1987-06-16NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON ' CITY OF SOUTNLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: June 16,1987 TIbIE: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTELAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Johnny H. Westerh01m, Rick Stacy, Jim Wooll, David McMahan, Betty Springer and Charles Curry. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Bill Stoner, Chairperson. ~ITY STAFF: City Manager; Lloyd O. Latta Jr. Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele Police Chief; Jerry Crowder, City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney; Ken Dippel of Hutchison, Price, Boyle and Broo~s. INVOCATION: Rick $tacy. MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Westerholm made reference to the serious automobile accident which took place today in which a Keller woman was killed. It occurred on FM 1709 at Peytonville Avenue intersection. It continues to point to the need for immediate attention to that particular roadway. He expressed concern about the blind intersections along FM1709 and the fact that the new elementary school will be opening soon in that area.'\ Mayor Westerholm stated the City Council and the Carroll I.S.D. School Board met in a joint work session this past Saturday to discus~ issues related to growth of the City and the School District. They agreed at that time to meet two times a year to discuss issues of mutual concern. It established relationshi that were not perhaps as strong as they needed to be. NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy ~rry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: June 16,1987 TIME: ?:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr., stated only one bid was received as a result of advertising for as for street repairs. Reynolds Asphalt bid at $22.50 per ton delivered to our lay down machine. It was the consensus of Council that we shou'ld go with the bid received. The Minutes of the June 2,1987 City Council meeting were approved as pre- sented. ~INUTES Motion was made and approved to delete agenda items #2, #11, #17 from tonights City Council meeting agenda. The items include: 2. Resolution 87-27. Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem. 11. Request for Variance to Sign Per- mit. Phillip Bressinck. 17. Ordinance No. 3S7. Vacating of Easement on Lot iR, Block 3, Southlake Park Addition. )ELETE ITEMS Mr. Robert Mallary addressed Council with a request for access to Highway 114 from Winding Ridge Addition in the C~ty of Grapevine. He explained to Council that they came before Council in 1981 with the same request It was denied because the only access was off Highway 114. Mr. Mallary said they now have an access to the east side of the pro- perty~ He referred to the design on page 6 (attached to the minutes). He added that the State Highway Depar;- ment approved the plan subject to the roadway angle to the right Fith no flares to the left side of the IEQUEST FOR ACCESI )NTO HWY {ROM WIND lNG RIDGE GRAPEVINE NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Curry Springer ~cMahan oll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan -'ooll ~tacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy CITY OF MINUTES MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL June 16,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CH~X{BERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 3 INDEX roadway. This plan would force every- one to go west. Pacific Avenue would be one way only, on the section that is in Southlake. It was noted the City Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission recom- mended approval, however, Crowder ~ta~ed it could be a traffic hazard. Pam Muller- The situation is dangerou~ Entering into traffic on Hwy 114 and also a cross-over would be dangerous. Motion was made to not approve the access onto Hwy 114. A motion was made to approve the access onto Hwy 114. Approval was granted as the access onto Hwy 114 Ridge Addition. requested for from Winding ZA 87-05. The final plat of Lot 1, Mock A Ravenaux Village was considered. Bill LeGrand reported that the P & Z approved to recommend approval of the final plat. ~A 87-05 RAVENAUX VILLAGE TABLED John Levitt stated the items in the Cheatham review letter have not been addressed and it was an over~£ght on his part. He does not wish to dedicate right-of-way for Ravenaux Court at this time. Motion was made to table the final plat until time certain July 7,1987 at the regular City Council meet. ing. ZA 87~14. The preliminary plat for ZA 87-14 Heritage Industrial Park was reviewed HERITAGE by Council. Owners of the project IND. PARK are Grapevine/Hwy 26 Joint Venture, APPROVED Watson/Taylor. Preliminary plat was approved. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ~EXAS MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular CITY COUNCIL June 16,1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENIJE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 4 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy ZA 87-10 & ZA 87-11. Special Excep- tion Use Permit for an Equestrian Riding Stables. The request was made by Doreen L. Seebeck, owner of Tr. SF and her father, owner of TR. 8G. Mr. Seebeck represented his daughter ~nd explained that this started out as a small hobby, years ago, taking care of horses, riding and small children. Due to a complaint, the city informed him he must have a special use permit to continue the operation. That is why they are requesting the permit. PUBLIC HEARING: Mike Harper- In favor. His children are students and they take private lessons on caring for horses and riding the horses. Emily Williams. In favor. It is a positive youth program and we should be proud to have it in Southlake. David Etgen. In favor. A valuable asset to Southlake. Motion was made to approve ZA 87-10 and ZA 87-11 for a Special Exception Use P~rmit for an Equestrian Riding Center for a ten (10) year period. The permit is issued to Doreen L. Seebeck only. The Developers Agreement for The Garden Addition was considered. Owner, Ann Hardy was present for the meeting to answer questions. Bill LeGrand stated the final plat was approved in 1984 and the Develop- ers Agreement was written as the gA 87-10 gA 87-11 SPECIAL USE PERMI2 RPPROVED THE GARDE ADDITION DEVELOPER AGREEMEN? APPROVED NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: June 16,1987 TIME: ?:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 5 INDEX Curry Springer ~ahan ~ 11 S~acy agreements were written in 1984. There are additional easements in the addition and there is