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~ME OF 3UNCI LPERSON CITY OF isoUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: AUGUST 4,1987 TIME: 6:00 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: i INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Charles Curry, Rick Stacy, Jim Wooll, and Betty Springer. COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Mayor; Johnny Westerholm and David ~cMahan. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager; Lloyd O'. L.atta Jr. Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand, Police Chief; Jerry Crowder, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney; John Boyle. INVOCATION: Betty Springer. Curry Stacy Wooll Springer Mayor Pro Tem, Charles Curry called the regular City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. He explained that the public hearing session will begin at 7:00 p.m. sharp, whether or not we have finished with the other'agenda items. He encouraged all persons t that want to speak during the public hearings in regards to .annexations, to please sign up on the sheets pro- vided. The 8:00 p.m. public hearing will be held after the 7:00 p.m. public hearing. The Minutes of the July 21,1987 City Council meeting were approved as presen led. \ Curry stated that there will be no Mayors Report at this time. He explain ed that items #4 and #14 will be with- drawn from tonights agenda. Agenda items #S, #7, #8, #10, #11, #1S will be considered for consent agenda. The items include: and $. Resolution 87-56. Approving the absendes of Councilp~rson McMahan. 7. Ordinance No. 334-12. Zoning IBM Property. 2nd reading. ~ME OF )UNC I LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: August 4,1987 TIME: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAK£ TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX Curry Stacy Wooll Springer Curry Stacy Wooll Springer 8. Ordinance No. 334-11. Zoning Kidwell Addition. 2nd reading. 10. Ordinance No. 334-13. Special Use Permit for Equestrian Riding Stables. 2nd reading. 11. Ordinance No. 334-14. Special Use Permit for Equestrian Riding Stables. 2nd reading. 15. Ordinance No. 360. Public Records. lsZ reading. Motion was made and approval given to the consent agenda items. The captions were read by Mayor Pro Tem Curry at this time for ordinances approved in the consent agenda. Ordinance 334-12. Ordinance 334-11. Ordinance 334-15. Ordinance 334-14. Ordinance 360. IBM Zoning; ZoningKidwell Addn. Special Use'Permit Equestrian Center. Special Use Permit Equestrian Center. Public Records. Resolution 87-57 authorizing the acceptance of the low bid for Painting and Sandblasting the ground storage :water tank at Bicentennial Park was idiscussed. City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr., asked that Council consider the low bid of :$14,483. by Corrosion Eliminator, pro- ,vlded they qualify with bonds and etc. Second iow bid was Alfred & Sons Construction, for a bid price of $16,595. Motion was made and approval given for Resolution 87-57. RESOLUTI( 87-57 Ordinance No. 334-10, second reading )RDINANC! onthe,Zoning for Ravenaux Addition was .-10 discussed. .ME OF ~UNC I LPERSON Curry Stacy Wooll Springer Curry Stacy Wooll Springer Curry Stacy Wooll °~ringer CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS" MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: August 4,1987 TIME: 6:00 p,m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 3 INDEX Motion was made and approval given to table the item until the next regular city council meeting. Ordinance No. 334-15, Special Use Permit for the Selwyn School was con- sidered for 2nd reading. It was noted that four persons signed u~ to speak for this item, they include: Peggy Bouh, John Moore, Lynn Grameon and John Doncaster. They did not speak however, as Mr. John Boyle, City attorney stated he had outlined in a memorandum, the conditions of this item, in that the motion was made and approved at the last City Council meeting to consider with "no discussion The caption of Ordinance No. 334-15 was read by Curry. Motion was made and approval given to Ordinance No. 