1987-03-03NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON Curry Bradley McMahan Stacy Westerholm CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS · MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: March 5,1987 TIME: 7:50 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: INDEX COUNCILPBRSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd O. Latta Jr. Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. Davis Bradley, David McMahan Rick Stacy and Johnny Westerholm. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Gary Fickes. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Police Chief; Jerry Crowder, Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand, City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney; John Boyle. INVOCATION: Davis Bradley. The Minutes of the previous City Council meeting were approved as amended in the City Council Work Session. Mayors Report: Mayor Latta announced that the proposed City Charters were placed in the mail today as certified by the City Secretary, as per State Statutes. Mayor Latta declared April 2S- through May 1, as "Don't Mess with Tarrant County" as a County wide cleanup, sponsored by the Texas Highway Department. ,\ Governor Clements has set aside March 1-7 as Severe Weather Aware- ness Week. He stated that Tarrant County has one of the biggest torna4o, counts in the area. Mayor Latta advised that the Trinit River Authority, Executive Committee has approved Southlake az a member city in the Zone B Wasfi~water Treat- ment Program as of February 25,1987. TRA NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ~INUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: March 5,1987 TIME: ?:50 P.M. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX Curry Bradley McMahan Stacy Westerholm Chief Crowder announced that on March 6, a Community Awareness Pro- gram-Dinner will be held at Nine Acres Country Club. The event is sponsored by the Southlake Police Department and CAP Teens, and will benefit the Drug Awareness Program in Southlake. The following items were approved under a consent agenda: #2, #8, #10, #11, #12, #13, ~ #14. 2. Resolution 87-18. Submission of Application for Federal Assistance for a Crime Prevention/Major Crimes Unit Project. 8. Bills for Approval. 10. Resolution 87-19. Accepting Low Bid for Landscaping and Irriga- tion at Bicentennial Park. 11. No-Lease Agreement for Use of City Right-of-Way in Woodland Height: 12. Request for Variance to Ord. 511, Exterior Masonry Construction. Darr¢ McSpedden, and Sellars, Inc. 15. Resolution 87-20. Appointment of City Representative and Alternate to the TRA Advisory Council. 14. Reschedule March 17 City Council Meeting. A discussion and public hearing was held~n regards to the recommendatio~ that were made by the P ~ Z Commission on the Zoning Reclassifi- cations. Mayor Latta noted that the City Council and the P~anning and Zoning Commission will hold a joint work session in the near future concernin the Zoning Reclassifications. A copy of the Zoning'ReclasSifications by areas is attached to the minutes. ZONING RECLASSIi CATIONS. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE'. CITY COUNCIL March $,1987 7:30 P.M. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 3 INDEX During the public hearing, the lng persons spoke: Dan Story #8. Southlake Plaza. The property was Heavy Commercial, with a recommendation it be changed to Ri A1 Wilki #5, #34. ~Ff~nitzer. recommendation. He is representin They agree with Barbara Paty.#29. Land was Light Commercial with a recommendation to O1. She is not happy with a change in zoning [reclassification) as she wants it to remain retail use. She is requesting Ri. Jerre Harre!l #14. Property was HeaVy Commercial, proposed for Ri with office added. #16. Property was Light Commercial proposed R1 with office added. She is happy with both pieces of land. Lloyd Carder #31, #52, #33 . All areas recommended for R1. He was satisfied with that. Millard Dil$ #4. Property was Heavy Commercial, recommended for 01. Its a 30 acre tract of land and he wants more flexibility, mostly retail with some office. R1. John ~eore # 17, #18. Would like to go back to R2. P ~ Z had recommende~ 01. Council changed to R2. Richard Eakins # 26. Lot 25, Blk. 1 Woodland Heights. The property was Heavy Commercial with a recommenda- tion to O1. He would like RI. Charles Branan #2 He would like Ri or R2 because they are mixing the uses on their plan of the property. NAME OF COUNC I LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, T.E~AS MINUTES OF THE 'Regular 'MEETING. DATB: March.5,1987 TIME: 7:50 P.M. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 4 INDEX Dan Matise #28. He has 10~ acres wants R2 on the entire property. Conner Lam #55. He has 15 acres- P & recommended O1. He wants R2, same as Golden Triangle Animal Clinic, on the adjoining property. Ken Smith #45. The P & Z recommended 'I-1. He would like I-2 to comply with Ordinance No. 550. Walter Kidd #58. He is happy with R2 as recommended. Don Botik # 28.P 6 Z recommended R1 and he is requesting I-1. John Moore He ask for zero lot line~ to be considered as a change to the zoning ordinance. Bob MYron #24. He is happy with Ri. Rick Rutlin~er #36. He is happy with R2. The second public hearing will be held on March 51, at the rescheduled City Council Meeting. ZA 86-63. The zoning request for a 2.408 acre tract of land from Agricultural to SF 5 Zoning District was considered by Council. .The property is described as being Lot 1 Block 1 of the Whitener Addition. P & Z Vice-Chairperson, Gary Fickes reported that the P ~ Z recommended approval of the zoning request by a 6-0 vote. Mr. Grady Whitener, owner, stated he wants to build a home on Lot lB and added that there is already a home on Lot iA. ZA 86-65 NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY O~ S6UTHLAKE, TEXAS' · MINUTES OF THE Rag,,Jar MEETING. DATE: March 3,1987 TIME: PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY oFT~T~E~E,-xn ~u COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 INDEX Curry Bradley McMahan Stacy Westerholm Curry Bradley McMahan ~Stacy Westerholm There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made and approved to approve the request for SF3. ZA 86-64. The final plat of Whitener Addition was discussed. It was noted that all the recommendations made by the Planning and Zoning Commission have been corrected on the plat. Motion was made and approved to approve the final plat. David McMahan stepped down for the next agenda item, as having a vested interest. Councilperson Westerholm asked the City Attorney if a Councilperson could make a presentation if he steps down for having a vested interest. Mr. Boyle stated that pursuant to Article 988B, if a Councilman has a conflict; (1) it is necessary to file an affidavit, (2) precluded from a vote and (3) precluded from partici- pating in the item. McMahan did not participate in the ~resentation. ~A 87~2. Request for a zoning chang~ from Agricultural to Office 1 for a 2.77 acre tract of land out of the T. Easter Survey, Abstract 458. Lots 15 & 16 and a ~ortion of Lots 18 & 19, Block E Knoll- Lakeview Addition. Gary Fickes stated that the P ~ Z recommended approval by a vote of ZA 86-64 ZA 87-2 N:kME OF COUNC I LPERSON .iCITY O~ SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS · MINUTES OF THE ~e.gular MEETING. DATE: March 3,1987 TIME: ?:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 6 INDEX Curry Bradley McMahan Stacy Westerholm Curry Bradley McMahan Stacy Westerholm Curry Bradley McMahan Stacy Westerholm John Levitt, Engineer, was present and answered questions for the Council. It was agreed that the abandonment is to take place just be- fore the final plat or with the final plat, using an ordinance for abandonment. A discussion was held concerning the service road for Highway 114 at Austir Place exit being a two way street vs. a one way street. Levitt agreed to talk with Billy Harty from the State Highway Department to discuss their future plans. During the public hearing ing persons spoke: Jackie Smith- in favor. Dale Marks-in favor. the follow- Motion was made and approved to approve the zoning request as requested for OF-1. The Conceptual Site:Plan of Oak Hill Off~ke Park was approved as presented. Motion was made and approved to adjourn the meeting. ATTBST: City Secretary