1987-10-06NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: October 6,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPBRSONS PRESENT: Mayor, Jo'hnn' H. Westerholm; Mayor Pro Tem, Charle~ Curry. David McMahan, Betty Springer, Jim Wooll and Rick Stacy. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Bill Stoner. GITY STAFF: City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr.; Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele Police Cl~ief, Jerry Crowder; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney, John Boyle. INVOCATION: Jim Wooll. Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnny H. Westerholm. The Minutes of the September 15, 1987 Regular City Council Meeting were approved as presented. The Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of September 17,1987 were approved as amended. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Westerholm noted to the audienc that ~\post office sub-station will be operating in the American Bank of Commerce on North Carroll Avenue for the convenience of the citizens. Westerholm announced that he had the pleasure of presenting a Proclamation to Michael D. Hatcher on October S, at a ceremony in his honor as he was presented the Eagle Scout award. NAME OF COUNCILPERSON .CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: October 6,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 2 INDEX Westerholm mentioned a meeting he and Councilperson Charles Curry attended today for C.O.N.E.T. A report was given in reference to the proposed north freeway alignment. The route has not been firmly established at this time. The cities of Northeast Tarrant County have looked at this an. have agreed to a study. The City of Fort Worth ha~: agreed to pay the cos of the engineering study. They are asking that cities who are affected by the alignment contribute to the cost of the study. On November 16, they will go back to Austin before the Highway Commission to ask for approval of Perot's Plan. There will be a meeting on Thursday, October 8, at 9 a.m. in Bob Hampton's office concerning this. Mayor Westerholm announced that a item # 34, will be deleted from tonights agenda. Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy The consent agenda will consist of items, #24, #25, #26, #27, #29, #30, #37, and #38, as stated and approved in the motion. Approved 5-0 vote. MayoC Westerholm read the captions of each ordinance and explained the items included in the consent agenda The ikems include: 24. Fiaal plat approval for Sun Square Addition. 4.17 acres of land. Ralph Turley. 25. Ordinance No. 369. Raising Maximum Fines. Public Hearing. 2nd reading. 26. Ordinance No. 570. One-Way Traffic on East Highland, Pub- lic Hearing. 2nd reading. NAME OF COUNCILPERSON I II CITY COUNCIL · 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKI!, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Reg~.lar MEETING. DATE: October 6,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKB, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 3 INDEX 27. Ordinance No. 371. Septic Syste~ Standards. Public Hearing. 2nd reading. 29. Ordinance No. 393. T.M.R.S. Updated Service Credit. 1st reading. 30. Ordinance No. 394. T.M.R.S. Granting Additional Rights, Credits and Benefits. 1st reading. 37. Resolution 87-71. Interlocal Cooperative Agreement for Fire Service with Denton County. 38. Resolution 87-73. Appointment of Council Representative to C.O.N.E.T. Mayor Westerholm stated this is the 40t~ day past the public hearing, t~ last day to act on the issue of annexation of territory into the City of Southlake. He asked for public comments on items #4 through #22 at this time. Bill Spive~ Tract 19 He understood that there was a with Tract 19, in regards to a con- flict between Westlake and Southlake. He would like it explained. He wishe to be on record as questioning the "40 days". He referred to the ordinance that he presented to Counci prepared by his attorney. Mayor Westerholm asked City Attorney, John Boyle to answer the questions asked by Spivey. Mr. Boyle explained that Mayor Dale White, Westlak~ came to city hall and questioned the boundry around Tract #19. Boyle stated that City Council has gone through the public hearing and that Council should vote for whatever they wish to vote for and he will check out the issue befor the 2nd reading and public hearing NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL October 6,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 4 INDEX to be held on October 20. we Walbrid Tract 16. can vote on a tract when are not sure it is in our E.T.J,? Bob Couch Tract 12. He does not want Southlake. He does mot need Southlake. City Council is stepping in pretty deep water. They