1987-07-07NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: July ?,1987 TIME: ?:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 1 INDEX Stacy loll McMahan Springer Curry COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Johnny Westerholm, Charles Curry, Betty Springer, David McMahan, Jim Wooll and Rick Stacy. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager; Lloyd O. Latta Jr., Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Police Chief; Jerry Crowder. City Engineer; Eddie Cheath- am and City Attorney; John Boyle. INVOCATION: Charles Curry. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Westerholm. The Minutes of the June 16,1987 City Council meeting were approved as amended. P~YORS REPORT Mayor Westerholm stated that every- one who missed the CityFest, certainl~ missed a fine event. Next year should be a fantastic day on the 4th of July at CityFest. Curry commended the City Departments; Publi£ Works, Fire and Police, for a fine job. Agenda~Item #6 was deleted from the agenda at the developer's request. Mayor Westerholm stated that the consent agenda items will be #14, #15, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, and #25. Including: 14. Ordinance No. 558. Establishing the Office of Local Registrar. 1st Reading. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ~EXAS MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular CITY COUNCIL July 7,1987 7:50 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX 15. Ordinance No. 556. I.B.M. Annexation. 2nd Reading. 18. Ordinance No. 559-A Uniform Building Code. 2nd Reading. 19. Amended FY87 Budget. 20. Resolution 87-50. Support of the Creation of 9-1-1 Emergency ~istrict in Denton County. 21. Resolution 87-51. Authorization for Planning and Engineering Services in Connection with the New Elevated Storage Tank and Relocation of the Existing 1/2 M.G. Tank. 22. Review of Service Plan for Areas Proposed to be Annexed into Southlake 25. Resolution 87-55. Calling Two Public Hearings, on the Proposed Land to be Annexed. 24. Resolution 87-52. Authorizing Purchase of Tractor/Loader/Box Blade/ Mower as per Bid. 25. Bills for Approval. Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan ~pringer urry It was noted that the public hearing for the annexations will be on August 4, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Motion was made and approval given to the consent agenda items listed above. A Status report was given by David HUMANE DuMonfier on the Denton/Tarrant SOCIETY Counties Humane Society. A copy of STATUS the information given is attached to REPORT the minutes. Mr. DuMontier is to get additional information to the City Manager. A Special Exception Use Permit for a "Magna Home" was given to Wayne Burbra as requested. Motion was made and approval given to grant the request for a'period not to exceed 36 months. SPECIAL BXCEPTIC USE PER~ NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: July 7,1987 TIME: 7:50 ~.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: $ INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry ZA 87-12. A replat for Lot 9, Block 1 ZA 87-12 Diamond Circle Bstates, making Lots 9A and 9B was approved as requested. Bill LeGrand stated that the request was also approved by P ~ Z on June 25. There were no comments from the public Rick Stacy stepped down for the next agenda item, vested interest. ZA 87-18. The request for a Special ~Exception Use Permit for a Private ISchool was considered. Location of th iSelwyn School will be 1060 E. Highland iStreet. LeGrand commented on the positive vote from the Planning and Zoning iCommission. iJohn Moore gave a presentation in !behalf of 'Davis Bradley and owners of the Highland Group. Moore introduced John Doncaster, Head Master of the ISelwyn School who informed Council 'and Audience on facts about the Ischools. Hearing: Aloha ~ayne: Not against the school, but against the location being consid- ered. "Zone B" is not recommended for schools. She feels like history is repeating itself. Septic System is also a concern. Also, is the sign in the front yard in compliance? Pamula Muller: Basicly she stated, she :has the same concerns as Mrs. Payne. The construction of auditoriums, churches, schools etc. should be avoided in "B Noise Zones" ZA 87-18 NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: July 7,1987 TIME: 7:50 p.m. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: INDEX Joe Dealey: DFW Airport. He would like to endorse the Selwyn School, a caliber of private education which is unparalleled in many communities. Airport realizes subject property is located beneath the approach and departure flights of runway 15R/51L, approximately 4~ miles from the end runway complex. This is a violation of DFW Master land use plan, publ in 1967. In 1971 in conjunction with NCTCOG they published an Aircraft Sound Exposure Map which is a guideline for determining sound effects of aircraft noise. Schools should be avoided in Zone B. The DFW Airport strongly opposes the school in that location. Mayor Westerholm is concerned over location and not the school. It is not of benefit to the city to c to make mistakes, by placing schools in such areas. He is recommending that careful consideration be given the location, we should ask ourselves what is best for the city. Mr. Doncaster stated they have not explored the noise level of any other runway, the same distance away as the one in question. They are aware of the\noise outside at the location but not inside the building. Mr. Dealey stated safety and noise are issues in the matter, however, they see this project as an obstruc- fionto the city-airport relationship. Councilperson Springer asked if they are aware that the airport currently has said their usage of the runway that impacts that area is less than 5% currently and they are looking at that number climbing to as high as NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTItLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: July 7,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry ~tacy .ooll McMahan Springer Curry 53% usage. Motion was made to approve ZA 87-18 for the Special Exception Use Permit for a Private School. Mayor W~sterholm broke the tie-vote with a vote against the motion. ZA 87-18 was disapproved. Councilperson Wooll stepped down for agenda items relating to I.B.M. as he has a vested interest. ZA 87-19 and the Site Plan for Lot 3, IA 87-19 Block A, and the Site Plan for Lot 4, iTE PLA~ Block A, all MTP/IBM Addition #1 .B.M. items, will all be considered together as one item. Ed Waits, IBM reviewed the Cheatham letter dated July 7, with the City Council. It was noted that the staff had no >roblems with the plat and Waits reed to item #1 in the Cheatham letter. Staff had no problems with either site p}ans. Lon was made to approve ZA 87-19 subject to compliance with the Cheatham letter also, approval of ;he site plans for Lot 5, Block A, Lot 4, Block A of IBM Addition #1 the compliance to the Cheatham letter and the City requirements.. Nith the requirements only and not items noted with an asterisk in the :heatham letters. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 'TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: July 7,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry The consideration for a Site Plan for a Gas Station/Convenience Store/ Car Wash to be located on the south- east corner of Highway 114 and North White Chapel Blvd. was discussed. The property owner is First Texas Properties Co. P.J.'s #7. Tom Justure. was present and answered 'questions for Council. Bill LeGrand indicated he received a letter from the owners stating thei] willingness to comply with the Cheatham letter. Eddie Cheatham said they have respond- ed to all items in the review letter except # 4, however, they have agreed to install a fire hydrant. Two letters were received, opposing the request, from Kim Clancy and Dion Clancy. After discussion, motion was made and approval given for the Site Plan as submitted. The second reading was held concern- ing Ordinance No. 169-B. Fireworks. Mayor Westerholm read the caption of the ordinance to the public. Motion was made and approval given to Ordinance No. 169-B. The second reading was held concern- ing Ordinance No. 292-A, amending ordinance for establishment of the Planning and Zoning Commission. SITE PL; APPROVEI DRDINAN[ NO. 169- )RDINANCI 40. 292-~ NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular CITY COUNCIL July 7,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKB, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 7 INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Motion was made and approval given Ordinance No. 292-A with the amend- ment of the wording to read, "to meet on Thursdays" following the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, provid- ed that the Thursday does not fall on a city holiday. ~UBLIC FORUM John Moore spoke concerning the action taken this evening on ZA 87-18, He challenged Council to work with the Chamber to ensure that it does not take so much time to get an item through the city in regards to zoning and platting. Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Pam Muller stated the City needs to wake-up to what the Airport is doing. Lloyd Carder as a pilot, spoke concerning airport procedures in regards to the runway 15R/$1L. ~iotio'n was madefa~ adjourn the mee[!