1987-12-01NAME OF COUNCILPERSON . (]ITY OF SOUTItLAKE, TEXAS · MINUTES OF TIlE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: December 1,1987 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF souTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAK£ TEXAS. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Mayor Pro Tem, Charles Curry. Betty Springer, David McMahan, Jim Woo~ and Rick Stacy. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr.; Director of ~ublic'Works, Bill LeGrand; Fire Chie~ R.P. Steele; Police Chief, Jerry Crowder; City Engineer, Eddie C and City Attorney, Ken Dippel. Mr. John Boyle was present for a short time. INVOCATION: Rick Stacy. Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Mayor Westerholm called the meeting to order.' The Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on November 17, 1987 and the Special City Council Meeting held on November 24,1987 were approved as presented. Approved 4-1 vote. MAYORSREPORT Mayor Westerholm announced that Carroll High School Football Team is still winning. Counclqperson Stacy reported on the status of the traffic signals to be constructed along FM 1709. The State Highway Department let the con- tract as promised in November. The bid went to the low bidder who has 50 days to sign the contract and return to Austin. After it is returned to the local office, the contractor has 30 days to begin the project. He then has 60 working days to complete the project. The State Highway Department assur'ed Stacy that the project is moving ahead. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON Curry Springer M ~han Wooll Stacy CITY OF SOUTHLAKI!, ~.EXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: December 1,1987 TIME: ?:30 P.M. PLACB: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIl, CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: INDEX 2 The City Manager is to write a letter to the State Highway Department asking that the traffic signal at Peytonville Ave. and FM 1709 be installed first. Mayor Westerholm announced that items #4, #S, #13, & #16 will be deleted from tkis meeting. The consent agenda items will include: #6, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, & #2S. The items are listed: 6. Developers Agreement for Quail Creek Estates. 17. Resolution 87-87. Watershed Management Program. 18. Resolution 87-88. Amendment to FY88 BUdget. 19. Ordinance No. 598. Amendment to Sign Ordinance. 2nd reading. PublJ Hearing. 20. Ordinance No. $99. Sexually Oriented Businessee. 2nd reading. Public Hearing. 21. Ordinance No. 402. Railroad. 2nd reading. Public Hearing. 22. Ordinance No. 403. Street Name Change for IBM Filed Plat. 2nd reading. Public Hearing. 25. Ordinance No. 406. Food Service. 1st reading. Mayor Resterholm read the items that had public hearings and there were no comments from .the public. The captions of the ordinance were also read. Motion was made and approval the consent agenda items. Approved 5-0 vote. given to NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 'TEXAS · MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DATE: December 1,1987 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF sOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 3 INDEX Curry cnringer .Mahan Wooll Stacy ZA 87-39. The Replat of Lots 4 & 5, Block C. North Davis: Business Park, making Lots 4R, 5R, 6R, 7R, & 8R, Block C. was discussed. Terry Sisk of North Davi.s Joint Venture was present and answered ques- tions for the Council. Bill LeGrand gave a summary of the action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission. They approved the replat and the city staff recommended approval. Motion was made and approval given to approve ZA 87~59. Approved S-0 vote. Ordinance No. 334.-24 (ZA 87-40) zoninl request for a 2.894 acre tract of iland out of the Samuel Freeman Survey was discussed. Owner of the property is St. Laurence Episcopal Church. The property is currently zoned Ag- ricultural with a request to Community Service Zoning District. Bill LeGrand stated the City Staff and the P & Z Commission recommend approgal. Councilperson Wooll asked the members of th~\church that were present, if they were aware of the expected future use of the run-way and the noise that will be a result of that use. He stated two points of concern that the City Council had: (1) "B" Noise Cone and (2) Land use surrounding the property. Mr. Jerome Weilmuenster was present representing th~ owners. He stated, so-far, the noise from DFW Airport has not created a problem for the church. They realize however, this ZA 87-39 ORDINANC] NO. 334-i (ZA 87-41 NAME OF COUNCILPERSON .