1987-12-15NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON · CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, T'EXAS 'MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: December 15,1987 TIME: 7:30p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Mayor Pro Tem, Charles Curry. Betty Springer, David McMahan, Jim Wooll and Rick Stacy. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr.; Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand; Chief of Police, Jerry Crowder; Fire Chief, R.P.Steele City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney, Ken Dippel. INVOCATION: Jim Wooll. Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Mayor Westerholm called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Minutes of the December 1, City Council Meeting were approved as presented. Approved S-0 vote. MAYORS REPORT: S' cy McMahan Springer Curry Th~ Mayor and City Manager met in Grapeyine on December 12, with area Mayors and City Managers to discuss common problems. The meetings are scheduled for every three months. The Mayor ~tat~d the day was verM benefi- cial. Mayor Westerholm read Resolution 87-999, amending the original consti- tution of the City of Southlake. Councilperson Curry was named in the resolution. The resolution which was written and approved in fun, is hereby attached to the NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKB, ~'EXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: December 15,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX This is the last Council meeting of the calendar year and Mayor Westerholr wished the audience a Happy Holiday Season. City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr. noted he executed a change of scope on the 18" water line, reducing the scope 5y $5,534.32. The reason, Southlake was unable to obtain an easement to carry the line onto Mrs.. Bell's property and we will have to cross the road. The line crossing will be east of the creek. A presentation was made by Hank Thompson, general manager of Planned Cable Vision. He explained that this is a follow-up of the April, 1987 meeting. He explained that the system passes 1,935 homes and that they have 467 subscribers at the present time. The company will be opening an office in Southlake on December 15, at 1725 East Southlake Blvd. A request for a Special Exception Pe'rmit to pour a foundation prior to a building permit being issued for St.' Laurence EpiscQpal Church was discussed. Bill EeGrand, D.P.W. stated, after review, he recommends approval as requested. Father Crary spoke, stating they have complied and they broke ground two weeks ago. They are wanting to 'be- gin' for the moraleof the cone Public Comments: 'Barbara Tipton~ no comments. krfhur Welman- they want to begin the ~before the bad weather moves in. NAME OF COUNCILPERSON · CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ~'EXAS CITY COUNCIL 'MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: December 15,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Motion was made to approve the permit as requested for a foundation only, prior to the building.permit being issued. Approved S-0 vote. S+Rcy 1. ~11 McMahan Springer Curry St~cy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry ~t. Laurence Church requested a variance to the city policy for plug installation. fire Bill LeGrand stated the church has agreed to pay a pro-rata share of the water line and will install a fire plug in front of their property. Motion was made and approval given to approve the variance as stated. Approved 5-0 vote. The request for Special Use Permit for a dwelling to replace a home that burned down in October was discussed. It was noted that the request has been administratively resolved and Shirley Reece does have a permit at this time. Resolution 87-92, nominating RESOLUTIC candidates to Tarrant County Appraisa.87-92 Review Board was discussed. Motio~was made to accept the City Manager's recommendation. Approved 5-0 vote. Resolution 87-94, in support of the Carroll Independent School District was discussed. RBSOLUTI( 87-94 Councilperson McMahan asked that the item be placed on the agenda. He stated the purpose of the resolution is in the face of what lies the potential roll-back election, he felt it appropriate that the Council voice NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON "CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: December 15,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 4 INDEX its support of the school district in their efforts to establish a quality school system which affects everyone of us. He read the resolu- tion. Councilperson Wooll stated he support fully, the school board and its iesistance to this, although he has some doubts about the means. He feels anytime you have a petition tha is presented and its signed by a sizeable percentage of the electorate he feels it should be brought before the citizens for a vote. If it should come to a roll-back election, he will be out there working as hard as he can to help defeat that. This is his one reservation, he is not sure he fully supports the means He is with Council in spirit. Councilperson Springer concurs with most of Wooll's comments. Her concer is that 800 plus voters in the school district are potentially being disen- franchised of their ability to cast a vote one way or the other on the petition. Coundilperson Curry feels the resolu- tion as it clearly states, is that Counci~ supports the resistance of a roll-back, whatever means the school board chooses' to deal with. Mayor Westerholm feels he regrets tha we have come to this point. That there is a group of citizens in town who feel disenfranchised. As he looked at the detailed budget process that the city went through that was very thick, and after reviewing the budget that the school district put out, with an explanation of the budget being only about 6 or 7 pages NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS · ~INUTES OF THERegular MEETING. DATE: December 15,1987 TIME: ?:50 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 5 INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curr makes sense, that the questions that he had asked of him