1987-11-17NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Stacy i(TiTY 01: SOUTIh,AK]!, 1'I!~AS M]NIJTES O1: I'111~ Regular MEETING. DAT~: November 17,1987 TIME: 7:$0 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUI'I1LAK]~, 667 NORTH TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CllAMBER.q CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTIILAKE PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Mayor Pro Tem, Charles Curry. Councilpersons: Betty Springer, David McMahan and Rick Stacy. QOUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Jim Wooll. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager~ Lloyd O. Latta Jr.; Director of Publi( Works, Bill LeGrandj Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; Police Chief, Jerry Crowder; City Engineer, Mike Monroe; and City Attorny, Ken Dippel. Terry Welch was also present from the attorneys office. INVOCATION: Charles. Curry The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnny H. Westerholm. The Minutes of the October 20, 1987 and the November 3,1987 City Council Meetings were approved as corrected. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Westerholm noted that Council- person Jim Wooll was out of the state on bus~ness and unable to attend the meeting. He asked that Council treat this as an excused absence. On November 16, several area Mayors went to Austin to the Highway Commiss ion and talked with them about a study for the North Tarrant County Freeway. Since the City of Fort Worth is paying for the study, and there is no cost to the state, the Commission did approve the study. They will be issuing a minute order for the study to proceed. NAME OF COUNCILPERSON · (Jll'Y O1: SOUT]h,AKIi, TI!XAS M]NUTI{S OF TII].~ Regular CITY COUNCIL MEE1'] NG. DATE: November 17,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIl, CIIAMBER$ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKI! TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Stacy City Manager, Lloyd Latta, stated the ambulance was used in an emergency and it performed in an admirable manner. Mayor Westerholm stated that agenda item #11 has been deleted from the ~genda. Agenda items #10, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, & #18 have been suggested as consent agenda items. They include: 10. Resolution 87-83. Tarrant County Rural Fire Prevention District #1 Agreement. 13. Ordinance No. 400. Nepotism. reading. Public Hearing. 14. Ordinance No. 401. Prohibiting Open Wells. 2nd reading. Public Hearing. 15. Ordinance No, 598. Amending the Sign Ordinance. 1st reading. 16. Ordinance No. 399. Sexually Oriented Businesses. 1st readin 17. Ordinance No. 402. Railroad. 1st reading, 18. Ordinance No. 403. Street Name Change on IBM Filed Plat. 1st reading. Mayor Westerholm read the captions on the ordinances and reviewed all other~tems for the audience. Motion was made .and approval given to approve the consent agenda. Approved 4-0 vote. Resolution 87-68 awarding the contrac ~ESOLUTI( for the 18" water line was discussed. NO. 87-6: City Manager, Lloyd Latta, stated he has a fully executed agreement with IBM for their share in the funding of the 18" water line. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Stacy -CITY OF SO1311 ,AKI:, TE×AS MINUTES OF TIIF, Regular CITY COUNCIl. MEETING. DATE: November 17,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 INDEX out of eight organizations. The new line will be 18" from the new White Chapel Water Tower to Dove, underneath Highway 114 where it turns into a 12" water line, down next to the creek, just prior to the bridge where it connects to our existing line. Motion was made to approve 87-68. Approved 4-0 vote. Resolution The estimated completion date is 180 days, depending on the weather. Westerholm read the caption of the resolution. Curry Springer McMahan Stacy Resolution 87-78. Budget revision was discussed by Lloyd Latta. He explained each change included in the amendment. Councilperson Springer asked that in future budget revisions, is it possib~ to show what the original budget request was? Motion was made and approval given to Resolution 87-78. Approved 4-0 vote. Resolution 87-79, Southlake's participation in funding intervention in litigation. Sportsman Club of Texas, Sierra Club and Environmental Defense Fund vs. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The City Manager explained that TML is asking Texas cities for financial support in the amount of approximatel $125. He recommended we not do it. RESOLUTI( NO. 87-7~ RESOLUTII NO. 87-7! NAME OF COUNCILPERSON · C'ITY 01: SOI]TIILAK]~, Tl!×AS MINUTES OF TIlE Regular C'ITY COUNCIl, MEET] NC,. DATE: November 17,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OT: souq'IILAKE, COUNCIl, CIIAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS, PAGE: 4 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Stacy Curry Springer :Mahan ~tacy Curry Springer McMahan Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Stacy Motion was made and approval given to disapprove Resolution 87-79. Approved 4-0 vote. Resolution 87-80 acceptance of State Highway Department Minute Order 86418, authorizing proposed construction of sections of State Highway 114 in Denton and Tarrant County. Motion was made to table Resolution 87-80, time certain, January 5, based on a conversation of the issue in work session, to further discuss the issue in a work session scheduled November 50. Approved 4-0 vote. Resolution 87-81 appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission was discussed. Motion was made to recommend Ralph Evans to the Commission. Approved 4-0 vote. Resolution 87-82 appointments to be made to the Economic Development Council. ,\ Motion was made and approval given to the appointment of Barry Emerson, Phillip Bressinck and Virginia Clow to the Economic Development Council and Betty Springer to serve as City Council representative to the Council. Approved 4-0 vote. 87-80 RESOLUTIC NO. 87-81 RESOLUTI( NO. 87-8: NAME OF COUNCILPERSON C~'I'Y 01: SOUTIILAK]~, TEXAS MINIITES O]: TIlE Regular CITY COIINC]L MEET] NC,. DATE: November 17,1987 TIME: 7:50 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBEh,~ 667 NORTI! CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTIILAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Stacy Resolution 87-85 was discussed, a lng the purchase of a site for the 1/2 million gallon water tank relocation. Councilperson Stacy explained that the contract is with Mr. and Mrs. Brewer, and loc.ated in Tract 16 of future property to be annexed. He explained that initially there were five tracts of land selected in the western side of town, where the land was of a certain height. The city engineer evaluated each site, and proposals were received from each property The City Council concentrated on the Brewer tract of land as it met all criteria. The owner agreed to let the city purchase five acres of land as it was not agreeable to them to lel the city purchase only one acre, which is all that is needed for a water tower site. The price is $18,000 per acre. This purchase will enable the city to rebuild the tower on this site in a timely manner and also, improve our pressure to the western side of town, which is a goal by next spring. The contract is scheduled to close on or before January 7,1988. Motion was made and approval given to Resolution 87-85. Approved 4-0 vote. Councilperson Springer thanko~ Stacy for all his work on investigating these sites and preparing information for City Counil. 'RESOLUTI£ NO. 87-85 NAME OF COUNCILPERSON ~,]I'Y OF · O( S J .... ]'I~XAS MJNUTI!S O1: Till{ Regular C]'I'Y COUNCIL MEE1'] NG. DATE: November 17,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTIILAKt~., COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKIi TEXAS. PAGE: 6 INDEX Ordinance No. 404, Zoning Reclassifi- cations. 1st reading. Mayor West- erholm explained the steps that have been taken in the reclassification process, city council has been going through in the last few months, in an bffort to reclassify certain tracts o: land within.the city, based upon the new zoning ordinance and the classifi. cations found therein. The purpose of this is to identify as closely as possible, the land as it was currently zoned under the old ordinance and to transfer that to a parallel, equal zoning within the new classification. With the additio~ of new classifications, there might be some slight variation of some uses that might or might not be per- mitred in that particular area. Mayor Westerholm read the caption of Ordinance No. 404. McMahan noted that at the last City Council meeting, Loyd Carder (Area #$2) came before city council and requested all R-1 for his tracts of land. This is item "Y" in Ord. No. 404. It wa~ also noted that Area #58, which included Goode Airport, which shows to be R-l, was intended to be for Goode Airport with R-1 for the remainder of the property in Area #58 Councilperson McMahan stated that having gone back over it again, there is no question that alot of aspects in the current zoning ordinance needs to be looked at, for instance, the broadeningof allowed uses in certain catagories probably needs to be looked at very soon. But what he is concerned about is taking the approac! NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Stacy 'CITY OF SOUTIILAK]!, TEXAS M]NUTI:,S OP Till:, Regular C1TY COUNCIl, MEET1NG. DATE: November 17,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, COUNC]I, CIIAMBEP,,q 667 NORTIt CARROLl, AVENUE, SOUTI1LAKIi TEXAS, PAGE: 7 INDEX of taking a piece of property in a broader utilization than what they really want just because the other one doesn't fit. He would rather see the ordinance changed. After further discussion, motion was Made and approval given to approve Ordinance No. 404, 1st reading, with a change to 1-2 for Goode Airport in Area #38. Approved 4-0 vote. Zoning Reclassifications on the tablet items were discussed, Public Comments: Barbara Pa, ty- Area #29 She reviewed the prior comments, she stated she feels the City Council would be taking something away from her by not giving her R-1. She feels she is not living in the middle of residential property with a church and a mobile home park around her. Jim Martin- Area 40 He agreed with R-2 for his property. Jerre Harrell- Area 14 She still wants boat storage. Counc~lperson McMahan offered to work with the city attorney to get a special use catagory immediately, in order to arrive at a solution