667 N. Carroll Avenue
Regular City Council Meeting
August 16, 1988, 7:30 p.m.
Present: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Councilmembers:
Betty Springer, Pam Muller, Sally Hall and Ralph Evans.
Jim wooll,
City Staff Present: Acting City Manager, william D. LeGrand; Fire
Chief, R.P. Steele; Police Chief, Jerry Crowder; Fire Marshal,
David Barnes; City Accountant, Renee McCarty; City Engineers, Eddie
Cheatham and Mike Monroe and City Attorney, Adrienne Leonard and
Legal Assistant, Toni Chamberlain.
Invocation - Ralph Evans
The minutes of the August 2, and August 5,
were approved as presented.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Springer, Hall and Muller
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
City Council meetings
Mayor's Report:
Mayor Westerholm announced that there would be a public hearing on
August 18, at 10:00 a.m. at Christ Our King Church in Southlake for
the purpose of discussion on the Hwy 114 alignment. He noted that
by resolution, the City Council has recommended alternate #3.
Acting City Manager's Report:
During the City Manager's report, the department reports
reviewed. The comments included:
Police - calls are up over last month.
Court - Revenue is down over the same period last year.
Water 57,975,000 gallons were pumped in July. This amount
is doubled over last month.
Building - Summer slow down in building, therefore, revenues
are down.
Financial Report - Income is slow, therefore creating a short
City Council Minutes
August 16, 1988
Page 2
Agenda Item #5, Presentation: Master Plan/Land Use Plan
Mike Monroe, master planner with Cheatham and Associates gave a
brief overview of the process to date. It has been developed
through many public hearings and work sessions at the Planning and
Zoning Commission level. He emphasized that this plan is intended
to be used as a guide.
Public Comment:
Carolyn Hayes - 807 E. Southlake Blvd. Had questions concerning
the plan.
Agenda Item ~7, FY89 Budget, 2nd Public Hearing
Mayor Westerholm explained to the audience that the budget being
looked at tonight represents a 38.28¢ tax rate which is a 15%
increase. He explained that we will notify the taxing entity of
our proposed rate by August 17, therefore, a decision of maximum
tax rate should be determined tonight.
Acting City Manager, Bill LeGrand stated this is a bare-bones/fixed
cost budget. We will be repaying this year debts in FY89 Budget.
Councilmember wooll stated the budget as it stands tonight will
reduce the size of the police department from 25 to 20. He is
asking City Council to restore to the budget the 25 people for a
cost of $3.41 per thousand.
Public Hearing:
Bill Low - 3111 Woodland Trail. He stated that the actual dollars
in the police department budget are going down and the streets are
going up. He suggested to the City Council that even though it is
a short budget, the police department should come first and then
the other items. He is providing his services as a consultant to
the police department by encouraging reserve officers.
Aloha Payne - 1213 Whispering Lane. She questioned the office of
finance being a separate office. She discussed the police
department and asked that the salaries of the officers remain the
same until the allegation issue is resolved. She is asking the
City Council to have a public hearing on this matter. She quoted,
"a house divided cannot stand and city hall is a house divided."
Rick Stacy - 1000 W. Southlake Blvd. He stated by looking at the
proposed FY89 budget that the effective tax rate is almost the
same. He feels we get better mileage for our dollars if we
contract for streets, opposed to raising the street men to 5. He
is opposed to having $4,000 sewer tap fees without public hearings
being held.
City Council Minutes
August 16, 1988
Page 3
Kathy Turner - 1027 E. Continental Blvd. She over heard that
Northeast Tarrant County is #1 for drugs. It is most important for
her to keep funds in the police department.
Charlotte Lemieux - 1264 Oakwood Trail. She asked for an
explanation of 1/3 of the current budget being in the police
Charles Fetchel 6611 Strickler, Dallas. He feels if $3.41 is
just for the police department, it should be spread around.
Carolyn Hayes - 807 Southlake Blvd. She lives on FM1709 and she
has quit looking for a police car on FM1709. During the peak
hours, you will not find one. More officers is only more officers,
not better. She has concerns about spending this money on the
police department.
John Moore - 650 Ginger Court. His office at FM1709 and Westwood
has had 3 accidents in 120 days. He is afraid that if we send a
message to the public that we are cutting the police department we
are looking for trouble.