primarily relate to the public's feeling to the to the questions, were not there. the school board had been able to answer questions, as City Council had responded to questions from the public, maybe we would not have come to thi§ point. Particularily, he is disturbed, that here in a city that has a history of unity, working to- gether in school and city activities. Me personally does not want to see a roll-back occur. As far as a roll- back election, he has no problem that. He feels the citizens have a right to express themselves. He can support the resolution as it is written, however, not in the method in which it is being done by the school board. Motion was made and to Resolution 87-94. Approved 4-1 vote. approval given Resolution 87-91, authorizing · erection of the 1/2 million gallon storage tank was discussed. City' Manager~ Lloyd O. Latta Jr. stated we have closed on the land on the west side of town. Motion was made and approval given Resolution 87-91. Approved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No. 354-25, 2nd reading on Ravenaux Village Zoning was discussed. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made and approval given to Ordinance No. 554-25, 2nd reading Approved 5-0 vote. RESOLUTI( 87-91 ORDINANC NO. 534- NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan S~ ~inger C~.ry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry St~cy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTBS OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: December 1S,1987 TIbIE: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 6 INDEX The final plat of Ravenaux Village Addition was approved as prese.nted. Approved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No. 40S, Znd reading, on ORDINANC zoning reclassification for Jim Martir NO. 405 was considered. Jim Martin asked if the minutes reflec his wishes. No other comments during the public hearing. Motion was made and approval given to Ordinance No. 40S, 2nd reading. Approved S-0 vote. Ordinance No. 334-24 (ZA 87-40), 2nd ORDINANC reading, Zoning for Episcopal Church NO. 334- was considered. Public Hearing J.N. Bell -signed up to respond to questions. Motion was made and approval given to Ordinance No. 334-24, 2nd reading. Approved S-0 vote. Ordinance No. 406, 2nd reading, Food Service Ordinance was approved. There,were no comments during the publi~ hearing. Approved 5-0 vote. ORDINANC NO. 406 Ordinance No. 407, 1st reading, Zoning Reclassification for Area 28 for Dan Matise, Don Botik and Dallas Foam was considered. Motion was made and approval given to the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 407. Approved 4-1 vote. ORDINANC NO. 407 ~AME OF :OUNCILPERSON CiTY OF SOUTIILAKI-:,. TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: December 15,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTIlLAKE, COUNCIL C[[AMBERS 667 NORT[I CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTilLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 7 INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Ordinance No. 408, 1st reading, ORDINANCE adopting the 1987 National Electric NO. 408 Code with amendments, was discussed. Bill LeGrand explained the differenc~ between armored cable wire and metal clad and conduit. After discussion, motion was made and approval given to Ordinance No. 408, 1st reading. Approved 3-1-1 vote. A discussion was held in regards to the Masonry Ordinance No. 511. Councilperson McMahan had asked the city attorney to draft an ordinance of a composit of other masonry ordinances and come up with a that would protect Southlake in terms of quality development. The council reviewed the proposed ordinance. The city attorney is to revise the ordinance as discussed tonight and have ready by the January 1, city council agenda. A discussion was held concerning a draft of a Special Site Plan Zon%ng 1 ~ 2. McMahan explained that City Council has discussed in the past the need or pre~eived need for some category to allow some of the property that has been annexed'to function within the city legally without being grandfathered necessarily, but to have their own category. We have also run into situations where perha the utilization doesn't really fit one of the categories we have. The · purpose is to give ourselves a category without opening it up to anyone who comes along. The difference in the two site plan districts is, (1) site plan district '~AME OF ZOUNC I LPERSON .CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF TIlE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: December 15,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. ['LACE: CITY OF SOUTtILAKE, COUNCIl, C[IAMBER.q 667 NORTtl CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTIILAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 8 INDEX regulations- detailed, and (2) site plan district regulations- generalize. A discussion was held concerning proposed changes broadening the exist ing zoning use categories by amending Section S.14 of Section S, of Ordin- ance No. 334. Councilperson McMahan explained the bottom line as to what this category does, it would allow someone in certain categories such as 0-1,0-2, R-1 & R-2, instead of giving a zoning of retail which might not be appropri ate, if you take office zoning, that might be more appropriate but still too restrictive under the current zon- ing law. This allows someone re- questing a certain zoning and allows City Council to approve certain uses within those categories. A discussion of the establishment of additional zoning categories was held. Councilperson McMahan explained, several comments were made in public sess$ons, that we should re-establish modular and mobile home districts in as much as we have them in town. Also, Ghat hotel and motel districts be add~d. It was suggested that the issue of motel and hotel be a separate ordinance. A discussion was held concerning the authority to issue Specia] Exception Uses Permits for items not covered by ordinance. Mayor Westerholm recommended that the city attorney write an ordinance NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON .CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING, DATE: December 15,1987 TIME: PLACE: CITY COUNCIL 7:50 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CIIAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SO[ITl[LAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 9 INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan S inger Curry giving the authority to city staff for items that are of a temporary nature. Lloyd O. Latta Jr. suggested the lengt of time for such temporary permits be 90 days. Staff will come up with a list of items that can be permitted such a special use permit. presentation was given by Lloyd O. Latta Jr., for a time flow chart for platting and zoning. 