1987-08-20lAME OF :OUNC I LPERSON CITY OF $OUTHLAK~, lnAAo MINUTES OF THE Special MEBTING, DATE: August 20,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, PAGE: CITY COUNCIL TL~ J.D. Johnson Elementary School, 1200 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas INDEX 1 COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Johnny H. Westerholm. Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. Betty Springer, Jim Wooll, Rick Stacy. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: David McMahan. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager;. Lloyd 0'. Latta Jr. Mayor Westerholm opened the meeting with a welcome to each person present for the continuation of the first public hearing that began on August 4, 1987, on the annexation of territory into the City of Southlake. We will go through the names of persons who signed up to speak at the August 4, hearing first, and then on to the sign up sheet for tonight. Everyone Who wants to address Council may do so. The Mayor informed the audience that the maps located in the back of the room outlined the areas that we are intending to annex at the present time. The original maps and advertisements )rovided areas to be annexed at approxi three times the size because of some interpretations and the fact that there has been no ruling in a court of law in regards to the amount of land a city can annex, the City of Southlake has decided to reduce the amount of land annexed at this time to below the 10% mar~ that is stated in law. In so doing, ~he lands identified on the map for criteria were used to identify the lands for initial annexation. Criteria includes: 1) The impact the land would have as far as sales tax. 2) The southern boundary of the city :as it moves along Big Bear Creek betwee !Southlake and Colleyville. Reason, sew !er and easements. ) All along Highway System main roads Davis Blvd. FM 1709 and SH 114). ~ME OF ]UNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS' MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: PAGE: Special CITY COUNCIL August 20,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ~I~I~Y~X~X~!~S ~I~I~X J.D. Johnson Elementary School 1200 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas INDEX 2 4) Areas having the highest population and most improvements on them. This is the criteria used when identif~ ing the tracts. It is the intent of the City of Southlake to annex these lands. It is our right under State Constitution and under the City Charte It is in the cities best interest and the City Council feels they must do so The laws so permit the city to annex the land in our E.T.J. Councilperson Charles Curry stated it is obvious that Council did listen to citizen imput, and that is why they rearranged their goals to annex the 3,000 acres in three phases at under 10% each phase. Each area is under consideration for annexation at this time, some areas may be added to and some areas' may com~ off during this time. In each area there is an annexation service plan. The plans are available to the public. The service plans outline the services which will be provided in each area. Some of the services include: Water, sewer, streel cable television, garbage service, telephone, natural gas, electric, polic and fire and ambulance. Mayor Westerholm stated Southlake is interested in having each person as a fellow ~itizen, we are looking forward to working with each of you. PUBLIC HEARING David Winters. 1220 Timberline Court. Not present. Virginia Thomas. 713 Cimarron Trail. Tract 16. Wanted to inquire about ambulance service. CITY OF SOUTItLAKE, TEXAS" CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE Special MEETING. DATE: August 20,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ~I.~K~~ ~ J.D. Johnson E~ementary Schoo ~200 North C~rroll Avenue~ Southlake, PAGE; Texas INDEX 3 Mrs. David Bell~m¥. ~26 N. Peytonv±llei Not present. David Ramse¥. ~27 S. Peytonv±~le. Not present. C.J. Brewer. Rt.1 Box 24~. Tract ~6. If majorZty of folks do not w~nt to be annexed., c~n the city still annex land by State L~w? Answer; Yes, we can a~nex land within a one mile a~ea. He has never lived ±n a city~ will not live in a city and will not live in Southlake. He w±ll sell his home firs~ S..Z. "Gabby" Moran. #1 Sam Bass Ridge Road. T~act 31-B. He does not want to be annexed. Wants to know ~f Counc~ intends to answer questions. ~ants to know why we would annex Tract 31-B and not Tract 3~. He compared Tract 31-B to Tract 31. Stated Tract 31 ±s a slum ~rea ~nd they do not h~ve' service~ We ~re annexing only to get t~x dollars J.err¥ Couch. Rti Box 66-A, Keller. Not present. ~illy Henderson. 700 C±marron Trail. Tract 16. Does not want to be in the city. Against the annexation. He was forced to go into the service, and he was f6rced to fight for freedom. He ¢~n't ~fford Southlake. Th±s is not the American way. Rertha ~enkins. Rt 5 Box 157. Tract 18. They moved from the c±ty to the country ±n 1979. They asked Southlake for wate~ ~t that time and did not get it. They do not need our city services Their taxes will be about $~,000. per ~ea'r o Edward Leondusk±. 