JANUARY 13, 2000
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Fawks;
Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Ronnie Kendall. Members: Patsy DuPre, Debra Edmondson,
Rex Potter and Wayne Moffat.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant City Manager
Shana Yelverton; Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Director of Public Works Ron
Harper; Deputy Director of Public Works Chnrlie Thomas; Senior Civil Engineer Shawn
Poe; Interim Director of Planning and Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy; Planner Ken
Baker; City Attorney Debra Drayovitch; and, City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand.
Agenda Item #1, Call To Order
Mayor Rick Stacy called the Special City Council meeting to order at 9:15 p.m. The
meeting was audio and video tape-recorded for future reference. Copies of the tapes are
available upon request from the City Secretary.
Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session
An executive session was not held during this meeting.
Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session
No action was necessary, as an executive session was not held.
Agenda Item #3-A, Ordinance No. 480-323, 1st Reading (ZA 99-120) Rezoning and
Site Plan for Carroll I.S.D.
Ordinance No. 480-323, 1st Reading, (ZA 99-120), Rezoning and Site Plan for Carroll
I.S.D. Middle/Intermediate School, on property legally described as Tracts 1, lA, lC, iD,
and 3A, situated in the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, and being
approximately 37.416 acres. Current zoning is "SF-20A" Single Family Residential
District. Requested Zoning is "CS" Community Service District. Owner and Applicant:
Carroll Independent School District.
Planner Ken Baker presented ZA 99-120, stating that twenty-three (23) notices were sent
to property owners within the 200' notification area and the following responses were
received: 620 South Kimball Partnership, 595 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake,
opposed, "Traffic and safety issues were not addressed. No access to the home at 620
South Kimball Avenue from the south." Jeff and Chung-Ming Wang, 595 South Kimball
Special City Council Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2000 Page 1 of 12
Avenue, Southlake, opposed, "Traffic and safety concerns were not addressed. No access
was provided to homeowners traveling from the north." Chin and I~ey-Ping Po, 305
South Kimball Avenue, Southlake, opposed, "Trafftc design did not consider the safety
and access issue.for the property owners on the east side of Kimball Avenue." George
and Corrine Turtle, 219 Eastwood Drive, Southlake, in favor [with concerns] "drainage-
water detention area not extended to the southwest corner, lights on the football field,
outdoor speaker system and PA system with .future press box, water detention area-grass
or cement [how will it be maintained and by whom?]; Jack S. Petty, 616 South Kimball
Avenue, Southlake, in .favor, "But require an 8' wall on the south side of the school
property prior to construction starts. This will protect the children .from being hurt or
killed .from the ostriches in the field." Janice Miller, 165 South Kimball Avenue,
Southlake, opposed, "City of Southlake will proceed with this proposal whether or not I
approve." For responses outside the 200' notification area see the zoning records.
Mr. Baker reported that on December 9, 1999 the Planning and Zoning Commission
tabled this item to continue the public heating on January 13, 2000, instructing the
applicant to take whatever steps were necessary to address the concerns raised in writing
and submit them to the homeowners before the holidays so they can have time to
consider the school district's proposals. Another homeowner/school district meeting was
held on Sunday, January 9 to address the homeowners concerns. The issues of concern
included traffic, drainage, parking, trees/environmental, fencing, spill over lighting and
noise from the outdoor auditory systems, septic system, and communications.
The request proposed a zoning change to "CS" and a site plan for a combination
intermediate/middle school campus and a 500-seat football stadium, on approximately
37.416 acres of land. The district proposes opening the intermediate school [grades 5-6]
by August 2001 for 800 students and the middle school [grades 7-8] by August 2002.
The property is located on the west side of South Kimball Avenue approximately 900'
south of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). The Land Use Designation for this area
according to the City Land Use Plan is "Public/Semi-Public and 65 LDN Overlay
Brent Cline, 2159 Brook Drive, Grapevine. Mr. Cline introduced members of the school
board, including Jerry Lawrence and David Yelton. School district members present
included Superintendent Ted Gillum; Assistant Superintendents John Craft and Steve
Johnson. Mr. Cline addressed the issues in the Site Plan Review Summary No. 1
commenting on the requested variances including articulation, lighting levels, trees
islands on the back of the property and parking spaces.