7he November monthly financial report was presented by the city manager. The Department Reports were discussed Fire Chief, R.P. Steele, stated that the three paramedic students took the state test tonight. They were all three in the top of their class with above 90 grade scores. It was established that a false alarm ordinance is needed as we have a large number of violations. City Manager commended the Police Department for going out of their way to support Carroll High School during football season. Resolu%ion 87795, approving Tri- County ~lectrxc Co-op and their petition for authority to change the rates. Motion was made and approval Resolution 87-95. Approved 5-0 vote. given to RESOLUTIC NO. 87-9~ ~AME OF EOUNCI LPERSON .CITY OF SOUTIILAKL:, TEXAS MI'NUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: December 15,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTII CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTI[LAKE TEXAS · PAGE: 10 INDEX Public Forum Bill LeGrand- The water tower topped out and they will pour the dome this week, weather permitting. The contra¢ is signed for the 18" water line on West Dove. Construction will begin after the first of the year. 'c0uncilperson Stacy- Stated he and the City Manager have had three meetings with the State Highway Department on the up-coming minute order. A detailed report will follow. The meetin Westerh Of Southlake City Secretary SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING TONIGHT A'aeffge,,,,,,Zi_x_J is--; //J7 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGENDA ITEM CITY (Please Print) D USE S17 ,V, /rye - L aII Ro( . I � , �- -- i /a k-2 , "re x -121- 3 3 3.S- S-I,I v e.,-, ce Ch,, c V ✓(7a(1 0 a-ra. . 4 ,, 07 3Z55 Cieccep- fir— " l i7 / 7 5.-To/tikAl C..it.t4.!.“,_ - -3 , lv , 8 T..--,e__ (__. 1)---,‘I-e/t—ii es.,:e_-c_ 7-`,-'17) )4, '"?--T) / ti/ lc:- . ✓/W �.7"f mil/ r 3() f -)I o .{6,-,e c Y .4,/ j<3�' 92 / 4_5 J u. to • _ • City of Southlake INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 477 DATE: December 15 , 1987 FROM: Lloyd 0. Latta, Jr. City Manager 1 � TO: SUBJECT: , 1r Mayor Westerholm Tarrant Appraisal Review Board �✓ ' ) Councilmembers Membership Reference discussion at Council workshop December 14 , 1987 concerning recommendations for Tarrant Appraisal Review Board. I recommend the council recommend the reappointment of the following members whose term expires 12-31-87 . Gus Brooks, 4701 Westlake Dr. , Fort Worth LeRoy Brooks, 4013 Clayton Rd. , West, Fort Worth Nell Council, 1500 Allegheny, Arlington Bill Durham, 4300 Plantation Drive, Fort Worth 111 H.W. Jett, 4304 W. Vickery, Fort Worth Ben Loughry, 3221 Collinsworth, Ste 400, Fort Worth Gurden Petta, 4912 Cockwell, Fort Worth Bobby Reed, 4610 Williams Road, Forth Worth v Darrell Samuel, 1467 Cienegas Circle, Fort Worth 9 Bill Winter, 901 Penn Street, Fort Worth For initial appointment, I recommend: James L. Hancock, 918 Surrey Lane, Grapevine Charles L. Mettler, 820 Mountain Terrace, Hurst If these appointments are approved by the Tarrant Ap- praisal District Board of Directors, it would provide 3 members from Midcities Northeast Tarrant County areas. • cc: s$almota ceGrand 111 i, f Tis.RRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT el'''. 2315 GRAVEL ROAD 4 FT. WORTH, TEXAS 76118 December 10, 1987 /// 1/1111i/// _�� ;� „°u�`,•,. NOTICE ep ,v,. '`" x Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of December, 1987, the Board ,�a. .� LLB:: of Directors of the Tarrant Appraisal District will meet in o s • at 9:30 A.M. , at 2309 Gravel Drive, Fort Worth 76118. 0 AGENDA RECEIVED DUI 1. Call to Order DEC 1 ? 19$7 ay OFFICE OF ,'. ACTION ITEMS CITY MANAGER 1. Approval of minutes of Board Meeting of November 19, 1987. G' c 2. Declaration of results of the election of members to the Board of Direct w and welcome the newly elected members. 3. Substitution of collateral by depository bank and/or report on the status of collateral . 4. Consideration and award of bids a. Group Health Insurance. 5. Appointment of members of the Tarrant Appraisal Review Board. SFORMATION ITEMS 1. Report of Pension Committee. 2. Report on status of 1988 appraisals. 3. Report of the Chief Appraiser on administrative matters. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS *EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS: 1. Sec. 2(g) of Art. 6252-17 V.T.C.S. - Personnel matters involving the selection of candidates for membership on the Tarrant Appraisal Review Board. 2. Sec. 2(e) of Art. 6252-17 V.T.C.S. - Advice from attorney with respect to pend- ing or contemplated litigation. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION: 1. Vote on any matters considered in Executive Session; 2. Set next meeting date. 3. Adjournment. Closed ',e,;,,,c--5:------ - ^-e--(-- 4"-------- , William E. Roberts , Chief Appraiser II STATEMENT OF INTENT TO THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS AND THE GOVERNING BODIES OF THE INCORPORATED MUNICIPALITIES OF: ANNETTA, AZLE, COLLEYVILLE, GRANBURY, HASLET, KELLER, NEWARK, NORTH RICHLAND HILLS, PELICAN BAY, RENO, ROANOKE, SANCTUARY, SOUTHLAKE, WEATHERFORD, WESTLAKE, AND WILLOW PARK. NOW COMES Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. (the "Utility" ) and pursuant to the requirements of Section 43 (a ) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act of Texas (Art. 1446c, V.A.C.S. ) , files this its Statement of Intent to revise its tariffs and schedules . 