for the remaining properties. Harold Knight- Area 48 Agrees to wait until some work can be done on O-1 Zoning District. Motion was made to table the zoning reclassifications until time certain December 15, except for Area 40, which will be placed on the December NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON C]']'Y 01: SOUI'Ili,AKIi, TEXAS MINUTES 01: Till! Regular MEETING. DATH: November 17,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: C'UI'Y COUNC11, CITY OF SOU1'I!LAKE, COUNCIL CIIAMBEP,~ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTllLAKI! TEXAS. PAGE: 8 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Stacy in a separate ordinance. Approved 4-0 vote. The financial report was given for the month of October, by the City Manager, as per City Charter, Section 9.41. The Department Reports were discussed There were no comments made during the public forum. Jot Ma f Southlake FEST: 'City Secretary MI SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING TONIGHT AL AL, • J71 7 CITY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGENDA ITEM USE (Please Print) al KBA ell PATY Moo wH/TE- GH4PPL 11-7/ -r935 a-0 o - j,,q3VAL&,/- 2„_,4 (..1/- Y747/7 N- cV6 / OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I , RALPH EVANS do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties as a member of the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect , and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this city; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly , or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment , as a reward to this appointment . Ci)/ i RALPH EVAe SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this the 19th day of November , 1987 . —1 M yor ATTEST: City Secr tary 1 mmill ___ - _ '-'-'J REVENUE SUMMARY Budget Amendment 11/17/87 WATER FUND REVENUE FY86 FY87 FY87 FY88 CODE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED PROPOSED 355.00 IBM Contribution-18" Water -0- -0- -0- 103,632 Line at West Dove 400.00 School District Contribution • Sewer Line -0- -0- -0- 60,575 Budget Amendment Total 164,207 Budgeted Water Fund Total 1,092,789 1,463,550 1,544,200 1,992,633 NEW WATER FUND TOTAL 1,092,789 1,463,550 1,544,200 2,156,840 ACTIVITY SUMMARY Budget Amendment 11/17/87 200 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPENSE FY86 FY87 FY87 CODE DESCRIPTION ' ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED AMENDED REQUEST 673.00 Water Tank Maintenance 5,850 50,000 50,000 14,483 937.00 Sewer Line To School -0- -0- -0- 123,991 938.00 18" West Dove Water Line -0- -0- -0- 103,632 Budget Amendment Total 5,850 50,000 50,000 242,106 Budgeted Department Total 654,519 1,463,550 1,544,200 1,520,831 NEW DEPARTMENT TOTAL 654,519 1,463,550 . 1,544,200 1,762,937 WATER DEPARTMENT Budget Amendment 11/17/87 LINE ITEM JUSTIFICATION FOR BUDGED AMENDMENT: 673.00 Water Tank Maintenance budget is increased by the contract price of $14,483.00 with Corrosion Eliminator, Inc. This contract was entered into (Resolution 87-57; August 4•, 1987) and budgeted for in the previous year, line item 673.00. The job was not completed in the FY1987 budget year, and therefore, billed in the current budget year. This expenditure is to be paid from Water Revenue Reserves. Refer to the "Summary of All Funds" for total reserves to be expended currently. 937.00 The expenditure item represents a contract for $123,990 with Wright Construction. Construction is estimated to take 30 days to complete. Upon completion Wright Construction will be paid the total contracted amount. The school is contributing $60,574.49 and the City's share is 63,416.41, which must be taken from Water Fund Revenue Reserve. This reserve include $18,500 sewer impact fees to be applied, after legal consultation concerning Senate Bill 336. 938.00 An 18" water line is to be installed for $157,140. IBM has agreed to pay $103,632. The remainder, $53,508, is to be paid by the City. $30,000 will be expended out of budget line item 775.00, Water Line Oversizing, and $23,508 will be expended out of line item 820.00, Water Line Upgrade. 1987-88 BUDGET SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS Budget Amendment 11/17/87 GENERAL WATER GENERAL TOTALS FUND FUND OBLIGATION (MEMORANDUM DEBT SERV ONLY) FUND Revenue: Taxes 1,578,163 162,284 1,740,447 Fines/Court 400,000 400,000 Licenses and Permits 298,500 298,500 Miscellaneous and Other 53,500 46,000 99,500 Impact Fees 36,000 60,000 96,000 Water Sales 1,736,633 1,736,633 Garbage 150,000 150,000 Concession Stand 16,000 School District Contribution-Sewer Line 60,575 IBM Contribution - Water Line 103,632 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR REVENUE 2,382,163 2,156,840 162,284 4,521,080 WITHDRAWAL FROM RESERVE TOTAL 2,234,739 Expenditures: City Secretary/Mayor and City Council 52,872 52,872 Administration 382,032 382,032 Municipal Court 129,888 129,888 Fire 265,174 265,174 Police 717,683 717,683 Building/Zoning 142,471 142,471 Street 561,294 561,294 Parks 76,105 60,105 Public'Works 18,644 18,644 Debt Service 411,802 162,284 574,086 Water Service 1,762,937 1,520,831 TOTAL 2,346,163 2,174,739 162,284 4,425,080 NE2 OPERATING SURPLUS 36,000 60,000 -0- 96,000 IIIIII M__41111 r TARRANT COUNTY RURAL FIRE PREVENTION DISTRICT #1 EXHIBIT "A" IRULES & REGULATIONS "POINT SYSTEM" FOR CONTRACT YEAR: 12/1/86 THRU 11/30/87 - - Page 2 . AMBULANCE RESPONSES (RUNS) IPA. AMBULANCE TRANSPORT• - FIRE DEPT.RUN AMBULANCES ONLY. Advanced Life Support Transport 5 Points Basic Life Support Transport 3 " No Ride - ALS 2 " 1 No Ride - BLS 1 . BB. FIRE APPARATUS RUN WITH AMBULANCE ALS Equipped 3 " 'I, 1 C BLS Equipped n ALS TRANSPORT is when one or more patients are transported by one ambulance and the 1 ambulance is staffed by a Paramedic or an FM1SS and equipped with I.V.'s, Drugs; and EKG Monitor. BLS TRANSPORT is when patients are transported by ambulance that does not have a Paramedic or an EM.TSS or is not ALS equipped. 1 If you call CABEFrJITR and they transport, you can turn in a run report the same:as If you transported. II If you contract with an ambulance service you can not receive points for transport. No points will be paid for ambulance transfers. PRESENTED BY THE APPOINTED COMMITTEE TO THE • BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS AT THE MEETING II OF AUGUST 11, 1987. VOTED ON AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD ON THE SAME DATE. ' ' i II 7 a I • i ' H' j 1 1 II Page 2 of 2 Pages. II • • II . -;- 4, 4 - . Denton _. ._.i_--- -- - h 1 t .. i •j :- --t----- Wost ' . Grp cui ,.ce_ �., z. '''" ittlME rd .ii„;-....,..r.,::: : , . ....... , ....- , .,., .:. V fa' . ./ ..._. " dkor ( tj .. 'i ,........ -':• :'''''''1, % .i11110•0111P - ` L frt _.I - I. • — �_ f ‘, I - - ,. • 4144, i _. -. 2 8 =I. 1 ff6 : . , . . ; . . . -i i .i, . , : . . , 4 , . . : °LE jy___Na,,,Ila } li lim 111 . . -C--_ .., ii-_,,., _I 1 , .. . _,, 6.„,,, , ..„,......6 1116........„,iiii,,. _ ..:,_ , . - .... 1,-7/- . 4. , . r:3--, . , ---7., , 1 >.: ,. til: its kvairrirrci I' Kai r 1 ' ° , 100... _ I • , -------7-__ck ' 9 --v. _ �f • ir , �'../ l I r• 1 NM I � •.+,. , 1 MOM I 7 Li 3 , i1 —.' I I��or ro rz ��. i ... ) 1 ..... ......] Nk s"- .._--_•\._..—='-' -'-i------- "i ' 1 ./— : •• .' ....... /10 i • NIP i Ic. I �` 4 .. lTtiiC:, _ ., ,r • Sportsmen ' s Clubs of Texas, Sierra Club and Environmental Defense Fund v. Dick Whittington , et. al . This lawsuit was brought to challange the Environmental Protection Agency' s approval of the 1984 Texas Water Quality Standards. The Texas Municipal League intervened in the action to insure that the interest of Texas cities would be represented. TML Board of Directors authorized a voluntary assessment of member cities to fund this endeavor. Resolution of the issues raised by this lawsuit has proceeded_ simultaneously on two fronts: ( 1) litigation in the district court , and ( 2) administrative action by the Texas Water Commission to revise the Texas Water Quality Standards. TML' s involvement in this matter has been very intensive . Status of the Lawsuit. The court currently has pending before it numerous motions which could resolve or dispose of some or all of the issues in the case . In July there had been 126 pleadings filed in this case . Jim Matthews of Lloyd, Gosselink, Ryan & Fowler represents TML and has briefed all jurisdictional motions now pending before the court. It is anticipated that the court will not set the case for trial on the merits until after the 1987 revisions to the Texas Water Quality Standards are adopted. Status of Texas Water Commissions' Revisions to Texas Water Quality Standards. The federal Clean Water Act requires each state to revise its water quality standards every three years. The Texas Water Commission has followed a two-stage approach to this revision. First , the Texas Water Commission amended a document called the Continuing Planning Process to indicate the substantive concerns about antidegradation , toxic water pollutants, and intermittent stream policy. The second stage is the formal rulemaking process under the Texas Administrative Procedure Act. Under this process , the Texas Water Commission will propose rules , receive comments, hold a public hearing, and adopt final rules which will be submitted to EPA for review and approval . We anticipate that the rules will be adopted by the end of the year. TML provided both oral and written comments responding to the proposals for revising the Continuing Planning Process and has particpated extensively in the approach to the rulemaking effort . TML has urged the Texas Water Commission to incorporate good science and sound economics into its process for developing the water quality standards for Texas. As a result the Commission has prepared an economic analysis of the anticipated fiscal impacts of the revisions on local governments. The Texas Municipal League maintains its approach of "good science and sound economics" in the matter of water quality standards in Texas. Virtually billions of dollars are at stake for local governments, and our input into the process is for the purpose of insuring that the issues are resolved and the regulations are adopted in a manner that both objectives are accomplished. CITY'S AUTHORIZATION FOR PARTICIPATION SPORTSMEN' S CLUBS OF TEXAS, Sierra Club and Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Civil Action No. CA3-86-121R, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division. YES, our city wishes to participate with other cities in funding TML' s intervention in this litigation. Enclosed find our check based on a charge of $.035 per capita , in the amount of $125.69. ( Checks should be made payable to T.M. L. Intervention : E.P.A. Case Fund. *TML records indicate that your 1984 population is 3,591 as submitted to the Office of Revenue Sharing , U.S. Department of the Treasury. NO, our city does not wish to pay - + .