334=15. The site plan for Selwyn Private School was reviewed. John Moore made a presentation in behal of the school. Bill keGrand stated all items in the Cheatham review letter have been cleare A Disclaimer and Hold Harmless Agree- ment signed by Dr. John Doncaster for the sch'Qol was read and is apart of the record. Motion was made and approval given for a Special Use Permit for Selwyn Private School, noting it incorporates an avigation release and that the drive- way be of "dust-free" material to the satisfaction of the city staff. Councilperson Springer asked that the record reflect her comment. "I truly welcome Selwyn School to Southlake but I do not feel it is an appropriate location". ORDINANC] NO, 334-~ SITE PLA SELWYN SCHOOL ,ME OF )UNC I LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regu]ar CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DATE: August 4,1987 TIME: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 4 INDEX Curry Stacy Wooll Springer Curry Stacy Wooll Springer Curry Stacy Wooll Springer Ordinance No. 361, High Weeds was ORDINANCI discussed. It is an ordinance in NO. 361 regards to the control of high weeds. Mr. Boyle read the caption which re- flects an emergency. Mayor Pro Tem Curry stated it is being considered ~ an emergency due to the d~y season and the fire hazard and in areas the high weeds are creating a visibility problem at intersections. Motion was made to approve as an emergency. The motion was approved~ City Manager, Lloyd Latta, presented FISCAL the FY88 Budget. The budget reflects 1988 a total of $2,658,176~ in General Fund BUDGET and $1,849,597. for Water Fund for a total of $4,507,573. He is recommending a tax rate of 34.56, per $100. assessed valuation. He noted that the first work session will be held on August 10, at 7:00 p.m The bills presented, were approved for payment. The sponsorship to a beauty pagent was dis,cussed. \ Motion was made and approval given that the question of sponsorship to pagents be referred to the Parks Commission for a policy recommendation. Council meeting was recessed until 7:00 p.m. for the first public hearing on the annexation of territory by the City of Southlake. ~fE OF )UNCI LPERSON CITY OF 'SOUTltLAKE, TEXAS MI.NUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. ' DATE: August 4,1987 TIME: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTNLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: $ INDEX The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Curry. He stated that our City Attorney, compiled questions and answers that are to be handed out. Curry stated that in Tract 25, the Massey property is not eligible for annexation at this time due to the fact that it was disannexed from the city in 1984 and that it cannot be re-annexed for a period of $ years according to state law. Councilperson Wooll stated that the purpose of the public hearing is for th Council to hear and understand what the people have to say about the rather than the council answering their questions. Curry stated the service plans' that will affect property will be available through the City Managers office. MAYORS REPORT Councilperson Stacy stated he had received approval of 4 out of S signal lights on FM 1709. He has followed up with the State Highway Department to find that all $ signal lights have been approved and will be installed in November as it is a top priority. They have already done engineering studies and will be using existing stock materials, and are moving out on all S of the signals. ANNEXATION PUBLIC HEARING- 7:00 P.M. Willard Witt- #10 Our Lane. He does not want to be annexed into Southlake. David.Conn- #15 Sutton Place. They do not feel Southlake will be giving them anything. All we want is tax dollars, tie does not want to be ME OF UNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTltLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: August 4,1987 TIME: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 6 INDEX ~atsy Leiman- # 2 Sutton Place. She lived in Southlake and was displeas ed and moved out. She does not want back in Southlake again. Roy Leiman- #2 Sutton Place. He is in total opposition to being annexed. The literature left ques- tions uhanswered. Robert Linky- #5 Straight Court. Section 20. Opposed, Wants to stay in County. Question of zoning of individual tracts was brought up. Who will make determinations. Section 21. He has industrial use on it. R.E. Smith- 300 Timber Trail. He owns two tracts of land. They want to stay in County area. He h~s all Keller services, and does not feel Southlake can help him at all,. but if they could get sewer, good streets and be closer to a fire hall, it' would benefit him. Everett Nordby. Sutton Place. He doesn't think he would gain much in Southlake, does not want to be annexed. B.J. Nelson- 127 Peytonville Avenue. Section 21. He is happy like he is and doesn't think Southlake can offer him much. He does not need fire protection, police or city services. He has his own water well. Scott Carter- Attorney for Bill Spivy. Section 19. His client is dissatisfie¢ with the manner in which the City of Southlake is seeking to annex property into Southlake. Their position is thai Southlake is entitled to annex 10% of the total incorporated area that exist. ed on January 1,1987. Southlake has no excess areas that can be carried forward pursuant to V.T.A.S. Article 970A, further, their opinion i~ U~iE OF ]UNCI LPERSON CITY OF .SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: August 4,1987 TIME: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 7 INDEX that you cannot have two public hearings in one night. It is a viola- tion of Article 970A. We are leaving them no alternative but to seek help from the court. His clients will not allow their land to be annexed except under strick compliance with the law. Joy Cla~k- P.O. Box 8, Roanoke. Section 18. She does not want to be iff Southlake. The city is trying to grow t~ fast- it is an injustice to them and to citizens already in the city. Bill Spivy- Rt. 1 Box 162, Roanoke. He has petition with almost 200 names which express desires that they do not want to be apart of the city. He had numerous questions. Very con- cerned over assessments, roads, water, etc. Police officers- what education is each officer. A.M. Franks- Rt. 5 Box 128 He does not need Southlake. C.M. Foster- 560 S. Peytonville Avenue. Section 12. Does not want to be annexed. He feels we only are interest ed in his tax money. T.L. Newsom- Rt 1 Box 220, Roanoke. He does not want any part of Southlake. He stated, "He is an old man and will not live long enough to pay our darn taxes".~ David Winters- 1220 Timberline Court. He did not come to ask questions, he came for answers. At that time, some one from the audienc called help, a gentleman had become ill. Mayor,Pro Tem Curry asked that the meeting adjourn until the matter was taken care of. He asked that the council chambers be cleared to give ~ME OF 3UNC I LPERSON Curry Stacy Wooll ~pringer Curry Stacy Wooll Springer Curry Stacy Wooll Springer CITY OFSOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE . R~eular MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: CITY COUNCIL August 4,1987 6:00o .m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 8 INDEX room for the fire department to help the individual. The time was approxi- mately 8:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened with an announce ment from Mayor Pro Tem Curry. Someone' from the audience asked for a'few minutes of silent prayer for Mr. T.L. Newsom who apparently had a heart-attack during the meeting. Motion was made to continue the public hearing on August 20,1987 at 7:30 p.m. at the J.D. Johnson Elementary School, 1200 N. Carroll Avenue. Motion was approved. Motion was made to continue the second public hearing on August 27,1987 at 7:30 p.m. also to be held in .the J.D. Johnson Elementary School, 1200 N. Carroll Avenue. Councilperson Wooll led the audience in prayer for Mr. Tom Newsom. Motion was made and approval given to adjourn the meeting. ayor Pro Tem, Cha les~y City Secretary SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE 7 : 00 P.M. ANNEXATION PUBLIC HEARING ljli441 CITY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE REMARKS USE U1 {c ) €e,�1 C , A�, la-� (Q . Pam. u �� �a 1 Let Liss- Z tel L,v ;6L. V_e rYtiSa, I Z 9 ' ?,04, ji ) I < 4 -I I 3 5, o LCam- ; h, t,e , - AzzLe-e-= 117 4 n,( .2(i( XeA‘ , (57 - 0 110 q&/ , 7 o _ .6 �'J ��I> it _ Z, /`moo.