/~ 'rD/ H.' W~st~rlT61m ~r G~idra r.. LeGrand City Secretary AFFIDAVIT OF INTEREST THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, in and for said State of Texas, on this day personally appeared , who after being by me duly sworn, did on oath state that he has an interest, as described below, in Agenda Item No. _ _ of the - .. _ _ , 198 . . , City Council Agenda, as described below, and that he is executing this Affidavit of Interest and shall refrain from any vote or decision thereon, all as required by Article 988b, Texas Civil Statutes Annotated: Agenda Item: ._ _ ...u7 J//> . _I - - -> J. ._ .. .. _ _ _ . _ _ . . . .. . . . Interest Disclosed: - _ _1,t/-111X - _ 170/1_ . . ,/}� .. i3 _ _Q(,t,_).,1 . 5/..)e.!k . /Gc. � ,. _ . . ., /,..:,.61.',7- tt/if. Signature of Elected or Appointed City Official of the City of South- lake, Texas . 7 i GIVEN NDER MY HAND AND SEA OF OFFICE this he - _ �ii/ day of 1/ 19 �i� NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 2-4-89 Filed th me, this the . _ _ _r ... . . .. day of . _ . , 19 f/at - - ` - - . . o'clock p.m. 1,4„4„,,,e.z.4„,,,,y, City Secretary, City of Southlake I AFFIDAVIT OF INTEREST THE STATE OF TEXAS CCUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, in and for said State of Texas, on this day personally appeared _ .?_R. ' Zi K". ST4cy , who after being by me duly sworn, did on oath State that he has an interest, as described below, in Agenda Item No.6$9 of the -J'c(tye _ _ . , 713 1987. , City Council Agenda, as described below, and that he is executing this Affidavit of Interest and shall refrain from any vote or decision thereon, all as required by Article 988b, Texas Civil Statutes Annotated: Agenda Item: .. _ .-Sp.g.C,4t. . �CCg /_o../_ � i7.(f - . ..c I7 _ '-A' Interest Disclosed: . . .. _ .. KZT,J,s.uZ /0-1-fe.4_-744. . 0L . 41 T7 fS • ature of Elected or Appointed re• - ,471-2-7-7 Ci Official of the City of South- lake, Texas . GIVEN NDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _ .. -. _ . 7 _ _ . day of 9'.6 ,,e7 19 - • - ilt-i-te--)-/</oi2e-A-1--/- - NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 2-4-89 Filed with me, this the .. .. _ _ _ _7. _ _ .. _.day of _ LG - . , 19 /7 at r - . . o'clock p.m. 4t-i&cc,. /./dXi City Secretary, City of Southlake 9 ,',fi/ c/ 0/ ,, ---;>€.670 .s kJ 2/ _ 3 21 — osy4 - -116/5_,Th IL- )-- '0/t4,./ -2 -fig P//1 7 r,{ 3 - S S 3 3 7 9 (ry , 3)1s-vr i r) c 7-b1c;2)y 3 g 11111D ( j�CLO' ' S) _L-5, / '3 nuH `3 N i N oZ 9 i r7 ryor<Dry r l—rYO J (P c3(w vcl4 S i peityd -;1 /_.s- d / L-b' �---34. / ' o ry (2 c< T cAboy ry 1-9r.0 3N0 ---/ n 0 ry 0 '-2- 1 air Cy/ Srvo ,S S ti 3 -3 x o r.0 L P3 3 n/ -L o ry r 2 (-', �>-4 / (v/ (7 Lt /u-,9 r)-5; 9 N i : fZ -3?j-H js' 7-6'/)7 0-7b --- 'l,(- L -3 7(1,5/rvj p0 ' Ip -yes' S-1Y, --ye �' wyd 6' c / i,9 (v33 9 s-dn 1 / I f C ,1-6'!'11 �-4 S 1'4a'v r' T ("t)ry . 3 ' Z 3 Ory/iv9 (1/ 3"J'ry/ S -3 w r) S's-t e T 93Z ry 5 S 3V s-a/r', 1-1.4b2d 31 1 J -31•�J �b ')-1 0 (i 3L7?/6'C" r)�{ Tv 0 p'�a#-vdc� OS-b'rl ---;y'nvd D ( V / S 3 43)/ 11ry/Nod c3 p-v-)) - y yv()) 2,i-6.•,)--,6 (v'2; s, 3 ', r'3?J�s 7rv3 /N3 r'N c0 s., r- .,..) ; ? _r_?/3fl' ,,, „rvrzv / � r� v ' ' 3.%. Haas AiLID Zge5 L Jay s 3r o`/94a I - 3aI quo L881 -MC ' i-1177,-12& d 0 4 , ' MOgd JULAzdt "19 1 7 i987 �ctix secxiirsv 't /6- aeoh tocta iori-cy,t, friczA, .142.7,‹A cz-e.dA 0 t . A-e-r7 4* ' CLLt_ ,a6-t%14i2 7-14 . . / tJG:t„ Cvias day i . ,CT ij 1444, , . . ?'41-1. l- /T77 r-CC'grLi.rL Nun PriL: Rt. 4 Box 229-G, Roanoke, TX. 76262 Contributions Tax Deductibli. (817)430-8514 Metro May 25, 1987 The four towns of Justin, Roanoke, Southlake, and Trophy Club have indicated a strong interest in an Animal Control Program. The following is an Animal Control proposal from The Humane Society of Denton & Tarrant Counties. This proposal is based strictly on our costs. We are not interested in making a profit. The Animal Control budget included in this report is based on other local Animal Control budgets. Percent of Town Population Total Population Animal Control Justin 1,100 11% $ 4,041 Roanoke 1,300 13% 4,776 ISouthlake 5,100 49% 18,002 Trophy Club 2,750 27% 9,920 I Total 10,250 100% $36,739 Animal Control Cost Per Person = $36,739 10,250 persons = $3.58/person There is no fee to join our shelter associated with this animal control package. Population figures used are from the 1986-87 Regional Directory of The North Central Council of Governments. When our Animal Control Program is implemented, we will use the most current population figures for cost analyses. -2- ANIMAL IMPOUNDMENT PROCEDURES 1. All animals brought in by the Animal Control Officer (ACO) will be held for days. (Each city will determine a holding period.) Three days, however, will be the minimum. After the holding period, The Humane Society has auto- matic permission to adopt or euthanize the animal. There will be no charge to the City for euthanasia. There will be no charge for animal disposal. 