110 I. The Utility intends to reduce the rate charged to the Residential Class by 1 (r per KWh for all KWh usage over 1 ,200 KWh effective as soon as may be permitted by law. This reduction would be applied during the winter billing months, November, 1987 through April, 1988 and could upon notice to regulatory authorities be implemented in future years as well. Filed herewith are tariff sheets containing the proposed revisions. II. The changes are applicable to all areas to which the Utility provides electric utility service. Based upon a test year ending March 31 , 1987, the decrease requested for the Residential class • TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. SECTION TITLE: Section No. II Sheet No. 2 SCHEDULE A Revision No. Page of APPLICABILITY: ALL AREAS SERVED 201 . Residential, Non-Commercial Farm Operation, and Public Buildings Applicability Service is available for residential purposes, non-commercial farm operation, schools, and public buildings with each point of service individually metered. Character of Service 410 Single phase, 60 hertz, alternating current at standard secondary voltage. Three phase service is available under Rates LP-2 or LP-3 . Monthly Rate Billing Dates of Billing Dates of May through October November through April Customer Charge Customer Charge $6 . 00 $6 . 00 Energy Charge Energy Charge 7 . 88 per kWh First 600 kWh @ 7 . 88 per kWh Over 600 kWh @ 6. 88 per kWh Plus an adjustment per kWh of energy sold per Schedule PCRF. For November, 1987 through April, 1988 billing periods in the energy charge shall be reduced $ . 01 per KWh for all usage over 1200 KWh. Upon notice to applicable regulatory authorities this reduction may /II also be applied in other future years . Minimum Charge Minimum monthly charge shall be $6 . 00 . 1 is $488, 025 or 1 . 67% of test year revenues . The Utility does not propose to recover this decrease from any other class . III . Consumer classification and rate applicability will remain unchanged. IV. Inquiries concerning this Statement of Intent should be directed to the undersigned at McGinnis, Lochridge & Kilgore, 1300 Capitol Center, 919 Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, 411 telephone number (512 ) 476-6982 . Respectfully submitted, McGINNIS, LOCHRIDGE & KILGORE 1300 Capitol Center 919 Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 ( 512 ) 476-6982 B Y' Cam ell McGinnis ATTORNEYS FOR TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 600 N.W. Parkway Azle, Texas 76020 -2- I • l ... ' •.. r w. • ...v... •.. •...w..•. .r•. r...r. • • l•. .... f{..f.....4 •...• ...1 ./• . .. •.•.. a .... .....wr -........ ... .. . 40 ITEM: Section No. II SCHEDULE A Sheet No. 2 Effective Date APPLICABLE: Revision All Areas Page 1 of 1 201 . Residential , Non-Commercial Farm Operation, and Public Buildings Applicability Service is available for residential purposes , non-commercial farm operation, schools , and public buildings with each point of service individually metered. 1I. Character of Service Single phase , 60 hertz , alternating current at standard secondary voltage . Three phase service is available under • Rates LP- 2 or LP-3 . Monthly Rate Billing Dates of Billing Dates of May through October November through April Customer Charge • Customer Charge $6 .00 $6 .00 Energy Charge Energy Charge 7 . 884 per kWh First 600 kWh @ 7. 88$ per kWh Over 600 kWh @ 6 . 88¢ per kWh Plus an adjustment per kWh of energy sold per Schedule PCRF. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS Minimum Charge APPROVED II/ Minimummonthlyr N(�d21 °83 DOCKET charge shall be $6 . 0 . 5147 IIL BY TARIFF CLERK Tri-County Electric Cooperative , Inc . - Azle , Texas • . 1 �; LE.C ', l987 410 LAW OFFICES MCGINNIS, LOCHRIDGE 8c KILGORE (��O/�;'Ce ;1rE OF [��j 1300 CAPITOL CENTER ra N E`�_PLE17 �Yi 919 CONGRESS AVENUE AU / STIN, TEXAS 78701 '-uf^•J TELEPHONE (512)476-6982 WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER: 4161(..61,1414) (512 ) 495-6046 XQ December 2 , 1987 _H_S 7G - 5-e 6 6 Mayor and Governing Body r/ City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Gentlemen: I hand you herewith for filing pursuant to Section 43 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act (V.A. C. S. art. 1446(c ) ) the Statement of Intent of Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc . , together with a Petition for Authority to Change Rates . Actually, this request is only to decrease the rate to the Residential class for usage over 1200 KWh in the winter billing months of November, 1987 through April, 1988 . Please indicate receipt of this filing by noting on the letter presented herewith your signature, title, date and time of receipt, and return the executed copy in the envelope provided. Yours very truly, TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. By a Camp 1 McGinnis Duly Authorized Representative ECM:pk Enclosures RECEIVE ,BY THE CITY 0 SOUTHLAKE Name: athil Title : &�� ,4-e,C,t,l i l,,, Date: `� / - 7-J'1 411 Time of Receipt: 1 /l,/,j_• I City of Southlake 3 ® t INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: December 15 ,1987 FROM: Bill LeGrand Director of Public Works TO: Mayor Westerholm SUBJEC8. Laurence Episcopal City Councilmembers Church. Request for Foundation Permit , Prior to Final Plat Approval . It is my recommendation that the St . Laurence Epsicopal Church be allowed to start their building program before the final plat is approved by the City Council in January 1988 . The City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission have approved the Zoning and Preliminary Plat at this time . The City Council has 410 also approved their Site Plan which is the prerequisite for a building permit on commercial projects . A letter has been received from the St . Laurence Church stating they only want to place the foundation and are willing to risk the possibility of not receiving the final approval . c . c . Lloyd 0. Latta Jr . 