1988-12-06 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Regular City Council Meeting December 6, 1988 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Present: Mayor Pro Tem, Betty Springer; Councilmembers: Muller, Sally Hall, Jim Wooll, and Ralph Evans. Pamela Absent: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm. City Staff Present: City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk; Public Works Director, William LeGrand; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; Police Chief, Billy Campbell; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; City Attorney, Allen Taylor and Betsy Elam. Invocation: Ralph Evans The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem, Betty Springer who announced that Mayor Westerholm is out of the country on a well deserved vacation. The minutes of the November as presented. Motion: Hall Second: Wooll Ayes: Hall, Wooll, Springer, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 15, City Council Meeting were Evans and Muller approved Mayor's Report Mayor Pro-Tem Springer read a Proclamation honoring WM "Blackie" Sustaire, City Manager of the City of Euless. He is retiring after many years service to the City and the general community. Springer noted the committee and board meetings to be held in the following week and reminded the audience that all city meetings are open to the public. The Carroll Dragons will be playing again on Friday at Pennington Field. City Manager's Report Curtis Hawk, City Manager, noted the overview of the police vehicles in the council packet as prepared by Chief Campbell. He also referred to other items which were included in the packet. City Council Minutes December 6, 1988 Page 2 City Manager's Report, Continued The City is formally requesting a traffic study on the intersection at 114 and the feeder road at Skaggs Alpha Beta parking lot. Mr. Hawk stated that the street priority list as requested by Tarrant County will be on the next agenda for Council action. Mr. Hawk referenced the legislative dinner to be held this week and the need for Councilmembers to attend. He also stated that at this time the City does not have a policy on travel procedures, bid procedures or a policy on employees and city council for expenses when on city business. We are now looking at alternatives on several policies. Consent Agenda Mayor Pro Tem Springer announced that Item #7 will be removed from the Consent Agenda, therefore, the consent agenda will be items 5 and 6. 5. Ordinance No. 467, 1st reading, Tri-County Electric Rate Decrease. Resolution 88-107, Supporting the construction of a controlled access freeway on the northern alignment for SH 170 between IH 35W and SH 114. Springer read the preamble of Ordinance #467, Tri County Electric rate decrease. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda. Motion: wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Springer, Muller and Hall Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item 97, Parks and Recreation, Bank Account City Manager, Curtis Hawk, explained the reason this item is on the agenda. The Park and Recreation Board felt there was a need to have a recreational league during the winter months. The league would have entry fees. The fees would be used to pay the score keepers, referees and such. The Park Board intended to pay for different things. He felt that this was being done by the Park Board in the name of the city, therefore, we needed to have an audit trail for the funds, and an agency fund (9350) was set up. Signing on the account will be chairperson and vice-chairperson of the Park and Recreation Board and city representatives as outlined by resolution. This is just a custodial account. The question was asked if the park members signing on the account needed to be bonded. City Council Minutes December 6, 1988 Page 3 Agenda Item %7, Continued City Attorney, the check, the be bonded. Allen Taylor, stated if a City Officer signs on park member singing the check will not need to Motion was made to approve the establishment of an agency fund #350 as requested, for the Parks and Recreation Board, also authorizing the chairperson and vice-chairperson to sign on the account with a city officer. The fund is for the purpose of disbursing park fund monies in connection with the Basketball League. Motion: Evans Second: Hall Ayes: Evans, Hall and Springer Nays: Wooll and Muller Approved: 3-2 Agenda Item 24, Council Liaison to City Boards & Commissions A discussion Councilmember commission. was held concerning whether or not a liaison should be appointed to work with each city board and Curtis Hawk explained that the Park Board has asked that a liaison be appointed to work with the Park Board. Springer stated