should wait, step back and think about what they are doing first. He asked that agenda items #4-#22 be postponed. R.E. Smith Tract 16. Does not want to be in Southlake. He had a problem, called Public Works Department and did not get a response Joe Clark Tract 18. Opposed to being annexed. David White Tract 19. He does not want this to happen but he does not feel it will do any good to fight city hall. Janice JohnSon Tract 16. Read from Keller Citizen newspaper about Keller postponing annexation until they can get their plan togethe If she were us, she would rather have them bn our side. Archie Franks Tract 21 o He wal Westlake and lake. not in South- Dave Winters TractS. He asked his neighbors to come toni but they all feel you can't fight city hall. He complained about ladies in the front office at city hall. He wants City Council to consider what we have now and what we have to offer. James Morgan Tract 19 He would like to remove agenda if he could. He this from the referred to NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer 1cMahan ~ooll Stacy .C'ITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: October 6,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 INDEX :he budget and disagreements City :il had during the sessions. How would City Council like to be in these folks shoes with a 33~ increase in taxes all at once. Robert Downard Tract 19. He knows he will be annexed but he doesn't.want to be and doesn't know why. Doris Downard TraCt 19 She has learned to appreciate of oppression. a lack Public Hearing closed. Mayor Westerholm read the captions of the annexation ordinances prior to the vote on each ordinance. Ordinance No. 373 annexing Tract $ into the city. 1st reading. Motion was made and approval given. Approved S-0 vote. Ordinance No. 374 annexing Tract 8 into the city. 1st reading. Motion was made and approval given. Approved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No. 375 annexing Tract 9 into the city. 1st reading. Motion Was made and approval given. Approved S-0 vote. Ordinance No. 376 annexing Tract 10 into the city. 1st reading. Motion was made and approval given. Approved S-0 vote. ORDINANCE NO. 373 ORDINANCE NO. 374 ORDINANCE NO. 375 ORDINANCE NO. 376 · CITY OF NAME OF COUNCILPERSON MINUTES MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS OF THE Regular October 6,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. PAGE: 6 CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Ordinance No. 377 annexing Tract 11 into the city. 1st reading. was made and approval given. 3roved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No. 378 annexing Tract 12 into the city. 1st reading. was made and approval given. ,roved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No. 379 annexing Tract 13A into the city. 1st reading. was made and approval given. 9roved 4-1 vote. 2ouncilperson Springer stated her :oncerns about the cost of services that area. Ordinance No. 380 annexing Tract 13C into the city. 1st reading. was made and approval given. ~roved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No. 381 annexing Tract 1OD into the city. 1st reading. was made and approval given. Approved 4-1 vote. Councilperson Springer expressed concerns based on the facts in the Director of Public Works Director's dated October 2. ORDINANC~ NO. 377 ORDINANC~ NO. 378 ORDINANC~ NO. 379 ORDINANCt NO. 380 ORDINA~Ct NO. 381 Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Ordinance No. 582 annexing Tract 15 nto the city. 1st reading. was made and approval given. )roved 5-0 vote. ORDINANC] NO. 382 NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll O+acy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan .oll Stacy .CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: October 6,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 7 INDEX Ordinance No. 383 annexing Tract 17 into the city. 1st reading. Motion was made and approval given. Approved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No, 384 annexing Tract 18 into the city. 1st reading, Motion .was made and approval given, Approved 5-0 vote, )RDINANCE qO. 383 )RDINANCE qO, 384 Ordinance No, 385 annexing Tract 19 into the city, 1st reading, Motion was made and approval given, Approved 4-1 vote, ]RDINANCE ~O. 385 Councilperson Springer had reservatio: concerning Tract 19, which include: Water service, more dense population, a drain on our police department, but most of all because of the number of people who have asked the City Council not to take them in, this cannot be ignored. Ordinance 386 annexing Tract 21 into the city. 1st reading. Motion was made and approval given. Approved 5-0 vote. ORDINANCE NO, 386 Ordinance No. 387 annexing Tract 4 