667 N. Carroll Avenue
Regular City Council Meeting
July 19, 1988 7:30 p.m.
Present: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Mayor Pro-Tem, Betty
Springer; Councilmembers: Ralph Evans, Pamela Muller and Sally
Absent: Councilmember, Jim Wooll.
City Staff Present: Acting City Manager, Bill LeGrand; Fire Chief,
R.P. Steele; Police Chief, Jerry Crowder; City Accountant, Renee
McCarty; City Engineer, Mike Monroe; City Attorney, John Boyle and
Legal Assistant, Toni Chamberlain.
Invocation: Johnny H. Westerholm
The meeting was called to order by Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm.
The minutes of the July 5, regular
approved as presented.
Motion: Muller
Second: Evans
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Hall and Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
City Council Meeting were
The minutes of the July 11, Special City Council
approved as presented.
Motion: Springer
Second: Hall
Ayes: Springer, Hall, Evans and Muller
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
Meeting were
Agenda Item ~3, Mayor's Report
Mayor Westerholm referred to a letter from Councilmember Wooll
asking that Council accept his absence as excused.
The Mayor stated that a selection process has begun for hiring a
new City Manager. That process began on July 5 as stated in a
summary prepared, by the Mayor, for the City Council which is
included in the minutes.
City Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
Page 2
Based on public criticism of the City Attorney bills to the city, a
meeting will be held in the next week in an attempt to come to an
understanding of the matter.
Fire Chief, R.P. Steele introduced "Sparky" the new mascot for the
fire dept. It was noted that the 3 month old Dalmatian will soon
be trained, and we will see him riding on the fire truck.
Councilmember Hall explained that she was responsible for the
format changes in City Council meetings. She asked to have the
department reports and financial reports near the beginning of the
meeting so that the citizens present can become more aware of the
inter-working of each department.
Agenda Item #4, Monthly Financial Report
The financial report for the period ending June 30, was given by
Acting City Manager, Bill LeGrand. He stated the city staff is
making a good effort to stay within 75% expenditures. Further, the
revenue is soft in the area of sales tax.
Agenda Item ~5, Department Reports
The department reports were discussed. In brief, the Acting City
Manager said the 4 new police cars have arrived. It will take at
least 3 days per car to get ready for service. Fire Chief, R.P.
Steele noted that by the end of the year they will have a 50%
increase in emergency calls over last year. Public Works
Department reported that the new water tower at Bicentennial Park
went on line July 1, 1988.
Agenda Item ~6~ Developers Agreement - Hart Industrial Park
A standard developers agreement for
approved as presented.
Motion: Springer
Second: Hall
Ayes: Springer, Hall, Muller and Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
Hart Industrial Park was
Agenda Item #7, Ord. 334-41, Zoning, Brock Addition
The zoning request for SF-1 for the Brock
tract of land out of the J.G. Allen Survey,
zoned Agricultural, was discussed.
Addition, a 17+ acre
Abstract 18 currently
City Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
Page 3
Agenda ~7, Continued
The applicant is the City of Southlake. Acting City Manager, Bill
LeGrand, stated this is a move to provide protection to the
residents of this area against the industrial area nearby.
Public Hearing:
June Haney 400 Brock. She stated the residents in Brock Addition
are very much in favor of the zoning request.
Wayne Haney - 400 Brock. He also feels the zoning requested is for
the best advantage of the residents.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance #334-41,
Zoning District.
Motion: Muller
Second: Evans
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Springer and Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
1st. reading
for SF-1
Agenda Item #8, Ord. 334-33, Zoning, Tiffany Acres
The zoning request for Industrial-2 use for Tiffany Acres, a 11.76
acre tract of land out of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18,
currently zoned Agricultural, was discussed.
Acting City Manager, Bill LeGrand, stated the applicants are
desirous of complying with zoning regulations. It is his
recommendation that this item be tabled until the August 2, City
Council Meeting so that further negotiations may be worked out
between the residents in the Brock Addition, city staff and
business owners within the Tiffany Acres area.
Councilmember Hall stated she hopes that the negotiations will
result in an agreement that will include noise, dust, times of
operation, lights, putting rubbish on neighbors' property and Heavy
truck traffic.
