1987-08-18 CITY'OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MIN/rf~ of the Regular City Council ~ Meeting O ~ Date: August 18, 1987 o ~ TJ2ne: 7:30 p.m. ~ ~ ~ Place: City of Southlake, Council ~ ~ ~ ~ o 667 N. Carroll Ave. ~ ~ -- Southlake, Texas ~ ~ :o o o Page 1 of 10 ]0mmi $ $ i 0net ! ndex Present: M~yor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Charles Curzy, Betty Springer, David ~, Jim Wooll and ~/ck Stacy. Ci.ty Staff Present: City M~nager, Lloyd O. Latta, Jr.; Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; Police Officer, David Law; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney, Ken ' Wippel. Invocation: Jim Wooll M~ayor 'Westerholm called the meeting to order. Woo] ] x Motion was n~de and approval given to the Sprimoer x minutes of the August 4, City Council C u rry × x Meeting. Stacy x x McMahan x ~4=proval of the M/nutes of the Special City Council m~eting of August 13, 1987 w~re deferred until the Septe~ 1, 1987 City Council ~ting. Mayors Report: Mayor 'Westerho]]n rended ev~ne that the annexation public hearing w~ll be held on August 20, 1987 and August 27, 1987 at'k 7:30 p.m. Jack D. Johnson Elementary School, 1200 N. Carroll Ave. Mayor 'Westerholm noted that as ~ are starting to look at b,-dgets that everyone is looking at "user" fees - or the one who is using the service gets billed for it. In listening to the new~ that the counties and city of Fort' Worth are going through budget cuts and projection. ;ommissioner CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES of the Regular City Council Meeting Date: Time: Place: August 18, 1987 7:30 p.m. City of Southlake, Council Chambers 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas Pa~ 2 of 10 Index Part of their revenue is based upon user fees they are looking to charge. 'We do not know how these fees are going to impact us in the future - ~ have received correspondence frc~n the County Health Dept. for fees in health inspections. This type thing is cczaing down the line. The last legislative did amend the sales tax law that basically provides that sales tax will be collected on garbage fees. Mayor 'Westerholm deleted agenda item $13 frcm tonights meeting. Itens identified for consent agenda include: $14, $17, $19, $20, $22, $23, ~24, $25 and $27. Listed as they appear on the. agenda. 14. Resolution 87-58. Drug Forfeiture Progrs~. 17. Resolution 87-51. Mutual Aid Law Enfo~t Task Force Agreement. 19. Ordinance No. 359. Taxicab. 1st reading. 20. Ordinance No. 366. Authorizing Collection of' Warrant Fees. 1st reading. 22. Ordinance No. 367. Defensive Driving Fees. 1st reading. 23. Ord'.~ance No. 360. Public records. 2nd reading. 24. Ordinance No. 361. High Weeds. 2nd reading. 25. Amenda~_nt to Ordinance No. 349. Speed limits. 1st reading. (changed to Ord. $368). 27. Bills for approval. ~ommissioner Wooll Springer Curry Stacy McMahan ~ooll ~pringer Surry ~tacy qcMahan CITY OF SOUTHIAKE, TEXAS M//N-u~ES of the Regular City Council Meeting Date: Time.. Place: August 18, 1987 7:30 p.m. City ofSouthlake~ Council Chambers 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas Page 3 of 10 Motion was made to approve the cc~sent agenda items. It was noted that Bill Spivey asked to speak for items #23 and #25. The second motion was withdrawn. Bill Spivey stated he recently read Ord. #360 and feels the ordinance is a violation to the Federal Civil Rights. He recu~,,ends that the ordinance not be passed. He added in reference to Ord. #361, he wondered