into the city. 1st reading. Motion\was made and approval given. Approved 5-0 vote. ORDINANCE NO. 387 Ordinance No. 388 annexing Tract 6 into the city. 1st reading. Motion was made and approval given. Approved S-0 vote. ORDINANCE NO, 388 NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: CITY OF 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Regular CITY COUNCIL October 6,1987 7:30 p.m. SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 8 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan loll ~.cacy Curry Springer ~Mahan .ooll Stacy Ordinance No. 389 annexing Tract 7 into the city. 1st reading. Motion was made and approval given. Approved S-0 vote, Ordinance No. 390 annexing Tract 22 into the city. 1st reading. Motion was made and approval given. Approved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No. 391 annexing Tract 23 into the city. 1st reading. Motion was made and approval given, Approved 5-0 vote. The second reading will be held on October 20,1987 with a public hearing. Ordinance No. 334-20 (ZA 87-33) a zoning request for a 6.80 acre tract of land out of the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract 581, Tract iD, 1D1 and 1E was considered. Current zoning is Agricultural, re- quest is for the Single Family -1 zoning district. Owners are Mike Davis and Douglas D. Martin. It was noted that city staff recommends approval. Mr. Douglas was present and answered questions .for the council. Public Hearing resulted with no comments. Motion was made and approval given approval of ZA 87-33 first reading. tC ORDINANCE NO. 389 ORDINANCE NO. 390 ORDINANCE ~NO. 391 ORDINANCE NO. 334-2£ NAME OF COUNCILPERSON ,CITY OF SOUTltLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: October 6,1987 TIME: ?:30 o.m. PLACE: CITY OF SDUTHLAKE, 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 9 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan ~cy Curry Springer :Mahan ,ooll Stacy Ordinance No. 395 ambulance service was discussed. City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr. stated the ordinance needs to be corrected to read, "applicant should hold a Class C operators license". A discussion was also held concerning the fees. Motion'was made to approve Ordinance No. 395 as an emergency ordinance with the amendments concerning Class C operators license. Noting the reason for the emergency passing is to make ambulance service available prior to October 21, at the discretion of the city manager. Ordinance No. 396, Amendment to Speed Limit ordinance on certain arterial streets was discussed in 1st reading. Mayor Westerholm read the list of streets being considered in the ordinance for raising speed limits from 30 mph to 40 mph. It was noted that North White Chapel Road has been repaved and striped, making it safer to drive on. Chief Crowder stated he recommended that ~orth White Chapel from Hwy 114 to Dov~ Road be considered at this time. He does not concur with other streets on the list at this time. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 396 deleting Sec.2 paragraph C through M. Changing B to read, North White Chapel Road to Dove Road. ORDINANCE NO. 395 AMBULANCE ORDINANCE NO. 596 SPEED LIMi AMENDMENT NAME OF COUNC I LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy .C~TY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: CITY OF 667 NORTH TEXAS. Regular CITY COUNCIL October 6,1987 7:30 p.m. SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 10 INDEX Ordinance No. 397 Emergency Response was discussed. Hayor Westerholm read the caption for the 1st reading. Mr. Boyle explained the reason for the ordinance. Motion'was made and approval given to Ordinance No. 397 1st reading. Approved 5-0 vote. The Park Use Policy was discussed. The City Manager stated the policy presented represents a concensus of the City Staff and the Park Board. James Arnold, chairperson of the Park Board, stated if the city does take over the concession stands, the city will have to pay for the officials for ball games. The cost of umpires is $17.S0 for each one, per game. Total cost of 1986 was approximately $10,000. Motion was made and approval given to Resolution 87-74, approving a Park Use Policy. Approved 4-1 vote. NO. 397 RESOLUTIOb 87-74 Mayor Westerholm stated the city appreciates Mr. and Mrs. James Arnold~and their dedication and hours of work with the Boys and Girls Softball Association. Resolution 87-69 accepting bids on sewer lines for the new elementary school was discussed. Mayor Westerholm read the resolution. Councilperson Springer asked if the funds were in the budget. The city manager answered that the school is paying for the line cost of the line RESOLUTI0~ 87-69 NAME OF COUNCILPERSON ~rry