r ' l1 7 a l ■ � " � - \ Future Purases 1 CISD Joint se Property ���� CISD Proprty Undevelopd CISD Prcperty / Keller ISD Joint Use Property N r t Keller ISD Propert US Corps of Engineers Grapevine Rese voir 1,1 \\ �� ■ E 5D,ig Parcels.shp I S No Scale City of Southlake czrr� Geographic Information Systems II I Exhibit Si� x: Com I . C enter j!wo(2)a ' Tennis Courts i Four (4) lighted game fields `_ —�- T/ - • • • I oncession Stand • Pavilion and Concession Stand Three (3) Lighted 1 — game fields f� I Adventure Ailey Pavilions 1 Pl aygroun d e lip - i 41 ili arja Three (3) unlighted 1 Two(2) backstop game fields practice areas irteen (13} lighted 1 ,, Open Space Tennis Courts i practice area One (1) In- i e Future Pavilion Hockey Rink ` j Three (3) unlighted basketball courts I jI — -_ Bicentennial Park Juf.shp + = Private = Community ' V ' Open Space SIB t � h 4 (!1 �j�► Neighborhood 11 `�1 Future hases CISD Joint Purc Use Property CISD Property f:_3;:il Undeveloped CISD Property N Ng Keller ISD Joint Use Propert; Keller ISD Property � � US Corps of Engineers ",- p‘ E w ' , Grapevine Reservoir Parcels.sho s No Scale City of Southlake Geographic Information Systems it 1 I) Exhibit Seven: I I I Lonesome Dove Park ., I 1 Pavilion Open Space 111 Park Lonesome Dove I 1 11 MI! , Playground i I) II it II 7_____,Ii... c _ i ----7- 7 Lonesome Dove P ,nPoLshp 1 I Pr vats , ' Community Si. Ut h h Piiz t< ss _ = Open Space Neighborhood ; ;� ` Future Purchas i 4 CISD Joint Use Property I I CISD Properti ■ , Undeveloped CISD Proper^, N Keller ISD .,Dint Use Propa^. V K eller ISD P open v S Ccrps of En i ears t,. apa nr e Reeer o = Parcels.shp 5Dta 2D S II City of Southlake No Scale Lane�me Dove Park Geographic information Systems I 1 y Exhibit Eight: i t Bob Jones Park 1 f i i 1 1 Thirteen (13) unl soccer game fields I L F Open space practice area r._.._- 1 adjacent to six (6) soccer , l practice goals u S. Army corps of E ngineers Prop n I � I I E 1 1 1 1 i L - - Bob Jones Perk UMP —� Private L_____I Community i,i� .,, rl I Open Space '1 "i [��' Neighborhood IIIII Future Purchases M CISD Joint Use Property \ h CISD Property iL >i Undeveloped CISD Property Keller !SD Joint Use Property Keller !SD Property �� _) US Corps of Engineers ��, % \ E 51)4-421 Grapevine Reservoir Parcels slip S City of Southlake I No Scale � ' Geographic Information Systems I 1 4 l' 1 I� Exhibit Nine: ii j St. Martin's in- the -Field S . Martin -in- the - Fields ' Church Two (2} unlighted soccer practice fields i 1I j I , 1 1 J � 1 , F _ 41111V in-the-FieId _ S t . Martin's �tshP`maf ih ■ma (L, ®communih/ ra.S V �� 1 1 �� a. peen Space P Neighborhood I Futuna Purchases CISD Joint Use Property Prop Undevelcp::FRforjr !SD °� op 1 Kellar ISD int Use P-op€ . N >: Kslle� ISD r operty US CCISD op Ergiresers rye as I' � � ��� r Parcels shp 11 ,k� ..... _ E S 1 No Scale City of S Gt Mar is in.tha- Fields Geographic I nformation outhia Systems City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM March 17, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Senior Civil Engineer, extension 846 SUBJECT: Approval of Change Order No. 2 with North Texas Contracting, Inc for the Water, Paving, and Drainage Improvements to Serve the Sutton Place Addition, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project Nos. B97- UC-48- 0001 -60 -20 & B98- UC -48- 0001 -60 -05 Action Requested: Staff seeks Council approval of Change Order No. 2 with North Texas Contracting, Inc for the paving and drainage improvements to serve the Sutton Place Addition. Background Information: The City is participating with Tarrant County to install a storm drainage system, install an 8 -inch water line, and reconstruct Sutton Place as part of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. As construction has proceeded, several issues have arisen that have necessitated field changes. Some of these changes have resulted in a decrease in the project contract price, while others have resulted in an increase in contract price. In August 1999, Change Order 1, in the amount of ($7,328.00) was issued and executed by all parties. Change Order No. 1 was approved by the Director of Public Works since it was a decrease to the original contract amount. This change included several items dealing with the drainage portion of the improvements to the Sutton Place subdivision. These items are explained in the attached summary. Change Order No. 2 is comprised primarily of issues that occurred during the construction of the drainage improvements and during the installation of the new 8 -inch waterline. The amount of Change Order No. 2 is $17,777. These items are also individually explained in the attached summary. Staff is requesting that Council authorize Staff to spend $5,000 for additional unforeseen changes that may occur between now and the end of the project. Obviously, Staff will be prepared to explain in detail all changes that are included under this item once the changes are constructed. 10D - 1 City of Southlake, Texas Previously, the City Council approved $22,427 for the lowering of the gas services that serve the residents along Sutton Place. Berkey's Plumbing, retained by the City did the lowering of the gas services. These improvements were constructed separate from the contract with North Texas Contracting, Inc. The costs associated with lowering, repairing and relocating the gas services, though necessary to complete the project, were much higher than anticipated. The total cost for lowering, repairing, and relocating the gas services was $44,698. The attached summary explains the reasons for this cost increase. Financial Considerations: The costs for this project are tabulated below: Original Contract Amount $ 429,465.30 Change Order No. 1 (decrease) ( 7,328.00) Change Order No. 2 (increase) 17,777.00 Additional Unforeseen Changes 5,000.00 Revised Contract Amount $ 444, 914.30 Gas Service Relocations $ 44, 698 Engineering, Surveying Cost $ 26,253 The total cost of the project is anticipated to cost $515,865.30. The City's CIP budget and CDBG funds provide funding for this project. The combined funding sources total $474,000. Existing funds from projects constructed under budget will be utilized for the $41,865.30 cost overrun (see attached CIP project cost ledger). Citizen Input/ Board Review: The residents of Sutton Place have had numerous complaints regarding the construction of the sewer improvements for Sutton Place. As you are aware, the Public Works Department has contacted each resident and asked for a listing of all the problems that have been experienced during this project. The complete list has been turned over to the licensed plumber who initially performed the plumbing work in 1998. This work is taking place now and should be completed by April. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: In order to proceed with the completion of this project as soon as possible, these changes are required. 1OD -2 City of Southlake, Texas Supporting Documents: Change Order 1 & 2 Cost Summary Change Order No. 1 Change Order No. 2 CIP Project Cost Ledger Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve Change Order #2 to the contract with North Texas Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $17,777 and authorize staff to spend $5,000 for additional unforeseen changes. Please place this item on the March 21, 2000 Regular City Council Agenda for review and consideration. Ci 10D - 3 Sutton Paving, Drainage, and Water Improvements Change Order 1 & 2 Cost Summary Sheet Change Order No. 1 Change to HDPE Piping After bidding and awarding the project, the contractor, North Texas Contracting, Inc., approached the City with the option of utilizing "Surelok" High- Density Polyethylene (HDPE) storm drainage pipe in lieu of the specified Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP). Since it is standard policy for the City to allow the use of HDPE drainage pipe in areas other than in the City's right -of -way or under roadways, Staff opted to accept the contractor's proposal for these areas resulting in a decrease in contract price of ($9,443.00). Box Culvert Change During the construction and installation of the box culverts that drain storm water from Sutton Place to the east, a conflict with existing utilities was discovered that would not allow installation of the 8 -foot by 4 -foot box culvert. In order to alleviate the conflict, it was determined that an 8 -foot by 3 -foot culvert could be installed without compromising the drainage design of the project. The contractor proposed, and Staff accepted, using the 8 -foot by 3 -foot culverts in lieu of the 8 -foot by 4 -foot culverts resulting in a decrease in contract price of ($256.00). Deletion of Gabion Baskets, Addition of Sod and Tree Removal In order to route storm water collected from Sutton Place to a natural drainage way, a drainage channel, approximately 250 -feet long, was constructed across the properties to the east of the subdivision. A 50 -foot wide drainage and utility easement existed on property to the east and was utilized for the purpose of constructing the channel, which was constructed per plan. There were eight trees on the property that conflicted with the proposed drainage channel and these trees were not shown to be removed in the contract. Staff received a proposal from the contractor to remove these trees for an increase in contract price of $4,000.00. Staff believes that this proposal was reasonable and approved this change for an increase in contract price of $4,000.00. The design of the channel included gabion baskets for erosion control. However, since this channel is routed through a residential neighborhood and is relatively straight, Staff determined that gabion baskets were not necessary and sod would be more appealing. Staff requested that the contractor submit a proposal for deletion of the gabion baskets and the addition of sod. The contractor submitted a proposal of ($2,916.00) for deletion of the gabion baskets and $1,287.00 for the addition of the sod. Staff believes this proposal was acceptable and approved this change. 10D - 4 In summary, the net result of Change Order No. 1 is as follows: Change to HDPE Piping ($ 9,443.00) Box Culvert Change ($ 256.00) Delete Gabion Baskets ($ 2,916.00) Additional Sod $ 1,287.00 Clear 8 Trees $ 4,000.00 Total Change Order No. 1 (Decrease) ($ 7, 328. 00) Change Order No. 2 Storm Sewer and Sanitary Sewer Conflict During the installation of the 42 -inch RCP storm drain collector that runs underneath Sutton Place, in one area the 42 -inch line was found to be in conflict with the 8 -inch sanitary sewer line installed in 1998. Though this conflict was relatively small (three to four inches) both of the lines are gravity lines and grade is very important. Therefore, rather than attempt to adjust the grade of either line, Staff requested a proposal to notch the concrete storm drain to accommodate the alignment and elevation of the sanitary sewer line. The contractor proposed to do the work for an increase in the contract price of $1,325.00. Staff believes that this proposal is reasonable and recommends approval of this change for an increase in contract amount of $1,325.00. Deletion of Bores During the design phase of the 8 -inch waterline, bores were included in the contract where there were questions as to whether the line could be installed without damaging trees, shrubs and other vegetation and property. During construction of the line, it was determined that the bores were not necessary to protect these items. The bores were, thus deleted from the contract for a decrease in contract amount of ($8,083.00). However, before it could be determined that the bores were not necessary, the boring contractor had mobilized to the site. North Texas Contracting, Inc. was charged a mobilization fee by the boring contractor and, thus requested that they be reimbursed for the fee of $700.00. Staff believes that this proposal is reasonable and recommends approval of this change for a decrease in contract amount of ($7,383.00). Drainage Ditch Side Slopes Modifications When construction of the drainage channel to the east of Sutton Place was nearing completion, the property owner voiced concerns about the steepness of the side - slopes of the channel from a maintenance standpoint. Staff received a proposal from the contractor to flatten the side - slopes of the channel for an increase in contract price of $10,080.00. Staff believes that this proposal is acceptable and recommends approval of this change for an increase in contract amount of $10,080.00. 