729 C±marron. Tract l, M~de reference to our post office Change. There would be more people her~ lif it 'would do any good. To h±m Home 'Rule means take the rights away from people and run a dictatorship. AYE OF OUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS~ MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: August 20~1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ~[~(~ J.g. Johnson Elementary School 1200 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas PAGE: 4 INDEX Southlake has a kangaroo court Police Department. Ken McMinn. 2108 Cumberland Trail. Tract 16. Against annexation. He feels we only have greed-taking folks into the city for the tax dollars. Sorry to say he has a Southlake post office.' We can't offer him anything, he doesn't already have. He is not proud to say he has a Southlake mailing address. N.L. (Larry) Frank. Rt 5 Box 128B.. Tract 21. He does not blame 8outhlake Council for the laws. We all should have voted against Legislation when the issues came up. It is against our will and against our rights. Does not want any part of Southlake. He questioned Lloyd Latta being ~ppointed City Manager. Mayor Westerholm encouraged everyone to vote and participate in city goals, let your will be known. City Attorney, John Boyle, stated the circumstances surrounding the resigna- tion of Mayor Lloyd Latta and his appointment as City Manager after the City ~harter was in place. B.J. Couch. Rt 1 Box 58, Keller. Tract 12. Stated he respects the )osition as City Councilmember and t~at there are two reasons a )erson runs for council; (1) eeo (2) responsibility. He wonders if this annexation movement is worth it when we all know that in a few years th. biggest majority of land will be brough in voluntarily. He asked that the city drop the annexation process, as we will :et most land in time, please wait Bob Cailhoun. Rt 1 Box 62C Keller 12. He does not need our servic ~s and does not want to be in Sou~hlake. AYE OF OUNCILPERSO~ CITY OF SOUTItLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: August 20,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE.~gX~H~2~ ~. J.D. Johnson Elementary School. 1200 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. PAGE: INDEX 5 Mary Munson. Rt 1 Florence Road. P.O. Box 1142. Tract 16. Opposed to annexation. She lives in mobile home area and wants to know if she is annex- ed, will she be able to mov,~ her old mobile home and put in a new mobile home she is working for? Answer: yes, she would be able to continue the use o the land. Kzthy ~ Larry Cope. Rt 1 Box 294. Not present. Bill Sawchuk. #11 Homestead Drive. Not present. Mary Sawchuk. #11 Homestead Drive. Not present. Richard Eakins. 216 Westwood Drive. Not present. Bill Spivy. Rt 1 Box 162. Tract 19. Displayed a broken sign of CityFest showing trash beside roadway near city hall. He stated he went to budget public hearing and added that the city can't pay the bills they already have. His insurance agent said Southlake does not have the type fire department that will allow him a discount like alot of other cities can get. Councilperson Rick Stacy explained the Key-Rating on the Water System. Key-Rating has no reflection on Fire Departments. Mr. Spivy accused Councilpersons of conflict of interest. He recommended Council follow proper procedures on annexation with proper notices and etc. He stated Council does not intend to add to the police force when annexation occurs, only to use our current police staff for the entire area, taking away from present city services. The folks on Fawkes Lane need Southlake most because they need water. Prove AME OF OUNC I LPERSON CITY OF SOUTItLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: PAGE: Special CITY COUNCIL August 20,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ~XEXE~ 1~ J.D. Johnson Elementary School 1200 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. INDEX 6 to us you are sincere about being good city, give those folks water, without annexation. Mayor Westerholm explained conditions set forth in the Fort Worth Water Contract for Mr. Spivy and the audience Willard'Witt. #10 Our Lane. Tract 19. Very much against being annexed. Highe taxes and police harassment. Strand. Rt 1 Box 6lA. Tract 13. Opposed to annexation. A.M. Franks. Rt 5 Box 128. Ashamed of Southlake, does not want to be annexed. Robert Downard. Rt 1 Box 158. Tract 1 Do we have the moral right to annex with what we have to offer right now? He asked us to be a model city govern- ment and back off on annexation and explain to the audience what the plan is for the city. Bill Nelson. 