1987-11-03NAHE OF COUNCILPERSON ~urry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Ill 'CI'I'Y OF SOIITII,.AKli, li:XA,, 'MI NUTliS O1: Till! Regular CITY Mlil!l'] N(;. DATI!: November 3,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. I'LACE: CITY OF SOII'I'IH,AKI!, COllNC]I. 667 NORTll CARROI, I, AVENtII!, SOIII'IILAEll TEXAS. PAGE: 1 I NI)EX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor, Johnny M. Westerholm; Mayor Pro Tem, Charles Curry. Betty Springer, David McMahan, Jim Wooll and Rick Stacy. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr., Director of Public Works, 'Bill LeGrand; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; Police Chief, Jerry Crowder; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; and, City Attorney, John F. Boyle Jr. INVOCATION: Rick Stacy. The Minutes of the October 20,1987, City Council meeting were tabled unti! the next regularly scheduled meeting. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Westerholm welcomed everyone to the City Council meeting, includin Den 2 of the Southlake Webelo Group. The Southlake Volunteer Fire Depart- ment held a contest at J.D. Johnson Elementary School where children had to name the ambulance mascot bear. Mayor Westerholm read two Proclama- tions(~hich were presented to Ben Walls and David Watkins for winning the contest and naming the mascot "Bearamedic" The Mayor read a Proclamation de- claring November, Local Arts Month 1987, and November 15-2] as National Arts Week 1987. 1'be proclamation wus requested by the Trinity Arts Council The City Manager reported that be was finally able to obtain risk insurance on the ambulance and NAME OF COUNC] 1, PI!R$ON ' CITY OF SOWI'II,,A6'li., "' MINII'I'hS O1: Till{ Regular C1TY COUNCIL MIiF. T ]NG. DATE: November 3,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SowrI!I,AKIi, COUNCIl, CIIAMBEP. g 667 NoIurl] CARROI,I, AVI~NIII{, SOIlTIII,A}71 TEXAS. PAGE: 2 ] NI)EX it will be in service beginning next week. Councilperson Curry requested that City. Staff in an effort to save time and money, cut down on duplicate copies given to the City Council in their packets. Councilperson Stacy informed Council and the audience that the High School Band Booster had an auction and clear- ed over $11,000, this was held on October 25. October 50, Carroll High School as much as won the football district. On October $1, the Band competed in Witchita Falls at regional level to go on to become state finalists. Also, on November 8, they will go to Austin for the band to participate in State competi- tion. The school activities are very exciting to the citizens of Southlake. Councilperson Curry added that on Halloween the Haunted House had from 700 to 1,000 participants in atten- dance. It was held for the community at the home of John Moore. Mayor Westerholm stated that on November 16, a group will be going to Austfn for a hearing of the Highway Commission. They will deal with some of the, expressway issues. Anyone interested may attend. The Mayor received a letter from Bob Hampton, County Commissioner, ask ing for their annual street priority list. The Mayor turned this item over to tile City Manager. Agenda item #6 is deleted from thc agenda at thc request of Mrs. llarden. Thc consent agenda items arc tiS, and #12. They include: NAblE OF COUNCI LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy · (YlTY OF Sell'I'll,iAI(Ii., "' c ' MINII'I'ES OF Till! Regular MEET] Nfl. I)ATI!: November 3,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLAC]!: C]TY C()I]NC]i, CITY OF SOUTIII, AKI!, CO[INC]L C}IA}.iBI!