10D -5 Service Connection Transfer The residents that live on Sutton Drive receive their water from the City of Keller via an existing 3 -inch City of Keller water line located under Sutton Place that is connected to Keller's 6 -inch main that runs parallel to Florence. The intent of this project was to install the new 8 -inch City of Southlake water line under Sutton Place with services connected to new meter boxes located behind the new curb and gutter. In the future, the new Southlake line, served from the 12 -inch Southlake line running parallel to Florence, would be put into service, meters installed and the residents would receive their water from the City of Southlake. During construction, it was discovered that the existing City of Keller meter boxes were in conflict with the new curb and gutter and the existing 3 -inch Keller water line was in bad condition and was being exposed during construction of the subgrade for the new road. In order to keep the project progressing, with the City of Keller City Manager's approval, Staff requested a proposal from North Texas Contacting, Inc. to temporarily connect the new 8 -inch Southlake waterline running up Sutton Place to the existing 6 -inch Keller waterline running along Florence. In addition, North Texas was asked to relocate Keller's meters to the new meter boxes behind the proposed curb and gutter and connect the new services from the new fl- inch waterline to Keller's meters. The existing 3 -inch line would then be abandoned. With these changes, Keller agreed to take over the operation and maintenance of the new 8 -inch line until which time Southlake begins providing water the Sutton Place. Since Keller has, historically, had many problems with the old 3 -inch line, they were willing to make these changes and pay a portion of the cost of the changes to be able to abandon the old 3 -inch line. North Texas provided a proposal in the amount of $13,060.00 to perform this work. Of this amount, the City of Keller committed to paying $7,390.00. The City of Southlake's portion was then $5,670.00. Staff believes this cost is reasonable and recommends approval of this change for an increase in contract amount of $5,670.00. Sanitary Sewer Service Relocation Two sanitary sewer services were found to be in conflict with the installation of the new curb and gutter toward the low -point of Sutton Place. Staff requested, and the contractor submitted a proposal to lower these services for an increase in contract price of $900.00. Staff believes that this proposal is reasonable and requests authorization of this item for an increase in contract price of $900.00 Installation and Removal of Base Material During preparation of the subgrade for Sutton Place, six gas services to individual homes were found to be in conflict with preparation of the subgrade. When this situation was discovered, the contractor could not proceed with stabilization of the subgrade for approximately two weeks until the lines were lowered. With the sandy soils in the area, the road became very soft, very quickly without some form of stabilization. 1OD -6 On Thursday, January 26, 2000, rain, sleet and snow were predicted for the area. Staff was certain that if rock or some other base material was not applied to the surface of Sutton Place, the road would become impassible with a minimal amount of moisture. At that time, with the rain starting to fall, the contractor was directed to place material on the road to keep it passable. North Texas Contracting, Inc. and their paving subcontractor Sutton Asphalt, Inc., contend that if they had been able to pursue the work as planned, and had not been delayed as a result of the gas services, the subgrade would have been stabilized before January 26th. Therefore, placing, and thus removing the material again when work was resumed, in the contractor's opinion, was extra work. North Texas Contracting, Inc. requests reimbursement in the amount of $4,400.00 for placement and subsequent removal of the base material. Staff agrees that the conflicting gas services delayed the preparation of the subgrade and that the application of the rock and base material was necessary to keep the road passable and that the contractor should be compensated for this work. Staff recommends approval of this change for an increase in contract amount of $4,400.00. Contractor Remobilization While the existing gas services were being relocated, the paving contractor was unable to work. As a result, he moved his labor and equipment off -site. When the utility relocations were complete, the paving contractor remobilized to the site. North Texas has asked for reimbursement of the remobilization charge made by the paving contractor in the amount of $1,725.00. Staff believes this proposal is acceptable and recommends approval of this change for an increase in contract amount of $1,725.00. Fencing Modifications The plans for this project indicated that 97 feet of 6 -foot wooden fence would need to be replaced in one of the resident's back yard as a result of the construction of the drainage improvements. After construction began, it was discovered that the 6 -foot fence was actually eight feet tall. Also, during negotiations for the drainage easement, Staff committed to adding an additional 31 feet of fencing in order to fence the entire back yard. Staff received a proposal from North Texas to install an 8 -foot fence instead of a 6 -foot fence and add the additional 31 feet of 8 -foot fencing for an increase in contract price of $1,060.00. Staff believes that this proposal is reasonable and recommends that this change be approved for an increase in contract price of $1,060.00. Miscellaneous Additional Items As you are aware, this has been a very sensitive project since the onset of the project in 1998. The residents on Sutton Place have complained numerous times about numerous items and in an effort to maintain good relations, Staff is making every reasonable effort to appease all of the residents on Sutton Place. Several residents have asked to have their driveways 10D -7 widened slightly or realigned slightly, which will in some cases increase the amount of materials required. In one particular instance, the project plans show one drive to the residence where, in fact, the resident had created a circular drive in their front yard. This resident has requested that the City maintain this circular drive in lieu of the 12 -foot wide drive shown on the plans. For these reasons, Staff is asking Council to approve an "Additional Unforeseen Changes" item in the not -to- exceed amount of $5,000.00. Obviously, Staff will be prepared to explain in detail all changes that are included under this item once the changes are constructed. In summary, the net result of Change Order No. 2 is as follows: Storm and Sanitary Sewer Conflict $ 1,325.00 Delete Bores /Bore Contractor Mobilization ($ 7,838.00) Revise Channel Slopes $ 10,080.00 Transfer Services $ 5,670.00 Sanitary Sewer Service Relocation $ 900.00 Installation of Base Material $ 4,400.00 Paving Contractor Remobilization $ 1,725.00 Fence Modifications $ 1,060.00 Total Change Order No. 2 (increase) $ 17, 777.00 Additional Unforeseen Changes $ 5,000. 