A discussion was held regarding the lights and Mr. Cline agreed to set up a time when the
lights would be mined on at the Carroll Junior High School on North White Chapel
Boulevard, for demonstration purposes. He stated he would let the City know when this
would be arranged.
Councilmember Debra Edmondson commented on the lighting, stating that in the packet
submitted by the school district, the company that they will be using indicated that they
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meet strict spill and glare requirements for lighting projects near residential areas,
airports or observatories. She asked if they were aware that the city needs the same type
of attention to be paid to the lighting near Southlake residential areas.
Mayor Stacy stated, "I know you did cost estimates on these buildings, and I have heard
in previous presentations that the project is going to cost an estimated $1 million to $2
million dollars more than they would have if the topography were not such that it is and
the drainage is not such that it is." Mr. Cline stated some of the overages had to do with
the topography and some of it had to do with the site work, which went up dramatically
in the last 8 to 9 months. He confirmed that they added an additional $1 million dollars to
this site because of the topography and drainage. Mr. Cline stated they took extensive
measures to provide for the drainage to the north of the site and proceeded to explain the
process to be used to control the drainage. Engineer Eddie Cheatham further explained
the process to be used in controlling the drainage.
Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated, "Eddie, I have a question, have you made any
recommendations to handle the drainage problems here that the school district is not
going to follow?" Cheatham stated, "no." Kendall stated, "So everything they
recommended, they are going to follow and you feel very comfortable?" Cheatham
stated, "It is a matter of working it out with the down stream property owners. Yes,
everything we have recommended we are going to do.
Councilmember Gary Fawks stated, this looks frightening like the Durham and Carroll
Junior High sites where we received conflicting accounts of where the down stream water
used to go and we got detention ponds and impact on down-stream and he stated he
would like for Cheatham to briefly point out to Council how this is not going to create the
same problems. Fawks asked Mr. Cheatham to define "detention pond" as he
[Cheatham] indicated in his presentation regarding the drainage plan and asked him how
they were going to control and insure that the same problems that occurred on the junior
high site would not happen at this site.
Councilmember Debra Edmondson commented about the proper resolution of the off-site
drainage issue as it was very important, stating she thought the city would be able to
participate in some of the costs, however, has found, based on her conversation with the
Director of Public Works Ron Harper, that the City is not going to be able to participate
in the costs for correcting this drainage problem, but still feels it is critical that the
drainage is handled properly.
Councilmember Kendall asked Mr. Cheatham if the school had the right-of-way to
complete these drainage improvements. Mr. Cheatham stated they have verbal
agreements for the easements from the Pigg property and from Dallas Foam. It was
confirmed that the school would have to have the easements in place when they prepare
the construction plans for the project.
Mayor Rick Stacy asked Mr. Cline if there were extra costs involved because this
property is located in the 65 LDN Noise Contour? Mr. Cline stated there are differences
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in costs because of the roof and the windows and indicated he did not know the amount
of money the difference would be.
Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy was asked to state the motion made by the Planning
and Zoning Commission at their meeting of this date. "Motion to approve ZA 99-120,
Rezoning and Site Plan for C.I.S.D. Middle/Intermediate Schools, subject to the Site Plan
Review Summary dated 12/3/99, deleting Item #5 to allow vertical and horizontal
articulation as shown; modifying Item #6d, granting relief from constructing parking
islands in the parallel parking spaces only; on Item #8, granting relief on the following
lighting standards for the stadium: allowing 30-foot candles instead of the required 20-
foot candles and allowing white light instead of the yellow light and acknowledging the
applicant's commitment to comply with all other provisions of the lighting ordinance; on
Item #9, accepting the applicant's decision to remove the 250 future bleachers from the
west side; therefore bringing the existing required parking into compliance; and with the
following additional conditions: accepting the applicant's commitment to use lights rather
than bells to announce class changes; that joint use of the facilities be subject to City
Council's decision; accepting the applicant's commitment to move the southern parent
loop driveway to the north to comply with the 250-foot spacing requirement and to better
align with the Johnson's driveway across Kimball Avenue and reserving the right for the
city to later require the construction of a "pork chop" in the southernmost drive
(restricting the traffic movements) should circulation and safety concerns arise in the
field; acknowledging that the drainage will flow to F.M. 1709 and that the current runoff
to the north will be reduced by 15%; deleting the northern circulation road from the plan;
requiring the bufferyard on the West; requiring the planting of as many required trees on
the site as directed by the Landscape Administrator and then plant any "leftover" ones in
the Kimball medians and any others at other school locations; requiring that all
construction traffic use the northernmost driveway; and acknowledging that a sanitary
sewer connection will be made available in the northwest comer of the site and that
neighboring properties may tie on at the neighbors' expense."
Councilmember Edmondson commented, "Under the Tree Preservation Analysis, the
Landscape Administrator required a tree mitigation summary chart." Edmondson asked
if this document had been submitted? Mr. Cline stated it was submitted with the site
plan. Staffwill verify that this document was submitted and Edmondson requested a copy
of the document.
Mayor Stacy commented for the record, "I think this is probably the worst choice that has
been made yet for a school site for several reasons: Not only for the neighborhood
adjacency, the football field --- we have been trying to get a football field for years but
not on this site; its in the noise corridor, we know there is extra costs involved in that ---
we don't know what they are because they did not tell us here tonight; it is certainly not
in a convenient place as it is at the end of the school district --- a school should be
conveniently located within the district if it is going to help with the traffic flows and the
students and parents; the topography is horrible --- we have had two or three developers
trying to develop this property for residential prior to the school purchasing it and they
could not make it work; the school says 'it is only going to be one million to two million
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dollars more because of the topo and drainage and we will simple roll it into the cost of
the building and I resent that! The school was here before Council a month or two ago
asking for $1 million plus dollars to help with the natatorium, and now we are going to
throw away one to two million dollars because of the site that is not right. I just don't feel
like that is right. I don't feel that we should be building channels in this community, and I
really don't believe that we could create a drainage system that will handle this particular
site with that much coverage. I don't like the idea of driving down Kimball Road and
seeing the tops of those schools and I just really, really feel like it is a poor choice for a
Pamela Muller, 214 Westwood Drive, Southlake. Ms. Muller stated that she agrees with
Mayor Stacy in that this is not a good site and that he covered ail the points she covered
during the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting earlier. She stated, "As a tax
paying citizen [and it has nothing to do with me living close by], I know they purchased
this property because they thought the land was inexpensive, but for all the costs and
improvements, it has terrible soil and drainage issues." She stated she would be upset if
she had a child going to this school. She expressed concerns about the lighting as she
knows the football field is going to go in and there will be lights; and she stated she
disagrees with the I0:00 p.m. curfew hut it is what the P & Z Commission recommended.
She stated she wants to see more restrictions with that. She stated she worked diligently
on the lighting ordinance and stated it does upset her that there will be a variance granted
for these lights. She asked Council to consider that the lights only be used for game
nights and for use only by the C.I.S.D. and not be allowed for use by Keller ISD or other
districts using the lights. She reassured Council that she is asking for restrictions on the
lights, not because she does not believe in athletic activities for school children but
because of the topography of land with it being difficult to buffer. She asked to have the
lights dimmed halfway once the game is over and completely off within 45 minutes of
when the game is over. They should not be allowed to be used on Saturday and Sunday
and also that if there is game practice, that the lights are used no later than 6:00 p.m. She
also expressed concerns that the Certificate of Occupancy not be granted until Kimball
Road is improved because of the safety issues; drainage concerns; and concerns about the
easements and that a lot of effort has been taken to visit with the property owners to the
north and what their needs and wants were long before consideration was given to the
residential property owners. She stated it has always been the practice to take into
consideration the residential neighborhoods when new development comes in.