Tim Farmer, stated that he had a letter signed by Boyle stating all
annexed person will need to comply immediately when annexed.
Mr. John Boyle stated there were preexisting conditions at the time
of annexation. However, citations have been issued and the cases
have come before our Municipal Court. If the cases continue to be
appealed our alternative is to file in appellate court.
Mr. Boyle stated we are looking at either an agreement or an
City Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
Page 4
Agenda Item #8, Continued
Public Hearing:
June Haney - 400 Brock. She read a petition opposing Industrial-2
zoning for Tiffany Acres. The property owners in the area would
prefer Industrial -1 zoning which would protect the existing
property owners. The petition represents 48 acres of land.
Bob Calhaun - 11070 Davis Blvd. He called 9-1-1 and got Keller and
they had to transfer him to Southlake.
Motion was made to table Ordinance #334-33,
time certain August 2, 1988, based upon the
between the city and property owners.
Motion: Springer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Springer, Evans, Hall and Muller
Nays: None
Approved (to table): 4-0
2nd. reading, until
anticipated meetings
Agenda Item ~9, Ord. 442, Reclassifyin~/Rezonin~ Area 49
Ordinance #442, reclassifying/rezoning area
Crumbaker property in S8998, Block 1, Lot
was discussed.
49, which is the W.H.
3A Crumbaker Addition,
The City Staff recommended approval of Ordinance
Commercial zoning to Retail-1 Zoning District.
Motion: Hall
Second: Springer
Ayes: Hall, Springer and Evans
Nays: Muller
Approved: 3-1
~442, from Heavy
Agenda Item #10, Ord. 9439, Reclassifyin~/Rezonin~ Areas 37, 47A,
47B, 48A, 48B, 48C, 48D
The 2nd. reading of Ordinance #439, reclassifying/rezoning these
areas, was discussed.
The public hearing resulted with no comments. David McMahan had
signed up to speak but chose to pass.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance ~439,
Motion: Springer
Second: Hall
Ayes: Springer, Hall and Evans
Nays: Muller
Approved: 3-1
2nd. reading.
City Council Meeting
July 19, 1988
Page 5
A~enda Item #11, Ord. 334-40, Flyin~ Burrito Restaurant
The Flying Burrito Restaurant was discussed. It was recommended by
the City Staff that the issue of continuance of the operation for
Flying Burrito be outlined in a resolution rather than an
ordinance, as this is not a rezoning.
Mr. Boyle stated the issue has been before the Planning and Zoning
Commission and they recommended continuance of the operation for a
one year period.
Councilmember Springer recommended the document address parking,
site plan and set-backs.
Public Hearing:
David McMahan 1335 Hidden Glen. He spoke in opposition to the
continuance of the operation. His reason is, we have rules and
regulations, some comply and others don't need to. There is no
parking, its in the right-of-way of the state highway. He submits
to the City Council that this is unfair to other people who desire
to come to Southlake and build. The past City Council has asked
for a permanent plan for the restaurant and they have never
produced one.
Phillip Bressinck - 1203 Plantation. He echoes what David McMahan
said. He is in opposition because of the location being within a
mile from I.B.M. He is presenting a plat to City Council and has
spent a fortune trying to satisfy the city - its not fair.
Robert Downard - 1255 Randol Mill. We have heard from the big
money people what about the little money people. We should look at
her with compassion.
Mayor Westerholm stated when Highway 114 is widened, the Flying
Burrito Restaurant goes away.
Councilmember Evans stated, how long should we be compassionate?
Motion was made to adopt Resolution 88-65 acknowledging areas
noncompliance, and granting the ability to operate for one year.
Motion: Springer
Second: Hall
Ayes: Springer, Hall and Muller
Nays: Evans
Approved: 3-1
City Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
Page 6
Agenda Item #12, Ord. #443, Amending 160-A, Buffer yards
An amendment to Ordinance #160-A, in regards to buffer
Ordinance #443 was approved for 1st. reading.
Motion: Muller
Second: Evans
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Hall and Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
A~enda Item 913, Ord. #441, Posting of Street Numbers
Ordinance #441, an ordinance providing regulations relating to the
assignment and posting of street numbers on buildings within the
city, was discussed.
