1987-09-01NAME OF COUNCILPERSON .CITY OF MINUTES MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: SOUTItLAKE, TEXAS OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL September 1,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Johnny H. Westerholm, Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. Betty Springer, David McMahan, Jim Wooll and Rick Stacy. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager; Lloyd O. Latta Jr., Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand, Fire Chief; ~.P. Steele, City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney; John Boyle. INVOCATION: Rick Stacy. Curry Springer Mc~lahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer ~cMahan Wooll Stacy Mayor Johnny Westerholm called the meeting to order. The City Council minutes of the August 13, Special meeting were approved as presented. The minutes of the August 18, Regular City Council meeting were approved as presented. The Special City Council meeting minutes of August 20,1987, were approved as presented. The minutes of the August 27,1987 Special City Council meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Westerholm presented an appre- ciation plaque to Rick Eakins for the design of the City Logo. NAME OF COUNCILPERSON .CITY OF SOUTItLAKE, TEXAS · M'INUTES OF THE Regular MEETING, DATE: September 1,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr., announced that October 17, has been se' aside for Gib Lewis Appreciation Day, at Bicentennial Park. The public is invited to attend. Agenda Item #8 has been removed from tonight~ agenda. The consent agenda items are: #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, & #19. They include: 13. ZA 87-31. Zoning request for a 3.04 acre tract of land. Ordinance No. 334-16. Rickey McPherson. 14. Ordinance No. 359. Taxicab. 2nd reading. 15. Ordinance No. 366. Warrant Fees. 2nd reading. 16. Ordinance No. 368. Amending Speed Limit Ordinance. 2nd reading. 17. Ordinance No. 367. Defensive Driving. 2nd reading. Bills for approval. Mayor. Westerholm reviewed the ordin- and read the ordinance captions. Motion,was made and approval given to the con~ent agenda. ZA 87-30. Ordinance No. 334-19, 1st reading on the zoning request for Lot 1, Block A-SO Peck Addition. Mr. Arnold Pent was present represent- ing Countryside Bible Church. He states a decision has been made that it would be in the best interest for all to withdraw the request at this time. ~r. Pent indicated he is a NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: September 1,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: INDEX McMahan Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy non-owner and does not get monetary compensation for representing the church. He explained that the intent of the withdrawl is for City Council not to hear it and that the church will reapply at some point in time. The Planning and Zoning Commission minutes showed a 4-2 vote against ~he zoning. The minutes were correct- ed to show a 3-2 vote against the item with one abstension. Motion was made to accept drawl. Motion was withdrawn. the with- Mr. John Boyle, City Attorney, explained the intent of the zoning ordinance in such matters. An appli- cant does not have the unilateral right to withdraw an item from the agenda once it has been instituted. Council must accept the withdrawl. If Council turns the case down, there is a six month waiting before it can be reapplied for, if a precise item. If the case is turned down there is no limitation on coming back immediately for another catagory There. is a three month limitation for any kind of filing if its just filed. . Motion was made to refer back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for ZA 87-30 at the request of the applicant. Glinda Jones and J.D. Bowen signed up to speak during the public hearing but did not do so as the case was not heard. NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, fEXAS MINUTES OF TH~ Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: September 1,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 4 Resolution 87-59 was reviewed by the City Manager. The bid was awarded to Landmark Structures and is identical to the water tower built in 1986 except for the second floor being deleted. Motion was made and approval given to the Resolution. INDEX RESOLUTIO! 