~ITY OF SOUTHLAKIi, TEXAS · MINUTES OF THEReg~iar MEETING. DATE: December 1,1987 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTItLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 4 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry ? ringer .4ahan Wooll Stacy change, and they are building the new church building with this in mind. They are also aware that the area around them is proposed commercial. They feel this will give them more exposure. Councilpers'on Curry asked the church if they would provide the city with a letter stating they are aware of the airport noise, and that they will not hold the city liable. Mr. Weilmuenster asked about a reques~ they had made to the city for a tempor ary building permit so that they begin construction before the final plat is approved and the 2nd reading on the zoning has been held. City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr., reported he had talked with Mr. Joe Dealey of DFW Airport who stated if they had their fathers, they would discourage construction of a church in the "B" Noise Cone, however, a church is better than a residential development. Bill and Norma:Cole from the church stated they were available to answer quesfions. Motion was made and approval given to 0rdina~ce No. 334-24, 1st reading, zoning for St. Laurence Church, Community Service Zoning. Approved 5-0 vote. The Final Site Plan for St. Laurence Episcopal Church was approved as presented, as the city staff u ed approval. Approved S-0 vote. :INAL SITE PLAN. NAME OF COUNCILPERSON . CITY OF SOUTHL~KE., SEXAs MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: December 1,1987 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIl. COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 5 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy ZA 87-41. Preliminary Plat for St. Laurence Episcopal Church was discussed. It was noted that the City Staff recommended approval. Councilperson Stacy asked the City A~torney if Council could consider the plat as a final, since all re- requirements have been met. Mr. Dippel answered that the plat must go to P ~ Z for final plat approval. Public'Hearing.. J.N. BelI- no comments as Mr. Dealey from DFW is not present for the meeting. Motion was made to approve the preliminary plat for St. Laurence Episcopal Church. Approved S-0 vote. ~A 87-41 ~RELIMINAR' ~LAT Bill LeGrand reported on the action of the P ~ Z in regards to this plat. He stated the P & Z wanted an attorney opinion on the right-of-way on South Kimball Ave. The City Thoroughfare Plan shows So. Kimball to be in 84' right-of-way but the dedicated road in Green Meadow Busi- ness Park which was 60' right-of-way was never built. LeGrand asked which one takes precedent. John Levitt, Engineer, was present representing owner, K. Wayne Lee, and answered questions for the City Council. Councilperson Springer asked about the hydralic study on Lots 6 ~ 7. ZA 87-42. Final plat of Lots 6 & 7, :A 87-42 Greenlee Business Park, Phase II FINAL was discussed. PLAT NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry %ringer ~Mahan Wooll Stacy · CITY OF SOUTHLAKB, TEXAS · M'INUTES OE THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: December 1,1987 TIME: ?:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 6 INDEX Motion was made to approve ZA 87-42 Motion was withdrawn. Motion was made to approve with two conditions: (1) 7½' utility easement be added on north line of Lot 7 and (2) a 60' right-of-way be shown on South Kimball Avenue. Approved S-0 vote. Councilperson McMahan stepped down for the next agenda item. ZA 87-44. Replat of Lots iS, 16, and a portion of 17, 18, & 19, Block B, Oak Knoll-Lakeview Addition, making Lots I=S, Block A, Oak Knoll Business Park, was discussed. John Levitt, engineer, was present and represented the owners, Keystone Partners,i Levitt stated the access from Lot 3 ~ 4 will be from the service road on Highway 114. There will be no street in the addition, only parking easements through-out the addition. Mo~ion was made to Replat, with a SO' ment'on Lot 20. Approved 4-0 vote. approve ZA 87-44 turn-around ease- The request for Special Exception Use Permit for Shirley Reece was discussed. Bill LeGrand, asked that the item be tabled until December 15, based.on information from representative, who spoke at the November 24, city council meeting. Motion was made to approve tabling the item, time certain December 15. Approved 5-0 vote. IA 87-44 REPLAT NAME OF COUNCILPERSON .dlTY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS · MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: December 1,1987 TIME: PLACE: CIT~:~9 ~O~THLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: ? INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Resolution 87-89, appointment to Board of Adjustments was discussed. After discussion, motion was made to elevate Carter Barcus to a regular member from an alternate member and appoint Larry Samartin and Art Sorensen as alternate members to fill the unexpired terms, to expire May, 1989. Approved $-0 vote. 87-89 Public Hearing Loyd S. 