1987-07-21NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: July 21,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Johnny H. Westerholm, Charles Curry, Betty Springer, David McMahan, Jim Wooll and Rick Stacy. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Gary Fickes. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager; Lloyd O. Latta Jr. Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Police Chief; Jerry Crowder, City Engineer; Mike Monroe and City Attorney; Ken Dippel. INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm. The Mayor called the meeting to order. The Minutes of the July 7,1987 City Council meeting were approved as corrected. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Westerholm reported the City has been asked to participate along with Maguire/Thomas Partners, and the Perot Group for the discussion befor~ the Texas State Highway Comm- ission concerning the Highway 114 Improvements Project. The buses will be leaving at 6:00 a.m. on the morn- ing of July 29. If anyone is interesl ed in going, please let the city know and they will make arrangements for you. There is no cost to the citizens. Westerholm stated in regards to an issue that came up during the last City Council meeting, regarding land use around the noise cones of the airport, we have a significant amount NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: July 21,1987 TIME: ?:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX of land being affected and we need to make some decisions in regards to the use of the land. He has asked individuals to serve on a task force and bring information back to him, so that he can relay this information on to Council, Committees and City Staff. Virginia Clow, Joe Bentley, Pam Muller and Joe'L. Wright have agreed to serve Westerholm would like to have a good set of perimeters at this point so we can deal with the issues as they come up. Councilperson McMahan stated that the City has been approached to partici- pate in a sponsorship for a young lady to compete in the "Miss Texas ITeenager" beauty pagent. Kerry Kruga~ iwho recently won the Miss Southlake Sweetheart contest for 14-16 year olds at the CityFest is making the request. McMahan asked the item to be placed on the August 4, City Council agenda as a consideration item. Southlake Council has been working with the State Highway Department on the alignment of FM1709 as it comes through the City of Southlake from 1-55 to the junction at Highway 114. At the present time, there was some question about the intersection of White ~hapel Road and FM1709 because of the two churches and the cemetary at that corner. The State Highway Department has come up with what they call "alignment C". which basicly provides for a retainer wall in that particular area. They have asked the City to look at it and evaluate the plan. Westerholm polled Council so that we could inform S.H.D. and they could go ahead with the plan. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON · CITY OF MINUTES MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL July 21,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 3 INDEX Council had no problem with informing the S.H.D. to proceed with plans. Stacy added that the S.H.D. indicated they will start construction at Wall Street bridge and work west and the project will take from 18-20 months after they start construction. The work will be done in one mile sections at a time. It is not certain when they will start. Resolution 87-54 reaffirming the urgency of a traffic signal at FM1709 and Peytonville Avenue was discussed. Westerholm referred to the July 15 letter from the S.H.D. as a follow-up of our letter back in June 1986, whet( we requested certain traffic signali- zation to be done on FM1709. Signalization requests resulted in a good response on Pearson, North Car- roll Avenue, White Chapel Blvd and FM1938, however, they felt they did not have adequate traffic count to place a signal at Peytonville Avenue at this time. Stacy stated the traffic