adequate room for future sewer lines. Westerholm stated he has a problem with the property being in the flood plane~ .and the sewer lines should be included. Joe Huffman, Engineer from Dunaway and Associates, stated there is 5' additional easements dedicated along Shady Oaks Drive for future sewer lin Motion was made to approve the Develo ers Agreement for The Garden The vote was 5-0. A petition was received from the Homeowners Association of the Timberknoll- Southshores Homeowners Association. Kelly VerPooten, president of the Homeowners Association explained that there are 161 lots in their area and owners of 106 lots are asking to come into Southlake. City Attorney, Ken Dippel stated that we hmve two problems at this time. (1) land must be contiguous to the City and (2) City of Keller must relinquish their E.T.3. rights. Latta is to contact the City of Keller and get their feeling on this matter. Mayor Westerholm told Ms. VerPooten that we will work toward being able to accept their request and we will keep in touch with them. It was noted that as we annex land in our E.T.J., it will make the proPertY in questions become contiguous. kNNEXATIO] REQUEST NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: June 16,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 6 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Consideration was given to annexation of land as allowed under the City of Southlake Home Rule Charter. Councilperson McMahan made a presentation to Council noting that this is the first official step towar. annexing the preponderance~of our ET3 area, shown in green on the map, deleting #2,#$,#20, is what we are proposing to annex at this time. (A map is attached to the minutes). McMahan stated that we can take in 30% or approximately 3,333 acres this year. Latta stated we will proceed with the annexation process and the ~ plan. Motion was made to proceed with the annexation process giving Mr. Cheath- am the latitude to adjust the acres and get to the acreage that we can take in that will be most beneficial to the City at this time. ANNEXATIC APPROVED TO BEGIN A discussion was led by Brad Bradley ]ODIFICA- on the Codification of City Ordinance~TION OF as allowed for in the City Home Rule CITY Charter. ORDINANCE Bradley said there are many companies that provide this service to cities. The cost is from 8 to 10 thousand dollars and can be payable over two budgeted years. John Moore and Richard Eakins spoke in favor of having our city ordinance codified. NAME OF COUNCILPERSON 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: June 16,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 7 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer btcMahan Wooll Stacy City Manager, Lloyd Latta will proceed to get proposals and the funds will have to be allocated by the City Council. The second reading was held on the ORDINANCE Amendment to Ordinance No. 334, makin NO. 334-A Ordinance No. 334-A of the Zoning APPROVED Ordinance. The caption of the ordinance was read by the Mayor. Motion was made and approved to approve the Amendment to Ordinance No. 554 making Ordinance No. 534-A. Jim Wooll stepped down for the next agenda item, as he has a vested interest. The first reading was held on Ordinance No. 356, the annexation of two tracts of land owned by I .B .M. Motion was made second reading. of 4-0. to proceed with the Approved by a vote Ordinance No. 169-B, Fireworks, was discu%sed during the first reading. The amendment to Ordinance No. 169 and 16~-A was approved and the second reading will be held at the next city council meeting. ORDINANCi NO. 356 I .B .M. ANNEXA ~ TION. APPROVED ORDINANC NO. 169- APPROVED Consideration was given to an amend- AMENDING ment to Ordinance No. 292, an ordin- ORDINANC ance creating the Southlake Planning NO. 292 and Zoning Commission. The P & 'Z P & Z Commission had recommended the meet- APPROVED ing days change to the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month rather than NAME OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: June 16,1987 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL'CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 8 INDEX Curry McMahan Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month Motion was made to approve the amend- ment and go to the second reading. Motion and second were withdrawn. Motion was made to approve changing the P &' Z meeting to the 1st and 3rd Thursday, following the 1st and 3rd Tuesday not in conflict with city holidays. The second reading will be held on July 7,1987. Ordinance No. 339, Uniform Building ORDINANCE Code, was considered for an amendment NO. 339-A during the 1st reading. Westerholm APPROVED read the caption. Motion was made and approved to amend Ordinance No. 339, Uniform Building Code. A discussion was held concerning a Preliminary Engineering Study for Improvements to Highway 114 from Sam School Road to Wall Street. Martin Molloy with the firm of AlberB H, Halff Associates, Inc. Engineers and Scientists, made a presentation. He offered a proposal of $21,500. for the Study. The study included: 1. Preparation of photo map adding existing right-of-way. 2. Preparation of report to go to the commission with a traffic analysis. 3. Draft a Minute Order to go to the Commission. Also includes ~ ~ > ~ < CITY OF SOUTNLAKE, TEXAS ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ Regular ~ o ~ m ~ MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL z > ~ ~ MEETING. = ~ z > ~ DATE: June 16,1987 ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ > ~ TIME: 7:30 p.m. ~ ~ ~ PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS ~ ~ ~ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NA~IE O~ o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: 9 INDEX preparing exhibits. Council declined the offer. Curry x Motion was made and approved to table Springer x item #22, Revised ~YS? Budget, McMahanwooll x xX .until the July 7, City Council meetin Stacy x x !Agenda items #20 and #21 will be discussed at the City Council Work Session to be held on June 22,1987. The items are:Water Plan and New Elevated ~ater Tower Site respectively. The City Goals were discussed. Motion was made to table the City Nooll x Coals until the second meeting in July. Motion died for lack of a second. The Department Reports were discussed Curry x The bills presented, were approved Springer x for payment. McMahan x ~ooll x x Stacy x x PUBLIC ~ORUM Pam Mnller- She stated she hopes Council will appoint Charles Curry as Mayor Pro Tem at the next City Council~ting. The meeting ~as~/~dj~n~d b~M~ ~esterh~~~ AT' ~ ST: