1987-02-03 .CITY OP SouTHL~KE, TEXAS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Regular CITY COUNCIL ~ o ~ m ~ MINUTES OF THE z ~', ~ ~ . MEETING. ~ ~ z: ~ ~ DATE: February 5, 1987 ~ > ~ TIME: 7:~0 ~.m. ~ ~ ~ PLACE: CITYOF SOUTHLAKE,' COUNCIL CHA~{BERS ~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE ~ ~ ~ TEXAS. NAME OF ~ ~ COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX ZOUNC~LPERSONS PRESENT: Mayer: Lloyd O. Latta, Jr.; Mayor Pro Tem: Charles gurry; David McMahan; Rick Stacy; and ~ohnny Westerholm. Zouncilman absent: Davis Bradley. 2ITY STAFF PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Munsie, Fire Crier; R.P. Steele, Police Chiet; Jerry Crowder and City ~ngineer; Eddie Cheatham. INVOCATION: David McMahan. Curry x Fhe minutes of the January 20, 1987 Bradley ~ere approved as presented. McMahan x x S :y x ~ev~erholm x x ~AYORSREPORT Baby Announcement: ~dam Ezra Zimmerer (LeGrand) 9 lb's and 9] oz., 21" long. Grandma and Mother doing fine. Mayor Latta addressed a letter from Susie Berend regarding the intersectiox ~f White Chapel Road and Southlake Blw.. [1709). Several mishaps have occurred ~ue to the severe drop offs on the Southeast and Southwest corners. Mayor Latta recommended that councilmax Rick Stacy contact the State Highway Department to discuss a joint'effort by the Lkity and Highway department to repair and alleviate the problem. the following agenda item #4 ¢oncernin Budget, Personnel Update Briefing was ~eleted from the agenda. Consent agenda items 5,5,7,8,9. Item #S, Resolution 87-6. Interlocal Fire Protection Agreement with Denton County. Item #S, Bills for Approval. Item #7, Amendment to the Sign Ordina ce No. 550, making Ordinance No. 550-A. NAME OF COUNC'ILPERSON Curry Bradley McMahan Stacy Westerholm ,CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: February 3, 1987 TIME: 7:30 5'~' PLACE: CITY SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: 2 INDEX Item #8, Resolution 87-11. Permit as Convenience to the Voter, County Bon~ ion to be held with the Municipal ~lection April 4, 1987. item #9 Resolution 87-12. Water and Sewer Agreement among City of 3rapevine; the City of Southlake and ~rapevine/Highway 26 Joint Venture. was made and approved to approw the consent agenda items. by auditor Terry Bouton Judd, Thomas, Beasley and Smith, g FY86 Budget. (See handout in and a part of these ~inuZes.) Councilman David McMahan uired about the impact fees and Lsked that the auditor locate and tistribute to proper fund. Mr. Bouton ;tated that the two most significant ~spects of his management letter to the ]ity was (1) inventory of general fixe~ ~ssets and (2)~the preparation on adop. ion of a purchasing manual. audit report will not be ready for ~ublic distribution until a repre- ;entation letter from Attorney Bill is submitted. Zurry Bradley ~cMahan Stacy ~esterholm uest for Sign Permit for Lucky Lady :ood Store at Jellico Corner was dis~ :ussed. Larry Munsie, City Administral :onfirmed that the plans for the sign Joes no,t conform to the new sign ~rdinan~eo ( a City memorandum describ! :he problem areas are included in thes~ ~inutes.) Mr. Munsie recommended to :ouncil that the City Staff and owners ,f Lucky Lady Food Store meet and then · esubmit for a sign permit and site · ~lan for the Canopy. was made and approved to table the request until next council meetin on February 17, 1987. ~ ~ > < < CITY OF SOUTNLAKE., TEXAS m o ~ m ~ MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > ~ ~ MEETING. - ~ m z > ~ DATE: February 3 ~987 ~ ~ ~ PLACE: CITYO~ SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS ~ ~ ~ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON ~ PAGE: 3 INDEX There were no commen~s during ~he public forum. Mo~ion was made and approved ~o adjour~ ~he meeting. Curry x x Bradley McMahan x x S~acy x ~es~erholm X ~tt, st: ]i~y Secretary