00 Relocation of Gas Services The existing Sutton Place road had to be lowered, somewhat, in order to achieve positive drainage of the area. In order to be able to lower the entire street, a gas main had to be lowered also. As preparation of the subgrade for the new pavement began, it was discovered that the gas main had been placed deep enough to clear subgrade preparation. However, some of the individual gas services to each of the residences were in conflict with the preparation of the subgrade and had to be lowered also. In an attempt to keep the project progressing as quickly as possible, Berkey's Plumbing was retained to lower these services. In the process of performing this work, several unexpected problems were encountered. During testing and inspection of the services, two services were found to be leaking outside of the limits of Berkey's work. In light of the cold weather at the time and the sensitivity of the project, rather than inform the resident that they were responsible for repairing their service line, Staff directed Berkey's to replace the entire line. In one instance, in the area of the cul- de -sac at the southern end of Sutton Place, two services had to be relocated around the cul -de- sac because of the location of the gas meters. The total cost to lower the gas services was $44,698. 1OD -8 / /‘)' CHANGE ORDER No. 1 Dated: August 10, 1999 B97- UC-48- 0001 -60 -20 OWNER'S Project No. B98- UC-48- 0001 -60 -05 ENGINEER's Project No. 001 -437 Project 23r Year CDBG Unit 1- Drainage Facilities to Serve Sutton Place, 24 Year CDBG Unit 11- Paving of Sutton Lane Roadwav including Construction of Water System Facilities OWNER Tarrant County Contract for $429.465.30 Contract Date: May 25. 1999 To: North Texas Contracting. Inc. Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contract: Tarrant County Owner By: di4 _ ��' County Judge or Presiding . ' Ice / Date: 9/7 , 1999 Nature of the changes: The following revisions to the above reference project are requested to be made by the Contractor. 1. Use HDPE "Surelok" drainage pipe in lieu of concrete pipe when not located within a paved street. These locations are as follows: Line "A ": Sta. 2+00 to Sta. 2 +94.08 back Sta. 3 +27.51 forward to Sta. 4 +94.5 Sta. 5 +95.05 to Sta. 7 +76.61 Line "B: Sta. 0 +40.02 to Sta 3+06.34 The Cost Breakdown is as follows: 60" Piping 261 L.F. $216.00 $200.00 $16.00 $4,176.00 48" Piping 182 L.F. $155.00 $142.00 $13.00 $2,366.00 36" Piping 169 L.F. $130.00 $118.00 $12.00 $2,028.00 30" Piping 97 L.F. $115.00 $106.00 $9.00 $873.00 Reduce Contract: ($9,443.00) Page 1 of 3 10D -9 2. Revise channel on Sheets No 4 and 5 as per Sheets No. 4R and 5R. Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price Revise Box from 8' x 4' to 8' x 3' 32 L.F. ($8.00) ($256.00) Delete Gabions (Contract Item) 324 S.F. ($9.00) ($2,916.00) Added Sodd to Channel Bottom (Add'1) 429 S.Y. $3.00 $1,287.00 Channel Bottom (Approx. 8 Ea.) 8 EA. $500.00 $4,000.00 Addition to Contract: $2,115.00 Change Order No. 1 will Reduce Contract: ($7,328.00) These changes result in the following adjustment of contract price and contract time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order $ 429.465.30 Net (Incrcnsc) (Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order $ 7328.00 Current Contract Price Including this Change Order $ 422.173.30 Contract Time Prior to this Change 180 Calendar Days (Days or Date) Net (Increase) (Dccrca3c) Resulting from this Change Order 20 Calendar Days (Days) Current Contract Time Including this Change Order 200 Calendar Days (Days or Date) Page 2 of 3 10D -10 The above changes are recommended: Cheatham and Associates Engineer By: .1111P211■— Date: cJ ld -- . 1999 The above changes are accepted: North Texas Contracting Inc. Contractor By: �. - 4 7- (6- , 1999 The above changes are approved: • • Southlake. P blic Works DeQartment Date: , 1999 The above changes are approved: Tarrant County Community Development Divison Contractor By: �---,- Date: 7/ , 1999 F: \WORDWORMS\Change Ord.wpd Page 3 of 3 10D -11 SENT 8i': SOUTHWEST PLANNING AND DESIGN; 817 265 8532; MAR-14-00 10:53AM; PAGE 2/3 CHANGE ORDER No. 2 Dated; March 14, 2000 -- OWNER'S Project No. 7 I - 000 1_ 98 C•48 - (007 - 60 ENGINEER'S Project No. 001 - 4j,1 Project 'P r Year C'Dt^ U n i t 1 DrainuYe Facrl gaz s SWto Place. 24" YPgZCDBG Unit 11- Paving of ttvn ne R a'w ncludt ' traction of Water Sy tern F Tit - s OWNER _..^ g rrant County Contract for _1129.46130 Contract Date: May 25, 1999 Tn: Narrh Trx s ontract Convecto You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contract: arrant Cuun owner Bv: Date: Nature of the changes= Unit 1- The following revisions to the above reference project are requested to be made by the Contractor. 1) Modify sewer to accommodate conflict with storm drain pipe $ 1,325.00 2) Delete bores on water line (8,083.00) a. Mobilization cost for bore crew 700.00 3) Revise channel slope west of Brewer Lane & re- stabilize channel slopes 10,080.00 4) Transfer service connections to remain to be served by Keller 5,670.00 5) Relocate sewer service 900.00 6) Fence Modifications 1 Total Amount of Unit I $ 11,652.00 Keller top(y $7,39000 directly to contractor w their portion of the cost for this item, Unit 11- This change order is written to compensate the contractor for delays due to conflicts with gas service lines which were up in the subgrade of the street. The costs are as follows: 1) Re- mobilization $ 1,725.00 2) Install/remove base material to provide access to property owners during delay 4 Subtotal $ 6,125.00 Total Amount of Unit 11 $ 6,125.00 Total Amount of Change Order No. 2 $ 17,777,00 NSPE -ASCE 1910 -8 -B (19711 Rdipon) Page 1 of 2 1 OD-1 2 SE+jT 8V: SOUTHWEST PLANNING AND DESIGN; 817 265 8532; MAR-14-00 10:53AW1; PAGE 3/3 These changes result in the following adjustment of contract price and contract time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order 42233730 Net Increase Resulting from this Change Omer 17.777.00 Current Contract price including this Change Order d ?o o r d 3G Contract Time Prior to this Change 300 ' 1endar D s (Days of Date) Net (Increase) (Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order 30 Calendar Dave ta Current Contract Time Including this Change Order ?30 Calms* r G�u vs Mays et Date) The above changes are recommended: Cheatham and Associates �j Engineer By: 7l�Srlc.. - Date: 3— / 9 c The above changes are accepted: North Texas Contracting Inc. Contractor By: Date: The above changes are approved: City of,Snuth/ake. Puhlic Works Department City By: Date: The above changes are approved: __ Tarrant Cowrty or7,uni Devclonm rvision Contractor By: Date_ r 6angc Older 2.wrd Page 2 of 2 1 OD-1 3 CIP PROJECT COSTS A B C D 