}!?4 667 NORTII CARROLL AVENI]I~, SOIITIII,AI:F TEXAS. PAGE :' 3 Consider: Request for Special Exception Use Permit for a Christmas Tree Lot. Ann Gatlin. Consider: Resolution 87-76. Authorization for City Manager to renew the bank Loan for Labor for Street Repair on North White Chapel Road and Dove Road. Motion was made and approval given for the consent agenda items. INDEX ZA 87-38. The preliminary plat for Ravenaux Village was discussed. The 30.00S acre tract of land is out of the Thomas Hood Survey, Abstract 706. Owner, K. Wayne Lee was present for the meeting and answered questions the Council. The City Staff recommended approval of the preliminary plat. Councilperson Wooll stated that a problem exists with the labeling of the zoning on the plat. It should show Agricultural as the 2nd reading on the zoning request, Ordinance 554-10 was denied by the City Council Mr. Lee stated he was not aware he needed a second reading on the zoning ordinance. Councf~ stated to Mr. Lee that the zoning must be in place on the pro- perty prior to the final plat being approved. blr. Lee stated he would be glad to come back and get zoning with the final plat or prior to final plat. Lee was informed he would have to start over with the zoning request including fees and public hearings. It was noted by Mr. ],ce that the righ' on the )]at will not be ZA 87f38 NAME OF COUNC] LPERSON 2urry Springer ~cMahan ~ooll Stacy . C1TY OF · M] NIlTES MI!F.T] NG. DATI!: T lbll!: PLACE: oOll]ll;,AK]:, 'I'EX A,~; OF TllliRegular CITY (7OIINCIj. November 3,1987 7:30 p.m. CJTY OF SOU'I'IiLAKI!, COIINCll, CIIAMBIi!~$ 667 NORTII CARROI.I, AVENUIi, SOUTllLA}:[: TEXAS. PAGI!: 4 Motion was made to approve ZA 87-38 ~reliminary plat of Ravenaux Village ect to the correct labeling of zoning being indicated on the final plat. Approved S-0 vote. The zoning reclassifications were discussed. Mayor Westerholm stated that at the last City Council meeting, Council began the process whereby City Council would look at the zoning of land that was zoned under the old zoning o~dinance and they would at- tempt to move it into a similar or like zoning in the new ordinance. We have new classifications, and have discussed several parcels of land and have tabled these items. The areas identified as tabled from the last meeting include: Area 4,9,14,17,18, 22,24,29,30,37,40,43,47,48, $ 49. City Council will attempt to resolve these item~ but City Council will not make a decision tonight. Westerholm state~"when completed, the City Attorney will draft an ordinance and there will be two public hearings where persons will be able to speak at that time." Publi~ Comments: S. Loyd Carder- Area #31 to #33. He is opposed to O-1 for Block 3, Lots 1,2, ~ 3. lie had light commer- cial. and it allowed for both retail and office. O-1 does not allow for retail, lto wants retail. John Newberr)'- Area #31 to #33. I1o wants retail for the same reasons as l,oyd Carder. l NI)EX NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wool1 racy Curry Springer Woo]] Stacy (]'I'I'Y 01: ,~(llllll.^Kl:., · MINIIT}!S OF TIlE Regular CITY COIIN("II. MEI!T] NG. DATE: November 3,1987 TJMI!: 7:30 p.m. I'],AC]{: CITY OF SOUTIILAXIi, COUNCIl, CllAHB]?,? 