1987-03-31 ~ ~ > ~' ~ 'CITY OF SOUTH~KE, .TEXAs ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~INUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > ~ ~ MEETING. m m z > ~ DATE: March 31,1987 m ~ m ~ o 7:30 P.M. ~ > ~ TIME: ~ ~ ~ PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS ~ ~ ~ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAK~ NAME OF o ~ TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: 1 INDEX ICOUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. Davis Bradley, David McMahan, Rick Stacy and Johnny Westerholm. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER PRESENT: Gary Pickes. ~ITY STAFF PRESENT: City Administra- tor; Lloyd O. Latta Jr. Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Police Chief; Jerry Crowder, City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney; John Boyle. INVOCATION: Davis Bradley. The meeting was called to order by Curry x Mayor Pro Tem, Charles Curry. The Bradley x Minutes of the Special City Council McMahan x meeting of March 24, were approved as Stacy x x presented. Westerholm x x MAYOKS REPORT: Curry reminded everyone that the Municipal Election will be held on April 4, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at city hall. The City Council meeting to Canvass the ballots of the electior will ~e held on April 6, at 6:50 p.m. Agenda item #16 is deleted. It was noted that the airpor't is doing d~verse noise measurements, placing noise monitors in several locations within the city. The fo. llowing items were approve~ CONSENT under a consent agenda: #2, #5, ITEMS #7, #8, #12, #14, #17, ~ #18. 2. I.B.M. Fire and Emergency Service Agreement. 5. I.B.M. Utility Contract. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 'TEXAs 'MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: March 51,1987 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX Curry Bradley McMahan Stacy Westerholm Special Use Permit for Sno Cone Stand. Gary King. Garbage Contract. 2. Ordinance No. $53. Abandonment of Easement in Oak Knoll-Lakeview Addition. 14. Bills for Approval. 17. For~ Worth Water Contract. 18. Westlake/Southlake Mutual Aid Agreement· Resolution 87r26. A discussion was held, led by Dana Lawlis, of the Ginger Creek Homeowners Association. Mrs. Lawlis, informed council that her three year old child was attacked by a neighborhood dog. She stated ;hat in behalf of the Ginger C?eek Association, she is ~equesting that an animal control ordinance be adopted by the City Council of the City of Southlake, in an effort to resolve the problems created by dogs at large, and to help prevent other children from going through what her child! went through. Mrs. Lawlis presented to Council a copy of North Richland Hills' Animal Control Ordinance and ask that they review it. Two c%tzzens, Pamula Muller and Dennis Mender expressed concern over stray/lose dogs. Mrs. Kathrine DuMontier, Director of the Humane Society of Denton and Tarrant Counties made a presentation to Council, giving an update on their progre, ss for an animal shelter for the area. She indicated that they received a donation of one acre of land by Gilford-Hill in Roanoke in which they are building a shelter. She stated they anticipate the shelte] REQUEST, FOR DOG ORDINANC HUMANE SOCIETY NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON z CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS · MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: March 31,1987 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667. NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 3 INDEX will be operational by the fall of 1987. DuMontier's a~e asking to be remember ed in the FY88 Budget. (A copy of presentation is apart of the minutes). A discussion and public hearing was held in regards to the zoning reclassification. Those who spoke include: Mac Bogley, Attorney for Ken Smith, spoke concerning the property on Hwy 114 and Highland Avenue #45. Bogley stated the city must have a comprehen. sive'plan and follow the existing zon. lng and not change definitions and down zone the property. Hank Treveloni, representing Chevron #22. They want R-1 Zoning Classifica- tion. Jim Martin #40. He is opposed to all reclassification. curry stated the intent in the reclassification is not to down grade any current zoning, only to catagorize what we already have. Its just a classification. A presentation was made by Randy Gideon concerning Park Grants. He informed council that Southlake shoul~ be taking advantage of matching park grants, as there are funds available. There are also federal funds available at this time. Mr. Gideon offered his services in assisting Southlake in apply%ng for such grants. Councilperson Stacy suggested Mr. ZONING RECLASSI FICATION PARK GRA! NAME OF COUNC I LPERSON 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, *TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: March $1,1987 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 4 INDEX Gideon work with David McMahan and the Park Board. Curry Bradley McMahan Stacy Westerholm Mayor Pro Tem, Curry, led a CARROLL in regards to Carroll I.S.D. School I.S.D. A Board and Southlake City Council CITY interfacing. Curry asked Lloyd Latta COUNCIL City Administrator to work with the INTERFAC ~chool, representing the city in ING. keeping communications going, possibl' having one or two joint work sessions annually. Sealed Bids were opened for two city vehicles, a 1979 Chrysler and a Station Wagon,'both Fire Department vehicles. It was established that requirements were met as per State Statutes. The two bids received are apart of the record. After discussion, motion was made to reject the bids as received. Stacy recommended Council consider donating the Station Wagon to the !Humane Society. Department reports were reviewed. It was noted that the Fire Department served between 850 and 900 dinners and that their net profit will be about $6,500 to $7,000. DireC$or of Public Works; Bill LeGran~ reported that Cross Timber Hills Homeowners Association had a "clean up" day.and that it was very' success- fU1. Lakeside Sanitation worked very well with the group, picking up the trash for them. LeGrand encouraged all areas of town to have a spring cie'an.up day. VEHICLE BIDS ]EPARTME~ ~ ~ > <' < 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ffEXAs ~ ~ ~ O ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~INUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > ~ ~ MEETING. ~ ~ z > ~ DATE: March 51,1987 ~ ~ ~ ~ o 7:30 P.M. ~ > ~ TIME: ~ ~ ~ PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS O O Z ~ ~ ~ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: S INDEX Public Forum: Gary Fickes made note of the commitment Council made concerning D.F.~. Airport' Litigation. H~ does not f~el a ve%y good effort has been made by citizens in areas effected by this noise, such as ~hispering Dell ~nd other subdivisions in that area. Curry x Motion was made and approved to Bradley x x adjourn the meeting. McMahan x Stacy x Westerholm x x Mayor Pro Tem, Charles C~y ATT/~ST: City Secretary '\