� ti e. C SIGNED' i !__Mt -1•111 _ 111/111n,...; ,-- .POSITION : City of So thlake SEND ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING CASE TO: NAME: POSITION: ADDRESS : ( Please return this form to: TML Office , 211 E. Seventh, Suite 1020, Austin, Texas 78701 ) TM L 7. T E X A S ��, �t9 )6) n: SEGRZLAPa • MUNICIPAL LEAGUE j,„,:;// October 21 , 19871' )/c jiy\rje) MEMORANDUM To: TML Member Cities 1 From: TML Staff V -Of 4)1 Subject : Sportsmen ' s Clubs of Texas, Sierra Club and Environ- mental Defense Fund, Inc. v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Civil Action No. CA3-86-0121R, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division The TML Board of Directors authorized TML' s intervention in Sportsmen ' s Clubs of Texas, Sierra Club and Environmental Defense Fund v. Dick Whittington , et. al . in June 1986 . To fund this • effort member cities were asked to voluntarily pay $ .035 per capita to a special fund. TML has participated extensively in the lawsuit as well as in the administrative process now underway by the Texas Water Commission to revise the Texas Water Quality Standards. A summary of TML' s efforts is attached to this memorandum. In order to achieve maximum input into this process as well as participation in the lawsuit TML has incurred substantial expenses. The funds collected last year are depleted and the TML Board has authorized an additional voluntary assess- ment of $ .035 per capita to continue this effort. Although your city did not choose to participate in the initial assessment, you may want to reconsider this position . The cost estimates indicate that capital costs to upgrade existing facilities to meet the general criteria could range from $1.8 billion to $3.5 billion and annual operating costs for existing facilities could increase $13. 7 million to $74. 3 million for • • local governments. A "good science and sound economic" approach to resolving these issues is vital for local governments. Your participation in this effort will allow TML to continue this intensive and unified effort to make an impact in this important process. • • 211 East Seventh, Suite 1020 • Austin, Texas 78701-3283 • (512)478-6601 NORTHEAST TARRANT COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS, INC. . CONTRACT OF SALE NON-RESIDENTIAL „,„,_„ THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF ARRANT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that: C. J. BREWER, ET UX MHR y I A R I E. mg• (hereinafter called"Seller,"whether one or more)hereby sells and agrees to convey to CITY OF SOUTHLAKE � I (hereinafter called"Purchaser,"whether one or more)and Purchaser hereby buys and agrees to pay for the following described real estate situated in • TARRANT County,Texas,to wit: • Subject Property is described in Exhibit "A", (Attached) and is 5-acres in size, being the Southern portion of a 13.24 Acre tract measuring 413.3 feet on the South and North Sides, and approximately 527 feet on the West and East Sides. (Survey to follow.) The current southern property line and the southern property line of the subject property are one and the same. • together with,all and singular,all Improvements thereon and all rights and appurtenances pertaining thereto,Including any right,title and interest of Seller in and to adjacent streets,alleys,or right-of-way,such real estate,improvements,rights and appurtenances being herein referred to as the"Proper- ty."This Contract and the Property also covers and includes all fixtures and articles of personal property attached to said real estate and owned by Seller, such as air conditioning and heating equipment. - This Contract is executed upon the following terms and conditions: • 1.PURCHASE PRICE. The purchase price for the Property is$ 90,000_00 payable as follows: • ' a.$ 50.000.00 in cash. b. Terms for $40,000.00: Five (5) Year Note @ Eight (8%)per annum amortized over five years, with annual principal and interest payments, with no prepayment penalty. First payment to be due May 1, 1989. • • • Any note or notes to be executed by Purchaser hereunder shall be secured by vendor's lien and by deed of trust with power of sale and containing such covenants as to taxes,Insurance,default and other matters as Seller may reasonably require. 2.EARNEST MONEY,Upon full and final execution of this Contract, Purchaser shall deliver the sum of$ 1.000.00 to Texas Title Company, Grapevine , Texas("Title Company") to be held by the Title Company as Earnest Money(herein so called)pursuant to the terms of this Contract. I. i • NEW FORM COS-NR 1 OF 3 3. SURVEY AND TITLE BINDER. • „Buyer3 A. Within Thirty ( 30 )days after the date of this Contract.Seller shall,apoetw5t expense,deliver or cause to be delivered to Purchaser a copy of a current on-the-ground survey('Survey)of the Property made by a duly licensed surveyor reasonably acceptable to the Purchaser. The Survey shall be in a form acceptable to the Title Company in order to allow the Title Company la delete the survey exception(except as to'shortages in area")from the Title Policy to be issued by the Title Company.The Survey shall show the location of all improvements on the Property,if any.If this Contract does not close through no fault of Seller,in addition to the other rights of Seller hereunder,Purchaser shall pay for the Survey../ B. Within Thirty ( 30 )days after the date of this Contract.Seller shall,attaf expense.�/I eyvrr/�cc�use to be delivered to Purchaser: �y D (1) A title commitment(-Title Binder')covering the Properly binding the Title Company to issue a exas Owner's Policy of Title Insurance on the stan- dard form of policy prescribed by the Texas State Board of Insurance al the Closing in the lull amount of the purchase price,and (2) True,correct,and legible copies of any and all instruments referred to in the Title Binder as constituting exceptions or restrictions upon the title of Seller,except that copies of any liens which are to be released at the closing may be omitted. 4. APPROVAL PERIOD AND TITLE A. Purchaser shall have Ten ( 10 )days after the receipt of the Survey and Title Binder to review them and to deliver in writing to Seller such objections as Purchaser may have to anything contained in them.Any such item to which Purchaser shall not object shall be deemed a Per- mitted Exception.'If there are objections by Purchaser.Seller shall in good faith attempt to satisfy them prior to closing,but Seller shall not be required to Incur any cost to do so.If Seller delivers written notice to Purchaser on or before the closing date That Seller is unable to satisfy such objections.or if,for any reason,Seller Is unable to convey title in accordance with Section 7(B)below.Purchaser may either waive such objections and accept such title as Seller is able to convey or terminate this Contract by written notice to Seller.Zoning ordinances and the lien for current taxes shall be deemed to be Permit- ted Exceptions. B. Seller represents and warrants to Purchaser that at the closing Seller will have and will convey to Purchaser good and marketable title to the Property free and clear of any and all encumbrances except the Permitted Exceptions.Delivery of the Title Policy pursuant to Section 7 below shall be deemed to fulfill all duties of Seller as to the sufficiency of title required hereunder;provided however.Seller shall not thereby be released from the warren- . ties of Seller's Deed. 5. INSPECTION. Purchaser acknowledges that Purchaser has inspected all buildings and Improvements situated on the Property and is thoroughly familiar with their condition,and Purchaser hereby accepts the Property and the buildings and improvements situated thereon,in their present condition, with such changes therein as may hereafter be caused by reasonable deterioration. 8. CASUALTY LOSS. All risk of loss to the Property shall remain upon Seller prior to the closing.If,prior to the closing,the Property shall be damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty•to a material extent,Purchaser may either terminate this Contract by written notice to Seller or close.If Purchaser elects to close,despite said material damage or destruction,there shall be no reduction in the purchase price,and Seller shall assign to Pur- chaser Seller's right.title and interest in and to all insurance proceeds resulting or to result from said damage or destruction.Unless otherwise provided herein,the term'material-shall mean damage or destruction,the cost of repairing which exceeds ten(10%)percent of the purchase price.In the event of less than material damage or destruction to the Property prior to the closing.Seller shall either repair the same prior to the closing,at Seller's expense, or reimburse Purchaser for the cost of repairing the same by assigning any insurance proceeds resulting therefrom to Purchaser and or by allowing Purchaser to deduct such cost from the cash payable to Seller at the closing.II the extent of damage or the amount of insurance proceeds to be made avail- able is not able to be determined prior to the closing date specified in Section 7 below,or the repairs are not able to be completed prior to said date,either party by written notice to the other,may postpone the dale of the closing to such date as shall be designated in such notice,but not more than thirty(30) days after the closing date specified in Section 7 below. 7. CLOSING. A. The closing of this Contract shall be held on or before January 7. 