667 NOR'H1 CARROI,L AVENII]{, SOUTIII,AKI: TEXAS. PAGE: 5 l NI)EX Jerre Harrell - Area #14. Wants similar classification to heavy commercial and to her it is I-1. She wants to put in mini-storage and boat storage. Jim Farrar- Area #22. At this time they are not real sure what they want to do with the ~ They want to make an evaluation on it and come back to City Council at a later date, around February. Council agreed. Barbara Pat¥- Area #29. She stated she originally told the Planning and Zoning Commission she wanted retail. They wanted office. She wants the option of retail. Harold Knight for Virginia Clew Area #47 ~ #48. They want R-1 for the advantage both office and retail. of Mayor closed the public comments. Councilperson Stacy stated he feels they have made alot of progress on this-- maybe they haven't moved fast but they have come a long way. They are trying to classify with a reasonable approach. If they can accomplish this except for a few area he feels they should leave the propexty unresolved to the present zoning until the time comes to build. Motion was made to table any further action until the next work session. Motion and second were withdrawn. Motion was made to table the zonSng reclassifications until the November 17, city council meeting. Approved 4-1 vote NAM]! OF COUNCI LPERSON · C1TY OF SolJ'I'JJLAKI. i, ".I'I(XAS · M]NU'I']!S O1: TIlE Regu]ar CITY (~OIINCli. MEF..TI DATli: November 5,1987 TIME: 7:$0 p.m. PLACI!: CITY O]: SOU'I'III,AKIi, COUNCIl, CIIAMI;I!P..~7 667 NORTll CARRel,I, AVIiNLIE, SOIITIII,AKI' TEXAS. PAGE: 6 ] NI)I!X Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Mr. Boyle stated we need to move on toward a finalization on zoning classifications so that we know precisely what the zoning catagory is on each property under the zoning ordinance as today constitutes, and eliminate any questions. Ordinance No. 334-22 (ZA 87-36) zoning3RDINANCt request for Lot 1, Block A 80, Peck qO. 334-~ Addition was approved for second reading when the public hearing resulted with no comments. Approved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No. 334-23 (ZA 87-37) 2nd reading was approved when the public hearing resulted with no public comments. The property, a 10.0027 acre tract of land is out of the Thomas Hood Survey. Zoning SF-1 to 0-1 Zoning District. Approved 5-0 vote. 3RDINANCI qO. 334-i Ordinance No. 334-21 (ZA 87-54), a 1.007 acre tract of land out of a 69.14 acre tract of land out of the Thomas Mahan Survey, Abstract 1049. Heavy. Commercial to R-1 Zoning District. Motion~was made to approve ZA 87-54 when the public hearing resulted with no comments from the public. Approved 5-0 vote. 3RDINANCt qO. 334-1 3'he meeting was recessed until 9:15 p. m. Resolution 87-77. Southlake's proportionate share for route study for the North Tarrant County Freeway was discussed. RESOLU1] 87-77 DENIED NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON (:I'I'Y OF SOII'J'il,',AKli~ · MINWI']iS OF Till! Regular CITY COIINC]i. MI!F,T ]NG, DATIi: November 3,1987 'rllqE: 7:30 p.m. PLAC]!: CITY OF SOIJTIi1. A}H~, COUNCIL C)IAMIIIZ~~ 667 NORTII CARROLl, AVl[NilE, SOIlTIILAKI. TEXAS. PAGI!: 7 l N1)EX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Mayor Westerholm read a letter from Bob Hampton, County Commissioner of Precinct 3, who outlined a formula for determining proportionate shares for each city. Councilperson Springer supported .Southlake's participation in the study and the cost is reasonable but she would like to know where we~ will draw the $2,400. Motion was made to participate in the study depleting City Administration fund 910 lease/purchase of adminis- tration facilities by $1,000 and fund 915 animal control by $1,477, transferring to department 150 Streets, fund 850 miscellaneous expense, to cover the cost of the proportionate share for South- lake. Denied 5-0 