Corrine Tuttle, 319 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Ms. Tuttle stated she lives behind where
the football stadium is being proposed and stated she is most concerned about the lights.
She stated from an article she read in the newspaper and the headline reads, Enrollment
Leveling Off in Carroll Schools. She read from that article where school enrollment is
expected to increase from 1999 to 2006, and then it is expected to decrease to about 300
students annually between 2006 and 2009. Those numbers represent a significant
difference from annual enrollment increases of about 600 students from 1995 to 1998.
She read where Mr. Harold stated that a proposed 2002 Bond Election that calls for
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building a third middle school and possibly a sixth elementary school could be delayed if
the decline continues. The article went on to say that the school board would get an
update of projections next year. Ms. Tuttle asked the City Council, "Why are we adding
another lighted stadium when we have Carroll intermediate school with lights, the junior
high school with lights, the old Dragon Stadium with lights and the new stadium that is
going in? After reading this article, why are we spending money on lights, a PA system
and bleachers? When, speaking as a mother, I have a son that is in the soccer program
along with others that do not have a complete uniform? They are missing jackets because
we cannot afford to buy them. I have lived here for eleven years and have paid my taxes
and my children have enjoyed the school district I have loved living out here and have
loved volunteering in the school district, and it makes me sick that we are spending our
tax dollars on the possibility of a third middle school coming in when we cannot supply
the needs of the students we currently have. I see that we are wasting money and I would
rather see that added to the band, to the athletic programs --- lets get the kids fully
equipped --- and not add more lights and another playing field when we have the ones
that exist already. I think we need to check that out more. She asked Council to look at
the amount of money that will be spent by adding the field and maybe let it be a playing
field and use what we have already."
Russ Livens, 220 Westwood Drive, $outhlake. Mr. Livens stated he lives up on the other
end of this property, up on the hill, and the schools are not going to bother him very
much. Mr. Livens stated the school superintendent told him that the C.I.S.D would have a
school district with 6,500 children, and the way he sees it is, we will have a stadium for
1,500 children. He stated, "This seems like an awful lot to me and we do not want it. We
don't want the schools in this location for $1.5 million dollars more. The schools are not
that objectionable but you are right, this is a really bad site. There is bound to be other
sites that they already own that will do a better job. The answer they had for needing the
football stadium is a scheduling problem. I don't know how much administration they
have but it seems to me these people are very well paid to figure out these scheduling
problems and they have another three stadiums. So I just don't think this is reasonable or
logical. A bond issue was voted on and that was the argument that was given to me for
going ahead with this. If you make a mistake on voting a bond issue, you do not need to
spend the taxpayer's money, and the taxpayers do not mind if you don't spend all their
money and give some of it back to us and earn your high salaries. I believe there are
enough administrators over there to figure out the scheduling problems. I like for our kids
to have good schools, I like to see the teachers paid well, and we can over emphasize the
athletic programs [I played football for ten years]. There is a little over emphasis here on
the wrong issue."
Dennis Minder, 223 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Mr. Minder stated the Mayor's
comments mirror his comments. He stated during the P&Z meeting they were asked if
they had an agreement for the drainage improvements and easements needed to the north.
He stated nothing happened in the last one and one/half hours --- they still do not have an
agreement to pipe the water. He noted problems with drainage in the southwest comer
with the school property being about two feet taller than his with the erosion stacking up
against the fence. He asked the school if they were going to dig down below the two-foot
Special City Council Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2000 Page 6 of 12
berm onto his property or are they going to stop part way back? He asked if the drainage
doesn't work who is going to fix it, like with Cambridge Place? Mr. Minder referenced a
photograph submitted by the school in which their properties look a lot further away than
they actually are. Mr. Minder commented, "They are asking for restricted lighting like
Ms. Muller suggested and restricted as far back as 8:00 p.m. The problem being is that
the school and the subdivision mirror, and the noise goes down the draw and you can
hear every sound." When it comes up later for joint-use, he would like to see further
restrictions because they have a very unique situation in that the area is fiat and there is
no place for the noise to go. Mr. Minder stated the fence on the south side of the property
would be double-sided because of the ostriches to prevent injury to them. They are
asking for a double-sided fence so that the rough side of the fence does not injure his
horse. That is assuming that the school will place the smooth side fence on their side.