110 St. Laurence Episcopal Cfuirdt c" Y7''� LLL111 November 16 , 1987 �;r 'fy 'U OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY City Council City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake , TX 76051 Mmebers of the City Council , This letter will confirm our verbal agreement to hold the City of Southlake harmless for additional expenses or costs incurred owing to our proceeding with sitework and foundation work for St . Laurence ' s new church at 519 N. Kimball Road prior to your granting a final construction permit . We have submitted drawings and specifications to your offices for revisions and issuance of a permit , and have submitted drawings and application for zoning and platting of the reference property. These are also in process . This will constitute our application for a temporary , "foundation only" construction permit in advance of our receiving the normal construction permit for this project . Thank you for your indulgence in permitting us to proceed with our building . Sincerely, 11 rra6CV(16:...9 c)1/r- Father Wm. A. Crary Vicar • 519 North Kimball Road•Soutfdake, Texas 76092 P.O. Box 1146•Grapevine, TX 76051• (817) 481-3335 - L.- City of Southlake outhlO INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: 12/11/87 FROM: Finance Department Renee J. McCarty TO: All those receiving SUBJECT: Financial Data for the following financial the month of November data The following charts and budget comparisons are provided to exhibit the financial performance of the City of Southlake for the month of November. This month revenue and expenditure projections are compared to actual with the use of colored charts . Actual expenditures are red and actual revenues are green. The financial data provided is exclusively for one month. Therefore, the cash flow charts are misleading within a year to date scope . When analyzing the charts , remember the following factors that deflate the revenue for this month: - prior budget expenditures paid for in the current year, - the expenditures for November that could not be paid (refer to the "Expenditure Approval Report" provided in: the packet) , - and the overall shortfall of expected revenues . The Finance Department proposes to have a new report next month that includes year to date figures . CASH FLOW 1987-88 City of Southlake 2.6 2.4 — /41 ,,,,2? 2.2 — ra- 2 — '- 1.8 — • m 1.6 — r, c 1.4 — 0 .,,, ,,,,,,.4, 7- 1 .2 — r, 0.8 0.6 — lit 0.4 — ra 0 I I I 1 1 1 I I- I I Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 0 REVENUE + EXPENSE REVENUE & EXPENSE 1987-88 City of Southlake 600 500 — \\ \ 400 — \ " S \ C. V 300 — \ - \/ \, 7 // %/ 200 — \ . .. '� \� \T- / , ,,% f \\!f N r/ /, "; V/ / , ' 7 00 —10 % .// f / %; —.rr —,% / z ` / \ . / / r ,/ ., f f \/ \,/ \./ \ / N / \\,j \ \ `� \/ `\,,,7 \\./ ��- \7 �,/ \2 `�i �,-, / / / / / r; 0 '_�Sl." >_ ,`/ \ L \, r _\ r \, i �`. r \ / \ r � r \ i �. r Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep \ REVENUE /7/ EXPENSE 1 Ad Valorem Tax Revenue city cif `_•outhlakt 19 t7-1? 500 : 4DO — 300 — f 1 0` 200 E •. 4's • y f U❑ — -•1 s-. v ti CY_t Nov Cam= Jan Fab Mar Apr Mw Jun Jul Au; Sep - 1 1 1 1 1 SPENDING BY DEPARTMENT Litt/ of `4,7uthlake 1987-88 100 • ;ti 8C5 — :+ '-y (_ 1 • E iy •S k _ :: - : . --ti _:: .._ti_ � :�- -,� fir:t - f ` '` •i i 1 [b_t f' c: D",- Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 1°'--., f AdminIntration (/ A Flrr '-J Pali_r SPENDING BY DEPARTMENT city if Southkika 1 987 19 1 6 — — . 17 — , lei' — 15 — 14 — 13 — 1'a — 0 11 — - ov c a 10 -' a C.A. r : C r' W P . F 5 T I — r, / r J , :_�' fir.. • '—'11 It Oat Nov Deo Jan Fab Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sap Council i aurts Parks I`'•- public 'vicrk FRANCHISE TAX — City of =T-Juthloke 1 g$7-1 g58 6p at I 50 —rT 3� ,,L` --- i?ti_i'1 `i z,4 `, k L.,. 11 rt`,jo a`a fir' .,'�: ; Si 30 —��s 1 - z fya,g ti `� �p mo.ty, if ? f "4a} f L}a± NovDec Jan Febafar tip May Jun Jul Aug p I SALES TAX city 0F Siuthlcrk', 1987-11)85 40 30 — n;:1 :l i :-vim ,a m :v /W ',:.},; I. ` •mot - , 2 Q( .i it ~'~v ''f`•-•'v "`l•`• - Asi-':::::,! .1.,.:4: :;t -\ ....--• .....% \- -..-* ..--. ...." [ \ . \ ' \ is y:� Gat 14.71t- Lb-c jar, F=rb Mgr Apr F•to- Jim Jul Aug • vep I COURT FINES ;i 1ray of outhlo4:.e 1957-1. 85 45 L -L 40 - 35 - ,•. LL _,., Z C+ K -; is _ _ : ~=L % 1 5 SS'5 !` + + :: !.llr//ry•y L � `L = L vI .... i \ N. L__•I CI•_t NOV [b-_ Jon Feb Mor Apr May Jun Jul A. Sep I • 1 ; I • I I i i I ; I_ 1 r BUILDING PERMITS f, PLATING — ZONING city "f =,,uthiak 1987-1988 45 ,, I 40 — :35 — ` _ .q Z— 1 -.• v� 4 30 — r T' La t' 28 L. ' ` f v` 'y j i Q .=0 — sty b,+•,r '' .`j• • •t.fr' •T .•. V f r r7 7 .� i/ %.' irf if! ,Fr is li ti { I _, ){'3� �.`J `•r�i J, .`3 .? 2 i'! '1 'r-9I rrf F 5 F S '--...,2A ',..:',:::- \'':.:" \.::::} \--..:1 %,..--.,,,1 „....,;,-;1 „.,:._ ..„...„-/ .......,:; t ! ,...1 [ 11 1 CL Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Mc Jun Jul Aug Sep Etuflding Permits 5211 Plating and Zoning • I I I f SPENDING BY DEPARTMENT city of Southlak' 1987-88 15 14 — ka • ,� 13 — \ y 12 — •_ `, 11 — _. _ at• •. L 'S 'st '. .'. .4 Qy V •._\'_' •'ti�'} a:.�'•- •`ti`'. ,t' ,tom:� ..t4. +,•. •• a'�••t `o $ — \ k a `� v1ti •:'• v`+• +1'S ••. `•' v aa-I ' It t s- FQ f } i, •4•y -+. �. •'v�"=• '\•s•4 \•ti'-v 'a•- vl~ti 1+•� t ' •• t v 'ti •'+ •'- t s• •- alb +,vl ,.t ••i; a' ,-t ` "':� ''t`•. .-y v �.- --..t Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Au? Sep . Building Department 1 1 I 1; SPENDING BY DEPARTMENT City of `;authlake 1?87 =ti, 150 140 —,,,,•. 130 ,,,r,,,, 120 -..., ' Zt 110 -.,.�.� 1� —i 6K;i ; �, `� to al 'J1' '- ••, RI 0 RI E 80 —; •, .� p a 70 —A.0,4 •�`'k '-� �-` 80 J" _ 80 t,. 40 '¢, , .