vote. Mayor Westerholm stated he supports the study as it is in the best interest of the city. He would support a freeway being built because it is also in our best interest, whether it be built in Southlake or North Colleyville. Curry Spt1 nger btc M a h a n Wool l ,ql ;it')' The contract between the City of SOUTHLAK South%ake and the Southlake Economic ECONOMIC Development Council, Inc. was DEV. INC discussed. CONTRACT City Manager, Latta, explained to the public the contract which had bee] prepared by the city attorney. The funds involved have been included in the FY88 Budget. Motion was made and approval given to approve the contract. Approved 5-0 vote. NAME OF COUNCIl, PERSON Curry 2ringer McMahan Wooll Stacy ' Cll'Y OF 'M I NN'r]!s MEET] NC,. DATE: TIME: PLACE: SO[J'I'II,,^ K}! , 'l']iX AS OF TIlE Regular C1TY COUNC]I, November 3,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUllILAKI!, COIINCI], CllAMIII!P.S 667 NORTII CARROLl, AVIiNIll!, SOllTIILA[I( TEXAS. PAGE: 8 Ordinance No. 400 Nepotism, 1st reading was discussed. Mr. John Boyle, city attorne~ stated it is written as a result of Section 2.15 of the City Charter. He was asked to present an ordinance clarifying the section in the charter. The ordinance explains that if it is concerning a person with a positim with pay, it would fall under the ordinance. If it is concerning a person with the position without pay, it would not fall under the ordinance Mayor Westerholm read the caption of the ordinance. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 400, 1st reading. Approved 5-0 vote. A discussion was led by Councilperson Charles Curry concerning the security of non-conforming uses. Curry referred to the public hearings on annexation in regards to non- conforming uses on the land and state: "it is my opinion that city counci~ in so many wordslassured the people that if the legal use as far as the Stat~ of Texas is concerned, we would not attempt to deprive them of that particular use, however, we said' it but we have not put it down in a form that they feel comfortable with as far as a guarantee." He wants to know what we can do to make them feel comfortable. Mr. Boyle stated that on all the property where there is an existing use and the property has been annexed, those are legal and w~lid non~conforming uses and they do have tho ability to continue under existin ordinances. There is an automatic annexation of prop. crty where it. IN1)EX 3RDINANCE NO. 400 NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON 'CITY OF SoIFrH,,AKI:., 'IJiXAS; M]NII']'I!S OF TIlE MEET] N(;. I)A']'I~: P L^CI'!: Regular C1'1'3' COIJRCI I. November 5,1987 7:50 p.m. C]I'Y OF SOIJTIILAKI!, (]OUNC]I, CItAMJ;E!~S 667 NORTII CAR]~OI, I, AVl!NUll, SOIITIILA):I TEXAS, PAGF.: 9 INDEX use. It is in the cities province to decide how to go forward at this time. Non-conforming uses are constitutionally protected. Bill Spive¥ Expressed appreciation that this item made it to the agenda. He asked why does the word "park" come up when mobile home is discussed. He would like this question answered. Mr. Boyle answered, there is no diff- erence between a subdivision of mobile homes and only one mobile home on a tract of land. Mobile homes are per- sonel property, and the use is with the land. Wayne Olson) attorney for Spivey. He stated they are after legal zoning I-2 Zoning District . Councilperson McMahan stated he would be able to support an amendment to the zoning ordinance, giving city council the authority to zone proper- ties when they are annexed so that th( will