count on FM1709 is more than adequate to justify a signal however, the traffic on the cross-street must also be adequate in order for signals to be authorized. He suggested we prepare a resolution tO send back to S.H.D. asking them to reconsider the signal at Peytonville Avenue before school starts. They have not given us a time table as to when they plan to install the signals. McMahan asked if there was any type program where the city might pay for the installation and lights and where we might be reimbursed by the S.H.D. at a later date so that we NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll ~ahan springer Curry 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE R~~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: July 21,1987 TIME: ?:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 4 INDEX might put the lights in, in an expedi- tious manner. Stacy noted three major areas of ex- pense; (1) engineering (2) materials and (3) labor. If the city were willing to participate in at least one major area, it will put us ahead of other areas ~hat are competing for th~ funds. He will check it out and see what dollars we are talking about. Motion was made to approve Resolution 87-54. Consideration was given to a request CITY made by Mayor Westerholm, for the Cit~ Staff to maintain City Vehicle MileaglMILEAGE Logs during the month of July. LOGS Motion was made to not require City Vehicle Mileage Logs. Motion withdrawn. After lengthy discussion, motion was made to rescind the directive dated June 18, from Mayor Westerholm to the City Manager and let the City Manager decide if he wants to with- draw his memo of June 22, to the City Staff. A copy of the memoran- dum's are attached to the minutes. ReconSideration was given to the action taken on ZA 87-18 at the July 7,1987 City Council meeting.. The request was for a Special Exception Use Permit for a private school. ZA Motion was made to with no discussion. given~ reconsider ZA 87-1: Approval was 87-18 NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEkAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: July 21,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTNLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry McMahan Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curr ZA 87-18. A request for a Special Exception Use Permit for a private school was considered. The property is located in the A.H. Chivers Survey, Abstract 299, Tract 4H. Applicant: Selwyn School, Inc. * See Page 8 bot- tom. Motion was made to approve ZA 87-18 with no discussion. Approval was given. Mayor Westerholm asked that the minutes reflect that Rick Stacy stepp- ed down for ZA 87-18 on July 7, but that he did not step down for ZA 87-1~ on this date. Councilperson Stacy stated in reply that he did step down'at the last Cit' Council meeting, however, he did not own the property. He owns the adjoining property. ZA 87-16. A replat of Lots 23,24,25 Block A, and Lots 18, 19, Block B, Quail Creek Estates, making Lots 1,2,3,4, Block C and Lots 1-8, Block D, Quail Creek Estates, Section II. was discussed. Mr. B.H. Buchanan, owner and develop~ was present and answered questions. He stated that in the Cheatham letter dated June 18, he took exception with the road requirements. Motion was made to approve the preliminary plat. Motion withdrawn. Gary Travers stated he was opposed at the P & Z meeting, but he has changed his position on the plat with stipulations. He stated erosion is a problem in the subdivision. Motion was made and approval given to the preliminary plat as submitted. ZA 87-18 ZA 87-16 NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF'SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS' 'MINUTES MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL July 21,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 6 INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry ~acy oll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry tacy ~ooll McMahan Springer Curry Councilperson Wooll agenda items #9 and interest. stepped down for #11. Vested The request for Site Plan approval of IBM Addition #1, Lot 3 was discussed. Motion.was made and approval given for Lot 3, Site Plan, provided it is in compliance with the July 14, Cheatham review letter. Ordinance No. 334-12, 1st reading Was held on the zoning change for IBM property. Mayor Westerholm read the caption of the ordinance. Motion was made and approval given to Ordinance No. 334-12. The Site Plan for Lot 2, North Davis Business Park was considered. Terry Sisk was present and answered questions for the Council. He presented a corrected copy of the plat reflecting changes as outlined in June 30, Cheatham review letter. Motidn was made and Site Plan for Lot 2, Business Park. approval given for North Davis The second reading was held on Ordinance No. 358, Establishing the Office of Local Registrar. Mayor Westerholm read the caption of the ordinance. Approval was given as per motion to approve the ordinance. A discussion was led by Jim Wooll on a mission for the Citizens Select IBM SITE PLAN ORDINANC~ NO. 334-1 SITE PLA5 NORTH DAVIS BUS PARK ORDINANC! NO. 358 AME OF OUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: 3uly 21,1987 TIME: 7:50 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SDUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 7 INDEX Committee. He stated this issue was raised in public forum at the last City Council meeting. A discussion was held in regards to what is an appropriate mission for the group. It was established that this is a standiBg committee. The City Secre- tary is to ascertain the active m~mbership of the committee and if there are vacancies, fill the committe with applications and issue them a challange. Jim Martin stated he has a problem with the way committee members are selected. He feels they should be people who have been involved with the platting process in the city. Mayor Westerholm stated he f~els Mr. Martin has some valid comment, s. This item should be on the next agenda, we should fill vacancies and at that time have a charge for the committee. Stacy Wooll "cMahan pringer Curry Industrial Development Bonds was ex- plained by Councilperson Rick Stacy. He feels the city can benefit by hav- ing the Industrial Development Bonds. Councilmembers indicated they were interested in having Stacy look into the issue further and schedule a presentation for a future council meeting. The Department reports were discussed The bills presented, were approved for payment. AME OF 0UNCI LPERSOb CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING, DATE: July 21,1987 TIME: 7:30~:~.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, §67 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 8 INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Public Forum Aloha Payne stated tonight she saw "obvious head in the sand voting". She asked Mr. Stacy a question and was advised that all questions should be directed at the entire council. Motion was made and to adjourn the m royal given Mai°r 'Sandra~~/~'~'L. Le'Grald City Secretary .m From page 5, first paragraph. Let the record show that the follow- ing person signed up to speak for this ~genda item, but did not speak due to'the motion. Joe Dealey . 011 The Selwyn School rr 3137% JUL 1 �, 1987 3333 University Drive West OFFICE OF Denton, Texas 76201 CITY SECRETARY Q, (817)382-6771 xJ` JOHN D. DONCASTER HEADMASTER July 13, 1987 The City Council c/o Sandy LaGrange, City Secretary Southlake City Hall Southlake, Texas 76092 Members of Council: Following Council's recommendation that we make an accurate assessment of the potential aircraft noise problem at our proposed school at Southlake, Mrs. Valetutto, the Director of the School, and I, observed takeoffs and landings at a comparable distance from the ends of the north- south runways. Date: Friday, July 10, 1987. Time: 6:15-7:15 p.m. Wind: Southerly, 15-20 m.p.h. Location - landings: Parking lot of Airport Hilton, App. 3 mi. north of end of runway Time: 6:15 - 6:35 p.m. Seven landings from directly