1987-05-05NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE RegUlar CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: May 5,1987 TIME: 7:50 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 1 INDEX Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Johnny Westerholm. Councilpersons: Jim Wooll, Betty Springer, David McMahan,'Rick Stacy and Charles curry. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bill Stoner and Gary Fickes.. CITY STAFF PRBSBNT: City Manager; Lloyd O. Latta Jr., Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand, Fire Chief R.P. Steele~ Police Chief;. Jerry Crowder, Ci%y.Attorney;.John Boyle and City Bngineer; Eddie Cheatham. iINVOCATION: Jim Wooll. The Minutes of the April 21 City Council Meeting were approved with changes. The April 29, Emergency City Council MeeZing Minutes were approved. MAYORS REPORT Gary Fickes made a presentation to Council and the audience, informing everyone of Southlake City Fest. City Fest is a city wide celebration to be held on July 4, at Bicentennial Park'. The fun day is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club, Sou~hlake Ladies Club, Carroll Band. Booster, Capteens, and the City of Southlake Parks and Recreation Depart. ment. He explained the day'wil!.begi] at 8:00 a.m. with a 10K run; there will b'e arts and crafts, volleyball games~'., horseshoes.,, food booths and much:more. Fickes added that the City Staff and he are working out the details to insure an organized day of activities. NAME OF COUNC I LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKB, TEXAS ~INUTES OF THE R~f.l~r MEETING. DATE: May S,1987 TIME: 7:$0 p.m. PLACE: CITY OP SOUTHLAKE, 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 2 INDEX Councilperson McMahan publicly challenged Councilperson Stacy to a game of horseshoes, Stacy accepted. Stacy Wooll --Mahan .,ringer Curry Mayor Westerholm stated that according to the City Charter, the Mayor should ~resent.a name for Mayor Pro Tem and Council to approve it. Westerholm submitted the name of Betty Springer for Mayor Pro Tem and asked Council to approve Resolution 87-27. Motion was made and seconded for approval of Resolution 87-27. The motion was not approved. then submitted the name of Jim Wooll for Mayor Pro Tem. Their was lack of a motion. recommended David McMahan as Mayor Pro Tem. Lhan declined having his name Stacy Wooll McMahan ringer rry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry ~terholm recommended Rick Stacy for zor Pro Tem. Stacy also declined his name considered. ,tacY put the name of Charles Curry con~sideration. Westerholm stated it is not his prerogative to recommend a person. 87-45, motion was made RESOLUTION approval given to withdraw the 87-45. STREET AND from tonights agenda and consider ROAD REPAI on the May 19, agenda. ' 87-41 was approved, naming D. LeGrand as acting City let pursuant to the Home Rule RESOLUTION 87-41 NAME OF COUNC I LPERSON Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry i cy Wo~ll McMahan Springer Curry 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKF,, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: Mays~1987 TIME: 7:50 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 INDEX Resolution 87-32 was approved, naming Dick Bernasek and Martin Dunbar to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a two year term, pursuant to the City Home Rule Charter. RESOLUTIO 87-32 Wooll expressed thanks to the many citizens who had filed applications fgr plades on City Boards and Commiss- ions. Resolution 87-33 was tabled until RESOLUTIOi the May 19, City Council Meeting. The 87-$5 Resolution will include naming TABLED ~ersons to the Board of Adjustments. discussion was held in regards to ORDINANCE amending the Zoning'Ordinanance No. 331~NO. 354 There were no public comments during the public hearing. was made and approved to consider the amendments to the ordinan,:e at the May 19, City Council Meeting, after a joint City Council and Plannin1 and Zoning Commission work session is on May 11. ~roval was.given to Ordinance $08-A, amending Rules and Regulations for Condu6ting City Council Meetings. The second reading will be held on May 19. '\ :ion was made and approved to table the amendments to. Ordinance No. 510-A Site Plan, until the May 19 City Council Meeting. second reading was held ~n No.. 354 Animal Control. a~tion makes it a permanent ordinance and removed the emergency status taken at the last City Council ORDINANCE NO. 508-A ORDINANCB NO. 554 NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON . ~ITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS · MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: May 5,1987 TIME: ?:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 4 INDEX A Water and Sewer Study presentation was made by Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer. He stated that the water ~lan is lagging behind the sewer ~lan by two weeks. While discussing sewer plan he added, the same criteria was used in preparing the isewer plan as is used by TRA at 5 ipersons'per acre. A map of the systel iwas presented at the meeting to each councilperson. Che~tham stated that lift stations are not included in the plan and that they would be prepared to inform developers of the minimum grades in putting in lines when new developments come in. Connection fees have not been deter- mined, but it needs to be looked at in the near future, Cheatham said. Park Estates and the new school will be the first to tie onto sewer. Cheatham noted that the city has paid him for 75% of the sewer system study to date. Virginia Clow ask what if a large developer comes in and the system is not ready, can packaged treatment plants~be installed. Cheatham stated he is discouraging this because permits are becomming hard to get. Harold Knightasked if we are tying onto Colleyville line and was answerei yes. Aloha payne was concerned about ~he nor%h side ef town. TRA is lagging behind on the north side of town about six months. WATER AND SEWER STUDY NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer %urry CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE 'Regular MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: CITY COUNCIL May 5~1987 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKB, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 INDEX While presenting the Water Study report, Cheatham said there are no copies of the water map available at this time. He has done a hydralic analysis and shows the existing and proposed tank sites. Our high p )lane in the city is 845 elevation Randol Mill Road at Randol Mill Estates~ In order to meet requirements of the ;rate Health Department, Southlake need seven million gallons ground storage and five million elevated storage with our total long range supply being twelve million gallons per day. We should have one- third of our supply in reserve for fire protection. The report will be complete within 50 days. The study on the benchmarks with map, is half complete. At this time they are doing a vertical benchmark' study. The horizontal study was put off for another fiscal year. Resolution 87-42 was approved, accept- ing Iow bid from Collins Ambulance was opened on April 22, in amount of $77,218.00. Delivery on the equipment will be from 90 to 120 days. This will be the cities first ~bulance. Resolution 87-45 was approved, accepting low bids from Riggs First Line Equipment for the following equipment: 95' Telescopic Platform Truck for a cost of $403,126.00, and a pumper truck at $191,626.00. Delivery date on the equipment'is 120-15'0 days~ RBSOLUTIO 87-42 RESOLUTIQ 87-43 Jim Wooll stepped down for the next agenda item as he has a vested interest. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSO~ CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS · ~INUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: May S,1987 TIME: ?:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OP SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 6 INDEX The first public hearing was held on the request for annexation by I.B.M. Ed Walts, I.B.M. representative, made a presentation stating the property is adjacent to the present city limit line. There were no comments during the ~blic hearing. It was noted that the property would fall under police and fire protection when annexed. The second public hearing will be held on May 19. No action was taken tonight. Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll McMahan Springer Curry Stacy Wooll :Mahan pringer Curry Ordinance No. $55, Establishing Administrative Departments, pursuant to Home Rule Charter of Southlake was approved after discussion. Lloyd O. Latta Jr., City Manager, explained the chart attached, to the Council and answered questions. The first reading on the ordinance was tonight and the second reading will be held on May 19. The bills presented, were approved for payment. PUBLIC ~ORUM agreed they ·nue to have on the Council meetin .ke to J. Westerholm