1 9BB at the offices of the Title Company at its address stated below;provided,however,that if on such date the Title Company has not yet approved title or if there are objections made by Purchaser which have not yet been cured by Setter.either party,by written notice to the other,may postpone the date of the closing to such date as shall be designated in such notice but not more than thirty(30)days after the closing date above specified. B. At the closing.Seller shall deliver to Purchaser:(i)a General Warranty Deed(with Vendor's Lien retained if not a cash purchase)conveying the Property according to the legal description prepared by the surveyor as shown on the Survey oI the Property,subject only to the Permitted Exceptions: (ii) a Title Policy issued by the underwriter for the Title Company pursuant to the Title Binder with the survey exception deleted(except as to shortages in .0 area)subject only to the Permitted Exceptions:and(iii)possession of the Property. C. At the closing,Purchaser shall deliver to Seller(i)the cash portion of the purchase price(the Earnest Money being applied thereto)and(ii)the Note and the Deed of Trust,if any. D. Rents and lease commissions.interest.and ad valorem taxes for the then current year shall be prorated at the closing effective as of the date of closing.Purchaser agrees to execute and deliver to Seller in duplicate an Assumption Agreement in recordable form agreeing to pay all commissions payable under any lease of the Property.Any security deposits held by Seller shall be delivered to Purchaser.If the closing shall occur before the lax rate is fixed for the then current year,the apportionment of the taxes shall be upon the basis of the tax rate for the preceding year applied to the latest assessed valuation but any difference in actual and ad valorem taxes for the year of sale actually paid by Purchaser shall be adjusted between the parties upon receipt of written evidence of the payment thereof.All taxes imposed because of a change of use of the Property after the closing shall be for the account of Purchaser. E. If Purchaser is to assume an existing loan.Purchaser shall pay any transfer fee.and a sum equal to the amount of any reserve accounts held by the mortagee for the payment of taxes andor insurance shalt be paid to Seller by Purchaser.Purchaser shall execute,al the option and expense of Seller,a Deed of Trust to Secure Assumption with a Trustee named by Seller. F. If the Properly is situated within a utility district subject to the provisions of Section 50.301,Texas Water Code,then at or prior to the closing, Seller agrees to give Purchaser the written notice required by said Section and Purchaser agrees to sign and acknowledge the notice to evidence receipt thereof. G. Closing Costs: Buyer to Day all closing costs. 8. TERMINATION. If this Contract is terminated by Purchaser in accordance with Section 4 or 6 above,the Earnest Money shall be promptly refunded to Purchaser,and the parties shall have no further obligation or liabilities one to the other. 9. DEFAULT. II Seller shall fail to consummate this Contract for any reason,except Purchaser's default,Purchaser may enforce specific per- formance of this Contract or may bring suit for damages against Seller.If Purchaser shall fail to consummate this Contract for any reason,except Seller's default or the termination of this Contract pursuant to a right to terminate given herein,Seller shall have the right to have the Earnest Money paid to Seller as liquidated damages for the breach of this Contract,or Seller may bring suit for damages against Purchaser or enforce specific performance of this Contract. 10. COMMISSION. A. Seller agrees to pay the Real Estate Broker first named below(referred to herein as the"Principal Broker)for negotiating this contract a com- mission in cash equal to N/A %of the total purchase price or$ NJA The Principal Broker's right to such commission shall Irrevocably vest upon the execution of this Contract,notwithstanding any subsequent termination or variation of this Contract or any default by Seller or Purchaser,except that no commission shall be payable in the event that the Contract shall be termi- nated under Section or 6 above.and except that it this Contract is not consummated by reason of Purchaser's default and Seller does not elect to enforce specific perjgr[nance,the commission shall not exceed one-halt of the Earnest Money.Said commission shall be paid by Seller to the Principal Broker in iv/A County.Texas.at the closing or in the event of default by Seller or Purchaser,within ten days after the scheduled closing date.The Principal Broker shall be entitled to apply any escrow deposit,to the extent necessary,toward payment of the commission payable to the Principal Broker hereunder.and the Title Company or other escrow agent is hereby authorized and directed to apply to the Principal Broker out of the Earnest Money or any escrow deposit made pursuant to this Contract a sum equal to the commission payable to the Principal Broker hereunder.The Prin- cipal Broker may divide any commission payable hereunder with other licensed real estate brokers,including any cooperating agent named below but,not- withstanding any such agreement for division of commissions.Seller shall be fully protected In paying all commissions payable hereunder solely to the • Principal Broker. B. At the time of the execution of this Contract,the undersigned Principal Broker has advised and hereby advises Purchaser,by this writing,that Purchaser should have the abstract covering the real estate which is the subject to this Contract examined by an attorney of Purchaser's own selection or that Purchaser should be furnished with or obtain a policy of title insurance;and Purchaser hereby acknowledges that Purchaser has been so advised,AS REQUIRED BY LAW. NETC FORM COS-NR 2 OF 11. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. A. Date of Contract. The term'date of this Contract as used herein shall mean the later of the two dates on which this Contract Is signed by Seller or Purchaser,as indicated by their signatures below,which later date shall be the date of final execution and agreement by the parties hereto. B. Notices. Any notice or communication required or permitted hereunder shall be deemed to be delivered,whether actually received or not. when deposited in the United States mail,postage fully prepaid,registered or certified mail,addressed to the intended recipient at the address on the sig• nature page of this Contract.Any address for notice may be changed by written notice so given. C. Forms. In case of a dispute as to the form of any document required hereunder,the current form prepared by the State Bar of Texas shall be -• conclusively deemed reasonable. D. Attorney's Fees. Any signatory to this contract who is the prevailing party in any legal proceeding against any other signatory brought under or with relation to this contract or transaction shall be additionally entitled to recover court costs and reasonable attorney lees from the non-prevailing party. E. Integration. This Contract contains the complete agreement between the parties and cannot be varied except by the written agreement of the parties.The parties agree that there are no oral agreements,understanding,representations or warranties which are not expressly set forth herein. F. Survival. Any portion of this Contract not otherwise consummated at the Closing will survive the closing of this transaction as a continuing agreement by and between the parties. O. Binding Effect. This Contract shall inure to the benefit of and bind the parties hereto and their respective heirs,representatives,successors and assigns. • 12. CONTRACT AS OFFER. The execution of this Contract by the first party,to do so constitutes an offer to purchase or sell the Property.Unless within SPP 1 At, ( )days from the date of execution of this Contract by the first party,this Contract is accepted by the other party and a fully executed copy is delivered to the first party,the offer of this Contract shall be automatically revoked and terminated,and the earnest money,if any,shall be returned to Purchaser. - 19. CONSULT YOUR ATTORNEY: This is intended to be a legally binding contract.READ IT CAREFULLY.If you do not understand the effect of any part,consult your attorney BEFORE signing.The Broker cannot give you legal advice—only factual and business details concerning land and im- provements.Attorneys to represent parties may be designated below,and,so employment may be accepted,Broker shall promptly deliver a copy of this • contract to such attorneys. Seller's Arty: Buyer's Atty: 14. OTHER PROVISIONS. /� A. Purchase subject to acceptable soil testing, to be performed by the Buyer, r who will be granted access to subject property for this purpose. Seller to� centered on remaining property G3rt.N^+T' A '30 FT m.cG E-S EFt. ME .. - as shown on Exhibit "B". rym� a C. Offer will expire at 12:00 Noon, November 17, 1987, and is contingent upon /rl confirmation of City Council, City of Southlake, Texas. Contract to be considered on regular City Council Meeting scheduled for 7:30 P.M., November 17, 1987. b, SELLER To -DE alGA7E A I-6-Fex'T UTIL-IT'r EP5rrocJT o,,-) TIDE (~JEST rsr-DE of THE 3oF4.0T AccE55 ER6,91t1ENT Z)ESCR16F� 0 (N 14B A[ioUE r . • ' EXECUTED on the dates stated below. � �� � , t • BROKERS: SELLE1 p� G�-" /14Y,e N/A By: v/j Prvoeal Broker Title . • Address By: ////�/8 7 Dale o1 E.ecution PURCHASER: . Gi>y c� sourNLA-oe N/A By: CCU Cb_7?--27 ...m..,&Doer c Tit e Address By: //////8 7,�� a i Datee e1 Eaecue . on Earnest Money received from ZA /,9, �'� . /�& this day of '/v J , 19. —. T�)cil-s /,7—zE Co TITLE COMPANY By: Title Addiva I NETC FORM COSNR 3 OF 3 (44�) FLOR$c R®Af'�" F` as Z�6.0 r ♦Awl J Line. !tail Row* I C 'lt'Ir•�, Pipe 1vig.e sNours. Sreie• • I A �+ti7R. R0.15. 35G1T fl' I . • Veei ''ttCCo mar 6V - • fRS S&I.OUR S' r 1 Ill,,,, pd.,' to • ' O. /5 ,="rl , . . . • J. " �-1. . 14`' SHOD •SUR Va%te. A• btI 13I . ® 1 :.: 0 . 2 Nannic Gar►sa1es o ( � o �6ytAa„ ' r• 9<<Fss . • • 1 II '41e. • laoit �E.G�r .f • WE 1r � ® �rYal►a... �`I.ROD. 1•��i� Markta. Set Zion a . A SURVM`V OF 15.24 Aga.. .. OUT Of THE. J.) FIRE SHOU, .. SURNEY PI4 Atsa. St I •• • " TARRAhd T. COUNTY, -re, ,. . " . • • • �•'IP EXHIBIT i"Bi i ' r•�►f Oc•F ® i...a WILL A.ROUNDS,P.E. , • t W. w. ROUNDS • • fLOICI'asco CIVIL INOIN[[N PUbLJC suAVAr OA« A .. LecaNKD STATi LAND teuMVEVO A - � .�• ®00 I�soaAaia ter PONY*Ira.TtlIAT eoea 114 " • �/�IP � 1, ,do sonny Otis pin ' le puo and correct as u ab w mveyed on a pro . y a te.--1a.7S 1 140 , .. . . . • - (dog) FLOP:tact RoAl)... as+ 4IG•0 w 0.Norih LIne. 09 v- - 'Ri'% Rod 11 fir J.J. Lilt'tram Pipe 7 Tame 9 wourt. - . & Moshe. . SUR. ft0.1 . 55G1T fk • st scii.E.Co neer - • • rite sitoup. s. R. I J. J. r rte smou- SUR-Va'f'' Abs. 5E1 I ‘: - ''' . . • ' 13.24 Ac... ... _ k Aannie. Gortsafes • • GGYZ.A.c.. • 1 x I, . : ../.. rn , 1 A. • . / J7 . ' I) : . .4,0 • 1 . . • t I s , : .