Mr. Minder also noted a large oak tree on his property and stated the rooting system is
flush with the property on the uphill side so if they dig down into the rooting system, he
wants them to figure out some way to get around that tree so that it will not be damaged
or possibly killed.
Carlos Dorris, 213 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Mr. Doris stated he would like to address
the lighting issues stating the poles are 80 feet tall and with the grade of the roadway,
they will be looking right up at the lights. He stated this is not a good fimcfion for our
community. He addressed the drainage, as it will relate to his property and the school's
property stating, he does not care to have the ditch get deeper and deeper. He stated his
property is higher and he feels we need a master storm water program to get rid of the
water and there is a lot of water that has not been accounted for in his opinion.
Jeff Wang, 595 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Wang stated he is opposed to this
request as there is no design for Southlake Kimball Avenue and it is not safe for his
Mayor Stacy commented about the design of the driveway onto the school property from
South Kimball Avenue.
Darrell Faglie, 505 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Faglie stated he is tired of
this property! He stated he will be greatly impacted by this school and realizes a school
will go in, but he is hopeful that it will only be one school.
Marilyn Johnson, 495 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Ms. Johnson expressed concern
with the schools going in at that location, stating she is in the Grapevine/Colleyville
School District and has no vote on the school board members or where they choose to put
their schools, however, commented that she would feel all of the impact and is opposed
to it.
Pattie Minder, 223 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Ms. Minder stated, "Mr. Mayor, I agree
with your comments regarding this property and we have had lots of discussions on this
property regarding the drainage issues. I agree with all the comments made tonight.
When we built our home them was agricultural property behind us. The people who built
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their homes around Carroll Middle School had a choice of whether or not they wanted to
live next to a school, but we do not have a choice. When Carroll High School was voted
upon we all thought that would be the future site for the football stadium. I have
discussed numerous times the problems with the lights at The School of Baseball. There
is property behind Carroll Intermediate School that could have a stadium. Why do we
need another football stadium? Mr. Cline cannot even tell us how much this stadium is
going to cost in tax dollars. Every time I have heard a Councilmember ask the school a
question tonight, no one from the School District has the figures on what it is costing for
these things. This property was going to cost over $1.5 million dollars three years ago to
correct the drainage problems on the property. What are the real figures for drainage? I
feel if the citizens of Southlake knew what was going on here, they would not be happy.
When we all found out this property had been purchased for schools we were not happy,
as everyone knew that was a bad piece of property to put the schools on for the drainage.
I realize the school can do whatever they want, but we were here first and we did not
choose to live by a football stadium. I feel that the Council should listen to our needs
because we supported you in your election. We are not trying to deprive any children, but
we have several other fields the kids could use." She agreed with the comments made by
Confine Tuttle about the condition of the uniforms the kids wear now for sports. She
stated concerns that the C.I.S.D. is going to put this money into drainage when they need
other things for the kids and the athletic program. She stated she feels the priorities are
mixed up regarding this project.
Mayor Stacy asked Mr. Cline at what angle would the school buses be sitting when
turning into the school site. He said if it is a loaded school bus, that will be dangerous and
he does not know how it will be able to make the turn.
Councilmember Gary Fawks asked about the finished side of the fence behind the
Minder's property. Mr. Cline stated the finished side would be on the school side.
Councilmember Patsy DuPre had additional questions about the lighting. It was noted
that the edge of the lights would be approximately 135' and that is the property line for
the residential area.
A question was asked about how many games will be played at night in this stadium. Dr.
Gillum responded that they would be playing 6 to 10 night games out of the 365 days.
He went on to explain the days that the games will be played at all the schools. The
question was asked of Dr. Gillum, why can't the games be played at the other schools or
at the new stadium, as the school will be within walking distance to the ultimate football
stadium? Dr. Gillum responded that it is further down Kimball Avenue to SH 26. Mayor
Stacy stated that the 6 to 10 games could be played at the new stadium on SH 26 and that
the kids could be bused to the stadium. Dr. Gillum stated if he were only talking about
one school that would work. Mayor Stacy asked what is the cost to light one stadium?
Dr. Gillum stated it does cost a lot, but he feels that the students who choose to
participate in the athletic programs should have quality facilities to play in.
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A discussion was held regarding the turn lanes onto the school property from South
Kimball Avenue.
Councilmember Gary Fawks asked the City Attorney if Council denied the zoning would
that have impact on the schools building on the site?
City Attorney Debra Drayovitch responded, "Councilmember Fawks, it is generally
Texas law that a school district, when it is carrying out an academic program, has the
right to decide the location of whatever facility it intends to construct. This does not mean
that a school district is not subject to the city's reasonable development regulations. Both
governmental entities operate within granted authority from the State to carry out their
Mayor Stacy questioned if Council should deny this case; does the school district have to
go to some other authority for permission? Drayovitch stated they are required to obtain
building permits and comply with the building regulations.
Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated, "Rick, I agree with you that I do not think that
this is a very good site location. A former school board picked this site location and it is
the current school board that has to deal with it and all the related problems. I feel sorry
for you guys. I firmly believe that it is not within the scope of our authority to not
approve it. Just as she [City Attorney] said we cannot turn down any site location or
related zoning to that site location that a school chooses. It is not within our scope of
authority. We can grant variances or not grant variances as long as it does not interfere
with their educational goals and accomplishments and that are how we are limited. Like I
said, I do not like it -- I don't like where it is -- it has a lot of problems, but there is
nothing we an do about it."
Councilmember Debra Edmondson stated, "I second those thoughts. I'm very concemed
about this site, loosing 759 trees is a lot of trees, and I am very upset about that. Talking
about lighting on the field, I remember when I was on the Planning and Zoning
Commission and we permitted [voted] for their site plan on the junior high. The P&Z
passed it without lights and Dr. Gillum looked at us and said you can pass it that way, but
"we need light" so that is our dilemma.
Councilmember Kendall stated, "That is a separate issue and I think that remains to be
seen and maybe we can legally check that out between first and second readings, but I
think we still have some voice regarding lights and other developmental issues."
Councilmember Gary Fawks stated, "I realize that we have some folks here that live in
the Grapevine School District and essentially this is your forum and you do not have
another place to turn to. I understand that, but the vast majority of people in this room are
impacted by this. You do have one other forum and that is your elected school board and
I believe that in a lot of these matters, we have to allow them to make decisions that they
feel are best for the development of the school district and those folks answer to you just
like we have to. I would encourage you, as we move forward beyond this site plan, to
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continue to take your concerns to the school board on the issues that concern you. Be sure
that they are informed because they have the same charge as we do, to be public servants,
and you folks are the public."
Councilmember Rex Potter stated, "Have we ever seen a school go in that there wasn't
controversy? There is not one school that we have not seen problems because these
schools bring population [density] and we need to work with the schools. I realize I have
heard and seen in the newspapers and various people up here are not happy with the
school and what they have done. The bottom line is that the decisions have been made
and we need to minimize the impact as much as possible. I don't think that turning this
down or saying no is an option. What can we do within our control to mitigate the
impacts? And, what can we, as a city do to be sure that Kimball Avenue can handle this
and is going to be improved and that we are going to put in the medians and things like
that to enhance this property? The school has come along way from where they were a
couple years ago; they are at least listening to people and trying to work things out. I
compliment the school board for trying to mitigate because it used to be "here it is, take it
or leave it" attitude. We have to live with what has been done and I question what we can
do here to make this a better situation.
Councilmember Edmondson stated she agreed with what Ronnie Kendall had to say
about the lighting and looking further into the possibility of dimming the lights and
turning them off at a certain times.
Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated, "I understand the concerns that the neighbors have,
but we are also answerable to all the citizens of Southlake. I am on the Joint Use
Committee and the only question I have is about limiting the lights usage. What if there
comes a point in time when we do need a facility for joint use? We have a number of
children who play sports through the parks program and I wonder about limiting the use."
She asked if the city is going to be able to use the gymnasiums in these schools. Will the
schools be closed off so that we can do that for joint use?"
Mayor Stacy stated he understood what the predicament is, and stated, "I sympathize
with the school board and I feel like we are all partners. We have to work together. Our
job is to try to build commercial development to try to offset the taxes. We are trying to
be good partners, but it hurts me to see you spend excess monies. When you stand up
here and tell us it is a million and one-half or it might be two million dollars that hurts. I
have spent twenty years participating in fundraisers and auctions trying to raise money
for the school district and I hate to see us waste money. I think we can vote it down and I
think it will send a signal back to say that somebody needs to take a fiduciary
responsibility and not waste the taxpayers' money. If it delays the thing and they have to
go to another site that they already own, I don't have a problem with that. They are
already planning a third middle school and I'm sure they have a site somewhere they
have not told us about. What happens if we do turn it down? I think they have to go
somewhere else to ask permission. I would be happy to do that."
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Councilmember Fawks stated he thinks the school board is charged with making the
decisions about the facilities they need and the location they need them in.
Council adjourned for recess at 11:30 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 11:45 p.m.
Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated, "I understand your concerns Rick, and this might not
be the ideal situation, but as various Councilmemhers have said, I don't think it is our
place to try and tell the school district where to put their schools."
Motion was made to approve ZA 99-120, Rezoning and Site Plan for C.I.S.D.
Middle/Intermediate Schools, subject to P&Z's motion with the following modifications:
on Item #9 in the review summary, granting the applicant's request to reduce the parking
spaces from the 398 as shown to 379 spaces to accommodate the construction of parking
islands in the parking lots; requiring the applicant to erect an eight-foot (8') double-sided
fence along the west and south property lines; stating that there be no restriction of joint
use of the facilities; requiring that the stadium lighting be turned off forty-five (45)
minutes after game activities have concluded; but no later than 9:00 p.m.; requiring that
no stadium lights be used on Saturday or Sunday; and reserving the right to restrict all
stadium lighting after observing the Junior High light demonstration.
DuPre, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, Edmondson, and Potter
6-1 vote
Dr. Gillum stated the Intermediate School would be constructed first with the
construction starting in March 2000 to be completed in 2001. He agreed to turn
off the lights on the west when the game is over.
Agenda Item #3-B, ZA 99-121, Preliminary Plat of Proposed Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll
I.S.D. No. 4 Addition
ZA 99-121, Preliminary Plat of proposed Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll I.S.D. No. 4 Addition,
on property legally described as Tracts 1, lA, lC, 1D, and 3A, situated in the John A.
Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, and being approximately 37.416 acres. Current
zoning is "SF-20A" Single Family Residential District. Owner and Applicant: Carroll
Independent School District.
Planner Ken Baker presented ZA 99-121, noting that twenty-three (23) notices were sent
to property owners within the 200' notification area and two (2) responses were received:
Jeff C. Wang, 595 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake, in favor, "Can't stop. Have no
choice." Janice Miller, 165 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake, opposed. On January 6,
2000, this item was tabled to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held on
January 13, 2000.
Special City Councii Meeting Minutes ofJanuary l3, 2000 Pagell of 12
Brent Cline, 2159 Brook Drive, Grapevine. Mr. Cline stated they agree to comply with
all the comments in the Plat Review Summary #1, dated December 30, 1999.
Motion was made to approve ZA 99-121, Preliminary Plat for Lots 1, Block 1, and
Carroll I.S.D. No. 4 Addition, subject to the Plat Review Summary #1 dated December
30, 1999.
Agenda Item #4, Adjournment
Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the meeting at this time.
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Special City Council Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2000 Page 12 of 12