'Carder. Area #3I and #32. He is requesting R-i, as he wants more than office on the property. He wants the same opportunity as he had under the Light Commercial Zoning. Councilperson McMahan noted that City Council is working on a broader definition for OF-1 Zoning District and will have it on the December 15, City Council Meeting Agenda for discussion. Pamula Muller- 214 Westwood Dr. She' had questions about the pro~ess and the logic used by the Council in deciding which new catagory the various tracts of land are to be placed in. Virginia Clow~ 8Z0 Shady'Oaks Drive. Questioned if their property is in Ordinance No. 404. Dennis Mender- 223 Bastwood Drive. He doesn't feel' City Council should .let 2 acres (Dallas Foam) dictate what the whole rally should be. The do not want to see industrial in that area. Now is the time to chang the ordinance. Ordinance No. 404, Zoning Reclassifi- ORDINANCE cations, was discussed at the 2nd NO. 404 reading. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON · CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: CITY COUNCIL December 1,1987 7:30 P.M. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 8 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Dan Matise- Area #28 He wants his land to stay in the same capability, he had.as Heavy Commercial~ Don'Botik Area #28 He does not want retail zoning. He still needs I-1 Zoning to build a business, and his intensions are still tb build on the property. Motion was made and approval given to approve Ordinance No. 404, 2nd reading, deleting properties in Sec- tion X, Y, & W. (Areas #28,51,&52). Approved 3-2 vote. Ordinance No. 405 Zoning Reclassifi- cations for Area #40, for Jim Martin property, was discussed. Mr. Martin asked that the minutes reflect he feels his produce stand and Bar-B-Que Stand should be grandfathered in. Mayor Westerholm stated if conditions are set forth, he feels the City Council should not deal with this ordinance. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 405, as requested by the owner. 1st reading. Approv{d 5-0 vote. Public Forum Pamula Muller- avigation release, what does it include. She was instructed by City Council to get the information from the city staff. ORDINANCE :NO. 405 NA~E OF COUNCI LPERSON 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: December 1,1987 TIME: 7:30P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 9 INDEX Terry Sisk- Questioned industrial zoning and his property. The meeting ~w~ Mayor. Weste. EST: JChnn~ ~M. Westerholm M-'yor~of Southlake City Secretary AFFIDAVIT OF INTEREST THE STATE OF TEXAS • COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, An and for said / State of Texas, on this day personally appeared 4A.,640 _Me _,/ who after being by me duly sworn, did on oath state that he has an interest, as described below, in Agenda Item No. -./2of the 4dial-k1 1, . , 1987 , City Council Agenda, as described below, and that he s executing this Affidavit of 'Interest and shall refrain from any vote or decision thereon, all as required by Article 988b, Texas Civil Statutes Annotated: /� �D Agenda Item: -z -4 -- -/c.-�.�e_4_, - -/L - /--- j /s -l€i A,n-Dy,) vs 4-6-4 J A 1=f-� AZA-. - -((!G L<_/ei -e_.6,::/C/ 7e-e„D-(2?6g' zi7 Interest Disclosed: -. _ .. _ Avek- ly7 ett2,Af-24- ._ . _ . . _ Signature of Elected or Appointed City Official of the City of South- lake, Texas. 1 GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _ .. -__ .1. . . . . . . ..day of • C;:�: 47J. .. . .. . NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 2-4-8/9 Filed with me, this the .. .. _ _ 1_ _. .. _ ._ .. t_day oft a--29tii,/,[.�/ , 19.7' at . . -" I.o2W. . - o'clock p.m. c City Secretary, City of Southlake I SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING T.,_ • CITY COUNCIL MEETING TONIGHT , ? dij.L. 619.177 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGENDA ITEM CITY USE (Please Print) .,moo Al j wi 00.13-t-e.,,,_ 354 7 /aere,u v ; 'ay/ ii /00rfr w le 133 WC'S1/1,6,› `/err ace O 9 £ /v North Central Texas Council of Governments 8 RECEIVED �� ��`� _0 P. O. Drawer COG Arlington,Texas 76005-5888 P1�V23 1987 7:1•��� OFFICE OF 0 CITY MANAGER , 1. FROM: Reservoir Watershed Management Program DATE: Septembe - TO: Selected Local Government Officials SUBJECT: Protection of Water Supply Reservoirs The Reservoir Watershed Management Program was formed through the North Central Texas Council of Governments in 1985. Seven major water supply agencies and NCTCOG, representing the 16-county North Central Texas area, have determined that without 1 cooperative watershed management planning, serious pollution of water supplies is likely by the year 2000. Through this Program, the enclosed Policy Position on Protection of Water Supply Reservoirs was developed, and has been adopted by the seven participating agencies and NCTCOG. In the spring of 1986 this Policy Position was distributed to all local governments in the 16-county North Central Texas region, with a request that it be considered for adoption. Several additional cities have adopted the Policy Position by resolution of their City