Public Hearing:
Mr. Robert Downard - 1255 Randol Mill Ave. Stated where are the
addresses going to come from? His has been changed 5 times.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance #441,
Motion: Hall
Second: Muller
Ayes: Hall, Muller, Springer and Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
2nd. reading.
Agenda Item #14, Ord. 420, Lot Sizes
Ordinance #420, Lot Sizes, was discussed in 2nd. reading.
Public Hearing:
David McMahan - passed.
Jim Klienkauf - 163 Jellico. 630 people signed petitions saying
they want one acre lots. He is opposed to 1/2 acre lots.
Richard Eakins. We are talking about 1/2 acre lots with sewer. If
we don't pass it, in two years we will be in worse shape. We need
a little bit of growth. An acre is a lot to care for and water
costs are a lot. He feels the economics are on 12 to 15 thousand
square foot lots.
Joe L. Wright - 1640 S. Brumlow. He fits every category mentioned
except he did not move here because of one acre lots. Lots became
smaller in 1978 because of sewer problems. The only way we will
get sewer is for developers to pay for it.
City Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
Page 7
A~enda Item #14, Continued
Kay Kleinkauf - 163 Jellico Circle. Have we thought of floating a
bond issue for sewer. We need to look at a lot of things before we
lower lot sizes.
Cheryl Geilow - 1417 Whispering Dell Ct. If Council needs people
who want an acre to call, they will. She knew the costs would be
more to live here; she does not want 1/2 acre lots. City Council
should look at their rights, not the developers rights.
Mrs. Bill Stowe - 1710 S. Brumlow. She is not a developer, she has
lived her for 20 years. She wants anyone to be able to live here
at any economic status. We have obligated ourselves to a sewer
debt. She cannot afford raised taxes. She strongly recommends we
vote for 1/2 acre lots.
Charles Fetchel - Fetchel Farm. He understands the people want
controlled growth. We would be discriminating against those who
cannot afford to live here. Taxes are going to catch up with them.
Wayne Haney - 400 Brock Drive. Has the voice of the people changed
or is it only the developers. He is not in favor of rapid growth.
What is wrong with "green acres"?
Fred Joyce - Randol Mill Road. He hates to see the people who
formed Southlake have to move out because they can't pay the
taxes. He wants to see his family be able to live here. The only
way we can help these folks stay here is to get tax base under
control. Even though he is a developer, he cares about Southlake.
He developes in Grapevine.
Harold Knight - 1749 E. Highland. He signed the petition that
Fred's dad brought around to form Southlake. His taxes have
increased and he wants help to pay the taxes for sewer. Be sure
and vote 1/2 acre lots. It will be a slow growth.
David McMahan - 1335 Hidden Glen. He wants to correct the members
for the future population of Southlake to 35 50 thousand people.
Robert Downard - 1255 Randol Mill Ave. He lives on 15 acres and he
may not be able to pay the taxes. Some adjustments need to be
made. He needs help to pay his taxes. The 1/2 acre needs to come.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance
the lot sizes to 1/2 acre.
Motion: Evans
Second: Springer
Ayes: Evans, Springer and Muller
Nays: Hall
Approved: 3-1
#420, 2nd. reading, reducing
City Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
Page 8
A recess was held and the meeting reconvened at 10:35 p.m.
Agenda Item #15, Ord. 334-42, Zoning, By Faith Baptist Church
Ordinance #334-42 (ZA88-25) a zoning request for a 1.06 acre tract
of land out of the S.H. Thompson Survey, Abstract 1504 and L.A.
Clay Survey, Abstract 346, was considered for Community Service
Zoning District.
Bob Couch spoke for the By Faith Baptist Church.
Acting City manager, Bill LeGrand, stated the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommended approval.
There were no comments during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance
Motion: Springer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Springer, Evans and Hall
Nays: None
Abstained: Muller
Approved: 3-0-1
1st. reading.
Agenda Item ~16, Final Plat of Kimball/1709 Addition
The Kimball/1709 Addition was discussed. The 7.1571 acre tract of
land out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525 is owned by
Pang Joint Venture.
Phillip Bressinck with Pang Joint Venture was present and answered
questions for the City Council. As a matter of fact, he noted that
he does not want the State Highway Department meeting to delay his
project. If he complies with set back requirements, the project
cannot be built.
Paul Getz - 1400 W. Abrams St., Arlington. The attorney for
Bressinck stated this is a single lot plat and not a subdivision of
Acting City Manager, Bill LeGrand stated that the city is not
asking for a dedication, only a set-back line.
Bressinck agreed to dedicated the Kimball Ave. right-of-way with
the understanding that the developer would not pay for any
improvements on Kimball Ave.
Mr. John Boyle Jr., City Attorney, commented that this is a
subdivision of property and the ordinances of the city require that
before you can get a building permit that it is necessary that you
City Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
Page 9
Agenda Item #16, Continued
be on a platted subdivision lot. The city has the ability to
require a dedication of right-of-way consistent with our
thoroughfare plan. We have the ability for a reasonable period of
time to withhold the issuance of building permits and give the
condemning authority the opportunity to acquire the property.
Motion was made to return the item
Commission with revisions.
Motion: Springer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Springer, Evans, Muller and Hall
Nays: None
Approved (to return to P&Z): 4-0
to the Planning and Zoning
Agenda Item #17, Res. 88-63, Alternate
Representative to
Motion was made to table Resolution
alternate representative to C.O.N.E.T.
City Council Meeting.
Motion: Springer
Second: Hall
Ayes: Springer, Hall, Muller and Evans
Nays: None
Approved (to table): 4-0
88-63, appointment of an
until the August 2, 1988,
Agenda Item #18, Bid Acceptance, Metering Manhole, Bear Creek
Resolution #88-64, accepting the low bid for a metering manhole for
the purpose of measuring the amount of effluent being discharged
into Bear Creek sewer line, with funding being provided through
impact fees, was discussed.
Mr. LeGrand said this is the first step in stating the
infrastructure for Bear Creek. This puts a sign out to the
developers that we do have the intention of working toward the
sewer system.
Motion was made and approval given to Resolution #88-64.
Motion: Springer
Second: Muller
Ayes: Springer, Muller, Hall and Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
City Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
Page 10
Agenda Item 919, FY1989 Budget
This item was deferred until a later date.
Agenda Item #20, Public Forum
Robert Downard - passed.
Bill Low - 3111 Woodland Trails. The Mayor made a commitment to
put a resolution on the agenda. He does not feel the Mayor's
statement in the Mayor's report was adequate. He asked the Mayor
to explain this. He asked the City Council to acknowledge if this
issue is put to rest. Has the point been put to rest in the minds
of the City Council.
Mayor Westerholm answered, things will be put in place with
audit control. From the day the officers were returned to
work, the pages are going forward.
Agenda Item #21, Executive Session, Litigations
At 12:05 a.m. City Council convened in closed session, as provided
under V.T.A.S Article 6252-17 under the provision dealing with
litigations, to discuss three items: 1) Schwartz claim, 2) Lemke
claim and 3) Farrar claim.
At 12:45 a.m. the City Council reconvened in open session.
Agenda Item #22, #23, #24, Litigations
Mayor Westerholm announced that during the executive session the
litigation of Farrar, Lemke and Schartz were discussed. No action
is necessary at this time.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Evans
Second: Hall
Ayes: Evans, Hall,
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
Muller and Springe~
July 11, 1988
Sandy LaGrand
City Secretary
City of Southlake
Southlake, 'texas
Dear Sandy,
I will be unable to attend the City Council Meeting of July 19,
1988. I hope that the council will treat this as an excused
James Wooll
The undersigned property owners and citizens of Southlake,
Texas are opposed to the proposed zoning change of Tiffany Acres,
ZA 88-07, Ordinance 334-33, from Agricultural to Industrial-2.
We would support a compromise zoning to Industrial-1, or some
other zoning of a more pastoral/aesthetic use basis.
We feel that Industrial-1, because of it's inside storage
requirements, would protect the existing neighborhoods and
property owners from any further deterioration in land values due
to the unsightly and noisy activities associated with those
allowed under an Industrial-2 zoning. We further feel that the
business and business activities associated with an Industrial-1
zoning could be a good compromise to the city' s development
plans, and possibly even enhance the area, whereas Industrial-2
would and is currently having the opposite effect.
Our properties are all within two hundred (200) feet of the
Tiffany acres site, and our combined acreage represents an amount
equal to or greater than the majority required for the City
Council to deny the proposed zoning change.
1. <n,�
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July 1, 1988
City of Southlake
667 N. Carroll Avenue
Southlake, Texas 76092
Subject: Metering manhole project (001-408)
Bids were received until 10 a.m. this date (June 30, 1988). All
bids were opened in public in the presence of the City Secretary
and Director of Public Works. Please see attached bid tabulation
The apparent low bidder was Circle C Construction company with a
bid of Twenty Nine thousand, Fifty dollars and no
cents ($ 29,050.00 ). The contractor is acceptable to the
Director of Public Works based on previous work. We find no
reason not to recommend award to Circle C and therefore recommend
award of the subject contract to Circle C at the earliest time
the Council can place the matter on a Council meeting agenda.
The City has reserved the right to reject any and all bids should
that be necessary.
We will assist in the post -award processing of the contract
documents and will coordinate the issuance of the notice to
proceed with the City.
Please do riot hesitate to call should you have any questions
regarding this project.
Eddie Cheatham, P.E.
A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc.
2011 East Lamar Blvd. - Suite 200 - Arlington, Texas 76006
817/460,2111 - Metro 265,7948
July 26, 1988
Mayor Johnny Westerholm
Members of the Southlake City Council
City Manager (Acting)/Public Works Director William LeGrand
667 North Carroll
Southlake, Texas 76092
Reference: Ordinance No. 334-33, ZA88-07, Zoning Request -Agricultural
to Industrial-2, Michael Street Properties,
AKA Tiffany Acres
By now, the Mayor, the Council Members, the City Manager, the Public
Works Director and others should be well aware of the plight of the con-
cerned citizen -residents living adjacent to Tiffany Acres, who very
strongly oppose the proposed zoning change to I-2. The Council should be
well aware of the specific reasons that the citizens are opposed, by their
oral and written statements of opposition, pictures and petitions, etc,
against the zoning change, that were presented at each and every Council
and Planning and Zoning meeting, since February 16, 1988, concerning this
On July 19, 1988, just prior to tabling the 2nd reading of Tiffany Acres
zoning request, agenda item no. 8, the Council advised the concerned citi-
zens that they were considering a compromise that would be satisfactory to
either party. Significant issues to be considered are noise/air pollution
and the general aesthetics of Tiffany Acres. From the citizens position,
the following is a mandatory part of any compromise to be negotiated by the
Council relative to this issue.
1. Bufferyards and privacy fencing in compliance with I-1 zoning
ordinances to more adequately shield the residential properties
from the unsightly and noisy Tiffany Acres. It is considered
reasonable and acceptable to the concerned citizens, to permit
the owners of Tiffany Acres, a reasonable time period, not -to -
exceed 180 days for bufferyard development. Construction of a
privacy fence in compliance with the bufferyard ordinance,
should be completed within 30 days.
2. Street paving and regular -interval oiling of unpaved and dirt
surfaces now used for roads or parking of motorized vehicles,
to preclude the constant dust cloud prevalent with the constant
ingress/egress traffic associated with Tiffany Acres businesses.
3. Rigid enforcement, by Southlake, of the Nuisance Ordinance No. 435
for the control of noise, between the hours of 6:OOpm-6:OOam or
9:OOpm-5:OOam, Monday -Saturday inclusive and anytime on Sundays.
The Council has indicated relief by injunction if not by negoti-
ation from the continued violation of this ordinance. Based upon
past and recent contact with the business owners, the residents
do not believe that negotiations will produce lasting positive
4. Immediate removal of building and construction materials,
vehicles and equipment, trailers, portable buildings, other
structures, any and all other junk, materials, unserviceable
and inoperable items, along the northerlymost property line
that runs an east -west direction. The distance from the
property line should be consistent with the minimum distances
established in the bufferyard requirements for I-1 zoning.