overhead were observed: (3) DC 9's, (1) 727, (1) 737 and (1) 747. Normal conversation was continued and the landings caused no significant distraction. Would probably have been unnoticed indoors. Location - takeoffs: On former Greater Southwest Airport, App. 3 mi. south of end of runway Time: 6:45 - 7:02 p.m. Eleven takeoffs directly overhead were observed (about one every 90 seconds - probably as dense at ATC will allow) : (7) DC 9's, (2) 727's, (1) DC 10, (1) 767. While the noise on takeoff was significantly louder that that on landing and could affect conversation outdoors, we do not feel it would be a problem indoors, especially since takeoffs to the northwest are unlikely to take place more than 4-5 days a month, and most of the students' time is spent indoors. ZA87-18 Page 2 July 17 , 1987 The critical aspect of a zoning case, however, is that State law requires two (2) public hearings , one before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the other before the City Council . Once the public hearings have been conducted and closed they cannot be reopened without satisfying the statuto- ry notice requirements . Consequently if the Council votes to reconsider the ordinance, there should be absolutely no discussion of the case by either the audience or the City Council unless the case is readvertized and a new public hearing is scheduled. It is my opinion that the City Council could vote to reconsider ZA87-18 and then either vote to approve the ordinance rezoning the property on first reading with- out any discussion whatsoever or vote to call another public hearing. Once a zoning ordinance is passed, it cannot be recon- sidered without going through the entire rezoning proce- dure again. Although this procedure is valid, I would caution the City Council to consider it sparingly and only promptly after the original vote was taken because of the impor- tance of the public hearings . If either a substantial amount of time elapsed or any discussion at all took place , it could be argued that the public hearing re- quirements, which requirements are jurisdictional, had been violated. If there are any questions, please advise. Sincerely, HUTCHISON PRICE BO BROOKS John F. Boyle, . JFB/kb City of Southiake Duthla Mayor: Johnny H.Westerholm July 17 , 1987 Councilmembers: Jim Wooll Betty Springer Mayor Johnny H. Westerholm Charles Curry Rick Stacy Members of the Southlake City Council David C. McMahan City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta, Jr. City Secretary, Sandra LeGrand City Manager: Lloyd O. Latta,Jr. RE: Reconsideration of ZA87-18 City Secretary: Sandra L. LeGrand Dear Mayor Westerholm, Members of City Council, City Manager, Lloyd Latta, City Secretary, Sandra LeGrand: During the last meeting of the City Council, held on the 7th day of July 1987 , the City Council considered the above described zoning case . After the public hearing was called, there was discus- sion of the case. A motion to approve was presented and that motion failed by a vote of 2 to 3 . There was no motion to deny offered. The matter has been placed on the agenda for the meet- ing of July 21 , 1987 for the council to reconsider the previous action taken. I have been requested to review this matter and advise the Mayor and City Council as to the alternatives , if any, that are available relative to this zoning case. The City Council has adopted no procedural rules , ac- cording to City Secretary, Sandra LeGrand, that address this question. The City Council has not adopted Rob- erts Rule of Order. Most legislative bodies, that are governed by rules , require motions to reconsider be made by a party on the prevailing side. This makes sense because, generally, if no one changes his or her vote the vote remains unchanged. The City Council may adopt whatever rules it desires and is not precluded from reconsidering the matter. 667 North Carroll Avenue• Southlake, Texas 76092 • (817) 481-5581 AFFIDAVIT OF INTEREST THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, in and f r s.04 State of Texas, on this day personally appeared - _ . _ , who after being by me duly sworn, did on oath St O that he as an interest, as described below, in Agenda Item No. .ZYY/of the - .A,L.. . _ _ - , , 198 , City Council Agenda, as described be ow, and that i executing this Affidavit of Interest and shall refrain from any vote or decision thereon, all as required by Article 988b, Texas Civil Statutes Annotated: Agenda Item: <.. .-,5f f Lf .. _�'n2 _ _ _ . .' /- -- -/�o,�,�,/,/ - .. . _ _ _ _ . .// -- _ - _ ..e,_,4)/,‘_ . -Y4 - - //t_d"."A-2..--_, .. . _ . - - _ _ _ Interest Disclosed: . - ..t.,i 47Z. _ _ _612. _ _& .CI1_.� ..(/ .S/7,01 - fi4i_ _ `L: , �. : . _ Signature of Elected or Appointed City Official of the City of South- lake, Texas. GIVE UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _ .. .. . /. . . _ . . . day of 19 . ..� - 4,11(}4XleC/g/Lei .- - - NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 2-4-89 Filed with me, this the .. .. _ )_ . - .. _ _day of . . . . , 19 . 4/at - 7... J. - . . o'clock p.m. r 7,(1_6k_../4,4d. ,,,, City Secretary, City of Southlake Having now studied the matter we feel that the matter of aircraft noise does not present a potential nuisance to us and we are quite prepared to sign a waiver to the City Council and/or the Airport Board indicating that we will not hold either body liable in any way for noise control in the area. Problems of noise control for us mean those associated with kids screaming and yelling. I might add that when, in the future, we construct additional buildings we would expect to build them according to any acoustical code suggested or mandated by the City of Southlake. With very many thanks for your concern and devotion to the needs of the City of Southlake, Sincerely, John D. Doncaster Headmaster JDD/am City of SJiithlake \,, ,........ INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: June 18 ,1987 TO: Lloyd 0 . Latta Jr . , City Manager c.c. City Councilpersons FROM: Johnny H. Westerholm, Mayor SUBJECT: Travel Data In order for the Council to evaluate vehicle use in the City, I am requesting that you survey the staff during ,the month of July through the use of a trip log to determine actual usage in official city business . This should include all private and city owned vehicles with the exception of the fire trucks and police cruisers . The data should include date , odometer reading (beginning & end) , total miles and purpose of the trip. Only if we can get an actual reading for a set period of time can a true determination of our needs be identified. Please do not imply that this is other than what it is - - - - an information gather- ing exercise for policy making decisions . If u av any ues " o is discuss . 4 i r n H W JH /sl MEMORANDUM DATE: June 22, 1987 TO: Chief Crowder Bill LeGrand Chief Steele FROM: Lloyd 0. Latta, Jr. SUBJECT: Travel Data The Mayor has requested the staff to record trip logs for all city owned vehicles and privately owned vehicles used in the accomplishment of official city business. Data is to be recorded during the month of July starting July 1st. and should record date, odometer reading (beginning and ending) , total miles and purpose of trip. A trip log must be kept and authenticated each night. This information is desired to enable council to evaluate vehicle use in the City. Data will be recorded on all vehicles with the exception of the fire trucks and the police patrol cruisers units 224, 225, 227, 228 and 229. The recording of this data must be taken seriously and every effort made to document valid data. Council wishes to use this data to make policy decisions and bad data will jeopardize the accomplishment of timely policy decisions. LOL/kb cc: Mayor Councilmembers 1 p grOc.77. .23 .1') 1, . r • • MI 1519e7 _ OFFICE O CITY SECRETARY COMMISSION STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ENGINEER-DIRECTOR ROBERT H. DEDMAN,CHAIRMAN AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION R.E.STOTZER,JR. ROBERT C.LANIER Post Office Box 