Councils. We are very interested in working cooperatively with local governments in reservoir drainage areas for our mutual benefit. Please review the Policy Position and use the enclosed response card to indicate whether or not your local government has already -I' adopted or endorsed the Policy Position. If it has not, we would sincerely appreciate your consideration in the near future. We will be compiling information on current local programs and policies in reservoir watersheds. To assist in this effort, we will be asking you about existing ordinances and activities of your jurisdiction related to such topics as septic tank regulations, stormwater management, erosion control and wastewater treatment. Please indicate on the response card the person(s) to contact for such information and return if possible by October 15, 1987. --, We appreciate your time and attention to this issue. If you have questions regarding the Reservoir Watershed Management Program or the Policy Position, please contact Jane Ojeda, NCTCO epartment of Envir ental Resources, (817) 640-3300. _ La. William J. Pitstick Jam W. Scanlan NCT G Cit ' eiclAusok I . /Charles F. Anderson, Jr. Carl W. Riehn City of Arlington North Texas Mun'cip 1 Water District _71 r , LarryGcDariiel James M. Oliver City of Dallas Tarrant County Water Control & f Improvement District No. 1 / , /P. ' Howar Mart n Bill R. Smith City of Denton Trinity River Authority ' Centerpoint Two 616 Six Flags Drive Dallas/FortWorth Metro 817/640-3300 RESERVOIR WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS RESPONSE CARR Has your city adopted the Policy Position on Protection of Water Supply Reservoirs? Yes X No If not, will your city consider adopting the Policy Position on Protection of Water Supply Reservoirs? Yes No Please list below the name of the person(s) we should contact about your city regulations or activities regarding such topics as septic tanks, ,stormwater management, erosion control and water treatment. Name(s) William D. LeGrand Title Director of Public Works Address 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 7E022 Phone (817) 481-5581 Name/Title of Person Completing Response Card: Lloyd 0. Latta, Jr. , City Vanager City: City of Southlake Please "return by October 1, 1987. For more information contact Jane Ojeda, NCTCOG Department of Environmental Resources, (817) 640-3300. • 11 • is dr 1987-88 BUDGET III SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS Budget Amendment 12/01/87 GENERAL WATER GENERAL TOTALS FUND FUND OBLIGATION (MEMORANDUM DEBT SERV ONLY) FUND Revenue: Taxes 1,578,163 162,284 1,740,447 Fines/Court 400,000 400,000 Licenses and Permits 298,500 298,500 Miscellaneous and Other 53,500 46,000 99,500 Impact Fees 36,000 60,000 96,000 'Water Sales 1,736,633 1,736,633 Garbage 150,000 150,000 Concession Stand 16,000 School District Contribution-Sewer Line 60,575 IBM Contribution - Water Line 103,632 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR REVENUE 2,382,163 2,156,840 162,284 4,521,080 WITHDRAWAL FROM RESERVE 77,899 TOTAL 2,234,739 Expenditures: City Secretary/Mayor and City Council 52,872 52,872 Administration 382,032 382,032 Municipal Court 129,888 129,888 Fire 265,174 265,174 Police 717,683 717,683 Building/Zoning 142,471 142,471 Street 561,294 561,294 Parks 76,105 60,105 Public Works 18,644 18,644 Debt Service 411,802 162,284 574,086 Water Service 1,762,937 1,520,831 TOTAL 2,346,163 2,174,739 162,284 4,425,080 NET OPERATING SURPLUS 36,000 60,000 -0- 96,000 • REVENUE'ARV Budget Amendmen•2/01/87 GENERAL FUND . REVENUE FY86 FY87 FY87 FY88 CODE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED PROPOSED 400.00 Concession Stand Revenue -0- -0- -0- 16,000 Budget Amendment Total -0- -0- -0- 16,000 Budgeted General Fund Total 1,491,124 • 2,127,505 2,120,582 - 2,366,163 NEW GENERAL FUND TOTAL . 1,491,124 2,127,505 . 2,120,582 2,382,163 • I s GIP .. ACTIVITY SUMMARY Budget Amendment 12/01/8 160 PARKS DEPARTMENT EXPENSE FY86 FY87 FY87 FY88 CODE DESCRIPTION - ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TOTAL REQUEST 210.00 Contract Labor -0- -0- -0- 7,600 550.00 Supplies Concessions -0- -0- -0- 8,100 551.00 Equipment Rental-Concessions -0- -0- -0- 300 Budget Amendment Total -0- -0- ' -0- 16,000 Budgeted Department Total 113,500 219,125 200,459 60,105 NEW DEPARTMENT TOTAL 113,500 219,125 200,459 76,105 i • PARK DEPARTMENT LINE JUSTIFICATIONS FOR BUDGET AMENDMENT Budget Amendment 12/01/87 210.00 Contract labor represents wages for umpires and concession stand attendents. Umpires will be paid a total of $5,600 ($35/game for 160 ball games) and a total of $2,000 will be paid to concession stand attendents. 550.00 Supplies for the concession stand are estimated to be $8,100 based on the 160 scheduled games. Supplies purchased will be items to be sold (ie., candy, soft drinks, etc.) . 551.00 Equipmental rental represents rental for the concession itself, the coke machine, and the ice machine.