Marion Compton - 225 Sweet Street. If we cut the police
department, we are also cutting revenue.
Motions was made to amend the
department budget by the August
estimate of $146,815 to include the effective
$100.00 for the police package.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wooll, Evans and Muller
Nays: Springer and Hall
Approved: 3-2
budget to increase the police
10 memorandum of Bill LeGrand's
tax rate of $3.41 per
Motion was made to table the
Item #16.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Springer
Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Hall,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
budget discussion until after Agenda
Muller and Evans
A recess was held at this time.
9:45 p.m.
City Council reconvened at
City Council Minutes
August 16, 1988
Page 4
Agenda Item #6, Humane Society Contract
The Humane Society contract was presented to the City Council by
Katherine DuMontier, who indicated she has reconstructed the
payment schedule since the last City Council Meeting.
After discussion motion was made to table
September 6, 1988 City Council Meeting.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Hall and Springer
Nays: None
Approved (to table): 5-0
the item until the
Public Comments:
Carolyn Hayes 807 E. Southlake Blvd. She is in support of the
Humane Society proposal and also for licensing.
Rick Stacy - 1000 W. Southlake Blvd. This is One of the most
expensive nonprofit organizations he has ever seen. We need to
look at other ways to handle animals. We need to study this
Agenda Item 98, Res. 88-74, Southlake/Trophy Club Merger
Resolution 88-74, formation of a study
Southlake/Trophy Club merger was approved.
Motion: Muller
Second: Wooll
Ayes: Muller, Wooll, Springer, Hall and Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item #9, Res. 88-72, Short Term Loan from Tx Nat'l Bank
Approval was given to Resolution #88-72,
a short term loan from Texas National
amount not to exceed $175,000.
authorizing and obtaining
Bank in Southlake in an
Motion: Wooll
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wooll, Muller,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Springer, Hall and Evans
City Council Minutes
August 16, 1988
Page 5
A~enda Item 910, Res. 88-73, P & Z as Airport Zonin~ Commission
Resolution #88-73, establishing the Planning and Zoning Commission
as the Airport Zoning Commission and expanding their scope of
authority to include the subject of Airport Compatible Land Use
Zoning, was approved as amended.
Motion: Muller
Second: Hall
Ayes: Muller, Hall, Springer, Evans and Wooll
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
A~enda Item #11, Res. 88-71, Texas Good Roads Amendment
#88-71 was approved, supporting Texas Good Roads
Motion: Muller
Second: Wooll
Ayes: Muller, Wooll,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Hall and Muller
A~enda Item #12, Final Plat of Kimball/1709 Addition
The final plat of Kimball/1709 Addition (ZA88-22), owned by Pang
Joint Venture, was discussed.
The Acting City Manager, Bill LeGrand, gave the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommendation, stating they approved except for #2 of
the Cheatham review letter.
Phillip Bressinck stated he would be willing
of the 12" water line. He plans on allowing
proposed Kimball Road.
to escrow the amount
for set backs off the
Bressinck stated he would like to form a task group for property
owners along Hwy 114, where everyone dedicates a portion of
right-of-way on Hwy 114. He would like to use this as a spring
board for the Hwy 114 project. He will dedicate right-of-way if we
can define right-of-way.
After discussion, Motion was made to approve the plat.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Springer
Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Hall, Evans and Muller
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
City Council Minutes
August 16, 1988
Page 6
Agenda Item #13, Ord. 334-39, Special Exception Aztec Realty
Acting City Manager, Bill LeGrand, stated the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommended denial of the requested special use permit
for storing, blending and mixing combustible components with
gasoline and diesel fuels.
There were no representatives present from Aztec Realty.
Motion was made to deny Ordinance #334-39, 1st.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wooll, Muller, Springer, Hall and Evans
Nays: None
Denied: 5-0
A~enda Item #15, Public Forum
Bill Low - 3111 Woodland Trail. He commended Jim Wooll and the
other City Councilmembers for having the courage to handle their
positions. He addressed Mayor Westerholm and questioned the method
in which he handles his office as Mayor.
Aloha Payne - 1213 Whispering Lane. She stated, she, as a citizen,
appreciates Mayor Westerholm for looking out for the tax payers.