The decisions for the Council should not be difficult, relative to the
aforementioned items 3 and 4, inasmuch as letters from City Attorney,
John F. Boyle, Jr. and Mayor Pro Tem. Charles Curry were sent to South -
lake residents, almost one year ago, on August 4, 1987, concerning South -
lake annexation plans, that very specifically states that, "Once the
annexation ordinance has been adopted, residents of the annexed area will
be required to comply with all ordinances of the city." -partial copy
attached for your edification -
Further, the citizens urge the Council to deny the rezoning of Tiffany Acres
from Agricultural to Industrial-2. Having been forced to live with this
nemisis, it is considered prudent for the citizens to request the Council
to rezone Tiffany Acres as Industrial-1, largely because of it's inside
storage requirements, which would protect the existing neighborhoods and
property owners from any further deterioration in land and home values
due to the unsightly and noisy activities associated with those under I-2
It should be mentioned that past efforts, by the citizens have failed,
to reach a mutually acceptable co -existence, with the business owners of
Tiffany Acres, who so far, continue flagrant destruction of the peaceful
enjoyment of the land.
One of the business owners, on July 23, 1988, promised his efforts to
develop a more harmonious co -existence by controlling early -morning and
late -evening truck -traffic noise. However, it is the same basic promise
made by his co-owner on April 21, 1988. That initial promise was not
kept and efforts to discuss the matter with the co-owner that made the
promise failed, since that person would not receive or return telephone
calls. Additionally, legal -counsel for this particular business has
advised the undersigned on July 23, 1988 that his client will attempt to
control the noise, but will continue their non-compliance to operating
hours specified in the Nuisance Ordinance No. 435.
Counsel's office was advised by the undersigned at 9:50am, July 25, 1988,
that excessive and disturbing noises created by egress truck -traffic, at
4:00am the same morning were coming from his client's business. This is
in direct conflict with the counsel's and his client's promises made just
two days earlier. It has become quickly and readily apparent that neither
client nor counsel have exhibited adequate influence over the vehicle
operators responsible for the noise. In good faith, the citizens agreed
to contact either the business owner or his counsel rather then filing
complaints with the Southlake Police Department for noise violations for
a period of 2 weeks from July 23, 1988.
It was also in good faith that the citizens discussed -the previously
described problems with Carl Pagel and H.J.Strand, Tiffany Acres business
and land owners. On April 21,1988 both parties indicated their willing-
ness to make changes in their operations that would be more acceptable
to the citizens. Neither party has produced a single positive change,
but quite to the contrary, Strand has continued further property degrad-
ation by adding more junk to the already existing junkpiles and including
the open draining of large quantities of used engine oil into Little
Bear Creek, for which a warning was issued by Tarrant County Environ-
mental Health on July 20, 1988.
In view of the aforementioned, the City Council of Southlake should
compromise, as an absolute minumum, the foregoing specific requirements
on behalf of the concerned citizens.
In the interest of submitting this letter to the addressees for timely
review, consideration and action, there was not adequate time to circu-
late it for review and signatures of the concerned citizens. These
viewpoints were discussed with those concerned and all agree that the
actions requested are consistent with their positions on the subject.
Time -Farmer
Rt. 1 Box 64-C
Keller, TX 76248
(817) 431-0408
of Southlake
- 4-
AUGUST 02,1988
To -- —
Re: _. - _..... .
THIS REPORT IS FROM 03-28-88 to 08-02-88
THEFTS------------------------------------- 05----__________-___05
BURGLARY------------------------- ------ 06------------------- 0.4
ORD. VIOLATIO^!S---=------------------------ 47------------------- 03
ALARM CALLS ------------------------------- 10-------------------- 00
SUSPICIOUS PERSONS ------------------------ 51------------------ 01
ABANDONED VEHICLE --______-_-______._.__.____
OPENDOORS --------------------------------- 12-_____ __.___-_.__-02
PERSON WITH A GUN ---------------------- 01-------------------- 00
VEHICLE THEFT ----------------------------- 02------------------- 02
MISSING PERSON; -------------------------- 03-------------------- Q3
DOMESTIC DI`.;TURBANCE CALLS ---------------- 02--------------- '_._.-02
CINS-------------------------------------- 01------------------ Ol
MISC. CALLS -------------------------------- 212------------------ 06
ARREST------------------------------------ 07------------------ 07 ,.
TOTAL`:-----------------------------_--__--393-----------------�-41 +►
TOTAL BUSINESS CHECKS -------------------- 8560------------------ 00