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION BUDGETED AMOUNT BID / FINAL COST DIFFERENCE 2 1.5 MGD MIRON ELEVATED TOWER * $1,860,000 $1,832,000 $28,000 3 20" WATERLINE ALONG FM 1709 $641,000 $638,408 $2,592 4 24" WATER LINE ALONG N. WHITE CHAPEL $850,000 $826,455 $23,545 5 BRUMLOW $112,700 $111,000 $1,700 6 BURNEY LN. - REHAB CUL -DE -SAC $57,000 $64,523 ($7,523) 7 BYRON NELSON STOP LIGHT $40,000 $65,000 ($25,000) 8 BYRON NELSON STRIPING $65,000 $65,637 ($637) 9 COMMERCE TRAFFIC LIGHT* $100,000 $48,405 $51,595 10 DIAMOND CIRCLE STREETS & SEWER $1,286,000 $990,161 $295,839 11 DOVE ACRES SEWER * $405,000 $205,474 $199,526 12 DOVE ESTATES LIFT STATION * $300,000 $167,473 $132,527 13 DOVE FORCE MAIN* $1,747,500 $2,113,218 ($365,718) 14 DOVE/HIGHLAND PAVING* $611,480 $778,533 ($167,053) 15 DOVE /SH 114 WATER LINE RELOCATION $339,200 $280,424 $58,776 16 FLORENCE TOWER TANK PAINTING $105,000 $152,200 ($47,200) 17 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SEQUENCING * $120,000 $42,000 $78,000 18 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONVERSIONS * $200,000 $123,399 $76,601 19 HILLWOOD SEWER* $95,000 $82,415 $12,586 20 HUNTWICK ESTATES SEWER $200,000 $276,123 ($76,123) 21 JELLICO SEWER * $500,000 $419,723 $80,277 22 KIRKWOOD WATER LINE $326,000 $266,159 $59,841 23 LAKE DRIVE WATER, SEWER, PAVING * $364,500 $376,991 ($12,491) 24 LILAC LN. WATER, SEWER, STREET * $234,600 $286,782 ($52,182) 25 LOVE HENRY COURT SEWER & STREET * $359,000 $401,474 ($42,474) 26 MISSION HILL SEWER $430,000 $489,099 ($59,099) 27 N. WHITE CHAPEL - COUNTY LINE TO LAKE * $340,000 $470,970 ($130,970) 28 N. WHITE CHAPEL - DOVE TO COUNTY LINE * $181,850 $177,010 $4,840 29 N -3 & N-4 LIFT STATIONS* $1,000,000 $1,009,500 ($9,500) 30 N -5 SEWER & KIMBALL /SH 114 WATER/SEWER RELOCATIONS * $762,500 $743,255 $19,245 31 PEARSON GROUND STORAGE TANK NO. 2 * $1,687,400 $1,545,247 $142,153 32 PINE SEWER* $200,000 $183,368 $16,632 33 PLANTATION SEWER $110,400 $84,676 $25,724 34 PUBLIC WORKS CENTER IMPROVEMENTS* $405,600 $472,580 ($66,980) 35 PUMP STATION NO. 2 * $3,110,000 $3,176,800 ($66,800) 36 RAINTREE / SHADY LN WATER, SEWER, PAVING $1,925,995 $1,615,029 $310,966 37 RIDGECREST * $355,576 $400,504 ($44,928) 38 SABRE SEWER CONNECTION - SOLANA $25,000 $21,700 $3,300 39 SHADY OAKS TRAFFIC LIGHT * $100,000 $91,000 $9,000 40 SOUTHLAKE / KELLER PUMP STATION MOD. $300,000 $116,281 $183,720 41 SUTTON PLACE DRAINGE & PAVING IMPROVEMENTS * $270,000 $311,865 ($41,865) 42 TIMARRON - BENT CREEK REPAIR * $726,986 $699,315 $27,671 43 TROPHY CLUB 24" WATER LINE * $1,511,000 $1,440,693 $70,307 44 W. CONTINENTAL RECON. - PHASE 1 * $640,424 $731,161 ($90,737) 45 W. DOVE RECON. - PEYTONVILLE TO SHADY OAKS $259,680 $298,397 ($38,717) 46 W. JONES BRANCH CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS * $1,000,000 $930,522 $69,478 47 WATER & SEWER TO MIRON ADDITION $196,781 $262,535 ($65,754) 48 TOTAL $26,458,172 $25,885,483 49 TOTAL (OVER)/UNDER BUDGET $572,689 50 51 * Project not yet complete. Cost shown reflects contract bid price & engineering, surveying costs 52 53 54 10D -14 3/15/00 Commissioner Muller said it needs to be real clear in the motion which lights will remain on. Mr. Killough said he has the lights marked on the plans, and the applicant indicated he will be submitting some revised plans before City Council and will have the lights noted on those plans. Motion was made to approve ZA 99 -116 subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated February 11, 2000, and subject to the following: • The fence is going to be a single, brick 8' tall pre -cast concrete cap on both the top of the wall and the pilasters; with the pilasters being 24" X 24" square, 2(? (twenty feet) on center, continuous concrete footing under the fence with piers under the pilasters and piers at mid -beam under the wall; General Bhrick, king- size, "Camelot" style colored brick with the face side of the brick 1 towards the homeowners; • The light poles will drop in height from 20' to 12'; lights will drop from 250 -watt to 150 -watt; all of the lights will be on timers to go off at 9:00 p.m. with the exception of the security lighting that will be on from dusk to dawn and will consist of two lights that will be located as shown on the plans: on the front center of Building B facing east and on the front center of Building A facing north; • All The fencinge will be maintained in perpetuity by the developer; • The fence disposition agreements shall be completed within 15 days of groundbreaking; • Requiring a five workday notice prior to the physical construction or removal of the fence; • Requiring all landscaping to be put in at the same time, and • With respect to Lakecrest on the east side of the property, requiring an 8' shadowbox fence stained to match the existing fence with metal posts in concrete footings supporting it. Motion: King Second: Muller Ayes: Boutte, Muller, King, Horne, Sandlin, Peebles Nays: None Approved: 6 -0 Motion carried. (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 03- 09 -00, tape 1, section #2460) NOTE — Five (5) Additional Items from previous P &Z Meeting motion which did not make this version: ♦ Security lighting at the rear of the building =s to he no more than 6' from the ground with motion detectors and 100 watt bulbs (will need to meet City code); ♦ Office Hours as deeded with the property; ♦ Property line fencing; built to avoid damn ine existing are trees; ♦ All lighting; placed and directed to have zero foot candles at the property lines which abut homeowners; ♦ Recommendation for City Council to close the existing entrance to the nei <ehboring commercial property and move the entrance to the Shady Oaks stop light on 1709. City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance Ext. 716 SUBJECT: Award of contract with First State Bank for Bank Depository Contract Action Requested: Approval of contract with First State Bank for Bank Depository Contract. Background Information: The depository contract with Texas National Bank Southlake expires April 1, 2000. In October 1999, the City entered into a consulting agreement with Bill Koch with Avalon Financial Services to assist the City in its selection of a depository institution. The bid specifications stipulated an initial three -year term. with an option to extend an additional two years. The bids were evaluated based on several criteria: 1.) Ability to perform and provide the required and requested services; 2.) Cost of banking services; 3.) Completeness of bid; 4.) Funds availability; 5.) Interest rates paid on accounts, deposits and investments; 6.) Earnings credit on account