1987-04-06NAME OF COUNCILPERSON .CITY O~ SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Special MEETING. DATE: April 6,1987 TIME: 6:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 1 COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. David McMahan, Rick Stacy and Johnny Westerholm. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Davis Bradley. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Administra- tor; Lloyd O. Latta Jr. Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand. INDEX Curry McMahan Stacy Westerholm Mayor Pro Tem, Charles Curry, called the meeting to order. He explained the purpose of the Special City Council Meeting was to canvass the election held April 4,1987. Curry read a letter from Marion Bone in which he requested the ballots be recounted for the position of Mayor in the April 4,1987, city election. Curry stated he would act as Recount Coordinator, and he has establish- ed that the recount document present- ed by Marion Bone was in order as per Texas Election Code, Section 212.001. The persons running for the position of Mayor were both present and agreed that the recount should take place at this time. Curry.appointed the following persons to s~rve on the committee, which include: Gary.Fickes, Lloyd Latta, David McMahan and Rick Stack. Motion was made and approved to recount the ballots for the Mayor position as requested. Council recessed in order to conduct the recount. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY COUNCIL CITY O~ SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Special 'MEETING. DATE: April 6,1987 TIME: 6:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX Curry McMahan Stacy Nesterholm Curry proceeded with the meeting by asking Council to approve Resolution 87-23 which named Johnny H. Westerhol~ to the position of Mayor to serve until April 1989; Jim Woollto serve as Councilperson Place 1, to serve until April 1989 and Betty Springer to serve as Councilperson Place 2, to serve until April 1989. After discussion, motion was made and approved to approve Resolution 87-23 as amended to reflect the votes on the ballots. RESOLUTIC 87-23 Curry McMahan S~ y We~ cerholm Curry McMahan Stacy Westerholm Resolution 87-24 was approved, which stated the results Of the election for the City of Southlake Home Rule Charter. Motion was made and approved to adjourn the meetihg. Y Mayor Pro Tem RESOLUTIO 87-24 ~anara\L. LeGrand city Secretary~