1987-02-17 CITY OFf SOUTH;AKE, TEXA~.. > o o gU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Re lar CITY COUNCIL ~ o ~ ~ ~ MINUTES OF TH£ ... z > ~ ~ MEETING. ~ o ~ February 17,1987 = m z > ~ 'DATE: m ~ m ~ o TIME: 7:30 P.M. ~ ~ -- PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHA~BERS ~ ~ ~ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE ~ ~ ~ TEXAS. N~IE OF o o COUNCILPERSON ~ INDEX PAGE: 1 COUNCILPBRSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd O. Latta Jr. Mayro Pro Tem; Charles Curry. David McMahan, Rick Stacy and Johnny Westerholm. ABSENT: Davis Bradley. P ~ Z COMMISSIONER: Gary Fickes. CITY STAFF: City Administrator; ,Larry Munsie, Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Police Chief; Jerry Crowder, City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham. INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm. .~urry x x The Minutes of the February 3, City McMahan x x Council meeting were approved as Stacy x presented. Westerholm x MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Latta reported that no bids were received for a gradall as a result of the most recent request for bids and City Council will consider ;a separate course of action and report )ack. 2urry announced that Chief Crowder ~as awarded the "Man of the Year" ~ward at the annual Chamber of 2ommerce Banquet. '\ Items ~12, #1~, #14 were deleted from tonights meeting agenda. Fhe following agenda.~&~ems were ~pproved under a consent agenda. Fhey include: #5, #4, #8, #10, #15, ~16. ~×~#3'. Convertet f~)m [esc[uti)n 5. Resolution 87-14. Adopt City 87-14 to Ordilan(~ N. 3;1. ~mergency Plan. 4. Final site plan for Jellico Corner/ ,ucky Lady Store. Jim Martin. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OFf SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. · MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: Ra. yul'~r CITY COUNCIL February 17,1987 ?:30 P.M. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 66? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX Curry McMahan Stacy Westerholm Curry Curry dahan acy Westerholm 8. Bills for approval. 10. Resolution 86-15. Request for a non-conforming building permit for an addition to Texas National Bank. 15. Resolution 87-17. Appointment of Administrator and Enforcement Official for the Zoning Ordinance #334 16. Sign Permit for Lucky Lady 3onvenience Store. Rick Stacy stepped down for Agenda items S & 6, as having a vested interest. ZA 87-1. A request was made for a z0n ing change for a 14.161 acre tract of land out of the L.H. Chivers Survey, 300. Current zoning is ricultural, and Light Industrial, request is for the R-2 Zoning District & Z Vice-Chairperson, Gary Fickes, that the P & Z Commission recom- approval of the zoning change by a vote of 6-0. discussion, motion was made and ~roved to approve the zoning to Zoning District. the Conceptual Site Plan for the :tion Barn was discussed. McMahan stated for the record that he feels the conceptual site plan '\ meaningless and he does not mderstand why they are looking at it. {otion was made to approve the plan. died for lack of a second. was made to deny the site plan. motion was approved. ZA 87-1 CONCEPTUA SITE PLAN AUCTION BARN NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON Curry McMahan Stacy Westerholm CITY O~ SOUTH~AKE, T~AA~. ''.' ~INUTES OF THE' Ra~,,l~r CITY COUNCIL MEETING. 'DATE: February 17,1987 TIME: 7:$0 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: INDEX City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham, presented an Engineering Study for a Water System Plan, a Sanitary System Plan and a plan for Vertical and Horizontal Control within the City and the Cities B.T.J. Cheatham stated that in the water plan he is attempting to develop the ultimate water plan for Southlake 'based on the proposed master plan. He has projected the city will have a future population of SS,000 persons He is proposing to size water lines and allow for adequate water pressure throughout the system, also based on the master plan and thoroughfare plan Cheatham stated that each drainage area will be looked at and each line will be sized, using TRA criteria of five persons per acre. And last, Cheatham stated the system is in need of bench marks. The city currently does not have any. The Co~p of Engineers has some, but they are not all accurate. After discussion, motion was made to address the plan and proceed with it, except that the horizontal plan will be discussed in FY88 Budget. Mayor Latta stated that the City Attorney will prepare a no-lease agreement for the use of city right- of-way in Woodland Heights and it will be considered at the next City Council meeting. The Department Reports were discussed PUBLIC FORUM: Jim Wooll- questioned Eddie Cheatham about the pros and cons of elevated storage water tanks vs ground level storage NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Curry McMahan Stacy Westerholm · CITY OF] SO'UTH~AKE, TEXAS ..... ' ' MINUTES OF THE' Regular ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING. 'DATE: Eebruary 17,1987 ' TIME: 7:50 p.m. PLACE: CITY OE SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 4 INDEX The meeting was adjourned by Mayor' Latta. City Secretary