balances; 7.) Financial strength; 8.) Convenience. Bids included "required services ", or the types of services that the City currently uses, plus "additional services ", which are services that the City anticipates using during the term of the contract. On February 4, the City received bids from seven of the eighteen financial institutions that received request for proposals. Mr. Koch has prepared a Depository Bid Analysis dated March 1, 2000 that includes a Summary of bank services costs. The cost comparison is for a three -year period using proforma transaction volumes. Worth National Bank provided the lowest bid for an estimated contract period cost of $21,135 for the level of banking services that the City is currently utilizing. Unfortunately, at this time, the bank cannot provide the most advantageous additional services that the City would like to utilize in the future. Based on the analysis, First State Bank of Texas represents the optimum choice for the City. First State Bank will provide the services currently utilized and the additional services most desired by the City at a contract period cost below the current depository bank (estimated at $24,613 versus $33,723 for the three -year term). Financial Considerations: 524,613 estimated cost for the three -year term Seri Billy Campbell, City Manager March 3, 2000 Page 2 Citizen Input/ Board Review: None required Legal Review: Request for proposal reviewed by City Attorney Alternatives: None available Supporting Documents: Bid Analysis Summary Staff Recommendation: Council award the depository services contract to First State Bank for the three year period, with the optional two year renewal, for a total estimated cost of $24,613. • P.O. Box 181822 Dallas, TX 75218 -1822 • (972) 682-6900 (972) 681 -4573 (fax) AVALON FINANCIAL SERVICES March 1, 2000 Ms. Sharen Elam Director of Finance City of Southlake 1725 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Ms. Elam: We have completed our analysis of the bids received by the City in response to the Request For Proposal for a Bank Depository and have reviewed the results of this analysis with you. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS As we discussed, the selection of the best bid will be determined by how the City intends to administer the banking and cash management function during this next three -year contract period: • If it intends to automate the treasury function, expand the use of lower cost ACH services, increase convenience for its citizens and employees, and provide the capacity for additional service improvements, the bid submitted by First State Bank of Texas represents the optimum choice for the City. First State Bank will provide the services currently utilized and the additional services most desired by the City at a contract period cost below the current depository bank (estimated at $24,613 versus $33,723 for the three year term); • If it only intends to continue utilizing the current level of banking services, the bid submitted by Worth National Bank represents the optimum choice for the City. Worth National Bank will provide the basic level of services for an estimated contract period cost of $21,135. Unfortunately, at this time, the bank cannot provide the most advantageous additional services; • Furthermore, if it intends to maintain comparable historical Collected Balances, the advantages of First State Bank's Earnings Credit Formula offsets the fee differential from Worth National Bank (estimated EC of $76,403 versus $70,875 for the three year term). PROPOSAL ANALYSIS The bids were analyzed in accordance with the criteria stated in the Request For Proposal. Each of the bids were reviewed in detail, and the proposing bank was contacted for clarification or explanation if required and those responses were taken into consideration. Ultimately, the comparative analysis was reflected in multipage detailed spreadsheets with a one -page analysis summary, both of which have been previously provided. BACKGROUND The Request For Proposal was sent to the following 18 financial institutions and advertised twice in appropriate publications: American Airlines Employees FCU Landmark Bank — Colleyville Bank of America Liberty Bank Bank One Texas, NA Norwest Bank Bank United of Texas, FSB Onmi American FCU Chase Bank of Texas, NA Texas Bank of Grapevine First State Bank of Texas Texas National Bank Frost Bank Wells Fargo Bank Independent National Bank World Savings Bank Jefferson Heritage Bank Worth National Bank SUBMITTED PROPOSALS The City received bids from the following seven banks: Bank of America Norwest/Wells Fargo Bank (merged) First State Bank of Texas Texas National Bank Frost Bank Worth National Bank Independent National Bank Upon the advice of the City attorney, the bids of Independent National Bank and Norwest/Wells Fargo Bank were disqualified, as the bids did not meet required specifications. These bids, had they been qualified, would not have been a factor in the consideration process. Communications from Liberty Bank, Bank One Texas and Chase Bank indicated that they were not bidding at this time, but wanted to be included in future bid requests. It has been a pleasure working with you on this project. Sincerely, AVALON FINANCIAL SERVICES Z47% t Ikr William J. Koch President Page 2 of 2 54 --`71 V U N ( O CD (0 O cc ` M 0 O co N O (O Z N r) O M M O 6 C M (O (O O M 0 co a) 0) v •a- O 0) 0) (O (0 N N t V C a) 7 U x v 0 0 ) ( co CO ( 0 0 O 0 (0 CO M ti 0 t Ti 0 O 0 N V LL ( V O W O Co M :(= 0 (0 ( (O O C- (a C 2 7 N d a) it r 0 Z RI 0 V ( O n ti 0 0 W 0 E o 0 0 0 (0o (0 n o N CO M 0 r- r O Q 0 V co- N 0 0 V V V t0 3 Y 'p C 0) CO > CO (O S V) a) a) I ' c T (0 (0 (0 O V (0 m '7 h - N - 10 N O ti (0 C m0 0 (O'- MO, O a) co O) o o 0 O in E y •— (0 '— a0 V (0 O a) LL V) a) Ea 00 0 0 (0 7 c c Q 4. a A O N O CO 0 0 N \ N CO 4 CD V 0 ' 0 (0 n t C O M M � M � Fl � ro o Z • • c a ) v c a) v v C m ▪ 01 (O O M N O ((0 (0 �j O) y E m M 00 l0 M O ri o m N 7 O � N N � c0 O) N N 4 ..- 1- U C jO E C 0 O N M N. 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U w O m V m to • 0 E :°. .` v rn c (' Q (U w N E c , ; ; .c _ 9 a) F- O W (o E v E v ❑ O 11 u m U - 0 _ a a 0 � O ( ) N E U ..-• w E o c w 0 0 u, Z 3 O U O ' 0 ) " o U w ;O 4- N • to N m '6 -c E E 2 E O a) V -410 N c D T tU N LL m w. • F H E F c cr co L T T, W , 0 ` it H! c cc C L •R c C 0 c O ID 11 Q Li_ 7_ 701 -- • 000 0 z Q QUALITY COUNTS DATA COLLECTION QUALITY COUNTS SOUTHLAKE File Name : SOUTHPEYTON DATA COLLECTION SOUTHLAKE @ PEYTONVILLE Site Code : 11111111 `)UTHLAKE Start Date : 11/09/1999 6 OUTHLAKE @ PEYTONVILLE Page No : 1 Groups Printed - Unshifted Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Peds ant. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 07:00 AM 11 9 20 0 1 147 37 0 10 2 5 0 9 525 24 0 800 07:15 AM 13 26 39 0 7 168 75 0 17 7 16 0 10 505 23 0 906 07:30 AM 8 55 30 0 2 170 130 0 29 9 10 0 15 419 28 0 905 07:45 AM 9 105 43 0 17 193 140 0 42 17 15 0 24 364 70 0 1039 Total 41 195 132 0 27 678 382 0 98 35 46 0I 58 1813 145 0 3650 08:00 AM 9 126 50 0 6 170 192 0 43 25 17 0 ! 33 334 28 0 ' 1033 08:15 AM 10 13 19 0 12 168 23 0 26 11 10 0 15 519 21 0 847 08:30 AM 17 13 19 0 5 159 19 01 7 3 6 0 ' 11 383 28 0 670 08:45 AM 15 3 12 0 7 183 16 0 10 1 7 01 21 347 15 0 637 Total 51 155 100 0; 30 680 250 0, 86 40 40 01 80 1583 92 0 3187 *'" BREAK "'** 03:00 PM 17 1 9 0 45 326 30 0 38 5 11 0 11 282 13 0 788 03:15 PM 21 12 21 1 33 327 58 0 46 13 30 0 20 205 23 0 ; 810 03:30 PM 10 59 28 0 22 310 37 0 59 75 21 0 9 266 14 0 910 03:45 PM 12 21 27 0' 14 377 61 0, 37 25 28 0,i 12 250 19 0 883 Total 60 93 85 1 114 1340 186 0 180 118 90 0' 52 1003 69 0 3391 04:00 PM 39 13 15 0 ' 30 392 46 0 21 8 13 0 25 185 26 0 813 04:15 PM 36 6 17 0 ' 9 454 24 0 25 8 12 0 ! 9 215 17 0 i 832 04:30 PM 33 6 29 0 13 469 17 0 26 6 14 0 16 192 17 0 838 04:45 PM 34 10 10 0 , 24 430 17 0 6 3 13 01 11 244 30 0 832 Total 142 35 71 0', 76 1745 104 0 78 25 52 0, 61 836 90 0' 3315 05:00 PM 91 8 16 0 , 17 499 23 0 ' 26 17 30 01 5 151 20 0 903 05:15 PM 60 12 21 0 13 527 16 0 13 9 32 01 9 208 25 0 945 05:30 PM 80 11 18 0 11 515 13 0 8 14 24 0 8 261 23 0 986 05:45 PM 28 10 18 1 13 531 6 0 7 13 23 0 12 244 40 0 946 Total 259 41 73 1 54 2072 58 0 54 53 109 0 34 864 108 0 3780 Grand Total 553 519 461 2 301 6515 980 0 496 271 337 0 285 6099 504 0' 17323 Apprch % 36.0 33.8 30.0 0.1 3.9 83.6 12.6 0.0 44.9 24.5 30.5 0.0 4.1 88.5 7.3 0.0 Total % 3.2 3.0 2.7 0.0 1.7 37.6 5.7 0.0 2.9 1.6 1.9 0.0 1.6 35.2 2.9 0.0 ti -.1 J (It 4, 1-; � / 2 - /9 ,�1, , . n A, _ 4 / /It1 /hJ , // t l�Y/ii� San 28 00 07:35a L:r1da Lark tn5 214 -34. -4961 p.2 QUALITY COUNTS DATA COLLECTION QUALITY COUNTS Fri. Namo : STHLAKEPEYTONVILLE DATA COLLECTION Site Code : 22222222 CITY OF SOUTHLAXE Start Data : fl1 /2612000 PEYTONV1LLE SOUTHIAKE Page No : 1 _ 7 Groot PMrapd• Ionsilt rd _ oou.er.wr Wertipoond Nottit4vel es ,rul Start Time Right Thru1 Le f. Pods. Ayrt Tnru 1.41 Medi { Thru :aft' P443 a,�,t Thru Left Pact. T a1 fear; 1.0 1 1.01 ' 10j 1.5 ;10i 1.0i 1.0 . 1.01 1.0 1.0! 1.0; 1 0; 1.o 10; ; 0 07:00 AM 14 Lb t9 0 4 1 5_ o! 10 5 S 01 4 4A. 3 24 0 700 07:15 AM 8 32 37 0 :, 5 155 4.3 0 ; 10 2 4 01 19 524 22 0 861 07.30 M4 13 45 37 0 5 168 97 0 27 13 8 0 30 437 28 0 908 07145 44 19 104 42 0 3 181 I65 01 45 1.5 16 0 , 25 378 40 0 1033 ota1 62 197 135 0 ; 17 648 321 0 92 33 X33 0 /8 11 :14 01 3502 0100 MA 4 129 51 0 11 168 171 0I 41 21 19 0 17 339 46 0 1017 06)14 MA 9 27 24 01 13 156 99 01 22 A 4 0 16 525 39 0 881 01230 441 12 14 20 3 5 159 22 0 , 15 7 4 0 10 380 21 0 672 0 AM 10 12 14 0 8 177 11 01 9 5 6 0 40 351 33 0 674 To 35 162 114 3 35 660 237 0: 87 41 33 0; 83 1595 139 o 3244 .r. pox .ter 01600 Piet 23 6 9 0 18 324 21 0 33 10 11 0 ' 7 229 13 0 : 704 03118 PIA 16 14 23 0 , 22 332 45 0 ; 31 16 10 0 12 406 17 o : 733 03:31 Hot 21 36 27 0 36 314 23 0I 50 29 15 0 17 258 16 0 842 0a43 Pict _ 29 19 24 7 . 36 371 32, 0 I 32 19 41 01 12 244 24 0 885 ?otal 14 75 36 0 ' 112 1346 121 0 i 146 76 . 77 0 ; 48 939 0 3184 04:00 PM 21 13 21 0 ; 32 428 18 0 ! 18 12 33 0 25 218 22 0 548 04:1S PM 35 5 18 Oi 21 41 16 0 21 4 9 0 9 221 24 0. 810 04:30 TM 40 b 24 0 i a2 *03 18 0 E 17 6 11 0 26 200 19 01 790 04'45 PAA 14 3 5 0 ; 14 457 17 0 � 21 14 9 0 18 223 23 01 86o 147 29 78 0 ! E4 1713 59 0 i 77 35 44 0; 77 862 87 0 : 39 06300 P44 54 3 18 0 13 473 20 0 26 19 21 0; 11 222 28 U ! 9C8 05:15 P11 37 5 25 0 ' 16 481 48 0 ; 19 15 24 C ' 15 214 20 0 t 9 05:30 f4.1 55 10 23 01 18 631 8 0 10 1: 22 0 13 21 31 0 949 06:48 PM 22 4 27 0 • 23 467 14 0 1 9 77 0 9 _ 110 25 _0, 330 Total 198 22 94 6 70 1552 22 0; 56 --- c4 94 0' 48 542 103 0; 3625 grsI46 Total 521 5C5 506 3 323 6314 840 0 j 438 240 281 0 334 6020 513 0 1 16553 Apprch % 33.9 32.9 33.0 u s 4.3 44.5 132 0.01 46.5 24 5 23.7 0.0 !, 07 7 7.5 0.0 Total % 3.1 3.0 3.0 0.0 1.9 37.5 5.0 0.0 ; 2.7 1 4 1.7 0,0 2.0 35.7 3.0 0.0 • We the undersigned request that: M► 7 M • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet is maintained from the Moyers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Myers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone 1 .1 rI .2 a ,206_ D �z,k ��, 3.2 9 � x Q3 2. 3. ) u 4. Z.L \ \ 4( se4c1 mac. ll��l /00 e6 &,& O/ cD7oS /— ii/c:1 0 6. atb(i.5 //O � �� -� . C 4 /2(1-(22 y & /(0 / fidLeAJ 7.9gat 8 . w /,,,,, i 7,4 1 / //i ii//06q- / i 2 r i! , ,✓; 1 0. 0 l WI _` _ 1 1. /K / 3 "-e°( (, 673 / 1 2. ;1///77'5 We the undersigned request that: • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet is maintained from the Mayers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Mldyers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone . r b/ AP 2. / zio2 (6 /Co - �) s Y ) 5 / z a,/,/ y is71 oz4,19 6. 5 frititSttir 0 51 D 7. 12 th ki /1/1 y14U )/ /D / 07 k-e: itcle -er C 8. ca-A.0;taLi(kio 10 Co KLLOQRA f. / —9 s ge 9. P t loG 41° -9586 10. 1 1 . /2 / ee,4 2 12. G t;,k),.t-- CA t-L' We the undersigned request that: MAR • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet is maintained from the Moyers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Myers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone 1. 42/.1./..v • it S 771/( �, /4 4 4",Z/ O/� 8 1 17u2 woreit LILY 1 rl, 73ec „, 2. i. yo 3. UFO h // kIL L)) 4. • frrJ'7 / otd juo . L\\\_ 05 Fel L t 3S 2- s g -o z_oi g o ‘' S //‘ / 2-I at_o )u(4- 8. tijiitAr 6. — S o ti p, 1 l o �c e I 10. Li k)(D-t-1- 7Ho�s�,j / quo , 1 , 11. fc. scvj 12. etti-try TVLICL(A) L I l 2 � 1 3 .3 4 Z We the undersigned request that: MAR i; • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet is maintained from the Moyers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Moyers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone 1 . (7 - (-›)/3 : ' / /' y ,'� ) // /) / / -- �_ / /y,- 4 tia_/),/ 0/ — 3 Oil ,.....___ Von t i, I 6. 4/C\ /Z_ ' / 5( - ..", 6 `&' i 7 . 'ii,,,_,L,z: . 7(- tL(/66-.7' ('`.-/ - 2,33 8. ;' :------e---61::. �2/ �' ���/ %� ,.� v 9 . _ .. ( ; . _ < it �' `---. y � c G i ` ) �' � L' �' 1 0 . / N ti LA c- c '- -- J -rv,4. J l y c.= iii ,/ ,, t a , /‘,..,, o b03-U- L,«, k_ o ff- 339 (1.1.114" o `d z,� 12. We the undersigned request that: LIAR • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet is maintained from the Mayers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Mi6yers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone `�z� i ?/ � C �� `_,Up �,� T'l - 3 - 1 Ccat?eic, 5 73J ( f 2. E z L G S �� 3 c-7 �t 41 (Cc � /off S�/� $4 0 1 9 2 /6 /(4' 4. 44 ■ s � 'L- D� % 1AS 6. g/ S yob This�(� 3a--(-1/-/S) ✓ �S Q v) c� 4. < < U) Vey 8. NAQE 20 7 06,4J cAn -lam 4- (- 5% 3/ 9. 3F 10. / � ,, tti) -aive 6 7 - 4, lPl; /W4 1. 12. CL /D .gL 3 z� 6 z.-7 ateeit/ - 7 We the undersigned request that: • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 few maintained from the Moyers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the M *yers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone 1 . (4,v 4 3 F,F�g.E /o 4 die e.4 r7` 57-- 8 (( 7' so ou.0.1 C4 329 4. / 9& 3 /1e4- f aet/ow C-/ 2 . l�'t Trt* ' Cz- /707 / � Re4M6CG, 11V " 6. � � Y • 0 a //jell 32f -7‘g 7. q,c'ih-c e. "Re u(.,t: -365 a�-� --Q 3c-7-3/(06 • 8. ,a.„ 1' p ?dw /„ 0 /la ?oa • , _ - ,0 /._94--• / P7 fdit -//37 /9d7 a ♦ 117 1 1. jo:ly �� 12. 2 6 be 6- 1.rl . 3 2-5 -1312 We the undersigned request that: PAR • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet is maintained from the Mayers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Moyers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone 1 . 016P z , ;/ Z l76---37 E 70P/-741-16 2. /5 e). NS/ trl ■.?-226, / - 3 � 3 S 3 . �e iThie-aGi/( Ct 4 11 1 /j fi=t- 9/6 - 4. C // 171 Me mi - e_ 4 a i -0- 7 3 . l / 9 vfit, ( (7 Go i G 7.2- 6. , .(Lk 9 11 c= 3 J‘i S -S 0 9(, 7. UJ ,Q- �-4 2,, r L, `I I n 1 ( f7( 8. ld3 ry /= -o -ulvic Cr ell i' ez � 9. / .,r /(.9 & /- U�' -�1� rt , 10. At C -�- /a 3 Am t.'6 '('-/-- ?� 3 Z i 1 1 . v L' , 7y.� )O N e w CI-, 11 6 -1W J 1 2 " 7 hey 1.04)_ ) ? 0 0 J \-1 o'( w)`rr C -r, 4-1 6 - V 6 / 1 We the undersigned request that: • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet is maintained from the Mityers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Mtyers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. ame Address Phone 1. /70? 04 44 a / 7 9 2.j���- driP7-(/ 3. "?.--(7-1.-7,,-2=<,--- / ...- . _ l i CALI_ i , ffS 1 rib 1 1 )16 ' 5 8 4 ' k U ,` --_,) led 421-- 4 3 /70' 4 /& • *(R- 0 0702_ - 7. 8. gi dit "7Y.' 9. AA,y /90.c VO 10 . ,i7o 7 i Z - 4J Z 1 1. -:7 h /77 � f 'mac. i✓ Z"" ` P F Y/ 3 V A-- I/ft -60'7 1 2. � 1 , We the undersigned request that: MAP • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet is maintained from the Mayers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Mayers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone 2. Y 'Vegyt v /Q7 cz��1'[_ c. 0v✓ Cr S: - ‘( 2 ( - ?7 O _.4 3 - , > . • - v vo1 5\-./ - <-L -' - 1 Z I 4. (A • lo a1,) Imo, i. , ' ` P j v ,aJO Bob -0- L VU to ‘_9/03 ; _ _ , / ////,,/ / ° - e/i l '� 6. : e,;',c _f itiiv- j i 7 C K II, �o 109 S Itn c-r 9r6------26--/ s. Vat ra G 6,6 o" ∎O ∎ Sin/ i & /133 3 9 . J /cLw/t 6;? / 6- ,_,-,-/,.: 7/ -cf . f i 1- 10. C - , yiy , h,5 c Cr ..)Si- y634 11. 7 z L., ip6r,s,A), 9 (-/c=2 -/ ) loc,R 9 Z'' 24 tee/ �&? / 1 2 . � j7 20 f We the undersigned request that: • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet% maintained from the Msyers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the M4yers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone _ grsva � �� a - qu � / - % OCR 1. At, 4 , al-c - 7 Zoo U �z 2. `,,/ 172 0, 6u 3. i'' « i Atz-s `-. t-` �.T ; S6, H L S " - r W6 ;�, '�,, i'l 4. /01 k' ' c Z r , . l 0 ' ,i icW ;- eaj-<A)1 co_ saci-c)(c) -)- ' „(dAtti,A4 4"As(2-e--0\41:46-'2-- .,2/i X C)-zu. ,zi ro 7 (2,‘ . . 1 . . . . . . _It 2 12_ ' -0- L b( . gv -7 - z f-4gsZ L -- (;,c L 8. _ / - v\ ',„L___ v_, ,i3u-i, -- J-1-(vvL-- (5- ( ,1 '17 5 AP 9. Dori 1 10. 10Z S6vdIGw C74- LiZ I - ?yJ Z it i71-ci ?(- VIYS 12. j - Ala- 130 4-56,q,7, A 50 4E1-7655 We the undersigned request that: MIR • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet is maintained from the M *yers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Mokyers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone 1 . ( 771 16 - t• )1a -7/tiLe6-7,) r 0 7- vg-/— 3K2_ , , i , - ,v, ., 2_, .„,...__„ ' , _ ,_ , _„,, c_ , .... .._, / ,,,,, , , , ) .-{ - - ' / ) ) .1 / , 3. ,1 - X ' ( 7/ (-/, - i 7 ( , , / / i / : ( '/./ i i 6. / /11 tr A p___________, - Zr - e ►ESL 2 g :3-4 s� 7. / , _ C( d_y-J 5 (.)-- 8. - L' �� ( y,7 e 0-3117 ca' /i.‘- 13 7 2 9. gdy-44- 10. ;, ,t 1 I, ZL 4 2, ! 0 LI I(h - 5 &yL/ �„ q — 1-. Z . 9 /-4i( 11. /2 .------ b! ( 7 ci 0 1 2. C �ki"e , // '' `< ‘P /1a' 1,� �7 We the undersigned request that: • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet h is maintained from the _ Meyers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Moyers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone ,, I', 13 R. t�, - 9 l.. 1 . vrn I\1rn•S 5 2. C ,vi,4, 1 o 3 0_ ( -0. = 7 i , / 3. fl/ 3- i . l 4. 5 ck s , a.,4_Jerr 7evelI 30i Quay! C'f. 1//6 .04/26 5. . X (,0(41c gio wis 0 ,_ Lob -ci f --/-1,z/ 6 - (--/(/ , f. A - — _ / 2 _.e,A.,,,,,,:_, i ( it pilAt. ( -I- 7. i l ;�/ j ' V/ /20 V E' /ut S - 8T ' // l,_ ■■■_ 1 A r 9. ( � I II gs 7 I iff, kf- 10. 1 11. 12. We the undersigned request that: s the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet is maintained from the Mtyers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Meyers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone . 1. X(fi/i, it ci 0 4. il o-7,ti . 0. . / - cro ,s , „)., 2,, )( ( )-; 2 ,/ .- 7.)-7 - , - ---- , rY z 4 / _"- ( 2.17 ----:_ .,-/ , ://e /1, ,_, 7 , - 1_ .!, , - , /(1,{.': - *' L-- ' ✓ / 1 1 '2°7 k;IICICC- Tr - 21- 241 r lam' f � j 6' bt • --> , w ____ 5. r 19 ,, Lic.,,,f /.177 Ye( -01- LiLt 6. � ZS 0 3 SkJ 7. /64 SMZ�.iS 4/ oq / //� s'T -z� C S % F re-n)2 If70 / cr JcPcf -r° 8. 9. GEG-14/ 74 p1 LeVeracr In ( rti -60 3 / . 6 � W '770 3 i o. t 3 6 60 at et 2 / P J 7 7D 0 11 .1Viie L / i ?di CIA0 /(Y 1-4.. 1 liew e" Y 1 / - °93 -s 12. C IUD 111//1/111/ We the undersigned request that: • the widening of Peytonville be limited so that at least 20 feet is maintained from the Myers Meadow homeowners' fence line to the curb. • the city bury all overhead cables for safety reasons due to the proximity of backyard play areas and swimming pools. • dense landscaping be placed along the Myers Meadow fence line affected by the widening of Peytonville Road. Name Address Phone at"I'14-4°-66)e-- - 0S K i I � i r- 017(`{e( SKV 1. L _ s ) 2. 4-6V-e0 �U ? c i 3 3. cYjet/e / eiO kr.T4j )41 /4 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1 2. E a) t al c cn O CU 03 0 -p v) E 15 3 ?IS ., v, P..1- (n N cn i C -i f no 13321 v O To O W O O (� , r N w N N to cn mC L N sr- o c = °�'-h,c X . dW L 4„...1 v, o 0 0 ^^'' b NJ W Q a C • mil■ ' 4..... U Q —J • o l •� ,JIli7 s w , a ! 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