if t_he ordinance intends to raise the fines on speed limits and was informed it would not, it deals with raising speed limits on White Chapel Rd. and setting out new school zones for the new elementary school on West Continental. cindy Waldridge spoke concerning public David McMahan seconded the motion to approve the consent agenda items. Mayor 'Wes~erholm s~,,~rized the captions of the ordinances on the consent agenda. Resolution 87-27, Mayor 'Westerholm recommended Charles Curry for the position of Mayor Pro Tem, for the remainder of this year. Index Res. 87-27 Mayor Pro- Tem z ~I~l'~ of the Re~ City Co%~ncil ~ Date: Aunt 18, 1987 o ~ T~: 7:30 p.m. ~ ~ ~ Pla~: City of ~u~l~e, ~cil ~ ~ ~rs ~ ~ ~ ~ o 667 N. ~11 A~. ~ ~ ~ ~u~l~e, ~s ~ ~ ~ o o Pa~ 4 of 10 C0mm~ ss~ 0net ~dex Woo]] x ~tion ~s ~ to a~ ~solution 87- 5~r~nge~ x x 27 as ~ ~s se~ a~r~ly as ~r Curry P~ ~ for last ~ ~ as act~g ~r 5racy x ~ ~ for ~is ~. McMaha~ x .. x ~ t~k ~e oa~ of office. A ~s~ssion ~s held on ~e ~88 ~Y 88 Budge' ~dget. City ~ger, Llo~ O. ~t~, D~scuss~,0n Jr. s~t~ ~is is ~e 1st official p~lic hear~g. ~t~ ~vi~ ~e ~d~t p~ss for au~ce, at ~e ~est of Co~ci~r ~. He refund to ~ ~y ~t ~rk sessions ~ ~e City ~cil as ~11 as ~e dates for ~e ~ ~lic he~gs n~ss~ to ~ ~ c~li~ wi~ ~e H~ ~le ~er. ~lic He~g: Bill ~i~y - refe~ to ~e g~eral ~d ~ue s~,~. He also s~t~ he f~ls ~at ~g o~r 10% a~is~ation ~sts is consid~ ~usi~. J~et K~r - ask~ if ~ ha~ to ~e a 25% ~t, ~t ~uld ~ ~t. She r~d~ a ~astic ~ ~ ~e bud~t. She is l~k~g for a ~1 bud~t. ~ ~e p~lie he~g ~s clos~ as ~e~ ~ no ~er ~,~. ~87-31. ~e zon~g r~est for a 3.04 ZA 87-31 ac~ ~a~ of l~d out of ~e ~cis ~p ~y, ~st. 1511. ~a~ 1B3B. ~e ~r~t zon~g is ~i~l~al ~d ~e r~est is for ~e S~gle F~ly 1 zon~g Distil. Commissioner CI~Z OF Meeting Date: Time: Place: of the ~ecjular City Council August 18, 1987 7:30 p.m. City of Southlake, Council Chambers 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas Page 5 of 10 Index Wooll Springer Curry Stacy McMahan Wooll Springer Curry Stacy McMahan Wooll Springer C~ y Stacy McMahan Wooll Springer Curry Stacy McMahan After discussion, Motion was made to approve ZA87-31, which is the 1st reading for Ordinance #334-16. ZA87-24. The final plat for McPherson Place Addition was approved as presented. Motion was made and approval given. Curry asked if the items in Cheatham's letter were cu,~lied with. The answer was yes. ZA87-25. The final plat for Heritage Industrial Park was discussed. Grapevine/Hwy 26 Joint Venture are the developers for the project. Bill LeGrand stated the staff rec~',,~nds approval of the final plat. Motion was made to approve ZA87-25 provided the Cheat_ham letter of July 31, 1987 conditions have been met. Motion and second withdrawn. Motion was made and seconded to approve the plat. Motion w-as approved. ZA 87-24 ZA 87-25 Wooll Springer Curry Stacy McMahan Wool] Springer Curry Stacv Mc~ tn The Developers Agreement for Heritage Industrial Park was approved. It was noted that there w-as a deviation to the stana~d' ,, agreement with the railroad crossing. The Site Plan for Lot 1 Blk A North Davis Business Park. Bill LeGrand stated there are no problems with the site plan and the Cheatham letter has been cu,~lied with. Motion was made and approval given. ieritage Par Developers Agreement Site Plan North Davis Business Par Lot 1,Block ~ommissioner Wooll Springer Curry Stacy McMahan cITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES of the Regular City Council Meeting Date: Time: Place: August 18, 1987 7:30 p.m. City ofSouthlake, Council Chambers 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas Page 6 of 10 Index The Site Plan for Lot 2B Blk A Gorbutt Addition was presented. Bob Miron, owner, made a presentation of the plat. He stated that the Miron Addition and the Gorbutt Addition will soon be "married" into one addition and that he will be bringing in a plat soon. After discussion Motion was made and approval given to the final site plan subject to the Cheatham letter of August 12, 1987 being cc~plied with. A discussion was held on Ord. ~362. Animal Control. Mayor Wester~lm' explained t_hat this is a c~rehensive Ord. It was suggested that a new ordinance be drawn cc~bining all three animal control ordinances. It was established that the draft does replace ordinance #254 and Ordinance #354. Counci/member Curry suggested that wa stay with what wa have until we can coordinate with the DuMontiers of the Humane Society. Discussion was held on Ord. $363. Parliamentary Procedures. Mayor Westerholm noted that Council has reviewed four examples of parliamentary procedures. Each example will have to be coordinated with the City Charter. Mayor Westerholm stated that items 2.11 of the Hcme Rule Charter says scme procedures should be identified. After discussion, Councilmember Curry and Wooll are to work together and rec~,,,~nd a separate draft of procedtu~s for City Council, Board of Ad just:nents and Planning and Zoning Cu~,~Jssion. Site Plan Gorbutt Lot 2,Block2 Ordinance #362 Discussion Ordinance #363 Discussion CI~ OF SOUTF~, ~ ~ of the P~ular City Council oz 5~=eting ~ Date: Aug%~t 18, 1987 o ~- Time: 7:30 p.m. ~ u~ ~ Place: City of Southlake, ~%~ncil o = z C~a~rs ~ ~ ~ ~ o 667 N. Carroll Ave. ~ ~ ~ Southlake, ~_~as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- Pag~ 7 of 10 C0mmi ssi 0her Index P~solution 87-60 was discussc~ adopting Pes. 87-60 an ex~'L~otion for d/sabled l~rsons. O~ sabl ed CouncilOr Stacy e~plained how t~s Excemption · ~=quest c~me a~t. ~st year Council approved a $50,000 ex~tion for - Hc~est~ad over 65. A~cording to the ~solution, a $50,000 ex~tion for disabl~ 1~rsons is being considered. C~rrently we have four disabled I~rsons c~ our tax roll. Woo] ] ! Motion was made to al~pz~rme P~solution Springer 87-60. Motion wes seconded. C, '~y Mayor'Westerholm asked for the definition S ~ -y x of disabled. McMahan x (wit~drawl McMahan withd_~ew his second. W0011 Springer Motion was made to auprove Resolut/on 87- Curry 60 with t_~ san~ stilm~lation for Stacy x disability as the County. ~ne ~otion di~ McMahan for lack of a second. W0ol 1 x Motion was made to table until ~pte~ Springer x 1, 1987, giving the City Attorney tin~ ~ Curry x x define disabled ~rson. Stacy x McMahan x x Resolution 87-62, authorization to .expend. funds to z~_habilitate '~¢nite (~aI~l Bl~d. ~es. 87-62 from ~ 114 to ~ve Rd., and F~st Dove qesurface Rd fr~ ~ite (~al~l Blvd. to Carroll Ave. Rhite Chapel \ East Dove CouncilOr C~ explained the reasons for the r~est for Resolution 87-62. He feels it w~uld be cost effective to ~ ahead and rehabilit~te the round, cay. Councilme~r 'Wooll stated he does not see a written Resolution and fume. r, he does not see the ex~ u/~3ency. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS z 5~IAW3T~S of the Recjular City Cou~cil o Meeting ~ Date: August 18, 1987 o ~ Tia~: 7:30 p.m. ~ w ~ Place: City of Southlake, Council w ~ w c~ o 667 N. Carroll Ave. ~ ~ ~ Southlake, Texas ~ u~ ~ o o Page 8 of 10 2ommi ssioner Index CouncilOr Stacy said it is timely to do the rehabilitating now and w~ plan to spend 12 to 15 thousand to patch in the next ~nth - he feels we should go ahead and resurface. City M~nager, Lloyd Latta stated that at this time, we do not have funds to do the ~rk. Bill LeGrand stated, ~en asked~ we are talking a~ut se~ai-eontracting the project with staff also working on it. McMahan added we are not talking about funding in this fiscal lear, W001I Curry n~ to adopt P~solution 87-62 Springer authorizing the City M~anager to contract Curry x for u~ading of ~¢nite C~apel Blvd. frown Stacy x Hw-y 114 to Dove Rd. and East Dove Rd. McMahan frc~a White C~apel Blvd. to Carroll Ave., also authorizing h~m to negotiate with the contractor to defer payn~-nt until next fiscal year, if not possibly to obtain a short term loan not to exceed $60,000. Mayor'Westerholm asked the City Attorney, Ken Wippel, if council bas the right to take the action. His reply w-ds that Council is acting in their legal capacity to do what they have stated in the ·otion. 'We are not spending next years funds but~. amending this lear budget. Councilmember Wooll referred to Section 9.34 of the City Cb~rter on borrowing ~ney. W00]l x Motion w-as ~de and approval given to Springer x ~solution 87-62. Cu x x Stacy x x McMahan x CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES of the Regular City Council Z o Meeting ~ Date: August 18, 1987 oz ~° Time: 7:30 p.m. ~- w ~ Place: City of Southlake, Council ~ ~ ~ Chambers u~ ~ ~ ~ o 667 N. Carroll Ave. ~ ~ _ Southlake, Texas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- Page ? of 10 '.0mmi $ $ ~ 0net ! ndex Ordinance #334-10 zoning request for ~00]] × x Ravenaux Addition was discussed. Bill 0~di~ance Sp~Jnge~ x LeGrand stated that the owner ' Wayne Lee #334-10 Surly x indicated he wanted the it~ withdrawn, Rave~aux Stacy x x ho%~ver, staff did not receive the McMahas x request. Motion was made to table until ti~ certain September 1, 1987. Department Reports: City Manager stated we have had several emergency medical calls on the IBM site to date. Also, that in a 12 hour period, last Saturday, we sold over 2 million gallons of water and that we have brought our wells on line. Public Forum: Linda Morgan - asked why agenda item #13 was deleted frcm tonights agenda. She also questioned the proposed site for the · 5 million gallon water tower. She stated she does not have adequate pressure on Morgan Rd. in ~ Vista. Gary Traver - He stated he was disappointed in Council action tonight - c~,%'.~ttin~ next years budget. He ag~=ed with saving money but does not agree with the way it was done. He feels the proper thing to do is wait until next year. A.L. Shuping - Be is concerned that Shady Oaks is one of the worst streets in Southlake but it has never been fixed, only patched. He w-ants Council to work on Shady Oaks. ]ommissioner Wooll Springer Curry S y Mc,,,ahan CI~ O~ MINUTES Meeting Date: Time: Place: SOUTHZAKE, TEXAS of the Regular City Council August 18, 1987 7:30 p.m. City of Southlake, Council (~ambers 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas Page 10 of 10 Index Councilmember Springer - She wants it in the record that she does not intend to pay a penalty on the contract for road Co'uncilmember Wooll asked what will Council do about taking bids for road repair. Bill LeGrand answered, we have taken bids for asphalt for FY87 projects. Motion was made and approved for adjournment. ~ ~ 'Sa~d~a L. Le~rand City Secretary