6866RAY STOKER,JR. Fort Worth , Texas 76115 July 13, 1987 IN REPLY C E Subject : Request for traffic signals at the intersection of FM 1938 and FM 1709 Mr . Lloyd 0 . Latta City Manager City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake , Texas 76092 Dear Sir : Your correspondence of June 10, 1987 , requested the instal- lation of traffic signals at the intersection of FM 1938 and FM 1709 in Southlake . You also requested information on several other intersections . In response to your request , we have performed an engineering study of those intersec- tions and the results were as follows : FM 1709 at Pearson - This location met the MUTCD warrants and we will request authority to install a signal at that location. FM 1709 at Fm 1938 (Davis Blvd . ) - This location met the MUTCD warrants and we will request authority to install a signal at that location. FM 1709 at Peytonville Avenue - This intersection met the warrants for the Major Street ( FM 1709) , but did not meet the warrants for the minor street (Peytonville ) . We will count this intersection again after school starts to see if the anticipated additional traffic will permit satisfaction of the warrants . If the warrant is satisfied , we will recommend that a signal be authorized . FM 1709 at White Chapel Road - This location met the MUTCD warrants and we will request authority to install a signal at that location. FM 1709 at Carroll Avenue - This location met: the MUTCD warrants and we will request authority to install at that location. Page 2 July 10 , 1987 Mr . Lloyd 0. Latta Southlake, Texas The money that this district receives for traffic signal design , construction and maintenance is spread over the nine counties that we are responsible for . Decisions as to when a particular signal system is scheduled for installation is based upon prioritization of need and safety considerations for all the cities within these nine counties . We will make every effort to obtain approval of these signals on FM 1709 and if approval is granted , place those signals on the schedule for plans preparation. The State' s budget problems makes it difficult to predict when those signals will be installed . But rest assured that your- city will be afforded the same consideration as the other contenders for these funds . Your correspondence of June 5 , 1987 , requested permission for Mr . L . C. Tubb to donate the labor to install a signal system at FM 1938 and FM 1709 . We believe that we can obtain approval for such an arrangement . However , we would require that the Randol Mill intersection be included in that work . The final approval will depend upon Austin acceptance of the warrints and the availability of state materials . If I may be of further service in this matter , please contact me at 292-6510 extension 319. Sincerely , ZU4J9'Wallace E . 1 Senior Traffic Engineer WEE/sme 1 4 NEW TAPS •' 1955 JUNE TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH JUNE , 1987 GALLONS PUMPED THIS MONTH FROM WELLS 175 , 000 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 28 ,528 , 000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 30 ,479 , 000 NEW WATER TAPS INSTALLED 4 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 0 METER CHANGE OUTS 3/4"= 5 1"= 1 11-"= 2 3/4" to 1"= 1 2"= 0 4"= 0 LEAKS 2 PULLED METERS 0 LOCKED METERS 32 Customer request or Delinquent Payment PROCESSED WORK ORDERS 124 FLUSHED LINES N. CARROLL , BRITTAINY PLACE SEWER IMPACT FEES $ 1,500.00 TOTAL TO DATE $11 ,500.00 WATER IMPACT FEES $ 2 ,000 . 00 TOTAL TO DATE $14 .000 . 00 ql/A 5) WATER SUPERINTENDENT MONTHLY REPORT SEND REPORT TO: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF WATER HYGIENE WATER WORKS OPERATION FOR 1100 WEST 49th STREET AUSTIN,TEXAS 78756 GROUND WATER SUPPLIES (1) Name of System CITY OF SOUTHLAKE County TARRANT (la) Water System I.D. No. 2200075 Month of JUNE 19 87 Day Purrpage to Distribution System in Thousand Gals. (6) (7) (8) Taste (9) of (2)Direct I (3)From Gnd. (4)Purchased (5)Total Disinfection Corrosion and Odor Month from Wells Storage from Others Pumpage Control Control 1 0 964 . 