••', ' , ' ••• . ' • :43• ' .., • • • , ' ,'. , • , • , • / 415.5 vbeit - 5.E.CLor wf . • ga:I.R00. VIZI': marked. set Iribrt.Pipt. 3tcana— . • ..... A SURVEY OF 15.2.4 Ae.. • I . . . OUT OF TIE. J...I. FRO SHOUR.• . sua-veY AO.AM.,. 6 1 • TARRANT coven.y, -rec. • . Imazoot / . '• • . • - • • . I . . . • - . • -...11..9el..Pi... . . • • . • . • piPe.,•*.tlipa . EXHIBIT "A" • . . . A,:::-. . , • . WILL A.ROUNDS,PE 1 • •--t :-.4 . • R.EUUCI CIVIL aressisscco PIJSLIC SURVIVOR . 0 , . LICINSCO STATE LAMP SURVEYOR .• . 7....fir • „.# . . 19911 COURT ' IONE WORTH.TtRAS PHONE 1111444111 /111111 61 ielasii 0.00 . ; 1. ge,,JV 7e........4 •do.01111, U14 plat ' •• • is true and corsets as surveyed on siso ground. . Deo—..1.1.tn.7s • [ 140 .. . • , ' . ,,, - e' I 311 11/11/87 EARNEST MONEY FOR CONTRACT BETWEEN BREWER AND THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE DATED 11/11/87 $ 1,000. 00 750-000-5-825 . 00 rCTRIS7q CHEATHAM OCT O 1987 AND OFFICE OF7� ASSOCIATES ulT Y SECIIETAP, To: Mr. Tom Allen Date 10-7-87 Job No. Project Executive Re: Bid Tabulation for Proposed MTP/IBM 18" Water Line Attn: We are enclosing the following: ❑ Prints ❑ Specifications ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Samples ❑ Addendum ❑ Change Order C Bid Tabulation Copies Dated Description 1 9-24-87 Bid Tabulation of all bids 1 Set of Construction Plans ❑ For Your Approval [ For Your Use ❑ As Requested ❑ Please Comment ❑ Resubmit Comments: Enclosed are the Bid Tabulations and a set of plans for the 18" Water Line in Dove Road. As per the agreement, your orgatization is to pay the cost of 80 percent of the line east of S.H. 114 and 55 percent of the cost west of S.H. 114 including the S.H. 114 bore. If we can be of any assistance please contact us. Very truly yours, Copies to: City of Southl ake V • Cheatham and Associates ENGINEERS •PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 2011 East Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76006 817/460-2111 • Metro 265-7948 18" WATER MAIN rio ALONG DOVE ROAD IBIDDERS TOTAL BID Tri Tech Construction $ /7/ ,,,3 fo ICircle C Construction $ /d c S it Co Gifford Hill American Inc. $ 1 Carder & Associates $ 1 Industrial International $ Trans Tex Supply $ Murray Construction S. / �J, 7 X di Bowles & Edens Co. $ p J.L. Bertram Const. & Engr. S. /�p� O 7• 0(5 B & B Consultant Co. Inc. S. A O / U 73--, 011 ABC Utilities 1 $ IUnited Concrete Pipe $ Bernhard Associates $ IBarnett Contracting $ I Mid-Cities Construction $, l(� 3 �� () Dickerson Construction $. / ! I .J—QJ , IOscar Renda Co. $ Larry H. Jackson Const. $ / 70) i 8Si, 6e IWeimar Construction $ H & S Utilities $ IArchitectural Utilities $ . / YRi d ISouthern Mechancial Plumbing S. / 7 9.Z3 . , 7cr KaMont Construction $ W. R. Hodgson & Co. $ IID , ib .6r- --J 1 Y 7 9 ,' , o 69 1U..0 62) t) /°l 6s - CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REVENUE FOR MONTH 10-31-87 "ENERAL FUND RECEIPTS SUBTOTAL PROJECTED DIFFERENCE TO •PROJECTED RECEIPTS (3) - (2) 10/30/87 COMPARISON 87-88 BUDGET UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) (3) 1 110.00 Current Taxes 14,073.66 14,073.66 65,517.00 51,443.34 15.00 Prior Tax Roll 15.50 Penalty/Interest 120.00 Sales Tax 18,065.74 18,065.74 25,200.00 7,134.26 Franchise Tax-TU Electric 52,900.81 52,900.81 57,646.00 4,745.19 00.00 Ambulance 450.00 450.00 875.00 425.00 '210.00 Fines 24,006.00 CD 25,572.0020 28,000.00 2,428.00 210.01 Non Moving Violations ',10.02 Moving Violations 10.03 City Ordinance 210.04 State 10.05 Dept. of Public Safety '10.06 Warrant-FTA 210.07 Warrant-Capias 140.00 Building Permits 2,546.00�C) 7,896.18 L) 20,800.00 12,903.82 (41.00 Plumbing Permits 1,915.50 ) ?42.00 Electrical Permits 615.38 243.00 Heat and Air Permits 126.00 !44.00 Septic Permits 195.00 !45.00 Site Plan 159.30 246.00 Culvert Permits 65.00 ?47.00 Pool Permits 653.50= 150.00 Zoning & Misc Fees 170.00Q0 5,490.00 { ; 9,625.00 4,135.00 251.00 Platting Fees 5,320.001_ _252.00 Board of Adjustments ?53.00 Alcohol Use Permits 5.00(6v ?54.00 Sign Permit 165.00 255.00 House Moving Permits 56.00 Solicitors Permit ?57.00 Zoning Special Exception 258.00 Building Misc. Fees 450.50 ) 759.00 Street Lights ?60.00 Building Dept. Report 165.05 Cash Escrow/Bonds 1,566.00 Q 350.00 Fire Dept. Misc. Income 150.00� 150.00 1,333.33 1,183.33 >00.00 Returned Checks 45.000 i00.00 Road Impact 1,000.00 z 810.00 Misc. Sales 140.30 4 934.85 5E& 1,000.00 65.15 125.00 Misc. Income 698.55 325.02 Alarm Monitoring 845.00 Refunds Received 850.00 Returned Check Charges 51.00 135.00 Due From Cash Escrow A 403,126.00 FUND TOTAL 528,659.24 125,533.24 B 209,996.33 C 1 84,463.09 84,463.09 less IBM Fire Truck Donation A(403,126.00) 125,533.24 Balances with Daily Cash Reports and Journal Entries I (ti •- p -.A R.•1 a 1. nil CITY OF SOUTELAKE REVENUE FOR MONTH 10-31-87 WATER FUND RECEIPTS PROTECTED FOR DIFFERENCE TO OCTOBER PER (2) - (1) 10/20/87 87-88 BUDGET UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 300.00 Water Sales 127,754.09 157,599.45 29,845.36 315.00 Garbage Revenue 11,301.37 12,600.00 1,298.63 320.00 Tax Garbage 1.32 (1.32) 330.00 Sewer Fees 1,116.56 1,650.00 533.44 335.00 Sewer Taps 360.00 345.00 Water Taps 1,666.67 1,306.67 360.00 Bulk Water 620.00 (620.00) 365.00 Contract Meters 1,080.00 (1,080.00) 375.00 Unapplied Cash (472.76) 472.76 385.00 Late Charges 2,862.65 (2,862.65) 395.50 Water Deposit 750.00 (750.00) 395.51 Service Charge 270.00 (270.00) 400.50 Delinquent Accounts 500.00 Returned Checks 147.37 (147.37) 630.00 Sewer Impact Fee 500.00 (500.00) 660.00 Water Impact Fees 2,000.00 (2,000.00) 825.00 Misc. Income 19.00 (19.00) 850.00 Returned Check Charges 30.00 (30.00) 860.00 Reconnect Fee 70.00 (70.00) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 148,409.60 910.00 Interest Income 554.25 500.00 (54.25) TOTAL WATER FUND REVENUE 148,963.85 174,016.12 25,052.27 (25,052.17) To indicate columns balance 148,963.85 Balances with Daily Cash Reports CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 00 CITY SECRETARY/MAYOR & COUNCIL EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER OVER (1) (2) 01.00 Regular Earnings 2,369.22 2,668.00 298.78 )3.00 Health Insurance 101.80 127.33 25.53 )4.01 Group Health and Life 17.40 (17.40) .05.00 Dental Insurance -,0.00 Retirement 166.08 170.33 4.25 10.10 Worker's Compensation Ins. 12.19* 9.67 (2.52) -I TOTAL SALARY & RELATED COST 2,666.69 2,975.33 308.64 10.00 Legal Services 1,199.76 (1,199.76) ?16.00 Engineering Services L7.00 Consultant Contracts �20.00 Election Process/Supplies >.26.00 Public Officials Bonds 125.00 125.00 )5.00 Office Supplies 28.22 83.33 55.11 1)5.00 Telephone Service 172.33 172.33 >05.00 Classified/Legal Advertising 3,494.42 416.00 (3,078.42) ;20.00 Postage 7.18 83.33 76.15 ,?5.00 Printing 41.67 41.67 ,74.00 Dues/Memberships 100.00 83.33 (16.67) ;05.00 Office Machine Maintenance 40.00 Building Maintenance D0.00 Tuition/Training 175.00 109.00 (66.00) 710.00 Travel Expense 50.00 50.00 '26.00 Publications 41.66 41.66 25.00 Misc. Supplies/Expense 44.86 79.00 34.14 TOTAL OPERATIONS 5,049.44 1,284.65 (3,764.79) TOTAL FUND 100 7,716.13 4,259.98 (3,456.15) I kThroughout the worksheets (in all departments) the figure is for two months. September's amount (,ras paid with October (new fiscal year) funds. 1 CITY OF SOUTHL7KE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 105 CITY ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES PROTECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 101.00 Regular Earnings 10,762.01 10,548.00 (214.01) 102.00 Overtime 11.58 (11.58) 103.00 Health/Dental Insurance 509.00 586.00 77.00 120.00 Retirement/FICA II 562.89 567.00 4.11 130.10 Worker's Compensation Ins. 102.38* 35.00 (67.38) TOTAL SALARIES & RELATED COSTS 11,947.86 11,736.00 (211.86) 210.00 Legal Services 9,099.89 6,250.00 (2,849.89) 212.00 Professional Services 41.00 41.00 214.00 Audit 2,595.00 (2,595.00) 224.00 Tax Assessor/Collector 2,485.00 1,166.00 (1,319.00) 228.00 Janitorial Services 475.00 366.00 (109.00) 230.00 Copier Lease 345.79 277.00 (68.79) 234.00 Metromedia 48.00 24.00 (24.00) 236.00 Computer Lease 942.50 942.00 (.50) 238.00 Computer Software Support 240.00 Postage Meter Lease 159.00 187.00 28.00 260.00 Insurance 305.00 Office Supply 174.91 416.00 241.09 315.00 Computer Supplies 194.55 166.00 (28.55) 328.00 Janitorial Supplies 83.00 83.00 360.00 Computer Maintenance 127.00 127.00 405.00 Telephone Service 369.83 345.00 (24.83) 430.00 Texas Power & Light 1,355.26 716.00 (639.26) 440.00 Water 15.00 15.00 505.00 Classified Advertising 41.00 41.00 520.00 Postage 55.27 84.00 28.73 525.00 Printing 125.00 125.00 545.50 (Not Used) 574.00 Dues and Memberships 41.00 41.00 640.00 Building Maintenance 220.00 308.00 88.00 700.00 Tuition 37.50 (37.50) 710.00 Travel Expense 17.32 (17.32) 750.00 Auto Allowance 300.00 225.00 (75.00) 825.00 Misc. Expenses 137.85 166.00 28.15 910.00 Administrative Facilities 834.00 834.00 915.00 Animal Control Services 2,084.00 2,084.00 920.00 Economic Development 570.00 570.00 TOTAL OPERATIONS - 19,012.67 15,599.00 (3,413.67) I CITY OF SOUZAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 105 CITY ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES PRCOECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 925.00 Capital Equipment 322.71 (322.71) 125.01 Display Station 325.02 Desk TOTAL CAPITAL 322.71 (322.71) TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATION 31,283.24 27,335.00 (3,948.24) 1 CITY OF SOLTIHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 110 MUNICIPAL COURT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 101.00 Regular Earnings 2,837.16 4,668.00 1,830.84 103.00 Health/Dental 203.60 305.00 101.40 120.00 Retirement/FICA II 131.76 166.00 34.24 130.10 Worker's Comp Insurance 27.00* 144.00 117.00 Total Salaries & Related Costs 3,199.52 5,283.00 2,083.48 202.00 Attorney Prosecutor 500.00 500.00 205.00 Municipal Judge 1,000.00 1,000.00 305.00 Office Supplies 43.73 100.00 56.27 315.00 Computer Supplies 87.50 (87.50) 405.00 Telephone Services 67.31 86.00 18.69 440.00 Water 14.00 14.00 520.00 Postage 42.02 62.00 19.98 525.00 Printing 574.00 Dues & memberships 30.00 50.00 20.00 515.00 Gasoline & Oil 62.00 62.00 525.00 Vehicle Repairs & maint. 700.00 Tuition 710.00 Travel Expenses 325.00 Misc. Expenses 25.00 25.00 355.00 State Treasurer 374.50 Jury Duty 340.01 Court Refunds 807.00 (807.00) 238.00 Computer Training Total Operations 2,577.56 1,899.00 (678.56) 102.00 Overtime 40.53 (40.53) Total Municipal Court 5,817.61 7,182.00 1,364.39 .