•h••,.,,,,,,,� , 7y<' AA 1 u '"";2 ii ii;dt3�h ill'''' , I i t } ,-1 } :•1 1 } } 1 art R. D Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aura Sep 1 I Street 1 1 1 1 • 1 -, 1 I I CITY OF SOU HLAKE REVENUE FOR MONTH 11-30-87 WATER FUND RECEIPTS PROJECTED FOR DIFFERENCE TO NOVEMBER PER (1) - (2) 11/30/87 87-88 BUDGET (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) -o, 300.00 `Water Sales $ 118,528 $ 144,719 $ (26,191) 315.00 Garbage Revenue 10,669 12,500 (1,831) 320.00 Tax Garbage 709 709 330.00 Sewer Fees 887 1,667 (780) 335.00 Sewer Taps 345.00 'Water Taps 1,667 (1,667) 355.00 IBM Contribution 18" Water Line 8,636 (8,636) 360.00 Bulk Water 532 532 365.00 Contract Meters 375.00 Unapplied Cash (940) (940) \, 385.00 Late Charges 1,839 1,839 395.50 'Water Deposit 1,150 1,150 395.51 Service Charge 525 525 400.00 Sewer Line 5,048 (5,048) 400.50 Delinquent Accounts 500.00 Returned Checks 630.00 Sewer Impact Fee 13,064 2,500 10,564 660.00 'Water Impact Fees 2,500 (2,500) 825.00 Misc. Income11 11 850.00 Returned Check Charges 45 45 860.00 Reconnect FeeI 100 100 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $ 147,119 $ 179,237 $ (32,118) 1\10.00 Interest Income 3,245 500 2,745 TOTAL WATER FUND REVENUE 150,364 179,737 $ (29,373) * (29,373) $ 150,364 $ 150,364 *To indicate columns balance i i I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 100 CITY SECRETARY/MAYOR & COUNCIL EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) 1 BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) 101.00 Regular Earnings $ 2,154 $ 2,668 $ (514) 103.00 Health Insurance 102 127 (25) l 104.01 Group Health and Life 105.00 Dental Insurance 120.00 Retirement 152 170 (18) 130.10 Worker's Compensation Ins. 48 10 38 TOTAL SALARY & RELATED COST $ 2,456 $ 2,975 $ (519) I 210.00 Legal Services 216.00 Engineering Services 217.00 Consultant Contracts 220.00 Election Process/Supplies 125 (125) ,226.00 Public Officials Bonds 305.00 Office Supplies 83 (83) 405.00 Telephone Service 487 172 315 505.00 Classified/Legal Advertising 2,696 417 2,279 1520.00 Postage 34 83 (49) I 525.00 Printing 42 (42) 574.00 Dues/Memberships 83 (83) 1605.00 Office Machine Maintenance 640.00 Building Maintenance I 700.00 Tuition/Training 125 (125) 710.00 Travel Expense 63 (63) 726.00 Publications 825.00 Misc. Supplies/Expense 79 (79) ITOTAL OPERATIONS $ 3,217 $ 1,272 $ 1,945 TOTAL FUND 100 $ 5,673 $ 4,247 $ 1,426 1 I I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 I 05 CITY ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES PROTECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) 11 (1) (2 BUDGET(2) 87-88 (UNDER) OVER /101.00 Regular Earnings $ 9,354 $ 10,548 $ (1,194) 02.00 Overtime 03.00 Health/Dental Insurance 506 586II (79) 20.00 Retirement/FICA II 709 567 142 30.10 Worker's Compensation Ins. 32 35 (3) TOTAL SALARIES & RELATED COSTS $ 10,601 $ 11,736 $ (1,135) 10.00 Legal Services 1,426 6,250 (4,824) 12.00 Professional Services 4211 (42) 14.00 Audit 707 1,250 (543) 24.00 Tax Assessor/Collector 1,273 1,167 106 28.00 Janitorial Services 30.00 Copier Lease 367 (367) 34.00 Metromedia 297 276 21 36.00 Computer Lease 24 (24) 38.00 Computer Software Support 226 943II (717) 40.00 Postage Meter Lease 152 188 (36) 60.00 Insurance 05.00 Office Supply 187 417 (231) 15.00 Computer Supplies 44 167 (123) 28.00 Janitorial Supplies 298 83 215 60.00 Computer Maintenance 900 128 772 il05.00 Telephone Service 27 345 (318) 30.00 Texas Power & Light 1,169 717 452 40.00 'Water 14 (14) 05.00 Classified Advertising 4211 (42) 20.00 Postage 776 83 693 25.00 Printing 125 (125) 45.50 (Not Used) 74.00 Dues and Memberships 42 (42) 40.00 Building Maintenance 677 309 368 00.00 Tuition il10.00 Travel Expense 53 53 50.00 Auto Allowance 150 225 (75) 25.00 Misc. Expenses 52 167 (115) 10.00 Administrative Facilities11 833 (833) 15.00 Animal Control Services 2,083 (2,083) 20.00 Economic Development *1,140 570 570 11 TOTAL OPERATIONS $ 9,553 $ 16,857 $ (7,304) II *Includes October and November Invoices II CITY OF SOUTHLARE EXPENDITURES FOR 'ITIE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 105 CITY ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DflkERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) 125.00 Capital Equipment J25.01 Display Station 925.02 Desk TOTAL CAPITAL $ $ $ TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATION $ 20,154 $ 28,593 $ (8,439) I CITY OF SOUTALAKE I EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 0 MUNICIPAL COURT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIJ FERENCE I FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) 101.00 Regular Earnings $ 2,579 $ 4,668 $ (2,089) 3.00 Health/Dental 204 306 (102) 0.00 Retirement/FICA II 120 167 (47) (.10 'Worker's Camp Insurance 18 145 (127) Total Salaries & Related Costs $ 2,921 $ 5,286 $ (2,365) 02.00 Attorney Prosecutor 500 (500) 05.00 Municipal Judge 1,000 1,000 05.00 Office Supplies 5 100 (95) 315.00 Computer Supplies 125 (125) 05.00 Telephone Services 94 86 8 40.00 'Water 14 (14) 20.00 Postage 36 63 (27) 25.00 Printing 74.00 Dues & memberships 15.00 Gasoline & Oil 63 (63) 25.00 Vehicle Repairs & maint. 42 (42) 00.00 Tuition 13 (13) 10.00 Travel Expenses 8 (8) 25.00 Misc. Expenses 25 (25) I55.00 State Treasurer 74.50 Jury Duty ^^.01 Court Refunds 10 10 38.00 Computer Training Total Operations $ 1,145 $ 2,039 $ (894) Total Municipal Court $ 4,066 $ 7,325 $ (3,259) CITY OF SOUTILAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 20 FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) 01.00 Regular Earnings $ 9,862 $ 13,989 $ (4,127) J02.00 Overtime 3,192 250 2,942 103.00 Health/Dental 611 1,001 (390) '20.00 Retirement 465 420 45 130.10 'Workers Compensation Ins. 427 450 (23) Total Salaries and Related Costs $ 14,557 $ 16,110 $ (1,553) 212.00 Professional Services 310 500 (190) ?22.00 Ambulance 750 208 542 34.00 Communications Lease 88 (88) J05.00 Office Supplies 22 25 (3) 314.00 Uniform Purchases 49 300 (251) 116.00 Badges, Patches, Dues 169 180 (11) 118.00 Educational Supplies 322.00 First Aid Supplies 374 450 (77) 126.00 Small Tools 128.00 Janitorial Supplies 5 21 (16) J38.00 Arson Investigator 33 (33) 405.00 Telephone Services 180 233 (53) 120.00 Lone Star Gas 50 (50) 140.00 Water 50 (50) 520.00 Postage 6 5 1 ;15.00 Gasoline and Oil 494 167 327 ;25.00 Vehicle Maintenance/Repairs 633 417 216 645.00 Radio Maintenance 125 (125) i63.00 Equipment Lease 65.00 Equipment Maintenance/Repairs 250 (250) /00.00 Tuition/Training 56 83 (27) 710.00 Travel Expenses 13 (13) 25.00 Miscellaneous Expenses 7 7 _25.01 Booster Hose 100ft 825.02 1 3/4" Nozzle 25.03 2 1-1/2" Nozzles 25.04 Bunker Gear 680 (680) 825.05 5" Couplings/Fittings R25.06 1 2-1/2 Nozzle Total Operations $ 3,055 $ 3,878 $ (824) Total Fire Department $ 17,612 $ 19,988 $ (2,377) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 30 POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) 01.00 Regular Earnings $ 40,156 $ 44,295 $ (4,139) 02.00 Overtime 1,269 667 602 103.00 Heath/Dental Insurance 2,138 2,444 (306) j20.00 Retirement/FICA II 1,589 1,726 (137) 30.10 Worker's Camp Insurance 3,284 2,658 626 Total