87-59 McMahan stated he feels we need a penalty clause in the contract with Landmark with the amount weighed against the size of the contract. £urry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Resolution 87-60 was approved, allow- ing for tax exemptions for disabled ~ersons, by application. It was noted exemptions are not cumulative. Councilperson Wooll commended Council- person Stacy for getting this worth- while item to the City Council for consideration. Resolution 87-63 appointing Council representative to the School Board Citizens Awareness Committee. Motion was made to tabling this September 15. and approval given item time certain The second public hearing was held in regards to the proposed Fiscal Year 1988 Budget. City Manager, O. Latta Jr. made a presentation on the budget stating the budget reflects an increase on the tax rate of .0249~ or a rate of 34.49~ per $100. valuation. The budget reflects the addition of the city staff by six firemen, one )olice officer, two dis0atchers and RESOLUTIO] 87-60 RESOLUTIOi 87-63 TABLED SECOND BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF MINUTES MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL September 1,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667.NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy one and one-half persons to the water department. Mayor Westerholm noted no one has signed up to speak during the public hearing, however, he opened the public hearing to anyone who might wish to speak. Richard Eakins- questions concerning water storage. Can the city apply for a better Key-Rating on the water system? Wayne Lee- asked City Council to look carefully at the tax increase. He questioned road conditions vs. the personnel being added to the budget. Councilperson Stacy explained the cities need for a bond package. Public hearing closed. ZA 87-26. The preliminary plat for Sun Square Addition was reviewed. Motion was made and approval given to the preliminary plat. Bruce. Turley's son was present representing his dad. ZA 87-26 APPROVED PRELIMINi PLAT ZA 87=$7. The request for Special Use Permit for the Sale of Off Premises Packaged Beer was considered Bill LeGrand, reported that the City Staff recommends approval of ZA 87-27 Tom Jester, was present representing P.J's Convenience Store. He stated this will be the 7th store in the Denton/Tarrant County areas. They will also sell gasoline, with a car wash as well as a full range convenience store. ZA 87-27 SPECIAL USE PERM NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: September 1,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. PAGE: 6 After discussion, motion was made and approval given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 334-17 Special Use Permit for the Sale of Off Premises Packaged Beer. ZA 87-28. Zoning request for a 19.48a! acre tract of land from Agricultural to Single Family 1, Zoning District. W'.W. Hall Survey, Abstract 687, Tracts ID & 2B. City Staff recommends approval. Richard Eakins indicated he asked for SF for the land, but that we do not have SF zoning for under one acre )arcels of land. {r. John Boyle stated he can ask that the basic zoning ordinance be amended. COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE INDEX 87-28 APPROVED Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer "cMahan ooll Stacy Mayor We~erholm stated Council can deny the request or we can send it iback to Planning and Zoning Motion was made to deny ZA 87-28. Motion and second were withdrawn. Motion was made to table ZA 87-28 time certain 60 days or the 1st city council meeting in November 1987. Motion and second were withdrawn. Motion was made to approve ZA 87-28 for SF-1 Zoning District. Motion was