opringer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy ~rry opringer McMahan Wooll Stacy .C~TY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL October 6,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 11 INDEX cost of over-sizing from a 10" to a 12" to carry additional capacity will be paid for by the city. Mayor Westerholm stated Southlake needs an ordinance establishing tie- on fees, also, that a budget revision must be done by October 20, 1987, a city council meeting. City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr. stated we have' the funds at this time in the revenue fund. $31,000 the needed funds are for street repairs. Motion was made to approve Resolution 87-69. Approved 4-1 vote. Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand, stated a water policy is in the working now. He feels we should have the policy in place be- fore we go to the people. Resolution 87-?2, participation in Tarrant County Community Development Block Grant Program was discussed. Motion was made to disapprove Resolution 87-72 as it does not do anything for Southlake and it might precl~e us from getting other grantfunds. Approved 4-1 vote. Resolution 87-7b nomination for Tarrant Appraisal District Directors was discussed. It was noted Southlake has 10 votes, and that the votes we have are based on valuation of property. Motion was made to nominate Pamula Muller from Southlake, Approving Resolution 87-70. RESOLUTIO~ 87-72 RESOLUTIOP 87-70 NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Curry Springer ~cMahan loll btacy .C~TY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: October 6,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 12 INDEX Councilperson Wooll recommended the city keep a master calendar, showing items coming up that we need to know, so that we can have time to lobby on things such as this. The set-backs on Highway 114 and FM 1709 were discussed. Mayor Westerholr mtated we have a need for an established plan. He asked that the P & Z and the City Staff make a recommendation to City Council as soon as possible. The bills presented, were approved for payment. The public forum resulted with no comments. The meeting w ~ ~ ' ne Westerholm. inI ' M~ ro of Southlake ~Sandra~L. LeGrand City Se'cretary cD z z J m 0 0 co Z , } co 0, DO �co LL O < 00 J U X L6 LL0=w(0 oc �LO �Q�z� 5°00� °a w }x o a Z W =)U) 00 c� N (D C- 00 M r-i cq s.� E a� a N cn 3 Q o O o N U.- E anE S o f o o U _ o > cnEn o � �� �r- .z v 2 O U o � a a)U c. °° � D c o = c O o -. 00 z ° = r-+ >) a m o v 0 O O 0 C U >1 >) O N D cz cz 0 0 '- ocq U E w o co O Q C o Q C CO co cz ° co 0 O O co D w O COcis U) O Q ° n a >' cii z U cz 0 E O ^ ' IaA r v� p 0 rn E U O e. ° N o cz Q cnCD M sr �-+ GD �' �--� �-•+ ti > o E o x O o 4 U U O w TZ >' 0 s�". r O 0 = O O W cn C � ro vi V°� O 0 >>co ° G O bA w O C O O 04U oz >1 O ter- � a� L a)Q x U co cn cq U n >w I` co rn ri kD (U a� -P a aD En U all 91 -P (D k 0 44 0-P k d -P • N k all u1 • 8 N 44 N N - 0 A-P 9 4 0 0 0 0 9 0 -rl 0 P 4 0 A- >1 0 A 0 -ri 4-) d -P•d (d 4J 4-1 N -H rd 44 0 (d .4J 4-1 >14J A 4-4 td •• � 0 N 3 >r aJ 44 aD N rd 4J 0 41 H U) 41 0 0 4-4 N .N • -) rd k r 4 >y r4 r4 0 d 0 rd 0) 'Jr U) 4J U) 0 r 4 U 0 0 w 0 rd 'Jr A N 0 (d 0 d 0 0 r4 0 4J �4 O) 0 r-i rk 0 A 0 N P r-I •r•i (n tT .4J •ri 0 0 U •r1 0 •rl -H k 0�4 d UH r+ 004 a 0011 •-)3IL) rd 0rdU0mrd.4J 4J 0 w U 0>I a •r4 0 •ri 9 ri $ i~ d rd a 0 r_q a) ri 4J 0 A rd ri 4 rd aJ 0 4J N 4J U 0 U) 0 (d 0 E+ rd m r-4 r7 •ri 0 U CV U 0 •r4 4-) -ri 4 r,, all 44 rd all U O P 4J 0 r-I rd rd d 4-4 0 .4-1 rd rd dJ ri 0 0 k i•1 0 'ri P aA aD 4J W >i44 all a (n S4 •ri .P .4J 0 .4J 44 rd •ri E•1 a w k all $4 0 ri rd 0 ri 9 N d C: -P H all _HE-1 rd 0' A all 0 � >4 all N N -H (ci •ri (d N U 4 $ aD -IJ S 1 (n 4J > C+ >, d .04 4) EA aJ 0 rd U) A aD (d .IJ $4 0 (d 4J 4J rd 4J 44 N all 0 •IJ H r-i -rl dJ (D 0 rd ,!~ rd (d U U 0 •H .4) 44 U ri r-I U d A d a) 4J 0 0 • A an 4J A rd aD N d 0► 0(d -P N >, (d (d 4J a 0 •r1 0 -rig - +) U P (d 0 4-4 0 aD 0 44 rd E~ -P aD -J 0 -H >4 U aD 0 N 4 d _rl ri D N 0 aD to N rd !` ri -rl W 4J 4-1 •r.4 k 0 U •1-1 0 r-4 rJ 4) >r v d ul aD m 4J aJ 3 -ri Z •ri 4J (d 4i t)n rd 0 •r♦ U (d CO W aD aD -P A 4J P •ri 0 rd H 0 9 an 0 U sti 3 d 0 U 4J 0 9 $ P 4J •ri 01 r4 0 N 'Jv •r1 rd rd rd rd k 0 44 0 0 0 .d 4J (d U �trriUoo 0 r-4 P`d 44 44 (DM00 U(d4 a4J m 04J4 P40 A k b P 9 A i4 t•1 dJ (d -ri - an rd r-1 U) .4J rd lU $4 - all :j 0 -ri (d a -IJ 9 U U A rd N aD P � (d - all 4 D rd rd rd rd 0 0 41 0 U (d r7 r-I N rd -ri >( 'ri 0 a - 0 N �4 +1 aD 0 aD 'Jr •r4 rd (D 0 rC A 0 a -HP -J 4 ,4J 4J a) 0) .4J kd 4J 0 U)•ri 4Ja 0 kis >4P09 U-ri paD(1)4i Dan 44U)0 044rd (d •r4 r1 • 4 .4J 0 0 4J 0 3 d •ri U 0 A 4 0 >1 N 0- i. 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