667 N. Carroll Avenue
Regular City Council Meeting
August 2, 1988 7:30 p.m.
Present: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Councilmembers:
Springer, Jim Wooll, Ralph Evans, Sally Hall and Pam Muller.
City Staff Present: Acting City Manager, William D. LeGrand; Fire
Chief, R.P. Steele; Police Chief, Jerry Crowder; City Accountant,
Renee McCarty; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; City Attorney,
Adrianne Leonard and Legal Assistant, Toni Chamberlain.
Invocation - Jim Wooll
The minutes were approved for the July
meeting as presented.
Motion: Springer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Springer, Evans, Hall and Muller
Nays: None
Abstained: Wooll
Approved: 4-0-1
19, 1988, City Council
Agenda Item #3, Mayor's Report
Mayor Westerholm informed the City Council that we have received a
request for our share of funding for the Metroport Cities
Partnership Economic Development Regional Grouping. Of the nine
cities involved, Southlake's share is $800.00. Councilmember
Springer offered to check this out.
The Mayor reported that at the August 1, dinner meeting with the
City of Trophy Club, a discussion was held relating to the possible
merger of Trophy Club and the City of Southlake. The majority of
those present, felt the idea was worth exploring.
A proclamation was read by Mayor Westerholm in honor of two members
of the Children's Clown Club, from Southlake. David "Sparky"
Watkins and Dennis "Spanky" Watkins, who reside at 1376 Holland
Hills, Southlake, were present and received the proclamation from
Mayor Westerholm.
An announcement was made concerning the public hearing on the
proposed North Tarrant County Freeway. The hearing will be held on
August 4, at 7:00 p.m. in the Keller High School auditorium in
City Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
Page 2
Agenda Item #4, H~man Society Contract
The Humane Society Contract was presented by Katherine DuMontier,
of the Tarrant-Denton County Humane Society. She stated the
contract reflects fixed costs no matter how many animals the
shelter cares for. To date they have a signed contract from the
City of Roanoke. Ms. DuMontier stated they are trying to get the
doors open, and she asked what the city can afford to pay now.
They are working at up-front money in order to get the shelter open.
Public Comments:
George Grifford - 1205 Cross Timber Drive. There are a lot of
stray dogs being dropped off in Southlake. An animal control is
very beneficial.
Peter Sparrer 1214 Woodsey Ct. He spoke in favor of Katherine
DuMontier. He added, she is willing to help citizens whether she
gets paid or not.
Shonna Fisher - 589 Shady Oaks Dr. The animal control shelter is
needed, as in her neighborhood, people are shooting animals. It is
dangerous. She is in favor of the shelter.
Dave Patton - 1612 Mockingbird Lane. The inconsistency of the law
in Southlake is not fair. He was cited for animals at large.
Mayor Westerholm stated we do have a leash law in Southlake.
Acting City Manager is to work with Ms. DuMontier.
Motion was made to table the contract until the August
Council Meeting.
Motion: Springer
Second: Wooll
Ayes: Springer, Wooll, Evans, Hall and Muller
Nays: None
Approved (to table): 5-0
16th, City
Agenda Items #17 & S18 are removed from tonight's agenda
Agenda Item #6, Ord. 9334-41, Zonin9 Brock Addition
The second reading was held in regards to Ordinance $334-41,
(ZA88-24), a zoning request for the Brock Addition. Zoning a 17.0
acre tract of land out of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18. The
current zoning is Agricultural request is for Single Family 1
zoning district. The applicant is the City of Southlake.
City Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
Page 3
Public Hearing:
Charlotte Lemieux. Questioned why Southlake
this zoning request.
Robert Downard. Why did the City waive the
He feels Strand's interest should be looked at
not have paid the fees either.
After discussion, motion was made to approve the
Ordinance ~334-41.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wooll, Muller, Evans, Hall and Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
is the applicant on
fees for the people.
also. Strand should
second reading for
Agenda Item ~7, Ordinance #334-33~ Tiffany Acres
The zoning request for an 11.76 acre tract of land out of the Jesse
G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18 more commonly known as Tiffany Acres.
Current zoning is Agricultural request is for Industrial-2 zoning
district. The second reading of Ordinance ~334-33 was discussed.
Public Hearing:
Kathy and Tim Farmer. Spoke opposing the tabling of the zoning
request, stating this request has been put off before. They are
not in favor of Industrial-2 zoning with any conditions. They feel
it should be Industrial-1 zoning.
June Haney Brock Addition. She stated she had a meeting with Mr.
Hess and it was a very positive meeting. He promised to do
positive things with the property. They are asking the City
Council to deny Industrial-2 zoning and have them reapply for
Industrial-1 zoning. Mrs. Haney outlined all the contacts she has
made to try and persuade the City Council not to zone
Industrial-2. The property owners in the area want buffer yards
and the ordinances enforced.
Mayor Westerholm stated he is willing to recommend a temporary
injunction for the owners of the Tiffany Acres area when they are
in violation.