Joe Wright - Brumlow Ave. Also spoke in behalf of Mayor Westerholm.
City Council went into executive session at 11:25 p.m. pursuant to
the open Meetings Law, V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17 under the provision
dealing with litigation.
Council reconvened in open session.
A~enda Item #16, 1987 Water Contract with the City of Fort Worth
Upon return from closed session, consideration was given to any and
all action by directing the City Manager and City Attorney to take
steps to protect the city's interest in the 1987 water purchase
contract with the City of Fort Worth.
Motion was made
city's interest in the 1987
of Fort Worth even to file
Worth and the City of Keller.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Springer
Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Hall,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
to take any and all action necessary to protect the
water purchase contract with the City
a law suit against the City of Fort
Muller and Evans
City Council Minutes
August 16, 1988
Page 7
Agenda Item #7, FY89 Budget (continuation)
A continuation of the 2nd. public hearing on FY89 Budget was held.
Motion was made to amend the water
truck; to raise the amount in fines
legal fees.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wooll and Muller
Nays: Evans, Springer and Hall
Motion failed.
budget leaving only one 1-ton
revenue to off-set $80,000 in
Motion was made to amend the revenue budget to leave only one 1-ton
truck and raise fines to off-set an increase of $20,000 in legal
Motion: Wooll
Second: Evans
Ayes: wooll, Evans, Hall and Muller
Nays: Springer
The proposed tax rate is 41.69¢ at t~//~
The meeting was adjourned. ~/~
J~-nnyl~: West~rholm, Mayor'~
~andra L. LeGrand ~ F /~5
City Secretary ~ ~
% ............. ~..-
16 August 1988
City Council Meeting
Office of Finance
Why does a town the size of Southlake need an office of
Finance? Could not this still be handled under the
Administration of the city. When new departments are
created department heads demand more money. I think
this o4ice is a little ahead of itself. The object
this year is to break even, not to come out in the red
as we have in 198$.
�} F
Police Department SC��,;� theyrC'k
This stand is not going to be popular with some of the
people here tonight, but I am not known to let that
stop me. I would like to recommend that we keep the
staff at 20 with salaries as is until the public is
informed by way of aPublic Hearing as to all allegations
against these men. I have a great distrust of the
Southlake Police Department, because I no longer know
where truth ends and deception begins.
This is our city, our taxes pay the salaries of all personnel.
In essence, city employees should answer to the people.
We should be able to trust one another. After tonight,
I will have misgivings should I need to call 911.'> I
personally, do not want any raises given until we the
citizens know without a doubt that these people are
worthy. I ask you the City Council to call a public
hearing on this matter, in the very near future. Quit
trying to push it under the rug. I am sure there are
other residents who would like to judge for themselves.
There is an old saying that a house divided can not stand.
Regretably, our City Hall continues to be --- House
Divided. �z
Aloha Payne
1213 Whispering Lane
Southlake Tx 76092
Memorandom For: Southlake City Officials
Copies For: The Mayor, Members of the City Council,
and the acting City Manager
From: Phillip Bressinck, PANG Joint Venture
On: August 17, 1988
Final Plat Approval - Kimball & 1709 Addition ZA 88-22
I understand that there was some additional discussion by the
council regarding this project after final council approval. Unfortu-
nately, I had already left the meeting and could not participate person-
ally but to clear up any possible misunderstanding, I respectfully
submit the following on behalf of the PANG Joint Venture...
° We plan to install an eight inch (8") water line along S.H.
#114 from Short Avenue to the site. Funds representing the
current cost difference between the installed line and a
twelve inch (12") line will be escrowed on behalf of the
° While not required to do so, PANG will voluntarily dedicate
the eighty four foot (841) right of way through the property
for the possible future extension of Kimball Road. Con-
struction of the road itself will not be PANG's respons-
° I am organizing a task force of interested parties to
secure voluntary contributions of right-of-way from property
owners along S.H. #114 to facilitate alternate number three
for the cost-effective expansion of our city's main thor-
I apologize for any failure I may have had in my attempts to com-
municate our intentions to the council and for any doubts which may
have arisen regarding our dedication to the support of orderly growth
within our city. Sometimes it is hard to get the light of information
and true intent to shine through when there is too much heat in the