0 964 . 0 _ 2 0 565 . 0 565 . 0 3 0 584 . 0 584 . 0 4 0 657 . 0 657 . 0 5 0 1 ,058 . 0 1 ,058 . 0 6 0 11,058 . 0 _1 ,058 . 0 7 0 1 ,058 . 0 1 ,058 . 0 8 0 624 . 0 624 . 0 9 0 I 569 . 0 569 . 0 10 0 571 . 0 571 . 0 , ll 0 839 . 0 839 . 0 12 0 509 . 0 509 . 0 13 0 509 . 0 509 . 0 14 0 , 1 ,030 . 0 1 ,030 . 0 15 0 487 . 0 487 . 0 16 0 711 . 0 711 . 0 17 0 852 . 0 852 . 0 18 0 864 . 0 864 . 0 19 0 1 , 553 . 0 1 , 553 . 0 20 0 806 . 0 806 . 0 21 0 481 . 0 481 . 0 22 0 975 . 0 975 . 0 23 0 1 .076 . 0 1 ,076 . 0 SAMPT,F.S - NEC:NTTVE 24 0 647 . 0 647 . 0 25. 0 2 .011 . 0 2 ,011 . 0 26 0 1 . 776 . 0 1 , 776 . 0 27 0 1 , 776 . 0 1 , 776 . 0 28 175 . 0 1 . 776 . 0 1 ,951 . 0 29 0 857 . 0 857 . 0 30 0 1 ,284 .0 1 ,785 . 0 31 Total 175 . 0 28 . 528 ,0 28 . 703 . f Avg. 5 . 83 950 . 9 951. 7 Max. 175 . 0 2 .011 . 0 2 ,011 . 0 Min. 0 481 . 0 481 . 0 No. of Active Water Services (10) 1955 Chemical Analysis (11) 11-8 3 Dates and Results of Bacteriological Analyses (12) 7 SAMPLES - NEGATIVE Reservoirs or Tanks Cleaned (13) 6-8 3 Dead Ends Flushed (14) N. CARROLL BURNEY LANE General Remarks (15) Submitted By (16) �� 2..-A _ Certificate No. (17) 454-29-3113 . FORM NO. N-3 MONTH June_, 1987 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PERMITS ISSUED: TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO . OF FEE Single Family 3 2 ,580. 00 -0- -0- Commercial Add-on -0- -0- 3 883 . 50 Commercial -0- -0- 1 744. 50 Additions/Accessory Bldg . 6 1 ,040. 50 8 1 , 140 . 50 Swimming Pools 5 864 . 00 6 1 ,009. 00 Misc . Sales 66 219. 10 66 182 . 00 Sub--Contractors : Electric 14 899.76 10 643 . 46 Plumbing 14 805. 50 22 1 ,095 .75 Heat/Air 6 450. 50 5 351. 00 Septic 7 420. 00 8 480.00 Culvert 4 455 . 00 1 65 . 00 Signs 2 100. 00 2 100.00 Other Fees 20 419. 00 23 365. 00 TOTAL 147 8 ,253 . 36 153 7 ,059. 71 BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: 54 ,630. 29 ********** * ** *** *************** * **** ***************** ****** ************** * IMPACT FEES : TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO . OF FEE LAST MO. OF FEE Road Impact 3 3 ,000.00T 1 1 ,000. 00 Year to Date Road Fees (CY 87) 24 ,300.00 Sewer Impact 3 1 ,500. 00 1 500. 00 Year to Date Sewer Fees (CY 87) 12 ,500. 00 **************************************************,************ *********** BUILDING VALUATION THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE Single Family 479 ,375.00 3 ,536 ,849 . 00 Commercial Add/on -0- 116 , 414 . 50 Commercial -0- 277 , 500.00 Additions/Accessory Bldg . 95 ,360. 00 467 ,240.00 Swimming Pools 77,740. 00 510 ,160.00 TOTAL 652 ,475. 00 4 ,908 ,163 . 50 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS: This Month 157 Last Month 166 Submitted by : i.) )7 4-4,5 , I A.,,. .e i T0: HCNCRAEL.E MAYOR AND CITY CCC CILPERSCNS SLBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of June 1987 For Yea A. Resronces: For Month to Dat€ 1. Structure Fires a. House-- --- ---------------- 0 ---- 6 -- b. Mobil pore-- - --- ---------------- 0 --- 0 -- c. Office-Buildings- 0 ---- 0 -- d. Retail-Restaurant- ---_---- - 0 --- 0 -- e. Factcr..-Industry.-, etc.----- — ------ 0 0 _- 2. Crass Firs--_ -----_--__---- ---------- 2 --- 8 -- 3. Auto Fires 0 3 4. Truck Fires --- ---_—___ 1 ---- 4 5. Auto Accident (Tire Z: Rescue Unit) ---- 8 --- 36 -. 6. Truck Accident (Fire & Rescue Unit)------------------------------- 7 -- - 13 7. Mutual-Aid for Cit- c. Gra^e.,-ire--_---.