1988-10-04 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Regular City Council Meeting October 4, 1988, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Present: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Councilmembers: Springer, Sally Hall, Pam Muller, Ralph Evans and Jim Wooll. Betty City Staff Present: City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk; Director of Public Works, William D. LeGrand; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; City Accountant, Renee McCarty; City Attorney Adrienne Leonard and Legal Assistance, Toni Chamberlain. Invocation: Jim Wooll Agenda Item #1, Call to Order Mayor Westerholm called the meeting to order and City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk. introduced our new Agenda Item ~2, Approval of Minutes The minutes of the September 20, and September 24, City Meetings were approved as presented, with one amendment. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Hall, Muller and Evans Council Agenda Item #3, Mayor's Report Mayor Westerholm announced that agenda items 8, 9, 13, and 14, were considered in consent agenda. They include: 8. ZA88-29, Final Plat of ll4/Carroll Addition. 9. ZA88-32, Final Plat of Oien Subdivision. 13. Resolution 88-88, Authorizing the issuance of TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES, SERIES 1988, in the aggregate principal amount of $225,000 and authorizing the execution and delivery of certain documents in connection therewith. 14. Resolution 88-89, Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with City of Colleyville for ambulance service on an interim basis, not to exceed 30 days. City Council Minutes October 4, 1988 Page 2 Agenda Item %3, Mayor's Report (Continued) Motion was made to approve the consent agenda items. Motion: Springer Second: Hall Ayes: Springer, Hall, Muller, Wooll and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 --Mayor Westerholm, also announced that agenda items ~10 and #11 would be deleted from tonight's agenda. --The 1st. public hearing on the fall 1988 annexation will be heard on October 11, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. The second public hearing will be held on August 18, 1988, at the regular City Council Meeting. All interested persons are urged to attend. --The Mayor announced that the Texas Municipal League's annual meeting will be held in November in Dallas this year. For more information contact the City Secretary. Agenda Item %4, City Manager's Report City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk, started out by saying he is very pleased with the employees who he has met and is looking forward to meeting everyone. His philosophy is that no one in the work force should be afraid to talk to the City Council. The City Council should have concern about what employees are concerned about. He has the authority and the responsibility to take care of the problems, however, he can be held accountable only if he knows the problems. He asked the community to please fill free to contact him. Mayor Westerholm stated that it's good to have a professional City Manager on board. He is looking forward to a good working relationship. Agenda Item #5~ Ord. 448, Ambulance Fees, 2nd Reading Ordinance #448, ambulance fees, was discussed, amending #395. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve the 2nd. reading of Ambulance Fees. Motion: Hall Second: Wooll Ayes: Hall, Wooll, Springer, Muller and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Ordinance Ordinance $448, City Council Minutes October 4, 1988 Page 3 Agenda Item #6, Ord. 449, Changing Street Name in West Beach Addn Ordinance ~449, changing the street name in the West Beach Addition from Mockingbird to Bluebird, was discussed in 2nd. reading. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #449, 2nd. reading. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Hall and Springer Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item ~7, Ord. 334-43, Modular Classroom, Selwyn School Ordinance 9334-43 (ZA88-28), a request for a Special Permit for an addition of a modular classroom to the Day School, was discussed in 2nd. reading. Exception Use Selwyn Country Zoning on the property was discussed, and Robert Strong with the school agreed that now that they have enough land for Community Service Zoning, they would rezone in the near future. Strong also stated they need a two (2) year commitment in order to get the modular building. Public Hearing Comments: Jim Martin Jellico Corners. The temporary building is the issue, what does the zoning have to do with it. Rick Stacy - 1000 W. Southlake Blvd. If it is a temporary structure, it still needs a Special Exception Use Permit. John Doncaster - Selwyn School. This is a temporary building. They now have five (5) acres and are preparing a master plan, it will not include temporary buildings. Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand, commented that this is a modular building (classroom) not a modular home, it does meet the requirements of the code. Motion was made to approve the Special Use #334-43, 2nd. reading. Motion: Wooll Second: Hall Ayes: Wooll, Hall, Springer, Muller and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Permit, Ordinance City Council Minutes October 4, 1988 Page 4 Agenda Item #12, Variance to Sign Ord., Justin Grocery The request for a variance to the Sign Ordinance for Justin Grocery Store was discussed. Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand, explained the request and also Sign Ordinance #350 was discussed in relationship to the request. Motion was made to deny the request for variance. Motion: Muller Second: Wooll Ayes: Muller, Wooll, Springer, Hall and Evans Nays: None Denied: 5-0 Agenda Item #15, Public Forum Rick Stacy - 1000 W. Southlake Blvd. What is the $50,000 bond to Colleyville. He welcomed Mr. Hawk as City Manager. Charter amendments, are we working on a committee. Merger committee, are they meeting. He referred to the police department matter. City Manager, Curtis Hawk, answered that this is employee--employer matter, not to be discussed in public. an Cheryl Gielow - 1417 Whispering Dell. Welcomed Mr. Hawk. She is very concerned about the welfare of people who work for the city. Why didn't an outside agency do the investigation on Lt's McGuire and Huffman. Mr. Hawk felt it was inappropriate to discuss the issue of police personnel until the matter is closed. Ms. Gielow - can we go about auditing the police department. Mr. Hawk stated that when is concerned. He calls it case of loss of confidence correct it. it comes to public safety, everyone a management study. If there is a in the police department we need to Rhonda Smith - 300 Ginger Court. Made comments concerning the police matter. Mentioned threat of a law suite against the city. Robert Downard - 1255 Randol Mill Rd. Passed. Marsha Palla - 1207 Cross Timber Dr. She wants to know about accident that her husband was involved in. Charlotte Lemieux - 1214 Oakwood Trail. Asked about the number of officers we now have in the police department. There being no further comments, the Public Forum was closed. City Council Minutes October 4, 1988 Page 5 Motion was made Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 ATTEST: . ..~ %~..... ~ ...... / .//~,~ :.-'_ ,~, '-..:,,% Sandra L. L~G~aSd~:. ~ City Secretary %0'... ~ .' to adjourn the meeting. Springer and Hall Jchfin~ }{. 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