not come in as non-conformances, but as legally zoned properties. Mr. Olson stated he is also repre- sentihg Mr. Franks and Mr. Bill He is asking for zoning for them also. ,\ Robert Downard He has a farm and wants to know if he can move his buildings around without being bothered by the city. Gary Traver He questioned that the city council is givi~g annexed property owners privileges other citizens cannot haw As a citizen of Southlake~be expects the city council to follow thc plan. Ilo fcels we should have current NAMIi OF COUNCI LPERSON · C1TY OF SOU'I'Ili,AKI;., 'MINUTIiS O1: Till! Regular CITY COlIN(ii Ml!l!q'l NG. DATE: November 5,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACI';: CITY OF SOWI'}ILAKI!, COUNCIL CIIAMBlJ~lh 667 NORTII CARROLl, AVENHE, SOIlTtlLAE]! TEXAS. PAGE: 10 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wool 1 Stacy non-conforming uses for the new residents. He expects the master plan to be completed in a reasonable time. Joy Clark She wan.ts the security of knowing where she is at-- she would be more comfortable being zoned. Doris Downard Mr. Traver is right, there is a mastex plan. Do Special Exception Uses all have a time limit? A.M. Franks Concerning special privile~ges., he feels he has the right to special privileges. He wants to be able to continue with his own plan. He wants to go on the way he is living. He wants I-2 zoning. He has white metal buildings and wants to expand with metal buildings. Councilperson Stacy asked Mr. Boyle about fees and public hearings. Boyle answered, city council can waiv, the fees, placing a time limit on it. Special Use Permits were discussed. We can look at a base ordinance. The public hearing was closed. Jim Wooll stepped down as having a veste~ interest in the next item. Consideration was given to the assignment of project contracts for utilities, fire and emergency service Mr. Boyle stated he is satisfied that these contracts do not place the cSty in a different posStion. Motion was made and approval given for the assignment of thc project contracts for utilities and services. Approved 4-0 vot'c. NAb]]': OF COUNC] LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy · C1 TY OF 'MI NU'I'E S MI]I!1'] NG. DATE: TIMI!: PLACE: S()U'l'lli,Akli., 'I'.EX AS OF Till! Regular CITY COUNt',Il, November 3,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF Sou'rlILA[I!, COUNCIL CIIAMBE]~S 667 NORTII CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTIILA[I TEXAS. PAGE: 11 Resolution 87-78, the revision of Fiscal Year 1988 Budget, covering the sewer project at the new elementar school was discussed. City Manager, Latta, explained the revision. Motion was made and approval given to table ihe resolution until the Novem- ber 17, city council meeting. Ordinance No. 401, prohibiting open wells within the City of Southlake. Councilperson Springer explained her reason for wanting an ordinance . such as this. Motion was made and approval given to Ordinance No. 401, as an emergency. Approved S-O vote. The bills presented were approved for payment. Approved 4-1 vote. Public Forum Gary Traver Askedxto have agenda item #12 explained. Robert Downard Talked of an incident involving a Southlake )olice officer following a "drunk mt The mcet~ O~ M; go. INDI~× ~ESOLUTIO NO. 87-78 ~RDINANCt NO. 401 NAME OE COUNC] LPERSON ·C]TY OF SOUTII"AK]i., 'J:I!XAS 'MINIJI'}!S OF Till! Regular CITY COIINC]i. IqEET] DATE: November 3,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACF,: CITY OF SOUTIII,AKE, COUNCIl, CllAM]IERS: 667 NORTII CARROLl, AVENUI~, SOIITIILA}U TEXAS. PAGE: 12 INDEX A~est; '~a'ndr~ -L. LeGrand City Secretary 111. SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING TI-ITY COUNCIL MEETING TONIGHTe , -�Z e.02`.4 ,_,, _3,, /� NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGENDA ITEM CITY (Please Print) USE ) 1 ///4- --*.,4 A4 3/6 f,,,,,/7 c/t e5-1 --4, ,j- AI , ,-a-� £ A-if_ , ,,,,,,,r,), ,.. ---.. -�� � �-,__/_, -/ //,r-elk 4.?