-------------------- 0 --- 6 _ - S. Mutual-Aid for City cf Co l l eyci l le---------- -_--- 0 9. Mutual-Aid for City cf Keller------------------------------------- 1 ---- 3 - 10. Mutual-Aid for Trophy Club--- ----__._ — - - 0 _—_ 0 - 11. Mutual-Aid for other Cities 0 1 - 12. Fire Calls in Westlake and ETJ Area - 0 1 - b. EMS Calls in Westlake and ETJ Area - — 0 3 - 13. Fire Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits)- 1 --- 13 - b. EYS Calls in Tarrnt County (outside city limits)— - 0 -- 11 - 14. Fire Calls in Denton County (outside city limits)-- - 2 ---- 2 - b. DE Calls in Denton County (outside city limits)------ — - 0 1 - 15. Fire Calls in IBM District ----------- 0 ---- 0 - b. El!S Calls in IBM District - - 0 ---- 0 - i For For Month Year to Da • 16 . False Alarms in City 2 19 17 . False Alarms in Tarrant County n :3 • 18 . False Alarms in Denton County 0 19 . False Alarms in Westlake and ETJ Area • 0 20 . False Alarms in IBM District 0 0 21 . Rescue Unit Calls 7 48 A. Burn Patient 2510 Greenbough Dr. B. Subject fell off trampoline 1511 E. Dove C. Deceased Patient 219 Westwood D. Battery ( car) blew up in face 1100 Blk of Northwest Hwy . E. Subject fell off bicycle 667 North Carroll F. Subject fell out of truck Skaggs parking lot G . Possible overdose 908 E. Conntinintal '' . Miscellane:u_ 7 52 A. Controll Burn 3001 Lake Dr. B. Controll Burn 1841 N. Sunshine C. Fire Alarm 924 Emerald Blvd. D. Controll Burn 2320 Johnson Rd. E. Gas Leak 425 Shady Ln . F. Controll Burn 1420 Whispering Dell Ct . G . Smoke Investigation 1695 E. Southlake Blvd. i . Z B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of June 38 C. Total Fire Loss Value (structure, vehicle, etc.) for the month -- 0 D. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours I 1. On Emergency Calls — 193 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting --- 250 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills- ----- 0 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenance (other than normal Maint. time)--- 0 E. Total Man Hours Expended for Month- -- 443 I F. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding 1 Chief Steele 17 Assistant Chief Barnes 18 Deputy Chief Brown 4 I Captain Fuller 14 Captain Tanner 2 Captain Stacy 5 I Firefighters Jerry Walsh 19 I Ricky Black 15 Kevin Hornick 12 Sheldon Leonard 16 Bill Hudson 23 Ron Stacy 0 Harry Bradley 2 James Stapleton 2 Mark Thomas 4 Chris Nottingham 9 Mike Nottingham 6 Brett Schuler 2 Richard Allen 20 Robbie Burgess 2 Tony Lemieux 13 Bobby Finn 16 Adam Niemiroski 7 Trippy Gray 5 Dan Pritchard 14 Chris Hanson 4 James Sullivan 1 Brenda Barnes 3 Respectf ily Submitted; ,,le __,..-e R.P. Steele, Fire Chief *Note- Total Fire Loss Value For Year to Date: I $ 199, 275 .00 MONTHLY POLICE REPORT June 1987 PRESENT PAST YEAR TO MONTH MONTH DATE TOTAL RADIO CALLS _ T2791 2605 I 16 , 156 1 TOTAL M ATIONS ISSUED 810 582 3705 ACCIDENTS INVESTIGATED 42 22 1 143 Major Accidents (Involving InIury) 16 5 40 Minor Accidents (Property Dzrr Only) 26 17 104 TOTAL WARRANTS 52 35 458 Total Warrants Served 67 67 363 Total Amount Collected 8726 9709 52 , 354 TOTAL ARREST 70 56 395 Felony Arrests 5 5 35 . Misdemeanor Arrests 61 45 323 --, Juvenile Arrests 4 6 37 TOTAL CASES FILED 7 12 50 Felony 4 6_ 23 Misdemeanor 3 0 12 1 Juvenile Referrals 2 6 17 TOTAL OFFENSES REPORTED 24 27 153 TOTAL OFFENSES CLEARED 3 7 33 CLEARANCE RATE 11% 26$ 22$ BURGLARIES REPORTED 11 - 11 - 55 Value - Stolen Property 12752 9475 231i897 Value - Recovered Property 2750 34 , 569 204 , 899 ph. • THEFTS REPORTED 13. 12 45 Value - Stolen Property 7525 52 , 945 108 , 056 Value - Recovered Property 2039 23 , 341 116 , 261 CRIME PREVENTION PRESENTATIONS 1 1 11 9uiy /, /y17 1210 Ashmoore Ct. Southlake, Tx 76092 July 20, 1987 EVERIll Johnny Westerholm, Mayor JUi ? 1198i Southlake City Council Southlake, Texas OFFICE OF ,iD / CITY SECRE TAR �"' Dear Mayor Westerholm and Council : I commend your decision of July 7 , 1987 which denied the location of Selwyn School in the "B" noise cone. When the Carroll ISD was permitted to build in that same area, the understanding of the Council was that the D/FW runway 13R/31L would be used for crosswind situations .These occur only 3-5% of the year. Now the airport characterizes its use as "full utili- zation. " Under this unrestricted usage, there is a potential for hundreds of daily operations over this site, at as low as 1 ,000 feet. As co-chairman of the Airport Noise Awareness Committee, I urge you to again deny the use of this property as a school. Sin erely yours ,. Cie-,�� Karen A. Hodges