�-� �- ieL/ 61/7 Heiviet- o /i) 7n 0 o2,,,_a orro w /fL (2/ ?g 3 ce/60°r /4 Weith62 4.C74-46,-0-"V7 /67C5-4-/-(-7 457 oavt4./2-. ci:7 9-5"'7 rp-a-e---91- , '/5: c71-t % /.alb^-/ G 'I i*/ I i /.1)/ Sia / J ,ICI?/d/ '5Ji /7 / /,/c.,,5i . 1)- , t-PLe4 ksi&' D . -1 x lzg a ia4 4 . -, - (C 4 A O e o Sr 41 C .'/ / Pt ( X $5 7a4 ` i /D /0 r /e - 1Aloa' R-/--/ ,e.0 A 70/.co-,, : / 2___ 2,z ./-- 0 71 v,ppcc 6-- "lz " ' 571 U i 1 7 i/411,2,0Q 11.e�/ . �3 /_3l'o3 way %6 " L,\,!. at, 4/ ,e 03,a/lek€ 37 f- ,� 1 f 1LL 1`\ V S u`)U-\ ( 11 No E� cN-I> flRA\) `is- -Olt 3 A,, ,--/ Gc cif/-)-7 3 f 7 SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE 7 : 00 P .M. ANNEXATION PUBLIC HEARING -1-1-741-7, (iJ /VV CITY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE REMARKS USE 0,J,,W `/^ �0I' I, a ix/ (0 329-i4 /a -7Zef-rze)a- az /7 54, -O 7 aik- t z iaLc2A1A-Z .,7.- 111i1 b/I) cv„, ) ,310/ -,v/ i?O ,,,,, ,,,g.s. , A) -- ac,,,,,,,,no , (, i r �v a) 5.4i d S �I! / 3o-c:),5-4 _ -z Q i z� r A 44/16(). r. . .,-- f.; ,16/2-6-01 ' - 0; / - /9( 74 ',E<q i d , -5 ,0 d 7 9 c" q /02 7 /�!,.,,, o,u v/i.e c-v v O S y r ' Ccrc CAP,it a. 4 L .;,74 At /--2D, ig(w (2 1))0,)/o-k(> - /-C/ 4 7-,e-ie E -c ill SPIIL\ g ( ,P x ((, V Ok 3/ - 75,2 S' �'E%iTi � i`)/20,, /A/)>FS a_. <M a `'n � -i4 cam,-.-k2_. 47ga;e_s /d a, / 8/Pm m ke ix 9 3 0--i C, ` f 5 6 c -5 f�2,-1 J('�u,-( q g I 7 5'7 1, / bi( kZ4 F/ a4...9La hi 0l //`7 7 &'z-�til /.2,2 377/7,et4 c- AP/'‘7/7 4/-7/e7" 7/ 2/2�� 1' `gam SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE 00 P .M. ANNEXATION PUBLIC HEARING al'41/44t 1)j 87 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE REMARKS CITY USE itll cc1v `/ kI ( &&X /62 it ctk f 9sr-28` ► oe / -7 4 ,J 4/vv 1 0 ©7 5- -t_&V/ - ..e e/ i -ol51.E g‘ e S_ , „1„ 4 `7.e 5�' 1 / gcv-il. /To op/ u4/(/ -, ,,, Af , 41-1177 2 2, p41 .,c , 1 , 43-e _/ f 8 PPas -4 gi 6X 5 7�a A 3 ) ID(C) . PI-- ( 6o > '.2 7 -,(4. S/-/6) 79 r a %_,,,,„.... .Z /6o ..¢- 4. -v-a-z,C_ 5�i- 2-7 3 V 1 , I�D.e- - �7 3 49. 1.DhclErl' o G 4p1 g6 9i6 c n .€ - i_ -- /() iiiryi,o,0�.� aA j - O 9 ) / i VAP--re- 614--// 1 ' { Cy' / t 4,-- 4,, /s ° 37 - .Cfsy 242, 3z1r��; .?.3 SOUTHLAKE INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING OF 300,000 GALLON (MOUND STORAGE TANK BIDDERS TOTAL BID Randy's Sandblasting & Painting $ Apex Tank & Bridge Inc. $ 07 ?, COO , • Tank Sandblasting & Painting Contractors $ C & J Paint & Drywell $ Beverly Construction & Engineers, Inc. $ Texas Louisiana Tank Service $ _3 / 75 1. Blue Ribbon Linning & Painting $d2�, ,2C Hobbs Painting & Sandblasting, Inc. $ H & S Utilities Inc. $ /9) 9 9 O, Pittsburg Tank & Tower $ Travis Industrial Painters, Inc. $ / , 9 9- Odland Protective Coatings, Inc. $ I (/ Corrosion Eliminator 4 /?G , $ /43 1 i Ja c- r v r c.z - ,47111- seix-al I SOUTHLAKE INTERIOR & EXTERIOR t PAINTING OF 300,000 GALLON GROUND STORAGE TANK BIDDERS TOTAL BID Randy's Sandblasting & Painting $ Apex Tank & Bridge Inc. $ � two Tank Sandblasting & Painting Contractors $ C & J Paint & Drywell $ Beverly Construction & Engineers, Inc. $ Texas Louisiana Tank Service $ 75-s Blue Ribbon Linning & Painting $ ) ,2c c Hobbs Painting & Sandblasting, Inc. $ H & S Utilities Inc. $ / J 9 9 C7 Pittsburg Tank & Tower $ Travis Industrial Painters, Inc. $ /6, 9 9" Odland Protective Coatings, Inc. $ Corrosion Eliminator J /7C / $ / #k i = „... L 1 City of Southlake Duthia - INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: July 24 , 1987 FROM: Lloyd 0. Latta Jr . City Manager TO: SUBJECT: June Revenue & Mayor Westerholm Expenditure Reports City Councilmembers Attached are Revenue Reports and Expense Reports thru June 30 , 1987 . Please note they are in the old format , as my ability to get them into the work processor is on vacation. Please accept my apology for changing gears with you, but July report will be in the regular simple format we have been using . LOL/sl