Acting City Manager, William D. LeGrand, stated if the item is
acted upon, he will recommend denial of the zoning request;
City Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
Page 4
however, this will put them on a nonconforming mode and will not
help the property owners effected.
Motion was made to deny the request of Industrial-2 zoning on
Ordinance #334-33 in second reading.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Muller
Ayes: wooll, Muller, Hall, Evans and Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item %13, Res. %88-67, HWY 114 Alternate %3 Improvement
Resolution %88-67 recommending to the State Highway Department that
alternate %3 be accepted as a preferred alignment for State Highway
114. Mayor Westerholm reminded the citizens that a public hearing
will be held on the alignment on August 18, at 10:00 a.m. at the
Christ Our King Church in Southlake. It was outlined by Henry
Pearson of Lockwood, Andrews and Newman that alternatives 1 and 2
alignments take an equal amount of right-of-way on each side of the
highway. Alternative #3 shifts from one side to the other along
HWY 114. This plan minimizes the effect of developed land along
the roadway.
Pearson assured the public that all three (3) alternatives will be
explained and shown at the August 18, public hearing. By going
with alternative %3, the City can save approximately four (4)
million dollars. The proposed amount for right-of-way costs is 29
million dollars. The 20 year projection for SHll4 shows five (5)
times more cars per day than the 29,000 cars per day currently.
Public Comment:
Harold Knight 1749 E. Highland. He presented a letter to City
Council opposed to all the land coming off North side by the
Parkway Office Center. The current plan takes 200' off the north
side. When they construe%ed the building, they tried to plan and
set back an additional 125' Alternative %3 will wipe out there
entire building. They are asking for a balanced right-of-way.
Les Clow - 820 N. Shady Oaks Dr. He has the same comments as
Harold Knight. He feels the resolution is premature for City
Council to adopt it before the public hearing. The City Council is
elected by the people and should represent the north side of
HWY 114 as well.
Jerrol Shivers - 1800 N. White Chapel Rd. He has frontage on
HWYll4. He is asking the City Council to not act on this until
more information is given at the hearing.
City Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
Page 5
Rick Patterson 12377 Marretta Dr., Dallas.
Group. They support alternate #3.
He is with the Perot
Henry Pearson stated they determined alternative 93 because they
looked at the most economic route. They are open for suggestions.
With this plan, the average right-of-way is about 440' and the
present width is 220'; an additional 200' will be needed.
The final decision will be made by the Highway commission, based on
all the information that is given to them.
Motion was made to approve Alternative 93,
because it is the lowest cost. Also, because
need to get this done.
Motion: wooll
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wooll, Hall and Springer
Nays: Evans
Abstained: Muller
Approved: 3-1-1
Resolution 988-67,
there is a strong
A five minute recess was held at this time.
Agenda Item 95, Proposed FY89 Budget, 1st. Public Hearing
Acting City Manager, William D. LeGrand, presented a summary of the
FY89 Budget. He stated that about 30 days ago prior City Manager,
Lloyd O. Latta, Jr., presented a balanced budget, projecting a 40¢
tax rate. He stated that after several work sessions, the staff
went back and cut budget to show a 37.99¢ tax rate. It represents
a bare bones budget, however, even though the 40¢ tax rate required
cutting. The two men were put back in streets to bring back the
cuts made from mid year and that the $150,000 be left in streets
for materials.
The budget represents a 15% increase over last year. It should
represent a three months reserve which amounts to approximately
$500,000. 1¢ represents approximately $43,000.
This budget will affect a sewer policy with sewer tie on fees which
will be in effect later in FY89.
Public Hearing.
Bill Low - 3111 Woodland Trail. Has the City Council established a
~-~ set of priorities. City Council has to do what it has to do.
City Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
Page 6
Councilmember Hall explained the process to date which has
taken place. If everyone got what they wanted, it would be a
56¢ tax rate. They had to cut back to 37.99¢. The City
Council is looking at dealing with debt and a bare bones
budget this year and we need to get back in the place we
should be. The first priority is to eliminate the short fall.
Charlotte Lemieux - 1214 Oakwood Trail. She read that Mr. Boyle is
willing to work with his bill. She also feels salary of the City
Manager is to high at $47,000. Is it necessary to have a City
Marsha Pollen - Cross Timber Hills. She is concerned over the
sewer system policy. The City should look at all salaries as
whole. We should be equal with the area.
Kathy Turner - 1027 E. Continental. She appreciates what the City
Council is going through. If we are having problems, please
continue to watch the money. Let's not hurry with sewer, street
and dog problem, let's take care of the people. Let's not hurry
with growth. If we don't have the money don't spend it.
Joe Wright 1640 South Brumlow. Are there any monies in the
budget for sewer line expansion? He agreed with the City Council
looking into a City Manager salary at experience and our size city,
also, that we are a growing city. If we have deficit, we should
lower expenses or raise taxes to balance.
Charles Fetchel - Fetchel Ranch. He is asking the City Council to
look 3 or 4 years out. he is asking City Council to encourage
development for a bigger tax base. He is asking the citizens to
respect the decision of the City Council it is a hard job at
best. We have to turn City from negative to positive city.