Salaries & Related Costs $ 48,436 $ 51,790 $ (3,354) 12.00 Professional Services 35 167 (132) 728.00 Janitorial Services 83 (83) )34.00 Communications Lease 77 (77) 36.00 Computer Lease 207 (207) -405.00 Office Supplies 185 208 (23) 14.00 Uniform Purchases 205 250 (45) 15.00 Computer Supplies 250 (250) -25.00 Jail/Booking Supplies 125 (125) 35.00 Photographic Supplies 150 (150) 05.00 Telephone Services 456 535 (79) 40.00 'Water 14 (14) 905.00 Classified/Legal Advertising :20.00 Postage 6 21 (15) 25.00 Printing 125 (125) D74.00 Dues & memberships 15.00 Gasoline & Oil 1,854 1,250 604 25.00 Vehicle maintenance 250 833 (583) _45.00 Radio maintenance 14 167 (153) -00.00 Tuition/Training 100 (100) 26.00 Publications .25.00 Misc. Expenses 13 13 P25.01 Flares 25.02 Radio Installation 10.00 Travel Expenses 42 (42) Total Operations $ 3,018 $ 4,604 $ (1,586) )35.00 Vehicles Total Capital $ $ $ Total Police Department $ 51,454 $ 56,394 $ (4,940) i 1 - CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 140 BUILDING/ZONING EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGED 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) 101.00 Regular Earnings $ 4,259 $ 4,296 $ (37) 102.00 Overtime 42 (42) -103.01 Health/Dental Insurance 305 285 20 105.00 Dental Insurance 120.00 Retirement/FICA II 86 86 _130.10 Worker's Comp Insurance 104 56 48 L -' Total Salaries & Related Costs $ 4,754 $ 4,765 $ (11) -206.00 Code Enforcement 500 (500) 212.00 Professional Services 2,500 (2,500) 216.00 Engineering 2,083 (2,083) -218.00 Master Planning 417 (417) 274.00 Planning & Engineering '305.00 Office Supplies 9 125 (116) 306.00 Code Enforcement & Supplies 63 (63) ,310.00 Building Codes 326.00 Small Tools 398.00 Supplies Miscellaneous I. 1405.00 Telephone Services 185 172 13 415.00 Centel 440.00 Water 14 (14) -505.00 Classified Advertising 100 (100) 1510.00 Postage 151 150 1 `525.00 Printing 570.00 License Renewal 574.00 Dues & memberships 63 (63) 1,605.00 Office machine maintenance 610.00 Office equipment maint. -612.00 Software maintenance 50 (50) 05.00 Gasoline & Oil 36 42 (6) 625.00 Vehicle Maint/Repairs 4 58 (54) ,645.00 Radio maintenance 700.00 Tuition/Training 710.00 Travel Expenses 715.00 Training Supplies 750.00 Auto Allowance 1)744.02 Schools & Travel 825.00 Misc Expenses/Supplies 70 92 (22) -1840.00 Refunds I- Total Operations $ 455 $ 6,429 $ (5,974) I I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBJR 1987 140 BUILDING/ZONING EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) 925.00 Capital Equipment: 926.00 Bldg/Misc Permit Software 927.00 2-Display Stations 928.00 Pro-Printer 935.00 Capital Vehicles Total Capital $ $ $ Total Building/Zoning $ 5,209 $ 11,194 $ (5,985) I i CITY OF SOUPHLAXE j EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH -- NOVEMBER 1987 50 STREETS AND ROADS EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) _ 1 BUDGET 87-88. (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) 01.00 Regular Earnings $ 7,914 $ 8,513 $ (599) L02.00 Overtime 212 333 (121) 103.00 Health Insurance 509 560 (51) )5.00 Dental Insurance 20.00 Retirement/FICA II 198 289 (91) 130.10 ' Worker's Compensation Ins. $ 1,408 $ 813 $ 595 TOTAL SALARIES & RELATED COST $ 10,241 $ 10,508 $ (267) '12.00 Professional Services 125 (125) 16.00 Engineering ..55.00 Uniform Cleaning 184 (184) 305.00 Office Supplies 21 (21) 41.00 Street Upgrade 60,000 (60,000) 43.00 Chemical 345.00 Street Repair Materials 404 12,000 (11,596) -46.00 Drainage Materials 47.00 Street Signs i J48.00 Drainage Maintenance 175.00 Minor Hardware 98.00 Miscellaneous Supplies :25.00 Tri-County Elec-Street Lights 356 375 (19) 430.00 T P & L Elec - Street Lights 289 333 (44) 40.00 ' Water 26 (26) 05.00 Classified Advertising 610.00 Machine Maintenance '15.00 Gasoline & Oil 347 500 (153) 20.00 Maintenance Lights e25.00 Vehicle Maintenance/Repairs 105 292 (187) (35.00 Street Maintenance 60.00 Equipment Rental 1,194 1,250 (56) =63.00 Equipment Lease 1,670 . 3,667 (1,997) 665.00 Equipment Maintenance/Repairs 102 333 (231) V,85.00 Radio Maintenance 42 (42) 125.00 Misc. Expenses/Supplies ' 103 271 (168) 825.01 Traffic Control Service 025.02 Utility Trailer ;25.03 Light Bars, Beacon Lights 59 200 (141) TOTAL OPERATIONS $ 4,629 $ 79,619 $ (74,990) 25.00 Capital Equipment: 13 Radios CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 0 STREETS AND ROADS EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) 5.00 Capital Vehicles: 1 - 3/4 Ton Pickup 5.00 Capital Street Signs TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES $ $ $ TOTAL STREET/ROADS DEPT. $ 14,870 $ 90,127 $ (75,257) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 160 PARKS DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED . DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) '101.00 Regular Earnings $ 1,248 $ 2,063 $ (815) 102.00 Overtime 42 (42) _ 103.00 Health Insurance 102 153 (51) 105.00 Dental Insurance '120.00 Retirement/FICA II 26 52 (26) 130.10 Worker's Camp Insurance 110 87 23 ' Total Salaries & Related Costs $ 1,486 $ 2,397 $ (911) - -.212.00 Professional Services 216.00 Engineering 255.00 Uniform Cleaning 58 (58) , 314.00 Uniform Purchase 80 (80) )390.00 Supplies ,398.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 405.00 Telephone Services 81 42 39 1430.00 Texas Power & Light 110 250 (140) \440.00 'Water 333 (333) 505.00 Classified Advertising 505.10 City Fest Expenses 550.00 Supplies Concessions 675 (675) '551.00 Equipment Rental-Concessions 25 (25) 574.00 Fence maintenance 574.07 Lights maintenance 67 (67) 1574.08 Gravel-Park Rd. 574.09 Red clay - ballfields ^ 574.10 Landscaping maintenance 574.74 Curbing Park 610.00 Maintenance- Machines 615.00 Gasoline & Oil 23 67 (44) 1625.00 Vehicle Maint/Repairs 42 (42) `660.00 Equipment rental 83 (83) 665.00 Equipment maint/machines 125 (125) 674.01 Building Repairs/Maint 125 (125) 801.02 Signs Maintenance 50 (50) 825.00 Misc Expenses/supplies 51 375 (324) -.825.01 Equipment trailer 825.02 Misc supplies 825.03 Sign Maintenance _ 825.04 Machine maintenance !825.03 Net back stop - 825.06 2 Weed eaters Total Operations $ 265 $ 2,397 $ (2,132) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 160 PARKS DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) 925.00 Capital Equipment Total Capital Equipment $ $ $ Total Parks Department $ 1,751 $ 4,794 $ (3,043) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH . . .. _ . _ _ __ o NOVEMBER 1987 _ ?40 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) L01.00 Regular Earnings $ 848 $ 919 $ (71) 103.00 Health Insurance 102 25 77 105.00 Dental Insurance '.20.00 Retirement 239 64 175 �30.10 Worker's Comp Insurance 18 3 15 Total Salaries & Related Costs $ 1,207 $ 1,011 $ *196 234.00 Communications Lease 33 (33) -305.00 Office Supplies 25 (25) 326.00 Tools 405.00 Telephone Services 38 43 (5) 440.00 Water 15 (15) 574.00 Dues & memberships 505.00 Office machine maint. 