that either the City Manager or Director of Public Works will be at all the meetings. Councilmember Hall stated the goals for the year should be set by the City Council. The groups need City Council direction to keep projects moving in a timely fashion. She likes the idea of liaison for each group. Councilmembers Muller and Springer feel we do not need liaisons as the boards should feel they can go to the entire City Council. Councilmember Wooll is opposed to liaison for parks--he feels Curtis Hawk and Bill LeGrand are the best advisors the City can give the park board. Agenda Item #8, Ord. 334-46, Special Exception, Dog Kennel Ordinance #334-46 (ZA88-34), was discussed in 1st reading. The request for a Special Exception Use Permit for a Dog Kennel was requested by Linda Kane, J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18. During the public hearing, Robert Downard stated he felt the Special Exception Use Permit is putting a burden on Ms. Kane, how about SP1 zoning. The Public Hearing was closed. City Council Minutes December 6, 1988 Page 4 Agenda Item 98, Continued Councilmember Wooll answered that the SP1 zoning would applicant much more money then the permit requested. Springer read the caption for the ordinance. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #334-46, 1st reading. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Springer and Hall Nays: None Approved: 5-0 cost the Agenda Item #9, Ord. 466, Lone Star Gas, 2nd Reading Vernie Henderson, Lone Star Gas, was present and reviewed the case for Council. There were no comments during the public hearing. Mayor Pro Tem Springer read the caption of the ordinance. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #466, 2nd reading Star Gas Rate Increase. Motion: Wooll Second: Hall Ayes: Wooll, Hall, Springer, and Muller Nays: Evans Approved: 4-1 for Lone Annexations Springer noted the ordinances involving annexation are all identical except for tract number and metes and bounds. She read the caption of one ordinance for all the ordinances on annexation. All property finally annexed shall be zoned agricultural on a temporary basis pending zoning of the property on a permanent basis in accordance with State Zoning Statues. Agenda Item #10, Ord. 453~ Annexation Tract 1 Ordinance #453 was considered for annexation on Tract 1 into the City of Southlake. There were no comments during public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #453, 2nd reading. Motion: Hall Second: Evans Ayes: Hall, Evans, Muller, Springer and Wooll Nays: none Approved: 5-0 City Council Minutes December 6, 1988 Page 5 A~enda Item #11, Ord. 454, Annexation, Tract 13B Ordinance #454 was approved in 2nd reading annexing Tract the City of Southlake. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #454. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Springer and Hall Nays: None Approved: 5-0 13B into A~enda Item #12, Ord. 455, Annexation, Tract 14 Ordinance #455 was considered for annexation of Tract 14 into the City of Southlake. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #455, 2nd reading. Motion: Evans Second: Hall Ayes: Evans, Hall, Muller, Springer and Wooll Nays: None Approved: 5-0 ~enda Item #13, Ord. 456, Annexation, Tract 16 Ordinance ~456 was considered for annexation of Tract 16 into the City of Southlake. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #456, 2nd reading. Motion: Hall Second: Evans Ayes: Hall, Evans, Muller, Springer and Wooll Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item #14, Ord. 457, Annexation, Tract 24 Ordinance #457 was considered for annexation of Tract 24 into the City of Southlake. Cullen Calame signed up to speak during the public hearing, however, he left before this agenda item. There were no other comments during the public hearing. City Council Minutes December 6, 1988 Page 6 Agenda Item #14, Continued Motion was made to approve Ordinance #457, 2nd reading. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Springer and Hall Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item #15, Ord. 458, Annexation, Tract 25 Ordinance ~458 was considered for annexation of Tract City of Southlake. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance 9458, 2nd reading. Motion: Evans Second: Hall Ayes: Evans, Hall, Muller, Springer and Wooll Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item #16, Ord. 459, Annexation, Tract 26 Ordinance #459 was considered for annexation of Tract City of Southlake. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #459, 2nd reading. Motion: Hall Second: Wooll Ayes: Hall, Wooll, Springer, Muller and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 25 into the 26 into the Agenda Item ~17, Ord. 460, Annexation, Tract 27 Ordinance ~460 was considered for annexation of Tract City of Southlake. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #460, 2nd reading. Motion: Evans Second: Wooll Ayes: Evans, Wooll, Springer, Hall, and Muller Nays: None Approved: 5-0 27 into the City Council Minutes December 6, 1988 Page 7 Agenda Item ~18, Ord. 461, Annexation, Tract 28 Ordinance #461 was considered for annexation of Tract 28 City of Southlake. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #461, 2nd reading. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Springer and Hall Nays: None Approved: 5-0 into the Agenda Item #19, Ord. 462, Annexation, Tract 29 Ordinance #462 was considered for annexation of Tract City of Southlake. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #462, 2nd reading. Motion: wooll Second: Hall Ayes: Wooll, Hall, Springer, Muller and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 29 into the Agenda Item #20, Ordinance #463 was City of Southlake. Ord. 463, Annexation~ Tract 30 considered for annexation of During the public hearing Ralph Caster questioned if he will be in the area annexation under Ordinance #463. He had hearing was closed. Tract 30 into the of 3520 Burney Lane being considered for no objections. Public Motion was made to approve Ordinance #463, 2nd reading. Motion: Hall Second: Wooll Ayes: Hall, Wooll, Muller, Springer and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 City Council Minutes December 6, 1988 Page 8 Agenda Item ~21, Ord. 464, Annexation, Tract 31A3 Ordinance #464 was considered for annexation of Tract 31A3 into the City of Southlake. Councilmember Wooll expressed concern over the funding of city service in Tract 31A3. Public Works Director, Bill LeGrand, answered that services must cross over this area when provided to Tract 31-D annexed by petition in May 1988. There were no comments during public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #464, Motion: Muller Second: Hall Ayes: Muller, Hall, Springer and Evans Nays: Wooll Approved: 4-1 2nd reading. Agenda Item %22~ Ord. 465, Annexation, Tract 32 Ordinance 9465 was considered for annexation of Tract City of Southlake. There were no comments during public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #465, 2nd reading. Motion: Wooll Second: Hall Ayes: Wooll, Hall, Springer, Muller and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 32 into the Agenda Item #23~ Res 88-106, Appointment to Board of Adjustments Resolution ~88-106 was approved moving Art Sorensen from an alternate on the Board of Adjustments to a regular member and appointing Robert Downard as an alternate member for a term to expire May 1990. Motion was made to approve Resolution #88-106. Motion: Muller Second: Hall Ayes: Muller, Hall, Springer, Evans and Wooll Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Robert Downard was present and accepted the position. City Council Minutes December 6, 1988 Page 9 Agenda Item #25, Public Forum Councilmember Hall referenced an article from the newspaper written by a Southlake citizen concerning "signs" and enforcement of ordinances in both Southlake and Grapevine. Councilmember Muller stated Mr. LeGrand does keep up with the signs in Southlake as well as possible with our limited resources. Councilmember Wooll stated that if the "Dragons" win State Championship, the community should chip in and raise funds for a proper sign in their honor. There were no request to speak during the public forum. Agenda Item ~26, Executive Session Council recessed at this time and then went into executive session at 9:10 p.m. pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Article 6252-17, Section 2E, under the provision dealing with pending and contemplated litigations. Items to be discussed include: Any pending or contemplated litigations. Possible litigation with a service provider. Agenda Item #27 & 28, Any Action Necessary Re: Litigations Council returned to open session at 10:20 p.m. and Mayor Pro Tem Springer announced that no action will be taken as a result of the closed session. Council was updated on several items during the session. Agenda Item #29, Adjournment There being no further business, motion was meeting. Motion: Evans Second: Hall Ayes: Evans, Hall, Muller, Wooll and Springer Nays: None Approved: 5-0 ATTEST. :~ C~ty Secretary made to adjourn the Betty Springer Mayor Pro Tem co (f) (4-4 o V) o cd ri Cd U) O 4a O U )4 •^ c�drnrd Id N AN (v +j CY) r- i 00 r� 00 rn Cd 0 cd U U 41 i-+ Ln •ri ri • ri rd r-i ,. U) rn $a4 rl �:s U cd ,�t< W Cd rl O • ^ �. U) p, f' U) r-1 N N • ri Cd 4a Id rl • ri - 0". U) }C O 9 cM Cd O Cd N i-> Cn O 9 N cd O m �:s U O E-H +-) LO +.> O ri .,q •ri O O >. 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