�r Budgeted for a warrant officer, who hasn't had time to spend on warrants. The next pay check will be allocated to this department based on time spent working warrants. 1 I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 .20 FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE j FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 01.00 Regular Earnings 10,847.82 13,989.00 3,141.18 02.00 Overtime 2,373.30 250.00 (2,123.30)** .03.00 Health/Dental 509.00 916.00 407.00 120.00 Retirement 382.41 368.00 (14.41) 130.10 Workers Compensation Ins. 655.32* 408.00 (247.32) Total Salaries and Related Costs 14,767.85 15,931.00 1,163.15 112.00 Professional Services 250.00 500.00 250.00 22.00 Ambulance 250.00 250.00 )34.00 Communications Lease 113.75 88.00 (25.75) 105.00 Office Supplies 27.76 25.00 (2.76) 14.00 Uniform Purchases 1,110.00 1,110.00 316.00 Badges, Patches, Dues 560.00 155.00 (405.00) 118.00 Educational Supplies 57.90 (57.90) 122.00 First Aid Supplies 376.44 400.00 23.56 326.00 Small Tools 17.32 (17.32) 28.00 Janitorial Supplies 25.00 25.00 38.00 Arson Investigator 24.46 25.00 .54 05.00 Telephone Services 197.34 230.00 32.66 120.00 Lone Star Gas 20.74 (20.74) 40.00 Water 50.00 50.00 20.00 Postage 13.26 (13.26) 515.00 Gasoline and Oil 487.83 165.00 (322.83) 25.00 Vehicle Maintenance/Repairs 1,287.57 416.00 (871.57) 45.00 Radio Maintenance 392.94 125.00 (267.94) ;63.00 Equipment Lease >,65.00 Equipment Maintenance/Repairs 17.00 250.00 233.00 00.00 Tuition/Training ,10.00 Travel Expenses 11.29 10.00 (1.29) 325.00 Miscellaneous Expenses 103.52 (103.52) 25.01 Booster Hose 100ft 25.02 1 3/4" Nozzle 325.03 2 1-1/2" Nozzles -25.04 Bunker Gear 1,280.00 1,280.00 25.05 5" Couplings/Fittings I25.06 1 2-1/2 Nozzle ITotal Operations 3,959.12 5,104.00 1,144.88 Total Fire Department 18,726.97 21,035.00 2,308.03 i **Excessive overtime is due to firemen covering for other firemen's shifts while they are at training. CITY OF SOU HLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 .30 POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 • UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) _01.00 Regular Earnings 41,469.02 44,295.00 2,825.98 _02.00 Overtime 2,289.33 666.00 (1,623.33)i4 103.00 Heath/Dental Insurance 2,239.60 2,444.00 204.40 120.00 Retirement/FICA II 1,350.11 1,727.00 376.89 130.10 Worker's Comp Insurance 5,300.03* 2,659.00 (2,641.03) Total Salaries & Related Costs 52,648.09 51,791.00 (857.09) 212.00 Professional Services 25.00 166.00 141.00 228.00 Janitorial Services 83.00 83.00 234.00 Communications Lease 152.00 77.00 (75.00) 236.00 Computer Lease 207.00 207.00 305.00 Office Supplies 512.10 208.00 (304.10) 314.00 Uniform Purchases 600.00 600.00 315.00 Computer Supplies 325.00 Jail/Booking Supplies 276.65 125.00 (151.65) 335.00 Photographic Supplies 150.00 150.00 105.00 Telephone Services 330.61 535.00 204.39 140.00 Water 14.00 14.00 520.00 Postage 24.34 21.00 (3.34) 525.00 Printing 91.00 91.00 574.00 Dues & memberships 180.00 180.00 515.00 Gasoline & oil 1,514.95 1,250.00 (264.95) 525.00 Vehicle maintenance 814.07 833.00 18.93 345.00 Radio maintenance 150.00 167.00 17.00 700.00 Tuition/Training 540.00 540.00 726.00 Publications 325.00 Misc. Expenses 161.51 (161:51) 325.01 Flares 325.02 Radio Installation 710.00 Travel Expenses 41.00 41.00 Total Operations 3,961.23 5,288.00 1,326.77 335.00 Vehicles Total Capital 505.00 Classified/Legal Advertising 122.03 (122.03) Dispatcher/Console 9,390.50 (9,390.50) Received insurance money prior fiscal year . Total Police Department 66,121.85 57,079.00 . (9,042.85) Excessive overtime due to Gib Lewis Day and Halloween. I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 "D BUILDING/ZONING EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCIOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER.) (1) (2) .01.00 Regular Earnings 5,096.08 3,880.00 (1,216.08) 2.00 Overtime 36.00 41.00 5.00 3.01 Health/Dental Insurance 305.40 286.00 (19.40) .05.00 Dental Insurance '0.00 Retirement/FICA II 94.03 87.00 (7.03) 0.10 ' Worker's Comp Insurance 162.94* 57.00 (105.94) Total Salaries & Related Costs 5,694.45 4,351.00 (1,343.45) '2.00 Contract Services 500.00 500.00 ?12.00 Professional Services 6,865.00 2,500.00 (4,365.00) 6.00 Engineering 2,687.50 2,083.00 (604.50) '8.00 Master Planning 416.00 416.00 ?74.00 Planning & Engineering 'n5.00 Office Supplies 5.77 125.00 119.23 6.00 Code Enforcement & Supplies 62.00 62.00 J,0.00 Building Codes 326.00 Small Tools )8.00 Supplies Miscellaneous ,)5.00 Telephone Services 116.99 172.33 55.34 115.00 Centel 10.00 Water 13.92 13.92 )5.00 Classified Advertising 287.55 100.00 (187.55) )10.00 Postage 138.17 150.00 11.83 25.00 Printing 39.68 (39.68) 70.00 License Renewal -74.00 Dues & memberships 505.00 Office machine maintenance L0.00 Office equipment maint. L2.00 Software maintenance 515.00 Gasoline & Oil 39.93 41.67 1.74 15.00 Vehicle Maint/Repairs 58.33 58.33 [5.00 Radio maintenance i00.00 Tuition/Training 710.00 Travel Expenses L5.00 Training Supplies 50.00 Auto Allowance 744.02 Schools & Travel ?5.00 Misc Expenses/Supplies 100.31 91.67 (8.64) 10.00 Refunds Total Operations 10,280.90 6,313.92 (3,966.98) 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 140 BUILDING/ZONING EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 925.00 Capital Equipment: 926.00 Bldg/Misc Permit Software 927.00 2-Display Stations 928.00 Pro-Printer 935.00 Capital Vehicles Total Capital Total Building/Zoning 15,975.35 10,664.92 (5,310.43) Board of Adjustments Refund 50.00 (50.00) Total Building/Zoning 16,025.35 10,664.92 (5,360.43) ■ CITY OF SOUT L KE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 .50 STREETS AND ROADS EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCIOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 91.00 Regular Earnings 7,647.18 8,513.33 866.15 2.00 Overtime 1,169.17 334.00 (835.17) 3.00 Health Insurance 509.00 560.08 51.08 .05.00 Dental Insurance ?0.00 Retirement/FICA II 177.21 289.08 111.87 30.10 ' Worker's Compensation Ins. 2,018.71* 812.50 (1,206.21) TOTAL SALARIES & RELATED COST 11,521.27 10,508.99 (1,012.28) .12.00 Professional Services 125.00 125.00 ?16.00 Engineering 55.00 Uniform Cleaning 253.10 184.17 (68.93) D5.00 Office Supplies 199.53 20.83 (178.70) 341.00 Street Upgrade -43.00 Chemical 15.00 Street Repair Materials 5,615.87 3,000.00 (2,615.87) 346.00 Drainage Materials )17.00 Street Signs 612.35 (612.35) 48.00 Drainage Maintenance ,75.00 Minor Hardware 398.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 225.00 Tri-County Elec-Street Lights 342.94 - 375.00 32.06 30.00 T P & L Elec - Street Lights 297.00 333.00 36.00 140.00 Water 26.25 26.25 -D5.00 Classified Advertising 10.00 Machine Maintenance )15.00 Gasoline & Oil 411.57 500.00 88.43 ;20.00 Maintenance Lights 25.00 Vehicle Maintenance/Repairs 311.08 291.67 (19.41) .35.00 Street Maintenance 560.00 Equipment Rental 1,000.00 1,250.00 250.00 63.00 Equipment Lease 3,514.54 3,666.67 152.13 65.00 Equipment Maintenance/Repairs 8.00 333.33 325.33 585.00 Radio Maintenance 41.67 41.67 '25.00 Misc. Expenses/Supplies 574.33 270.83 (303.50) 25.01 Traffic Control Service 525.02 Utility Trailer 325.03 Light Bars, Beacon Lights TOTAL OPERATIONS 13,140.31 10,418.42 (2,721.89) 25.00 Capital Equipment: 13 Radios CITY OF SOUTHE2 KE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 .50 STREETS AND ROADS EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) )35.00 Capital Vehicles: 1 3/4 Ton Pickup TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES TOTAL STREer/ROADS DEPT. 24,661.58 20,927.41 (3,734.17) )75.00 Capital Street Signs 612.35 (612.35) 25,273.93 20,927.41 (4,346.52) I I I I I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 160 PARKS DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROTECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 101.00 Regular Earnings 1,257.60 1,456.00 198.40 102.00 Overtime 84.00 41.00 (43.00) 103.00 Health Insurance 101.80 101.83 .03 105.00 Dental Insurance m120.00 Retirement/FICA II 26.97 29.58 2.61 130.10 Worker's Comp Insurance 162.91* 59.42 (103.49) Total Salaries & Related Costs 1,633.28 1,687.83 54.55 '212.00 Professional Services 216.00 Engineering 255.00 Uniform Cleaning 35.25 29.16 (6.09) 314.00 Uniform Purchase 390.00 Supplies -398.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 405.00 Telephone Services 41.66 41.66 430.00 Texas Power & Light 150.38 250.00 99.62 440.00 Water 333.33 333.33 505.00 Classified Advertising 505.10 City Fest Expenses 574.00 Fence maintenance 574.07 Lights maintenance 66.66 66.66 574.08 Gravel-Park Rd. 574.09 Red clay - ballfields -574.10 Landscaping maintenance 1,839.00 (1,839.00) 574.12 Signs maintenance 574.74 Curbing Park _610.00 Maintenance- Machines :615.00 Gasoline & Oil 7.75 66.66 58.91 625.00 Vehicle Maint/Repairs 41.66 41.66 660.00 Equipment rental 183.33 183.33 ,665.00 Equipment maint/machines 214.24 125.00 (89.24) ,674.01 Building Repairs/Maint 289.80 125.00 (164.80) 825.00 Misc Expenses/supplies 31.98 (31.98) -,825.01 Equipment trailer ;825.02 Misc supplies 1.81 (1.81) '825.03 Sign Maintenance 25.00 25.00 825.04 Machine maintenance 58.33 58.33 825.03 Net back stop '825.06 2 Weed eaters Total Operations 2,570.21 1,345.79 (1,224.42) 1 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 19871 160 PARKS DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE 1 FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 925.00 Capital Equipment • Total Capital Equipment Total Parks Department 4,203.49 3,033.62 (1,169.87) 1 Gib Lewis Day 105.00 (105.00) Flag pole 720.00 (720.00) 825.00 (825.00) ' Total Parks with non- 5,028.49 3,033.62 (1,994.87) , budgeted items ' 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 240 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) I (1) (2) 101.00 Regular Earnings 3,731.54 918.75 (2,812.79),� 1103.00 Health Insurance 101.80 25.41 (76.39) 105.00 Dental Insurance 120.00 Retirement 261.58 64.41 (197.17) 1130.10 Worker's Ccanp Insurance 29.84* 3.16 (26.68)_ Total Salaries & Related Costs 4,124.76 1,011.73 (3,113.03) 1234.00 Communications Lease 24.00 33.33 9.33 305.00 Office Supplies 25.00 25.00 326.00 Tools 1405.00 Telephone Services 37.52 43.08 5.56 440.00 'Water 14.58 14.58 574.00 Dues & memberships I605.00 Office machine maint. 620.00 Maintenance - Signals/Lights 645.00 Radio maintenance I700.00 Tuition/Training supplies 715.00 Training Supplies 750.00 Auto Allowance 350.00 175.00 (175.00) . 