620.00 Maintenance - Signals/Lights 545.00 Radio maintenance 700.00 Tuition/Training supplies 8 (8) 715.00 Training Supplies 750.00 Auto Allowance 350 175 175 625.00 Misc Expenses/Supplies 50 (50) Total Operations $ 388 $ 349 $ 39 Capital Expenses: 925.00 Capital Equipment: Capital Eqpt/Display Stations Total Capital Expenses $ $ $ Total Public'Works Dept $ 1,595 $ 1,360 $ 235 1 1 *Overage Due to Allocation of 1/4 Benefits to' Water Fund CITY OF SOUPHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 PO.WATER DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFJRENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) '110.00 Equipment Maintenance 250 (250) 015.00 Gasoline & Oil 304 333 (29) 625.00 Vehicle Maintenance/ Repair 20 333 (313) j40.00 Building Maintenance 167 (167) - `'45.00 Radio Maintenance 125 (125) 650.00 'Well Maintenance 1,250 (1,250) `,60.00 Equipment Rental 333 (333) 170.00 Water Line/Hydrant Maint/Materials 4,167 (4,167) 671.00 Sewer Plant Maintenance 183 2,500 (2,317) `72.00 Supply Pumps Maintenance 290 1,250 (960) - 73.00 Water Tank Maintenance 15,108 15,317 (209) 74.01 Repair/Maintenance 676.00 Supply Meter Maintenance 167 (167) 00.00 Tuition/Training 42 (42) 50.00 Auto Allowance 150 250 (100) 774.01 Travel 42 (42) 75.00 Water Line Oversizing 4,167 (4,167) 20.00 Water Line Upgrade 10,417 (10,417) 825.00 Misc. Expenses/Supplies 80 558 (478) Q20.00 Economic Development 860 430 430 Total Operations $ 86,882 $ 111,460 $ (24,578) 25.00 Capital Equipment: 'Water Meters 1,250 (1,250) L Forms Operator Desk and Chair Typing Table Safety Lights 2 Radios 1/2 High Speed Printer 4234 Trailer Dual Tandem Back Hoe 2 Mobile Radios Tool Boxes '135.00 Capital Vehicles: 1 3/4 Ton Truck w/Util Bed Sewer Cleaning Machine Truck Mounted 1 1-1/2 Ton Flat Bed 1 5-10 Pickup Truck -37.00 Sewer Line to School 10,333 (10,333) 938.00 18" West Dove Water Line 8,636 (8,636) _ - 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAIE REVENUE FOR MONTH 11-30-87 GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS SUBTOTAL PROJECTED DIFFERENCE TO PROJECTED RECEIPTS (2) - (3) 11/30/87 COMPARISON 87-88 BUDGET (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) (3) 110.00 Current Taxes $ 68,642 115.00 Prior Tax Roll 228 $ 68,870 $ 70,656 $ (1,786) _ 115.50 Penalty/Interest 120.00 Sales Tax 35,715 35,715 32,100 3,615 130.02 Franchise Tax-GTE 5,074 5,074 5,074 200.00 Ambulance 463 463 875 (412) 210.00 Fines 25,738 25,738 24,000 1,738 210.01 Non Moving Violations 210.02 Moving Violations 210.03 City Ordinance 210.04 State 210.05 Dept. of Public Safety 210.06 'Warrant-FTA 210.07 - Warrant-Capias ',� 240.00 Building Permits 50,111 6) 59,459 0 20,800 38,659 241.00 Plumbing Permits 2,223 0 , 242.00 Electrical Permits 4,293 243.00 Heat and Air Permits 529 244.00 Septic Permits 525 10 245.00 Site Plan 246.00 Culvert Permits 260 1 M47.00 Pool Permits 207 1 250.00 Zoning & Misc Fees 246 246 3,465 (3,219) - 251.00 Platting Fees 252.00 Board of Adjustments 253.00 Alcohol Use Permits 254.00 Sign Permit 104 1D 255.00 House Moving Permits 256.00 Solicitors Permit 5 0 257.00 Zoning Special Exception 258.00 Building Misc. Fees 1,202 1Q 259.00 Street Lights 260.00 Building Dept. Report 1350.00 Fire Dept. Misc. Inane 625 625 1,333 (708) 401.00 Concession Stand Revenue 500.00 Returned Checks 600.00 Road Impact 26,128 26,128 3,000 23,128 810.00 Misc. Sales 110 ( 1250 1,000 (875) 825.00 Misc. Inane 825.02 Alarm Monitoring 845.00 Refunds Received 850.00 Returned Check Charges 15 0 910.00 Interest Inane 542 542 1,250 (708) FUND TOTAL $ 222,985 $ 222,985 158,479 $ 64,506 I 64,506 $ 222,985 I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER, 1987 00 WA'riR DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER (1) (2) 40.00 Engineering 45.00 Mapping -- Water Service 1,667 (1,667) Total Capital Expenses $ $ 21,886 $ (21;886) Total Water Department $ 104,383 $ 153,233 $ (48,850) 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH NOVEMBER 1987 li 0 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES PER (1) - (2) BUDGET 87-88 (UNDER) OVER I (1) (2) 101.00 Regular Earnings $ 15,141 $ 15,845 $ (704) J02.00 Overtime 688 2,027 (1,339) 03.00 Health Insurance 713 937li (224) 05.00 Dental Insurance 20.00 Retirement (FICA II) 313 662 (349) 30.10 Workers compensation Ins. 646 416 230 ITotal Salaries and Related Costs $ 17,501 $ 19,887 $ (2,386) I10.00 Legal Services 2,083 (2,083) 12.00 Professional Services 2,500 (2,500) 14.00 Audit 381 667 (286) 16.00 Engineering 125li (125) 28.00 Janitorial Services 183 (183) 30.00 Copier Lease 138 (138) 34.00 Communications Lease 100 (100) li36.00 Computer Lease 942 (942) 55.00 Uniform Cleaning 150 (150) 60.00 Insurance 1,417 (1,417) 65.00 Garbage Franchise 10,177 11,25011 (1,073) 05.00 Office Supplies 73 183 (110) 14.00 Uniform Purchases 50 (50) 15.00 Computer Supplies 100 (100) 15.50 Bad Debts 26.00 Small Tools 28.00 Janitorial Supplies 42 (42) li40.00 Chlorine 32 417 (385) 43.00 Chemicals 500 (500) 50.00 Fuel 351.50 Revenue Debt Service 360.00 Computer Maintenance 83 169 (86) 375.00 Minor Apparatus/Hardware 398.00 Supplies 05.00 Telephone Services 94 333 (239) 25.00 Telemetry/Pumps 366 417 (51) 25.05 Tri County Electric 3,333 (3,333) 30.00 T P & L 517 1,867 (1,350) 40.00 'Water 58,088 41,667 16,421 05.00 Classified Advertising 21 (21) 520.00 Postage 76 333 (257) 525.00 Printing 83 (83) 555.00 Depreciation Expense 574.00 Dues & Memberships 125 (125) I05.00 Office Machine Maintenance 07.00 Software Maintenance 167 (167) I