�.� e. 4/- 9/ 7 ( f / ( I ,.1,!. .,e/.. 4,tize.t.._ ' - • i i/ g- pivEy ).3 Am kc �-r �‘2 Ham, t'L �l OA- `offc / /L(ctt:44 St-. #22coJt- Je C t_S v� 1 t L /or f'G. `7�c `Z6/a-)--_ 36._ �333 -- (6, O 0 o `*/,...:ram /3„ •-a, , fc�.. 5-5,4 �,-t. e-., 1 4/ /—/9.3 ' 7 1 ` - /1-/ �`fif • V �e�� c�NA)2 - lb • C-`4-.„, 1W-.4 .t • //e vL//"" J /�� r�-. ,)c.,,,-:-, 1 ::(:)!)_,,,,,,,I.,--i) /-1-Ar / i A,5- AFFIDAVIT OF INTEREST THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, ill and f r sated` //// State of Texas, on this day personally appeared : r;v5. �; _ �/?� L- ' . who after being by me duly sworn, did on oath ttate that he has an interest, as described below, in Agenda Item No. _/-T2 of the /f/dui:.t7QcT - - 198..2, City Council Agenda, as described below, and that he is executing this Affidavit of 'Interest and shall refrain from any vote or decision thereon, all as required by Article 988b, Texas Civil Statutes Annotated: Agenda Item: _ _�. _�_� / -7- (-3)-k7, Interest Disclosed: .. _ ..tV,,V-Z__ . . /`�; . . .. .Z�� � Signature of Elected or Appointed City Official of the City of South- lake, Texas . GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the . .. .. ... . . . . . . . .. day of _ ._ .(<16-G)9 (_,-(. ._ - - , 19/Y- .1- N TARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 2-4-89 Fil d with me, this the .. .. _ . _ _ . _ _ _day-day of /,/_ 1ClJ1-t,�cct_. , 190 7 at • 7 . ). . . ... o'clock p.m. City Secretary, City of Southlake • All ..:Y:uz_: •r�ih:Or ff Y NY k+ -t✓FPS. '. 3j.s. ~al ,fit k r ti ' K , Y_ {' 4'' , _ ... :; ': ii M1 , s 9 sf ?` ii' .i'- + i .P- t'� i4. ^ y w. a3 -v F {:'.„ ° .�; .' " ^' iam ?>9P ' av,..v r. w r ., kr. 4: ai � , r V. ''!., i;f4i •%, C C ,ri. AASP': : rr ',I i, i O I q' 'a trt 4� c""----- S 0 U2 t Fi ['a Le--"- ----, - ,..,,,-4y, ?,;?" rr iri.011 � p the performing arts, the visual <:. arts , and literature are central to human expression; and, WHEREAS, our identity as a people as a Nation is expressed through the arts ; and, . WHEREAS, support of the arts has been a partner- ship of federal , state and local government entitles, business , and individuals ; and, WHEREAS, a congressionally declared National Arts Week provides a focal point to celebrate the diverse cul- tural heritage of the United States and the vitality of contemporary writers, artists, and performers ; and, WHEREAS, a congressionally declared National Arts Week and Trinity Arts Council 's Local Arts Month bring together the public and private sectors to restate support of the Arts; now, ITHER,170 I, JOHNNY H. WESTERHOLM, MAYOR, of the ' , f S ut ke, Texas , by the authority vested in me, do reb�y .c¢ iz.e N VEMBER as Local Arts Month ' 87 and t as National Ar s Week '87 . .‘, , ti--) -1 • / il 4/ , . 2; : "Ai 4 t* 11 ,i.WA ,, . ,,,,,. ,,,,:f 4, 4 t','A 'N",ve,V''"1:' l''';',<V 4 ,,l- ' ' il, 3:, '',c?- - ' ''':0-;Y' t: '. - ' 't v.;y; '.1: '1'::. • ,%.0; ?,;,A W-',4 1;i,:ti lA Ya '"0.:•,q ,, , ,,,,,',i':' ,, •{, .,,. ,:i,. L;. VO, 'i'et l';,' ',., NV Nia, 1, :,'',,,i, t,'Nell \V:,:1 elf,t,4:1 l V, A ,„,,,,,,,,, :: ,:,,o,, ,,, ; , , :.,, ,?,,.,:. 