2. Six dollars ($6.00) per day per animal for boarding and feeding costs if the animal is left unclaimed will be charged to the City. A bill will be sent to the City at the beginning of each month. 3. A form will be filled out for each animal. 4. All animals brought in will be identified with a hospital collar with the animal's assigned number and the City name. 5. All claimed dogs over four (4) months of age must have proof of a current rabies vaccination in the form of a vaccination certificate or letter from their veterinarian. If the animal is not current on vaccinations, the re- lease form will be stamped "Not Current on Vaccinations". The owner must return to the shelter with proof that his animal was vaccinated. 6. Individuals picking up their animals will pay the fee of eight dollars ($8.00) per day. 7. Any injured animal brought in will be stabilized and held in a stable con- dition for the -day impoundment. No major surgery will be done unless the city is notified, and only in case of an emergency. 8. Rabies quarantine of dogs will be charged twelve dollars ($12.00) per day, per animal. 9. Periodic meetings will be held with your City for elaboration of ordinance regulations and/or future housing procedure changes. We want all parties involved in this effort to be satisfied. SUMMARY OF EXPENSES AND REVENUES 1. Revenues to City: A. Citation Revenues B. License Fees 2. Expenses to City: A. Cost for Animal Control Officer B. Cost per day for boarding unclaimed animals C. Cost per day for rabies quarantine of unclaimed animals There will be no charge to the City for euthanasia and disposal of unclaimed animals. I I I I IANIMAL CONTROL BUDGET 1987/1988 IHUMANE SOCIETY OF HNTON AND TARRANT COUNTIES I I I I I I I I 'WhiFt esr 'y? r.,T.Sri3 _.-i et ,+:n - ipate ieyer.el cities joining together to fund thi animal ccntrol servic '- These figures rely heavily on the shility of nt;.. ;11+113r1e society .Metter supporting the animal control :-lffier (ACQO - The costs reitsd hi?rejr1 are as close :'h=stb1.e to those necessary for such a unit but it should be kept in mind that• as with a any :completely new project, there may be some 'unknowns' which could arise from our efforts. Therefore, this budget is submitted for your information and to help you decide if, at this point in timer the expenditure equals the need or the need justifies the expenditure. That decision can only come from the City Councils as you have the input of the citizens greatest concerns_ Total costs involved in animal control will be significantly reduced by citation revenues and annual licensing fees. First year citation fPes will be lower than subsequent years because more warnings will be written at the beginning of this program. Remember that citation and licensing fees will be at the discretion of the individual cities. The Humane Society will provide a sample animal control ordinance and assist in the implementation of a licensing program for both dogs and cats. 1 ., L . 1 . .aIaries 0.00 Inns position _t $. ,3n_1,00 M_.. %eri_r. _d a.l al l control officer !ACO ArOs in the area make between $1 I":00 and $1 .500+N/Mo. To =.tart this program we need an e<peri Winced ACC - 2. Overtime 468.00 Eased or! n of salary and will be paid I for animal bite call outs after normal duty hours. Also will encompass court time and other investigations. 3. Retirement 1 ,200.00 $100.00/Mo. deposited into an IRA-like account. A good, long-tern) employee will reed this. 4. Uniforms 350.00 A two-tone police-type uniform will be utilized by the ACO. Figure is based on • replacement cost of uniform and equipment. 5. Workmarls Compensation 1,545.00 Medical Insurance 1,990.00 $100.00 deductible policy for husbband! II wife and two children. ?. Office Supplies 300,00 Report forms, ticket books, warning pads, forms and other items necessary to operate the animal control office, 8, Non-Budgeted 3000.00 Pre-exposure rabies vaccine for ACO. Other items as necessary and unknown at this time. 9. Trainin3 400 ,00 Animal control related certification schools and other necessary courses, meals and lodging. 10. Equipment Maintenance = 0.00 Repair of daily use eo,ulpfert I I .03y awl Jo; ■sTea Aieles Ilews e jo uoladeoxa awl gqTm ;uegsuoo AT4Tej weirs pliogs saa}I aag;O .asea.,elp pp oqs slsoa quawdt#be os!! •43(14; e !o aseg3,Ad apniou! lou 777M $aapog s, ieaw puooes 00'6EL'9E$ EEepZIeE gssi • , IeCZ!® 0I »Asp/l® gS; uo peseq !Saul» ;s)?a qq}o 'sE ieoue,nsui 00`000'2 sesuedx3 eloTgeA Ie,■ue§ 'SI +u0;4lpuoo pooh u! i,nj} penis-!!A} ipesn 00'000'8 . BlalgaA +21 •swev! eigesodslp pus alai ;sEsq 4pog ' e oI6 •sde41 •s6Iod §oleo vlonul uo; afto Bu$pAluu} iuewd7AE@ do-$,el; !Iv 00`98E'I luewd;A§] . IT E , " ' '