approved. NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKIi, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DATE: September 1,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: INDEX 7 A discussion was held in regards to amending Ordinance No.311, Masonry Requirements. Councilperson McMahan led the discussion stating he does not like metal buildings but they have their place..He feels Southlake is too restrictive with the current Masonry requirements. Mr. Boyle will work with McMahan in drafting a new ordinance and also providing examples from other cities for Masonry Ordinances, where Council can review. PUBLIC FORUM Gary Traver- During the last City Council meeting, roadwork was discussed. Re wanted to know how it was financed. Mr. Latta answered it will be paid for out of existing funds and payments will be deferred until the next fiscal year. The meeting~ ~ ATSEST: ~ndra L. LeGrand City Secretary z H UW ow au P4 AO �H H >, ro 0 - tT a) E ro 44 bi >1 cd p >41 ri (L) m 0 a) +-) .� F 'H 0Ai H CCO N co r. ° •��i � 44 0 �r1 CO � -) � �r� ul U ^rn O '� �ro O+� U a)� a) En p CO4J� U > co 0 -O }� 44 a) a) co a) a) +j ai +J m H w +� E a) a) .) a) .r 1 ro rdNtp,�1 � 09ri -P 4-) Q)tP O 4-) )E(0,00 A�•ri Co r-1 44 U1 4 a) P A 0 4a � � ro ri 0 -P.. .� U = U 44 E 0 .tr' co Pa NU I•-1ro- f+_ teEn a) a)000E 4-)rc 3 a Ql b a) �W+)W0 �cna) U�.0 �>Mro x^+�cd��,� O a) 0 0 r-1 r 1 .. U] a) .ri .0 H 4 cd = 4-)4-) a Ca ) 4 r-, CO 4-) > P: 44 U s+ ro U) D+ � � N 044 N adi - {'co a E 0 a) a) w aN � H 4-)'r-I W W (1) ri }�0 co � N ,� CO q U H 4a LW 4'�1a)+�a)� O`�H> a)cn°N I��c�d NCO+, •rl .r 1 U >C aj U1 b� y4-3 Uj yUj co 4a Q) co '•-1 1 1 +J 4-1 ro 4-) a) cad b' 4J N •H a)r —1 `o a) 'cn w -P � 4a E �� r. "��+ Na)�� w�E'd �Drro 0Ei "'cpU� p to 3 .,i U E -P N •r 1 .4J to Dr a) �' cd s a U1 � oto � � ro o a+ g co w Q)) ro ro �r�+ Ei U 0 44 r-, H > '� a) 44 a) U a ° b� N r� co O V U 4a +) 0 ,-1 W ro U `4 0 W to � 0 44 a) s 44 •a CO 0O ° � O co u? }' rn H � �ro � 3 1� � •�•rUi cn.� �•� E � � � � fs1 w a) a) a) (d a) 4 •� p 4 � a) a) ° 0 M d P: U H H 3 = -P A co = P4 4� (d _ E +� H 4J 4 � a) CO +� W w w 0 > a) In3 b, O 0 co P� tp Co •,-+ 4a ro U :4 W H W E to .� N° .d Q4.0 co 3 a) m co roy3orow Ex+ U 0a41H � 4 H -I P L O 0 COcd •rl ri p.1 CO 44 H H H 3 cn a) co-P4 r-1 . r.1 -P N 44 � f O •rc ,r-: (n 4-) t3l-P r+ [!) 0.,1 a� �y U td o N4J 4-) •r 1 .r-4 '� 4J 0 a00 ,a 4 ri ro 44 0),cd a) 4�4J•- rj co 44 O� 3 �0-1� a) •r•1 S-1 a)co o a1 U 4-) W •rI w O w a) (D � 0 N 4 04-)4-'r.0 W U U� O .r-I +-) +) 0 W O 4-4 ,>0E3w U �U W �4 .r4 44 cd U /d 44 cn r� 0��00 400 >/ UN0w> Ord •Q 4 H�W104 OPPr-i �Pi o,[•ri°O d4>3u 4J a) a) 4-)U ,q co co 90 >4•ri ccUr0 o o 44 CO 4-) (1) (1) 44 a) a) 44 rl N O -P w W 44 ,N •rl a) r-i -H 4-) U 4-)4-) •� .r-I P E CO CO a) +-) > I 'H r.•U r-I 4o O- �� 0� CO 44 ro 4a r-i y.1 to O 4a ✓•I U >I ' ,I b'rd +1 +-) O cd •r-f V Q1r-i U Pi W w N U 0 r-I 4-)W U cd cd co tT r1 4J UN-4 (% rl U U 4-)a) •H 0 •rr4 O r-1 r'1 � a) :J U A rO O 4-) -P �j O m •r1 rU En •r1 .J 0 -r-i U fn G 4.1 'y P:W cd W �.y — rO O �cdr-irO W � r-1 r1� N (1) rd w a) (1) 0 0 a) ;I co 3 ro r-I >1 w -P r-i ro 0 a) w 0 cn r-I r-I r-I 3 (1) (1) cd 0 co 41 (1) r. r-i P A A a) 4 .r-I r-I O r-i CO ��aa) 44 +4-) 4A� U 4�a �r1 >1 U 44J 0 44 �° w 0 UrdH0 .r-I O �' •r��1 E 'r-' a) rO >1 .N CO ° � W °E' +-)-rl U a•rl fn W U W cd r ri cd 0 •ri (1) .riEi rori co 4-) � �, �� a 0ro tw A E m Ncl) tn 0 N E V W ro cd ro O U W •ri Q) ) f: U co .0 4-) a) P4 a) cd CO a) r-I 0 44 � 0 N H ro a td a) U) '- U �,' G rt7 4-) 4-) M W 4-) U co •r1 � .� rO � -H 0 0 N ram• - H 4J > V) U) W 0 P rd H ro 0 4J E rO ro r ✓1 � s.� Co> +� 4 �0 (occaa.H�ma OW A 4a oUW) +� O ri .� H, �, A fn r +1 .,� Pi +� �, 44 r-4 40�� Acd rdw 4-4 0:jr4 ) 00UO UN'[ +� rO P4 a) a) 4-4 a) 4.a Q) Li .r{ •r1 0 .H 4-) 44 44 a) 4-) a) N .4" o r-I A co U 0 O +-) A 'd 04 OOA� �� sr-I+� a) 4-) a) �' �fn3� wu �) +� a) 4 O 44 a) 0� A 4 A U� fn a) o f s� a) U a) g U O U +� PI a) �r��rd0 U° � a)EN•rI o�'� aa) c0i•rl 4 W 44 r1 r-i a) f I a) co a) > 1 a) W A -P +� rd a) �"+ 4.1 a) +� 0 � .� .