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Aux �;r;��51�'l, .: rt i ti4�f sat , ;' ,.i0. r 0. i ,.f' M14'��:"siif;: ,,� I.i`_� � � ��'`il �: ,i y-°:':dr r.)`."A 1�` it : °' ' :ii �};r ;V `` r. )'S 4'.: i'.- J P' Y�:t. t+i i g ,'i `„F..;' E..:`i i{ 'i• U;;'1 `�-� ➢ `+;;t'1 Ai `t"'rer4; '%; .41 1`i y.'••� �`.;is 'I' 3 ;IJ i. .i wiF1 li�',t Sh;'�}3 G".,v:•� j; t•.h ;'� '"R'ii �', 41 '11,1 '.1 tj^i) e t 's•1 1', a,s;r w.x.. ,:€�' E,..1 °.l, I• %!--:„-.J'4:va; tRK1'qiii ti t tt1wi .3`Aft `A�',sir. rE Cky i :"t is . al ,„ "Nil (----- may' ' a• ji , . ,, e, ,,, ,„-,, .,., , � r � r i - 4 !it, ,. the Southlake Volunteer Fire Department asked for the assistance of the Jack D. Johnson Elementary School Children in the I selection of a name for the mascot of the new ambulance ; and, WHEREAS , many children participated in the contest , showing both imagination and foresight ; now, THEREFORE , I , JOHNNY H. WESTERHOLM, MAYOR, of the City of Southlake , Texas , by the authority vested in me , do hereby recognize - --- BEN WALLS , ilynin :Jt est for officially naming the i • / , c e -- - � "BEARAMEDIC" / l'At X: /1141141-- - ' _ it Ma: or, icy of Sou-LFe'au: City Secretary i October 30 ,1987 Irvffrl:1 .7 II 1 ? nU` OCT 2 51987 O/FFICErviiLkatfS0,m,CLI) �//��' ��.//�/e/^' •' E. ? SEC E`�II1 RJLVY V `_ - - - ___a__ _. 76 __ ---e- -f-L - - ._2 L- _ -O NJ) ____e_, Vidaie- 01_41 4 --A.e._ ____ ,„7e5'_..A .a_a_e_-___ - -Afte-- W /.,e_e _i a _ _,04,,,,A..,_ _ 2,4a., -/--ta ai,,,e_ p ,/) .s__e_-1_ CL W_ef_ . 7Z,_ .,,,e _e_60 . -. • , 2 ,_,&,,,___,_ /646 me., e- - ke,,,,, ale,vf:�t,�,f, G a, ,oetzz Z_Y-0• . ,...xce,,,a, _ &,,,,,,, _ i,.."6„,_, 0 _&ze "__ -& a..//, . ElP - 9 - -_- _,502k26_10-4- Liu a/ri/e 0 S(7A7`A1 . J, //) - jam- g7 ' "building"METAL SYSTEMS October 20, 1987 .Y °" _ I u ✓ 1) 0C T 2 51987 Mrs. Ann Gatlin OFFICE OF 3270 Lake Drive CITY SECRETARY Southlake, Texas 76092 • Dear Mrs. Gatlin: Per our telephone conversation recently, I will agree to lease to you the northwest corner of White Chapel and Highway 114 in Southlake, • Texas, as follows: (1) Term: November 15, 1987 to December 25, 1987. (2) Sale of Christmas Trees Only (3) Site must be cleared of all debris and articles due to your usage prior to or on December 25, 1987. (4) All liabilities pertaining to your use must be insured by you. (5) The agreed lease amount for the agreed term of $500. 00 must be paid prior to November 1, 1987. If these terms and conditions are acceptable, please sign and return • to me prior to November 1, 1987. Lot's of luck on your sales. Cordially yours, • Noble A. Craft I ' 0 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTj�/fy�/l2. <„ ee MRS. ANN GATLIN DATE / /Z//917 • { Plant: P.O. Box 3516 - Abilene - 79604 - 915 -1867 I ( ) 677 METAL Dallas: Area Code (214) 445-0990 sv•O•nw• RESOLUTION NO. 87-75 October 21, 1987 OFFICIAL BALLOT IMF FOR ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF THE TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT We, the governing body of City of Southlake , having been advised by the Chief Appraiser of Tarrant Appraisal District that- we are entitled to cast 10 votes collectively or separately for the following nominees for the Board of Tarrant Appraisal District : Leon H. Brachman Ross B. Calhoun Harold G. Dennis T. J. Elkins Mrs . Louise Greve Eroy Harry Chris Hawkins Morris C. Matson Mrs . Pamela Muller Jay Needham James K. Norwood Jean Parks John E. Ratliff Thomas Roach Jim Smith James Strickland • Jeffrey Trivett Mrs . Billye Sue Wright Do hereby resolve and order that City of Southlake cast , and does hereby cast , its votes as follows : 10 votes for Pamela Muller votes for votes for votes for votes for Passed this 3rd day of NoXe , .e or Presiding Officer Mayor , Johnny H. Westerholm , Secretary or Clerk for City of Southlake IMPORTANT: This ballot must be returned to the Chief Appraiser in the enclosed envelope by November 16 , 1987 . 