825.00 Misc Expenses/Supplies 22.75 50.00 27.25 ITotal Operations 434.27 340.99 (93.28) Capital Expenses: 1925.00 Capital Equipment: Capital Equipment/Display Stations ITotal Capital Expenses Total Public Works Dept 4,559.03 1,352.72 (3,206.31) 1cp An allocation needs to be made so that 75% of the $350.00 is charged to water. (Propose to perform Iallocation monthly) 0 An allocation needs to be made so that 75% of the benefits are charged to the water fund. This cannot be done through the computer payroll system; therefore, I propose to perform the allocation on a quarterly basis. I I 1 CITY OF SOUTHIAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 200 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 101.00 Regular Earnings 11,202.43 102.00 Overtime 1,723.56 103.00 Health Insurance 712.60 105.00 Dental Insurance 120.00 Retirement (FICA II) 293.55 130.10 Workers compensation Ins. 946.02* Total Salaries and Related Costs 14,878.16 19,886.08 5,007.92 210.00 Legal Services 212.00 Professional Services 1,955.00 214.00 Audit 216.00 Engineering 228.00 Janitorial Services 230.00 Copier Lease 234.00 Communications Lease 183.77 236.00 Computer Lease 1,967.50 255.00 Uniform Cleaning 393.45 260.00 Insurance 265.00 Garbage Franchise 305.00 Office Supplies 64.79 314.00 Uniform Purchases 315.00 Computer Supplies 315.50 Bad Debts 326.00 Small Tools 328.00 Janitorial Supplies 340.00 Chlorine 1,900.50 343.00 Chemicals 911.10 350.00 Fuel 351.50 Revenue Debt Service 360.00 Computer Maintenance 375.00 Minor Apparatus/Hardware 398.00 Supplies 405.00 Telephone Services 67.32 425.00 Telemetry/Pumps 2,160.96 425.05 Tri County Electric 280.26 430.00 T P & L 513.83 440.00 'Water 1,745.00 505.00 Classified Advertising 520.00 Postage 80.65 525.00 Printing 555.00 Depreciation Expense CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 '0 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 74.00 Dues & Memberships 5.00 Office Machine Maintenance 135.25 17.00 Software Maintenance 10.00 Equipment Maintenance 732.43 '5.00 Gasoline & Oil 355.18 5.00 Vehicle Maintenance/ Repair 345.07 Z0.00 Building Maintenance 103.10 45.00 Radio Maintenance 55.00 ;0.00 Well Maintenance ;0.00 Equipment Rental 481.61 70.00 Water Line/Hydrant Maint/Materials 2,248.50 '1.00 Sewer Plant Maintenance 1,429.94 2.00 Supply Pumps Maintenance 73.00 Water Tank Maintenance 9,026.65 74.01 Repair/Maintenance '6.00 Supply Meter Maintenance J0.00 Tuition/Training 37.50 50.00 Auto Allowance '4.01 Travel 5.00 Water Line Oversizing 20.00 Water Line Upgrade 15.00 Misc. Expenses/Supplies 1,341.27 !0.00 Economic Development Total Operations 28,515.63 96,974.83 68,459.20 25.00 Capital Equipment: Water Meters 868.45 Forms Operator Desk and Chair Typing Table Safety Lights 2 Radios 1/2 High Speed Printer 4234 Trailer Dual Tandem Back Hoe 2 Mobile Radios Tool Boxes 1 • • CITY OF SOU BLT KE EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER, 1987 200 INVITER DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES PROJECTED DIFFERENCE FOR OCTOBER EXPENDITURES PER (2) - (1) BUDGET 87-88 UNDER (OVER) (1) (2) 935.00 Capital Vehicles: 1 3/4 Ton Truck w/Util Bed Sewer Cleaning Machine Truck Mounted 1 1-1/2 Ton Flat Bed 1 5-10 Pickup Truck Miscellaneous: 940.00 Engineering 945.00 Mapping - Water Service Total Capital Expenses 868.45 9,875.00 9,006.55 _ Total Water Department 44,262.24 126,735.91 82,473.67 Deposit Refund 68.22 (68.22) Total Including Non-budgeted Item 44,330.46 126,735.91 82,405.45 October 1987 PRESENT PAST YEAR TO MONTH MONTH DATE t SO TOTAL RADIO CALLS 2422 2737 26,961 TOTAL CITATIONS ISSUED 502 517 6,014 ACCIDENTS INVESTIGATED 19 27 234 Major Accidents (Involving_ Injury) 7 6 63 Minor Accidents (Property Damage Only) 12 21 172 TOTAL WARRANTS 54 118 977 Total Warrants Served 43 87 607 Total Amount Collected 6794 11,786 87,894 TOTAL ARREST 39 56 636 Felony Arrests 8 2 62 Misdemeanor Arrests 28 49 506 Juvenile Arrests 3 5 68 ilk TOTAL CASES FILED 13 9 91 Felony 10 2 43 Misdemeanor 1 2 20 Juvenile Referrals 2 5 30 i TOTAL OFFENSES REPORTED 38 20 312 TOTAL OFFENSES CLEARED 14 5 68 I CLEARANCE RATE 37% 25% 22% 3 80 1 BURGLARIES REPORTED 7 Value - Stolen Property 16,753 25,720 287,097 Value - Recovered Property 17,500 26,255 261,219 _ THEFTS REPORTED • 22 12 126 Value - Stolen Property 21,226 12,892 179,480 Value - Recovered Property 12,182 8,447 175,706 CRIME PREVENTION PRESENTATIONS 1 0 13 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT TO : City Manager, Lloyd 0. Latta , Jr . For the Month of October THIS YEAR MONTH TO DATE Responses Structure Fires House 1 9 Mobile Home 0 0 Office Building 0 0 'Retail - Restaurant 0 0 Factory - Industry, etc. 0 0 Grass Fires 7 29 Car Fires 0 5 Truck Fires 1 5 Car Accident (Fire & Rescue Unit) 6 56 Truck Accident (Fire & Rescue Unit) 3 22 Mutual Aid for City of Grapevine 2 9 Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville 0 2 Mutual Aid for City of Keller 4 8 Mutual Aid for Trophy Club 0 1 Fire Calls in Westlake 1 4 EMS Calls in Westlake 0 9 Fire Calls in Tarrant County 0 23 EMS Calls in Tarrant County 2 19 Fire Calls in Denton County 0 8 'EMS Calls in Denton County 1 5 False Alarms in City 10 41 False Alarms in Tarrant County 1 4 • FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PAGE 2 THIS YEAR MONTH TO DATE Responses . .. } False Alarms in Denton County 0 1 False Alarms in. Westlake 0 1 Rescue/Ambulance Calls 6 82 Miscellaneous 9 78 TOTAL EMERGENCY CALLS 54 436 TOTAL FIRE LOSS VALUE $370 ,000 $624,925 NUMBER Man Hours Expended: OF HOURS On Emergency Calls 531 Meetings (4 per month) ' ' . 64 1 Average Men per Meeting 8 Special Training Sessions of Drills 24 Maintenance (other than normal maintenance) 8 TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED ' 623 . REMARKS: Respectfully Submitted, '7./2 R.P. Steele, Fire Chief Date / 5 /. rl WA hit TAPS INSTALLATION I SEPTEMBER - 1987 PAID 3/4" Meter INSTALLED 1. PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE- 101 ENW PARKWAY 9-1-8 7 (Temporally) 9- 1-87 2. WENDFr,I DOBBS - 1060 THOUSAND OAKS 8 -18-8 7 9- 2-87 3. BILL TAYLOR - 3290 LAKE DRIVE 8-17-87 9-11-87 1 4. M.W. McMILLIAN -3280 LAKE DRIVE 8-17-87 9-11-87 1 5. ROBERT GATLIN - 3270 LAKE DRIVE 8-17-87 9-11-87 OCTOBER - 1987 1 1. DAVID RAMSEY - 127 N. PEYTONVILLE 8-31-8 7 9-23-87 1 2. JERRY McCONNELL - 1646 ROYAL OAKS COURT 10-1-87 10-14-87 3. TERRY SISK CONT. - 2113 GREENBRIAR 10 -16-8 7 10-19-87 1 4. TERRY SISK CONT. - 2110 GREENBRIAR 10-16-8 7 10-20-87 5. HONER FRENCH-1200 WEST DOVE 9-9-8 7 10-20-87 1 6. PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE - 101 ENW PARKWAY. . . . 9-1-8 7 10-21-8 7 1 7. G.O. STEVENS - 1401 PLANTATION DRIVE 10-2 6-8 7 10-27-87 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I TO: LLOYD LATTA, CITY MANAGER FROM: MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK, JANIE BURNS SUBJEdT: MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITY REPORT FOR October, 1987 DATE: November 12, 1987 .I1 V 11 1,,.." "1J MONTH OFOc! er 1987 MONTH OF Oc )er 1986 CASES SET FOR TRIAL Plea-52 Trl-14 Plea-45 Trl-11 90 CASES HEARD Plea-34 Trl-11 Plea-29 Tr1-07 45 CASES DISMISSED Plea-04 Tr1-00 Plea-03 Tr1-06 11 WARRANTS ISSUED 54 92 WARRANTS SERVED 43 56 CASES APPEALED 27 12 CASES RESET 12 05 PAST DUE LETTERS 72 81 CASES REFERED TO DDC 21 33 CITATIONS ISSUED 495 595 CITATIONS PAID 319 399 TOTAL REVENUE 24,006. 00 21 ,637.00 FINES COLLECTED FROM COURT 878. 50 . WARRANTS COLLECTED 6,794. 00 . . . . , 1956 SEPT. TOTAL 7 ''NEW TAPS 196.3 - 5 PULLED 1958 OCT TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT . MONTH OCT_ 19R7 GALLONS PUMPED THIS MONTH FROM WELLS 0.0 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH s 14,254,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 14,254,000 NEW WATER TAPS INSTALLED 7 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED METER CHANGE OUTS 3/4"= 12 I" 5 3/4" to 1"= 0 2"= 0 4"= 0 LEAKS 2- PULLED METERS 5 1 LOCKED METERS 29 ICustomer request or Delinquent Payment PROCESSED WORK ORDERS 113 FLUSHED LINES WATER IMPACT FEES S 2 ,000.00 TOTAL TO DATE S 21,000.00 I a ajj1, yam. WATER SUPERINTENDENT • MONTHLY REPORT • SEND REPORT TO: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF WATER HYGIENE I 1100 WEST 49th STREET WATER WORKS OPERATION FOR AUSTIN,TEXAS 78756 • GROUND WATER SUPPLIES (1) Name of System - CITY OF SOUTHLAKE County TARRANT (la) Water System I.D. No. ?7nnn75 Month of OCTOBER 19 87 Day Pumpage to Distribution System in Thousand Gals. (6) (7) (8) Taste (9) I of (2)Direct (3)From Gnd. (4)Purchased (5)Total Disinfection Corrosion and Odor Month from Wells Storage from Others Pumpage Control Control 1 0.0 826.0 876.0 2 n_n R26_11 876_0 3 0.0 1 ,567.0 1 ,362.0 4 O n 1 ,564 n 1 ,464 n 5 0 0 1,611.0 1,611.0 I 6 0.0 1,549.0 1.549.0 7 0.0 1,593.0 1,593.0 8 0.0 1.746.0 1.746.0 9 0.0 2 ,200.0 2,200.0 to 0.0 1,891.0 1,891.0 . 11 0.0 1,385.0 1,385.0 12 0.0 1,684.0 1,684.0 13 0.0 1,684.0 1,684.0 14 0.0 1,252.0 1,252.0 I 15 0.0 1.,327.75 1,327.75 16 0.0 1,327.75 1,327.75 17 - 0.0 1,327.75 1,327.75 18 0.0 1.327.75 1,327.75 I 19 0.0 897.0 897.0 20 0.0 988.5 988.5 21 0.0 988.5 988.5 SAMPLES NFX;ATTVF I 22 0.0 866.0 866.0 23 n_n 1 ,n96 n 1 ,o96 n 24 0.0 946.0 946.0 25 0.0 935.0 935.0 I 26 0.0 1,281.0 1,281.0 27 0.0 1,215.5 1,215.5 28 0.0 1.215.5 1,215.5 29 0.0 1,514.0 1,514.0 30 • 0.0 1,514.0 1,514.0 31 0.0 1,313.0 1,313.0 Total 0.0 41,254.0 41,254.0 I Avg. 0.0 1".330.78 1,330.78 Max. 0.0 2 ,200.0 2 ,200.0 • Min. 0.0 826.0 826.0 I No. of Active Water Services (10) 1958 Chemical Analysis (11) 11-83 Dates and Results of Bacteriological Analyses (12) 7 SAMPLES NEGATTVE I N. SUNSHINE Reservoirs or Tanks Cleaned (13) 6-83 Dead Ends Flushed (14) ROYAL OAKS COURT BRUMLOW $ E CONTINENT] General Remarks (15) Submitted By (16) / ' ``'--`, Certificate No. (17) 4 54-2 9-3113 FORM NO. M•S I IMPACT FEES fib Started 7-22-86 JULY WATER S2 ,000.00 • SEWER $ 2 ,000. 00 'AUGUST WATER S2 ,500.00 SEWER $2 ,500.00 SEPTEMBER WATER S3 ,000.00 SEWER $2 ,000 .00 OCTOBER WATER S1 ,000. 00 SEWER S1 ,000. 00 • NOVEMBER WATER $1 ,000.00 SEWER $1 ,000 .00 DECEMBER WATER $1 .500. 00 SEWER $1,500 .00 GRAND TOTAL WATER $11 .000. 00 SEWER $ 10 ,000.00 __I 1987 JANU WATER S 2 ,500 . 00 SEWER $1 .5 0 0 ,00 FEBRU ARY WATER $ 2.000.00 SEWER $1,50 0 .00 MARCH WATER 1 nnn.nn SEWER$ d ,00 n.00 APRIL WATER e 3,nnn .nn SEWER$ , cnn nn MAY WATER $ 500.00 SEWER $ 500.00 JU.N.NE WATER $ 2,000.00 SEWER $1,500.00 JULY WATER $ 500.00 SEWER 0.00 • •• AUGUST WATER $ 4.000.00 • SEWER $2,775.00 I • SEPTEMBER. . .WATER$ 500.00 SEWER $2 ,192. 