� U � P4 (a N rUi U •H U O rUI ccdd .. a) 'r-I -� , 44 +� ra) a.r1 r-i 4 +) 4 r-I >I PI M 4-) 4 O r1 44 N 4-4 N 4-) ro w O a-► cd 4-)0 A +�o+J �o �° cdo o0tr. aoo a�i a O E lz co ro 04 (0/j -r-I i--) a) E ro •ri Q% 00 r W O U j1 ro ro 0 a) i-) U U w to rO W -r-I 4.1 a) Z co p () !~' U N u1 W 4-)N +, Co PI o w A >� co fD O O •r1 0 r1 CO PI a r>41 O O 4-4 44 E a) U U U] U] r-1 s 4 44 r-I 0 P •r1 4 q I O -r1 44 U;J U4-) N 0 a) W (1) a) r--I 3 •ri 0 .4 ro 0 w ro w cd A W w w I N I H H t3) cn D1 >, 44 (1) t n (n to 1-1 >1 N cn U) vO -1 Q) r+ >, 3 Q) E W >r r. 4+ r-i 0 4 G» 0 (d r i U 91r-: a) r-I W cd r--I CO M O +-) U -r1 0 •rl j',, cd w .,1 Ql •r-1 -r-I w •r1 O -r-I a) co (L) •ri W r� cd .Li •r1 rd (0 +P : 4-) W CO W1 4 4-) 0 4 3 W CO 4J W r 1 U U o to O r-1 44 -P U U O r-I r1 tr in (1) O co •r1 0 •rI 0 a) a a) -P � o 0 a) r4 4-1 � cd Sri cc$ U ,q P4 y� tr � � •r1 tr U ° w ° .r 1 rr CCJ A 'r•1 N W 44 44 to 0 w 4 A co a) U 44 r-1 �~>1 4-) 104 UN A O cd 4-)� In 00,w EiU a' +� 4a U O r-I 44 )-I cd 4) ° U co rd ' ° r1 a) -P i 1 E >y a) co 4441;3 , 4J >1 co � 4 U-rl 3 3 �41 E! 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N E-i V� 4-) 4 N O C!] ms • rl E•+ H < u l u «1 a 0 BIDS EXTENDED & CHECKED Eddie 6,eatham & Associates ' BY c cAo � Consultlnp Engineers DATESHEET ofIA OWNER, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE JOB NO. 001-912 DATE Aug. 12, 1987 LOCATION 6DESCRIPTION Construction of 1.5 MG Elevated Water Tank (Contract #1) & Relocation of 0.5 MG Elevatea Water Tank (Contract #2) 6 1 D D E R S Landmark Structures 133 World Trade Ctr Ste.720 Dallass,, Texas 75258 Hydrostorage 16825 Northchase Dr Ste. Houstonon,, Texas 76092 ITEM UNIT PLAN QUANITY UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST lA Design, Construction & completion of L.S. 1 818,805 00 912,400 0 one 1 1.5 MG elevated steel tank single concrete pedestal type, concrete foundation concrete vaults piping, electrical, masonry, and site work, the maximum water level 118.0 feet above the foundation. dO0000 2A In the event a change in the height of V.F. 500 ' the elevated water tank in Item 1 from the foundation to maximum level is ordered by the owner. add or or deductper foot with a maximum variation of five feet Reinforced concrete driveway and parking L.S. 25100 area as shown on the plans t70000 4A Reinforced concrete second floor of L.S. 18,000 00 37 concrete shaft as shown on plans with access doors ladders. hoist. and all a u tenanc s 5A Dismantel for futureL.S. 40,000 00 102,800 00 0.5 M steel multi -legged tank & removal & disposal of existing concrete foundation footings. tank to be stored for future erection a•s per contrac 2 of this proposal. TOTAL AMOUNT BID CONTRACT #1 876,830,001 11,086,5000O ALA%. I UU 1119 1 6C111 11U. LnI BIDS EXTENDED a CHECKED Eddie l' ,aeatham & Associates C BY, �i icy ��2 Consultlnp Engineers DATESHEET OF OWNER, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE JOB NO. 001-912 DATE Aug. 12, 1987 LOCATION a DESCRIPTION Construction of 1.5 MG Elevated Water Tank (Contract #1) & Relocation of 0.5 MG Elevatea Water Tank (Contract #2) B I D D E R S Landmark Structures 133 World Trade Ctr Ste. 208 Dallas, Texas 75258 Hydrostorage 16825 Northchase Dr Ste. 720 Houston, Texas 76092 ITEM UNIT PLAN QUANITY UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST 1B Erection of 0.5 MG steel multi -legged L.S. elevated water tank, from Contract #1 including Design & Construction of foundation electrical piping, aintin & transportation from existing site. 26 In the event a change in the height of the V.F. 1,100 0 67,250 0 elevated steel water tank in Item 113 from the foundation to existing overflow elevation is ordered by the Owner Add per foot with max increase in height of thirty five feet 3B In the event the soils conditions at the L.S. 200 0 250 0 site of the erection of the 0.5 MG elevate tank differ from those specified in h s plans & larger or swallpr concrete footin are reguired add or decute I per cubic and of footing. TOTAL AMOUNT FOR BID FOR CONTRACT #2 ExcludingItems #2B & #3B TOTAL AMOUNT BID FOR CONTRACT #1 #2 1,036,83 00 1,309,10 0