1 eerizite„.64,41,-/zzA-2 / — --,,,-) -07 , . 1..44 ”Q24—e,V4.4,1-40 / is r /"" e �,!� � d�I I0i g H o9 S. cYk y` 'P+. , yGb ; s< !"-';.:d ,. --- L; �0CT2 198? , TARRANT COUNTY 9rFICI op I NORTHEAST GOVERNMENT COMPLEX ���`L BOB HAMPTON 645 GRAPEVINE HIGHWAY _i ,e/ COUNTY COMMISSIONER HURST,TEXAS 76054 PRECINCT NO.3 (817)485-9331 October 22, 1987 I Honorable Mayor Johnny Westerholm City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mayor Westerholm: Recently, Mayors of six Northeast cities met with Fort Worth Mayor Bob Bolen regarding the North Tarrant County Freeway. At this meeting, the group asked my office to request a hearing I before the Highway Commission on November 16, to discuss the i North Tarrant County Freeway. The City of Fort Worth has made a commitment to the development I of the Freeway and will be funding the route and environmental studies for the areas of the proposed freeway which lies within the City of Fort Worth. They have asked our office to help coordinate the participation of local governments in the funding of the route study for the freeway which lies outside of the city of Fort Worth and in the Northeast .area. Last week, I hosted a meeting of the mayors of the Northeast cities to discuss the proposed project. At that time, it was I suggested that a formula be developed for determining the participation level of each local government involved. The attached sheet delineates a formula, based on the population of the cities in Northeast Tarrant County. Briefly, the total population of the Northeast cities (261, 623) was divided by $120,000, the high estimate for the cost of the route study. The resulting figure of $ .45 was used to determine individual agencies' participation by multiplying it by the cities' population. Fort Worth has expressed a willingness to assist in the funding I of the study if the participating cities are unable to provide the entire amount needed. Cities may also wish to consider private funding sources . I 0 Page 2 Please let us know of your city' s intent to participate, so that we may consider that information in the preparation of our presentation before the hearing at the Highway Commission. I believe that this project is vital to the orderly growth of the Northeast Tarrant County area, and am hopeful that together we might accomplish that goal. Yours truly, Bob Hampton County Commissioner Precinct No. 3 BH/mq cc: Mayor Bob Bolen City of Fort Worth I j R CITIES PROPORTIONATE SHARE FOR ROUTE STUDY OF THE NORTH TARRANT COUNTY FREEWAY CITY POPULATION CITY'S (COG, 1987 Estimates) PROPORTIONATE SHARE Bedford 42, 550 $ 19 , 516 Colleyville 9 , 550 4 , 380 Euless 38, 700 17 , 751 Grapevine 22 , 750 10 , 435 Haltom City 32,900 15 , 090 Hurst 32,500 14 , 907 Keller 8 , 750 4, 013 North Richland Hills 42, 050 19 , 287 Richland Hills 7, 900 3, 623 Southlake 5, 400 2 , 477 Watauga 18 , 350 8, 417 Westlake 223 102 Total 261, 623 $119 , 998 Estimated cost of the study from Highway 377 East is approximately $80 , 000 - $120 , 000 . Based on the high estimate and the population of each city, the cost per capita is $ . 45867 (population x $ . 45867 = proportionate share) . Total population is 261 , 623 . 1