Don Weeks - 1325 N. Peytonville Ave. He questioned ratio of
employees to citizens -% of increase over the last couple of
years. We need a balance of growth between citizens and
employees. People of fixed income cannot go out and get additional
funds when they need it.
Maureen Doggett - 1416 Whispering Dell Ct. Everything she moved
here for is being taken away from her. Everything she had heard
here tonight means nothing compared to having police and fire
Public hearing was closed.
City Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
Page 7
Agenda Item #8, Ord. 442, Reclassifying/Rezoning, Area 49
Ordinance #442 was
reclassifying/rezoning area
3A, Crumbaker Addition.
considered in 2nd. reading,
49. The property, being Block 1, Lot
There were no comments during the public hearing.
Ordinance #442 was approved in 2nd. reading.
Motion: wooll
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wooll, Hall, Evans and Springer
Nays: Muller
Approved: 4-1
Agenda Item #9, Ord. #443, Amending Ord. 160A, Subdivision Ord.
Ordinance #443, amending the subdivision Ordinance 9160A,was
discussed in 2nd. reading.
Rhonda Smith - 300 Ginger Creek Estates. She asked questions about
subdivisions and wondered if she lived in one.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance #443, 2nd. reading.
Motion: Muller
Second: Evans
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Springer, Hall and Wooll
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item #10, Ord. #334-42, Zoning By Faith Baptist Church
Ordinance ~334-42 (ZA88-25) the zoning request for a 1.06 acre
tract of land out of the S.H. Thompson Survey, Abstract 346 and the
L.A. Clay Survey, Abstract 346 is currently zoned Agricultural;
request is for the Community Service Zoning District.
Bob Couch was present and represented the prospective purchasers,
By Faith Baptist Church. He stated they wish to encourage the City
Council to approve the zoning as they are looking forward to being
a good youth center.
Public Hearing:
Charlotte Lemieux. Isn't that the location for the proposed North
Tarrant County Freeway?
City Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
Page 8
Rev. Jack Garner. Excited to come into Southlake.
Motion was made to approve 2nd. reading for Ordinance #334-12.
Motion: Springer
Second: Wooll
Ayes: Springer, Wooll, Evans, Muller and Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
A~enda Item #11, Res.88-63, Appointment of an Alternate to CONET
Resolution #88-63 was approved naming William D. LeGrand
alternate member of CONET.
Motion: Springer
Second: Wooll
Ayes: Springer, Wooll, Hall, Evans and Muller
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
A~enda Item #12~ Res. #88-66, Support Curb & Gutter on FM1709
Resolution 988-66, supporting curb and gutter construction
FM1709 was approved.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Springer and Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
A~enda Item #14, Res.~88-68, Nonsupport of NTC Freeway
Resolution #88-68 was discussed, expressing nonsupport to the
location of the proposed North Tarrant County Freeway being in
Bruce Russell with Dannenbalm Engineering in Fort Worth stated the
population growth will be 2 to 3 times in the next few years. That
will amount to from 80 to 110 thousand vehicles per day. He
explained the need for the freeway. He encouraged the City Council
not to vote against the resolution but to attend the public hearing
on August 4, at 7:00 p.m.
Public Comments:
Rhonda Smith - 300 Ginger Ct. Opposed to the Tarrant County
Bob Couch - Union Church Road. He
area is going to change and we all
it country.
is in favor of the freeway. The
have to face it. We cannot keep
City Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
Page 9
Joe Bently 214 Westwood. He will be greatly impacted by the
freeway. He does not want Southlake to furnish a freeway for the
people to come through the City. He is opposed to the freeway in
Mayor Westerholm stated he is opposed to the resolution, he is
trying to look at this for 20 years down the road. At some point,
Southlake as we know it today, will not exist. We are talking
about people who are going to be forced to sell land to develop and
there will be traffic. We are in a critical location in the area.
Motion was made to approve Resolution #88-68.
Motion: Evans
Second: Springer
Ayes: Evans, Springer, Muller, Hall and Wooll
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item #15, Res.
988-69, Bid on Water Improvements-W. Dove Rd
Resolution #88-69, accepting the low bid from Gary McCoy
Construction for a 12" water main to be constructed on West Dove
Road and an 8" water main to be constructed on Peytonville Ave.
The project is to be funded from impact fees and revenue fund, was
Motion was made to approve Resolution #88-69.
Motion: Wooll
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wooll, Hall, Springer, Muller and Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item ~16, Public Forum
Maurene Doggett 1416 Whispering Dell Ct. Why don't we have an on
staff lawyer.
Bob Couch. Curb and gutter, who will pay for it.
Charlotte Lemieux. To cut the traffic7h ~o~limit,
real low, and no one will drive on t]~/~/~/~/~~~
The me e t lng wa s ~~.~'"~%. ~
~...' ~ "%~o% Jo~nny~ ~. Wes~eih~l~, Mayor
~andra L. LeGrand;~'~g~,g~etary