127A N. Peytonville. Tract 21. He asked where does the Charter say all remarks must be to the City Council and not the public. Mr. J~hn Boyle, City Attorney, stated this is a public hearing and is being conducted properly. The purpose of the public hearing is for the governing body to'hear the remarks of the people. Nelson said there is no law that says all land in Texas has to be annexed into a city. He asked us to wait and let annexation just happen when persons want to come in. The foreseeable annexation will cause undue hardship on lots of people. Questioned the mail service. F~snk C~Rta~. P.O. Box 472. When he discovered he was in Westlake he did not speak. ~4E OF OUNC I LPERSON CITY OF SOUTItLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DATE: August 20,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ~X-~g~ ~t~. J.D. Johnson Elementary School. 1200 North Carroll Avenue, Southtake, Texas INDEX PAGE: 7 James Jenkins. Rt 5 Box 157. Tract 18. Upset about water. All Southlake wants is money. Jerry Gilford. Rt 5 Box 154. Tract 18 Preferres to see his land stay in the County. Did Southlake citizens ask Council to annex or did the Council do this. themselves? In the newspaper he saw where the City Managers statemen s~id no one opposed annexation. To hi~ that is how the city operates. Mary Thompson. 2735 N. White Chapel Road. Tract 25. They do not want'to be apart of the city~ One police off- icer followed her and gave her a ticket she did not like that. H£s family has been harassed by the Southlake Police Department. She is upset over that. Carol Baldwin. Rt 5 Box 130D Ronaoke Tract 21. Does not want to be annexed. David Conn #13 Sutton Place. Tract 16. He tried to do business with Southlake in the way of trash pick-up. He questioned how franchise can be given to only one person. The day he is part of Southlake, he will ask for FBI Investigation into all personnel and Council. He will not sell out-he will stay and see that we play the game righ and fair for everybody. James Morsan. Box 165. Randol Mill. Tract IS. Most folks concerned over tax bills. He is not concerned about money. He will pay Southlake double to not be annexed. More important than money is freedom and basic rights. Southlake is taking basic rights away from the people. It is so important to keep your freedom as long as possibl. Basic freedom is an issue with him. NAME OF COUNCILPERSOb CITY OF'SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE SpeCial CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: August 20,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OP ~X J.D. Johnson Elementary School 1200 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, PAGE: Texas INDEX 8 Cindy Walbridge. 704 Cimarron Trail Tract 16. They moved from the city where they tax everything. They moved to the County and that is where they want ~o stay, where it is not restricte [. What if they took a poll of the citizen of Southlake-- what would the citizens say? She asked Council to think before they ac~. (15 minute recess was reconvened at 10:15 p.m) D~vid White. Rt 5 Box 160. Tract 19. Wants freedom and the right to do whatever he wishes. Does not want city life for his family. Gwen COnn. #13 Sutton Place. Tract 16 She said someone asked for minutes of the Charter Commission meetings and did not get them. She also asked about the School District. Mayor Westerholm answered that someone did ask for minutes of City Council meetings and was provided them. No one asked for Charter Commission minute: Glen Gruber. Rt 1 Box 330. (off Fawkes Lane). He wants to know why Mr. Lloyd Latta told the people in his area all the nice things that Southlake would do for them but did not tell them that they were in Kellers ETJ? Mr. Latta stated he had. He referred to a State '~tatutes for General Law Ci~ies on annexation which did not apply to $outhlake at this time. He asked for response to questions he had written ~nd turned into the City Manager. Shatle, 8900 David Blvd. Tract She stated she had been told that City 2ounciI wanted to annex her so that they could deny her anymore use. She )bjects to annexation. She went ahead · nd got a permit with the Texas Air 2ontrol Board, even though she did not ~eed one. Objects to taxes and problem: ~ith permits etc. NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Special MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACM: PAGE: CITY COUNCIL August 20,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ~Y~K~EEE$ ~g J.D. Johnson Elementary Schoc 1200 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas 9 INDEX John Moore. 650 Ginger Court, Southlak A citizen of Southlake, he explained how the Charter began and what it stand for. Southlake is a wonderful city and once you are all there, I think you wil like it also. The public hearing was closed. Mayor ~esterh~lm announced that the 2nd public hearing will be held on August 27,1987 at 7.30' p.m. in the auditoriux of J.D. Johnson Elementary School, 120G North Carroll_Avenue, Southlake. The meet i~ Malor[of Southlake City Secretary