75 OCTOBER WATER S 2,000.00 SEWER $ i cnn on NOVEMBER WATER SEWER • - DECEMBER. . . .WATER SEWER • GRAND TOTAL.WATER SEWER AUGUST -1987 WATER DEPOSITS WATER IMPACT FEES 8-18-87 JAMES DYER -GENERAL CONT. 1060 THOUSAND OAKS 24565 $ 360.00 24566 $ 500.00 8-31-87 RAMSEY CUSTOM CABINETS 127 N. PEYTONVILLE 24822 $ 360.00 24823 $ 500.00 $2,880.00 $4,000.00 SEPTFMBER -1987 9- 1-87 PJ'S CONVENIENCE SPORE 101 ENW PARKWAY 24856 $ 360.00 NO IMPACT FEE 9- 9-87 ASST. BUILDERS HOMER FRENCH 1200 WEST DOVE 25005 $ 360.00 25006 $ 500.00 $ 720.00 $ 500.00 OCTOBER -1987 10-1 -87 JERRY McCONNELL - 1646 ROYAL OAKS CT. 25458 $ 360.00 25457 $ 500.00 10-16-87 TERRY SISK CONT. 2110 GREENBRIAR 25797 $ 360.00 25798 $ 500.00 10-16-87 TERRY SISK CONT. 25802 $ 360.00 25801 $ 500.00 2113 GREENBRIAR 10-26-87 G.O. STEVENS 1401 PLANTATION DRIVE 26024 $ 360.00 26025 $ 500.00 $ 1,440.00 $ 2,000.00 WATER TAPS INSTALLATION SEPTEMBER - 1987 ( 1. PJ'S COONVENIENCE 511URE- 101 ENW PARKWAY 9- 1-87 2. WENDET,T, DOBBS - 1060 THOUSAND OAKS 9- 2-87 3. BILL TAYLOR - 3290 LAKE DRIVE 9-11-87 4. M.W. McMILLIAN -3280 LAKE DRIVE 9-11-87 5. ROBERT GATLIN - 3270 LAKE DRIVE 9-11-87 OCTOBER - 1987 1. DAVID RAMSEY - 127 N. PEYTONVILLE 9-23-87 2. JERRY McCONNELL - 1646 ROYAL OAKS COURT 10-14-87 3. TERRY SISK CONT. - 2113 GREENBRIAR 10-19-87 4. TERRY SISK CONT. - 2110 GREENBRIAR 10-20-87 5. HOMER FRENCH-1200 WEST DOVE 10-20-87 6. PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE - 101 ENW PARKWAY 10-21-87 7. G.O. STEVENS - 1401 PLANTATION DRIVE 10-27-87 ZONING DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE For the month ending October 31 , 1987 Zoning $ 100 .00 No . of Cases 1 Platting 5 , 320 . 00 No . of Cases 5 Board of Adjustment 0 . 00 No . of Cases 0 Special Exception Use 0 . 00 No. of Cases 0 Site Plans 159 . 30 No of Cases 1 Misc . Sales Zoning 20 . 00 No. of Receipts 1 Total Revenue $5 ,599 .30 Total No . Cases 8 hK)N'I'11LY ItE N SUMMARY BUILDING DEPARTMENT FISCAL YEAR 1987-1988 Category OODBER NOVEMBER DE ai:ER JANUARY FEBUARY MARCH S.Family - $1,189.50 ' Foundation -0- Commercial -0- Cu m. Add $684.00 Add. /Acces. $594.00 S. Pools $635.50 Electric $723.88 : Plumbing $2,007.00. IIeat/Air $218.00, Septic $105.001 Culvert $65.00 Demolition -0- 1 S. Letters $90.00 C.O. $125.00 Misc. Bldg. -0- , Accid. Reports $56.00 City Maps $46.00 Copies $5.10 Signs $215.00 Schools -0- Excavation -0- ' CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT F.Y. 1987-88 RMITS ISSUED: TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL •AMOUNT 1 THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO. OF FEE Single Family 1 1,189.50 j Foundation -0- -0- Commercial -0- -0- Commercial Add/on 6 684.00 Additions/Accessory Bldg. 5 594.00 Swimming Pools 3 635.50 Sub-Contractors: Electric 17 723.88 Plumbing 14 2,007.00 Heat/Air 4 218.00 Septic 2 105.00 Culvert 1 65.00 Demolition -0- -0- j Other Fees: Septic Letters 6 90.00 C.O. 5 125.00 Misc. Building -0- -0- _. sc. Sales: Accident Reports 20 56.00 City Maps 19 46.00 Copies 3 5.10 Signs 5 215.00 Schools -0- -0- Excavation -0- -0- TOTAL 111 6,758.98 BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: 6,758.98 BUILDING VALUATION THIS YEAR YEAR TO DATE Single Family 243,626.40 243,626.40 Foundation -0- -0- Commercial -0- -0- Commercial Add/on 56,200.00 56,200.00 Additions/Accessory Bldg. 50,133.40 50,133.40 Swimming Pools 66,500.00 66,500.00 Sr,hools -0- -0- I TOTAL 416,459.80 416,459.80 Sumitted BjQ,Z.,kaj-1 / Inspections This Month Inspections last Month v 244 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT ® PERMITS ISSUED: TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE ` LAST MO. , OF FEE Single Family 1 1,189.50 2 2,447.75 Commercial Add-on 6 684.50 4 1,550.00 ICommercial -0- -0- 2 954.00 I Additions/Accessory Bldg. 5 594.00 4 555.00 Swimming Pools 3 635.50 1 162.00 f Misc. Sales 42 107.10 40 108.30 I Foundation Only -0- -0- -0- -0- Sub-Contractors: Electric 17 723.88 11 626.06 Plumbing 14 2,007.00 15 891.25 IHeat/Air 4 218.00 7 429.50 Septic 2 105.00 2 120.00 ICulvert 1 65.00 . 1 65.00 Demolition •-0- -0- -0- -0- Signs 5 215.00 -0- -0- Schools -0- -0- -0- -0- Other Fees 11 215.00 12 210.00 TOTAL 111 6,758.98 101 8,118.83 BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: 93,384.39 BUILDING VALUATION THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE Single Family 243,626.40 - 4,759,613.80 Commercial Add-on 56,200.00 467,614.50 Commercial -n- 3,807,500.00 Additions/Accessory Bldg. W82_40 674,017.35 Swimming Pools 66,5nn_nn 740.820.00 Misc. Sales Foundation Only -n- -0- '• TOTAL 41 R,4,A_Rn 7.029.565.65 ` CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT IMPACT FEES : TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO . OF FEE I Road Impact 1 1,000.00 4 4,385.50 Year To Date Road Fees (C.Y.87) 35,235.50 I Sewer Impact 1 500.00 4 2,192.75 Year To Date Sewer Fees (C.y.87) 2,692.75 I NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS: This Month 244 Last Month 230 I Submitted 1 • I Mir -- - �' •� MON'I'IILY RM JE SUMMARY PARKS DEPARTMENT • FISCAL YEAR r" 1987-1988 CATEGORY OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBUARY MARCH Organizational , Registration: Rental , Lodge Deposits, Lodge Lights: Ballfield #1 $20.00 Ballfield #3 Field Prepare. Concession: Rental • Sales CITY OF SOUTHLAKE _ PARKS MONTHLY REPORT • L� ODGE: TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT �- THIS MONTH OF FEE LAST MONTH OF FEE Organizational , Registration Rental , Lodge Deposits , Lodge (Clean up) LIGHTS: • Ballfield #1 1 20.00 • Ballfield #3 • Field Preparation Concession: Rental Sales 4 TOTAL 1 $20.00 Parks Deposit To Date This Year: $20.00 ad,Submfitted •111 �yI 1 III MONTHLYAV RESUMMARY IMPACT FEES . F.Y. 1987-1988 CATEGORY OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBUARY MARCH Road Impact $1,000.00 Sewer Impact $500.00 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT F.Y. 1987-88 IMPACT FEES : TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO. OF FEE Road Impact 1 1,000.00 Year To Date Road Fees 1,000.00 Sewer Impact 1 500.00 Year To Date Sewer Fees 500.00 1 Submitted 47/.: 144/ _ y/GSA L) • I I I • [IUNT1ILY 1 EV' SUMMARY I3UILDING DEPARTMENT FISCAL YEAR 1987-1988 Category OCPOB i, NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBUARY MARCH S.Family - $1,189.50 ` Foundation -0- Conmercial -0- Caron. Add $684.00 Add./Acces. $594.00 . S. Pools $635.50. Electric . $723.88 : Plumbing $2,007.00; Heat/Air $218.00; Septic $105.00! Culvert $65.00 Demolition -0- S. Letters $90.00 C.O. $125.00, Misc. Bldg. -0- Accid. Reports $56.00: City Maps $46.00 Copies $5.10! Signs $215.00 'Schools -0- Excavation -0- CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT F.Y. 1987-88 ERMITS ISSUED: TOTAL AMOUNT 'TOTAL •AMOUNT 1 THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO. OF FEE Single Family 1 1,189.50 Foundation -0- -0- Commercial -0- -0- Commercial Add/on 6 684.00 Additions/Accessory Bldg. 5 594.00 Swimming Pools 3 635.50 Sub-Contractors: Electric 17 723.88 Plumbing 14 2,007.00 I Heat/Air 4 218.00 Septic 2 105.00 Culvert 1 65.00 Demolition -0- -0- Other Fees: Septic Letters 6 90.00 C.O. 5 125.00 Misc. Building -0- -0- .. sc. Sales: Accident Reports 20 56.00 City Maps 19 46.00 I Copies 3 5.10 Signs 5 215.00 Schools -0- -0- Excavation -0- -0- TOTAL 111 6,758.98 BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: 6,758.98 BUILDING VALUATION THIS YEAR YEAR TO DATE Single Family 243,626.40 243,626.40 Foundation -0- -0- Commercial -0- -0- Commercial Add/on 56,200.00 56,200.00 Additions/Accessory Bldg. 50,133.40 50,133.40 Swimming Pools 66,500.00 -66,500.00 Schools -0- -0- TOTAL 416,459.80 416,459.80 Sumitted ad.{4( / -- Inspections This Month Inspections cast Month 244 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE I BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT F.Y. 1987-88 S IMPACT FEES : TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO. OF FEE Road Impact 1 1,000.00 Year To Date Road Fees 1,000.00 Sewer Impact 1 500.00 Year To Date Sewer Fees 500.00 Submitted y: _L : t ' ) . .f '`��� 11 I • • S I • MONTHLY RIB E SUMMARY dr . IMPACT FEES F.Y. 1987-1988 CATEGORY OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBUARY MARCH Road Impact $1,000.00 Sewer Impact $500.00 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS MONTHLY REPORT LODGE: TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MONTH OF FEE LAST MONTH OF FEE Organizational , Registration • Rental, Lodge Deposits , Lodge (Clean up) • LIGHTS: Ballfield #1 1 20.00 Ballfield #3 • • Field Preparation Concession: Rental Sales TOTAL 1 $20.00 Parks Deposit To Date This Year: $20.00 Submitted t4 - - -- MONTHLY 1tE JE SUMMARY PARKS DEPARTMENT FISCAL YEAR 1987-1988 CATEGORY OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBUARY MARCH Organizational , Registration: Rental , Lodge Deposits , Lodge Lights: Ballfield #1 $20.00 Ballfield #3 Field Prepare. Concession: Rental Sales CavtJ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT IMPACT FEES : TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO . OF FEE Road Impact 1 1,000.00 4 4,385.50 Year To Date Road Fees (C.Y.87) 35,235.50 Sewer Impact 1 500.00 4 2,192.75 Year To Date Sewer Fees (C.Y.87) 2,692.75 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS: This Month 244 Last Month 230 Submitted b : tL_ Grim' ■ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT _ . 0 PERMITS ISSUED: TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO. , OF FEE Single Family 1 1,189.50 2 2,447.75 Commercial Add-on 6 684.50 4 1,550.00 Commercial -0- -0- 2 954.00 Additions/Accessory Bldg. 5 594.00 4 555.00 Swimming Pools 3 635.50 1 162.00 Misc. Sales 42 107.10 40 108.30 Foundation Only -0- -0- -0- -0- Sub-Contractors: Electric 17 723.88 11 626.06 Plumbing 14 2,007.00 15 891.25 Heat/Air 4 218.00 7 429.50 • Septic 2 105.00 2 120.00 Culvert 1 65.00 . 1 65.00 Demolition •-0- -0- -0- -0- 1 Signs 5 215.00 -0- -0- 1110 Schools -0- -0- -0- -0- Other Fees 11 215.00 12 210.00 TOTAL 111 6,758.98 101 8,118.83 BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: 93,384.39 BUILDING VALUATION THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE Single Family 243,626.40 - 4,759,613.80 -, Commercial Add-on 56,200.00 467,614.50 Commercial -n- 3,807,500.00 Additions/Accessory Bldg. nn,1n:L_4n 674,017.35 Swimming Pools es,5nn_nn 740.820.00 Misc. Sales Foundation Only -n- -0- Ak TOTAL 41 A,4FQ Rn 7,029,565.65